View Full Version : Dark Assault IC (Star Wars Saga)

2015-07-20, 03:57 PM
10,000 Credits. One 24 hour cycle assignment. Time sensitive. Report to Corrillian space within 6 hours.

You have answered the call in time, not able to pass up such easy credits for one day of work. Or perhaps you were waiting for the call, knowing more about the situation than the bumbling imperial briefing offer. Whatever the circumstances that brought you here, you are now in one of three Lambda class Imperial Shuttles that is approaching an Imperial Star Destroyer. Your orders are to secure the system controls and the command bridge. Both hostiles and friendlies remain on board the vessel. You have not been given the aggressor's intel, nor what exactly is happening on board.

You are all on board the same shuttle. There are two Imperial officers, one imperial jedi-hunter, one HAWC combat droid, and an assortment of sixteen mercenaries, each unique in description.

One of the mercenaries, a powerfully built Feeorin named Quey, keeps an eye on four members of the vessel in particular, reviewing the dossiers he'd successfully 'acquired' mentally:

Skarrait Ssindh: A Sluissi mercenary with an impeccable record. His species was known for their mechanical savvy. This particular member of the species was a genius. He also did most of his work down range from the target.I'll need to keep a sharp eye on this one.

HAWC-1347: Technically the property of Captain Voss, who was not in the shuttle, this combat droid had lost none of it's murdering skills to time, and had been instrumental in the ending of a strong pirate menace in the core worlds. Keep that thing in between me and the enemy's fire and it will be a real asset.

Fang: This hulking monstrosity had supposedly been a clone commando in the previous war. More machine than man now, 'Fang' sported heavy weaponry and an impressive amount of collateral damage in his mercenary contracts. I don't know if I could even beat him in hand to hand. Definitely an asset for this mission.

Last, but certainly not least, the jedi-hunter:Kel Vando: The files said he'd found and murdered half a score of jedi single handedly in sixteen months time. His tattered robes spoke of many hours on the trail. Frel force users! I hope he gets dusted soon as the fighting starts.

The intel given at the briefing gave assurances that the hangar bay was under imperial control. The intel was correct. The shuttles touch down safely, and the doors are moments away from opening. Those who are paying attention notice that all the vessels in the hanger number fewer than five, (one Lambda, two TIE fighters, One TIE/sh and one TIE bomber). All of them are in a state of repair. Wreckage from what appears to have been two TIE fighters smoulders near the entry point, the shields still standing.

What do you do? Doors will open soon

2015-07-21, 02:22 AM
The HAWC series battle droids were built on the familiar humanoid model-two legs, a torso, two arms ending in five-fingered hands, and a head. However, from that point they deviate widely from the appearance of organic life forms. Angular durasteel plating covers the design head to toe. A single, off-center red photoreceptor dominated the head. But the feature that stood out most was the heavy repeating blaster set into a mount on the right shoulder. The droid was covered in the mottled blues and greys of urban camo scheme, which marked it to at least be smarter than the average Stormtrooper.

As the shuttle approached the distressed Star Destroyer, HAWC-1347 unplugged itself from the port from which it had been charging itself and tapping into the shuttle's sensors. Humming filled surrounding air and the photoreceptor's dim glow brightened as HAWC brought its systems from standby to active.

The final diagnostic returned all systems nominal as the shuttle settled in the hangar bay, so HAWC lost no time in pushing its way to the exit. "Out of my way," it ordered one uppity merc in Binary, with a stiff metal arm enforcing the directive. It took up a position just to the left of the ramp, exposing only enough to offer the repeater a commanding view of the hangar once the door opened. A series of mechanical clicks could be heard, the sound of a mechanical bracing system locking into place, and then a blue shimmering aura popped into existence as a shield generator came online.

Taking 10 on Perception when the door opens, 22

2015-07-21, 02:57 AM
HAWC's victim, a boisterous Rodian, spluttered incoherently, his face turning from blue to violet.

Don't mind mr sleepy head, Drekk. He's just frustrated with his lack of beauty sleep.

Quey is the only one who laughs at his joke. He pulls a death stick out of his backpack and pulls deeply from it.

Whelp, lovelies, this is where we earn our money.

He turns and winks at one of the pilots, a certain Lieutenant Lasar. He then hoists his heavy battle rifle against his shoulder and stands immediately in front of the shuttle door.

Lock and load, boys!

At his command most of the mercenaries do just that. A lone Gand had already prepared himself and was lurking in the rear.

2015-07-21, 03:12 AM
Quey's attempt at humor sailed way over HAWC's domed head. Which rotated to center the merc in the red photoreceptor's field of view. "As an artificial construct, I have no need of rest. And optimization of my physical appearance is a waste of effort, as it provides no enhancement to my functionality,"it helpfully informed him.

2015-07-21, 09:13 AM
The Jedi-hunter had remained still as the shuttle entered the hangar. Gray carapace covered him fully, obscuring his features, though his dossier identified him as human.

"I sense no one outside, but that does not mean we are alone. Be on your guard."

Kel pulls a curiously-shaped hilt from a belt loop. He grips a secondary handle perpendicular to the first and ignites a short, crimson blade, tucking the haft against his forearm.

