View Full Version : The New War, or just goofing off. (All Divine Caster Party) IC

2015-07-20, 07:13 PM
A little over a hundred years after the war of souls. Far away from any man, dwarf, elf, ogre, minotaur, gnome, or even the sneaky kinder, laid a small jewel. It's facets were uncountable, not because there were too many, but that no one could come to the same conclusion as to how many facets it had. Some said that it had 3, others that have studied it at the same time said that it was 23. It's surface was also unknowable in other respects for the same reason. Some say without any doubt at all that it is so hot it'll burn you to the touch, while others again disagree and say it is so cold to give frost bumps. This goes for all aspects of this jewel.

Away from anyone, inside some cave that has been long uninhabited. A place that no sound has pierced for tens of years, one sound was made. One...little...POP.

But that has nothing to do with all of you. You all are gathering at northern Ergoth, near the most northern point of it where the long abandoned Stairs of Heaven lay, it is said they were made and abandoned during the age of Light. No one knows these days what it was used for, but legends are told that the gods would come down to meet below at times. The Stairs of Heaven are what inspired the creation of the Silver Stair that exists today in the Citadel of Light. The ruins of this place hold only a few foundations that have been ruined of the buildings surrounding the Stairs of Heaven, the Stairs themselves are in a much better condition. Made of white rock, red on the outlines, and black spots like ink running through the white. The stairs seem to be in perfect condition for the first 20 steps, after that they have crumbled.

But again that is nothing important. What IS important is that you all have been chosen for whatever reason to represent your church in a grand discussion between your faiths. Though you might not use the gods power, either your belief was strong enough, and/or your power great enough, that the various churches selected you to go to the meeting. Some of you might just be representing a new church that focuses more on philosophy, like the citadel of light. Though the reason WHY your here might be important (dang PC's always wanting to know WHY they have to kill X thing) for you to understand.

One day a call rang out to all the high priest of a faith/cult/philosophical group/sports team, ones that actually got divine powers in some way in a form of the same message that was:


Of course most of the faiths that were sent this did not want to send their top person to this, so they selected you to find out what the hell is going on! It's probably nothing important but who knows?

Anyone who has read the right Dragonlance books already know what the hell is going on, DON'T SPOILE IT FOR THE OTHERS. Also while it can become very important if you want to, I'm not going to force you to deal with it directly if you'd like. I'm going for an open world style type of game with this in the background.

It has been a few days since you have all been sent out to investigate what is going on at the Stairs of Heaven. You
have met a few other representatives along the way (the other party members here so far) that have decided to join you in going to the Stairs. As you have gotten close to where you are gather at the Stairs you have sensed that it is blessed by some god, restricting some of your spells (teleporting, communication outside and ones that increase movement directly).

You have been walking for the past few hours through the thick forest that you were told to enter to get to the Stairs. The only thing that has been guiding you through the forest has been a path made by the wildlife here that a forest man told your group was the way to the ruins. Though this is at a end when you see the trees in front of you all start to thin. As you leave the woods you see the ruins that lay before you.

They are at least 100ft down from the ledge that you all are in, but you can see at least five large buildings were here with the Stairs. They seem to have all had the same general shape and were in a circular shape. The roofs have crumbled and the stone in unrecognizable in what they use to be. Plant life has taken back the land for the most part, covering most of the area now making only the walls and some of the insides truly visible. Inside the middle of these ruins is a jagged hill that rises up to the height that you are at. The building seems to be in much better condition. It is a small circular building that is two stories high and is made of grey stone that no plant has tried to grow over. The details have worn away but the roof is intact you think. A stone bridge that seems new spans from the ground level up to the building.

Down below you see that a great many tents have been set up (like 40ish). From what you can tell most of the people are there to help the clerics at this meeting. It is impressive that no one has started killing others from differing religions being so close together.

To your left the path that you were following seems to continue going down. No one seems to have notice your presence yet.

Yay, you can interact with the world now!
Also link to OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?429063-The-New-War-or-just-goofing-off-(All-Divine-Caster-Party)-OOC&p=19559529#post19559529)

2015-07-20, 07:35 PM
Well, now we know why our high priest and priestesses didn't want to come. Abby snarked as they reached the end of the foliage.

Why in the abyss do they hold it in this civilization forsaking place? She questions the group.

2015-07-20, 09:01 PM
Timothy glances back at his two guards, who are looking a bit tired from being woken when the trail ran out. He is less worried about Murgatroyd, his faithful mule who he is leading, and who is pulling the wagon (with the occasional help of Timothy pushing it from behind). The wagon carries a good deal of the guard's gear.

"I'd think it might be because this is forsaken by civilization, and thus does not especially favor any particular group, save the ones of nature itself which tend to be... less inclined to treachery if I had to guess. I think I heard something about the area being sacred to all the deities, but I could be utterly wrong about that..." he hazards, a bit uncertainly.

