View Full Version : [3.5] The Laws of Chaos - IC

2015-07-16, 01:04 AM
The village of Thornwood has always been a quiet place - surprisingly so, given that many different peoples use it for trade. Initially founded as a logging camp, the village got its name from the surrounding forest - which, in turn, was named due to the elvish city of Silverthorn hidden somewhere within the trees. With the village's proximity to the elves, a relationship formed between the humans and elves, and Thornwood now boasts one of the largest half-elven populations in the region.

The village is also known to be a quiet place, and primarily neutral ground - for reasons that many are still puzzled by, Thornwood has often served as a retreat for mages, as well as something of a neutral ground for them. Whether this is due to magical energies of the area that the mundane simply are unaware of, due to the proximity to the elven city, or simply because it's a fairly quiet location still having easy access to resources, is hard to say - but something often draws wizards to spend the later portions of their lives in or near the village.

However, recent days have seen Thornwood's quiet peace disturbed - reports of normally tranquil creatures becoming feral have become common recently, with travelers having spoken of attacks by everything from wolves and wild dogs, to snakes and badgers, and in one report that would have been dubious were it not witnessed by a guardsman, a trade caravan was besieged by squirrels.

And so, fate looks upon another small caravan - just a couple of wagons, one of goods and one transporting those willing to pay for passage. Normally unremarkable - but for five people travelling with it.

One is a young man, his mauve eyes darting about as if constantly expecting a threat. A shortbow and quiver are slung over his back, and a plain cloak hides anything else he may possess.

The three sisters travelling with the caravan are a contrast, not only to the young man, but to each other. The shortest of them, a slim elven maiden, carries herself with the bearing of a warrior, green eyes gazing cautiously about, but falling warmly on the other two young women near her. A blade sits at her hip, and the armor she wears makes her seem more like a bodyguard for the others than a simple traveller.

The second sister has the pointed ears and gentle features of an elf, but... tempered, somewhat. A half-elf, to the guess of most observers. White hair falls down past her shoulders, the nearly silver locks standing out against fair skin. Gentle blue eyes look around, taking in the surroundings calmly. A wolf, as calm as any trained dog, sits at her side, its head resting on her lap. Despite the unusual pet, the dress she wears gives her a ladylike appearance.

The tallest of the three sisters, appearing to be the eldest, wears a dress as well, appearing to a casual observer to be nothing more than a young lady travelling with a younger sister, under the guard of a warrior. However, closer observation belies this, as her brown eyes hold a cautious gleam, and her build and posture both would belie some form of combat training.

The last of the five travelers is the most mysterious - a tall figure clad in well-kept armor that would most charitably be described as antique. A warhammer and longsword both sit on his belt, and a javelin and a polearm both are strapped to his back. His features are hidden beneath a helm, the visor of which hides whatever lies within in shadow.

These five find themselves travelling along the Silver Road, the route which leads down through the Silverthorn Woods to Thornwood itself. The journey seems quiet so far, the woods silent as you pass.

2015-07-16, 01:17 AM
It was hard for Dirk to relax. He had been with this group for a few days, and seemed trustworthy enough. Seemed. Sometimes I worry I am too paranoid... He muttered under his breath. He nervously plucked the string of his bow, near the bottom. The twine twanged in short rhythmic twangs. Thornwood... I hope you hold promise. Quiet. Quiet is what I need.

2015-07-16, 03:55 AM
Trix takes a breath, sitting quietly on the caravan in meditation. It was something new she was trying, something one of the elves thought might keep her emotions in check. For much of the trip, it worked. Breathe in... Breathe out... In... And out... In... And – TWANG – out. Breathe – TWANG – breathe in... ... TWANG! The young woman's eyes snap open. "For the love of Pelor, would you stop playing your bow like a lute!?" Yep, perfect relaxation technique, so long as nothing disturbs her.

2015-07-16, 08:19 AM
The voice of an old man echoes from the armor, past the age where such a heavy suit seemed feasible, much less able to stand tall still. However, Swordbreaker was not bound to such concerns as the flesh, nor had much experience with the aged, carrying himself much more like his more spry, young pupils in the past. Indeed, each person he saw seemed to have some traits remniscent of his students of old-admittedly because he is so old, and had so many, that most mortals stirred memories of some root ancestors.
"Ah, let the lad be nervous. Anyone can see he has yet to be tested in such manner. Besides, even played like this, bowstrings are still sweeter music than the stuff kids request from bards these days."
Yeah, kids these days, always requesting bawdy songs about barmaids and the staves of wizards from bards. What happened to ballads of heroes, like the good old days? That, and the choir of bowstrings from allied archers was a happy sound to anyone who had seen a battlefield.

2015-07-16, 05:14 PM
Eloimaya's eyes flick back and forth across the path, her hand on the hilt of her blade as she guards her sisters from potential ambush. When Kirk mentions paranoia, and Trix complains about the twanging, her eyes leap to him and her ears twitch ever so slightly as she says, "Could you please stop? If any of us were to hurt you, it would have happened already. And by the way you're playing with your bow, my baby sisters could knock you flat on your ass before you could react."

2015-07-16, 05:40 PM
There's a disgruntled sigh from the plated figure, head swiveling to you both as he draws his longsword, meticulously oiled, sharpened, and cared for. Far shinier than he is, but also far newer. Far more fragile. He also places his hammer at his feet, reliable stone and metal, but still far too fragile, as well as his ranseur, weapon seeming well cared for.
"Kids these days, don't learn no discipline or to heed the words of elders. 'Tis as Cuthbert said, long ago: If you have time to bitch, you have time to work, and one's far more productive."
He pulls out a whetstone and cloth from his pack and gets to work, easily falling into a rhythm as he works on the longsword first.
"'Sides, if you're really acting as you would normally, peace isn't how you rest. Isn't a soldier's rest. Movement, repetition, those are how you clear your head. Not whining 'cause someone's got a case of the nerves."

2015-07-16, 05:58 PM
Lissandra sat quietly while idly petting Irou's, apparently in a cheerful mood just traveling with her sisters. She was in a blissful state, perhaps what her sister Trix was trying to achieve with her relaxation technique, until said sister started shouting at one of the new companions they had recently started traveling with.

She then places a hand on Trix's shoulder in attempt to bring her back to the calm. "I don't mind his playing..." She commented before Irou pawed at her lap, signaling her. "Oh but could you stop if you don't mind for my sisters' sake?" She added after remembering the relative short fuse Trix had and would rather not have repeat of the fruit stand incident.

2015-07-16, 06:07 PM
Dirk chewed on his tongue. He wanted to retort. Tell the girls off. He had spent too long silent to have words catch in his throat. His fingers tensed, ready to release another pluck. With a deliberate turn of his head towards the Half-Elf. Sure. He slowly released the twine, making nothing more than soft sound of flesh rubbing against it. If your trying to concentrate, you'd do better to stop paying attention. Time passes quicker that way.

2015-07-16, 07:38 PM
Eloi glances at Swordbreaker, saying, "Only when you're truly at peace can you truly belong in your surroundings...Of course, such a happy state of affairs rarely lasts for long."

2015-07-16, 07:49 PM
"Thank you." Lissandra smiled warmly towards Dirk before easing back into her state bliss and wolf petting.

2015-07-16, 08:11 PM
Swordbreaker looks at the blade, before running it between cloth and two fingers to clean it off as he looks at the sisters, pointing to Eloi and Trix.
"A lifestyle you both forsook when you took your arms up, though the one between you still seems comfortable in this. Tense in the woods, expecting your fears proven right any moment. They will be, probably, but it is in that moment o' clarity of purpose you get nearer that peace you seek, ain't it. Unless...hm, have you fought for the lives of yourselves or others yet, at all? Been their armor, their shield? Or are you more the sort who desires to be the blade piercing the villain's heart in the end?"
He polishes his blade for a time, seeing the steel has taken what little extra edge it could. It would serve when the time came, as he puts it away, repeating the process on the ranseur, starting with sharpening the blade.
"Met plenty of both in my time. Taught many, seen them live and die far too many times."
He pauses, before standing slowly, laying the blade upon the ground as he reaches for his pack, and far more importantly, his shield, bearing the symbol of St. Cuthbert painted upon it in an archaic version of the ancient cross and circles, sliding the shield on over one arm before he looks to both Trix and Eloi as he stands, as if appraising the sisters before he sits down.
"Consider it. You may not know it in time, but this path will see you restless to the day you fall apart if you don't figure out what works fast."

2015-07-16, 09:17 PM
"That's all well and floral, Armor. I fight to protect the ones I care for, and I fight for pay. I may not be centuries old, but I know my way around a blade." With a flourish, she spins her scythe off of her back. "As for my meditation, there are times to be on edge, ready to strike and lash out, but amongst allies is not one of them. It's bad for the mind, bad for the spirit. Believe me when I tell you I am anything but serene." Even outside of the village, she couldn't escape the lectures of those centuries older than her.

2015-07-16, 09:45 PM
"Force of habit as a teacher. 'Sides, some of the finest bladesmen I have seen were human. Some dwarves, some halflings, some gnomes, elves, the works."
Ignoring the threat, Swordbreaker reaches out for the blade, taking it between adamantine fingers and feeling it.
"An' that's my point, kid. Anyone can see you're tense, much like that bowstring was a moment ago, and you're among allies, so even expecting violence, you should be able to let some stress out. Common smithing and soldier trick to finding some moment of calm is to combine it with activity, like sharpening dull blades for the future, or repairing kit that needs it. Gives that energy someplace to go without the nervous tick, lets you clear your head, and gives you something that can be a sound that you can focus on, pace yourself. An' if you keep up the sass, you'll be lectured constantly."
He lets go of the blade, looking at his fingers, unmarked.
"Now, that could stand to be sharper. You want to calm down for real, consider taking some time to work with it. Interesting choice in weapon, too. Any meaning behind it to you?"

2015-07-17, 08:47 PM
"Yeah, it's good for telling people to sod off, and has more practical use than a big sword."

2015-07-17, 10:41 PM
"Hm. Guess you aren't a good choice then if that's your response to everything."
Closed minds are not worth slamming into.

2015-07-18, 07:43 PM
Eloi sighs at the ancient suit of armor's words and says, "That's what I am doing. My mind is as valuable a weapon as my blade. So I'm sharpening myself against myself. Analyzing every possible scenario that I can think of and how to deal with it, every ambush, every attack. So I'm ready when it does come, whatever it is."