2015-07-21, 10:11 AM
Quey pretends he didn't hear the droids factoid.

Yes, that's very helpful your vaderness. There's nothing to look out for, but keep looking out for it just in case. That definitely changes what I'll be doing here on out.. Quey rolls his eyes dramatically.

Everyone notices that one of the two Weequay mercenaries is shadowing The Feeorin.

Tsssshh! The shuttle doors open, revealing a truly abandoned hanger bay. There are no signs of struggle save the pair of crashed TIE fighters, and no bodies in sight. An ominous stillness hangs upon the entire hanger bay, as though the quiet after a storm.

The senior officer on board your shuttle signaled the other shuttles, and they emptied their cargo. Twenty stormtroopers apiece. The near shuttle had what appeared to be an engineering squad. They had brought out sensor equipment. As they scanned fore and aft of your position in the hangar bay, the far shuttle brought no additional crew into the SD.

2015-07-21, 10:53 AM
Kel's helmeted head turns to regard Quey. "I have never had the honor of meeting Lord Vader, but do not invoke his name in mockery."

2015-07-21, 11:33 AM
Kel's helmeted head turns to regard Quey. "I have never had the honor of meeting Lord Vader, but do not invoke his name in mockery."

Struck as if physically by the force user’s words, Quey grimaces as though trying to pass unmentionables through his unmentionable, and then his face suddenly clears into concern.

Ah, man, I didn’t mean it that way. You don’t think Vader would actually find out, do you?
Don’t think less of me because it, okay? Forget I ever said anything. Here, let me just… find out what we’re doing here, okay?

As he heads towards the officers and their engineering team Quey staggers almost imperceptibly, the deadly drugs he favored obviously affecting his judgement.

So, officers, what’s the data? What’s our step two?

The senior officer, a major Kass, raised an eyebrow in the Feeorin’s general direction with scientific precision.

"We have ascertained there to be lifeforms both behind in the vehicle storage and ahead. Nearest us in the combat personnel living station. We’ve determined the lifeforms behind us to most likely be crew and soldiers who fled their posts when the fighting began. Whatever enemy we face..

A trace of unease bolted across his eyes, and then were gone a moment later, so that when you looked at him you doubted you had ever seen it.

..they’ve managed to gain control of both the systems control sector and the command section. We ascertain from the signals we received before they went dark that the officer’s row and the detention center were the site of the most fractious fighting. We’re hopeful the enemy has merely succeeded in scattering and dividing most of the ship.
Our next course of action is to travel via the combat personnel quarters and the engine control access points directly beneath the detention center and systems control. Our only directive is to regain control of the ship. We plan to receive sizable reinforcements from pockets of the ship’s crew as we go. Any questions?"

2015-07-21, 11:57 AM
Skarrait Ssindh

As the shuttle eases in toward the landing bay, the Sluissi in a matte black flight suit checks over his gear one last time before going into action. A helmet rests on the bench seat next to him, revealing his unusual coloration: rather than the green and brown common among Sluissi, his scales range from glossy blue-black on the top and sides of his head to off-white on his throat and the underside of his jaw. A variety of small mechanical and electronic tools each emerge briefly from their pouches at his belt before being stowed again - most of them common hand tools, though a couple of the items would likely only be recognizable to another specialist. One gloved hand runs along the bandolier slung from his right shoulder, checking to see that each loop still contains its power pack, before he finally comes to his weapons: a long-barreled, scoped blaster rifle backed up by what appear to be a pair of heavy pistols, one of them with a retractable stock. Satisfied, he lifts his helmet onto his head as he shuttle's landing gear clang down onto the hangar deck, latching it into place just before the ramp lowers.

As the Imperial Major speaks, the serpentine mercenary quickly calls up a schematic diagram of a Star Destroyer on the bracer computer strapped to the inside of his right forearm. With the display set to holographic projection, he highlights each of the areas mentioned in turn, along with a projected route for the team.

2015-07-21, 12:38 PM
Kel steps over to Skarrait and gazes at the holographic projection of the ship. He points a gloved finger at the area representing the room behind the hangar, where the sensor team suspects the crew is hiding.

"Major Kass, it would be prudent to determine if your sensor team is correct about the crew before moving ahead. They may know what we're up against. Better than going in blind."

2015-07-21, 12:40 PM
I do not make errors. If you do not wish to bear the brunt of the burden on this mission, please, feel free to secure that section of the ship.


Hmm.... good work Sluissi. The only error on that hologram is due to the non-standard modifications made to this Star Destroyer's detention center. It is 130% larger than the detention center seen on this hologram. Taking space from both the area near the Officer's quarters and the engine area below. It is the only section between the Engine Section and the System Controls.

The major indicated the areas of expansion.

I am going to lead fifteen stormtroopers, the mercenaries, and my engineering crew to the combat personnel living section. The rest of you will secure the shuttles, save for ten stormtroopers and officer Cersian, who will rally the Sd-er's crew. Quey! Take point. Move out soldiers.