2015-07-20, 09:15 PM
Kanmus doesn't seem overly interested in the conversation below. After all, she is soaring high above with her supplies and with Dive (his real name was unpronounceable in Common). So how would she show her desire to meet these new arrivals?
{Do you think we should give them a ride after we drop off our supplies?}
As usual, Dive didn't really care just so long as she was there with him and gave a shrill cry which was echoed in their link.
{Ow! I get the idea already, just calm down. I know it's been a long flight and you would prefer to rest your wings so I'll go meet them myself.}
She directs Dive to set down at the largest clearing so that she can come back later and set up their tent after she's had her fun.
Well it looks like tents are in season! Bet ours looks better than anyone else's.

She then shakes herself free from the ropes and allows Dive to take the entire load as she wings back to the party below and skims the trees just above them and gives them a shrill cry.
Oh the elders would pluck me if I ever did that to them when they weren't looking!
She chuckles a bit and it comes out as a churring sound deep within her throat.

2015-07-20, 09:18 PM
Kananoth shakes his head in amusement at Kanmus's antics, or he assumed that one was Kanmus. He could never quite tell.

"Take us down Starflight."

2015-07-20, 09:23 PM
Eh, nature favors the strong, backstabby types Abby replied.

Though I suppose if this place is sacred, that's probably why it's held her. She agrees.

2015-07-20, 09:24 PM
The slight, silent, tattooed women in the leather and gold gives Abby and Timothy a sidelong glance. Gailana's long since adjusted to this odd notion amongst "civilised" folk that piling rocks on top of other rocks and squatting in them somehow puts them above those who are accustomed to making a home out of leather, silk rope and a random piece of steppe. It still strikes her as a little brash to express such ideas right in front of her. She might be the youngest Shaman-Daughter of a tribe known mainly for cattle-rustling and filigree, but she's still a colleague of sorts.

"I do not imagine that the powers of earth and blood, wind and sky pay a lot of attention to your domestic arrangements, or to mine" she says quietly. "And I don't imagine those long dead who piled these stones are especially interested either."

2015-07-20, 09:46 PM
Kananoth shakes his head in amusement at Kanmus's antics, or he assumed that one was Kanmus. He could never quite tell.

"Take us down Starflight."

Starflight starts to head towards the direction that Dive went down. Coming down to the area in a slow glide after this long amount of work it had to do today.
You can change it to go somewhere else if you like.

2015-07-20, 09:55 PM

One of your hired men says as he catches up:

"Yea, yea, talken but not walken. Can we please go down to the campsite already? We've been walking non-stop for days now. It's your choice boss but I'd like to get evening feast in us before we are all bones."

2015-07-20, 09:56 PM
Kanmus was a little disappointed that no one seemed to acknowledge her presence and decides to perch in one of the trees just ahead of the group and get a better look at them. Looking up, she sees Kananoth going down with Dive.
Eh, I can't ever get a reaction out of him. It's like he's not afraid of anything!

Dive tips his head quizzically from side to side.
Naturally, he doesn't understand Common. It was really a wonder that he even understood the sometimes eagle lady. (He didn't bother much with remembering her name since she didn't speak Sylvan.)
Dive fluffed his feathers and began to preen himself as he curiously eyed this strange man. He had been told to wait here with the supplies and he was going to take this opportunity to rest. No need to get sometimes eagle lady involved.
He continues to keep an eye on the stranger but doesn't become aggressive unless he approaches.

2015-07-20, 10:04 PM
Kananoth greets the man as he comes down with Starflight. Kananoth had a high suspicion that this one was Dive. Mostly from the preening and the fact that the meeting was where all the tents were.
"Greetings, I am Kananoth of Kiri-Jolith's order of the Knights of the Sword, South circle."

2015-07-20, 10:34 PM
Kananoth greets the man as he comes down with Starflight. Kananoth had a high suspicion that this one was Dive. Mostly from the preening and the fact that the meeting was where all the tents were.
"Greetings, I am Kananoth of Kiri-Jolith's order of the Knights of the Sword, South circle."

As your mount came down upon the largest clearing it could find (which was the inside of a building that was mostly clear), it became clear very fast that someone was hiding in a corner that was shaded over. They come out of their hiding spot and it becomes clear that it was a man who looked like he was in his late thirties. He is wearing a light cloth with a leather chest piece and bracers on his person. A purple cape flows when he moves forward. With a smile on his face he says:
"Hello! I guess that you are one of the those clerics that we have been told was coming today from Eugene. I have personally already claimed this spot, but if you wish for it I can give it to you for but the small price of telling me your name and where you come from. It is rare to see anyone flying across the sky unless they are a knight, might you be one?"

Yea let's just say that this was meant for Jrim, sorry.

2015-07-20, 10:39 PM
Gailana, at least, gives a nod to the hungry groom. "This man has the right idea. Let us see what we are here to accomplish. I have walked a long way to dally under leaves now." She thinks back to her last dinner, months ago, with Ghairen, Kycilien, and Dozla. She gives a little shudder.

"Although maybe not long enough for safety" she adds, as she steps down the path toward the tents and moldering stones. A little patch of shadow dances along at her feet.

2015-07-20, 10:45 PM
The man responds after a small chuckle:
"So I was right, well then take this spot oh knight for your campsite. I might not have the best relationship with the knights, but the other one in camp already has not arrested me so I must be alright. If you'd like to meet the rest of the other clerics you can at least find Eugene and Alfran up at the Stairs."