2015-07-18, 08:25 PM
"Ah, problem there. There's no preparation for crazy, and there's plenty of that. Oh by Cuthbert's beard is there far too much of that. Better to trust your own blade, faith, and wit to see you through. For was not Harran, the Iron Dragon himself, led by his faith in his patron to see him through against the High Inquisitor of Tiamat, and through his faith displaying the Light of the Devoted Spirit, despite his best laid plans failing to net the foul monster masquerading as a man? Did he not find the strength of the stones when standing within the Ebon Tower against Varrash-Kral the Foul, finding the pulse of the world and channeling it into each hit to reduce the tower and it's master to dust as he came to be Master of the Stoen Dragon as well? Both were done by trying something that, at the time, was just completely crazy. By relying on his god and his hands after his greatest plans failed."

2015-07-18, 08:57 PM
Dirk sighed heavily. You are all talking in circles. You, Metal-Head, honor your traditions and years you've lived. Great. Throwing his hands up, it didn't occur to him how condescending that came out. The 2 of you see the here and now. Cool. Agree to disagree. Silence makes the trip goes faster in this case.

2015-07-18, 11:06 PM
With an angry growl, he flips up the visor to reveal...nothing as he looks around. Not a damn thing in there, however the voice still rings out.
"Look, I don't go calling you all skinsacks, do I? Lemme at least keep people from getting too weirded out."
He flips the visor back down, and gives a surly look around them.
"Look, before this I got stuck in some jackass red's hoard for the past...was it really five hundred years under a Silence Spell?"
He leans back, before reaching for his newer weapons again, going to their maintenance with a new fury.
"But fine, I'm done talking to you lot. Everyone knows what they're doing, that's fine. No one's needed me for too damn long anyway."
And after that, he just goes quiet, save for the scrape of metal on stone.

2015-07-18, 11:21 PM
Dirk jumped from his seated position to a low crouch. His right arm snatched an arrow from the quiver on his belt, notching it on the bow and pulling it taunt, leveled at the empty space where a head should be on his armor-clad traveling companion. What are you? And more importantly, who made you? Dirk's eyes were wild, popping out of his skull. His string arm was steady, but his bow arm was shaking ever so slightly. His breathed through his nose in rapid, short breaths. Likely, the only thing staying the arrow is the answer to his questions.

2015-07-18, 11:41 PM
In a flash of steel, Eloi's blade moves towards Dirk, blade held under his nose as she says, "Calm down. Don't make me use this."

2015-07-18, 11:47 PM
Trix is similarly offput, holding her scythe as though ready to swing. "What in the southern planes are you." She watches the armor intently. A talking artifact - now she'd seen it. Her breathing is calm, but deep, the only sign that she was confused and more than a little perturbed.
Untrained Knowledge Check to ID what he is: [roll0]

2015-07-18, 11:49 PM
"Great. Now they wanna talk."
Swordbreaker flips the blade in his hand around to plant in the wood, agitated but trying to keep him from shooting someone squishier.
"What I am is fading, ya dumb git! Dying! As for who made me, his Holiness Delphinus the First, first pope of St. Cuthbert, his right hand in life, made me when Dwarves first shared the secrets of crafting adamantine with Man, and he did name me Swordbreaker as he wore me to follow his future god against the forces of the damned, anointing me with the blood of the foulest monsters and fiends the world had seen in days when magic was so raw and unrefined fireball was a new development. Now put it away before you shoot someone else, because that's a cudgeling, kid, and I am pretty sure you don't want that. AND YOU!"
He points to Eloi for a moment, before his voice calms down a bit.
"Thank you for the attempt, but you're making things worse. If he freaks, it could ricochet off me into someone else, and I don't want that. Please put it away?"

2015-07-18, 11:56 PM
Lissandra's half elven ears twitched slightly as the person she assumed to be an elder clad in armor goes off in a bit of a huff and reveals his secret to the group. Unlike Dirk, the half elf's reaction was more calm and...curious as she stood up and moved closer to the armor with her wolf before both started to sniff about him as if trying to seek answers by identify his scent. "You're just armour then? Nothing inside? interesting..." She commented as the pair continued sniffing.

2015-07-19, 12:12 AM
He gently holds the pair at arms length for now, slowly sliding the shield onto the arm between them and Dirk.
"Careful now, friendly fire ain't so friendly. But, yeah. For the first time I'm running solo. But I got a bit of a time limit, and I don't know how long it is."
He smells of armor polish and dust, however he reaches down to give the wolf some ear scratches. Good allies, hounds.

2015-07-19, 12:14 AM
Eloi sighs and, in a similar flash, sheathes her blade, though she says, "I tend to take a dim view of people threatening my allies without a good reason. I think we can, at least, agree in that."

2015-07-19, 12:14 AM
Dirk's bow arm steady as he lowered it slightly, the string loosing most of its tension. He collapsed back down into his seat, his nose rubbing against the flat of the blade and rubbing it raw. So, your some ancient dude's armor gave life by St. Cuthbert? He seemed to mull it over for a moment, rubbing his his. Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHA! His raucous laughter knocked him over, laying on his back and he labored to breathe and laugh simultaneously. He tossed the arrow still in his hand at Swordbreaker, it ineffectually clinking off his skin. I'm sorry. Really. It be an understatement to say I'm paranoid about things like you. To be honest, I'm not even sure if it's justified. Can't help it sometimes, you know?

He got quiet very suddenly. He slowly sat up. Seriously. Sorry. I'm new to this 'trusting' thing. He placed his bow on his lap, offering his bow hand to the metal-man.

2015-07-19, 12:29 AM
He gently takes the hand, letting the wolf and the druid approach now.
"Close enough. No hard feelings. I try and hide it more often than not, after all, and wouldn't be the first time I got shot."
He glances to Eloi, and nods as he lets go of Dirk's hands.
"That we are. Just get afraid for you lot. I can't just take you to a forge and beat out anything that happens after all. Although that isn't to say I don't have some ways to keep you lot safe."

2015-07-19, 12:37 AM
Irou the wolf leans into the ear scratching, having not smelled anything threatening within the armor. "So.. what would happen if I wore you?" The druid ceased her sniffing shortly after and tilted her head inquisitively.

2015-07-19, 10:13 AM
Eloi gently nudges her little sister and says, "Don't ask questions like that. It's rude."

2015-07-19, 10:38 AM
"Well, wouldn't be the first time I had someone inside me. Either I would end up shifting to fit you, or you'd be in poorly fitting armor much too big for you. Maybe a voice change too, seems to be whatever gender my last wearer was most comfortable with being on them."

2015-07-19, 04:05 PM
Lissandra shrugged slightly when her sister nudged her and mildly scolded her for her rudeness, before returning to hear seat with a somewhat pouty expression. Though that quickly faded when the armor gives his answer to her question. "Oh..." With that Irou finally left the ear scratching and returned to resting in the druid's lap as her mind drifted off again, idly looking at the surroundings as they past through.

2015-07-20, 12:14 AM
The wagons continue along the Silver Road as you all continue your activities, the woods around quiet save for the creaking of the wagon wheels, the hoofbeats of the horses pulling them, and the faint murmurs of conversation from both your wagon and the other behind. However, after several minutes, the wagon you're in comes to a stop - at least an hour outside of Thornwood. Poking your heads out, it doesn't take much to see what the issue is - a couple of the large oaks of the forest toppled across the road, blocking the path. The merchant running the caravan begins barking out orders to the couple of hired hands with him, having them move towards the fallen trees to clear the path, then turns towards your wagon and calls out, "Nothin' to worry about - we'll have this clear soon enough." The merchant himself turns to look over the goods in his own wagon, leaving the sounds of the men and horses trying to move the trees as the only things heard around you.

2015-07-20, 12:41 AM
"Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm eager to just get on with things," Trix says, hopping out of the cart and helping everyone move the logs.
STR: [roll0]

2015-07-20, 12:46 AM
Dirk hopped off the end of wagon, looking around curiously. This is odd. Dirk walked along the edge of the road, studying the foliage on the edge of the road carefully. As he reached the fallen trees, he made a point of staying out of men working to clear them. He payed special note to the trunk of the trees, where they divorced from the ground.

Search on the trees/ fallen trees [roll0]
Knowledge Local on how often and heavily the road were on is traveled, patrolled and maintained [roll1]

2015-07-20, 01:38 AM
Lissandra follows Dirk off the wagon with Irou following closely behind before she examines the oaks blocking the path.

K-nature: [roll0] boo no mods but yay nature sense :P

2015-07-20, 11:39 AM
Hm, logs across the road, people distracted. Perfect for an ambush. Swordbreaker begins scanning the woods around them as he heads to help with the trees.

2015-07-20, 04:18 PM
The same thought springs to Eloi's mind as she deftly hops down from the cart and scans the trees as she stands by the workers, hand on her blade.

Spot (Not that it matters): [roll0]

2015-07-21, 09:21 PM
You can't quite identify what did it, but it looks more like these trees were chewed, rather than cut down.

Looking at the trees closely, you see that it looks like they were chewed down by a beaver, or something similar.

You notice figures moving about the trees near you, though it appears to be furry creatures with wide tails - beavers, perhaps.

As your gaze shifts around the clearing, you catch sight of several beavers moving about, and watching you intently. You catch sight of a grey-furred, canine form - likely a wolf - before your attention is drawn by the sound of something crashing down.

With Swordbreaker and Trix helping, the two men working on the caravan unhitch the horses from the wagons, leading them around and lashing ropes around the first of the massive trees. Between the efforts of the people and the horses, it's easy enough to move the first of the trees. However, as the workmen begin lashing ropes around the second tree, loud snapping noises from behind draw your attention, as you turn to see another pair of massive trees fall behind the caravan. Cold, calculating gazes fall upon you from all directions as you see a number of beavers edging towards the caravan intently, their brown fur streaked with an odd, almost metallic grey. From behind them, a wolf stalks out to the edge of the trees, its sleek grey fur making it look almost regal as it moves towards the merchant and his wagon of goods. A low growl from near you turns your attention to the opposite side of the road, where another wolf is stalking towards you through the trees, light glinting off of grey-silver fur. The merchant reaches for a club from the front of the wagon and raises it threateningly towards the wolf, crying, "Back... get back!" while the workers edge away as the horses whine fearfully.

