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2015-07-20, 04:26 PM
It is mid-morning in the bustling harbor town of River Rock. The last of the westbound barges, on the way to the elven-held city of Plainsfort, load up their wares after a night in port. Across town, on the large crest of stone from which the town takes its name, sits Riversedge Keep, home to Count James Farimol and current site of a meeting of River Rock's High Council. There, they are just finishing up interviewing some local mercenaries, whom they have selected to venture into the nearby woods to clear it of the various fell beasts which reside therein.

Just write a short, IC introduction, and mingle with each other while we wait for everyone to reply.

2015-07-20, 07:25 PM
Skitarii, an odd sight as a 10' tall spider, skitters out, waiting for the rest of the group to catch up. Under his breath, he mutters a song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNrXMOSkBas) to himself, blissfully unaware of any malicious looks he receives.

2015-07-20, 07:43 PM
An uncertain, forced grin marred Clarabel's pretty face as she glanced over her compatriots. It didn't take any time for her to notice, that amongst this motley crew, she was the only fully-human member, and though only one of them could match her strength, she couldn't help but feel slightly ill-at-ease at the prospect of hunting in the woods with such companions as a dragonborn, a stone man, a bird man, and a giant, talking spider. Clara froze awkwardly as she watched the spider walk out from the room without so much as a by your leave, winching its legs inward and hunching over so that it could fit through the door.

After a pause, Clarabel shook her head ever so slightly and said, "I assure you we will be more than capable of dealing with these wood creatures straight away."

2015-07-20, 07:45 PM

Ah-were we not finished? My apologies, Skitarii says, his voice high and airy, as he crawls back into the room.I thought your last sentence was a dismissal.

2015-07-20, 08:02 PM
Hope walked to meet the others, smiling as she tuned her lute. They all looked like very good meatshields for her to buff from the back. Hope waved as she skipped into place.

2015-07-20, 09:55 PM
Twi glances from one mercenary to the other, they all towered over her by a head at least, several of them by even more. "Pardon me" she says awkwardly, poking her long beak between Hope and Clarabel. Twi blinks her beedy little eyes at (the count?) and says Ahh...sir what can you tell us about these eh, Fel Beasts? I mean, a fel beast, well those can't be very nice, it's right there in their name She stammers slightly and bobs her head at Hope er no offense to present company of course"

Really Twi was just looking for some quick currency so she could visit the nearest pub and try out those potato things she'd heard about. She really wanted to do here homework to make sure she didn't get her wings clipped so soon after coming to the material plane.

2015-07-21, 06:28 AM
Ettenial turned to take his first good look at the rest of companions. Some were a bit on the small side, but they had the look a fighters. A good group. Unconventional, perhaps but a good group nonetheless. So, these are the scoundrels that show up when there's money to fight? laughed the dragonborn. He then pivoted back towards the council. Don't worry, your honors, we'll have the woods under control in no time. Why, we might not even need to burn them down!

2015-07-21, 08:07 AM
Clarabel had to stifle a laugh at the dragonborn's jest.

2015-07-21, 11:02 AM
We aren't, um, planning on burning them down, are we? I rather like the forests-it reminds me of home.

2015-07-21, 11:20 AM
Hearing the dragonborn's stirring words, Hope quickly strummed her lute. "I concur!"

2015-07-21, 01:48 PM
Aggak (who had thus far remained quiet) furrowed his brow slightly at the Ettenial's words, "I am quite certain that we shall accomplish our task, but I can assure you that if you attempt to burn down the forest you will have me to contend with."

2015-07-21, 03:35 PM
Careful to hide it as she rolled her eyes, Clara flicked a mote of dust from her left glove adding, "No need to be so severe, friend shaman, of course nodody plans to burn the forest down." Lords and ladies! she thought to herself, I get saddled with one of these uncouth wood-warlocks, and on top of that he's as rigid as the stones fused with his skin... "Surely our draconic ally was being sarcastic?"

2015-07-21, 04:46 PM
Count Farimol looks over at the bird-woman, and thinks to himself, "It's irksome, really, the Crown's insistence on fostering 'good relations' with these so-called 'extraplanar douarak.' Really, though, they do seem quite imposing. Perhaps it truly is for the best." Speaking aloud, he continues, "Sorry, ah...Twi, was it? The Thanderyn Forest has presented quite the conundrum to the people of River Rock. The first settlers of River Rock supposed it an easy source of construction material, but were quickly proven incorrect in their assumptions by its inhabitants, the fey. Any logging expeditions we send into the forest return broken, not in body, but both in mind and in spirit. That is, if they return at all; many fine men and women enter Thanderyn and are never seen again. We fear that, without adequate lumber, we will be unable to reinforce our fine city wall and fend off the Orcish hordes which plague us from the north. It is your mission, as well as your compatriots, to find the cause of the feys' hostility and report back to Major Fredricsson of the town guard, so he may advise me on how to proceed. Unless there is anything left to discuss, please follow the steward to our stables, where he will outfit you for your expedition."

2015-07-21, 04:51 PM
Fear not-as a fey creature myself, I should be able to sacertain their grievances quickly.

However... Skitarii mimics as best he can a human expression of hesitation. They may hold grievance with all logging. If that is the case, another solution my have to be sought.

2015-07-21, 06:05 PM
Ettenial was about to clarify that he did, in fact, not intend to burn down the forest, when the Count started speaking. Hearing the stories of whole groups lost to the fey, Thorn felt his hand wrap instinctively around the silver amulet at his throat. Before we depart, your honor, might I pick up some last minute supplies? You know, oil, chain, a signal horn. That sort of thing.

2015-07-21, 06:12 PM
"Of course, my good man, of course! The County of Riversedge is nothing if not generous. Merely alert the steward as to your desired acquisitions, and I would be happy to supply you with any reasonably-priced provisions you may require."
At the Count's beckoning, a stooped, elderly gentleman shuffles forward with his head bowed. "It is my office and my pleasure to serve you, brave warriors. How may I be of assistance?"

2015-07-21, 06:23 PM
Thorn reached into his belt pouch and brought out nine gold coins. It was a good bit of his funds, but he'd be getting it back soon. Plus, he was going to have great fun with these purchase.
10 feet of chain, 5 flasks of oil, and a horn should suffice.

2015-07-21, 06:24 PM
Er... Friend, what do you need the chain and oil for? Skitarii asks as he places a forelimb on Thorn's shoulder.

2015-07-21, 06:38 PM
Oh, chain's always useful to have. The oil is for if some part of the forest is what's causing this. Burn away the evil, and the darkness will not stand. Then, with a chuckle, he added also, it'll come in handy if the trader I got my torches from gypped my again.

2015-07-21, 06:39 PM
I'm sure we can resolve this without the need for fire.

2015-07-21, 06:45 PM
Thorn looked hard at the spider for a minute, then nodded. Very well. Hold the oil. We won't need it. If he's wrong, he thought to himself, then I've fire enough still.

2015-07-21, 06:47 PM
Fantastic! May I hug you, Thorn? Skitarii asks, his front two limbs held open for a hug. I ask because many people would not wish to receive one, but I'm simply glad you've agreed!

2015-07-21, 06:48 PM
With a bow, the steward hands off the money to a waiting page, who departs after a brief, whispered exchange. Count Farimol leans forward, entering the fire-related conversation, "While your, ah...enthusiasm is much appreciated, Mister Thorn, I thank you for keeping in mind that the objective is to retain as much wooded acreage as possible. If that is all you require, please proceed to the stables. Good day, and I shall see you soon...I hope." The steward, now empty-handed, gestures to the door. "I have sent a servant down to the marketplace to make your purchases for you, sans combustibles. He will meet you at the gates before you depart. If you would follow me, sirs and madams...?"

2015-07-21, 07:28 PM
Thorn accepted Skitarii's hug, making sure the spider came into contact with his amulet, then nodded to the steward. We will return victorious, your honor. He said, and started to follow the steward to the stables.

2015-07-21, 07:30 PM
I will do my best to keep everyone safe, Skitarii says as he follows the group down to the stables.

2015-07-21, 07:38 PM
Twi nods a few times to the steward, waits for everyone to pass, then dodders out after the rest of the party looking thoughtful, or perhaps slightly spaced out.

2015-07-21, 08:12 PM
The steward takes you down a long, winding staircase down the side of the hill upon which the keep is perched. Upon reaching the stables, he waves over three stable hands, quietly gives them instructions, and sends them off. They return shortly, holding the reigns for two horses each. After tying up the mounts, one stable hand opens a nearby crate, pulling out various riding gear. Together, they set about kitting up the horses for travel, with bits, bridles, saddles, and a large set of saddlebags for the last horse. Upon completing their work, they bow and exit the room, heading deeper into the stable. After a brief inspection of the horses, the stewards turns to you, saying, "Very good work, I should think. We pride ourselves on efficiency in this household. To get to the forest, take the East Gate; the young man I sent to go shopping for you should be waiting there by now. Good day!" With that, the old man hobbles out of the barn, heading back to the keep.

I'm going to wait a bit before time jumping you into the forest. Gotta go have dinner! :smallsmile: I'd rather take some time to make the post, and make sure it's well-written, than rush it and have it be poorly-written.

2015-07-21, 08:14 PM
Skitarii approaches one of the horses, slowly and carefully so as not to spook it. Hey there, friend. Don't worry-I'm not very heavy, so me riding you won't be too hard.