With that he walks out.

2015-07-20, 11:00 PM

One of your hired men says as he catches up:

"Yea, yea, talken but not walken. Can we please go down to the campsite already? We've been walking non-stop for days now. It's your choice boss but I'd like to get evening feast in us before we are all bones."
"Certainly, certainly. You need not even wait for me if you don't wish to! Of course, I haven't gotten a feel for things, so you might be safest to stick close." replies Timothy as he increases his and Murgatroyd's pace.

Eh, nature favors the strong, backstabby types Abby replied.
"Attacking from ambush and to the back, yes. Only good tactics that is. But I perhaps have something to learn if you say that they go in for false friendly faces." he says, keeping up increased pace.

"I do not imagine that the powers of earth and blood, wind and sky pay a lot of attention to your domestic arrangements, or to mine" she says quietly. "And I don't imagine those long dead who piled these stones are especially interested either."
"Sounds quite reasonable to me. In fact I never mean to imply anything contrary to that as near as I can tell. I was making a statement about personalities of living... or at least animate people, not of the forces they serve. And, naturally, their are always exceptions to such general rules."

2015-07-20, 11:14 PM
@Those walking down into the small valley.

As you all talk amongst each other you finally reach the bottom. Where you find that a small group of people were already waiting for you. They wear servants clothing with hoods that are out of the ordinary for being clean and solid dark grey. One of the stronger looking ones steps to your group saying in an almost emotionless voice:

"Would you like us to find you a campsite? We are commanded to help those that travel down that path till Mistress returns. We can help in anyway necessary."

2015-07-20, 11:22 PM
The circumstances which have brought him here have made Kananoth inherently wary. Although he tries to be polite.

Detect Evil (able to cast at will, works like the spell, special ability)
Sense motive check [roll0]
Looking for possible threats.
spot [roll1]

"I thank you for your kindness, however I did not mean to intrude or cause you to move I would have no problem finding a different camp ground and...

Kananoth hesitates here then shrugs If this isn't Dive I'm sure Kanmus will laugh at me later, I've already lost that game 13 times now.

"Dive won't mind moving as soon as his companion returns. Mister?" Kananoth says this before the man leaves.

2015-07-20, 11:27 PM
Something in Gailana's hindbrain clicks at being confronted by a group of hooded figures with emotionless voices, and almost reflexively she snaps out a Detect Magic orison.


"We would be glad of any service provided" she gives a short toss of the head. A Nomad guesture. "We've come a long way, and bones tire. I am Gailana Karn, Daughter-Shaman of Degwine. And these others are--not" she says shortly.

"Might your mistress have a name? Might you?"

2015-07-20, 11:47 PM
Something in Gailana's hindbrain clicks at being confronted by a group of hooded figures with emotionless voices, and almost reflexively she snaps out a Detect Magic orison.


"We would be glad of any service provided" she gives a short toss of the head. A Nomad guesture. "We've come a long way, and bones tire. I am Gailana Karn, Daughter-Shaman of Degwine. And these others are--not" she says shortly.

"Might your mistress have a name? Might you?"

A low amount of magic can be sensed, but your not sure if it is them being magical or some sort of equipment they carry under their clothes. The one that spoke before answers what you said as he goes to grab some of the heavy equipment of yours.

"A pleasure Gailana Karn. The Mistresses name is lady Thorhild of Aeleth. My name is Forthan Salven."

2015-07-21, 01:20 AM
Gailana gives a slightly shy smile, which is usually a decent start at this sort of thing.


"Clear skies, Forthan. I carry what I need, and I need no more than I carry" she pats her haversack, and steps aside. "However, I'm sure that some of these people might find a use for a few strong hands"

2015-07-21, 01:37 AM
You do not think that he is trying to do anything that is negative against you. Forthan move to the next person in line and asks: "Do you need something to be carried to your campsite?"

One of the other ones walks up to you, he obviously is still young. He says to you in a much more emotional voice:
"Is there anywhere that I can guild you to madam? I think I know a fast path to the man who flew into one of the buildings."


The man turns around and looks at you saying:
"You want me to stay here till your companions arrive? I think that won't be a problem (He points south through a large gap in the wall), for I think those people over there are them."

2015-07-21, 02:02 AM
Kanmus becomes quite bored with the conversation.
This place is beautiful even if they don't seem to appreciate the life abounding here. But they aren't helping me find a way to prove to the elders that nature and civilization need each other.
She decides to go find Dive.
{Hey, where did you go?}
Dive relays her an idea of where he landed and left it at that. She flew to the building and preened herself, a habit she had picked up after each flight, before entering the building via the large hole.
{So you didn't go and lose anything as you came in did-}
She finally notices the stranger in the building.
The only thing that came out during her rant at Dive was a cacophony of screeches and a great flapping of wings.
Dive quirked his head at her and simply informed her that she hadn't told him to tell her about any strangers.
Kanmus responded by folding her wings tightly to her side and glaring eagle-sized daggers at the bird of prey with such ferocity that Dive began to look uncomfortable beneath her gaze.