Initiative, folks. The map is here. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I8myU4Dy0wGHOHzbOJ9jArgzIBEgGEIay7XlsmZIhRk/edit#gid=0)And for reference, the map key is as follows:

The light brown stripe in the middle is the road.
The light green patch is flat enough ground to not cause you any issues with movement, having pushed a massive tree over it.
The gold boxes in the roadway are the wagons - those on the wagons get to treat them as partial cover against those not on them.
The dark brown squares represent the fallen trees - they're just under 10 feet tall, laying flat, and effectively serve as walls. If you want to get on top of them, it's a DC 10 Climb check.
Everything else in the dark green area is forest - treat this as rough terrain, imposing a penalty to your movement speed of 10' and a to-hit penalty of -1 per 5 feet into the woods the target is, if you're using ranged attacks.

B1-8 are the Badgers, Wlf1-2 are the Wolves. H1 and H2 are the horses, while Wk1-2 are the caravan workers, and Mer is the merchant. I've placed you all roughly where your actions would've put you - I will allow you to reposition yourselves 1-2 squares from where you are, though.

2015-07-21, 11:05 PM
Dirk jumped as the trees fell behind the wagons. He mouthed ****. Rushing away from the downed trees, he hopped back up the wagon, drawing an arrow at the nearby wolf.

Move to S8
Attack Wlf1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-07-24, 01:41 AM
As Irou growls at the incoming threat of wild life, Lissandra pulls out her sling and aims a pellet at one of the beavers.

i think we're waiting on fire's init but i don't think he can nat 20 higher than me so imma just post in case i'm holding us up.

Attacking B4

Attack roll [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2015-07-24, 12:11 PM
Eloi glances at the beavers and frowns, but when the wolf stalks towards the roadblock, the elven warrior smiles grimly and wordlessly charges, aiming to bring her blade down on the wolf's neck and sever it's head in a single blow.

Charge Wolf 2:

2015-07-25, 10:30 PM
Lissandra and Dirk both react quickly, with Dirk quickly moving and hopping onto the wagon as he fires. They react a bit too quickly, though, and both the stone and arrow both fly wide, missing their targets entirely. One of the wolves lets out an authoritative bark, and the beavers begin moving forward, clambering over the fallen trees near the back of the wagon, towards the merchant. One of the creatures climbs into the wagon, snapping at the man's feet threateningly. Another, the same one that Lissandra launched a stone at, charges at her and tries to bite her, but he swiftly dodges the strike.

Beavers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7

2015-07-25, 11:05 PM
Trix leaps into action, running at the wolf that her sister is distracting. The girl is borderline feral, even an animal being able to see that. She takes a single, powerful swing at the wolf.
Rage! Demoralize B8: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1] Crit on 20
Crit check: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
If Crit: +[roll4]

2015-07-25, 11:17 PM
Trix's blade slices down the wolf's side from shoulder to hip, and the creature falls where it stands with a cry of pain. The beaver nearest the scene begins shaking, while another of the creatures moves towards you, passing the rear wagon. The merchant swings ineffectually at the beaver at his feet, while the two hired hands move towards the horses, trying to keep them calm and stay out of the way.

Beavers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Beaver 6
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-25, 11:40 PM
Irou continues to growl at the beavers, particualrly the one that moved up to Lissandra. The wolf lunged forward at the beaver with it's mouth open, ready to bite down on the creature and defend his partner.

AC [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2015-07-25, 11:47 PM
As Irou tries to bite, the beaver winds through Lissandra's legs, evading the wolf's jaws. Another beaver darts past the corner of the fallen tree nearby, leaping at Lissandra's companion - only for the wolf to bite into the creature with a loud crunch, blood splashing from the wound as Irou nearly bites his assailant in half.

Beavers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Beaver 6
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2
Beaver 5

2015-07-26, 01:23 AM
A beaver darts by, and Swordbreaker tries to ensure it regrets that, swinging for it's skull with the warhammer.
[roll0] - Attack of opportunity mentioned on beaver

2015-07-26, 01:44 AM
Eloimaya darts forward at the beaver approaching Dirk, and quickly slices the creature in half with a single stroke of his blade. The other nearby beaver darts towards Swordbreaker, hoping for an easier target - only to find its skull caved in by the living armor before it can even get close enough.

Beavers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-26, 02:07 AM
Seeing the last wolf and how many stood against the kind child from before, Swordbreaker charges forward, stern gaze telling those near him that their deaths would be swift and painful if they attempted to harm the girl, rage tempered into a blade he wields as much as any other.
(Double move to M9, activating Iron Guard's Glare - Devoted Spirit Stance, swift action to initiate, any opponent I threaten takes a -4 to attack my buddies)

2015-07-26, 02:18 AM
The wolf meets Swordbreaker's gaze and growls before biting at the living armor's leg, the metal buckling under its powerful jaws. With a tug, the canine tries to drag the ancient warrior down to the ground.

Swordbreaker takes 6 damage, and needs to make a DC 14 Strength check to avoid being tripped.

Beavers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-26, 10:50 AM
Following the Wolf, Drik notched two more arrows, firing them off in rapid succession, as he shifted further down the wagon.

Rapid Shot vs. Wlf 1
[roll0] deals [roll1]
[roll2] deals [roll3]

5 ft step from S8 to R8

2015-07-26, 05:46 PM
Lissandra does a bit of a jump back when the beaver goes through her legs to evade Irou's jaws. She then dropped her sling and switched to her Scimitar before taking a swing at the beaver.

Took a five foot step away from the beaver (V7 to V6)
dropped the sling as a free action
Drew the Scimitar and swinging with it at B4

AC [roll0] 18-20/×2
Damage [roll1]

2015-07-26, 05:55 PM
Dirk's arrows fly wide, while Lissandra's blade is dodged by the beaver as it shifts closer to her, snapping angrily at her. Another of the beavers attempts to bite at Swordbreaker, though its teeth glance off of the armor. A couple of the other beavers move towards the front wagon, clambering atop it. The merchant steps away from the beaver at his feet as it tries to swing at him, smacking at it with his club - dazing it, but not enough to actually put it down.

Beavers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-26, 06:02 PM
Irou once again returns his attention to the Beaver going after his partner, snarling before lunging forward to bite.


2015-07-26, 07:55 PM
Eloi smiles as the beaver falls, then steps towards the wolf, raising her Greatsword to deliver a mighty blow as her blade glows blue and she shouts, "Sapphire Nightmare Blade!" as she swings a hopefully perfectly aimed strike at the creature's vitals.

Concentration check: [roll0]

Attack (-2 if check fails): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]+[roll3]

2015-07-26, 08:09 PM
With a proud spin of her blade, Trix charges over toward her adoptive sister, ready to tear the other wolf in two.
Double move

2015-07-26, 08:42 PM
With a growl, ignoring the hit, Swordbreaker rises to his knees, hammer slowly beginning to glow with a white light.
"Pfah! You think it'll take that little to keep me down? Assaulting a convoy, that's a clubbing! CRUSADER'S STRIKE!"
He swings out with the glowing warhammer, unfortunately going wide.
(if it hits, I heal [roll2] hp, or if the merchant has been hit they heal that.)
(getting up from prone, taking the chance to try and hit the wolf, missed. Still cause a penalty for the beasts around me when they try to hit anyone but me.)

2015-07-26, 09:47 PM
Irou proves to be a bit swifter this time, his jaws catching the beaver at Lissadnra's feet and ending its life with a single, powerful bite. Eloimaya's strike misses the wolf as it lunges, though the distraction causes the creature's jaws to miss Swordbreaker as the armor stands. The construct's blow misses the wolf however, and it latches onto the extended arm and again tries to pull the ancient warrior off balance.

Swordbreaker takes 2 damage, and must make a DC 16 Strength check to avoid being tripped.

Beavers 1, 2, 3, 7
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-26, 09:54 PM
Dirk shuffles backwards as he fires off two more rapid fire arrows.

5-ft back to S8 from R8
Vs B2
[roll0] [roll1]
Vs B1
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-07-26, 10:21 PM
After the Irou, clearly the muscle within the partnership, did away with the beaver that kept pursuing the half elf, Lissandra moved forward towards to join the others before taking a swing at one of the beavers on the wagon.

Moved from V6 to R7

Scimitar swinging at B2
AC [roll0] 18-20/×2
Damage [roll1]

2015-07-26, 10:28 PM
Lissandra's swipe misses the beaver on the wagon, but as it jumps away it seems to suddenly vanish - its body skewered lengthwise along one of Dirk's arrows as the projectile embeds itself into the front of the second wagon. Another arrow takes out the other beaver on that wagon, even as the one at the merchant's feet bites into his leg, latching on fiercely. The creature at Swordbreaker's feet tries to bite the downed warrior, but proves unable to find purchase on the armor. The merchant flails with a cry, striking ineffectually at the beaver clinging to his leg.

Beavers 3, 7
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-26, 10:40 PM
The teeth fail to find any piece of metal to dig through, even as the wolf knocks him over again.
"Don't have time for you, fido!"
Aggravated, once again Swordbreaker pushes his way up to his feet, looking to the others.
"Go help the merchant! I'm fine for now!"
Then he swings down at the beaver's head under his feet.

2015-07-26, 10:46 PM
"Irou, get the wolf!" The druid's companion darted towards the other wolf, pouncing on it ready to bite down on it.

Irou moved from U7 to N7

biting the Wlf1
AC [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-07-26, 11:32 PM
With a quiet step, Trix moves toward the wolf, swinging her scythe up at the canine in a fluid arc.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Check: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2] x3 on Crit

2015-07-27, 10:16 PM
Eloi frowns when she sees the wolf fail to fall, though she doesn't let on, simply saying, "Nice try, sis!" as she swings at the wolf again.


2015-07-27, 10:29 PM
While everyone else seems to focus on the wolf, the wolf itself is focused on Swordbreaker - lunging away from other's swipes as he grabs the armor's arm and drags it back down to the ground forcefully, protecting the beaver from harm. It then clamps its jaws down on the construct's throat, in what would be a killing blow for any living, breathing creature - but the ancient is saved by the fact that he doesn't exactly meet either of those qualifications.

Swordbreaker takes 2 damage (before DR) and is tripped by the wolf with it's attack of opportunity.

Swordbreaker takes 6 damage (before DR) from the wolf's attack.