2015-07-21, 10:51 PM

After passing through the outlying farms of River Rock, your small contingent crosses the plain towards Thanderyn under blazing sun and little cloud cover. Luckily, the Count (or perhaps the steward) thoughtfully included spare waterskins in the saddlebags, so you experience little discomfort from the heat.
After traveling along the bank of the massive lake, the entrance to which River Rock presides over, the forest finally comes into view on the edge of the horizon. For those of you less accustomed to traveling by horseback, the ride might be nearing the point of unbearability. Luckily for you, it is now closer to nightfall then it is to their departure, so the trek is nearly halfway done. While, over the course of their journey's first leg, you passed a caravan and a singing minstrel, the second half of your journey proves much less eventful. Out here, the road becomes much patchier, and there far fewer signs of use.
As you ride closer to the tree line, the trees seem to become brighter somehow, more verdant. By the time you enter the fringe of the Thanderyn, everything is so affected: colors seem more saturated, the sun seems brighter, and the very air feels thick and syrupy. The shade, however, provides a welcome respite from the unrelenting heat. You find yourselves at the end of the road, in a small clearing just inside the Thanderyn Forest.

So, the post I left open over dinner got eaten by my automatic tab suspender. I'm working on re-writing it (and saving it as a go this time!), but it'll be a little bit. Sorry for the delay, but please bear with me for a bit. When this blurb goes away, the post is ready. Ready to go! Sorry it's late.

While you're waiting, does anyone have an issue with all of you traveling in the front rank across the plain, and then traveling like so?

Front Rank:

Mid Rank 1:

Mid Rank 2:

Back Rank:

I put Aggak and Skitarii on the ends because they have high Passive Perception, with Aggak on point because he's proficient in Nature (could help you not get lost in the woods). Twi and Ettenial up front, because they're tankier, and Clarabel behind Twi because she and Ettenial are primary healers, and therefore shouldn't be too close together, which left Orianna to go behind Ettenial. How does that sound?

2015-07-22, 02:49 PM
Along their road, the heat from the sun was unbearable leaving Clarabel a disheveled, soppy mess. Once they approached the tree line she eagerly leapt from her saddle to take refuge in the shade of the Thanderyn tree line.

After playing at her hair, and readjusting the top braid she'd pulled it into before the party's departure, Clara felt somewhat more human. "Now then," she began, "There was talk of slaying fell beasts wasn't there? You don't think the Count wants us to kill these fey creatures that are bothering his logging efforts do you? I'm not sure I'm up for that..." Protecting and securing the wellbeing of the commonfolk was one thing, and operating in their best interests another, but killing ancient natives to the forest in the name of business... even to help secure River Rock against the orc horde... that couldn't be justified, could it? Her father, Lord Anseed of Chateau deBatrieuz had often spoken to her of the hard choices that faced all nobility, of sacrifices to one's own principles in the name of a greater good. She wondered now, a sad smile shining in her eyes as she suddenly noticed the color and beauty of the forest around her, if this was the sort of thing he had meant...

2015-07-22, 03:34 PM
Hope smiled outwardly, but inwardly she was a bit worried. If they went into this battle believing a fight was the only option, then that would end up the case. And while Hope was no pacifist, her lessons in barding taught her that there could be also sorts of options, if one was willing to look for them. But on the other hand, she didn't want to get into an argument with her companions so quickly. And she wanted to get along. Here, she did not feel like she was judged, or that she stuck out. The others had likely been through similar, if not worse. Hope very much wanted this to work out. Still, she worried an argument was brewing underneath, and she should say something.

"I believe what the Count wants is the ability to log here without issue, an the method is up to us. Although I believe the most efficient way would simple be trying to talk first, to see if an arrangement can be made. Violence may very well promote more violence, and the destruction of all these lovely trees.

2015-07-22, 03:49 PM
As soon as she was able, Twi launched herself off the horse and straight into one of the nearby trees, where she lands awkwardly and has to scrabble to not fall out. Once she settles comfortably she begins to preen, causing a fine dust of feathers and wax to drift down to the ground.

She pauses and peers down at Clarabel

"Well I don't know, but the Count did suggest that maybe, those fae had a reason for what they were doing." She pauses a moment to look around "I'm not usually a huge fan of violence, no mam, not at all. But perhaps they can be reasoned with." Twi gestures after Skitarri with a claw "After all, we have ourselves a fae friend, it could be quite easy don't you think?"

I know I'm not reflecting Twi's current physical stats very well right now, it's on purpose, since she's new to this plane. Even she could fly easily on the elemental plane of air, she has to learn the limitations of the material plane.

2015-07-22, 07:25 PM
Well, fey are a fickle bunch, myself excluded... I think. Skitarii mimics a shrug, raising his front limbs up and down. It won't be easy, but hopefully we can get them to listen to reason.

2015-07-23, 06:26 AM
Ettenial had a uneasy feeling about the woods. Everything felt too bright, too preserved. He shrugged. Maybe it was just the fey influence. As he tuned back into reality, he heard several of the party members talking about whether they would have to fight the fey. I trust that words will get us farther than blades here. Although, we'd best have both at the ready. In truth, the dragonborn was unworried by the possibility of having to fight the fey. He was a fighter, born and bred for combat. What use was there for an artist with no canvas?

2015-07-23, 10:23 AM
As you debate your plans for the forest's inhabitants, said inhabitants take notice of you. Aggak, you notice a slight quiver of the bushes to your left, but--before you can react--a large feline shape explodes out of the bushes. With a loud screech, it jumps towards Twi. A twin shadow quickly darts out from the other side, lunging at that flank.

The Displacer Beasts' Stealth rooms were above everyone's Passive Perception scores, but one check was within 2 points of Aggak's, so I'll use Degrees of Failure to allow him to be unsurprised, but not enough to alert everyone else.

Displacer Beast 1:
Initiative: [roll0]
Attack 1 (Tentacle, versus Twi): [roll1]
Attack 2 (Tentacle, versus Twi): [roll2]
Displacer Beast 2:
Initiative: [roll3]
Attack 1 (Tentacle, versus Aggak): [roll4]
Attack 2 (Tentacle, versus Ettenial): [roll5]

The first Beast is in the bushes, 10' from Twi, the other is next to Ettenial, 10' from both Aggak and Skitarii. I'll get a map up later, if I have time.

2015-07-23, 03:00 PM


Displacer Beast 1






Displacer Beast 2

The first beast's tentacles hammer into Twi, beating her soundly. The sharp spines stick into her, raking at her skin and drawing blood.

Tentacle Damage 1: [roll0] bludgeoning + [roll1] piercing
Tentacle Damage 2: [roll2] bludgeoning + [roll3] piercing

2015-07-23, 03:03 PM
Displacer beasts! Careful-they aren't really where they seem to be! Try to knock them down or stop them from moving around. It'll make it easier to hit them.

Skitarii, while speaking, leaps to a nearby tree, climbing up it so he's 10' off the ground. He then strikes out at one of the beasts, aiming first to trip and then to kill.

I rolled a 20 on my nature check, so I would hope I know DIsplacer Beasts. If not... Jkat, lower your DCs.

Athletics check to shove him prone: [roll0]
Attack Roll (Martial arts) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2015-07-23, 07:52 PM
Aggak doesn't even flinch slightly as the Displacer Beasts leap from the bushes. He merely eyes his foe and starts up a chant in Druidic.

The results are almost instantaneous, first his skin starts to turn brown and wrinkly, resembling the bark of a tree, then he begins a transmutation into a distinctly canine form, snarling and baring his teeth at the beasts as he drops to stand on all four of his new paws.

Spending my Action to cast Barkskin (using up one of my 2nd-level slots). Plus a Bonus Action to Wild Shape into a Dire Wolf. I will not be moving this round.

I now have AC 16, and if I recall correctly 37 HP (I'll check the numbers later).

2015-07-23, 10:40 PM
Slightly startled at the sudden appearance of a Dire Wolf where before there had been a mountain man, the leftmost Displacer Beast turns his attention to Aggak, whipping his tentacles over the now-canine Goliath.

On the other side, the Displacer Beast reaches above it, attempting to lash at Skitarii, far above it, while continuing to engage with Ettenial

Displacer Beast 1:
Attack 1 (Tentacle, versus Aggak): [roll0]

Damage (if hit): [roll1] bludgeoning + [roll2] piercing
Damage (if crit): [roll3] bludgeoning + [roll4] piercing
Attack 2 (Tentacle, versus Aggak): [roll5]

Damage (if hit): [roll6] bludgeoning + [roll7] piercing
Damage (if crit): [roll8] bludgeoning + [roll9] piercing
Displacer Beast 2:
Attack 1 (Tentacle, versus Skitarii): [roll10]

Damage (if hit): [roll11] bludgeoning + [roll12] piercing
Damage (if crit): [roll13] bludgeoning + [roll14] piercing
Attack 2 (Tentacle, versus Ettenial): [roll15]

Damage (if hit): [roll16] bludgeoning + [roll17] piercing
Damage (if crit): [roll18] bludgeoning + [roll19] piercing

2015-07-23, 10:48 PM
The first Displacer Beast viciously whips the Dire Wolf with its tentacles, drawing blood with a hiss.

Forgot to give DB2 disadvantage on attacking Skitarii, so here's roll #2: [roll0]
Aggak's taken a total of 16 damage to his Dire Wolf form (out of either [roll1] or 37 HP maximum, whichever is higher).

Skitarii, you may make an OA against DB2, as may you, Ettenial. Skitarii has advantage due to height.

2015-07-23, 10:48 PM
Ha! Missed me! Skitarii cries as he strikes back.


2015-07-23, 11:44 PM
Hope was startled by the arrival of the monsters, because of this, she didn't act quite as quickly as she should have. When she was ready though,she strummed her lute rapidly, letting the sound turn to light covering the area where one of the beasts hid.

