View Full Version : The Afterlife : Fires of Hell (5th Edition) Chapter 1

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2015-07-16, 08:02 PM

The darkness of death begins to dissolve, and you are overwhelmed by an inexpressible peace and contentedness. You find yourself walking along a light tunnel towards a brilliant white light that emits warmth and love. At the end of the tunnel you are surprised to notice several of faces of people you've never met before. Before you stands a beautiful, human-like creature with long, feathery wings. He glows with an inner power that makes it hard to look at him, directly.

As those gathered have assembled, he says "You may be slightly disoriented right now. That will pass. As you no doubt have guessed, you are all dead. I prevented each of you going to your final resting place to make you an offer. An item of some importance has been stolen. Its disappearance could result in an embarrassment to some dieties that will remain unnamed. What I offer you is the opportunity to be resurrected with all wounds healed and full of strength and vitality as the adventurers your heart truly desired in your mundane lives. All I ask in return is for you to locate this stolen item and return it here. You are, of course, free to decline this offer. In which case you will be released to continue to the outer plane that is your final destination, where your soul can spend the rest of eternity in peace.

What was stolen is a deep blue globe roughly one foot in diameter called the Dragon Globe. It was stolen by a gang of devils. The thieves are known to have gone to the first layer of Hell. You will start your quest close to the location where the thieves arrived. You will be met by Herfik the Silent. He knows the plane and can help guide you. He will give you a magical brass chain that can return you here when you have finished your quest. If you return here with the Dragon Globe you will be returned to wherever you wish on the Material Plane. Because you are now dead, you cannot be killed while on this quest, rather you will be enslaved by the devils here, so you must not allow that to come to pass. To succeed in this quest, you must avoid attracting any unnecessary attention."

He looks at each one in turn, making eye contact before asking "Do you accept this task?"

2015-07-16, 08:21 PM
I... Eva looks around, tentatively. Yes. Yes, I accept.

2015-07-16, 08:37 PM
Dave couldn't believe it. He was dead and being offered an adventure? Was this some sort of weird fever dream?

No, that was rediculous. Dave knew dreams, and this was a divine order, not a dream. And there was only one thing he could say to a divine order. Certainly, my lord.""

2015-07-16, 09:46 PM
Peren's eyes's fluttered open. He was in a near panic when he saw surrohndinfs he did not reognize. Gathering his thoughts he walked down the tunnel, until he reached the end. He saw several others he did not know. The thing that caught his eye though was the visage of this winged being. It's words echoed in his ears as he spoke. Once the being finished his speech, Peren stood there dumbfounded.

Could this be? A chance to do some good? He wondered if the offer was too good to be true and quite taken aback when two offered their services so readily. Not really thinking through what he was goin to say, Peren spoke.

"What you offer is everything I could have ever wanted, but I don't know who you are. A being willing to delay my soul's final destination so that some gods can save face? That's all any of us know about you. These two," Peren gestured to Dave and Eva, might be willing to risk their souls without hesitation but I must know more before I agree to this. I won't ask who the gods were that messed up, but I must ask who you are. And I think we should know the exact importance of this Dragon Globe."

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized the weight of how he spoke, but still waited for a response.

2015-07-16, 10:53 PM
Vice lingered in the tunnel, treading forward carefully, while drawn forward with a sense of intensity, of want. Of the possibility of a chance to not drawn to the depths of hell. Stepping out into the light, listening to the words that rang in her head, she let out a sigh of relief.

"I accept! Anything to get out of that... darkness. And when one's soul is already damned by her..." she grimaced, "...heritage, I would gladly take any chance to show otherwise." She raised her chin proudly, striding forward further out of the tunnel before her eyes widened with shock at the male elf's words.

2015-07-17, 12:14 AM
"My name is Maloshi, I am a Deva from Celestial." He answers seeming unbothered by the questions, "the stone holds the soul of an exceedingly righteous paladin, Belvor IV, king of Furyondy. He and his noble knights are responsible for slaying innumerable evil dragons while he ruled. Trapped, not only is he no longer allowed to pass, but he cannot be raised or resurrected. Additionally, it can be used power extremely evil and destructive magic in the wrong hands. And currently, it is in the wrong hands.

2015-07-17, 12:23 AM
Dave's thoughts were still whirling. Was it a trick, after all. He'd wanted to be a hero his whole life, so was someone just using that to get him to do great evil. The supposed Celestial even admitted the orb they were supposed to retrieve could be used for evil. If only there was a way to be sure...

TO reiterate, using Divine sense to sense celestials, fiends, and undead within 60 feet. Unlike Dave , I trust the deva, but it would be nice to confirm it in character.

2015-07-17, 12:26 AM
"My name is Maloshi, I am a Deva from Celestial." He answers seeming unbothered by the questions, "the stone holds the soul of an exceedingly righteous paladin, Belvor IV, king of Furyondy. He and his noble knights are responsible for slaying innumerable evil dragons while he ruled. Trapped, not only is he no longer allowed to pass, but he cannot be raised or resurrected. Additionally, it can be used power extremely evil and destructive magic in the wrong hands. And currently, it is in the wrong hands.

Wait- Eva asks. Won't retrieving the orb just leave the soul still entrapped? Wouldn't it be better to destroy the orb and free his soul?

2015-07-17, 03:43 AM
Maloshi is an angel

2015-07-17, 06:44 AM
Bahrash didn't understand where he was at first but he did realize that it was certainly much easier to breath now. Now water wasn't filling his lungs. He did understand that he wasn't near the sea anymore and the implications of that scared him a little inside. As he walked forward he saw more people ahead of him. They weren't his people, certainly. None had scales. He approached cautiously but not cowardly. If what he suspected was true, there would be no point in delaying the inevitable. He heard what the angel above them said about being dead and his heart sank. So it was true. He listened as the others speak about the offer. Finally, he put in his two coppers,

"I don't mean to question but why us? Certainly there are more qualified souls for a task such as this. How would we even start? I don't know about you others but I've no experience in fighting or adventuring. I'm a simple fisherman. Don't think me ungrateful for such an offer as this. I've just got no special talents or skills for fighting devils."

2015-07-17, 08:12 AM
As Peren listened to Maloshi's reply, his face grew sullen. He regretted speaking the way he did, but could not find the words. As the deva finished, he nodded in silence as his agreement that he would accept this task.

At the sound of the others, he was a little surprised when Eva chimed in, considering how willing she was to volunteer. Still, both she and Dave offered good questions, and listened for Maloshi's answer. However, he had already consented and that was not going to change.

2015-07-17, 09:05 AM
Wait- Eva asks. Won't retrieving the orb just leave the soul still entrapped? Wouldn't it be better to destroy the orb and free his soul?

"Destroying the orb would have very severe consequences. You'll bring it back to me and I will take it to those who can properly and safely remove it."

"I don't mean to question but why us? Certainly there are more qualified souls for a task such as this. How would we even start? I don't know about you others but I've no experience in fighting or adventuring. I'm a simple fisherman. Don't think me ungrateful for such an offer as this. I've just got no special talents or skills for fighting devils."

"Ah, but you will discover you do have that power, as some already seem to have." His eyes wander towards Dave, a slight smirk on his face, "and it is because you are so unassuming that makes you perfect for this task. Your respective afterlives won't miss you not showing up, the likelihood of someone resurrecting you and disrupting the task is minimal and the fiends you will be slipping past won't be noticing you simply due to your history. No, you are exactly what is needed and that is why you were chosen."

2015-07-17, 11:08 AM
Bahrash considered the being's words but not for terribly long. The situation was what the situation was. Delaying wouldn't change it. Bahrash wasn't scared of eternity. He was sure it was a grand thing. He just wasn't ready for it yet. Maloshi had been right, he did want to adventure. His life had not been wasted but he yearned to do more. Maybe now he could. Since the Deva had mentioned having power, Bahrash swore he could now feel more dragon within him than he ever had before. "All right, then. If it's people who volunteer that you want, I'll be among them."

2015-07-17, 11:51 AM
Eva smiles, a bright, innocent look on her face. So we're all agreed! I'm Evangaline-Eva, for short. Who are all of you?

2015-07-17, 12:19 PM
Dave didn't know how to describe it, but somehow in is bones he knew that the divine being was indeed an angel. It wasn't like being overwhelmed by power. It was just...a fact.

"Oh gods. he really is an angel" Dave grabbed the spear thing-a glaive?-tightly. "DOn't ask me how I know, I just do.

2015-07-17, 02:56 PM
Vice huffed, moving her gaze from Peren to Dave. "What made you think he wasn't in the first place? There are demons and devils in the world. Something has to balance them out." She sighed and shook her head, moving her hair back over one of her horns before looking over the crew assembled, taking note of the fellow seafarer.
"It is what it is though. I'm Vice. I guess it would help to say I worked as a spotter on a trade ship. Might've even run across your port once or twice." She nodded her head in the direction of the Dragonborn.

2015-07-17, 04:08 PM
Vice huffed, moving her gaze from Peren to Dave. "What made you think he wasn't in the first place? There are demons and devils in the world. Something has to balance them out." She sighed and shook her head, moving her hair back over one of her horns before looking over the crew assembled, taking note of the fellow seafarer.
"It is what it is though. I'm Vice. I guess it would help to say I worked as a spotter on a trade ship. Might've even run across your port once or twice." She nodded her head in the direction of the Dragonborn.

"I'm Bahrash, of the Delmirev tribe. I doubt you would have stopped at our village. It is quite small and of little interest to outsiders, aside from a few traders that arrive each season."

2015-07-17, 04:16 PM
I'm from Verdest, Eva says. It's a little city, and kinda poor-or at least I could never find work. I... So, who're you? she asks Dave.

Wait-Maloshi-I have to know. Is Yugo okay?

2015-07-17, 04:28 PM
Peren seemed quite distracted. He knew they had been chosen for a great task, and here they were casually introducing themselves to one another.

We don't even have the equipment for this, he thought. Then he noticed the weapon. How long had he been holding that? Did it just appear? Or have I been in too awe of my surroundings and new purpose. Peren continued in silence as he pondered this.

2015-07-17, 11:09 PM
I'm from Verdest, Eva says. It's a little city, and kinda poor-or at least I could never find work. I... So, who're you? she asks Dave.

Wait-Maloshi-I have to know. Is Yugo okay?

The angel looks at Eva curiously. Then answers, "I do not know of the person you speak."

2015-07-17, 11:14 PM
Yugo. He's my pet mouse.

2015-07-18, 03:57 AM
Vice stopped looking at the others for a moment and turned her head towards the Deva after hearing Eva's words.