2015-07-21, 02:42 AM
Gailana gives the younger fellow a long, slow, look. "I'm sure we can leave the fellow to his fluttering". She says decidedly. "But if you'd like to show a young lady some private locations, I'd be glad to have you attend upon me". She gives the slowest of smiles, and waits for the young man to react.

2015-07-21, 03:02 AM
Kananoth doesn't seem to mind that he didn't get a name.
"Yes those are my companions although the one I was specifically talking about just finished her screeching fit." He and Starflight had been relatively close to Dive and had received a good dose of the noise. Despite this he adds a lighthearted tone to his word, trying to get Kanmus to relax from whatever had caused her to make such a fuss.

As Kananoth dismounted, Starflight brought her lizard-like tail, capped with a triangular piece of chitin, protectively around him. But considering her skittish origins and dislike of unfamiliar humanoids, Kananoth was not surprised that she kept her serpentine body behind him. wings ready to unfurl at a moments notice.

2015-07-21, 09:41 AM
I am good. I do not need anything carried. Abby replied, dismissing the man gently.

2015-07-21, 12:48 PM

The young man makes a small nod and says to you:
"Of course ma'am, there is a cave just a little off from the main camping site that should be private and comfortable enough. You remind me a lot of Mistress."
If you allow he'll guide you to the cave.

He nods and moves to the next person in line to help.

The man seems to be very bored when you bring up the animal, he gives you a happy look though:
"You've got to forgive me but I've got some business with another knight. I'm going to love seeing how you two get along!"

With that he started to make a jogging speed out to the northern side of the camp, slipping through the campsite very easily.

2015-07-21, 03:45 PM
Trying to recall anything about the person that the helpful seeming NPCs claim to serve and get a general feel for them. Basically trying to make sure that they don't have ulterior motives beyond perhaps currying favor with the other parties at this meeting.
Sense Motive [roll0]
Knowledge[Local] [roll1]
Knowledge[Nobility and Royalty] [roll2]
Knowledge[Religion] [roll3]

((The following assumes I don't get any bad vibes...))

Forthan move to the next person in line and asks: "Do you need something to be carried to your campsite?"

When they get to him Timothy replies "I myself am fine, but any assistance you could render to my men or my mule would be greatly appreciated. We will need space for three tents and probably the cart, although if you think that placing it nearer to the pasturing or stabling or whatever we are doing would be better I am fin with that as well, although in such a case I would appreciate having the baggage brought from their to our tents. I am a servant of Mishakal and too much a healer to spare much time to know her friends and enemies in too great of detail... it does help that her arms are open even to the wicked. :smallwink: I mention this so you might place me and my guards in such a manner as to reduce possibilities for conflict overall."

2015-07-21, 04:14 PM
Gailana smiles and steps forward. "A cave. How primal" she holds out a hand for the young fellow. "Take my hand and lead me on. And it's Gailana, if you please. Not ma'am and certainly not madam. Do you have a name?"

2015-07-21, 07:20 PM
The man seems to just take the information without any sort of reaction. He says to you:
"I shall carry what you wish of me and take you to a place that can hold your tents near the stable. I must warn you not to touch the black horse, the lady knight would become mad."

The man grabs hold of your hand, he is wearing thick gloves. He says as you two start moving:
"The cave is the most private place I can think of that is close to the main campsite, it should be easy to make it comfortable. My name is David, Gailana."

2015-07-21, 07:48 PM
"Thank you for your assistance David. And do you have a face under that hood?"Gailana keeps apace with the young man's stride, wondering to herself how frisky she's feeling. It's been a long hike through the forest, and even longer to get to the forest in the first place. And the company to date has struck her as being a little self-absorbed.

"Perhaps you could tell me about the Lady Thorhild, of which I apparently remind you. Does she insist on being served by young men in hoods, or is it some custom she must keep?" She keeps her eyes front, and tucks in a small smile.

"I'm sure if I were ever to aspire to Mistressdom, I would not say no to an escort of young men. But I would probably dispense with the hoods."

2015-07-21, 08:06 PM
The man seems to just take the information without any sort of reaction. He says to you:
"I shall carry what you wish of me and take you to a place that can hold your tents near the stable. I must warn you not to touch the black horse, the lady knight would become mad."

"Thanks for the warning, but unless it is unusually friendly I doubt there would have been any issue." he says, and then starts unloading the wagon a bit, balancing the various loads for maximum speed of travel*. He is careful to only give common goods to the 'porter(s)'.

*Including the possibility of 'the surface here is much better than on the path to this point, so it isn't worth the time to transfer anything'.

2015-07-21, 08:52 PM

David pulls down his hood. He looks like an average man who is 20ish, except for his dark grey skin and being bald. He seems to have trouble seeing with the sun hitting his eyes but continues to guide you saying in response to what you said with:

"The Mistress is a chosen of Aeleth, she is the most devoted person I have seen in my existence. I personally cannot say much about her since I am the newest servant of hers. This whole expedition has been my first time serving her. I have even less information on the other servants, I never knew Forthan's name. I'll answer any questions you might have."

After a small moment he replies to the last thing you said:
"I'm sure you make a great mistress if that was what you wanted."