"Let's see where you really are."

Using Faerie Fire on the Displace beast not knocked down by Skitarri.

2015-07-24, 12:11 AM
Skitarii's spindly legs jab sharply downwards at the Displacer Beast below, first stabbing it in the right flank, then slashing at its paws, knocking it off balance. The displacement effect flickers out, revealing a battered and bruised beast. Skitarii doesn't relent in his assault, jabbing at the large cat once more for good measure.

From Hope's lute sprays an arc of violet flame, alighting upon the grass and trees around the first Displacer Beast, making them glow with a magical light. The beast itself, however, dodges the flame.

2015-07-24, 01:32 AM
Thorn's mind didn't have time to fully react to Skitarii's words, but he caught the important parts. Not where they look. However, one was knocked down by the spider, seeming to shift into a different place as it fell. Oh, that's what that means. Shrugging, the dragonborn brought his warpick down onto the prone beast.

jkat, you can resolve this whenever it's convenient.

If hit, [roll1]
if crit, [roll2]

2015-07-24, 02:03 AM
Ettenial's warpick hacks swiftly at the fallen beast, turning red as it plunges into the creature's flank.

2015-07-24, 09:15 AM
Still sitting in the grass by the tree line, the young, armored lady shot to her feet, her longsword ringing from its sheath even as a look of shock came over her face. Clarabel reacted immediately, leaping to the side of her beleaguered and bloodied draconic ally, and swung her sword at his assailant, a hound of some sort, large, purple, with strange appendages trailing from it's body, all blurred, shifted and hard to actually make out.

If hit, then Damage: [roll2]

She was sure she'd cleaved straight into the beast's muzzle, and yet, her sword struck air. She snorted in frustration and shouted, "Ettenial, you see there? It looks like it's there, but it's not! Attack where you think it was or where you think it's going to be, but not where you think it is!"

That's the Help action, Ettenial, so you're next attack has Advantage. Supposing the beast is neither prone nor otherwise "revealed," you just won't have Disadvantage on it.

So, I think I actually did hit the Displacer Beast because it's supposed to be prone. Waiting on the DM to confirm/deny.

2015-07-24, 05:08 PM
Twi lets out a pained screech from the sudden attack, and without thinking leaps awkwardly even higher up into the tree. She hisses at the creatures down bellow who had whipped her with a strange set of tentacles then hurls both her hand axes in turn down at it.

Twi is raging, may not be a good use of resources, but she's mad so yeah. She's jumping down next turn with a big angry battle ax.

Main hand thrown

if hit


Off hand thrown

if hit


Rage Turn 1

2015-07-24, 05:52 PM
Skitarii strikes at the prone beast, flurrying his fists to fell the fell creature.



2015-07-24, 10:37 PM
Aggak growls and shakes off the tentacle whips, though his fur is noticeably bloodied from the strikes.

If I fail this, my Barkskin goes down. Pretty sure it's DC 10, since half the damage I took is less than 10, but I may be wrong.

Baring his teeth, he charges at the nearest beast and snaps his jaws, attempting to bite down on the creature.

Attack roll: [roll1]
Disadvantage: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
If critical: [roll4]

2015-07-25, 04:52 PM
***map unavailable***


DB #1 (displaced
made a Tentacle attacks against Twi for 9 damage
made a Tentacle attack against Twi for 14 damage

DB #2 (displaced)
had its turn retcon'd away

Aggak (wildshaped into a Dire Wolf)
cast Barkskin on himself
Wild Shaped into a Dire Wolf






***map unavailable***


DB #1
made a Tentacle attack against Aggak for 10 damage
made a Tentacle attack against Aggak for 6 damage

DB #2 (prone)
missed a Tentacle attack against Skitarii, missing and giving Skitarii an OA

Skitarii made a critical Unarmed Strike attack against DB #2 for 7 damage, ending its displacement effect
missed a Tentacle attack against Ettenial

Skitarii (in a tree)
made a Shove attack against DB #2, knocking it prone
made a Flurry of Blows attack against DB #2 for 12 damage
made a critical Flurry of Blows attack against DB #2 for 25 damage

cast Faerie Fire on DB #1

DB #1 made its save against Hope's Faerie Fire

made a Warpick attack against DB #2 for 3 damage

made a Longsword attack against DB #2 for 9 damage

missed a Handaxe attack against DB #1
made a Handaxe attack against DB #1 for 3 1 damage, ending its Displacement effect

Aggak (wildshaped into a Dire Wolf)
succeeded his concentration save to continue Barkskin
made a Bite attack DB #1 for 12 damage

2015-07-25, 05:13 PM
The first Displacer Beast, frustrated at its prey's evasiveness, rushes to the side of its mate. It slashes at Ettenial and Hope in an attempt to defend the other Beast, which (now severely beaten) retreats into the bushes, attempting to shelter itself from the unexpected onslaught.

DB #1 is moving right 3 squares, so Aggak, you have an OA against it.

It is also making Tentacle attacks against Ettenial...

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]

...and against Hope...

attack: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
crit: [roll5]

If either hit misses, Ettenial gets an OA.

DB #2 is taking the Disengage action and moving into the bushes, which grant it half cover (+2 to AC and DEX saves).

All displacement then resumes, so you have Disadvantage on your attacks.
Twi and Skitarii have Advantage from height, which cancels out this and any other sources of disadvantage.
If either beast gets hit with an attack this round, their displacement ends until their next turn.

2015-07-25, 07:12 PM
Hope winced slightly as the beast just barely missed her. "Hey, watch where you put those tentacles" She cried out, strumming her lute and letting a stream of blue light envelop the pair.

Trying Faerie Fire again.

Also using Cutting Words to lower the Save of the DB that attacked Hope


2015-07-25, 09:22 PM
"Are you hurt?" Clara asked as she swept past Hope to press the assault on the retreating purple beast, "Stay behind me. I'll distract it so you can make an attack."

Bonus action to Help Hope on her next attack roll against DB #2. Use the Ready action to attack DB #2's tentacles the moment they swipe out of those bushes.

If her Readied action goes off, then:

2015-07-25, 09:42 PM
As his prey attempts to break away, Aggak recognizes an opening, and attempts to exploit it.

Bite: [roll0]
Disadvantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If crit: [roll3]

Then he pursues his prey and tries again.

Aggak uses his move to pursue his enemy, continuing to concentrate on Barkskin (so AC is still 16). Then an Action to attack...

Bite: [roll4]
Disadvantage: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
If crit: [roll7]

2015-07-26, 03:24 AM
OA: Hah! I'm not even dodging! Ettenial laughed, as the displacer beast's tentacle swung wide. Seizing the opportunity, he swung his warpick in a quick arc at the beast.
ad/disad [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit [roll3]

Action: Thorn had noticed a pattern. The displacer beasts displacement fizzled for a few seconds after they were struck. He had an idea. Faithless beast! I will burn away your shadows! His weapon hummed with energy as he readied a spell. With a roar, he launched a deadly swing at the less injured beast.

Searing Smite, then attack.
ad/disad [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Crit [roll8]
smite crit [roll9]

2015-07-26, 11:56 AM
Twi practically rips her war axe from the sheath on her back and leaps out of the tree screeching, her wings working furiously. She lands heavily near the beast who had attacked her and swings her axe.

Rage turn 2


If hit


2015-07-26, 04:05 PM


DB #1 (Faerie Fired, Searing Smote)

Aggak missed a Bite attack against DB #1
missed a Tentacle attack against Ettenial

Ettenial made a Warpick attack against DB #1 for 9 damage, ending its Displacement effect
missed a Tentacle attack against Hope

DB #2 (half cover, Faerie Fired)
took a Disengage into the bushes

Skitarii (in a tree)
missed an Unarmed Strike attack against DB #2
missed a Flurry of Blows attack against DB #2
made a Flurry of Blows attack against DB #2 for 4 damage, ending its Displacement effect

used Cutting Words on DB #1
cast Faerie Fire on DB #1 and DB #2

DB #1 failed its save against Hope's Faerie Fire

DB #2 failed its save against Hope's Faerie Fire

used the Help action on Hope
used the Ready action to prep an attack against DB #2 on its next attack

Aggak (wildshaped into a Dire Wolf)
made a Bite attack DB #1 for 13 damage

cast Searing Smite
made a Warpick attack against DB #1 for 8 damage

made a War Axe attack against DB #1 for 13 damage

2015-07-26, 04:20 PM
Wisdom Saving Throw, DC 10, for Morale: [roll0]
Constitution Saving Throw, DC 13, for Searing Smite: [roll1]

2015-07-26, 04:41 PM
WIS saving throw, DC 10, for Morale: [roll0]

2015-07-26, 04:44 PM
Not having bargained for such resistance, and quickly finding themselves outnumbered, the Displacer Beasts turn tail and flee the trail, heading off into the woods.

Well, that was...anticlimactic. :smallannoyed: Would you like to pursue them or continue on your way? Debate among yourselves! :smallbiggrin:

2015-07-26, 05:32 PM
Ha! Skitarii lets out as the beasts flee. Routed are the monsters!

2015-07-26, 05:48 PM
Twi looks about ready to run down the beasts, but they disappear into the forest too quickly. She throws her ax into the ground nearby and stomps violently tearing up the ground with her clawed feet for a short while. Eventually she visibly calms down, and settles almost like a giant chicken and returns to preening, taking special care around her wounds as she picks at the blood with her long beak.

2015-07-26, 05:55 PM
Skitarii asks Is everyone okay? as he looks around, checking on his companions.