"To add to that... what happens if we run into any of our kin again? Will they remember us? And what's going to happen to us once we've completed this quest? Will we get to have the chance to continue to stay alive or will we be ushered on?" She fidgeted slightly, swaying from one foot to the other in sudden nervousness.

2015-07-18, 10:57 AM
After a few moments, Peren finally came out of his head and down from the awe. He turned to Maloshi, and mad his concerns known.

""I'm more concerned about the tools we have..or lack thereof necessary to complete the mission. You've stated we have the power, some us that we have not yet begun to explore. However, some of us don't have the equipment or weapons should they be required. Or is it like our powers and are things we must discover?"

2015-07-19, 08:52 AM
Yugo. He's my pet mouse.

The angel almost looks stunned at the revelation, then answers, "I'm sorry but human souls are all I was tracking. "

"To add to that... what happens if we run into any of our kin again? Will they remember us? And what's going to happen to us once we've completed this quest? Will we get to have the chance to continue to stay alive or will we be ushered on?" She fidgeted slightly, swaying from one foot to the other in sudden nervousness.

" After completing this task, you will be returned to life. You will be known to your family, though likely changed with the completion of your task. And your newfound abilities will remain.

""I'm more concerned about the tools we have..or lack thereof necessary to complete the mission. You've stated we have the power, some us that we have not yet begun to explore. However, some of us don't have the equipment or weapons should they be required. Or is it like our powers and are things we must discover?"

"You will be supplied with basic provisions, do not worry. They are waiting for you where you will begin your task. There also will be a city nearby and you'll have some funds supplied for whatever else you may desire.

2015-07-19, 04:54 PM
Peren nodded, his mind steeled for the task at hand. Now is the time to do what you've always wanted he thought. If his heart could pound it would, from a mix of bother excitement and nervousness. He too a deep breath and exhaled. Finally, he spoke. "I'm ready. What of the rest of you?".

2015-07-19, 04:59 PM
"Before we leave, do you have any advice for us in this task?", Bahrash asks, "Or can you tell us any specific challenges we should prepare ourselves for?"

2015-07-19, 05:07 PM
Or anything about our powers, for that matter, Eva adds. I can't think of anything I could do to help against devils.

2015-07-19, 05:27 PM
Dave, still overwhelmed by everything that he had been told and had felt, just nodded. Looking closer, the stick he grabbed was just a stick, so he tossed it aside in embarrassment.

2015-07-19, 07:55 PM
" After completing this task, you will be returned to life. You will be known to your family, though likely changed with the completion of your task. And your newfound abilities will remain."[/b]

Vice let out a quiet sigh of relief at the Deva's words, nodding her head. "That's good to hear. It will make things much simpler in the long run." She looked at the others, then down at herself, blinking with surprise that her hands were shaking. She smiled sadly, shaking her hands after a moment, trying to appear confident. "Well I guess I'm with the others. Best way to deal with the unknown is to go straight at it. I'm ready."

2015-07-19, 08:26 PM
"Each of your new abilities are based off of the person you were or skills you possessed in life. If you find yourself thinking you can do something, it is likely the altered part of you trying to do so. ((While it may surprise them their first time using the their skills, spells, etc, your character can do so without issue and won't believe they can do something that they can't.)) as for other advice, that is hard to say. Listen to Herfik the Silent, though don't give him or anyone else you encounter your full trust. Only trust yourselves and one another. Other than that all I can say is, don't die, it will not be pleasant if you do. But I am quite confident in who I selected and so I am confident in all of you."

With that he begins fading from view as your surroundings brighten immensely. You squeeze your eyes shut until the brightness fades away.

You open your eyes to a rocky wasteland, stretching out endlessly to mountains along the horizon in all directions. Their jagged peaks stab up into the blood-red sky. The air is hot and still. It smells of rot and decay. The ground is a jagged amalgamation of dirt, bones, metal, and volcanic soil – all caked in blood. It appears to be littered with the detritus of countless battles. Here and there you see blood trickling out of the ground in vein-like streams. The sky is starless, full of choking smoke, and it glows a dark red due to balls of flammable gas that are floating about or streaking across the sky, randomly exploding as fireballs. The exploding of these fireballs are the only sounds you can hear, apart from the occasional distant screams that seem be coming from all directions.

You are in Avernus, the topmost layer of Baator. You are in the Nine Hells.


2015-07-19, 08:32 PM
Eva looks at her new equipment, surprised at what she finds. A hammer and shield? And armor? I never used these when I was alive.

2015-07-19, 09:06 PM
Vice looked down at the pack and weapons that rested on the ground next to her, rubbing her skin to keep herself from shivering. "Hoped I would never have to see this landscape..." She crouched down and began looking through the pack, her eyes checking for extensive wear and tear. "Food... Water... Light... Rope... Looks like camping basics mostly. Least the leather looks serviceable and the weapons in good order."

She glanced around, moving behind a nearby rock to pull on the leather gear, belting them tightly in place before moving over to Eva. "Do you want some help putting that on? I know enough about armor from working on a ship to get the basics."

2015-07-19, 09:10 PM
No, Eva says as she dons the armor. It feels natural. Just... Unexpected to my mind, not my body, you know? She hefts the warhammer sturdily in her hand, giving it a few swings.

2015-07-19, 09:33 PM
Vice nodded her head, slinging the shield on her back along with quiver and bow, while belting a rapier to her side.
"Makes sense. It feels kind of weird how familiar these things feel. I had a shortbow when I was a sailor, but noting like this." Once equipped, she looked around, trying to find some path or direction that would give the group an idea of which direction to head. "Looks like we're the first one's here... But didn't that angel say that we'd start near a city? Do you see one?"

2015-07-19, 09:51 PM
Bahrash sees the landscape before them and his heart sinks for the second time. They were going to suffer before they reached their goal. Was he making the right decision? Eternity had been guaranteed before. Now, if he failed, only hellfire was. Only time would tell if the risk was worth the reward. He saw his gear nearby. So little. What was he to do with no armor or larger weapons? What were his abilities? He shouldered his pack and strapped the daggers on, as well as the handaxe. Another glace at the scenery and he realized that he should feel the heat from this place but he was as cool and natural as though a coastal breeze was blowing. Perhaps he was one of the right people for this task. He glanced to the others, "Where do you think our guide is? Or that town? I wonder what kind of supplies one finds in hell."

2015-07-19, 09:58 PM
You notice several white shapes shambling towards you, still a few hundred feet away. It looks as if they have noticed something happen, but haven't quite noticed the party yet.
To identify what the creatures are.
Religion DC- 10
Arcana DC- 12

Copied from OOC thread. Here is the backpack to go along with player's equipment

-7 days of rations
-Magical waterskin that holds 10 gallons (10 days) of water, but always weighs 5lbs (even when empty)
-50'coil of hempen rope
-Strange coins that are almost gemlike in color. (25gp worth each, for when you hit town)
-Lamp fill with a pint of oil
-Tinderbox and messkit

2015-07-19, 10:02 PM
The young wood elf picked up his bow admrnv it, distracted while Eva & Vice donned their equipmemt. "At least you have experience with yours. I was only good with my bow in my dreams," Peren said distantly. He shook his head like one would shake off nerves. Relaxing oncemore, he suited up in his new leather armor and slung his backback and quiver across his torso, He stood quetly after his comment, still a bit oblivious to his surroundings.

2015-07-19, 10:17 PM
"We haven't seen anything so far..." Her words trailed off, peering off across the landscape. "Hold on... There are a couple... things over there. They look white but... I can't tell what they are exactly. I didn't exactly have time to study books on a place such as this. Have any of you heard of these things?"

2015-07-19, 10:19 PM
Eva looks, trying to make out what Vice pointed out.


Perception, with advantage(?) for it already being pointed out.

2015-07-19, 10:32 PM
Eva sees the same as Vice, but can tell there are eight figures

2015-07-19, 10:41 PM
Dave was surprised by all the stuff in his pile. Crossbow, Dagger, and Glaive? Where did he put everything. For a moment he just stood there, pondering. Until the others mentioned some one approaching. Considering where they were, that was unlikely to be good. Dave scrambled to put everything on, and turned to face where the others were looking

Might as well:

2015-07-19, 10:53 PM
Dave sees the same as Vice.
You notice several white shapes shambling towards you, still a few hundred feet away. It looks as if they have noticed something happen, but haven't quite noticed the party yet.
To identify what the creatures are.
Religion DC- 10
Arcana DC- 12

2015-07-20, 04:22 AM
Vice's words brought him out of his daze. He looked in the direction she pointed to find out just what she was seeing


2015-07-20, 12:06 PM
Lemures. Eight of them. They're kind of the lowest of the devils-my mom used to use them as an example of how the evil people of the world got what they deserved.

2015-07-20, 12:09 PM
Dave grasped his glaive, the weapon that felt the most "right" in his hands. "So, what should we do? Attack?"

2015-07-20, 12:11 PM
Bahrash turns to look at what Vice points out and then crouches down to be harder to see at a distance. "I can't say I like the look of those. They don't look quite right to me." He begins to search around them for a place that they might hide themselves from view in.

Are we in the middle of an open plain, on the side or top of a hill, etc? Are there any places nearby that might offer better cover than where we are currently?

2015-07-20, 12:14 PM
Dave grasped his glaive, the weapon that felt the most "right" in his hands. "So, what should we do? Attack?"

It might be best to just try to avoid them. They don't look to be that fast.

2015-07-20, 12:35 PM
Agreed Peren said in response to Eva. No need in starting a fight if we don't have to. Though we should be on guard should they spot us

2015-07-20, 12:47 PM
"Simplest way to avoid that fight would be to just walk in a different direction. If everyone is ready to go, let's push on. That city has to be out there somewhere. Did that angel give any of us a map?" She hitched her pack high onto her shoulders, letting the bow be accessible, then paused, looking at Eva. "Do you think those Lemures would know where the city is?

2015-07-20, 12:49 PM
No, Eva answers. They're supposed to be less intelligent than most animals. Even if they knew where the city was, I doubt they'd put two and two together to go there.

2015-07-20, 12:56 PM
"Mm. Shame. Woulda been an easy way to find out where it is. In that case... Opposite direction makes the most easy way to dodge?" She looked at the way opposite from where the Lemures were coming, before bending over and making a small, odd pile of stones to mark where they had been before heading off, pausing only to look back at the others. "Shall we?"

2015-07-20, 01:08 PM
Seeing no reason to stay, Bahrash rises and follows after vice.

2015-07-20, 01:13 PM
Eva follows Vice, sparing an occassional glance back at the Lemures to make sure they aren't catching up.