Beavers 3, 7
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-27, 10:41 PM
Dirk analyzed the scene. The... thing. Armor. Was taking a beating from the wolf, but seemed to be holding his own. The merchant who owned the caravan not as well. Dirk pulled an arrow from his quiver as he closed the distance to the man. Hold still! The arrow flew and only then did Dirk think of the possible consequences.

[roll0] [roll1]
Moved from S8 to P9

2015-07-27, 10:51 PM
Lisssandra moves up beside Irou to assist in attacking the wolf and getting it off of the living armour, by swinging at it with her blade.

moved from R6 to O7 (should be flanking the wolf now with SB)

2015-07-27, 11:33 PM
Lissandra's blade misses the wolf, which still focuses on Swordbreaker. Dirk's arrow strikes, causing a small plume of blood to fly up as it embeds itself - in the flailing merchant's leg. With a cry of pain, the merchant falls to the ground, losing consciousness as he does so. The beaver releases him, darting towards Trix. While Swordbreaker's swing misses the creature due to his awkward position, Trix's blade falls true, cutting the creature down. The remaining beaver gnaws on Swordbreaker's armor, trying to pierce through to what should be underneath.

Beaver 3
Merchant, Workers 1, 2, Horses 1, 2

2015-07-27, 11:39 PM
Swordbreaker slowly stands up.
"That's right, no meat! How'd you like that, pup?"
Then he tries bracing for the inevitable trip attempt while taking a shot at the wolf's head, looking to Liss.
"Help the merchant!"

2015-07-27, 11:45 PM
Trix swings madly at the wolf, beaver, and anything else that was not humanoid.

[roll0] 20/x4

If the wolf die, Cleave beaver
[roll2] 20/x4

2015-07-27, 11:57 PM
Trix's scythe spins through the air, cleaving cleanly through the wolf as Swordbreaker moves to his feet. Hammer in hand, the living armor lifts the arm that the beaver is clinging to, and a swift and precise strike sends the creature flying towards the edge of the road, accompanied by a sickening crunch, a spray of blood and two overly large teeth flying through the air. The two workmen look at you nervously, before one of them dashes around the fallen trees and moves towards the wagon with the fallen merchant, cursing under his breath.

2015-07-28, 12:07 AM
After the animals had been dispatched, Lissandra sheathes her sword before rushing over to the man who had been shot by a stray arrow. "I've got you." The druid smiled to the man as she carefully removed the arrow and placed her hands over the wound and preformed a light chant in druidic.

Meanwhile Irou had gone to fetch the sling which was dropped earlier by his partner and brought it to her side while she was tending to the man's wounds.

cure light wounds
i assume he's not gonna resist the heal...
[roll0] hp healed

2015-07-28, 12:13 AM
Dirk wanted to move to the merchant. He wanted to help, wanted to make sure he was still alive. That he'd walk again. But his feet were rooted to the wagon, his legs wobbled. He only remained standing due to his knees locking. In a hoarse whisper, barely audible. Is he ok?

2015-07-28, 12:42 AM
Trix meanwhile paces back and forth along the road, watching and listening for wild animals. Her sister could deal with healing.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2015-07-28, 01:10 AM
The merchant's eyes flutter open as the magic closes the wound in his leg. With a groan of pain, he shifts himself into something of a sitting position, looking warily at you even as the worker reaches the side of the wagon. "Bloody hell..." the worker mutters, before saying, "you alright, boss? That looked like a pretty painful shot - nearly went clean through you. You'd think the idiotic bastard would watch where he was firing..."

2015-07-28, 01:17 AM
"Hey!" Trix calls from outside, running over. "That idiotic bastard was trying to save his f***ing life! While, I might add, you pansies were too busy cowering to actually help."

2015-07-28, 01:23 AM
Dirk didn't stick around. He knew when he wasn't wanted. He was used to it. Already over the large tree and on his way. I won't trouble them any further. Obscurity was how he lived now. For the time being, it would remain so. He pulled the cloak over his head as his hurried steps carried him from the stalled caravan. It's better this way.

2015-07-28, 01:43 AM
Satisfied that the wound had healed and the man's life wasn't in immediate danger, Lissandra nodded before retrieving her sling from Irou, hopping off the wagon and approaching Dirk...or where he was before realizing he was gone...

"Where did he go..." the Druid looked around puzzled as to where the man had gone.

2015-07-28, 01:01 PM
Swordbreaker leans on his knees a bit after the fight, looking at the remains of the wolf.
"Grah...I feel old."
He experimentally moves his knee, where the teeth sank in first, and notices a few chips fly off, watching as Liss helps the merchant with a nod. But then she speaks up, and he looks around, giving a grumble.
"Where's who-wait, where did he get off to?"
Ignoring his own wounds, he trudges past the trees, looking about.
Don't tell me he went out alone...HOI! Anyone see where the kid with the bow went?"

2015-07-28, 04:27 PM
Eloi smiles as Trix cleaves through the wolf and says, "Good job." She then turns as Dirk leaves, sighs, and then looks back to Swordbreaker asking, "Are you alright? Is there anything I could do to help?"

2015-07-28, 05:00 PM
Swordbreaker turns at that, surprise in his voice.
"Eh? Ah, yeah, nothing a bit of work at an anvil can't cure, or a quick patch. Must be farther along than I thought though, having that much of a problem..."

2015-07-28, 08:25 PM
Eloi nods and says, "Alright." She then looks up and says, "Is everyone else still alive?"

2015-08-01, 01:26 AM
After looking around the caravan and concluding that Dirk was no longer among the group, Lissandra looked further up the path where they were headed. "Hmm... Come Irou." With that the druid and the wolf set out to find the missing man.

2015-08-01, 10:42 PM
Dirk slips off even as Trix begins berating the worker, with Lissandra moving to seek him out moments after. Meanwhile, the worker responds to Trix's comments, saying, "We were staying out of the way and keeping the horses from panicking, since it seemed like you lot actually knew what you were doing. I figured he'd have enough sense to not try and shoot at the thing that was clinging to our boss when he could've just walked over and hit the damn thing!" Before he can say anything further, the merchant speaks up, saying, "That's enough, Richard. These people helped us when they didn't have to - we weren't employing them as bodyguards. They'd have been well within their rights to simply leave us to those beasts - and the lad was only trying to help. An error in judgement, perhaps, but he and his friends were more than capable of keeping things under control, it seems."

Lissandra, meanwhile, sees Dirk making his way up the path - a decent distance away, but certainly not far enough that she couldn't catch up.

Since I forgot to mention it before, everyone gets 240 XP.

2015-08-02, 02:54 AM
Trix nods in approval. "Thank you, sir." With a quick flick of the wrist, she stows the scythe back where it belongs, and retakes her old seated position... And promptly takes a nap.

2015-08-05, 02:57 AM
The druid perks up a bit upon seeing the boy, who had wandered off from the group, before running up to him. "Hey! You're leaving?" She caught her breath for a moment before continuing. "I thought you were going to travel with us for a bit."

2015-08-05, 03:56 PM
Eloi looks around, then says, "Wait. Where did Liss go? Trix? You see her?" She draws her sword again and shouts, "Liss! Get back here! Where are you?!"

2015-08-05, 04:13 PM
"She went to go find the guy who accidentally shot our boss."

2015-08-05, 05:04 PM
"Just down the road there. Both could outrun me easily though, so didn't want to spook them off the beaten trail."
Swordbreaker stows his kit with the end of the fighting, headed to the front to help with the trees.

2015-08-05, 07:32 PM
Dirk jumped when hearing the druid's voice, suppressing the reflex to draw his bow. Without looking back he forced out a weak excuse. I'd just be a burden. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll just hurt you. Like I hurt that merchant. I'm not very good at this whole 'team' thing anyway.

2015-08-06, 03:32 AM
Lissandra shrugged at her wolf before stepping closer to Dirk. "Who says we don't want you. Wait was it my sister? Because she's not always that angry...sometimes she naps." That might have been her joking if her voice wasn't so deadpan. She then steps around the boy to face him face to face. "So..." She then stared into his eyes for what seemed to be an awkward eternity, as she seemed to be searching for something in your eyes before... she flicks you on the nose. "You're being too hard on yourself for a simple mistake."

"And how do you know you're not good at being in a team? Have you tried?" Irou then sits at druid's side before lightly pawing at Dirk's leg. "See? Irou wants you to stay." Or perhaps he's wanting a treat for a job well done back during the battle, hard to tell sometimes.

2015-08-06, 11:39 AM
Dirk's mouth moved as he tried to find words to snap back. All he could muster was a flustered No... I.. but... His face screws into confusion, before hanging in defeat. You... really want me to travel with you guys?

2015-08-06, 10:47 PM
The druid nods with an innocent child like smile. "Yes. I think it would be good for you. Plus it would be more fun with more people to travel with. My sisters are fun to travel with...but it is hard making friends with Trix scaring off some people...other times i don't know what it is." She says whilst idly sniffing the air around Dirk's personal space.

2015-08-07, 12:20 AM
Dirk couldn't help but chuckle under his breath at his traveling companions odd behavior. Alright, alright. I guess I'll try it. For a little bit. No promises. Dirk turned back towards the fallen trees and carts in the distance. I have an idea... A prank. Go back and say you couldn't find me.

2015-08-07, 01:58 AM
"Hmm...okay?" Lisssandra then started making her way back the caravan with only Irou following.

She climbs into the wagon and takes a seat beside her napping sister. "Sorry about running off... I couldn't find him.."

2015-08-07, 07:10 PM
Eloi sighs, then says, "What a shame...Oh well. We can't spend the time looking for him. I hope the wolves don't get him."

2015-08-08, 11:33 AM
With that, Swordbreaker sighs, before hopping off.
"I'll try. Meet you guys in town. Any idea which direction he headed at least?"

2015-08-12, 05:30 PM
"I think he just went down the road." The druid pointed in the direction she came from.

2015-08-13, 07:22 PM
"Well, he's gotta rest sometime...I'll try to find him. You lot stay safe."
With a nod and a grunt, the damaged suit gears up, before setting off at a running jog.

2015-08-14, 09:52 PM
By the time Lissandra returns from her search, the fallen trees in front of the caravan have been cleared from the road, and the horses are being hitched back up to the carts they pull. Hearing that the druid was unable to locate Dirk, the merchant sighs, and says, "A shame... hopefully, I'll see the lad in town. I want to thank him for his efforts, if nothing else. If you find him, please let him know that I'm looking for him." With that, Swordbreaker begins jogging down the road, the carts pulling past him before long.