2015-07-26, 09:11 PM
Aggak stamps his paw and growls after the fleeing monsters, then slowly rises on his hind paws as he reverts to Goliath form, the wounds he suffered during the battle fading as the transformation takes place.

"Well, he says, "that was certainly... interesting.

2015-07-26, 10:53 PM
Clarabel's sage green eyes studied the creatures as they took off deeper into the woods. Reluctantly she sheathed her longsword and began tracing a series of symbols and rings into the air.

"They seemed intelligent," she began as some of her drawing began to glow with a faint, magical light, "I would not be surprised to see them again."

Her mother had studied at La Maison de la Dragon, a prestigious Wizard's academy, and though Clarabel had long dreamed of becoming a Knightess, her mother had nevertheless taught her a few tricks of the trade. Though it was possible to cast the Detect Magic spell faster, it drew too much of her spell stamina than she wished to expend on a spell that, while often useful, was so uncritical, so she spent the next few moments completing the ritual version her mother had taught her.

2015-07-26, 10:57 PM
Oh, they are. Nasty beasts, Displacer beasts are. Best we be on our guard from now on, neh?

2015-07-26, 11:10 PM
Twi pauses and looks up "Nasty is right, they could stuff a whole pillow with all the feathers they took off me they could!" She points with her beak at her thigh which is torn, bleeding, and missing many of its feathers.

"How'd you turn out so nice, I thought when you said you was fae too they'd be as pleasant as you are..." She asked of Skitarii.


Twi is being genuine here btw and it should be reflected in her voice probably with some sort of nice trill or something. It's another Columbo quirk that she has, lavishing people with nice words.

2015-07-26, 11:12 PM
Aw, thank you! he says as he climbs back down to the road. Spiders are a naturally cheery and sociable sort. Most of my friends and family are just as kind as I am. A trait not shared by all fey.

2015-07-26, 11:18 PM
Though she continued to pay more attention to the spell she was drawing in the air, Clarabel had to raise an eyebrow at her arachnid companion's last few sentences.

"Naturally cheery and sociable, spiders are?" she craned her head in the large spider's direction, eyes on her drawing, an amused half-smirk on her face, "How many non-Fey spiders have you conversed with, then, hm?"

2015-07-26, 11:20 PM
Simply because you don't reciprocate does not mean they lack good cheer and social graces. Be glad they don't hold grudges. Skitarii chuckles after saying this, and smiles, though it's dificult to tell given his arachnid nature.

2015-07-26, 11:28 PM
After the fight, Hope stood quietly, tuning her lute. It hadn't quite sounded right and here, she needed to be at her best. One of the remarks made by her companions did catch her interest. "Intelligent, are they? Do you think they could have been sent by whoever wants to keep the loggers from logging?"

2015-07-26, 11:31 PM
It's possible, but it's equally possible we just happened on their territory. Skitarii shrugs his forelimbs. Sorry I can't be more help, but they're predators. Territorial like all the rest.

2015-07-27, 05:23 PM
Ettenial slipped his warpick back into it's place at his belt and looked around. The displacers had taken a toll on at least one member of their party. Fortunately, they were supposedly not indicative of fey as a whole. Anyone need healing?

2015-07-27, 05:46 PM
"I would very much appreciate it if you can patch up my leg, it's actually starting to hurt." Twi chatters, having already meticulously cleaned most of the blood away from the area.

2015-07-27, 06:42 PM
The dragonborn nodded, as his hand began to glow with blinding white energy. This might sting a bit. He said, pressing his hand against Twi's leg. The energy flowed into it causing the area around the wound to flow and reform, as it was before. As Ettenial removed his hand, the feathers were already starting to grow back, albeit slowly.

Poof! 10hp back!

2015-07-27, 07:44 PM
Twi bobs her head in thanks to Ettenial "Wow that's quite amazing, you closing up my wound like that, just like magic huh? Well I suppose that's what it was afterall..." She hops back onto her feet and yanks her ax back out of the ground before moving to collect her battle axes and hanging them back on her back and hips respectively.

2015-07-29, 03:56 AM
Ettenial laughs in response to the compliments. Think nothing of it. We can't be dying on the job, now can we? He looked around at the surroundings. Also, does anyone have an idea of where we need to be going?

2015-07-29, 04:54 PM
"Well, when I've finished this ritual, if the rest of you don't mind waiting a few more minutes, I'd like to begin another. A summoning one. I could obtain a small, winged scout for us to help warn us of impending threats and harry foes in combat. In truth, I should have done so before we ever left town. That was foolish of me."

2015-07-29, 08:02 PM
Worry not, friend, Skitarii says, We all make mistakes. And here you are correcting it, so even less harm is done.

2015-07-30, 06:13 PM
Most, if not all, of the vegetation has very, very faint Enchantment and Transmutation effects on it, and you feel a slightly stronger Transmutation effect focused on a point about 20' into the trees to your right. The strongest effect is one of Illusion, emanating from a tree just off the path.

2015-07-31, 09:55 AM
The tall warrior smiled as her prudence paid off, "This whole forest is magical," she said. "Enchantment, Transmutation," she named schools of magic her mother studied at the academy, "Look there," she pointed, "Do you see that tree? Something about it is not what it seems. Ettenial, care to investigate with me?" Clarabel looked to her friend, perked an eyebrow, and gestured toward the tree with a nod.

2015-07-31, 02:30 PM
Ettenial looked where Clarable was pointing. He saw... a tree. Sure, he said. After all, it might be a demon. As they reached the tree, he held his holy symbol aloft, scanning for any sources of otherworldly energy. If the tree was, in fact, a demon, he'd find it.

Using divine sense.

2015-07-31, 02:32 PM
On the one hand, I think you're being much too cautious. On the other hand, Skitarii says, if it is a demon then BOY will I look silly.

2015-07-31, 03:44 PM
When you raise your holy symbol to scan the tree, you detect neither celestials nor fiends nor undead.

2015-07-31, 08:08 PM
Aggak examines the tree closely for any oddities, feeling the bark, testing the limbs' strength, and so forth. Then, he turns to Clarabel, "You say this tree is unusual, in what way do you mean?"

Sorry! I'm back! I'm alive! I swear!

Nature roll to see if I can sense anything odd about the tree: [roll0]

2015-07-31, 09:47 PM
@Aggak: You step past Ettenial, still muttering his ritual. When your hand is placed upon the bark of the tree, it passes straight through it, as if there was nothing there. Instead, the tree appears to be hollowed out, with what feels like ladder rungs carved onto the interior wood.

2015-07-31, 09:49 PM
Hrm. Skitarii, after Aggak's hand falls through the tree, comes over and places his forelimb on the tree, testing to see if it's strong enough to climb.

2015-07-31, 09:55 PM
She smiles wider as Aggak stumbles a bit, his hand passing through the apparent tree. "A powerful illusion. There is another strong magic effect, a different sort, nearby, but this was the strongest effect in our vicinity. Is the tree simply not there at all, or is there some purpose behind the illusion?"

It was Clarabel performing the Detect Magic ritual, not Ettenial.

2015-07-31, 10:27 PM
He was talking about my use of Divine Sense
Ettenial finished a prayer in draconic and looked up, to see Aggak put his hand up straight through a tree. There are no traces of the otherworldly here. Whatever the magics on this tree are, they're not what we're looking for. He stated, urging his companions to move. However, I've got a bad feeling about this whole area. We need to go further into the woods to find the fey. The longer we stay here in the outskirts, the more chances we have of not coming back.w

2015-07-31, 10:28 PM
Hrm. Skitarii, after Aggak's hand falls through the tree, comes over and places his forelimb on the tree, testing to see if it's strong enough to climb.
Despite being hollow, the tree seems plenty sturdy. The hollowed-out portion is slightly taller and narrower than an average door, and the rest of the tree is solid.

It was Clarabel performing the Detect Magic ritual, not Ettenial.
I know, but Ettenial was using Divine Sight. I'm actually not sure if Divine Sight requires casting, per se, so it might be inaccurate in that regard.

2015-07-31, 10:31 PM
I'll climb the outside and take a look. Don't worry-I'll be all sneaky-like.

Skitarii climbs the outside of the tree, all sneaky-like.


2015-07-31, 10:31 PM
Twi, simply watched while the others poked at the tree, and glanced around, but made no move to suggest anything one way or another.

Twi's int is like 8, so I don't think she has any real thoughts one way or another, unless she spots something that the others don't from her vantage point.

2015-07-31, 11:31 PM
Aggak, having caught himself from his stumble, nods to Skitarii and steps back to watch his ascent.

2015-08-01, 12:07 AM
Reaching the upper portion of the tree, Skitarii finds a small, open platform nestled into the leafy branches, overlooking the trail. An open trapdoor in the platform leads down the ladder, back to the ground below. Taking a moment to inspect the surroundings, Skitarii notices a large bank of storm clouds rolling in across the plains to the northeast. The sun hangs low in the sky; it will be dark in a few hours.

2015-08-01, 07:53 AM
Looks like a hunter's perch of some kind, he calls back down. There's a platform up here.

Ettenial's right, though. We really should get a move on. Storm's rolling in.

2015-08-01, 05:12 PM
"Forewarned is forearmed, Ettenial. Now we know that someone has hidden platforms in the trees. Platforms from which to feather unwary travelers with arrows, might be. There's a Transmutation effect ahead as well that we could look into, a magic that has changed the nature of something. Unless I'm boring you all."

2015-08-01, 09:44 PM
"Not at all," Aggak says, "If something or someone is interfering with the balance of nature in this forest, I would say that it warrants our attention."