2015-07-22, 01:20 PM
you can choose to go deeper into the star destroyer and be at this scene or check the hanger bay/vehicle storage opposite the rest of the ship

The major leads his troops forward at a quick pace. As you approach the Combat Personnel area, you discern a torrent of blaster fire. Before you reach the blast door that separates the CP area from the corridor you are travelling on, the fire dissipates. The major keys in the code to the blast doors and they open, revealing a hallway strewn with stormtrooper corpses, numbering in the hundreds. A lone stormtrooper remains, sporting wounds on his side and his legs. There are six large blast doors separating the living quarters from the main hallway. One of the doors is closed, the others are open, revealing more corpses. The last remaining stormtrooper turns to face the company.

“They were like spheres. Partially corporeal. They… Messed with our minds. Made us shoot each other. They were. Evil.”

He gestures towards the one closed door.

“A few more made it. But one of them is freaking out. I wouldn't go in there right now. He lost it. The others will get him sorted out soon enough.”

2015-07-22, 10:53 PM
HAWC paid little heed to the trooper's fanciful tale as it waded through the carnage, examining the wounds of the fallen as it passed. It applied full power to shields as it stepped through one of the open doors to see what the situation was out in the hall.

Taking 10 on Perception to examine the wounds, 22.
Then using Full Defense before stepping out in the hallway.

2015-07-22, 11:31 PM
Kel's gaze lingers for a moment on the small group of stormtroopers moving toward the rear exit. Then he turns and follows the rest of his team toward the living quarters. His blade hums softly, and as he passes, there is the the faint scent of ozone.

He casually steps over the bodies in the Combat Personnel area, taking care to stay behind HAWC's shield. When the wounded trooper mentions mind control, he looks up abruptly.

Perhaps the trooper is still being controlled.
Perception check to Sense Deception (take best result): [roll0] or [roll1]
Perception check to Sense Influence: take 10 to beat DC 20.

2015-07-23, 02:56 AM
Sorry, lunatic, I should have been more clear. You guys are in the hallway with the casualties. There are six rooms adjacent to the hallway, all of which are living quarters. One of the rooms is closed, the rest are open.

@Ninja, Kel senses no deception or compulsion on the stormtrooper.

As HAWC examines the wounds of the deceased, he notices mostly blaster wounds that came from the very same type of blasters the stormtroopers were carrying. Occasionally he spots groups of stormtroopers who seem to have expired from blunt force trauma, as their armor shows no blaster marks.

He moves cautiously up the hall, coming to the first set of doors. On his left is the closed door, on his right the open door reveals around sixty bunks and a small door inside marked "lavoratory." There are still more corpses, some without their armor on.

2015-07-23, 03:06 PM
Skarrait Ssindh

The technician listens to the wounded stormtrooper's wild tale, face impassive, then turns to address both Quey and Major Kass. "The nature of the ressearch being conducted on thiss ship sseemss likely to prove tactically ssignificant," he rasps, gesturing with his rifle to indicate the Imperial troops killed by their own weapons. "Asssuming thiss wass the work of ssome chemical or biological agent, we should be taking precautionss againsst contamination. Insstituting quarantine zoness, and sso on."

2015-07-23, 04:40 PM
Armored person, known as Fang, simply followed others. Especially Quey. He was his main employer. He quietly looked around, quite curious what happened here. After while he couldn't help but smile. This carnage... it was just like during clone wars. Then he had to force himself not to laugh...
- Quarantine zones? If stormtroopers couldn't stop it, I doubt normal door can.

2015-07-23, 09:53 PM
"If there is an airborne contaminant, we've likely already been exposed." Kel says. "Keep your eyes on the weak-willed in case they turn on us."

As the droid examines the bodies, the hunter walks toward the closed room. He positions himself with his back against the hallway wall a few feet from the door and stands motionless for several moments.

Perception to listen for anything inside the closed room. Take 10 = 26.

2015-07-24, 02:44 AM
Quey merely shrugs his shoulders at the question addressed to him, as if to say, "I feel fine."

The all caps bits can be heard by all the PC's. Here's what Kel hears:

"Hold him down!"

"No! Stop! Stay away!!


"HELP!! NOO!!"

"It'll pass soon-HOLD HIM!"

"He's so strong!"


Major Kass hesitates. "No, any weaponized chemicals couldn't possibly have leaked this far. Unless there were traitors in the research area... Still, we're safe from any effects as the agent disperses into concentrations too small to affect living things of our stature within a minute of application. "

He grabs the stormtrooper's arm.

"Private, you're managed to neutralize all of them?"

"No sir. I saw two of them submerge through the floor."

"Alright men, move out! We are to continue to the engine block. Inform Cersian to use utmost caution when traversing this sector. Also have him check on the distressed troopers. If they're not fit for combat by the time he gets there have him leave them behind. Private, come with us."

The mercenaries shrug their shoulders and begin strolling down the hall towards the exit door. The stormtroopers have made it to HAWC's position, the mercenaries are beyond, halfway to the door.