2015-07-20, 01:53 PM
Moving back several hundred feet as you spotting a large contingent of devils moving in rank to or from their lines in the Blood War. Their numbers are nearly immovable and stretch across the horizon left to right. Going around them is impossible.
The lemures have more or less stopped where the party had originally appeared. They shamble about as if searching for anything they can find. After some time, they go back the way they came, at a slow walking pace.

[If facing the lemures, the army is behind you. To your left is a massive gorge and the only bridge seems to be in use by the army. To your right the area stretches almost endlessly, getting rockier and rockier until there are mountains far beyond. Beyond the lemures has the closest thing that may resemble a road. Namely, a winding stretch that seems to have had the rocks cleared away at points. The gorge almost cross left to right and looks like it intersects this cleared path. Perhaps a bridge.]

2015-07-20, 01:58 PM
Looks like there's only one way to really go. Through the Lemures.

2015-07-20, 02:35 PM
Peren grimaced at the sight and nearly turned on his heels.

Back toward the Lemures it is... his voice trailed off. He made sure to have his bow in hand, himself off behind but off to the right of Vice.

2015-07-20, 02:38 PM
We should be fine. There aren't too many of them, and we have bows to attack them from a distance. So long as we fight smart, we'll be fine. Eva smiles after speaking.


A close look at her face, though, reveals she's actually rather worried and just trying to pretend confidence.

2015-07-20, 04:15 PM
Not long after the Lemures turn back around, a hooded figure appears before you, having just been invisible. He is seven feet tall and has a blotchy yellow cast to his skin. As he approaches, he pulls back his hood to reveal his tall, thin face with shaved head and yellow, emotionless eyes.
"You are late," he says, "you should have been here days ago. I'm Herfik, your guide. Almost saw you, they did. Bah, but don't worry. A few lemures wouldn't do much to the likes of you."
Herfik pulls out several brass chain necklaces and reaches them out towards the party.
"This is your way home, guard it well. Without it, you'll be stuck here and eventually end up like those poor sods. You can leave before our task is complete, go on to the afterlife if you wish, but no second chance at life if you do that. Just hold on with your right hand and wish hard. Better than dying here I suppose. So, who do we have here?" The man talks fast and the break is likely a relief to those having to listen to him. Herfik the Silent obviously satirical nickname.

2015-07-20, 04:25 PM
I'm Eva. And these are my companions-Dave, Peren, Vice, Elyndrael, and Bahrash, she says, pointing to the other half-elf, the wood elf, the tiefling, the other wood elf, and the dragonborn in turn.

2015-07-20, 06:08 PM
Vice sniffed, looking over Herfik. "Charmed. Sorry our death's didn't happen quick enough for your convenience." She snatches one of the chains from his hand, then placed it over her head.

2015-07-20, 06:10 PM
Peren raises an eyebrow. I wasn't aware I was supposed to die sooner he said dryly in response to Herfik. His brow furrows as he thinks about those words. I wonder if I really was meant to die sooner...

2015-07-20, 06:11 PM
Dave took the chain without comment. "So which way are we going?

2015-07-21, 06:24 AM
Bahrash takes his chain and awaits for the "Silent" to give them their information while keeping an eye out on the area around them.

2015-07-21, 03:10 PM
"Yes, let's get going," he begins walking much in the direction of the lemures and continues talking. "When they are close enough, devils can smell the death on you and most won't ignore you if you attract their attention, so don't." His tone is one you might hear an adult using when being condescending to a child.

"The devil that stole the Dragon Globe is named Selakon. He is an ice devil, a twelve-foot tall insect like beast. He is accompanied by three shorter devils that look a lot like gargoyles. These are abishai." He stops and looks at the group suddenly, "Selakon will kill you, period, so don't think that's how you're going to get the globe from him."

He turns and continues walking, "Three things you need to know about devils. First, they are lawful. They live by a very strict hierarchy, from the lowly lemur to the mighty pit fiend. The stronger classes of devils subjugate the weak and rule over them tyrannically. But if a devil says that he will do something, you can rely on him to do it.
Second, they are evil. They are always scheming amongst themselves, trying to improve their status. you can count on them to betray anyone, or break any oath, if the reward is high enough, and the chance of being caught is low enough. For you, this means that you can often bribe a devil to look the other way. I expect that is what you will be using most of these for." He holds up a pouch and tosses it to Eva, her being the one who introduced everyone. Inside are several gemstones, 500gp in value. "Whatever you don't use is your reward, along with your lives and the gear you've been given. Third, each devil is an individual with his own personality and reasons for doing things. So don't be surprised if any particular devil doesn't behave as you might expect. Some may be downright 'noble' to reach whatever end they are reaching for."

He stops abruptly as you reach a slight rise and look down. The road is more pronounce now and it definitely leads over the chasm. However, not far ahead of you are the eight lemures. They appear to be fighting over a rust red rock, two keeping it away from another three and the last three standing around, almost oblivious.

2015-07-21, 03:14 PM
Eva catches the pouch, looking inside for a moment before tucking it into her armor. What are they doing? And what should we do?

2015-07-21, 06:30 PM
Peren listens intently as Herfik reveals the nature of these devils. He can't help but glance over at vice, but felt if Maloshi trusted her, then there was no reason so far that he shouldn't. Herfik was another story, as Maloshi specifically cautioned fully trusting him.

After Eva asked her question, Peren asked his. Are you not a devil? What's to keep you from betraying us?

2015-07-21, 08:53 PM
Herfik glances over at Peren, his face clearly one of confusion. "Where you get such an idea? I'm Githzeria. Can't you tell or has death really affected your intelligence so much?" He shakes his head, then answers Vice, "What they are doing, who can tell. When your mind is nothing more than a speck you can be completely unpredictable and irrational. As for what we should do," he shrugs, "I'm here to guide you not make decisions. If you fight them, I'll stay back. If you wish to go around east, I'll do my best to lead you, but don't blame me if we get ambushed. You are the heroes expected to steal a rather powerful artifact from a rather powerful devil. You're going to be making many decisions harder than this"

2015-07-21, 09:44 PM
Dave was a bit tired of all the talking, and sneaking around. Heroes acted, they didn't stand around pondering life. I think we should just go now. While they're distracted.

2015-07-22, 07:47 AM
After observing the formless lumps he finally spoke, "Herfik, if we attack these creatures do they have some way to call for reinforcements other than yelling?"

2015-07-22, 10:20 AM
"No, and I doubt they will even have a mind to do that."

2015-07-22, 10:57 AM
That's the safest fight we're ever likely to get here, isn't it?

2015-07-22, 11:42 AM
"Then let's not waste too much time chattering about it. We'll get the measure of these beasts and be done with them."

2015-07-22, 11:55 AM
Gripping his bow tight, Peren didn't respond to Herfik's backlash. He instead listened intently at the others' discussion and nodded in agreement when it seemed the consensus was to fight.

2015-07-22, 12:01 PM
Peren, Vice-ready your bows. Dave, your crossbow. Let's try to take them out before they even reach us. It doesn't matter that it's a long shot-we can recover the ammo when we're done. Eva stops after giving her orders, surprised. I... I guess I have a head for tactics. Well, she swallows. Fire when ready.

2015-07-22, 01:26 PM
Vice grinned, then let the bow slide from her shoulder, grasping it in her hand and knocking an arrow to it. "I'll try to drop the one closest to us first. I should have a long enough range from here, but I can't say how accurate I'll be. So after we try to shoot, we can either wait for a charge or charge them. Herfik, are they scared of anything? Fire or cold or the like?" She drew the arrow back to her ear, sighting as best she could. "Just say when."

2015-07-22, 01:44 PM
Seeing Vice ready her bow, he did the same. As she had already claimed the nearest to them as a target, he chose one next to it that he could see. As he sighted his target, he was surprised at how sharp his vision seemed to be. It was something new for him to experience. He took a deep breath and then said "When", pausing before shooting so that all those wishing to could fire simultaneously.

Would like to ready an action and attack when all fire after he says "when"

Should the readied action go off.
Attack: [roll]1d20+5
Damage: [roll0]

2015-07-22, 01:46 PM
"Don't use fire" He answers stepping back from the group. "And no, they're too mindless to really be afraid."

((Whoever wishes to attack, feel free to do so. Attacks are normal. Advantage for surprise will cancel disadvantage for range. Roll initiative afterwards for the following round to speed things up.

AC- 7, HP- 13, So feel free to add your attacks and say if you knock one out))

2015-07-22, 02:20 PM
Vice's grin widened another degree as she let fly her arrow with Peren.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Before seeing the first one land, she began to ready another arrow.

2015-07-22, 03:44 PM
Dave loaded his crossbow a bit more hesitantly. He had never been good at aiming in life, and had never held a crossbow at all. Still,they gave him the crossbow, which implied he could use it.


Initiative: [roll2]

2015-07-22, 07:09 PM
Bahrash couldn't quite say why but the caution against using fire irked him. Fire seemed natural. That's when he noticed a bit of flame around his hand. He wasn't shocked. It was his doing' he was sure; the dragon within him. That was what he could do. But if fire wouldn't help, it wouldn't help. He squashed the flame in a fist and drew his handaxe. He needed to figure out some different way to help, maybe something less offensive and more subtle to assist these heavy hitters. If only he could knock out their enemies.

I ready an action to cast sleep as soon as they are in range.

2015-07-22, 07:19 PM
Eva holds her shield in one hand-the other, she holds at her side, radiant light filling it.

Initiatve [roll0]
Readying an action to cast Sacred Flame as soon as one gets near enough.

2015-07-23, 02:04 AM
Seeing the two holding the stone get struck by arrows, their three challengers lunge, knocking the two down and a short grapple begins. Finally they realize what happened and take notice of the party.

Herfik is nowhere to be seen, seemingly disappeared behind the party.





Rest of Party (Who should feel ashamed for losing to creatures that have a -3 to their roll)


The two that had the stone (and were injured already) are covered by the other three, making a shot impossible. So there are six possible targets. The three who wanted the rock and the three oblivious to the right. All approximately 300' away

2015-07-23, 05:31 AM
Hold steady and aim true. I don't want any of us getting hurt if we can avoid it.

2015-07-23, 12:03 PM
Vice thrust her fist into the air after the arrow hit, before leaning over to punch Peren in the arm. "Go us! Not a bad way to start!"

I feel because of the low rolls that Vice must have done SOMETHING to distract the archers.

2015-07-23, 01:25 PM
The lemures dash forward (double move 30') and are now 270' away.

All are more or less free to be shot at now. The rock is forgotten on the ground.

