View Full Version : Feat suggestions for this Charging White Raven Warblade?

2015-07-19, 01:24 PM
I'm going for competent coolness here, mostly, so there'll be powerful things that I omit. Like Leap Attack. I don't see this guy jumping at his enemies, so I'm not going to do that. He's a traditional hero who isn't going to do anything that wouldn't look appropriate for such a character to do were this a movie.

So far I've built him to be a team leader as well as a charger. He is not the primary damage dealer, but so far he's been a good one. We're level 5 right now.

This is the build at level 12.

1: Power Attack, Adaptive Style.
3: Improved Bull Rush.
5: Improved Initiative.
6: Shock Trooper.
9: Either Martial Stance or Martial Study for something nifty to keep in the pocket, or Lucky Start if I'm really fussy about going first. And Combat Reflexes as the Warblade bonus feat.
12: This is the question. I'm considering Robilar's Gambit for lack of anything else (14 dex), but have no idea what I would do past this level.

Considerations... Clarion Commander for enhanced flavor, Combat Awareness because it would be very useful in this campaign, or more Martial Studies. Maybe I'll even be able to Feat my way into Aura of Perfect Order, should I make an eventual shift to Lawful.

Leading the Charge
Absolute Steel Stance (I have my reasons)
Dancing Blade Form (I have my reasons)

War leader's charge
Moment of alacrity
Either Flanking Maneuver or Disrupting Blow
Lightning Recovery
Mithral Tornado
Iron Heart Surge
White Raven Tactics
Emerald Razor
Wall of Blades

The "look at me I'm so cool" charge routine will be Leading the Charge Stance, Moment of Alacrity to have me going first, War Leader's Charge with Shock Trooper, Lightning Recovery because missing would be humiliating, and Wall of Blades to make up for the dismal AC so long as Lightning Recovery isn't used.

If it's a trickier situation, I'll adaptive style into a hardier and more supportive role. Which will be most of the time. For that reason I'll keep Moment of Alacrity on just to adjust at the beginning of the round.

This is a pretty simple and likely generic build, but that's just my tastes. Anything you guys know of that would fit the flavor would be welcome.

2015-07-19, 01:34 PM
Well I personally feel like it never hurts to branch out and pick up a few other combat styles if you have room, but the next feat in the ubercharger setup is Leap Attack usually. And also someone will suggest dipping a level of Lion Spirit Totem Barbarian for pounce. Do you have a Valorous weapon?

2015-07-19, 01:37 PM
Well I personally feel like it never hurts to branch out and pick up a few other combat styles if you have room, but the next feat in the ubercharger setup is Leap Attack usually. And also someone will suggest dipping a level of Lion Spirit Totem Barbarian for pounce. Do you have a Valorous weapon?

I've an irrational aversion to multiclassing with ToB characters if I'm starting below level 8 outside of a gestalt campaign, and Barbarian isn't consistent with the flavor besides.

And, as I said, Leap Attack doesn't fit the flavor either.

I do not have a Valorous weapon yet, but I will definitely be trying to get one.

2015-07-19, 01:48 PM
I don't see how jumping makes you not a traditional hero, but that's fine. My 3.5 Op-Fu is nowhere near my PF Op-Fu, but... Combat Reflexes never fails to find use, and like you said, more maneuvers is always a plus.

2015-07-19, 02:18 PM
Warblades don't usually need a Barbarian dip for pounce, since they can just get it from a Tiger Claw maneuver.

FWIW you can get the effect of the Lucky Start feat from an item: Ring of Anticipation from Drow of the Underdark. It's actually way better, even: you roll ALL initiative checks twice and take the better result, and you get a bonus to perception as gravy. Only 6000 gp.

2015-07-19, 04:04 PM
Warblades don't usually need a Barbarian dip for pounce, since they can just get it from a Tiger Claw maneuver.

FWIW you can get the effect of the Lucky Start feat from an item: Ring of Anticipation from Drow of the Underdark. It's actually way better, even: you roll ALL initiative checks twice and take the better result, and you get a bonus to perception as gravy. Only 6000 gp.

I won't be able to afford pouncing charge as it stands, at least not without spending feats. Besides, I'll be doing White Raven charges, which consume the turn and leave no room for pounce.

That item though... It sounds nifty as hell. I will keep that in mind for sure.

2015-07-19, 04:43 PM
How open and flat are your battlefields usually? You might want to take bounding assault (diamond mind maneuver, not the feat of the same name). It removes all the movement restrictions from the "charge". And the best thing that maneuver is still considered a charge if you have abilities that work on charges. So pounce, Leading the charge, shock trooper etc. would work.

2015-07-19, 07:00 PM
How open and flat are your battlefields usually? You might want to take bounding assault (diamond mind maneuver, not the feat of the same name). It removes all the movement restrictions from the "charge". And the best thing that maneuver is still considered a charge if you have abilities that work on charges. So pounce, Leading the charge, shock trooper etc. would work.

Problem is that I intend to charge with full round white raven maneuvers. I've got my maneuvers mostly figured out, I'm just out of feat ideas

2015-07-19, 07:23 PM
Problem is that I intend to charge with full round white raven maneuvers. I've got my maneuvers mostly figured out, I'm just out of feat ideas

Well we've suggested several feats, but you've said you won't take them for reasons so... searing spell?

2015-07-20, 12:02 AM
Taking improved sunder and combat brute could work? It gives you a follow up option in the round after you charged via momentum swing, and also gives you access to the sundering cleave ability, which I think is pretty awesome, chop through someone's weapon/shield and then carry on your blow to strike them as well (or sunder another piece of equipment and continue until there's nothing left to sunder).

2015-07-20, 07:10 AM
You don't need to be Lawful to take Aura of Perfect Order. There is no alignment prereq.

Hmm. Maybe something from the Miniatures Handbook: Danger Sense or Distracting Attack.

Or maybe take Blind-Fight at Warblade 5, then Mage Slayer + Pierce Magical Concealment.

2015-07-20, 07:29 PM
Well we've suggested several feats, but you've said you won't take them for reasons so... searing spell?

Yeah, for reasonable reasons and for reasons that were outlined in the post. No need to be snippy

2015-07-20, 07:48 PM
Travel Devotion allows an extra move action for like a minute, once per day. Basically you can make a 90 degree charge during combat instead of straight lines

2015-07-20, 07:51 PM
You could go with Knockback, since you already have the Improved Bull Rush prerequisite. It works very well with Combat Reflexes, and helps with the other two-thirds of Shock Trooper. (You'd have to buy a Permanent Enlarge Person first to get Large size, but at only 3000 gp, that's a good thing to buy anyway.)

Travel Devotion allows an extra move action for like a minute, once per day. Basically you can make a 90 degree charge during combat instead of straight lines

The Twisted Charge skill trick already lets you do that.

2015-07-21, 10:34 AM
Travel Devotion allows an extra move action for like a minute, once per day. Basically you can make a 90 degree charge during combat instead of straight lines

Now this is what I was looking for. Extra move actions for a minute? That's so cool

2015-07-21, 10:41 AM
It is not extra move actions. Travel Devotion allows you to move your speed as a swift action. So it competes with other swift actions.

2015-08-15, 11:44 AM
It is not extra move actions. Travel Devotion allows you to move your speed as a swift action. So it competes with other swift actions.

But you can do it in the same turn as a move action, which is all I was referring to

2015-08-15, 12:15 PM
Defensive Sweep to add to your Robilar's Gambit