2015-07-24, 08:31 AM
Skarrait Ssindh

As the Imperial officer speaks, the Sluissi's right hand comes up to his collar and briefly touches a control. "If all variabless were correctly accounted for, Major, there would be no need for our misssion," he replies, voice distorted by his suit's external speakers. "I have ssealed my ssuit and will proceed on internal air, and I ssuggesst that everyone elsse who iss able to should do the ssame." Both hands on his rifle again, he follows the rest of the mercs toward the door.

Keeping a wary ear out as we head for the door, with either a 17 or a 30 Perception (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19576567&postcount=6).

2015-07-24, 12:06 PM
@philistine, With that perception check you hear all of the interaction behind the doors of the last barracks


I never make mistakes. Do as you will.

2015-07-24, 12:27 PM
"If you know how quickly this agent disperses, Major, surely you must know more about what we're facing. Care to enlighten us?"

2015-07-24, 02:10 PM
I'm afraid that's above your pay grade. Not to mention the hired guns.

The only reason I'm on the front lines at all is to keep you informed. When I say there's a problem, then there's a problem.

2015-07-24, 02:45 PM
HAWC cast a glance over the mass of mercs, checking how many even had some sort of NBC protection. It may have been immune to chemical or biologic agents, but it was still susceptible if went crazy and started shooting.

"If the agent is supposed to disperse by now, what caused all this?" it asked as it passed by the major on its way to check and clear the other side rooms ahead of the stormtroopers.

Still taking 10 to clear the side rooms.

2015-07-24, 03:23 PM
HAWC's diligent searching highlights the merc's indifference to the situation. Quey and his men are already waiting at the doors to engineering.

All the living quarters have corpses in them. There are no new symptoms nor discernable causes of death. In the last room on the left HAWC finds a stormtrooper curled up in one of the bunks, shaking violently.

Major Kass and his stormtroopers are continuing forward. They have made it to the middle set of rooms.

2015-07-24, 04:25 PM
"There is one survivor in here. It appears his operating system has crashed," HAWC reported.

Approaching the soldier, it ordered "Report, trooper!"

2015-07-24, 11:41 PM
Skarrait Ssindh

You don't make mistakes? Right. It's quickly becoming apparent that this Major Kass has been promoted to the level of his incompetence, so Ssindh doesn't bother reiterating his point, or pointing out the logical flaws in the Major's blustering claims. Some of the other mercs have already noticed some of them, anyway, so at least he can likely count on having at least a couple of allies if this job goes wrong... Unless whatever happened to these stormtroopers happens to them as well.

On that cheerful thought he closes up with the rest of Quey's squad. He takes a covering position at the farthest door on the left, drawing a bead on the shaking trooper as HAWC approaches. Given the carnage in the stormtrooper quarters so far, there's a fair chance that the reason this stormie is all alone is simply that he murdered the rest of his bunkmates.

Readying an action to shoot the trooper if he tries to attack HAWC.

2015-07-25, 04:14 AM
The trooper screams and hurls himself at HAWC, triggering The Sluissi's prepared action.

2015-07-25, 07:13 AM
Skarrait Ssindh

A single emerald-colored plasma bolt flashes from the doorway as the trooper tries to launch himself toward HAWC. "Reinforcementss from the ship'ss company, ssomeone ssaid?," the Sluissi rasps, his demeanor perfectly matter-of-fact - letting the circumstances drive the sarcasm home for him.

Critical hit, for 54 damage. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19580841&postcount=8)

2015-07-25, 07:54 AM
The trooper's head explodes, the momentum of his charge carrying his lifeless body into the HAWC droid, along with a splattering of blood.

Quey. Open the door. The major grits his teeth at Ssindh's comment.

"Much obliged yer honor."

The door is opened.

"Huh. Didn't think of that. What now, sir?"

Beyond the door lies a hallway that leads to the door to the engine sector 20 meters ahead with passageways to the left and to the right. An area extending ten meters from the door to the engine sector is flooded in radiation. This is evidenced by the flashing red holovids reading: :WARNING: RADIATION:

2015-07-25, 01:41 PM
HAWC just stood there as the headless corpse rebounded off its torso. Turning to face the Sluissi, it said, "That was unnecessary. An unarmed Human is no threat to this unit. In the future, advise the use of the stun setting on Imperial personnel."

2015-07-25, 01:48 PM
Major Kass surveys the warning signal impassively.

"The controls to this radiation unit can be accessed from the other side. HAWC, please deactivate the radiation defenses. The controls will be in the room ahead.

At this point all the mercenaries are in the front of the middle hallway. The Stormtroopers have just made it through the door to the three way hallway.

All your characters hear the faint sound of clanking, as if metal on metal. Starting faintly, and growing each moment. As though of a thousand knives beating a metal pipe incessantly. It is coming from the leftmost hallway.

2015-07-25, 06:12 PM
Deciding to resolve its deficiencies in less-lethal combat, HAWC keyed the lift to the armory. But by the time the doors opened, the droid had lost interest, instead sizing up the left corridor for defensible positions and firing lanes.

Still taking 10 on Perception

2015-07-27, 06:46 AM
Skarrait Ssindh

Skarrait stares at HAWC coolly as the droid chides him. "Sstun weaponss are unreliable," he hisses in response. "And in any casse, thiss weapon doess not posssesss a sstun ssetting." There's a ghost of a twitch at the corner of the reptilian mouth, easy to miss, that might be a smirk threatening to break through the Sluissi's impassive demeanor.