Forthan takes any of the items that you give him and walks a little ways in front of you till you reach and area that is near where most of the mounts are kept. The stable is just a few walls of stone that have been risen with some detail work done. It has enough extra room to house 4 more mounts about the size of a horse. The area that Forthan indicates is the campsite is close by, it is clear and generally nice other than the fact that the stables smell is almost constant unless the wind is blowing the opposite direction.

2015-07-21, 09:04 PM
"Is this acceptable for camping Robert? Kevin?" Timothy asks his hired swords as he starts unhitching Murgatroyd.

2015-07-21, 09:39 PM
Gailana puts a hand to her mouth, the better to hide a sudden upward twist to her lips. "Why, David. Such a skilled flatterer. I hope your deeds match the thrust of your words." And then, because she really is finding this conversation fun, turns to him and asks, "Do you often go poking into caves with young women in leather?"

2015-07-21, 10:53 PM
Kanmus watched the man go out and returned to her normal form. Her wings fluttering open and then furling closed to her back.
"I hate it when Dive gets the best of me."
Her foul mood doesn't relent as she unpacks the cargo kite and sets up the tent.
"Starflight still doesn't like strangers? Typical Drakkensteed behavior. She's much smarter than the other ones, but she's still so skittish."
She finishes setting up the tent and looks up at Kananoth with Starflight curled around him.
"So who are we supposed to see around here? I'd like to figure out why we're here since we've had to travel this far."

2015-07-21, 11:08 PM
David takes what you say without showing the fullest amount of understanding. He responds to what you say with:
"I have, but for more religious purposes. I've also shown the Mistress an abandoned catacomb which is more cave like than structure."

Robert says: "Da smell is terrible, but everything else is very nice. I can live with just making sure our tents are sealed tight."

Kevin says: "What he said, I can live with it. It's not like the smell of all the other people is that much better. I'll start setting up camp. Robert! Get off that rock and help me with this!"

Forthan places your supplies on the ground then leaves. Robert and Kevin get into a loud conversation about how to properly set up the tents and who should do what.

2015-07-21, 11:31 PM
"I would certainly hope you bent to your purpose religiously" Wow. This guy's dumb. It's cute. thinks Gailana. And out loud. "And how did you know of this catacomb and your mistress did not?"

She leans in closer. "You blink in the light, is that where you and your brothers come from?"

2015-07-21, 11:35 PM
Robert says: "Da smell is terrible, but everything else is very nice. I can live with just making sure our tents are sealed tight."

Kevin says: "What he said, I can live with it. It's not like the smell of all the other people is that much better. I'll start setting up camp. Robert! Get off that rock and help me with this!"

Forthan places your supplies on the ground then leaves. Robert and Kevin get into a loud conversation about how to properly set up the tents and who should do what.
Timothy starts setting up one of the tents that ISN'T his personally. Randomly this happens to be Robert's rather than Kevin's.

"Gentlemen, a moment of your time if you please?"

He gets them in a close huddle and whispers to them as softly as he thinks will be clear in their exhausted ears. He is definitely in "disaster management mode", a role he is fairly comfortable with.

"Might I suggest simply proceeding? I know you are both tired, but bickering doesn't solve anything. I'll remind you that there are those at this gathering who not only could crush you out of hand, but would enjoy it immensely. Wisest to close ranks and keep your heads down except as necessary. You might have not fully understood my experiments on the way in, but some of the blessings I could have otherwise used to help you make your escape in case of trouble are no longer functional. I expect you to do your jobs if you still have the stomach for it, if not I'd suggest you leave now, and give me one less thing I have to worry about. I won't think the less of you for it.

If you need me to work out the distribution of tasks between the three of us, then you only have to say so."

Sense Motive in case there is anything more than tiredness fueling their arguing I might realize it. [roll0] (This MIGHT change the above in extreme cases, but best to not delay the game by my leaving the whispering out until I was 100% sure what was going on)
Diplomacy since that is really what I was going for here [roll1]
Intimidate if you really think that is appropriate for the slight aspect of "scare 'em straight" included in the above whispering. [roll2]

2015-07-22, 10:38 PM
Sorry I have not been posting much, I've had a game with some people RL today.


You two seem to finally reach the cave that he was talking about. It is a small one that is little more than a dent inside the rock wall. It only has the size of about one comfortable room that is mostly protected from the weather outside, it is also warm from the direct sunlight that has been hitting it all day. David says to you once you have a quick look around:

"She told me to find a suitable campsite ahead of her before she came into camp. If there is nothing left for me to do here I shall return to the others."


You do not feel as if there is bad blood between the two, it is more like how friends argue at times for the fun of it. They just respond to what you say with laughs and jokes saying (in summery) that they are just acting normally and that everyone around here is making noise. No need to worry so much.

2015-07-22, 10:51 PM
"My sincere apologies." says Timothy, and continues to help set up the three tents (his own last).
See, this is what happens when you have a much lower Sense Motive modifier in Real Life than your character does...

2015-07-23, 01:08 AM
"Who we see is a moot point since we are here for a meeting, which means almost everyone here is a spokesperson for one religion or another. Considering the time and the possibility of stragglers, I think the meeting will commence tomorrow, but I'll double check just in case I'm wrong."

