View Full Version : [3.X] Fiend of Possession

2015-07-20, 02:00 AM
So, I've never run a FoP in a game before.

Just some questions about how it's possession works (The FoP in question is an Unholy Scion Human, if it matters).

If it successfully controls a PC, whose stats do I use? The PC's, or the FoPs? Or do I use the PCs physical stats and the FoPs mental ones?
Does the controlling FoP use the characters HP or it's own when taking damage?
Does the controlling FoP have access to the PCs class abilities?
Once in control, does the Unholy Scion FoPs Unholy Strike (Su) ability apply to attacks it makes with the PCs body?

In short, I'm quite confused about what stats to use for a PC controlled by the FoP - which PC stats do I use, and which FoP.

I've read over the rules a couple of times but I'm struggling to make sense of it...

On a related note, is it a horrible thing to do as a DM? The party has a McGuffin that the FoP's bosses want back quite badly. The FoP is currently hiding in one of the PCs weapons, waiting for a chance to try and steal back the McGuffin. I'm hoping the PCs will be able to subdue the FoP before it gets away. As well as it's innate abilities, it has access (via Versatile Spellcaster) to 2nd level Beguiler spells.

Cheers - T

2015-07-20, 03:08 AM
If you're going to use possession mechanics for an NPC, I'd suggest looking into using the ones in fiendish codex I, rather than the prc in fiend folio. The only change I would make would be to not have the fiend leave behind a body, as I think that's a pretty poor mechanic.

It's also worth noting that a fiend of possession from fiend folio actually cannot possess any creature not on the material plane, because they do so from the ethereal plane, and only the material plane has an ethereal plan associated with it, so that's added reason to use the fiendish codex version.

To answer your questions:
Yes, creature's physical, fiend's mental.
The fiend does not take damage, only the vessel does, as such, you use the vessel's HP, and when the vessel dies, the fiend is ejected.
Yes, the fiend has access to all abilities, skills, feats and spells.
No, the fiend does not have access to any of it's own abilities, except spell-like abilities.

2015-07-20, 03:22 AM
So, I've never run a FoP in a game before. Me neither.

If it successfully controls a PC, whose stats do I use? The PC's, or the FoPs? Or do I use the PCs physical stats and the FoPs mental ones?
Does the controlling FoP use the characters HP or it's own when taking damage?
Does the controlling FoP have access to the PCs class abilities?
Once in control, does the Unholy Scion FoPs Unholy Strike (Su) ability apply to attacks it makes with the PCs body?

I'm directly quoting from the Control Creature (Su) class ability in Fiend Folio. Which seems to answer most of your questions.

While in control of a victim,... has access to all the creature's abilities, skills, feats, and spell knowledge. The fiend now acts as though it is the creature in all respects, unless it loses or relinquishes control. The fiend uses it's own Intelligence, Wisdon, and Charisma scores, but adopts all of the possessed creature's physical ability scores. It can make use of it's own spell-like abilities as well. -snip

It's like Wildshape, but uses a specific NPC or PC as a form.
The PC's HP, unless someone has a special ability to affect incorporeal creatures or something that is obviously an exception.
Yes. The FoP can hypothetically use all the spells from the Wizard, then possess the Cleric and repeat. Then possess the Druid and Wildshape into a flying thing and leaves, or mauls everyone.
Yes, assuming the ability doesn't have any weird special details, like Warlocks needing to making Somantic gestures. As I'm pretty sure the SLA Unholy Strike doesn't require special components, it should stack with PC abilities.

2015-07-20, 03:43 AM
Thanks both for the answers. Looks like I missed some relevant details when reading tghe PrC.

I'll take a look at the FC1 possession rules as well.