2015-08-14, 10:09 PM
As the caravan rolls by, Dirk drops from the tree onto the cart that his companions were seated. Hey. Miss me? he quipped with a **** eating grin.

2015-08-18, 10:25 PM
Just as the caravan begins passing him by, Swordbreaker spots Dirk in the cart. He tries to grab on, only for his hand to come off as the straps connecting it to the rest snap from the abuse of the day.
"Gah! Dangit! Dirk, stop the wagon! Stop the wagon, I got off to look for you! Or at least toss the gauntlet back!"

2015-08-18, 10:31 PM
The merchant jumps as Dirk lands on the cart, before pulling back on the reins and bringing the cart to a stop. "Nice of you to drop in, lad," he says after recovering, "but do me a favor and don't startle me like that again! If my hands weren't full, I might've tried to club ya!"

2015-08-18, 10:59 PM
Dirk flinched out of habit at the light scolding. Uh, sorry. I'm not used to joking. I went to far, I guess. Dirk pried the gauntlets fingers free of the cart, handing it awkwardly to Swordbreaker, clearly not comfortable touching the glove.

2015-08-19, 02:19 PM
"Yes, and none of us are amused. Now can someone explain to me why we were just attacked by angry beavers?"

2015-08-19, 03:29 PM
Eloi simply sighs and snarks, "Nice of you to rejoin us. What happened to Mr. 'I'm Useless and Should Run Away'?"

2015-08-19, 03:39 PM
Dirk averted his eyes, looking at his feet. I changed my mind, ok? Lissandra made some good points.

2015-08-19, 07:37 PM
"Be nice!" Lissandra shot a look at both of her sisters. "Welcome back to the group." She smiled at Dirk.

2015-08-19, 08:41 PM
As Dirk hands the gauntlet back over, Swordbreaker jams it back on, adjusting it a few times before clenching and unclenching the fist.
"S'okay lad, but time and place. Neither of those are when in possibly dangerous terrain with that sorta joke, because then other people will have to try and find you in that terrain."
He pats Dirk on the head before sitting near him.
"But at any rate, good having you back lad."
As the angry one asks her question, he shrugs.
"It has been a common occurrence in the area that the animals were acting strangely, and that's why I was headed here. I figured you were headed here to find out why too."

2015-08-19, 09:18 PM
"Probably some wizard thinking it a joke..." Trix grumbles. How much longer until they arrived? This sitting around and waiting was agonizing.

2015-08-22, 10:02 PM
The merchant shakes his head, saying, "No, lass - while Thornwood's been known to attract those types, there aren't any mages residing in the area currently as far as I know. Just the druid who lives in the woods near the village - and this doesn't seem like much of a druidly thing to do." Shrugging, he says, "Still odd, though - never seen beavers and wolves together like that. I'll need to meet with the mayor regarding this regardless, and he's probably looking for people who're willing to help look into this - or just keep the trade routes safe. If you want to come along with me, you can speak with him without having much of a wait..."

2015-08-22, 10:06 PM
I don't see why not? I mean, we're a bunch of misfits traveling together. The only thing preventing us from being an adventuring party is competence! Dirk looked at his fellows expectantly for his lame, insulting joke.

2015-08-22, 10:10 PM
"Might pay well," Trix says, looking at her sisters.

2015-08-23, 08:40 AM
Lissandra raises a brow at the merchant at the mention of a druid living nearby, curious to the fact if something was wrong with the woods why didn't the druid do anything about it. "I want to know what's happening. So I guess i'm in."

2015-08-23, 10:35 AM
Eloimaya thwacks Dirk on the back of his head as she says, "Meeting the local druid sounds like a decent idea. Even if he's not behind it, he should have some idea of what's going on."

2015-08-23, 08:20 PM
Swordbreaker at least gives a chuckle at the joke.
"It was why I was headed this way anyway. 'Course I'm in."

2015-08-25, 11:12 PM
The merchant nods, a smile on his face. "Excellent," he says as the wall surrounding the village comes into sight. "I'm sure you'll be more than capable of resolving this - but even if you can't find the cause of these problems, I'll likely be looking for guards when I'm ready to leave. The job will be yours if you decide you're interested." The wagons stop for a bit as the gate guards of the village speak with the merchant, asking simple questions such as the nature of the goods and whether he intends to sell himself or if this is a delivery to one of the village businesses. After a few minutes of question and answer, however, the guards wave the wagons onward, directing them to a small clearing near the gates, alongside several other carts and wagons. Some are laden with various goods, and often attended by other individuals, while some are empty presumably due to their cargo already having been delivered. "Alright," the merchant says, "Bernard, Reiner, you two stay here and keep an eye on the wagons." After his two workers nod, he then turns to you and says, "The guards have already sent word to Mayor Bandel that I'm on the way - though he was expecting me at some point today regardless." The man grabs a small package from the wagon of goods, before moving into the village's streets, motioning for you to follow.

2015-08-25, 11:35 PM
Dirk stepped up behind the merchant, eyeing the box quizically. What's in the box?

2015-08-25, 11:38 PM
Trix nods, following the man. "Why was the mayor wanting to speak to just a merchant?"

2015-08-26, 01:05 AM
"Maybe he wanted to buy something?" Lissandra followed behind the merchant with everyone else.

2015-08-26, 05:49 PM
Eloi shrugs and says, "I suppose we'll see when we get there," as she follows her family. And these other random people.

2015-08-30, 12:06 AM
Swordbreaker marches forwards, looking over at the group.
"Merchants are good sources of information for most, being travelers. Or they were, at least. Anyone who enjoys being well informed about their area should be friends with them. Makes sense."

2015-09-02, 10:43 PM
The merchant chuckles, and says, "I've known Halden for more than a few years... we shared many a pint together. And I make this journey regularly enough to keep him supplied with his preferred brand of pipeweed - as a favor to him, I pick it up and save him the normal shipping costs." He leads you all past Crafter's Row, where you see a number of shops - alchemists, blacksmiths, leatherworkers, and more. Finally, you come to a larger, but still modest, home sitting inside a large fenced-in yard. The merchant nods at the guards sitting at the gate, and one of them waves your group in. At the door, a young boy in servant's garb, barely in his teens, opens the door and bids you to follow him, leading you into an office. A half-elf of indeterminate age sits at the desk, reading over some paperwork. As the boy speaks up, "Mayor Bandel, you have guests," the man looks up, and his expression shifts to a smile at the sight of the merchant. "Myron," he calls out, "I'm glad you came... I've been burning through my stock far faster than normal with recent events. I hope you made it here without issue..." As the merchant shakes the man's hand and hands him the box, the Mayor looks over the five of you before turning back to Myron. "A rough-looking bunch here... I though you said you don't normally hire bodyguards."

2015-09-02, 10:51 PM
We're not bodyguards. Myron here said you had some trouble in these parts. We're here to fix it. Hopefully. Dirk tried to play it cool, act tough. Tried.

2015-09-02, 10:51 PM
"It turned out necessary. We were attacked by wolves and some unusually aggressive beavers."

2015-09-03, 04:32 PM
Eloi nods and says, "We're here to solve any problems you might be having. And since wolves and beavers don't normally act like how we've encountered, I'd guess that you've got problems."

2015-09-05, 10:18 PM
Swordbreaker nods, looking to the others.
"Aye, that we are. What can you tell us of what has been happening here, by the way? We've heard some rumors, but nothing quite like hearing from the source."

2015-09-07, 11:10 PM
"We were told that there was a druid who lived nearby. Have you heard from him about this?" Lissandra and Irou shuffled in behind her sisters.

2015-09-21, 12:29 AM
Mayor Bandel nods, and replies, "I see... I can only say, then, that it's fortunate that you were travelling with Myron. I'm glad you were able to keep him safe... though from the sound of things, you seem to have seen a bit of what we're dealing with yourselves. Creatures within the woods are acting erratically - some that are normally docile becoming more aggressive, while creatures that are often more dangerous have become rather helpful. Another caravan that came through recently reported an incident of a group of brown bears that came to their caravan and served to escort it a ways through the woods, though not coming in sight of the gates. Other travelers have reported assaults from even innocuous creatures such as birds and squirrels, and Jonathan Hargrave, a hunter and woodsman who lives on the edges of the town, reported that he was attacked by a group of large spiders, which were themselves driven off by a flock of bats who kept watch over him while he worked." The man sighs, before continuing, "It's as if the creatures of the wild have been somehow scrambled - and nobody can make any sense of it. You asked if I'd consulted with the druid... I tried. However, Setarathina's grove seems to be sealed off - the trees have woven themselves together into a barrier that we cannot pass, and even climbing above fails to find an opening. Setarathina herself hasn't been heard from in months - admittedly not unusual in itself, but her entire purpose here is to ensure that the forest is not harmed by the mages who often choose to dwell here. For something like this to occur with no word from her is troubling."

2015-09-21, 12:44 AM
Animals acting odd and the local druid no where to be seen as the natural order goes topsy turvy? Dirk sneered. His suspicions were forming. I do not doubt what is causing the change also silenced Setarathina. Drik tapped his chin as he thought of a possible solution. Jonathan, the huntsmen. He'd be the most knowledgeable of the local woods behind Setarathina correct? We should question him, see what he's seen.

2015-09-21, 11:50 AM
Lissandra frowns and looks down to Irou as the Mayor explains what he knew of the recent events. She idly petted her wolf, a concerned that something that was affecting the local wild life may too affect Irou.

"I would still like to meet with Setarathina if we're able to. Perhaps we could try investigating her grove to see if we can find something. Other than that, I agree we that we should see what the huntsman knows about this."

2015-09-23, 11:45 PM
"Any examples in town? How long did they normally take to be...noticeable if they were?"

2015-10-03, 09:20 PM
"I haven't been made aware of any incidents among creatures here in town," the Mayor says, before thinking for a moment. "There have been a couple of incidents recently with family pets becoming rabid - that's what we thought it was at first. Looking back, it seems possible that it was another example of this, but we didn't take the time to check... given that in both cases children were in danger, we wasted no time in putting the creatures down. You're welcome to investigate the druid's grove if you like - it's roughly a half-day's walk from here, west of town. I can have one of the guards escort you to the Hargrave home as well, though he may not be home at present."