Everyone is free to go.

2015-07-23, 01:38 PM
Dave was pleasantly surprised he managed to hit, considering the distance. He still was a bit clumsy with loading the crossbow, and wasn't entirely confident in his next shot.

Since none of the lemures are surprised now, its Disadvantage time!
To hit: [roll0]


2015-07-23, 02:08 PM
Vice winced at the distraction she caused, then turned back at the Lemure's, knocking another arrow and letting it fly, aiming for the most injured one.


Damage If hits:

2015-07-23, 02:09 PM
(Whoops, didn't finish damage roll)


2015-07-23, 02:54 PM
Peren was quite surprised he had hit one from such a distance. He had never fired a bow, they always dreamed about it. He quickly took another arrow and fired at the one he had hit from before

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2015-07-23, 05:36 PM
Dave's bolt flies into the closest one. Vice hit's the one with two arrows near the back and it drops. Peren's arrow takes the closest right next to Dave's bolt and it drops as well.

The remaining 6 lemures keep closing the distance. They are now 240' away.

Eva and Bahrash have actions readied for when (if) the lemures get into range.

The party may roll once again.

Lemures in order from closest to furthest. You have open shots at all of them.

Rock Thief 1- DEAD
Rock Thief 2-
Rock Thief 3-

Bystander 1-
Bystander 2-
Bystander 3-

Rock Holder- 4dmg
Partner- DEAD

2015-07-23, 05:40 PM
That's a quarter gone! Good aim, Peren, Dave, Vice! Eva says, encouraging the archers. Herfik, you can probably come out. I doubt enough will reach here to be a threat to us.

2015-07-23, 06:42 PM
As Peren sees his quarry fall, his excitement begins to build. He takes yet another arrow and fires at the next closest target.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-07-23, 06:49 PM
Slowly feeling more confident, Dave loaded his crossbow once again, and fired.

Attack (still with disadvantage): [roll0]

Damage: [roll2]

2015-07-24, 02:00 AM
"It's like trying to hit a drunk dwarf in an inn! You can't miss! Hahahahahaha." Vice cackled with laughter ad glee as she knocked another arrow and let fly.


If it hits: [roll1]

2015-07-24, 10:21 AM
Eva and Bahrash have actions readied for when (if) the lemures get into range.

Three more projectiles find two targets. One being the injured one in the back and the other two the closest one in front. Both drop to the ground. The other four keep coming, showing no concern for their comrades and continuing their "dash" forward. They are now 210' away.

The party may roll once again.

Rock Thief 1- DEAD
Rock Thief 2- DEAD
Rock Thief 3-

Bystander 1-
Bystander 2-
Bystander 3-

Rock Holder- DEAD
Partner- DEAD

This is like a pregame IC, where people are doing an archery contest. Roleplay with a random shot here and there, except you're getting (minimal) experience! Haha. Next battle won't be as easy I swear!

2015-07-24, 05:15 PM
Vice just continued to grin, knocking another arrow and letting fly at the closest Lemure. "If they're being this easy to take out, there still remains the question of whether or not we would kill them before the others could even get close!



2015-07-24, 05:39 PM
Dave was still silent, focusing on loading his crossbow. While he had made all of his shots so far, he still just didn't feel as comfortable with the crossbow as his companions were with their weapons. Not that each successful shot didn't bring a smile to his face

More Crossbows! And Disadvantage!


Damage: [roll2]

2015-07-24, 09:34 PM
Peren fired alongside Vice & Dave. He tried to remain fcused, though he couldn't help feel a bit giddy, accomplishing something he never thought he would be capable of doing. He took a deep breath, nocked yet another arrow and fired at the closest as well.


2015-07-24, 11:28 PM
Eva and Bahrash have actions readied for when (if) the lemures get into range.

Dave's projectile misses, though the other two drop another of the advancing lemures. They are now 180' away.

The party may roll once again.

Rock Thief 1- DEAD
Rock Thief 2- DEAD
Rock Thief 3- DEAD

Bystander 1-
Bystander 2-
Bystander 3-

Rock Holder- DEAD
Partner- DEAD

2015-07-24, 11:32 PM
Good shooting! I'm surprised we've only had a few missed shots so far, at this range. Eva goes to clap her companions on the back, but stops, not wanting to throw off their aim.

2015-07-25, 12:08 AM
With a rueful smile at his miss, Dave reloaded his crossbow for another shot.



2015-07-25, 12:52 AM
Vice grinned at her latest shot, blood pumping in her ears, making her jog forward to get a better shot at the creatures. "I won't be trapped down here ever with the likes of you." She whispered these words as she let fly.

Vice will move forward 30' to get within 150' to remove the disadvantage penalty.



2015-07-25, 10:11 AM
Peren followed Vice's example, though not for the same reason. Should their arrows miss their mark or not penetrate the devils' hide far enough...well he didn't want to think what might happen if one were left to fend for one self agains 4 opponents, weak as they may seem. He let loose another arrow as soon as he caught up.


2015-07-25, 11:15 AM
Eva follows her companions, standing just ahead of them so that way she'd be the first the Lemures would target.

2015-07-26, 11:08 PM
Bahrash rushes forward to stay with his teammates but still prepares himself for some type of magic should these creatures get close enough.

2015-07-27, 04:43 PM
Eva and Bahrash have actions readied for when (if) the lemures get into range.

Another drops while a second is severely injured. Another volley should finish them off. They are now 120' away.

The party may roll once again.

Rock Thief 1- DEAD
Rock Thief 2- DEAD
Rock Thief 3- DEAD

Bystander 1- DEAD
Bystander 2- 10hp damage
Bystander 3-

Rock Holder- DEAD
Partner- DEAD

2015-07-27, 04:54 PM
"Almost there," Dave whispered to himself, readying his crossbow. Just a few more shots should do it.

To hit [roll0]


2015-07-27, 05:40 PM
One more dead, Dave! Eva cries as Dave's bolt finishes off the wounded one. One left to go. He stands no chance.

2015-07-27, 05:47 PM
Seeing Dave's arrow land, and the lemure fall, he fely his heart poubding. Just one more he thought. He drew a breath and an arrow. He nocked the arrow and pulled back the string. Another deep breath, and thdn he fired.


2015-07-27, 05:49 PM
It's not yet dead. One more shot ought to finish it.

5 HP left on the one Lemure.

2015-07-27, 09:23 PM
"To a new life, a second chance to be more than what we were. I'd say this is the best deal we can get." Vice grinned at the others, knocking her arrow and letting fly, watching it fall to earth. "And, if nothing else, to the wish that we all make it through this."

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-07-27, 09:25 PM
You can come out, Herfik. Eva says as the last Lemure dies. We're as safe as we can get here.

And Vice, Eva adds, those were some excellent words. She smiles. I couldn't ask for better companions here.

2015-07-28, 12:35 PM
Good job all, but let's not get ahead of ourselves Peren said. Seems that was only the beginning, and I've a feeling much tougher challenges are on the way. At that point, he begins walking over to inspect the Lemures, recovering his arrows as best as he can.

2015-07-28, 12:36 PM
True enough. But that's no reason to ignore even a small victory. I mean, she says, I'm part of a group that slew devils! That's more than I ever did in life.

2015-07-28, 02:13 PM
Seeing the last one fall, Dave whooped in celebration. "That was some great shooting. Before I couldn't hit our house with a javelin from more than a few feet! If Mara saw that she...wouldn't..."

It suddenly hit Dave. Mara, Miri, Rowan. His wife and daughters. He was dead, and they weren't. He might not ever see them again. And it took him this long to remember that. Dave felt his eyes tear up and the crossbow slip from his hands.

2015-07-28, 02:17 PM
Dave? Dave! Eva rushes over to him. What's wrong?

2015-07-28, 02:32 PM
Dave gulped, and tried to smile. He failed miserably. Oh no, it's just- My wife. My daughters. They think- they know that I'm dead. I'm dead, and they don't know I might come back. Maybe. I-I-It just hit me. I'm dead and all the things I'm gonna miss, even I I do get to come back. Rowan just got engaged, and..." Dave couldn't finish.

2015-07-28, 02:39 PM
Eva wraps her arms around Dave to comfort him. It's okay. Sh, it's okay. We'll rescue the Paladin, and we'll come back. You will see your wife and family again. I promise you.

So stand up, Dave! Eva orders. We don't have time to waste. Cry later-when you see your family again, and you can have tears of joy.

2015-07-28, 08:27 PM
Peren saw Dave breakdown, and couldn't help but interject. At least you got to have a family, to have a wife and children. I didn't rven have that. The gods saw fit to give me a cripling condition, yo be fated to live alone once my parents passed, and now ask me to help. Your line continues. I could very well be the last in my family's line. Tears are not going to help us get back His tone was bitter, as if he felt that his fate had been worse than Dave's.

2015-07-29, 12:16 AM
Those looking around will notice Herfik casually sitting on a rock near where the lemures had been when the party had first began shooting at them. He seems in no hurry as the party talks among themselves.

((All arrows are retrieved, either in soft flesh or the one or two that missed just skidded and are found))

2015-07-29, 02:48 AM
Vice walked over and slapped Peren on the cheek. Lightly. "And yet you're an elf. You'll live centuries longer than most of us. If we get out alive, you have the chance to start a family of your own, one that will last far longer than most of the rest of us. Tears may not help us get back, but they can help us accept where we are and move forward. If you really were a cripple, can't you at least be happy you're up and walking?" Vice glared at him, tears in her own eyes before turning to walk to stand by Herfik.

"Was that satisfactory enough for you to show that we can at least do something?"

2015-07-29, 04:21 AM
Peren didn't say a word. Vice was right, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. 'If we get out' were the the words that echoed through his mind. He stood there, away from the group as he reflected on the weight of his words. His own tears started to well as he thought of how much further they really had to go and what he would miss if they failed. And what he would, could do if they succeeded. He took a deep breath and wiped any tears forming. He kept his distance as they all turned their attention back to Herfik.

2015-07-29, 09:22 AM
Bahrash walks up to the nearest corpse and kneels down to inspect it. It is gruesome and unnatural. He pokes its flesh with a finger and shivers at the consistency. He remembers what he did earlier and concentrates until a small flame appears in his hand. He holds it next to the dead creature's skin and watches as it does nothing. No burns or smoke. It made sense. They were in Hell, after all. Anything that was native here would have to be naturally immune to fire. He couldn't say why but it made him angry. The dragon within him didn't like things that couldn't burn. Maybe he could produce more than just flame? He would have to practice.