2015-08-02, 12:55 AM
Ettenial shook his head. He was impatient. Have you ever lived among kobolds, Clarabel? He queried. I have, in my father's caves. They are trapmakers, vicious things. Their traps feed on the curiosity of others. That one stone out of place, that suspicious looking pot. What I'm saying is, these fey seem similar. If we stray to far from our goal, the forest will eat us alive.

2015-08-02, 07:53 AM
If we stray to far from our goal, the forest will eat us alive.

"Oh. I hadn't considered... that's devious. And mayhaps you're right. But then should we just blindly push further in?" The young knight had thought herself so clever before the dragonborn had spoken, but now she was unsure of herself.

2015-08-02, 01:26 PM
Twi quietly joined the rest of the group "Now I don't know a whole lot about these fae, but I think Ettenial is on to something. Maybe we should hunker down for the evening and start fresh tomorrow?"

What are we doing with the horses btw?

2015-08-02, 04:32 PM
I could do with a short rest-maybe an hour. I do think it's in our best interest to press on for at least some of the remaining day.

2015-08-02, 10:07 PM
Aggak nods agreement, "Resting would allow me to replenish the energy I expended to transform into a dire wolf while we were fighting off those displacer beasts, but may I recommend we find a secure place somewhere other than the territory of the aforementioned beasts?"

2015-08-03, 02:08 PM
"Can we manage any shelter against the oncoming storm? Or do we rough it?"

2015-08-03, 02:10 PM
We have some time before the storm arrives. I suggest we look for a more sheltered spot within the woods- Skitarii begins. -and perhaps somewhere that we can remain at least partially hidden. I'd hate to be awoken by more beasts in the middle of the night.

Skitarii sighs. Would that I could have the web spinning of some of my friends. Tripwires for alarms and even a canopy of silk I could provide, but alas, I'm a tree spider, not a silk-spinner.

2015-08-03, 03:18 PM
"What of this hunter's perch you mentioned? It isn't large enough to accommodate the lot of us is it?"

2015-08-03, 06:20 PM
Ah, well, you see... Skitarii says. It... Well... Actually yes. Boy do I feel silly now.

2015-08-03, 11:05 PM
The night passed mostly uneventfully. Aggak took first watch, and avoided the brunt of the rain. The storm rolled in at some point during Twi's watch, and raged on through Clarabel's and Ettenial's, as well. It seemed to let up while Skitarii was awake, but it was still drizzling when Hope took over for the final vigil. Now, as the sun rises over the eastern boughs, the sun seems to melt away the last of the rain clouds.

You notice a swarm of small, glowing orbs floating around the trees and farther down the trail.

2015-08-04, 01:27 PM
After coming down from the hunters perch Twi fluffs up her feathers and gives a little shake then stretches her various limbs. She stops mid stretch however when something catches her eyes, "well I don't know what those are, but they sure don't look like the kind of thing you'd see on this plane" Twi chirps as she gesture towards the distant treetops.

2015-08-04, 01:28 PM
Will-O-Wips, perhaps? Skitarii shrugs his forelimbs. Either way, I doubt we should be following them.

2015-08-04, 03:17 PM
"I've never seen anything like that... but if they're Will O'Wisps, I'd just as soon pass on the greetings and good-mornings. Anybody have a plan where we should go?"

Begins ritual casting Find Familiar.

2015-08-06, 12:46 AM
Thorn sat up from where he had been praying. He could feel healing energy welling inside his mind. Good news, everybody! I actually remembered to prepare Cure Wounds today. He then stopped, to actually listen to the conversation. Also, what's a Will O'Wisp?

2015-08-06, 12:48 AM
Nasty creature-they look like little lantern lights, but they lead you, Skitarii saysm before suddenly rearing up, his uppermost limbs flailing spookily, to your DOOM!

2015-08-06, 01:04 AM
Ettenial nodded slowly. Ah, so they're like kobolds carrying lanterns... except without the kobolds?

2015-08-06, 01:05 AM
Dooooom! Skitarii says, still waving his limbs around.

After a few moments, he settles back down. Sorry. Just having some fun. But yes-following them invariably leads to something dangerous. If it helps to picture them as the wee little lizardmen, then feel free to.

2015-08-06, 12:11 PM
Twi simply gives Skiitari a puzzled look, emphasized by strongly pulling her head back and tilting it to one side.

"Just like that huh?" AS Ettenial speaks Twi gives her feathers a few more good run overs with her beak and then is apparently satisfied they are all in place,

"So then, what do we do then? These Fae look to know we're here after all."

2015-08-06, 07:05 PM
"Will -o-Wisps, huh? Never seen anything like that," Hope said, leaning slightot off the seat to get a better look, while still trying to stay hidden. A part of her was curious enough to want to follow them and see where they were trying to lead people. Fortunately, her sensible side was more awake, and knew better.

I want to start with a Perception Check on these things:

And an Arcana Check

Not expecting much, but might as well try.

2015-08-06, 08:04 PM
Ettenial shrugged at Twi's comment. Maybe if they know we're here, they'll come when called?

Making a perception check.

2015-08-06, 08:05 PM
Always possible.

Perception party!


2015-08-06, 08:24 PM
"And if they do not come when we call them, what is our plan?"

Nature (do I see any landmarks I recognize?): [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2015-08-06, 09:42 PM
You notice the bushes to your left rustle, and catch a glimpse of a figure through the leaves. It's slender, short, and seems to sparkle in the early morning sun.

You do not recognize any landmarks, but you do notice that the road (now quite muddy) has small footprints embedded in its surface.

2015-08-06, 10:15 PM
Ettenial was blissfully unaware of any movement near him. Well, in that case, we can just follow the path with the least lantern kobolds.

2015-08-06, 11:10 PM
Will-O-Wisps. They're not lantern kobolds. You know, I still find it a bit funny that you call them that. Skitarii says as he slowly slinks towards where he saw the movement.

Stealth check, to make it over without whatever's in there realizing I'm moving till it's too late. [roll0]

2015-08-07, 05:51 PM
Ettenial shrugged. Lantern kobolds is easier to say, so that is what I will call them. Would you prefer kobold lanterns? It has a more rustic feel.

2015-08-07, 06:29 PM
Aggak raises one hand slowly in a gesture to silence Ettenial, then whispers, "There's something in the bushes right there, he points, "See? And look at the path, there are footprints. Something has been through here."

Aggak follows after Skitarii, readying his club and shield in his hand.


2015-08-07, 06:32 PM
And Aggak blows it, Skitarii thinks as he tromps his way towards the bushes.

After that brief thought, Skitarii tries to take advantage of the stealth he's already performed, lunging into a tackle against the figure in the brush.

Athletics: [roll0]
With advantage for being unexpected (if possible) [roll1]

2015-08-09, 10:57 AM
Acrobatics: [roll0]

2015-08-09, 11:50 AM
Skitarii dives into the bushes, groping madly for purchase on the hastily retreating form. A soft, strangely musical cry comes from—apparently—thin air, the leaves quiver, and a slender male pixie falls out of the bushes.

"Don't hurt me, I beg of you! I was only trying to help!" Hands raised in surrender, the pixie cowers between Skitarii and Aggak.

2015-08-09, 03:37 PM
Ettenial looks up as the pixie falls out of the bushes. Would you happen to know where the Heart Tree is?

2015-08-09, 03:50 PM
"Please, I-" Looking confused, the pixie interrupts himself. "W-wait, what? The Heart Tree? What do you want with the Heart Tree?"

2015-08-09, 04:26 PM
Ettenial thought for a second. We seek an audience with the fey. The people of River Rock need lumber to defend themselves against an orc horde.

2015-08-09, 04:40 PM
Ah! I apologize, pixie-what is your name?-we were recently attacked by Displacer Beasts, and so were a mite on edge. Skitarii prostrates himself before the small fey. My most humble apoligies. I truly am sorry.

2015-08-09, 08:16 PM
Aggak straps his club back onto his hip, and his shield onto his back, "As am I."

2015-08-10, 01:09 AM
"Displacer Beasts? So near to the fringe? But they never prowl so far from the— You say you seek the fey? I can help you there." Standing, the pixie extends a hand towards Ettenial. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Fionnlagan Greumach. You may call me Fionn. It would be my honor to escort you through the Thanderyn, to parlay with my queen."

2015-08-10, 11:30 AM
Hearing the parley, Hope realized there was no fight imminent, and jumped down from the tree. She headed over to the pixies, trying to get a read on them.

2015-08-10, 11:31 AM
"Displacer Beasts? So near to the fringe? But they never prowl so far from the— You say you seek the fey? I can help you there." Standing, the pixie extends a hand towards Ettenial. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Fionnlagan Greumach. You may call me Fionn. It would be my honor to escort you through the Thanderyn, to parlay with my queen."

Greetings, Fionn. And many thanks, for offering to escort us.

2015-08-10, 04:36 PM
Ettenial smiled and bowed elaborately toward the Pixie. I am Ettenial Thorn. Lead on, Fionn, my good man.

2015-08-10, 10:32 PM
"Come along this way, then." Fionn heads off into the woods, waving you along behind him. "We should be there by nightfall."

2015-08-11, 04:59 PM
Fionn leads you through the woods at a rapid pace, often ducking under tree branches or leaping over large boulders and continuing on without waiting for you to follow. Somehow, you manage to keep up with him as he runs, until he abruptly stops by a stream, hand raised. "This stream will lead you to the Heart Tree. I must leave you here, but I feel that we shall meet again soon, travelers. Until then..." He fades from view, turning completely invisible, "...farewell."