2015-10-03, 10:01 PM
Let's check the Druid's grove first. If it proves fruitless as I expect, we can visit the hunstmen when he returns.

2015-10-03, 10:17 PM
Eloi nods and says, "If the pets were going mad too...Perhaps this is a curse of some sort. In any event, we shall see. Let's talk to the druid first."

2015-10-03, 10:17 PM
"I'd appreciate a chance to fix up a bit, first, but but...where were the incidents? Any relationship? Or just randomly about the town? If not, I would also agree with seeking the druid's grove. But...yeah, better to see if there are any patterns first."

2015-10-04, 01:39 AM
Lissandra grew more and more concerned for Irou at the information of the possibilities of the local pets being affected. "Right, we need to figure this out soon." She waited to hear if there was any connections between the pets going rabid and the wildlife, but otherwise she was ready to go to the grove when everyone else was.

2015-10-04, 07:02 AM
"Well what are we standing around for? Let's go!"

2015-10-22, 08:44 PM
"There's no pattern - or if there is, we don't see one. The incidents within town were in separate areas - one was closer to the outskirts, while the other was actually not far from here. And the incidents outside the town are occurring with little rhyme or reason, though they're more frequently noticed along the roads simply because more travelers come by them. If you need to repair your armor, I'd recommend Alden's Armory, over on Crafter's Row - Alden Vauxhall is an excellent smith, and will be able to patch that up rather quickly. There are a number of other shops there, if you'll need any additional gear while you're out." He quickly scribbles out a note on a piece of parchment, and stamps it with a seal before offering it to Swordbreaker. "I'll have Alden bill me for the cost of the repairs to your armor... and thank you again for your assistance." He smiles gratefully, and waits for any further questions. The young servant waits near the door to escort you out, if you're prepared to leave.

2015-10-22, 08:52 PM
Dirk gives a slight nod, before turning attention to the servant, waiting for him to guide the group.

2015-10-24, 06:07 PM
Lissandra nodded before getting Irou to follower her with the servant.

2015-10-24, 06:17 PM
"Well, I'm not one to turn down free weapon care," Trix says with a smile.

2015-10-24, 06:20 PM
Eloi nods and says, "I see. Farewell, then."

2015-10-27, 12:08 PM
"Thank you then, sir. We shall do our best to assist your city."
Swordbreaker takes the script carefully, turning to the servant before them and giving a nod, heading to the smith first to mend.

2015-11-22, 12:47 PM
The young servant leads you out of the mayor's home, and you quickly find your way back to Crafter's Row. Alden's Armory sits just off of the center of the street, and upon entering you find yourselves greeted by a gruff voice from the back, moments before a tall man steps out into the front of the shop. He introduces himself as Alden Vauxhall, and upon receiving the note from the mayor he simply nods, asking you to provide any weapons or armor that might need mending. He is a bit startled when Swordbreaker explains his own situation, but shrugs it off quickly amid grumblings of 'frilly-dressed magic yahoos who can't even lift a sword' expecting others to fight for them.

After a couple of hours, during which you're able to attend to any other shopping you need to do, the repairs are complete and Alden returns your gear and Swordbreaker.

In the interests of moving things along a bit, fast-forwarding through the minutae of repairs/shopping. If there are items you want to get, let me know - more obscure stuff may not be available, though. Aside from that... where do you wish to go?

2015-11-24, 12:15 AM
Once everyone was ready to go Lissandra approached her sisters and the rest of the group. "Shall we make way to the grove then?" She asked right before turning and heading towards the town exit in the direction of the druid's grove, without so much of a second thought.

2015-12-18, 12:59 AM
Having had the kinks and dents of not just recent times, but of ages older than the city hammered out, as extra bonus he gives the smith shavings enough of adamantine for the smith to use as alloy for weaker metals, Swordbreaker nods and marches after the druid, letting himself air out a bit once they get outside of the town limits.

2015-12-18, 03:02 AM
"Don't see why not. Sooner we figure out what's going on, sooner we can hopefully get a little reimbursement."

2015-12-20, 12:38 AM
And figure out who is behind this and put to a stop to them, right?Dirk questions, with obnoxiously raised eyebrows.

2015-12-20, 08:58 AM
Eloi nods as she follows her sister and gives Dirk a look as she says, "I believe that goes without saying. Let's go."

2015-12-20, 09:06 PM
Making your way out of Thornwood Village after the repairs are complete, you make your way west towards where you were told the Druid's grove is. The forest seems mostly peaceful, but you can't help but think that something is observing you... watching you as you progress. The trees become thicker as you venture farther in, working your way through the trees. Occasionally, you hear the sounds of something moving through the underbrush, and you hear the calls of several birds as you proceed.

You can hear fluttering wings nearby accompanied by the rustling of leaves - as if birds are flying through the trees near you. You pick up some hooting among the other birdcalls that seems fairly close.

You notice a couple of small birds flying in the trees nearby - owls, you think.

You can see several owls flying to and from branches near you, and you hear what sounds like still more in the area.

You see a number of owls flying through the nearby trees, and alighting on the branches close by.

You hear the fluttering of wings and the distinct hooting of owls, and by the way Irou's ears perk up you can see that he's heard it as well, though he can't seem to spot the source. You have a better vantage, though, and spot at least half a dozen owls flying around the area, alighting on branches. It occurs to you that owls normally aren't awake at this time of day... rather odd behavior.

2015-12-20, 09:17 PM
"Huh. Pretty wossnames, ain't they, what was the word for them again...owls, right? Pretty sure it's owls."
He scratches his helmet a bit, opening his face plate to remove the glass he keeps there before letting his faceplate close again.
"Think if we tried to explain why, they might not bug us like the wolves and beavers? I mean, animals round here ain't normally all that friendly, right?"

2015-12-20, 10:28 PM
Dirk's fingers twitched. I don't think they are friendly. I also don't think they would understand negotiations. Dirk carefully drew his bow from his shoulder. Everyone stay alert. We aren't welcome here.

2015-12-20, 10:48 PM
Eloi glances at Dirk and says, "Only if you continue acting like a fool. If they're just owls, then they won't mess with us. And if they had ill in mind, I suspect they would have attacked with the element of surprise rather than flutter around and alert us to their position."

2015-12-21, 12:58 AM
"Hm... Lot of birds out here..." Trix mumbles, keeping the lead. "Just keep moving and stay alert. We know the wildlife around here doesn't necessarily act normal."

2015-12-21, 02:45 AM
Lissandra felt somewhat ill at ease as she made note of the owl's sudden appearance during day light. "These owls should be sleeping during this time of day.." The druid added while keeping a little closer to her sisters and keeping an eye on the owls. "And there's so many of them together. With the local balance of nature so warped, anything could happen..."

2016-01-05, 12:45 PM
You continue through the forest, keeping your eyes and ears open. You notice that the owls seem to be following your path, but simply... watching you. You continue making your way deeper into the forest, before the trees seem to thin out a bit.

That's when you see it - through the trees, you see a large structure of interwoven vines and branches, curving away to the north and south and arching upwards to form a massive dome of verdant growth. The owls perch in some of the nearby trees, alighting in the higher branches. Standing in front of the dome, you see a group of kobolds - three of them are wearing armor cobbled together from bits of hide and carrying crude spears and bucklers. Another two are holding crossbows, and are garbed in leather armor - their armor and weapons both are of better quality than the three spear-wielders. The seeming leader of the group is garbed in a simple, but high-quality robe. You don't see any weapons on that one, as he is facing away from you, muttering something. Trix and Lissandra are able to make out a rough, guttural language - but not one that they are familiar with.

Link to Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I8myU4Dy0wGHOHzbOJ9jArgzIBEgGEIay7XlsmZIhRk/edit#gid=0), in case you want it - you'll all be somewhere within that lighter section on the right side. The owls are all 50 feet up, and have cover due to being in the boughs of the trees.

2016-01-05, 05:34 PM
Eloi frowns and says, "Ah...A roadblock. Classic banditry. Still...I think they're a little out of their league. But we should break this up so no one else gets hurt."

2016-01-05, 07:36 PM
Trix puts a hand on her scythe, watching the crossbowmen... lizards... Whatever. "If anyone speaks Kobold, I suggest speaking up now, or things might get very violent."

2016-01-05, 07:44 PM
Dirk took a deliberate step forward. He, slowly, returned the notched arrow to his quiver, though his grip remained on his bow. He inhaled a deep breath, before guttering out in Draconic. Is this the Druid's grove? Are you here to speak with her as well? He coughed, inwardly cursing. Draconic always strained his throat.

2016-01-07, 10:27 AM
"Kobolds, eh? Kinda like the little buggers. Kept a lot of rust off me over the years in tha Red's hoard, an' they're productive sorts when they have a cause."
If metal could grin, he likely would at seeing the little lizards. Truly, when your only choices in conversation partners for ages are a lazy, overgrown winged worm who would melt you as soon as spare you a moment, and a bunch of productive, hard working kobolds seeking to protect themselves, their lord, and their own, it was hard to not to gain some respect for them. He puts a hand to the side, pointing to the trees as Dirk walks out to the others.
"It's likely a trap, so circle around for now. Keep ta behind trees. Can't sneak worth a damn, so I'll keep our friend company, 'case they get antsy."
Hands away from his weapons, though shield still held at the ready in front of himself, Swordbreaker slowly walks out next to Dirk, knowing that his skill set most certainly didn't include any kind of stealth, sword hand raised in peace.

2016-01-11, 06:55 PM
Lissandra slightly tenses up as Dirk approaches the Kobolds and begins his attempt at conversing with them, all the while following Swordbreaker's advice and trying to keep out of sight, behind the trees with Irou.

2016-01-17, 10:25 PM
As Dirk speaks, the kobolds tense - the three spearmen shift to a more ready stance with their weapons, while crossbow-wielders glance around, seeming to watch the three who are working to circle around the area. The robed kobold turns to face you, a mystical light fading from his eyes. He begins speaking in a guttural, growling tone.

"You... you are here to speak with the treekeeper?"

All the while, you notice that the owls are watching both of your groups intently.