The others all seemed to be having some kind of an emotional moment. He empathized but didn't have anything to contribute to their conversation. He just waited until they seemed to have wound down and then headed with them over to Herfik. To him he said, These creatures are just the beginning, aren't they? What other kinds of abominations will we encounter in this accursed place?

2015-07-29, 10:10 AM
Herfik just smiles when addressed, "Guide, remember, you're the heroes. As for what you'll find here, yes many evil things. Many that are surprisingly less so. The city we're going to isn't much different than a normal city on the material plain. Yeah a devil here and there, but folks of all sorts.

Now if you're done playing with dead things, I believe we should get going. Late to arrive, wasting time fighting lemures, what's next?" The continues walking down the path, not even bothering to see if people are following. The skyline is clear of further enemies, though there does seem to be some activity at the bridge you are bound to cross. A look back will have the party notice a constant cloud of smoke, likely from the massive army still moving.

"The servants angels use. Makes you wonder, why? But who am I to judge them. Except an underpaid mortal, who's life and eternal existence could rest on those decisions."

2015-07-29, 10:27 AM
Eva helps Dave to his feet, grasping his hand in hers, then follows after Herfik.

2015-07-29, 11:40 AM
Peren follows after the others, but maintains about 10 feet of distance. In part it was to make sure none were in his firing line and he wasn't in their's. However, it was also due to his poor reaction earlier, not knowing how to feel about any of it.

As they continued to follow Herfik, Peren began to wonder just to where Herfik was guiding him. He said nothing though, not wanting to induce further conflict among party members. His bow still in hand, he began to look around as they walked on, trying to make sure know danger could surprise them while on their path.


2015-07-29, 01:25 PM
Dave walked behind the rest of the group on the way to their next destination. He had managed to dry his tears, and continue moving. The group was right, they didn't have time to worry.

2015-07-29, 02:40 PM
As the group walked behind Herfik, Vice sidled over to where Peren was walking away from the group. She brushed her hair behind a horn and out of her eyes before letting out a sigh in the uncomfortable silence. "I'm... sorry I hit you. It doesn't help, really, in making you feel better, I know, but..." She let out another uncomfortable sigh, fidgeting as they walked, glancing at him occasionally. "You said you were a cripple earlier. Is that true?"

2015-07-29, 06:23 PM
Peren looked at Vice and exhaled softly.

It's ok, it was deserved. He paused a moment, trying yo decide how much to say. I had bones that broke incredibly easily. The slightest impact and they could crack. I led a pretty sheltered life because of it, burying my head in books. Hence my people skills. He smile weakly as he tried to make a quip, a touch of melancholy still in his voice.

2015-07-30, 11:53 PM
"Pray tell me, how ever were you chosen to be a hero then?" He asks, perhaps a mixture of shock and disdain in Herfik's voice. "Brittle bones doesn't seem like something that'd make a strong hero."

2015-07-31, 05:54 AM
Peren glares back at Herfik. "Not all heroes start or finish physically strong. I don't know why I was chosen. Obviously Maloshi saw something in me, in us to pull us from our final destination. One, I might remind you, we might all still be denied. All in the service of the gods who lost the orb we are trying to retrieve. You can question my strength, you can question our ability, don't dare question our heart."

Peren drew in some heavy breaths, clearly angered at Herfik's comment. Calming down after a moment, the elf continued. "Now, if you don't mind, let's not waste time worrying about what I couldn't do then. You're meant to be our guide, so please, guide us now."

2015-07-31, 07:34 PM
"Guiding away, sir" Herfik answers with a sarcastic bow. Those paying close enough attention may realize he's not being malicious, more just being annoying and rude, simply for the fun of it.

The final rise before the bridge, about 200 feet away, reveals another group of eight lemures on the bridge, seemingly not doing much of anything.

Herfik finds himself a rock to sit on, "Well, my dear heroes, will you be engaging this viscous pack of villains as well?"

2015-07-31, 07:42 PM
Will they attack us first? Eva asks.

2015-08-01, 04:10 AM
"Of course, if they see you they'll attack."

2015-08-01, 07:50 AM
Draw your bows again-we have more to deal with.

As soon as they get within 90', move forward 30' and cast Sacred Flame.

2015-08-01, 12:04 PM
Whether Herfik was serious or not, his words still stung. But Peren knew it was not time to dwell on these things. He continued on with the group until they came upon this other group of lemures. He drew his bow in preparation for the next battle

I'm ready if the rest of you are.

2015-08-02, 09:05 AM
Bahrash pulls out his two daggers and nods to the others. Time for battle.

2015-08-02, 09:38 AM
Herfik let's out an exaggerated sigh, hopping down from his rock. He moves over to Peren and throws an arm around him, "You're the one with the best shot from this range right? We're going to trying something called thinking. See that stack of rocks over there?" He points about three hundred feet to the left of the group of lemures, where there's pile of rocks that look as if they have been stacked. "Aim for the top one, it might take two shots but you can likely knock it down, cause the little darlings to go investigate and we can go across, get into town and start finding the stone. Quicker we get it the quicker you go home and I can get back to my own things. Win-win, isn't it?" He drops his arm and remains standing in the group.

2015-08-02, 03:12 PM
Peren starts a bit at the sudden arm around his shoulder. He looked in the direction Herfik pointed. Realizing this was no time for petty grudges, he decided to take Herfik's suggestion. Peren does however silently shrug Herfik's arm off his shoulder, in part to have more range of motion, but also he didn't appreciate the githzerai breeching his personal space. He nocks an arrow, draws back the string, and fires at the rock.

I'll try three times. Please use the earliest roll that can hit.


2015-08-02, 05:32 PM
Peren's first shot flies true, and before he can retrieve a second, the rock on top rolls off the mound, knocking other rocks down, causing a crash.
The effect is instantaneous, the group of lemures clearly shocked begin lumbering towards the fallen pile.
Herfik claps his hands together and bows, "Magnificent shot, Mr. Hero. Now, let us be over the bridge before they return."

((The arrows clearly shattered. Though the party likely wouldn't have started a fight just to retrieve it. The party is able to make it past the bridge without incident, should they wish to.))

2015-08-02, 05:34 PM
Lead the way, Herfik, Eva says, following him once he sets off across the bridge.

2015-08-03, 04:24 AM
Peren remains expressionless at Herfik's comment.

Yes, let's get going he agreed.

2015-08-03, 06:22 PM
Eva looks out at the landscape, her hand hovering near her warhammer. She keeps a constant eye out, not trusting the hellscape to be safe.


2015-08-04, 12:17 PM
Vice walked after Peren, putting him in a mild chokehold for a second and giving him a noogie. "That was a great shot. Couldn't have done better myself." She grinned at him playful as she released him before trotting across the bridge, eyes bright and tail lashing with excitement as she looked around.


Passive Perception: 14

2015-08-04, 12:21 PM
Dave hung back a bit, keeping an eye out. He was still a bit distracted by thoughts of home, but Eva and Vioce were right, he needed to keep focus.

2015-08-04, 06:31 PM
Hours pass, with Herfik seemingly not tiring at all. The dusty red haze of the plane continued in all directions now, unbroken. Still, the party remained vigilant. Two figures flying towards the party, clearly having spotted them as well, we approaching quickly. With a blink, Herfik disappears, clearly expecting an altercation. The party has only a few moments to shout out a strategy, before the beings will engage the group.

2015-08-04, 06:35 PM
Dave, Vice, with me! Grab them and try to pin them to the ground! Peren, Bahrash, shoot them down! Eva yells, drawing her shield but leaving her right hand free.

Initiative: [roll0]
Ready an action to grapple them if they come down low or Sacred Flame if they stay high.

2015-08-04, 08:21 PM
Dave jumped slightly at the sudden attack. He really needed to be better prepared for that sort of thing here. Dave could work on that right now. Dave grasped his glaive, waiting to see what the fliers would do. If they looked to stay in the air he could toss it aside for the crossbow.

That's the problem of having multiple weapons: deciding which one is the best for each fight.

2015-08-04, 08:38 PM
Peren starts at the sound of Eva giving commands. Actung quickly he drawss out his bow, preparing for the fight.


2015-08-04, 09:03 PM
Bahrash nods and draws his handaxe. A good tool for a fisherman. He'd make ita good tool for these fiends.


2015-08-05, 07:23 PM
The fiends are too high in the air to hit with melee, but able to be hit by everyone's ranged attack or spells. The are about 10' apart from each other as well.

Vice needs to roll and beat an 8 to go before the bad guys. They appear as red abishai.

Current initiative

Peren, Bahrash, Eva

Bad Guys


2015-08-05, 07:46 PM
Vice grinned wickedly, wanting to test out her blade skills as well, but prepped her bow seeing the foes still in the air, knocking an arrow to it as she moved next to Eva.


2015-08-05, 07:52 PM
Burn, foul beasts! Burn in the light of heaven! Eva yells as she lets loose with Sacred Flame.

DC 13 Reflex save or take [roll0] damage.

2015-08-06, 12:39 AM
Vice let out a shout of glee as she let the arrow fly, aiming for the joint between shoulder and wing, trying to bring it down or at least impair it's flight.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-08-06, 06:25 AM
Bahrash did not know if these creatures were the same as the ones before and could not burn but he needed to try. He'd be useless down here on the ground otherwise. A flame built in his hand and with all his might he flung it into the air towards the creature on the right while loosing a roar.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] (Fire-Ignore Resistance)
Replace a 1 with a 2 (Elemental Adept)

I know that fire damage is useless against devils but Bahrash doesn't know what particular creatures are devils, so...

2015-08-06, 05:21 PM
Peren, becoming more at ease with his weapon, instinctively nocked an arrow, drew back the string, and let his projectile fly


2015-08-06, 06:57 PM

Peren's and Vice's arrows are dodged as the creatures continue to close in. Bahrash's bolt of flame causes the first to shriek, almost confused as to how fire can hurt as much as it did, but it continues on at the party. With great caution, they notice Eva's casting and are able to dodge that as well.

The two close in on the party, the undamaged one throws a dart-shaped bone at the Peren, sinking into the elf's flesh deep, while the one damaged by Bahrash, closes in quickly and lashes out with an almost ribbon like whip but misses as Bahrash is able to dodge.

((No clue why die roller wasn't working on here, so I just rolled at home. First attack roll was 15. Damage was 6 (ouch), second attack was 12. Peren is down to 6 hp))

Dave, and the rest of the party can do their actions again. The thrower is 30' away, but still hovering high out of melee range. The second is next to Bahrash, waiting to get hacked at.

2015-08-06, 09:49 PM
As the fiend rushed forwards to attack the dragonborn, Dave reacted without thinking. Almost like the glaive had a mind of its own, it moved in his hands, slashing at the creature twice before spinning in his hands to smack it with the but end.