With that Kananoth asks anyone still around what they know untill he gets a satisfactory answer. He starts with those closest to him and moves outword.
Kananoth will be using Detect Evil on any one he meets that he hasn't already used it on.

2015-07-23, 01:45 AM
Gailana gives David a rather harder look than she had before. "You might possibly answer my questions" she says quietly. Let's give this fellow a bit of distance, but let's not let him run off so fast either. She looks at the cave, at David, and back to the cave again.

"You would let me sit alone in this place all day until my name is called? I've walked across deserts and through snow to be here. Sailed salt water and drifted with the wind in the last months, and now you would stall me like one of your horses?" She looks at him hard, as though trying to remember every detail of his face, which is pretty much what she is doing.

"You could sit with me awhile. The world will not end because you do not add yourself to those running around attempting to look important."

2015-07-23, 01:52 AM
Kanmus seems a little put out by this as Kananoth brushes past her.
"Hmph. Well I guess there's not much else to do here besides wait."
She continues to make herself and the rest of the winged companions at home. Even going so far as to set up Kananoth's tent.
He'll be tired after he gets back. Besides, no one ever listens to me whenever I talk to them. Somehow he has a natural knack for it.
Afterwards, she pulls out a bedroll from the cargo kite and gets ready to rest for tomorrow. She pulls out some food from a magical pouch that always provided for basic needs and she nibbled on some jerky as she reflects on the circumstances that brought her here with a half-ogre of all beings.

--- Three days ago/Day of departure---
Kanmus was very grateful for the supplies that the elders had given her and Dive. The cargo kite seemed a little excessive, but they had assured her that it was better to simply drag it all along rather than risk weighing herself down and exposing herself to the dangers on the ground.
I just hope I get there on time, the mountains are a fair distance away from the meeting-place.
She was soaring over the mountains with Dive and the kite in tow when she saw a dark shape below her, far too large to be any of the normal wildlife, but too small to be something she should worry about.
Her eyes were able to spot a rider on what appeared to be a rather small dragon. They were dressed in what appeared to be a paladin's garb.
How curious. Maybe they're going to the meeting too.
She flew down with Dive and had hardly opened her beak to give them a screech of greeting that suddenly turned into one of alarm.
Thus, began her acquaintanceship with the half-ogre paladin known as Kananoth.

2015-07-23, 02:27 AM

Robert says: Don't worry about d'it boss, we are all tired. I don't know about Kevs but I just want to eat a nice large meal and go to sleep till the morn after today.

Kevin: Not much of a complaint from me on that. We seem to be done with the tents, so I'll start to make a fire, food cooking might make the smell bearable.

If there is nothing else important to discuss the night goes by without anymore serious trouble other than the smell.


You do find some people that are evil (and some that you highly suspect are evil but cannot seem to prove magically) during your discussions with the others in camp. What you find out is that for the past week all the chosen clerics have gathered at the Stairs of Heaven every morning after morning feast to speak. Once done with this (taking up an hour at most) they seem to just keep to themselves most of the time. Not everyone is here at the moment. Most are, but not everyone.


David says to you:
"Forgive me in not knowing your wishes Gailana, I'll stay and try to make you comfortable."

He seems sincere in what he said. He raises one of his hands in front of him facing the inside of the cave, using the other hand to remove the glove he was wearing. What you see is that on the underside of his hand has almost no flesh. Blood drips down from it as he prays for a spell, he seems to be answered.

Supplies that you would use to make the cave more comfortable seem to be grabbed out of your bag by invisible hands that place it down in a way that would exceed how you'd set things up most of the time. Wood is brought in for a fire and other supplies like cloth and bread from somewhere come into the cave. After but a few minutes it looked quite comfortable.

Only after this is all done does David seem to partially return to reality. He puts back on the glove without any look of pain. His face seems even paler than before. He stands there waiting to be told what to do.

I got to use a spell that I like and a spell casting system variant that I love as well in one post? I'm happy.

2015-07-23, 06:56 AM
As the objects start flying, Gailana snaps off another detect magic.

[roll0] Although I'm already fairly sure what this effect is.

"Why David. I knew you were holding out on me". She looks at the young man sidelong. Any desire in her to grant him physical attendance was abruptly dead. But the desire to speak with him and find out more about him and his cult was stronger than ever.

She draws her travel rations and waterskin from her haversack, and sits cross-legged. "You are a guest within my dwelling. At least, it is my dwelling for the next few hours." She beckons him to sit before her. "Please sit, and share my meat and water" If you are able to eat. "And tell me more of these catacombs".

2015-07-23, 01:47 PM
Abby eventually grabs the attention of one of the aides wandering about.

Excuse me, Could you do me a small favor. Where am I supposed to stay, there are no marks? She asks the aide.

2015-07-23, 05:28 PM

The hooded attendant replies to what you say with:
"Only on campsites that have already been claimed, others are free to be taken. Some like to try to organize who goes where, but many of the people do not follow it making it useless. The different groups of people seem to though have agreed to not get into anyone else's people business. Would you like me to take your heavy equipment to a campsite sir?"