2016-01-17, 10:37 PM
Dirk eased his grip on his bow. It was natural to be wary around a human, near a human settlement, when your a Kobold. With concerted effort, he slung his bow over his shoulder. He steadied his breath, inhaling deeply through his nose. Yes. I am charged with determining the cause of the strange behaviors of the animals near here. He eyed the owls purposefully, holding his gaze there hoping they'd get the hint. I figured the Treekeeper would be the best person to ask for assistance. I was told her grove was near here. His gaze eventually rested on the tight-gripped spears. I'm here only to speak with the Treekeeper. Nothing more.

For them to not perforate me with spears! [roll0]

2016-01-17, 10:48 PM
You stumble over some of the words, and notice the spearmen letting out low growls. The apparent leader of the group narrows his eyes, before replying with more growling speech.

"You wish to speak with the Treekeeper. Yet she does not respond to us... and you bring more of these unusual creatures here. If Thornwood sent you to speak with her, why does she not welcome you?"

2016-01-17, 10:53 PM
Dirk gave a nervous smile, averting his gaze. He scratched the back of his head. Well, see, she didn't call for me. I came to see her on my own. I was hoping to talk to her, get her opinion on whats going on and possibly how to fix it. I don't know why she isn't responding. I'm sure she has her reasons.

2016-01-17, 10:59 PM
As the kobold's leader considers Dirk's words, one of the crossbowmen growls out lowly. The leader's eyes widen as he looks around, before snapping out an angry series of growling words.

"Others are circling us... they seek to ambush us, honored one."

"If you speak truth, call your men to come forward! Draw them back to stand behind you and your guard!"

2016-01-17, 11:08 PM
Why did you tell them to hide again? Dirk raised his hands in a placating gesture. C'mon guys, step out. There's no need to hide. Forgive us. There is much afoot in these woods. We wished to be careful. If we had intent on harming you, we would have made our presence known with steel and arrow, not words.


2016-01-17, 11:42 PM
Once given the signal from Dirk, Lissandra and Irou emerge from their hiding place approach the diplomatic duo. "So...this is going well then?" The druid asked before looking back up at the ever observant owls.

2016-01-18, 10:58 PM
Swordbreaker raises his visor a bit, closest he can get to an eyebrow raise as he realizes what he did.
"Because, if'n you speak the language an' beg pardon fer the foolishness, kobolds are devious and cunning, hard workers and with great will ta their actions. If'n they turned out less than friendly, tends to be a good idea to have some cover, since it be naught but flame, rock, an' spear raining upon heads a those who face 'em. Seen many fall ta them in my time."

2016-01-18, 11:02 PM
As Dirk speaks and tensions seem to lessen, Trix reluctantly takes her hand off of her blade and steps forward. "Be that as it may, I'd rather we not make enemies, or put ourselves at more risk than is necessary."

2016-01-19, 04:21 PM
Eloi steps forwards, hand decidedly still on the hilt of her sword as she says, "I don't trust this...But if we can get past without a confrontation, it's worth a shot."

2016-01-22, 09:26 PM
The kobolds watch you all warily, but relax somewhat as the party gathers near Dirk and Swordbreaker. The robed kobold looks over the group, before narrowing his eyes at Lissandra as he observes her. After a moment, he turns to durk and barks out more growling words.

"You have your own Treekeeper? Does she know what is happening?"

2016-01-22, 10:23 PM
Dirk gave an uneasy smile. She is as lost as I on the matter. She is not native here, she has not had time to attune herself with the wilds here.

2016-01-27, 11:24 PM
The leader nods, and turns to Lissandra. There is a distinct roughness to his voice, almost like a growl, as he says in common, "Treekeeper, do you know what would do this?" He gestures to the tightly-interwoven wall of branches and vines, before saying, "I can see... but not know... wait, not the right word..." He thinks for a moment before saying, "Understand. I cannot understand what magic binds this together."

2016-01-28, 10:28 PM
Lissandra turns her attention towards the interwoven branches and vines that formed the wall. "Hmm..." She thought about it for moment before shaking her head. "Sorry... I am still inexperienced in the ways of...treekeeping. I would not recognized this."

"Perhaps," The young druid slipped into the druidic tongue "one more experience than myself could teach me." She added looking back up at the owls.

2016-02-01, 08:22 PM
"That said, wonder if I could get through. Plenty sturdy still, despite me age. What have ye lot tried so far?"

2016-02-04, 10:12 PM
"We have not attempted to cut or burn..." the wizened kobold replies to Swordbreaker, "as we had hoped that the Treekeeper would answer, or that Thornwood could open the path. Plus... the wood watches us" his tone is somewhat nervous as he speaks, glancing up at the owls above, "and may strike us should we try. But can you not see the magic woven through?" The kobold turns towards Lissandra as he says this, curious. "As a Treekeeper, have you not learned how to see what magic lies within this place?"

2016-02-05, 12:51 AM
Lissandra continues to study the owls for a long moment, almost in a trance like state. It almost seemed like she didn't hear the question the kobold had asked her until she suddenly turned towards him and a cheery smile. "I should be able to help there." She then closed her eyes and started to sniff the air around her before motioning with her hands and speaking a short phase in druidic.

wild empathy on owls [roll0]

casted detect magic on the wall of vines and stuff to figure out the magic

2016-02-05, 01:09 AM
The owls simply continue to observe you, seemingly indifferent to your actions - though you do notice out of the corner of your eye that one of them seems to bristle for a moment as you cast your spell. It may have been coincidence, though, as it doesn't appear particularly hostile.

Fixing your gaze upon the verdant dome in front of you, you recognize the web of green magic that is woven through it as the standard magic that sustains and protects a druid's grove. It is more tightly woven than normal, but that could be attributed to a defense. However, upon looking more closely you notice that the pattern of the magic seems... rigid, for lack of a better term, in many places. Instead of an organic flow, it seems to be bound into a tight latticework of power at points, as if someone had taken a specific pattern and copied it with parts of the magic. Even as you watch, you see what appears to be a dull, grey tendril of magic burst out from within the dome, spreading out a latticework of energy that seems to snare pieces of the druidic magic and pull at them, tugging them into alignment.

2016-02-05, 10:29 PM
"The magic here is mostly consistent with the same type of magic a druid would use to protect her grove." Lissandra conveyed the the information to the others. "However...there seems to be something...unnatural forcing a pattern within the magic."

2016-02-06, 01:17 AM
"Meaning what, exactly? That tha lass be either kept out or usurped, or tha magic's gone haywire fer her too? Mayhaps we strike at any focal points?"
He points to the trees, walking towards them as he is likely the sturdiest there. Looking at Swordbreaker likely revealed a mishmash of auras, bathed in the blood of dragons, demons, slaadi, and sinners as he had been in ages past, flickering and sputtering in this time and age, but something still burnt at the core, at least.
"Would force be best, lass? Or d'ya think ye can get us through?"

2016-02-08, 11:16 PM
Dirk studied the outside wall pondering. Lissandra, could you explain the unnatural magic? Like, what it looks like, what its doing, and where. I think I've heard about something like this, but I can't be sure with your... concise description.

2016-02-08, 11:37 PM
Lissandra nods. "It is as if this unnatural magic is like a dull grey Tendril from within the grove itself. It's snaring the druid's magic, almost as if dragging it into an alignment with the latticework patterns."

2016-02-09, 12:10 AM
Well, that answered a few questions and raised many more. I'm not positive what is going on, but its some very powerful stuff. Some kind of Law magic. Dirk started to pace. It's imposing it's will on the natural magic here. What's odd is its emanating from within the grove, right? That means whatever is creating it is, or was, inside the grove, at least when it started. Staring at the dense growth thoughtfully. My guess, whatever is responsible for all the weird happenings going on here is using the Druid's magic against her, to keep her contained. But what is odd, magic this powerful, to impose its will on the natural magic, would be sufficient to simply break and destroy it.

Dirk frowned. I'm sorry, I'm not sure whats going on. My knowledge is second-hand, colored through my area of expertise. I know only a little of magic. My only ideas at the moment is to hack at the barrier where the foreign magic makes a meshwork of magic, and see what happens. But I doubt that would be productive. I don't think there is much we can do here, at least on our own. Maybe someone back in town would be more knowledgeable.

2016-02-15, 08:31 PM
"Could be that they are trying to take over more than just her grove, and that enforcing something upon the magic that exists would help them do so better. But I think we could use some outside assistance as well, Dirk. That is...odd magic, indeed."

2016-02-15, 09:54 PM
The robed kobold nods, and says, "We will report to our chieftain..." before motioning to the others, causing them to take a loose formation around him. "Tell your chieftain that we will expect him to stop this." With that, the kobolds quickly leave, vanishing into the depths of the forest. You notice that a couple of the owls move to follow them, while the others remain near you.

Everyone receives 225 XP.

2016-02-15, 10:06 PM
Eloi looks almost disappointed at the lack of a fight and asks, "Is that it? Just...That? Huh. Good job, Liss."

2016-02-15, 10:46 PM
Dirk cast a sidelong glare at Eloi. Well, we are at a deadend here. Though maybe someone back in town can enlighten us on the magic involved here.

2016-02-15, 11:06 PM
"Thank you, Eloi!" Lissandra turned to her sister with a cheery smile, oblivious to her disappointment.

2016-02-16, 05:27 AM
Trix meanwhile keeps watching the owls. Their continued observation bothered her. "Could a Druid watch us via the owls?"

2016-02-19, 03:47 PM
"From the sound of things, she ain't currently in charge, considering foreign magic pollutes her own. Best to assume they may know of us, but do not want us."

2016-02-23, 12:02 AM
Best be going then. There's not much we can do here. Dirk heads back to town, hoping he can root out someone more well versed in magic than he.

2016-02-23, 12:16 AM
"It is possible I suppose." Lissandra shrugged at her sister's question. "Then again she chould BE one of the owls for all we know." She stepped away from the dome of vines and magic, ready to head back into town for more answers.

2016-02-23, 12:19 AM
Trix looks up at the owls. "Well, are you?" she calls up, not expecting anything.

2016-02-23, 03:01 PM
Eloi frowns and says, "Don't talk to the owls, Trix. Even if the druid is among them, they look like they've got the same...Corruption going on that the wolves did."

2016-02-23, 06:18 PM
"Aye, c'mon. We have information t' vet and seek answers for."
With that, Swordbreaker waits to take the rear on their march back towards town, knowing himself to be slow but durable.