It's the radiation hazard warnings in the engine room which finally succeed in drawing a change of facial expression from the reptilian mercenary: a tense frown. Radiation! Of all the egg-eating, nest-fouling... Okay. Coolant leak? Containment breech? Malfunction, or sabotage? What happened here? After a moment, he looks over to the Feeorin leader of the mercenaries. "Quey, we need a data terminal," he says urgently, his pronunciation surprisingly becoming crisper under stress. "Somewhere I can call up a damage report, to see what we're up against in that compartment and what it will take to make it safe. If it can be made safe."

2015-07-28, 12:45 AM
Sluissi, this is a defensive ship measure in the case of overwhelming enemy force. Activated either in the next room or from the systems control center. Here is all the external damage. He hands Ssindh a datapad. "The nearest terminal is through this hallway."
The escape pod area near the forward batteries is damaged, with a section completely blown off. Reports before the shop went dark also indicated that all the radiation defense measures had been tripped. There are many radioactive areas in the ship.

Quey meanwhile, is having none of the droid being the most valuable member of the team.

"It's bad luck to rely on a droid. This whole section is in the same air-seal, yeah?"

He casually raises his blaster rifle and does a full auto into the ceiling. "We'll get those controls for you. Give me a boost."

The weequay and the gand give Quey a foothold to jump up from. Quey is now in the ceiling.

His blaster bolts had distracted from the noise, but now it is unmistakable.

Prepare for action!

OOC: Everyone roll initiative and post one turn's worth of actions.

2015-07-28, 02:50 AM
Skarrait Ssindh

The tech takes the datapad, connecting it quickly to the one on his bracer to copy over the data. "How current is this information?" he asks while the mercenary leader gets ready to blast through the ceiling. "And did you say external damage? Is this from offboard sensors, or-" He's interrupted by the sudden noise of Quey's blaster, and the now-unmistakable sound of approaching trouble from the side corridor. The borrowed datapad clatters to the deck as Skarrait lunges away from the door and dives to a prone firing position, sinuous body writhing until he's facing back the way he came, rifle ready and trained on the door.

Per the dice roll thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19593573&postcount=9),
Initiative: 28
Move action to get away from the left-hand door.
Swift action to fall prone.
Standard action to attack (Attack: 25, Damage: 23) the first hostile through the door.

2015-07-28, 07:47 AM
Kel taps a control on his forearm, and the indistinct haze of an energy shield surrounds him. He moves to the right side of the hallway to gain an unobstructed view of both the mercenaries battering their way into the ceiling and the ingress for the approaching hostiles, though he takes care to stay behind the mass of stormtroopers. He raises his forearm, bringing the reversed blade of his lightsaber up to shield his body, stretches out his free hand, and waits.

Initiative: 24
Swift: activate shield
Move to side of hallway
Swift: Sense Surroundings to ignore cover and concealment until beginning of next turn (succeed on a 1)

2015-07-28, 10:54 AM
"Luck" was mostly a series of cognitive biases on the part of organics. Versus the very real chance that mercenaries would up and leave once things started to heat up, which is exactly what HAWC was witnessing before its optics.

But that was the major's problem. HAWC had more pressing issues. The metallic scraping sound might have unnerved a living soldier, but to HAWC it was merely an advanced warning. It turned to face the left hallway, feet planted in a stable firing stance, and the leg braces once agains locked into place as it focused its main sensors on the empty hallway, waiting for the enemy to run straight into the waiting repeater.

Init 22
2x Swift to brace repeater
Standard to ready an action to open fire on the first sign of trouble. Going to use Autofire Sweep to fill the entire hallway.
Attack 27, damage 16 (:smallyuk:)

2015-07-30, 02:38 PM
The thunder of claws becomes unmistakable. Major Kass orders the stormtroopers to brace for action. He also mouths into his com, “Send reinforcements Now!”

Quey pulls his Weequay friend up through the ceiling. The mercenaries hug the walls; four of them train their guns around the corner. Fang sets his sights on the hallway to the left. The hallway banks out of sight around thirty squares away from your position.
*Rumble-Rumble-RUMBLE! *
They charge into sight. Rakghoul! You can make your check for information
Green, antenna-ed creatures, their claws rake the floor, leaving gashes in the durasteel. think witches from L4 dead

Ssindh is the first to get off a shot, the reptile’s response time apparently the best in the group. He strikes true, and is rewarded with a screech, and then a still body, his target trampled by its brothers.

HAWC’s weapon discharged next. Perhaps he had been waiting for the monsters to fill the hallway, as his gun cut a wide area. eleven Rakghoul suffered wounds from his fire, yet none fell. The mercenaries opened fire, with three shots connecting, sending three of HAWC's wounded targets to their demise.

Then finally the stormtroopers fired, culling another four Rakghoul from the ranks of the living. One might be justified in suspecting they would not have dropped if some of the work had not already been done.

Fang fires into the fray as well, wasting an unwounded Rakghoul.

