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View Full Version : Pathfinder A couple rewritten rogue talents. (And one new one.) PEACH

2015-07-16, 07:35 PM
I took a bit of time this afternoon and rewrote some of the weakest rogue talents in order to make picking a rogue talent a more interesting choice. All of the rewrites are meant to be straight improvements over what they replaced. If the name changed or multiple talents were combined the replaced talents are noted below the description. Most of these are tweaks or combinations, but Juke is new and Sniper's Eye is basically new as well, keeping only the name.

I'm intending these for an e6 campaign, which is why I went for 1 additional reroll per 3 levels. The houserules I have in place can also make Juke a bit better as well, as the Acrobatic feat adds dodge bonuses to AC to any acrobatics check made to move through threatened spaces (In addition to its normal benefit).

Assault Leader (Ex): Once per round, when the rogue misses with an attack on a flanked opponent, she can designate a single ally who is also flanking that opponent. The designated ally can make an attack of opportunity against the flanked opponent.

Cunning Interlocutor (Ex): Once per day, the rogue may reroll a failed Diplomacy or Sense Motive check. Further, the rogue may use her Intelligence modifier rather than her Wisdom or Charisma modifiers when making Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. She gains an additional reroll per day for every 3 rogue levels she possesses.

Replaces Charmer and Hard to Fool

Honeyed Words (Ex): Once per day, the rogue may reroll a failed bluff check. Further, when a rogue with this talent successfully uses the Bluff skill to convince someone that what she is saying is true, if that individual is questioned later about the statement or story, that person uses the rogue’s Bluff result to convince the questioner. She gains an additional reroll per day for every 3 rogue levels she possesses.

Replaces Honeyed Words and Convincing Lie

Juke (Ex): The rogue adds his Charisma modifier as a dodge bonus against attacks of opportunity. If an enemy makes an attack of opportunity against the rogue and misses, the rogue may feint as a free action.


Nimble Climber (Ex): Once per day, the rogue may reroll a failed climb check. Further, the rogue uses the better of her Dexterity or Strength modifier when making climb checks, and if she fails a Climb check by 5 or more, she can immediately make another Climb check at the surface’s base DC +10. If successful, she stops her fall by clinging onto the surface. The rogue does not take falling damage when she stops her fall in this manner. She gains an additional reroll per day for every 3 rogue levels she possesses.

Replaces Nimble Climber and Wall Scramble

Peerless Acrobat (Ex): Once per day, the rogue may reroll a failed acrobatics check. Further, the rogue may stand up from prone as a free action, and can move along narrow surfaces at full speed using the Acrobatics skill without penalty. She gains an additional reroll per day for every 3 rogue levels she possesses.

Replaces Peerless Maneuver, Stand Up and Ledge Walker

Powerful Sneak (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent makes a sneak attack while using Deadly Aim or Power Attack, she rerolls any sneak attack dice with a result of 1.

Sneaky Maneuver (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent successfully hits an opponent in melee and would deal sneak attack damage, the rogue can deal weapon damage normally but give up his sneak attack dice in order to attempt a dirty trick, disarm, steal, sunder, or trip combat maneuver as a swift action. The rogue gains a bonus to his CMB for this check equal to his number of sneak attack dice. This maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Sniper's Eye (Ex): A rogue with this talent may sneak attack from 60 feet away. A rogue with this talent and far shot may sneak attack at up to the range increment for his weapon.