2016-02-25, 11:42 PM
As you depart, the owls continue to follow - though they don't seem to respond at all to Trix's call, or to any of the other comments made. You do note that once you're about halfway back to town, they simply stop following - perching on branches and watching until you are no longer in sight. You do return to town without incident, the guards nodding to you as you pass back through the gates.

2016-02-25, 11:55 PM
With a quick word to the others, Dirk goes searching the town, rubbing elbows, greasing palms and chewing the fat with anyone who will listen finding the person in town with the most magical knowledge.

Taking 10, so 12

2016-02-26, 10:10 PM
Eloi glares at the owls as they walk back to town, but once they reach town, she looks for a place to practice her swordswomanship, out of leads on what to do. So she looks for a dojo of some sort, even just a place with a few dummies. Can't go wrong with more practice, after all.

2016-02-27, 11:58 PM
When the group arrives back in town, Lissandra follows Dirk around to see if she too can gain some insight.

since i doubt 1 point higher would be significant with the results imma roll


2016-03-07, 06:41 PM
Swordbreaker stops at the gate, turning to one of the guards at likely near the city.
"Pardon, but do you know a wizard near the town? It seems we found a mite peculiar thing to ask about."

2016-03-07, 10:53 PM
The guard shakes his head, saying, "Hasn't been a mage around these parts in a good fifty years or so, at least. Not that we know of, anyway - though with what's happening, good money's on some crazy mage having decided to set up around here, or maybe something in the Mausoleum going haywire. Who knows what kind of freaky stuff those kinds do to themselves that could stay with the bodies..."

Speaking with some of the locals, you learn that there isn't anyone in town who is particularly well versed in magic - but one old woman gives you a surprising lead. "Talk ta young Riven, ya should," she says. "Poor lad found himself dragged away along with some sorcerer passing through, of ta one of those other planes... if'n anyone here'd know about something magical, he's yer best bet." Asking some of the other guards leads you to the River Gate at the south end of town, where you see two guards standing at attention. One is rather young - barely out of his teens, if that - with dusty blonde hair and blue eyes. The other is older, though not by more than a few years - in his mid twenties at most. But he holds himself with a calm, confident stance - as if he's seen far worse than anything going on around there.

While you don't find a dojo of any kind, asking around for a bit does lead you to the town guard's barracks, as they maintain a decent training area. Upon entering the building, a seemingly bored guard sitting at a desk looks up at you and says, "Yeh need sumthin, lass?"

2016-03-07, 11:00 PM
Dirk holds a tight, thin smile. 'Figures of Authority' were never the type he like to interact with, no matter how well intentioned they were. Regardless, they needed help and this Rivan was the only one who could possibly help. By chance are either of you Rivan? We are looking for him to ask him a favor.

2016-03-08, 05:08 PM
Eloi winces at the guard's accent, but says calmly, "Do you have a training area here that I could use?"

2016-03-18, 08:00 PM
"Hm...ya got a point there, lad. Any chance you could point me towards the mausoleums, just fer a check? Something's definitely reekin' of magic out there, an if'n the bodies there may be corruptin' it, then 'tis by Cuthbert's law that they be laid ta final rest."

2016-03-29, 10:40 PM
The two guards look over at you for a moment, before the older man speaks. "Aye, I'm Riven... what kind of favor are you asking? I trust it's not going to involve me shirking my duties at all..."

"In tha back," the man mutters, nodding towards a door at the side of the room. "Yeh'll hafta ask tha cap'n if yeh can train wit' the men, though."

"It's in the west end of town - pretty easy to spot once you head into the cemetery."

2016-03-29, 10:50 PM
Only if answering a few questions counts. What do you know of the arcane arts? Specifically, those that deal with other Planes. We heard if there was anyone in town that knows something about that, it was you. No reason to be dishonest, but no reason to be completely forthwith either.


2016-03-30, 02:56 AM
"Anyone else she could train with?" Trix says from behind Eloi, locking eyes with the man.

2016-04-11, 07:37 PM
"Thank ya kindly."
He nods to the guard, giving a short bow before he heads off to check the cemetery and ensure that the dead aren't stirring.

2016-04-21, 10:36 PM
The older guard nods, and replies, "Well, I certainly can answer your questions while keeping an eye on things here. I don't know how much help I'll be, though - I'm no mage myself, just someone who had the misfortune of getting dragged along with some addle-coved sorcerer across the planes. The berk asked for a guide through Thornwood and I got assigned the task, next thing I know I follow him through some door and wind up in The Cage. Had the good fortune to find a smart tout there, though - and one with enough smarts to point me towards a path home, even though I wound up walking most of the Great Road to actually make it happen."

"Yeh think I'd know? Not my job ta know ev'ry bloke in town who ken swing a blade," the man replies curtly.

You easily find your way to the town cemetery - it's at the west end of town, with a wrought-iron fence surrounding it. Light glimmers along the fence, seeming almost to flow over the metal. Through the open gates you see a number of graves there, and a few people milling about among them. In the distance, near the northern end of the cemetery where the fence meets the town's wall, you see a large stone building which presumably is the mausoleum in question.

2016-04-21, 10:48 PM
I see. I suppose you don't know much about magic from Planes of Law then? We are trying to access the Druid's Grove and it seems to be sealed with a powerful Law magic which seems to be subverting the Druid's magic.

2016-05-25, 05:32 PM
"It was all shifty and tendrilly." Liss seemed to be spacing out a little as her focus shifted in and out.

2016-05-29, 06:51 PM
"Sealed? That's interesting... we hadn't considered that possibility. Though... you'll have to be a bit more specific than 'shifty and tendrily'," he says with a smile to Lissandra, "seeing as I'm not a mage myself. Any particular symbols or patterns, or anything unusual about how the magic was acting?"

2016-05-29, 07:35 PM
"So you know nobody else?" Trix asks, skeptical.

2016-05-29, 11:01 PM
Swordbreaker stays silent in the place, regarding the tomb and the comers and goers in this place respecting the departed. He starts simple, checking the blessings upon this place of rest, even taking a moment to pull out his own holy symbol as he looks around.
"May justice be yours you across the veil, even if it you did not find it here. Cuthbert protect you in your travel to whatever you have earned, his cudgel fending off any that would waylay your rest."

2016-06-08, 08:56 PM
"Oh..." Liss sounded a little disappointed that her 'description' wasn't enough but nevertheless gave her best recount of what she saw back at the grove.

2016-06-17, 10:44 PM
The man gruffly replies, "Not my job ta know - my job's jus' ta keep things runnin' smooth here. Now, yeh ken go talk wit' tha cap'n, or yeh ken go look fer somepace else. No skin off my neck either way."

You are able to tell that nothing seems out of place - the various symbols of faith that adorn the graves are untampered with and aligned properly, and as you approach the mausoleum, you can feel a faint tingling of magic across your armor. You aren't certain what it is, though it seems as if it wants to be noticed - a warning, perhaps, to those who might defile this place.

As Lissandra relays the details of what he saw, Riven sits in thought for several moments. Finally, he says, "Huh... can't be sure, mind you, but it almost sounds like we've got a breach. Though, don't know how anyone'd breach from the Great Road..." He frowns for a minute before saying, "And it wouldn't explain how things are acting so strange unless we've got more breaches, from different parts of the Road... that'd be its own slew of troubles, too..."

2016-06-17, 10:50 PM
The Great Road? What is that? What would happen if there's a Breach in the Great Road. Dirk tensed and flexed his fingers, shifting his weight on the balls of his feet. He was getting antsy and he wasn't liking what he was hearing.

2016-06-17, 11:17 PM
"Whatever. F*** this guy, let's go find some town militia or something," Trix says with a growl.

2016-06-17, 11:29 PM
Lissandra tilts her head to the side as she listens on with curiosity.

2016-06-19, 07:55 PM
"Suit yerself, lass," the guard replies before turning his attention back to whatever he was reading on the desk.

"Right," Riven says, before explaining, "sorry bout that - I spent so much time in the Cage - Sigil, that is - and on the Road, I tend to slip into the Cant... er, sorry, the slang used in Sigil. A breach on its own isn't normally a problem - if you're used to walking the Road. That's the outer planes - the Heavens, the Hells, Mechanus, Limbo and that lot. Outer planes, as mages call them." Sighing, he continues, "But breaches normally pop up out on the Road, due to the frequent use of plane jumping magic to get from place to place - it weakens the borders between planes, and bits of one can seep into another as a result.

It's not common here, though... I'm honestly not sure that's the situation, but it's the closest thing I can think of. Like you've got the native magic from Mechanus seeping out into that area. Still," a frown crosses his face as he continues, "if that's all it was, then we'd just be seeing more ordered behavior among the beasts here - yet that's not all of what we're seeing. Only thing I can think of that'd make sense for this is if we've got multiple breaches in the area - and all honesty, that scares the hell out of me to even consider. Sounds barmy, I know, but that's the best I can come up with. Sorry I can't be more help... you definitely seem like a couple of alright cutters."

2016-06-19, 07:59 PM
Dirk gives the guard a curt nod. Thank you for your help. If I might make a suggestion, you might want to share this theory with the Mayor. Dirk motioned for Liss to follow as he walked away in search of the others.

2016-06-20, 12:10 AM
Lissandra to Riven as she and Irou continued following Dirk. "So... any idea what might be causing these..breaches was it?" The druid asked, not sure if she fully understood the explanation.

2016-06-28, 08:52 PM
"Not entirely certain, but it's normally some form of magic. I wouldn't think the druid would've been casting anything that'd cause this, though..." Riven pauses in his reply pensively, before continuing, "Do me a favor, if you could. Go let the Mayor know what we discussed - we don't have any mages in town who'll be able to do anything, but he can at least send word out and try to get someone here. As soon as I'm relieved here, I'll see if I can dredge up any more details from some of the incidents that have occurred - see if I can't piece together something more. If I come up with anything else, I'll let the Mayor know - if it's anything we can work with, he'll let you know."

As you move to depart, he then calls out, "Also, on the off chance that you find yourselvs in Sigil, look up a tout by the name of Rowen Lazul - he's the one who showed me the ropes there, and he'll help you find your way." With that, he turns his attention back to his duties.

2016-06-28, 09:16 PM
Dirk nodded curtly. Will do. Liss, lets gather the rest and go see the mayor.

2016-07-04, 07:43 PM
"Okay!" Lissandra nods before starting to take the lead. "If I know my sisters, they're probably looking for a fight..."