View Full Version : Pathfinder [18s] Class/Race Advice

2015-07-20, 10:17 AM
Ok so on Paizo Forum I posted a thread about rolling all 18s, and what class should I take. What race should I take.

Now the majority of the answers have become Champion of Faith Warpriest (Basically a Paladin who is even more Uber MAD). Irori Champion is the next mention basically because Irori is all about perfection and well 18s is perfect.

Now I also got the comments of "Anything you want" but I am curious what you lot here think in the Playground.

One of my friends actually suggested Factotum, mostly to keep me from running roughshod over all the rest of the party.

Rolls Here (http://i58.tinypic.com/29z52q8.jpg)

2015-07-20, 11:16 AM
This depends on a lot of other factors you haven't listed:

- Who else is in the party? How many other PCs, and what classes/roles have they chosen? (e.g. how many frontliners, do you have a skillmonkey and a utility caster etc.)
- What is your group's optimization level?
- What kind of campaign is it? (Kick-in-the-door combat-heavy, investigation/mystery, socio-political intrigue, exploration, kingdom-building etc.)
- If combat-heavy, what kinds of enemies do you expect to face most? (Undead-heavy, humanoids, fiends, aberrations, constructs, fey etc.)
- What tone of campaign is it? (Gritty and grim, comedic and light-hearted, something in-between)
- What is the expected magic/wealth level?

And most importantly, what is your own playstyle/preferred role in the party? What do you like or not like to play?

2015-07-20, 11:21 AM
This depends on a lot of other factors you haven't listed:

- Who else is in the party? How many other PCs, and what classes/roles have they chosen? (e.g. how many frontliners, do you have a skillmonkey and a utility caster etc.)
- What is your group's optimization level?
- What kind of campaign is it? (Kick-in-the-door combat-heavy, investigation/mystery, socio-political intrigue, exploration, kingdom-building etc.)
- If combat-heavy, what kinds of enemies do you expect to face most? (Undead-heavy, humanoids, fiends, aberrations, constructs, fey etc.)
- What tone of campaign is it? (Gritty and grim, comedic and light-hearted, something in-between)
- What is the expected magic/wealth level?

And most importantly, what is your own playstyle/preferred role in the party? What do you like or not like to play?

This is the set up as emailed to me by the GM
We begin at a tavern (Imagine that), this tavern is not like any other you have ever stayed at before. This is not nestled into a busy city or even small hamlet of a village. This 'Tavern' is only one in name as the size of such a building defines it being just a tavern. As you near it you are overwhelmed by the sheer size of this building, having only possibly ever seen mansions or large manor houses approaching this size.
It appears to be the width of a city block and and stands three stories tall, four if one counts the roof which may hold a large attic. The depth of the building is at first hard to determine till you get close and realize it may be as deep as it is wide.

What could possibly require or inspire such a huge building, least of all calling it a tavern. Over the door reads "Caverns & Taverns" the name of the place, also named C and T (C&T in writing). Below it lies the reason for you to come to this place. Which seems to be in the middle of no where, with a few days ride to the nearest town in any direction. "Home of the largest wizard made dungeon in history".

What you know of this tavern is that it is said to rest atop several entrances to a dungeon created many many years ago by a powerful wizard. It is said the wizard, named Armath, constructed it to hide and guard his best kept treasures and those of his companions. The dungeon is said to have many entrances, each for rent by the Tavern keepers and they will allow a party of willing adventurers venture into the dungeon and seek their fortune, even allowing the adventurers to keep what they find should they find anything worth keeping.

However, it is not all fun and games, the dungeon is said to be incredibly dangerous and filled with the corpses of foolish adventurers who fell prey to the dangers of the dungeon and possibly of those that wish to keep the secrets of the dungeon to themselves.

You have sent word ahead and have a room reserved for you on the third floor, the tavern keepers are waiting for you to check in. Mingle and check out this huge building if you like. You may find there is more then just the door to the dungeon and a bar beyond those polished wood doors.

As far as I can tell it will be a mix of heavy combat clearing and social interactions.

As for the party we will have between 3 and 4 players. One main front liner, One healer, and one is a noob so I don't know her class.
The other two have experience in gaming but their optimization is limited as they mostly just go for what works best but fits the theme.

My play style if Gish I like being able to sling spells or powers but not be too feeble to get my hands dirty with a sword from time to time.

2015-07-20, 01:33 PM
One of my friends actually suggested Factotum

You have Pathfinder tag on the thread. What edition do you play and which books are allowed?
Going by "pathfinder, any paizo" I'd pick any 3/4 BAB caster. In a party without heavy optimization probably T3 one, not CoDoOoSzilla.