First, an opportunity attack against the fiend:
Damage: [roll1]

Now, the actual attack:

And the Bonus Attack from Polearm Master:

I really hope I hit, we don't seem to be having much luck so far...

2015-08-06, 09:57 PM
Dave's reaction slices through the creature with ease. It crumples on itself with an unearthly shriek.

((The first dies to the opportunity attack. Dave still has his turn.

The second is still hovering out of melee range. All characters can take a ranged attack if they have one. AC is 15 of the creature. It has 9 hp.))

2015-08-06, 11:06 PM
Eva glances at her companions, and, after a brief pause, utters Bring it down.

She starts the assault with a burst of sacred fire on the fiend.

Sacred Flame again. DC 13 reflex save or [roll0] damage.

2015-08-07, 06:39 AM
Bahrash sees the fiend that came at him fall to Dave's attack. He nods to Dave and sees the other fiend who is hit by some bright burst of fire. He draws one of his daggers and throws it at the fiend.

[roll1] (if farther away than 20 feet, disadvantage)


2015-08-07, 04:00 PM
Vice was filled with an almost manic glee. This is what it is to fight! This is what the beginning of legends are about, the beginnings of a different story. She let out an exhilirating laugh as she knocked an arrow to the string and let it fly, watching it soar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-08-07, 06:27 PM
Thanks Eva Peren thought to himself as her inspiring speech earlier gave him the resolve to withstand the attack against him. He glared at the devil that threw it and aimed his bow at the fiend. He let another arrow fly.


2015-08-07, 06:58 PM
((Vice could've rolled critical damage as well. Not that it matter. Nice getting max on attack and damage))

Bahrash's dart skewers into the creature, deeply and a breath later, Vice's arrow takes the creature's throat. Without even a sound, the thing slumps from the sky and crumples on itself.

Peren relaxes his bowstring, his arrow not needed.

"Kaorti," Herfik says, seemingly blinking into existence once the combat had ended, "using their ability to shapeshift to take an abishai's form. Likely to fly. Not very strong, but it's a good thing it didn't latch on with its whip, dragon-man. That would have been unfortunate."

He looks out over the vast expanse of seemingly endless red dust, then looks back, "it'll be nightfall soon, we should find a place to camp that'll provide some cover. You can sure bet that if we stay in the open, more of these things will be upon us."

While it the light appeared the same to everyone in the party, it had felt like it'd been most of a day since they had arrived. Where shelter would be found is anyone's guess, however. Herfik gives them time to talk among themselves and retrieve arrows (all easily retrieved)

2015-08-07, 07:01 PM
Excellent job, everyone. But stay sharp-we're in the devils' domain, so more could come at anytime.

2015-08-07, 07:27 PM
"Well..." Vice began, looking around the landscape, hoping to spot something like a cluster of rocks, or even a single large rock to provide a windbreak. "A windbreak would be good if we can find one. If anyone has some canvas we can try and make a lean-to, cover it with the red dust to make it blend into the landscape. But I don't know whether or not a fire would attract... visitors. Is that likely Herfik?"

As she waited for an answer, she went over to Peren, taking a piece of cloth from her pack and wrapping it around his wound. "Here, this should help with the bleeding until we can set camp and stitch it up."

Perception check for any rock outcroppings nearby: [roll0] or Passive Perception of 14.

2015-08-07, 07:28 PM
That's a good idea. Eva casts her gaze around, trying to find some sort of shelter. It looks like I didn't get much survival knowledge with everything else I gained.


2015-08-07, 07:42 PM
Vice giggled as she wrapped Peren's arm, looking back over her shoulder at Eva. "It mainly came from being a sailor. Ships are painted in blues to blend in with the sea and sky during the day and night, while the sails have to be creamy white to be seen as clouds. Every little bit helped in avoiding pirates. The only things that could be seen as odd would be the ship lights, but you could also use those to lead off pursuit if you built a makeshift raft."

2015-08-07, 07:56 PM
Peren walks over to a rock to rest. He's a bit surprised when Vice comes over and begins banadage his arm. He smiles weakly.

Thanks, he said to Vice. After she was done, he began looking around, same as Eva, for a good place for them to hunker down and any materials that might help to make a decent shelter or lean-to.

Survival: [roll1]

2015-08-08, 06:18 AM
Bahrash walks over to the creature he hit and retrieves his dagger. After returning it to its sheath he joins the others in looking for shelter or some other means of avoiding exposure.

Perception [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

2015-08-08, 09:31 AM
Both Bahrash and Peren notice three large rocks, several hundred feet away. They're in a vaguely triangular shape. While it'll not likely help keep things warm if it gets cold (something it shows no sign of doing) it will help keep you out of sight from everything except those that can fly directly overhead.

2015-08-08, 09:45 AM
Bahrash bumps Peren's arm with his shoulder and nods to the rocks to indicate that he sees them too and starts walking towards them. He lets Peren be the one to tell the others. He seems eager to help everyone so he'll probably enjoy getting to speak up.

2015-08-08, 07:08 PM
Peren flinched the tiniest bit at the slight bump. While used to the pain of broken bones, as used to such pain as someone can be, this was a different sensation. It was a quick but slightly sharp pain. He glared at Bahrash for a moment, but his face softened when he realized the intent. He quickly but silently signaled the others to follow him and Bahrain to the rocks where they could make their camp.

2015-08-08, 07:12 PM
Good eye, Peren, Eva says quietly as they go.

2015-08-08, 08:14 PM
Dave trudged over to the spot, and took off his things. It was odd that someone could still be tired...here. "Some day, huh?"

2015-08-08, 08:17 PM
Yeah. Yeah... Eva stops, then leaps in the air, pumping her fist in the air. I KILLED- she quickly quiets herself, but continues in a voice of hushed excitment. I killed devils! Or at least helped! That's... That's more than I ever did in my life! She smiles, a bright, innocent look on her young face. I did it! You did it! And you, and you, and you, and we all did it! She stops to breathe for a moment.

2015-08-08, 08:21 PM
Dave gave a half smile. "You know, this was the kind of life I dream of as a kid. Only, you know, in life. Just never had an opportunity to try." Dave picked up his glaive and turned it over in his hands. "It was pretty amazing." he said quietly.

2015-08-08, 08:30 PM
Vice grinned at Eva's exuberance."I will certainly take where I am now over what was happening to me at the time of death." She set her pack down against a rock and began to set up a small cooking area. "Bahrash? Do you think you could get a fire going? Not a large one, just something that we can cook with. I don't know if we have any fuel to burn for it, or whether it's even a good idea to have one, but a hot meal sounds good, and we can use it to heat something to cauterize the wound."
She took a swig of water, wiping her mouth on her arm before pouring a bit into her hands and began to wash, wiping down her face and hands free of the red dust, even using a bit to rinse her hair, before offering it to Eva.

2015-08-09, 08:54 AM
I'll see what I can do. He kneels down and focuses on the fire. Not fire like what he launched earlier, just a small flame. He cups his hands on the ground and when he pulls them back a flame is hovering on that spot. Prestidigitation He sits down and ponders for a moment before pulls out the dagger that he threw. It is still stained with blood. He waves his hand over the blade and the blood disappears. Prestidigitation Bahrash grins.

2015-08-09, 10:13 PM
Vice grinned at the small flame, feeling the warmth as it's light flickered gently, causing the shadows to dance against the rocks. "Nice. Thank Bahrash." She walked over to him and gave him an awkward hug before turning back to the flame, laying the blade of a handaxe into it. "That should heat in a few. Lets see what I can get cooking wise..." She began to hum a soft song as she worked, heating up the basic rations as best she could into something that resembled a meal. While everything was heating, she walked over to Peren, peeling off the bandage and looking at it, trying to see if it was still bleeding or if it would just need a good wash to clean.

2015-08-09, 10:17 PM
Eva, face flushed and wide grin still, turns to Peren. Oh, you were injured? I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier, I've just been... Exuberant. I have some healing magic, if you need it?

2015-08-09, 10:45 PM
Dave, once he had sat down, began cleaning his glaive off. There were all the big things that he learned to do, like cutting a demon in half in a single slice. And there were smaller things, like knowing how to clean weapons.

Hearing Eva speak, he looked up from his work. I have some healing too. Not a lot, but some."

2015-08-10, 06:43 AM
Bahrash's brow raised a bit as Vice hugged him and he stiffened for a moment. No one had ever just hugged him randomly like that. As a matter of fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had been hugged. He loosened up after she left. He wondered if that was common among the scale-less races.

He contributed anything people needed for preparing food if they lacked it and then began playing with his magic. He juggled a spark of flame between his hands, made soft sound effects, changed the color of rocks and made his water taste like wine. Then he wished he really did have some alcohol to drink in this place. He could use it. He observed the healing of Peren as it proceeded. "How do you feel after your first day of adventuring, Ranger?", he said as he put his water away.

2015-08-10, 12:32 PM
No, it's ok Peren said appreciatively to Eva and Dave, refusing the two's aid. Just a flesh wound really, though I think your speech earlier put a great deal of resolve in me. That dart could have hit a worse spot than it did.

At that, Peren pulled out some rations and began eating. He turns to Bahrash and says It's definitely been an experience. One I imagined myself being in while reading my books. Wish I had done more research on devils though.

After a a couple of moments, he yawns, a few crumbs falling from his chin Seems death hasn't eliminated a need for rest. Watches might be a good idea though. I don't need as much rest, so I can probably help with a couple of them.

2015-08-10, 12:37 PM
I don't feel tired at all-just excited. I guess I'll take first watch, then. Eva sits near the fire. I'm used to keeping a late night vigil anyway.

2015-08-10, 02:56 PM
Vice took some of the now heated meal, settling against one of the rocks. "I'd be happy to take the early morning watch. We can do three of them, one from now till midnightish, one from midnight to threeish, and one from three to sixish. I can take the three to sixish watch, Eva, you said you're still pretty jumpy so how about you take from now to midnight, and Peren, you can take the midnight to three watch. Everyone should get plenty of rest then and we can prep anything else we need in the morning." She looked at the others as she munched on her meal, tail flicking restlessly with disguised interest.

2015-08-10, 03:08 PM
Agreed. Pass me some rations? Eva says, accepting the rations when they're handed to her by a companion. Thank you.

Who'll be taking second and third watches, then?

2015-08-10, 06:22 PM
"I'll take the third watch, but I'll be right back. Nature's finally calling." Vice set aside her messkit and stood up, jogging out into the low light of the sunset and behind a more distant rock to relieve herself.