You can see roughly sixty Rakghoul, filling the hall from the corner to ten squares away. You estimate their numbers to be above a hundred, based on the noise they are making.

PC's turn.

2015-07-31, 07:39 AM
The crest of the rakghoul wave melts under the fire of Kel's teammates. "I prefer single combat to pest control," he mutters.

He flicks the wrist of his free hand before backing away from the scrum.

Standard: Move Object throwing one undamaged rakghoul (29 vs Will) into another undamaged rakghoul (29 vs Reflex) for [roll0] damage to each.
Move: I assume the battle is at the "crossroads" of the hallway. Rakghouls from left, radiation ahead, so the right hallway is the only safe egress. Kel will back up 6 squares (or less if there's no room or he can't maintain line of sight) but stay close to the wall of the hallway closest to "forward" and furthest from the way they came.

2015-07-31, 08:53 AM
The hurled rakghoul screeches in vain as it is hurled onto another beast. Flailing limbs tell they still have life, but they serve as an obstacle for those behind them as they grasp at anything near them.

Exactly correct. Upside down T. Rakghouls on the left, radiation ahead and 'safety' to the right. You are now on the corner between the forward and right wall in my mind. Do you want to be further right?

2015-07-31, 12:42 PM
Skarrait Ssindh

Sure are a lot of those things. The rifle may well be Ssindh's weapon of choice, but it's clearly not the right choice for a fight like this - any more than sniping from a prone position is the right tactic for it. A quick bunching and flexing of the muscular coils of his lower body propels him upright again, and he reaches across his body to draw the subrepeating blaster from its holster on his hip with one hand even as the other maintains a firm grip on his rifle at the balance point. The smaller gun whines as a spray of ruby bolts stitches across the deck just in front of the creatures, but the shot is hurried - too hurried.

Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19609993&postcount=17)
Knowledge(Galactic Lore) check to ID the enemies: 25.
Move action to stand up, Swift action to draw a weapon (with Quick Draw).
Standard action to Attack with Autofire: 11 for 20 Damage (halved for missing Reflex, as I assume that does) to the raks in a 2X2 area at the front of the swarm. I'll start with any survivors of HAWC's autofire assault last round, if there are any left.

2015-07-31, 01:15 PM
The blaster bolts spray into the four remaining wounded rakghoul, killing them instantly. Another two rakghoul end up in the line of fire and suffer a similar demise.

Results of GL check:

DC: 10 The rakghoul are extremely contagious. One scratch could end up transferring the plague to the victim.

DC: 15 These rakghoul are different from any known type. The claws are longer than they should be and the antennae are more than they should be.

DC: 20 You know the rackghoul have no ability to learn. Their minds are husks of what they once were. Even the rakghouls in lore that retained some of their functionality cannot adapt. +2 defense against any rakghoul you have seen attack (none). +2 attack against any rakghoul you have seen in action for one round (the front twenty still alive).

DC: 25 You know that the disease must affect the brain before a victim can be turned into a rakghoul, as the sith lord Muur that created it intended the victims to serve him. You may re-roll any treat injury check made to fight the disease.

All of these benefits can be given to others. The DC 25 benefit will not apply to others until you have one minute to explain the particulars. The others can be done as a free action.

2015-07-31, 01:36 PM
Skarrait Ssindh

Even as his blaster spits incandescent red death at the leading edge of the wave of creatures, a memory stirs in the back of Ssindh's mind. Something from ancient history - something everyone had thought long gone. "Rakghouls," he spits. "Plague carriers. Everyone keep your distance from them; do not let them close in. Their minds are gone, they are no longer who they once were."

He spares a moment for a worried glance at the closed-up crew quarters behind the group. They'd had a man who was suffering... what? Another case of rakghoul fever could mean the mercenaries would soon have enemies to their rear, blocking their escape to the shuttles. Something other than rakghoul fever, though, might mean that the rakghouls were only the start of the team's problems.

2015-07-31, 08:34 PM
HAWC said nothing. At least its vocabulator was silent-the big repeater spoke volumes, stitching the incoming horde with verdant bolts of fury as its torso rotated like a turret to track whatever it identified as a threat.

HAWC's sensors and targeting algorithms gave the battle droid fire discipline that no organic gunner could hope to match. Every burst it laid down was calculated to inflict maximum damage to the rakghouls with the fewest shots fired.

This looks like a job for double attack! With autofire sweep.

First attack 29 to hit, 20 damage. Second attack rolled the one thing that was a miss.:smallmad:

EDIT: On review, I do have a third shot to take, which was 25 to hit for 26 damage.

2015-08-01, 04:45 AM
The discharges from HAWC's weapon murder eighteen rakghouls, all of them fresh targets.

Then the rakghoul swarm hits the stormtrooper's line. Twenty rakghouls collide with the thin white line, ravaging the stormtroopers. Six troopers die instantly, five are injured, two of them start two convulse violently.

The troopers able to fire do so at point blank range. Major Kass pulls the pin on a frag and chucks it beyond his troops position. Five rakghoul are shot, four of them expiring.

Kass' grenade goes off, turning six rakghouls into a thousand pieces of flesh.