As he sits down and eats and drinks with you (yes, he can eat and drink. He does not seem like any sort of undead) he talks to you a little about of the catacombs.

"It is a rather small place, only a few rooms large. It lies up north at the far end of the valley here imbedded into the rock wall there. My Mistress has made it her home these past few days, though she was disappointed in it. The only body within the catacombs was a body that had a room to itself, guarded by powerful wards. I've only entered the catacombs once when I scouted ahead, otherwise me and the other servants have been told to camp outside it every night. The place must have been newly constructed when the stairs were abandoned."

You know that the spell that he cast is one that is rarely memorized for it's waste of valuable blessings (spell slots). You cannot remember the name, but it's general effect is that it prepares a campsite with materials near by.

2015-07-23, 05:33 PM
Ma'am. Abby corrects gently but firmly.

I'm good, just take me to the nearest free campsite. She request

2015-07-23, 06:58 PM
Ma'am. Abby corrects gently but firmly.

I'm good, just take me to the nearest free campsite. She request

You see the hooded man's eyes as he get's a better look at you. He says to you:
"Apologies, I was looking down at your feet."

2015-07-23, 09:05 PM
Presumably, Gailana's going to keep up the flirty tone, even if he's not responding and she's no longer interested. But quick questions;

1, Where was David before he joined his mistress?
2, If Mistress Thorhild was disappointed with the catacombs, why is she staying there?
3, Where was she before? And how did David know of the catacombs?
4, Did he and his "brothers-in-service" all come from the same place?
5, How did he join his Mistresses service.

And, sadly. Diplomacy; [roll0]

As you two talk through out the next hour he responds to the following questions in the following way:
1. "I...I would not want to talk about that, lady. Please don't bring up my false life."
2."She thought that they were private enough, she was only a little disappointed that she would not have anymore fun like she normally expects from such places."
3."She was walking to the valley, she told me to run ahead. I was hours ahead of the group, giving me plenty of time to find the catacombs."
4."I certainly did not. Like I said, I do not even know any of their names."
5.He looks at you for a second, your not sure if he is going to attack. He says "I was to die, she was kind to me." He stomps out of the cave in an uncharacteristic show of self want.

2015-07-24, 01:51 AM
Gailana stares after David for quite a long time, and listens for longer, until she's completely sure that he's gone.

Then, she packs up all her things, places her haversack on her back, and casts Gaseous Form, leaving the cave in the most inconspicuous way she can think while scouting the surrounds for a new place to sleep free from the sight of others.


She's not afraid to sleep under stars, or in the branches of a tree, or under a bush. But she isn't sure she wants to sleep where people so strange know where she is.

Before retiring for the night, she casts an Alter Self on herself, transforming her into a grizzled-looking human huntsman. If she's discovered in the night, she'll claim that's just what she is. The spell should wear off about dawn, and then she'll meditate. At dawn, she'll meditate.

2015-07-24, 09:27 AM
Timothy (probably) attempts to be a nice guy and ingratiate himself to some of his fellow deity-servants by using his magic to reduce the stink levels and/or clean the hardest to clean bu mundane means parts of the stables (while avoiding upsetting any of the mounts).

I'm assuming that you intentionally created an opportunity by mentioning the smell specifically...
Class ability name: Least Gifts [An Ounce of Prevention<Prestidigitation>] At-Will
Effect: Clean and Disinfect 1 cubic foot per round, technically only requires re-casting 1/hour, so I don't know if there are even any verbal/somatic components to the every round thing.

As is my usual style I'm going to roll a bunch of stuff and then let you decide what to use... going to put the actual rolls in spoilers this time around you can avoid bias in those decisions. Can't promise I will remember in the future...

Sense Motive and Wisdom to just forget the whole thing if it would hurt my rep noticably. Not that I don't have altruistic motives too, but sometimes you gotta act a bit posh to get people to listen rather than getting down in the trenches and helping out. Basically trying to work around the "my character is more socially adept than me" problem we had a bit earlier... if that is okay?
Sense Motive [roll0]
Wisdom [roll1]

Handle Animal to be unobtrusive or maybe even notice a stone in a hoof I could tell the owner about. [roll2]

Profession[Stable-boy] to pick the aspects where my magic will give me the biggest edge. Could also be Craft, in which case it is intelligence based (which seems wrong for this case...) and the modifier would be -1 rather than +1... of course if there is an actual stable-boy I'll seek their advice.

Diplomacy to LOOK helpful, rather than just BEING cool like that. [roll3]b2Q22

Gather Information to chat up anyone who comes by for useful information without wasting too much time relative to the value of the info/rapport-building [roll4]

2015-07-24, 03:03 PM
Timothy (probably) attempts to be a nice guy and ingratiate himself to some of his fellow deity-servants by using his magic to reduce the stink levels and/or clean the hardest to clean bu mundane means parts of the stables (while avoiding upsetting any of the mounts).

I'm assuming that you intentionally created an opportunity by mentioning the smell specifically...
Class ability name: Least Gifts [An Ounce of Prevention<Prestidigitation>] At-Will
Effect: Clean and Disinfect 1 cubic foot per round, technically only requires re-casting 1/hour, so I don't know if there are even any verbal/somatic components to the every round thing.