2015-07-20, 01:45 PM
You have Pathfinder tag on the thread. What edition do you play and which books are allowed?
Going by "pathfinder, any paizo" I'd pick any 3/4 BAB caster. In a party without heavy optimization probably T3 one, not CoDoOoSzilla.
We use some 3.5 rules. He suggested a Factotum because same designers and easy port over.

2015-07-20, 03:09 PM
I would use the Pathfinder Factotum: the Investigator.

It's an awesome class that can T.C.O.B. In combat or social situations and while it only has up to 6th level spells, it is a prepared caster.

2015-07-20, 03:15 PM
Well, are you looking to be a god? Any race that boosts intelligence, and the expense of charisma or strength+wizard will make you one.

If you are looking for something that won't god over the party, an orc monk will be doing a LOT of damage and hitting a lot, but still not be ungodly powerful thanks to some -2's. A kobold or goblin rogue or monk would also be good for less power.

But seriously with those stats, any concept is viable.

2015-07-20, 03:31 PM
Investigator is a good class, but I really do not understand the Alchemy features, its why I avoided the Alchemist like the plague.

I was actually thinking of doing a Yoda like character.

A Blue (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/races/blue) Telekinetic Monk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/spes-magna-games---monk-archetypes/telekinetic-monk) for a Yoda based character.
The Up the Wall and Mental Leap work really well for that design.

2015-07-20, 04:53 PM
If I had those stats, I'd play Captain America. Specifically a Shield Champion Brawler (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/brawler/archetypes/paizo---brawler-archetypes/shield-champion).

I liked the archetype, but Captain America would have lots of CHA, which the archetype can't really use. The INT also gives you so many skill points, that all of your stats will be useful.

Go human, of course.

2015-07-20, 10:45 PM
If I had those stats, I'd play Captain America. Specifically a Shield Champion Brawler (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/brawler/archetypes/paizo---brawler-archetypes/shield-champion).

I liked the archetype, but Captain America would have lots of CHA, which the archetype can't really use. The INT also gives you so many skill points, that all of your stats will be useful.

Go human, of course.
I have considered it, possibly try to get Azlanti Human for a 20 to all stats and take Dangerously Curious and Skill Focus UMD to help fill out any weaknesses with him able to use magic items (Like Mjolnir for example)

2015-07-21, 12:57 AM
Investigator is a good class, but I really do not understand the Alchemy features, its why I avoided the Alchemist like the plague.

Extracts are "not-spells" that you need to drink like potions, but the 'drink' part is build into the "not-casting" time.
Once you realize you are a caster that "doesn't cast" it makes more sense.
I think.

2015-07-21, 09:56 AM
Investigator is a good class, but I really do not understand the Alchemy features, its why I avoided the Alchemist like the plague.

You prepare your spells in bottles and cast them by drinking, what's not to get?

The vast majority only affect you but there are a handful that don't. There is also a talent that gives you the ability to pass your drinks around to the party.

2015-07-21, 07:05 PM
You prepare your spells in bottles and cast them by drinking, what's not to get?

The vast majority only affect you but there are a handful that don't. There is also a talent that gives you the ability to pass your drinks around to the party.

It's just not considered spellcasting by the source material. Hence the source of contention.

2015-07-21, 08:45 PM
It's just not considered spellcasting by the source material. Hence the source of contention.

Lots of things aren't considered spellcasting. Invocations aren't, soulmelds aren't, vestiges aren't...

2015-07-22, 02:58 AM
Attributes don't break tier lists so I'd go as gimmicky as can be and avoid SAD Tier 1/2 casters.

1) Bard: Because bards can do EVERYTHING! With that stat array they are Gandalf levels of wise and competent.
2) Monk: Nothing benefits Monks more than 18 in Str/Dex/Con/Wis AND adding 4 additional skill points. (Maybe a template like Half Celestial that adds charisma dependant SLAs the Monk direly needs).

Investigator is a good class, but I really do not understand the Alchemy features, its why I avoided the Alchemist like the plague.

It's really not hard. They are like spells but even more than the Wizard you have to preplan which Extracts to brew (which only takes 1 minute per slot of any level) and you have to hand out buff spells BEFOREHAND. Also instruct your fellow players (pref. ingame) on how to use them.

Ilorin Lorati
2015-07-22, 12:19 PM
With those rolls I would do something absolutely stupid, such as a single class gish build for one of the 1/2 BAB casters/manifesters. Preferably one that gets mileage out of multiple stats, like Arcanist (or perhaps Psychic, depending on what OA ends up allowing build-wise).