The mercenaries have a mixed response to the carnage before them. One grenade is thrown into the mix, killing three rakghoul and one of the convulsing stormtroopers, wounding another two rakghoul.

Eight fire into the fray, killing three. Some four mercs turn and head for the hole in the ceiling.

Forty of the sixty rakghouls you counted alive after the initial volley from the boarding team are dead.

Unfortunately, another sixty have rounded the hallway and are in sight, leaving eighty in sight (before HAWC's additional volley's).

2015-08-01, 08:00 AM
Skarrait Ssindh

Moving with practiced speed, Ssindh shrugs his rifle onto its patrol sling and uses his newly-freed hand to extend his submachine gun's collapsible stock and grab the foregrip. Proper shooting position immediately improves his aim, and he fires off a burst into the advancing creatures.

Swift action to holster the rifle.
Swift action to extend the stock on the subrepeating blaster.
Standard action to Attack with Autofire: 24 for 10 Damage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19613520&postcount=24) in a 2X2 area, again prioritizing an area containing already-injured raks if possible.

2015-08-01, 09:27 AM
Kel takes in the scene. Dead rakghouls litter the floor and the walls are coated in flecked blood and bodily fluids. His allies have turned the hallway into a blender of blaster fire. He watches the Major lob a grenade into the fray. Grenades, he thinks to himself. I should grab some grenades.

Reluctantly, he draws his sidearm and levels it at the scrum. "So uncivilized." He fires a single shot.

Move: draw blaster
Swift: Sense Surroundings (no roll necessary)
Standard: shoot a rakghoul not in melee with an ally, but preferably one already wounded. 25 vs Reflex, 12 damage.

2015-08-01, 12:38 PM
Ssindh's spread shot hits one wounded and two unwounded, the wounded one dropping. Kel shoots the rakghoul wounded last, dropping it.

Kel notices two dark presences in the force, behind him down the hall on the right. They are coming towards the fight in the hall.

2015-08-03, 12:17 PM
"Possible enemies approaching from the right. Something...dark headed this way. Two of them. Looks like the armory will have to wait."

2015-08-04, 10:49 AM
HAWC fired a few more bursts, cutting down some more rakghouls before the the line of rakghouls fell upon the stormtroopers, obstructing its shots. Thinking quickly, HAWC turned and ran towards the nearest wall, and then used the momentum to carry it up the wall. It stopped near the ceiling and turned to bring the repeater back into play, this time with clear shots into the fray.

First the three bonus shots. And yes, autofire sweep is in play.

First goes to the group in the open (the one with no friendlies)-30 to hit, 20 damage plus 10 more to the swarm.

Second will go to the same-28 attack, 22 damage plus 4 to the swarms.

Third will miss from the second nat 1 in as many turns.

Now, on my turn, I'm going to use a move action to, well, move to the wall and as far up it as I can go. Magnetic feet FTW!

Then a standard action to fire, going for the largest body count of rakghouls I can get. 20 attack, 22+3 damage.

2015-08-04, 01:00 PM
Skarrait Ssindh

It's taken vital seconds to reach this point, but Ssindh finally has his burp gun in the right condition and in the right position. With the stock locked into its extended position and socketed securely against his shoulder, he braces himself and triggers a controlled burst into a close-packed group of rakghouls. He won't match the swath of destruction being laid down by the battle droid, of course, but he can finish off stragglers and survivors who threaten to break through.

Two Swift actions to Brace.
Standard action to Attack with Autofire (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19627565&postcount=27) and Point Blank Shot: 18 for 23 damage vs. the nearest Swarm of rakghouls.

2015-08-04, 01:18 PM
Kel stares down the long, empty hall for a moment. What's coming?

Then he turns and strides toward the hordes of rakghouls, extends his arm and stretches out his fingers. Chaotic tendrils of electricity fly from his hand and envelop a group of the creatures.

Move: walk closer to battle
Standard: Force Lightning on an undamaged swarm. If there aren't any, then against the healthiest swarm. 32 vs Reflex, 33 Force damage and it moves one step down the condition track, in addition to any it might take due to damage.

2015-08-04, 02:05 PM
If the rakghouls could know fear HAWC would have taught it to them in his latest bursts of execution. An entire swarm vaporized into so much goo. His burst from high on the wall hit and killed thirty-three rakghoul (three swarms injured and three individuals killed).

I say again, send reinforcements. Respond, dammint!

Then the second wave of rakghoul struck the thin white line, some even making it to major Kass and the mercs.
The four rakghoul pounce on Kass, one of them slicing his jugular, all of them driving their claws deep into his flesh.
His troopers fare little better. All have either suffered wounds or been ignobly shredded. Five of the mercs suffer the same demise. There are now only five wounded troopers alive, not counting Kass or the writhing private.
The return fire sees the rakghoul straddling Kass obliterated by the stormtroopers and the mercs. Sadly, the majority of the mercs like their chances fleeing better than holding their ground. Four mercs have made it up through the hole by now, though unfortunately for their chances of escape a fight has broken out for a tolerable spot in line.