2015-08-12, 02:44 PM
Twi stares and blinks after where the pixie had been then looks around to get a good idea of her surroundings.

"You don't suppose we've been lead right into a trap have we?"

2015-08-12, 11:23 PM
Hope, who was walking near the back tuning her lute responded. "The possibility does occur to a person. I don't think the pixie is lying, but I don't know many pixies, so I don't have many experiences to compare with. In any case, caution is almost never unwise."

2015-08-13, 09:53 AM
Well... Let's hope this is something peaceful. Skitarii clears his throat before speaking in a loud voice. Fey of the forest-we come in peace. We wish only to talk.

2015-08-16, 05:01 AM
Ettenial suspected nothing. Well, he seemed a decent fellow. Think we should follow the river a bit before yelling, or will they hear us with their fey powers?

2015-08-16, 09:40 PM
There is no response but the stirring of the leaves in the wind.

The river extends in both directions. To the left, it rushes around a bend, receding into the woods and out of sight. To the right, two streams merge, forming a peninsula, upon which a small tree grows.

2015-08-16, 09:44 PM
Well... This is quite awkward. Skitarii absently rubs two of his limbs together. What do you all propose we do? I vote we follow the river towards the right-perhaps there's a young dryad or something in the tree.

2015-08-16, 11:53 PM
"Well, he said follow to the Heart Tree, maybe that's it."

2015-08-17, 01:13 AM
Twi stares at the river tilting her head from one side to the other, chirping quietly to herself. Then suddenly a thought occurs to her.

"Ahh see the river is moving! Is that what it means to follow a river? You look at it and goes where it goes..." She gestures in the direction of the rivers flow.

This is as much an "aha" moment for me as for Twi, I have no idea if that is sad or not, but it is entertaining to me. :smallbiggrin:

2015-08-18, 03:39 PM
Well, no time like the present. Skitarii follows the river down to the small tree, and gently places his forelimbs on it, trying to see if he can feel anything.

2015-08-18, 06:09 PM
Ettenial nears the peninsula, to get a good look at the tree. Something should pop up he thought, raising his holy symbol towards the peninsula.

I'm doing the detect divine beings or whatever again.

2015-08-19, 10:01 PM
Skitarii and Ettenial wade through the stream, the Dragonborn with his Holy Symbol held high.

You have detected 0 Celestials, Fiends, or Undead within 60 feet of you. Thank you for using Divine Sense®. You have 3 uses remaining. Please complete a Long Rest to refill your balance. Have a nice day!

Once the two adventurers reach the shore, you see a burly man step materialize out of nowhere, apparently emerging from the tree itself. Speaking gruffly, with all the eloquence of a rock, he snarls, "Wadda you want, outsiders?"

2015-08-20, 05:17 AM
We seek an audience with the fey. Ettenial answered. He didn't quite like this person's tone. Unconsciously, one of his hands slipped to his greatsword. Are you one of them?

2015-08-20, 12:59 PM
Twi, upon seeing the rather gruff looking man come from nowhere flops her way towards her two companions. Clumsily jumping and flapping as she goes.

2015-08-22, 10:03 PM
"Hm..." The stout man scowls at Ettenial, "...might be, depending on who's asking. What're ya lookin' for the Fey for, anyhow?"

2015-08-23, 12:07 AM
Well, the local village is under attacks by orcs, and they think they need lumber to defend themselves. I feel for their plight, although if the fey were willing to help them, cutting trees would likely be totally unnecessary.

2015-08-27, 08:53 AM
"Hah! Fey folk, fighting alongside humans? If y'think that's gonna happen, you've got another thought coming your way! Anyhow, if you wanna try to get to the Fey Court, you're gonna have to follow the river past where it takes a sharp turn. A turn downwards, if you get what I mean! Heh, heh."

2015-08-27, 03:58 PM
Hope hurried forwards. She really should have started the initial negotiations herself. "No one is suggesting that fey and human fight along side each other. We wish to avoid fighting at all, really.We are here simply to negotiate with the fey of the forest, to cease any sort of hostilities between the fey of the forest and the town. That's all.

Now watch me roll a 1 on Persuasion:


A 2, close enough.

2015-08-28, 11:11 PM
Realizing that Hope was floundering a bit, Aggak stepped forward, "You mentioned a waterfall that we must pass to reach the Fey Court, any chance you might know a good way down without risk to life and limb?"

May the dice be with me...
Persuasion: [roll0]

2015-08-30, 03:48 PM
"You're nonviolent emissaries, then? My least favorite kind; not allowed to kill you unprovoked. Worse yet, I gotta send you down safe. At least I don't gotta hold your hands all the way there, heh heh. You still gotta get yourselves through the Queencaves." Extending his hand downriver, palm up, the Dryad mutters a rhythmic incantation, levitating a small wooden barge from the rivers depths. "That should be just barely large enough to fit you all comfortably. Though, I wouldn't care too much if one of you's took a quick dip in the Thanderyn. Now off with you, and don't keep the Queen awaiting too long, neither. She don't take kindly to strangers."

2015-08-30, 03:53 PM
Thank you, oh most kind and wondrous compatriot, Skitarii says, just a hint of sarcasm coloring his voice.

2015-08-30, 08:59 PM
Aggak snorted slightly at Skitarii's reply, then glanced uncertainly at the boat before stepping aboard, carefully trying to balance his weight in such a way as to not capsize the thing.

2015-08-30, 11:18 PM
Twi, having stayed silent during the exchange more intent on keeping an eye out for trouble. She remained so other than to chatter her beak somewhat in irritation at the Dryad, feathers somewhat ruffled before turning towards the barge rising from the water.

She watched Aggak carefully climb into the water craft and tweeted at him humorously "Ahh, I was afraid you'd sink for sure my sturdy friend!" Before carefully climbing onto the barge and perching near the back.

2015-09-01, 09:24 PM
"For a moment there, so was I. This vessel appears to be much sturdier than I would have anticipated."

2015-09-01, 09:47 PM
Hope somewhat nervously boarded. She never liked boats.

2015-09-01, 09:50 PM
Skitarii limbers his way on board, carefully curling his legs in to avoid bothering the other occupants overly much.

2015-09-02, 12:21 AM
A boat. Great. Ettenial half-growled, half-hissed at the dryad then climbed in on the end opposite Aggak. This wouldn't happen to steer by magic, would it?

2015-09-02, 11:45 PM
"Heh, where's the fun in that? All aboard that's goin' aboard!" With that, the Dryad gives the boat a hearty shove, casting it away downstream.

2015-09-03, 04:09 AM
Ettenial groaned. So, anybody know how to steer a boat? This trip was taking entirely too long for his tastes. His swording arms needed a workout.

2015-09-03, 09:20 AM
Aggak furrowed his brow, "Do you mean to say that you do not?"

2015-09-03, 09:45 AM
You use the rudder... I think. I'm a tree person, not a water person.

2015-09-03, 01:46 PM
Twi shrugged "I have only heard of boats in stories...never seen one before, they're quite nice though aren't they?"

2015-09-03, 03:42 PM
Ettenial scanned the team. Birdman. Rockman. Spider. Demonman. Him. Eh, you know what? I'll figure it out.

2015-09-05, 09:32 AM
A look of concern flashed across Aggak's face at this final remark, and he readjusted himself in his seat to be better prepared to take action if the need arose.

2015-09-05, 12:54 PM
All this talk of boats, and difficulties steering only served to make Hope more nervous. There was nothing she could do to help, either. She was form a landlocked city, and never learned to trust boats.She did have magic, but even she knew it'd be silly to throw magic at someone when there might not even be a problem.

2015-09-05, 05:57 PM
I have the utmost confidence in you, Ett, Skitarii says in what he hopes is a reassuring tone.

2015-09-07, 10:11 PM
Ettenial grunted, and began to try to steer. The river was straight enough, so as long as he held the rudder straight, it should be fine. Right? Right.


2015-09-10, 11:26 AM
As Ettenial wrestles with the rudder, the barge glides swiftly down the river, bobbing in the current as it goes. All of a sudden, a column of water erupts from the surface, bending and twisting in the air into an enormous serpentine form. The figure lowers its head to your level, opens its maw, and hisses with a sound akin to evaporating water.

Roll for initiative, you're fighting a Water Weird! :smallbiggrin:

2015-09-10, 12:18 PM
Well carp. Time for battle!


2015-09-10, 01:13 PM
Hope grips the sides of the boat tightlyt. She had been humming softly to keep her cool, so of course a water monster pops up.


2015-09-10, 02:08 PM
Aggak groaned, "Please, tell me that you did not just utter those words..."


2015-09-10, 02:53 PM
This is why boats suck! Ettenial roared, his hands going from the rudder to his greatsword.

AC is now 17

2015-09-10, 05:56 PM
Twi very nearly jumps out of the boat with surprise, before settling and pulling forth her great ax.


2015-09-13, 11:08 PM
The water weird writhes in the air, twisting and trying to get at the adventurers on the barge.


2015-09-13, 11:27 PM
Water Weird - 23
Twi - 17
Etennial - 13
Aggak - 11
Skitarii - 8
Hope - 7

With a mighty splash, water cascades over the deck of the barge, and the elemental slams itself into Twi, trying to drag her overboard.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Effect: If the attack succeeds, Twi is grappled and pulled 5 feet closer to the water (just about to the edge of the barge), but can attempt a DC 13 Athletics or Acrobatics check to escape.

2015-09-16, 03:11 PM
(posting now for expediency)

Twi squawks in alarm as the watery beast grabs at her and tries to wrestle her way out.