2015-08-10, 07:24 PM
I'll take the second watch as suggested, Peren agreed as he handed Eva some rations. His head went slightly askew when Vice freely shared her need for relief. He shook off his reaction and finally finished his portion.

2015-08-10, 07:34 PM
In the future, Vice, you can keep some things private. Eva chuckled. Though the look on Peren's face may have been worth it.

2015-08-10, 09:49 PM
Vice's voice echoed from the dim light outside the camp. "I can be more crass if you like. I could have said I was in need of taking a piss." She paused for a moment, then shouted again. "What color's his face now?"

2015-08-11, 06:53 AM
Bahrash shakes his head wryly at the exchange before settling back against a boulder. He continues to playing with sparks of fire between his hands but soon his mind wanders and the sparks fly less frequently. He is obviously off somewhere else. Do you think you can go back? Now that everyone knows that your dead?

2015-08-11, 10:35 AM
Eva's face loses some of its joy. It won't be a problem for me. There's no one who'd even know if I died.

I imagine it's a bit different for you, though. Do you want to talk about it?

2015-08-11, 11:28 AM
Peren was about to respond to Vice's question about his reaction when Bahrash suddenly changed the subject. He remained eerily silent as the others talked of what it might be like should they return from the dead. Would my parents believe me? he questioned to himself. It was surreal enough for himself, let alone for one whose loved ones believed him to be forever gone. He listened, curious to hear Bahrash's answer.

2015-08-11, 11:58 AM
No. No one important. I'm just a fisherman. He gets up and heads away from the camp fire for a bit, in another direction than Vice went and sits for awhile.

2015-08-11, 02:35 PM
Dave snickered at Vice's comments, but turned more serious, with the conversation. "Well, it's not like I have a choice. I'm not leaving my family thinking I'm dead when I'm not." One side of his mouth twitched upward. "Most of the village will probably call my coming back " Elven Oddities" and leave it at that."

2015-08-11, 03:02 PM
Vice walked back into the camp as dark began to fully enclose the landscape, hands tightening the belt around her waist. She walked over to where her waterskin lay and poured a bit more onto her hands, washing them thoroughly before sitting down with a sigh on a rock next to Peren, her tail curling around onto her lap. She cocked her head curiously at the conversation, golden eyes dancing. "You aren't worried about devilish tricks or them running away at the thought of 'Foul Necromancy'? They seem like they are rather open minded for farmer folk. I just hope my captain hasn't delivered the news to my sister about my death..."

Her words faded as her thoughts drifted to home, running her hands over her tail before looking up at Eva. "Evie hun, do you happen to have any oils on you? I've got this dry patch on my tail that needs a good moistening."

2015-08-11, 04:08 PM
"Well, they all know I never met my father, so where would I have learned it? Mostly, people back home just think elves are weird, and avoid things to do with them. Me included. They couldn't completely exclude me, 'cause my mother's family is decently influential in the area, that's all."

2015-08-11, 04:32 PM
Her words faded as her thoughts drifted to home, running her hands over her tail before looking up at Eva. "Evie hun, do you happen to have any oils on you? I've got this dry patch on my tail that needs a good moistening."

No, sorry. I got fighting supplies and some rations-that's about it. She shrugs her shoulders. Though with the weather and it being, well, hell, I can't say I'm surprised you've got some discomforts.

2015-08-11, 06:49 PM
As Vice sits next to him, Peren smiles innocently. He notices a bit of sweat dropping down from his face. Must be the new surroundings and exertion from their battles , he thought. Though he found it a bit strange that being dead, they still flt hunger and exhaustion.

Without thinking he says to Vice I'm a little surprised the environment is affecting you .

2015-08-11, 07:55 PM
Bahrash walks back to the others and sits down, looking a bit better than before. He avoids eye contact with the others, like he is embarrassed, but pays attention to the conversation.

2015-08-11, 08:45 PM
Vice sighed and instead took a small handful of water, letting it drip along the length of her tail, causing her to shiver. "It's all right. Being at sea with the constant spray either causes your skin to crack and dry, or, in my case, to love the constant moisture. And as to answer your... ideas..." She leaned over closer to Peren as she worked the water into her tail, daggerlike teeth clicking together sharply, a mischievous glint in her eye.
"I may have a bit of devil blood in my veins, but that does not mean I'm bound by it's rules. We all have our own... Vice's..."She reached up a finger and traced it along the bottom of his jaw as her grin widened to wicked proportions before she let out a short laugh and leaned back away from him, ceasing in her teasing for the moment.

2015-08-11, 08:47 PM
Eva looks away, embarassed by the display in front of her.

2015-08-12, 06:47 AM
As Vice leans in, Peren's eyes dart nervously. His face turns a bright red as she traces her finger along his jaw. One might say it neared the shade of the tiefling itself. When she leans back, all he can do is start and stammer.

"Um...uh...well...I" is all he could muster. Quickly he says "I think i'd better get some rest before my watch." before making a hasty retreat to their sleeping area.

2015-08-12, 09:27 AM
Bahrash snorts at the interaction as he cleans up his mess kit from eating. I'll wager you were a popular one when your ship made port. I see you fitting right in with the sailors I've met.

2015-08-12, 11:07 AM
Vice giggled at Bahrash's remark. "I'm teasing him more than anything else. His head's full of books about the world, rather than just experiencing it, making an easy target of himself. He should expect far worse from the devils and demons that we may run into in the city than that bit of good-natured teasing. Many a succubus would make a plaything out of him..." She snapped her fingers, "Like that. As for port side... I may have had my fair share of lovers, but mostly it's just life on the ship. When you're at sea for months, there's very little privacy. You just get used to having eyes around you all the time."
She rose and stretched, back krick-cracking. "But Peren has the right idea about sleep at least. I'm going to go catch up on mine so I can be ready for the third watch. You all don't get too deep into each other, okay?" She grinned impishly, winking at Eva before going to her own bedroll and getting ready to sleep.

2015-08-12, 11:13 AM
Eva blushes, but nods. Yes? Of course? she says, a little confused but thinking agreement is the right response.

Someone douse the fire-I'll be on top of the rocks for my watch and I don't want to be too obvious.

Stealth roll (Advantage due to having plenty of time to settle in, disadvantage due to armor): [roll]1d20[roll]

Perception roll: 15 or [roll0], whichever is higher.

2015-08-12, 12:28 PM
Bahrash shakes his head and smirks for a second before snapping his fingers. The fire vanishes. Prestidigitation. He crawls his way over to a good flat spot and lays out his bedroll. Laying down, he stares up at the sky, seeing the occasional ball of fire streak across. Good night, fellows. Gods be with us. He shuts his eyes.

2015-08-12, 12:44 PM
Dave sat back, snickering, content to just watch the show. But now it was time to rest, and Dave moved as many rocks out of the way as possible before lying down. He wasn't sure how much rest he'd be able tog et after all that happened. But he at least needed to try.

2015-08-14, 02:05 PM
Eva's watch is uneventful. She hears skittering and notices small rodents moving in the distance. She can't get a look at them to decide what they are exactly, but they don't seem to be closing on the party. After her three hours, she rouses Peren.

Peren begins his watch and notices the rodents. He hears them gathering in a swarm and peers out to get a better view. There's several rats seemingly chatting among themselves. It's clear there is something seemingly off about the rodents, an almost demonic appearance. Peren has no doubt they have aims at the party's camp and more can be heard in the distance to join the group gathered.....

(Arcana roll DC 10 for basic info or DC 15 for more detailed. If Peren wakes up the party and points them out, any character who can make a perception check of 15 (with advantage for Peren pointing them out) can likewise make an Arcana roll)

2015-08-15, 07:51 AM
Seeing the creatures, Peren wondered if he should draw their attention. However, unsure of just how many were there, he opted not to leave the others defenseless. Remembering that Vice was good with a bow as well, he quietly made his way over and shook her awake by the shoulder

Shh, he whispered. He pointed in the direction of the demonic rats and said [i]We have company. Might be better for you to keep an eye on them while I wake the others. Without waiting for an answer, he continued on with waking the rest in the same manner.

Stealth check if needed:

2015-08-15, 02:15 PM
Vice jostled out of her sleeping state, looking wildly about before settling on Peren as he whispered to her. Nodding her head in reply, she rose from her bedroll and took a short moment to at least pull on her leather pants before grabbing her bow and moving to the rock where Eva and Peren had been.
"Here itty bitty monsters... The cat wants to plaaayyyy."

Perception with advantage: [roll0] or [roll1]
If 15 or higher for Arcana... [roll2]

...And that is a crit for Perception.

Vice will also cast Thaumaturgy to make her eyes glow demonic red.

Vice is also only wearing a thin cloth shirt instead of her normal leather piece, so her AC is 12 for the moment.

Vice grinned impishly out into the darkness, staring at the rats as they gathered.

2015-08-15, 02:18 PM
Eva's eyes open, her hand immediately going to her warhammer. Wha- she says, before cutting herself off and speaking again quietly. What's going on?

2015-08-16, 01:47 AM
Seeing the glow of Vice's eyes, the rodents begin squeaking loudly and start heading towards the party.

((Peren knows them to be Cranium Rats. They may be intelligent for all he knows, but isn't sure of anything about them beyond that.))

((Everyone roll initiative, here or OOC thread.

First round Vice gets a turn, Eva will be gathering her weapon/standing/etc (No actions but not surprised)

Second Eva gets a turn while Peren rouses Bahrash and Dave. -Due to perception- Dave will be gathering his weapons/standing etc (No actions but not surprised)

Third round Peren will get a turn, Bahrash will be gathering his weapons/standing etc (No actions but not surprised)

Fourth round as normal.

Bahrash and Dave may roll a Perception check DC 10 (disadvantage for being asleep) to rouse one round earlier and be able to attack on the third round))

Cranium Rat [roll0] There are six rats in total. They will begin at 120' away.

2015-08-16, 07:14 PM
Initiative Tracker;
Cranium Rats: 20
Vice: 19
Eva: 17
Peren: 7

Dave and Bahrash still need to roll initiative
Bahrash still needs to roll perception at disadvantage

((As even Dave and Bahrash's initiative roll won't affect this round, I'll have the rats do their move))

The rats charge toward the party. They're able to move fast and close 60' of distance, putting them only 60' away.

((Vice's turn, Eva will get a turn the following round))

2015-08-17, 02:30 AM
Vice laughed at their attempt at running, putting an arrow to the string, shouting out in Infernal "What rats do you think you are trying to take what I rightfully stole? Keep coming and I'll give you more than you deserve for your trespass." With that she let the arrow fly, putting a second one the string to ready it.