Ssindh unloads into the mayhem, scoring more kills in a moment than most do in a lifetime. (Two wounded swarms destroyed and one individual killed)
Unable to send his dark magic into the rakghoul further back (Max range) Kel’s tendrils of energy jolt from one rakghoul to another, ten of them shriveling and dying.

From the right side of the hall everyone sees a dark, purple orb twice the size of a thermal detonator approaching steadily, hovering over the durasteel floors.

philistine and ninja have taken their turns prematurely! If either would like to change their actions I’ll edit this post in retrospect

Three of the six swarms and eight of the twenty(?) rakghouls killed. You'll be in control of the hall in no time. :smallcool:

2015-08-04, 03:20 PM
HAWC noticed the black orb coming from behind-apparently Vando wasn't kidding about dark things approaching. But they weren't yet acting hostile, so it wasn't willing to spend an excessive number of processor cycles on them, not when the rakghouls were all over the major and his troops. It fired again and again, prioritizing the ghouls attacking the troops instead of the ones going after the fleeing mercs.

Full attack, with Sweep.

Attack 1 15 to hit, 26+8 damage, attack 2 28 to hit, 31+11 damage

2015-08-05, 10:21 AM
From the right side of the hall everyone sees a dark, purple orb twice the size of a thermal detonator approaching steadily, hovering over the durasteel floors.

"Ssindh, do you have any idea what the hell that thing is?"

As smoke rises off the charred forms of the rakghouls, Kel glances over his shoulder at the strange floating construct and shouts in a harsh, guttural language. "Mes buti xarnait iv tave Akvasealsta. Vienyfas tu'saen!"

"We are servants of the Emperor. Identify yourselves!"

2015-08-05, 02:06 PM
Skarrait Ssindh

Always assume the worst, and you'll never be disappointed. Words to live by at any time, and present circumstances recalled them vividly to Skarrait's mind. "Looks like one of the things the private back there was talking about," he rasps.

Galactic Lore check: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19632795&postcount=32) 25
I don't have high hopes for this one, but let's see if he comes up with anything

2015-08-06, 03:09 AM
HAWC’s precision sweeps cut down fully two thirds of the remaining rakghoul, the first shot taking down two lone rakghoul and half a swarm. The second shot obliterates the decimated swarm, a fresh swarm, and four more loners.

rakghoul slaughter 2K15 indeed!

Decimate only means to take a tenth. But it sounds cool

Men. Droid. Merc.

His words are purchased with much pain and difficulty, for one of the Raks has sliced him across the adams apple.

I’ve been compromised. Take this. It will-ghck-help.

He feebly takes a datapad out of his suit and tosses it gently towards the nearest boarder, Ssindh. He then applies pistol to temple and pulls the trigger.

The lone remaining swarm cuts the last of the stormtroopers into pieces. Six rakghoul surge forward, a third of their number attacking HAWC, Ssindh, and the mercs.
The distracted mercs are waylaid, the raks killing one each. The last merc picks up his weapon and fires, killing one in retaliation.
One rakghoul makes a grand vault, raking it’s claws against the droid’s shields, managing only a light scratch on the droid itself. (19 DGM). The raks attacking Ssindh fail to land a blow, as the serpentine merc dodges effortlessly, occasionally deflecting strikes with his weapon.

Five lone raks, one swarm, one merc, two orbs, and one datapad.

Derriphan- DC 20 Rumors exist of lifeforms formed purely of malevolent dark side energies, that can control other beings. Most regard such knowledge as mere children’s stories.
DC 25 They are real and are capable of using the force.

The orb stops advancing. Xarnait? Mes rai teriat xarniat,
Servants? We are not interested in servants.

The orb rises through the ceiling. Kel senses that it continues at least two floors up.

2015-08-06, 04:53 AM
Skarrait Ssindh

Ssindh's mouth gapes behind the visor of his helmet, exposing gleaming fangs as he hisses loudly over the suit's external speaker. Electronic distortion from the speaker turns the noise into a passable imitation of static, which is punctuated by another high-pitched whine from the burp gun when the serpentine tech stitches another burst of scarlet fire across the two rakghouls pressing him. He sees the major's final moments and the datapad now lying on the deck, and also the purple orb-thing approaching from the right-hand corridor; but if the remaining mercs can't fight off the rakghouls right here and right now, nothing else will matter anyway.

Two Swift actions to Brace.
Autofire Attack: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19635878&postcount=35) 28 for 17 Damage vs. the two rakghouls attacking Ssindh.

2015-08-06, 06:25 AM
Kel watches Ssindh's powerful pistol erupt with blaster bolts. I should get one of those.

He translates the enigmatic conversation with the orb for his companions, then repositions to get a clear shot of the remaining swarm while not closing to melee with the other rakghouls. Torrents of dark energy fly from his hand.

Move: if necessary
Standard: Force Lightning - 29 vs Reflex, 29 Force damage, half on miss, -1 on condition track

2015-08-07, 09:29 AM
HAWC fires another pair of bursts into the floor, stilling the last rakghouls.

Then it turned to Kel. "You said you sensed two presences approaching from the right. Where is the other one?"

Full attack on the remaining Raks. Attack and damage 27/28 and 18/17 respectively.