If she breaks free she's going to move towards whichever end resembles a head, if she fails, she's just going to keep squawking obnoxiously in alarm, cause that's about all she can do. :smalltongue:

2015-09-16, 03:14 PM
As the weird snags Skitarii's feathered friend, he lashes out with a spindly limb, striking into the wet "flesh". You're not taking her!

Hit: 21
Damage: 7

Rolled in the OOC thread.

2015-09-16, 04:35 PM
Skitarii's leg splashes through the Water Weird's neck. With a jerk, the aquatic creature recoils from the blow. Twi, struggling against the constricting water, takes this opportunity to break free.

@cobaltstarfire: Nice job! You still have the rest of your turn left.
@Arzanyos: You can still make that OA, and we'll just have it take place whenever you post.

2015-09-16, 07:58 PM
The water ...thing tried to grab Twi, bringing it right into a comfortable slashing range.

Attack of Opportunity!
If hit: [roll1]
Turn below

Foolish beast, you should have stayed in your river! Ettenial's blade swung in a deadly arc towards the water weird's neck...place.

If hit, expending a spell slot to smite.
Smite damage(Radiant) [roll4]

2015-09-16, 08:27 PM
Hope continued to hold on tightly to the boat, as she called out. Yeah, water belongs in rivers, not in monsters!", she said, focusing her magic in her words.

Vicious Mockery, go!

2015-09-16, 11:38 PM
Twisting to look at the puny human...thing, the serpent hears the painful sounds of mockery, laced with magic.


2015-09-20, 07:19 AM
Grasping his shield in his hand, Aggak fumbled with his equipment for a moment. He couldn't transform into anything particularly useful for a water creature, especially in the limited space of the boat. Feeling for the spring of mistletoe hung around his neck, he began casting a spell. A couple of seconds later, one of his hands became engulfed in a flame, which he proceeds to hurl at the monster.

Casting Produce Flame, and immediately throwing it at the Water Weird. I don't expect this to do much, but unless anyone wants Barkskin most of my spells are useless.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-09-20, 10:00 AM
Skitarii lashes out at the water weird, striking him twice with limbs of steel.

Attack with martial arts


2015-09-21, 02:20 PM
Aggak's flame soars into the Water Weird's maw, and the elemental jerks its head in pain, even as the fire hisses, petering out in the cascade of water.

The first of Skitarii's blows hits nothing but the air beside the Water Weird, but the other clips its side, splashing a handful of water away from its body.

2015-09-22, 12:58 PM
Map: http://gdurl.com/hfhX


Water Weird
Water Weird: Makes a Constrict attack against Twi, dealing 12 bludgeoning damage to her and provoking Opportunity Attacks from Twi and Ettenial.

Skitarii: Uses an Opportunity Attack to make an Unarmed Strike attack against Water Weird, dealing 7 bludgeoning damage to it.

Water Weird: Uses Damage Resistance to halve Skitarii's Unarmed Strike bludgeoning damage, taking 3 damage instead.
Ettenial: Uses an Opportunity Attack to makes a Greatsword attack against Water Weird, dealing 7 slashing damage to it.

Water Weird: Uses Damage Resistance to halve Ettenial's Greatsword slashing damage, taking 3 damage instead.

Twi: Makes an Athletics check to escape Water Weird's grapple.

Ettenial: Makes a Greatsword attack against Water Weird, dealing 9 slashing damage to it.

Water Weird: Uses Damage Resistance to halve Ettenial's Greatsword slashing damage, taking 4 damage instead.
Ettenial: Uses Divine Smite to add 8 radiant damage to his Greatsword damage.

Aggak: Casts Produce Flame on himself.

Aggak: Makes a Produce Flame attack against Water Weird, dealing 1 damage to it.

Water Weird: Uses Damage Resistance to halve Aggak's Produce Flame fire damage, taking 0 damage instead.

Skitarii: Misses an Unarmed Strike attack against Water Weird.
Skitarii: Uses Martial Arts to make an Unarmed Strike attack against Water Weird, dealing 5 bludgeoning damage to it.

Water Weird: Uses Damage Resistance to halve Skitarii's Unarmed Strike bludgeoning damage, taking 2 damage instead.

Casts Vicious Mockery on Water Weird.

Water Weird: Passes a Wisdom saving throw to avoid Hope's Vicious Mockery.

2015-09-22, 04:52 PM
Water Weird: HP: 46/58 AC: 13

The elemental serpent dives toward the surface of the water and, rapidly changing direction, rams itself into the side of the boat.


2015-09-22, 04:54 PM
Okay, if you can succeed on a DC 17 saving throw, you can stay on the boat. You may use either Athletics, to hold onto the boat, or Acrobatics, to jump onto the overturned bottom.

2015-09-22, 05:10 PM

DC 17 is dang high. But okay.

Skitarii nearly manages to keep his footing on the overturning boat, but fails and drops into the drink.

2015-09-22, 05:35 PM
Hope had no intentions of going into the water, and that thing wasn't going to change her mind. Seeing the thing shoving the boat prompted Hope to jump in the air, and she miraculously landed back on top. Once she had her bearings, Hope turned back to the creature. "That was a nice try. Too bad you didn't realize-"Carefully, Hope shifted into a sitting position so she could grandly gesture."That Hope Springs Eternal!"

On Hope's Turn, she casts another Vicious Mockery

2015-09-22, 05:48 PM
Ettenial locked a hand onto the boat. As the elemental rammed into the boat, Ettenial hardly seemed to be moved. Got any other tricks? Like, say, dropping dead.

2015-09-22, 06:34 PM
Twi reflexively pumps her wings and launches herself high into the air as the boat yaws and then overturns. She lands- daintily for once on the boats exposed bottom

Twi peers over into the water trying to catch a glimpse of the creature, and chirps at Hope. "Goodness my lady that was a very impressive jump!"

Upon realizing Skitarii has fallen in Twi throws down her ax and jumps towards him, mumbling a tiny prayer to herself in hopes that she is strong enough to actually fly and pull her friend out of the drink.

rolled a 21 in OOC, I don't know how to edit posts without breaking dice rolls...

Twi is trying to fly or at least drag Skitarii towards land if she can manage it, feel free to decide whether that works or not in secret, her str is a 15

2015-09-27, 09:33 PM
Aggak follows Ettenial's example, grabbing the side of the boat in an attempt to not be knocked into the water.


2015-09-30, 08:06 PM
@all: I can't find any RAW about whether or not saving throws use your reaction or not, so I'm going to assume they don't. You all still have your reactions left. :smallredface:

BTW, it's currently Ettenial's turn. If what everyone else does makes you change your mind about casting Vicious Mockery, then you can still change it.

You detect certain behavioral indications in the creature's movements which indicate that is, in fact, intelligent.

2015-09-30, 08:36 PM
Eh, screw it.
Ettenial rose up, holding his holy symbol aloft. Light streamed from it to the water weird, as the dragonborn's voice boomed out. Bow Down!
Abjuring the crap out of that enemy. Go ahead and roll your nat 20 saving throw.

2015-09-30, 10:10 PM
Go ahead and roll your nat 20 saving throw.
*cries* *laughs* *cries again*

Water Weird's DC 13 Wisdom saving throw vs. Ettenial's Abjure Enemy: [roll0]

EDIT: *dies laugh/crying*

2015-10-02, 03:34 PM
Okay, let's all calm down. How about, instead of attacking us, you give us a ride to the queen of the fae? ... Not on your back. You can pull the boat.

2015-10-14, 02:10 PM
After re-boarding the barge and waiting for the Water Weird to sufficiently calm down, the elemental obediently moves behind the craft and propels it down the river, easily guiding it through the following currents. Eventually, you reach what appears to be a small, overgrown sinkhole, into which the river flows. The Water Weird carefully makes its way down the cascade, "swimming" against the current as it carries you upon its back. The sinkhole bottoms out, forming a cavern, partially flooded by the river. The ground appears unnaturally flat, artificially so, and the earthen walls are matted with grass.

You're still in the barge, but you're now in the flooded part of the cavern. The Weird is still here, and the boat's fine, but the river ends here, apparently flowing into the ground itself here. Could you each make a Perception check, please? You're in dim light, so the roll has disadvantage unless you have Darkvision.

2015-10-14, 02:21 PM

Dsiadvantage, because no Darkvision.

2015-10-14, 02:31 PM
One Perception check, coming up! And tieflings do, in fact, have darkvision.


2015-10-14, 05:09 PM
Aw, here we go.
Disad [roll1]

2015-10-14, 05:32 PM
Rolling with disadvantage


2015-10-15, 12:53 PM
As they pass into the cavern, Aggak raises his focus and begins chanting a spell. Wisps of energy circle around him and then pass into his eyes, which glow faintly before returning to normal appearance.

Casting Darkvision on myself.

Perception check: [roll0]

2015-10-19, 01:19 PM
You can make out, in the faint shadows on the far wall, the outline of a strange script.
The script seems oddly similar to Auran, but it's not quite right.
You recognize the script as Sylvan, but can't make out the exact runes at this distance.

2015-10-19, 08:15 PM
Twi stares out after the walls, twisting turning her head one way or the other and muttering to herself, she leans precariously over the edge trying to see better.

Ahhh...uh hmmmm...they look...they look hmmm...

2015-10-19, 08:17 PM
Who looks what? Skitarii asks. I'm afraid I can't see well in this darkness.

2015-10-20, 09:49 AM
"There is writing on that wall," Aggak says, gesturing, "The language would appear to be Sylvan. I cannot make out what it says from this distance, however."

2015-10-20, 03:01 PM
Ahh, that's why it's so odd looking! Twi squeaks, she tilts her beak towards Aggak It reads very much like the language of the sky...