Vice has no idea if they can understand her, but she's trying to bluff/intimidate the rats anyway.

Attack: [roll0]

2015-08-17, 06:41 AM

Bahrash is roused by Peren and he hears the skittering of the rats. He quickly grabbed his gear and readied himself.

2015-08-17, 11:36 AM
The arrow drops one rat with ease. Neither the falling of one of their number nor Vice's jeer gains a reaction from the swarm as it rushes forward. They're now mingled in the party, but didn't attack (using their actions to dash)
The party also hears another group approaching. They're at the same area the first group was (120') away now and will be moving in starting next round.

Eva and Vice can attack

The rest will be able to the following round

Dave needs to roll initiative still, otherwise he can just go with the party

Five rats still alive in the first group. They have 5hp, AC of 10, so feel free to update after you roll

2015-08-17, 11:54 AM
Eva raises her hammer high, smashing it down into one of the rats.


The rat crumples to the ground, dead and slain. Come on everyone! They're easy pickings, but try not to get swarmed!

2015-08-17, 12:57 PM
Dave was a bit of a restless sleeper, so he was actually already wake when Eva called. Didn't mean he didn't appreciate the heads up about Demon Rats, of all things. He quickly scrambled to get his things together.


2015-08-17, 02:19 PM
From atop the rock, Vice crouched in an archer's stance, ready to dive away if a rat came to attack her. The bowstring thrummed as the arrow left it, streaking out into the darkness at the second group of rats

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Perception roll to see how many are in the second group. [roll2]

2015-08-17, 08:50 PM
Of the three remaining rats, two go after Eva and the third is able to scamper up and attack Vice
First against Eva , [roll1]
Second [roll]1d20+3, [roll2]

Against Vice [roll3], [roll4]

Vice is able to use her perch to dodge away from her atttacker, however Eva isn't as lucky and gets latched on by the varmits. (Down to 5hp. Temp hp from Inspiring Leadership having faded, unless Eva happened to have inspiring dreams! Haha. Surround the healer!)

The (six) new rats scamper closing in to 60' away.

Everyone can hack and slash away this round! Three rats still in the party. One on the rock with Vice and two around Eva.

2015-08-17, 08:59 PM
Eva shakes the rats free, before crushing one beneath her hammer.


2015-08-17, 11:35 PM
"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, EW! I HATE RATS!" Vice shuddered, looking down at the squeaking, scrambling rodent on the top of the rock as she whipped the rapier off her belt, skewering the wretched, festering creature with a burbling of blood from it's mouth before she flicked it off into the darkness, revulsion crossing her features for a moment.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-08-18, 04:15 AM
With Peren done waking the rest, he pulls his bow. Seeing Eva harried by the rats, he quickly nocks an arrow and fires at the remaining one next to her...


...skewering it.

2015-08-18, 06:48 AM
Bahrash sees that everyone has the rats in the camp under control and hears the second group approaching. He rushes out towards them (30 ft.) and prepares to meet them, hands up before him, thumbs touching.

Read an action to cast Burning Hands as soon as the second group of rats close to 15 ft. 15 ft. cone, DEX save for the rats, DC 13. Half damage on a success.

Damage [roll0]

2015-08-21, 05:22 PM
Dave barely had time to scramble and get his things together before he heard more rats approaching. He rushed to Bahrash's side, ready to crush any rats that made it to the came.

I don't think I actually rolled initiative yet, so here goes:

In any case, readying an attack against the next rat to make it in range, that survives the Burning Hands

2015-08-21, 07:53 PM

((Realized the rolls were useless, as even half still kills them all, could've moved this along a few days ago! My bad))

Bahrash's magic burns through the group and leaves them smoldering. Even those agile enough to not be caught in the blast still perish from the heat.

The party hears the loud chattering of another group shriek out as the first two perish, it seems disorientated and eventually dissipates, either unable to locate where the party is or perhaps frightened because of the death bestowed on its brethren.

As the party collects itself, Herfik appears in a rush, "Very good, very good, Cranium rats, bad business," his tone is the most genuine since meeting him and he helps bundling things of the party, "unfortunately that will attract attention of bigger things. Inevitable, yes, but we need to move. If we push hard, we should make the city by midnight. Long day, yes, but no more rats waking you up."

As if to accentuate his warning, a loud shriek, something far larger than the rats and from the air, cries out from behind the party.

2015-08-21, 08:11 PM
"Chums in the water now..." She grunted, setting one of her arrows alight with Thaumaturgy and sending it out as far into the darkness as she could before turning around and dousing any flame that the group might have, hoping to draw any attackers towards the flame. "Anyone who can't see in darkness or dim light, take the hand of someone who can and lets MOVE. Sharks are in for blood." She bundled her things into her pack, not even bothering to put on the remainder of her armor.

2015-08-21, 08:23 PM
I'll take the lead-Herfik, where are we going? Eva says, hand still firmly gripped on her hammer.

2015-08-22, 10:11 AM
Peren nodded. He quickly gathered his belongings without saying a word. He followed after Eva and Vice as they began to make their way out of camp and toward the city.

2015-08-24, 06:30 PM
Herfik moves the party at a rapid pace for a few hours. He stops telling the party it's now daybreak and that they should get some breakfast. His tone is more subdued than the previous day and asks if anyone has any questions about the city they're going to be arriving at that night.

2015-08-24, 06:41 PM
Give us an overview, Herfik. Everything we might need to know. Eva places an arm on his shoulder after. And thank you-you've been a valuable guide.

2015-08-24, 10:33 PM
"You said it's fairly similar to surface cities. Should we expect a similar allotment of races? Is there a caste system, or districts within the city? And I'm assuming that there may be stronger... temptations than on the surface, hmm?" Vice's eyes flicked over the landscape as she crunched down on a nut and grain bar, tail flicking with agitation.
As they were walking at a slower pace now, she took the time to don the rest of her armor and made sure it was buckled safely into place

2015-08-25, 09:34 AM
Bahrash returns to the camp and collects his gear to follow the others. He constantly checks the skies as they travel for signs of trouble. Once they stop to ask Herfik questions, he waits patiently, watching their surroundings. The reef your boat strikes is always the one you don't worry about looking for.

2015-08-25, 03:00 PM
After a what seemed like hours upon hours and miles upon miles, Peren noticed Herfik finally decided to let the party take a break. He let the other party members ask the questions, not sure what he'd really inquire anyway. He perched upon a nearby rock, waiting until they were done before all were ready to continue. As he did so, he took some rations, wondering for a moment why he felt hungry despite being dead, but shrugged it off as a side effect of the plane.

2015-08-25, 10:48 PM
"Similar, yes, but completely different. See, the Nine Hells doesn't just serve your world, but every world. So you'll see hundreds of races and may only know a dozen. There will be devils, of course, but they will not attack you within the walls. The residents aren't like you, dead beings brought back to life, rather more like travels who came to this realm. So you can imagine that someone who'd choose to travel to hell, well, let's just trust the devils more than them, alright? That being said, it's still governed by laws. So you won't be cheated at a place of business once a deal is struck."

He seems to look off and ponder for a moment then shrugs. "Any other specific questions about the place? Also, be warned, while we may not be attacked in the city, there are highwaymen of sorts on the way to it. So keep a sharp eye out."

((Side note, mostly moved in to new place. So disruptions will end! And will keep things moving as fast as the party wishes))

2015-08-25, 10:57 PM
"Sounds like a lovely place." Dave said dryly.

2015-08-26, 06:43 AM
Bahrash takes a moment to look at Herfik before asking, How long do we have to search this city and is there anything we need to look for specifically?"

2015-08-26, 11:17 AM
"I don't have anything else to ask. So long as we can keep going forward, things should, mostly, be fine. Right?" Vice grinned at the rest of the group after their long slog on little sleep.

2015-08-26, 04:38 PM
Peren stood from his perch as it seemed the group was ready to move on. Seems logical to me he assented in response to Vice's statement.

2015-08-26, 04:47 PM
"We are heading to the city of Darkspine. Selako, the ice devil who stole the Dragon Globe, was seen there a week ago. I'm sure he bragged about it to some local or the other. So we'll gather supplies and ask around as to where he may have gone. Shouldn't be that hard. Friendly talk here, friendly bribe there, you can likely find out many things there if you wish.

If you wish to get going, we have all day and the beginning of the night still to travel. Unless you wish to make it a two day journey. Your call."

2015-08-26, 05:25 PM
I'd say we make it to the safety of the city, but I don't think the city is all that safe. I vote we stay here and make it two days. Eva announces. Everyone else?

2015-08-27, 10:02 AM
"Getting there safe sounds better than getting there fast to me."

2015-08-27, 06:05 PM
"If we can find a moderately safe place to rest before we get to the city, I'm all for that. But if the city is our only good spot to stop and get safe, that would be best. Regardless though, we still have good hours of walking that we can use before we need a rest, so I say forwards across the red plain!" Vice struck a dramatic pose, finger pointed towards the horizon, head tilted back, hair gusting gently in the wind.

2015-08-27, 06:15 PM
Snrk Eva let out as she saw him strike a pose, attempting to cover her laughter. Whatever you say, Captain Dramatic.

2015-08-27, 06:33 PM
((As it seems like the two-dayers are going for "safety" going to remind that Herfik talked about highwaymen. The place the party will be safest is the city. The vote should actually be;

Make it by midnight as the city is safest, but risk becoming less observant as you become fatigued
Go until early evening and catch up on rest the first night, and have a half day the following day. You have more risk being attacked being outside the city longer and setting up camp, but you'll be a lot better rested if you do run into danger))

"Well, let's decide at lunch" Herfik says and continues to lead the party when it seems like they've finished their breakfast, "whichever choice you make, you'll still have several hours to travel this day and you don't want to be in one place for too long during midday."

2015-08-28, 06:10 PM
Lunch time it is Peren said ready to keep moving. Until then we should probably keep going. Not good to stay in one place too long...if those rats from last night were any indication.

2015-08-29, 03:37 PM
"Agreed! And I'm not THAT dramatic." Vice huffed and puffed her cheeks up at Eva's words, folding her arms in front of her as they began to walk again, eyes drifting across the endless expanse of the plain.

"Peren..." Vice began as she moved to walk beside him, "Sorry for teasing you like that. You didn't deserve it."

2015-08-30, 07:58 AM
There's a slight pause before Peren responds, clearly trying to think of how to respond. It's...it's ok he said gently, but still a bit awkward. I just got a little flustered. I'm not used to all this, clearly not referring to the new talents they all seem to have discovered or the battles.