2015-10-20, 08:29 PM
"There is writing on that wall," Aggak says, gesturing, "The language would appear to be Sylvan. I cannot make out what it says from this distance, however."

If you get me closer, I could read it. As it is, I'll need light, though, Skitarii says, hopefully helpfully.

2015-10-20, 08:50 PM
If you get me closer, I could read it. As it is, I'll need light, though, Skitarii says, hopefully helpfully.

"Indeed. Let me try something," Aggak says. Bowing his head, he begins chanting rhythmically in Druidic, holding his focus aloft and gesturing with his hands. A flame appears in his hand as he does this.

Casting Produce Flame. If the fire produces enough light holding it in my hand for the Sylvan lettering to be legible, I'll keep holding it as long as possible, casting the spell again if it takes longer to read the lettering than the spell lasts. If it doesn't produce enough light, Aggak will try hurling the flame in the direction of the letters, hoping that the brief period it will be lit before the flame falls into the water will be enough to read. If that works, he'll keep trying it, if it does not, he will desist after the first try.

Gotta love cantrips.

2015-10-21, 05:23 AM
By the flickering light of Aggak's flame, your band of heroes peers into the thickets and brambles coating the wall, desperately trying to decipher the runes carved thereupon.

You see the Druidic words for "vines" and "rot," as well as the Sylvan words for "awaken" and "life".

You don't recognize any of the runes. :smallfrown: Sorry.

You see the Draconic word for "fire", close to the word for "death".

You see the Sylvan words for "awaken" and "life".

You see some characters in Draconic script, but no Auran. One word looks somewhat similar to the Auran word for "fire", though...

2015-10-21, 10:29 AM
Awaken... Life... That's all I can make out, Skitarii reports.

2015-10-21, 02:05 PM
Thankyou for the light my stalwart friend! Twi chitters at Aggak. She gives the wall another look but shrugs Ahh, only word I can read up there is "fire" over there she gestures at the one word she can actually make out on the wall.

2015-10-21, 02:19 PM
Hope squinted for a moment, then shook her head. "I haven't a clue. Sorry."

2015-10-21, 02:21 PM
If we just get a little closer, I'm sure I could read the rest of it, Skitarii says.

2015-10-21, 02:45 PM
"...vines, rot, awaken, life," Aggak says, "and fire, you said? These symbols are a bizarre combination of different languages, including druidic. It makes me wonder who wrote them."

2015-10-21, 04:39 PM
Ettenial looked closely at the wall. There's one more I can make out, over by "fire." "Death". Well, that just sounds lovely, doesn't it? No idea what it means.

2015-10-21, 06:27 PM
I feel perhaps we are not the most welcomed here, Skitarii says grimly.

2015-10-22, 09:40 AM
"I am strongly inclined to agree with you."

Using his non-flaming hand, Aggak retrieves his shield from its place on his back. He holds the fire at the ready to hurl if anything hostile should appear.

Looking specifically for anything that might be hostile. [roll0]

2015-10-22, 11:00 AM
You do not see anything hostile.

2015-10-23, 07:57 PM
Ettenial shrugged. I don't get why all the different languages. No matter, though. We should press on. Standing, the dragonborn sheathed his greatsword and strapped on his shield. At the very least, I know my part. Fire and Death? I've got those on lock!

2015-10-26, 07:31 PM
Skitarii flicks a torch on, then leans off the edge of the boat to take a closer look with his new light source.

2015-10-27, 05:32 AM
Oh, a torch. We're going to examine these more closely, aren't we? Ettenial hopped of the boat, walking closer to the runes, trying to use the torchlight to better inspect them. I hope you don't mind me cutting in front here. It's just that these might explode or something, and I'm at the very least big and armored.

Investigating the runes, concentrating on the ones in Draconic

2015-10-27, 08:16 PM
Twi hops up to perch on the barge rail, wings spread for balance, she is poised to take action should it be needed.

Ahh exploding words? That doesn't sound nice at all, not at all.

Twi is watching our backs ready to grab her hand axes and leap into action or dive for her friends

2015-10-27, 11:54 PM
Ettenial's red claws touch down on solid ground, covered in a shallow film of murky water. With a soft whoosh, a sudden gust of air blows, forming a small wind tunnel out of the cavern. As the vortex's speed increases, the very air begins to blur, and you can see glowing lights of brilliant colors. As your vision fades, soft, lilting strains of a haunting tune make their way into your ears.

Suddenly, your sight is restored to you. You are in what appears to be the same cavern, yet the rushing river is gone. The hole through which it ran has been replaced with a lattice of interwoven twigs, laid upon the circle of marble arches which now ring the room. The clammy earth upon which Ettenial stood is now a carpet of plush moss, growing on soft, cool soil. In the place of the rune-scribed wall now stands a grand gate of wrought silver, recessed within a particularly ornate archway. The melody comes from this direction, echoing through the earthen tunnel which descends beyond the entrance. Behind you, through the archway opposite the silver gate, lies another chamber. Within lies a small shale basin, with a stream of crystal-clear water pouring into it, seemingly from thin air. Despite the water flowing into the basin, it doesn't seem to be overflowing. From this space wafts the sharp smell of alcohol and the rich fragrance of spices. The bright, viridescent sunlight which streams through the trellis above you bathes everything in a strange wash of color, making everyone look as if they were standing under the dappled light of the sun through spring leaves.

2015-10-28, 09:24 AM
Ah, Skitarii says. This feels like home.

2015-10-28, 11:25 AM
"What the-" Hope hopped off the boat and approached the archway. "How did all the things you read turn into that?"

2015-10-28, 01:26 PM
Twi simply blinks and looks around confused, her wings slowly relax as she takes in the changes in the surroundings.

2015-10-28, 01:53 PM
Aggak looks around, marveling at the sudden change in location. He returns his shield to its place on his back, then waves his hand to dismiss the flame.

In my druidic training, did I ever come upon any sort of knowledge about this place?
Nature: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
General Intelligence check: [roll2] (I only have proficiency with Nature and Religion)

2015-10-29, 05:34 AM
Ettenial's head was spinning. The cave was all... foresty now. Fortunately, he was able to focus in on one thing; the wrought silver gate. Shall we knock?

2015-10-30, 06:32 PM
Twi shakes herself and moves to join the rest of the group Oh...oh yes do you want to do the honors Ettenial?

2015-10-30, 09:18 PM
Perhaps I should-after all, I am a native of the Fay, whereas you... Aren't, to put it simply, Skitarii says.

2015-10-31, 01:59 AM
You think the Fae would treat us as hostiles? Originally, Ettenial had been dead set on leading the charge. Now it started to set in how much magic there was around here. Strange magic. He didn't trust, and suddenly wasn't really too keen on finding out about it.

2015-10-31, 09:17 AM
I think caution is prudent, as is courtesy, Skitarii says. Many Fae are not so kindly as I am.

2015-11-01, 04:53 AM
I guess so. I'll be close at hand if you need me, then.

2015-11-01, 09:36 AM
Skitarii steps forward, raising a forelimb, and knocks three times on the gate.

2015-11-01, 10:18 PM
While the rest of the group spoke, Hope stood off to the side, ready to provide social support if needed, and out of the way if not.

2015-11-02, 01:14 AM
The music from beyond the gate halts, and pauses for a brief period. You hear a shuffling sound, and the music resumes. The shuffling grows louder, and eventually, what appears to be a small shrub emerges from the darkness. It sidles up to the gate and, sticks a gnarled branch into the keyhole. Twisting it, the shrub unlocks the gate for you and beckons with the branch for you to follow. It then starts waddling off down the corridor.

2015-11-02, 08:50 AM
Skitarii follows, asking Do you have a name, little guy?

2015-11-02, 10:37 AM
Turning around, the bush opens its leafy mouth and responds in Sylvan. "My name is Tuss, mister sticky-foot!" He trips over a tree root and falls on his back. This doesn't stop him talking, though. From the ground, he proudly declares, "I am a bush!" He hops up and continues to make his way down the passage. As you advance, the music grows louder, and Tuss begins to hum along happily. "Old Mister Beechleaf is playing his flute today. That means it is a good day for the dumb trees."

2015-11-02, 10:42 AM
I like you, Tuss, Skitarii says, patting the bush on the "back" with a forelimb. Lead on, noble bush!

2015-11-03, 08:09 PM
Aggak followed behind the group, suppressing a chuckle at the inherently comic bush.

2015-11-04, 04:57 AM
Ettenial looked at Skitarii, looked at Tuss, then looked at Skitarii again, raising his eyebrow as if to say A bush? Really?. Nonetheless, he made no comment.

2015-11-06, 10:57 AM
The tunnel ends, opening into a massive cavern. Down a flight of narrow stone steps, the earthen floor—about 20' down—is covered in grass, and many trees grow scattered around the area. The place is dimly illuminated by the clumps of luminescent moss which cling to the stony vault above and around you. Tuss scampers down the steps, half running and half tumbling, calling out to someone he refers to as "Old Mister Beechleaf" as he enters the wooded grove. From within the trees, the last bars of music drift lazily towards you. "Hello there, little one. What has happened to excite you so?" "Vistors! We have guests, you old fern!" "Visitors? A rare occurrence in this place, to be certain. Perhaps they can aid help us with our...infestation." Tuss emerges from the treeline, accompanied by an enormous, walking beech tree. "Greetings, travelers, and welcome to my garden. I am Sir Beechleaf of the Elven Court, royal groundskeeper for Her Majesty Queen Titania, loving ruler of all Feykind. Who might we have here?"