As is my usual style I'm going to roll a bunch of stuff and then let you decide what to use... going to put the actual rolls in spoilers this time around you can avoid bias in those decisions. Can't promise I will remember in the future...

Sense Motive and Wisdom to just forget the whole thing if it would hurt my rep noticably. Not that I don't have altruistic motives too, but sometimes you gotta act a bit posh to get people to listen rather than getting down in the trenches and helping out. Basically trying to work around the "my character is more socially adept than me" problem we had a bit earlier... if that is okay?
Sense Motive [roll0]
Wisdom [roll1]

Handle Animal to be unobtrusive or maybe even notice a stone in a hoof I could tell the owner about. [roll2]

Profession[Stable-boy] to pick the aspects where my magic will give me the biggest edge. Could also be Craft, in which case it is intelligence based (which seems wrong for this case...) and the modifier would be -1 rather than +1... of course if there is an actual stable-boy I'll seek their advice.

Diplomacy to LOOK helpful, rather than just BEING cool like that. [roll3]b2Q22

Gather Information to chat up anyone who comes by for useful information without wasting too much time relative to the value of the info/rapport-building [roll4]

Dammit, I was hoping we could get through the night without more talk. But what you did makes sense and I sort of did want you to take some action against it (or just joke a little with the workers).

As you are cleaning up the horses stable you notice that the stable at the far end is occupied by someone taking care of a large black horse. As you get closer and get a better look at who they are, you see that they wear a robe that is held together by a rope tied across their waist which also seems to be used to carry a extremely formal looking sword. By the way that the robe goes across the persons body you can tell they are female, she has her hair cut short.

Only once she has finished taking care of the horse does she look at you. You'd guess that by the look of her face that she is in her mid 20s, and that she has the military look.

"Which cleric are you here to serve? I see that you are dealing with the other horses than your master's, and by the outfit that you wear, I'd say that your master would either be a more combat focused cleric of Mishakal, or some other god of those Somlmatic knights. I'd like to know his name before tomorrows meeting, so tell me."

2015-07-24, 04:51 PM
Timothy laughs jovially then responds ((interspersing brief spellcasting with his commentary if you decide I need verbal components every round for Prestidigitation rather than once an hour)). He elects to not mention the costs of his magic, lest he reveal himself to a potential enemy without comparable intelligence in return. Otherwise he displays just enough pride that his contributions to the discussion will not be devalued and, perhaps the stricter requirement that raises that minimum, Mishakal's name and Church will not seem to be lax about the issue at hand, nor slighting the other deity-servants by sending a weakling in divine power.

He displays his holy symbol to prove his allegiance and glances at her for her own.

Walls of text incoming, should help speed things up since there is more to respond to with each post we make and thus we get through the whole of what their is to say in fewer posts?

Please "cancel out" of my pre-plotted conversation below if I start seriously offending her or something...

Also, there is are two ability checks in the middle that might lead to me making the same offers to prove my power but in a different order, and/or omitting some/most of them entirely.

"Ah, no. I suspect you under estimate the willingness of those empowered by Mishakal to get involved in simple pragmatic matters. Easy mistake to make. I'm the major representative of Mishakal. Only representative if you don't count my guards.

My name is Timothy Randsom.

I'll freely admit my knowledge of the deities is less than others here, so you all may have to excuse a few amateur questions or faux pas in the coming days. Mishakal's will for the world is usually pretty simple as far as I am concerned. Better to spend my time getting to know mortals to better accomplish it rather than to memorize every obscure analysis of every text written to interpret her revelations. Do not feel slighted though, what I lack in theology I make up for in understanding of the logistics of staving off or mitigating disaster.

But before we go any further, may I know the name, symbol, and nature of the deity you serve so that I might direct my discourse more efficiently?"

Or you can just use the previous rolls if you trust my statement that I didn't open the preceding spoiler to see what I rolled.
Religion [roll0] (I may have rolled +0 before, but that is "nobility and royalty", not Religion)
Sense Motive [roll1]

"And, if we must compare the might of our divine gifts, mine tend toward the subtle and inexhaustible... and some not so subtle. The blessing laid on this place hobbles the best concrete demonstration I can give... but since it only hobbles, rather than hamstrings, I could still give you a demonstration that you might find a unique experience."

*Checks mount for wings*

((If Wings))
"Or perhaps not so unique as all that if you ride such an animal."

((If No Wings))
"Taking to the air more specifically. Just do not stray to many score of paces from me, or, like the fable of Icarus, you fall."

((In either case))
"If you wish for an example more central to Mishakal's will, but less immediately demonstrable, my hands never fail in the application of what appears to be simply the leech's art, and I can place blessings on the sick so that even without my care they recover much better simply by being near to me. This works on as many as can crowd close as long as my voice will last and I have trained my voice for endurance using methods practices by the tellers of great sagas. I should clarify that I am party to a revelation as to the details of some commonly known drawbacks of gathering too many sick into one place and can counter it with the same spell as you see me using here.

Or, if your own store of obscure knowledge is great, it might help you if you understand that I'm not technically a cleric in terms of my gifts, but rather a Grace-Gift.

Somewhere in the middle as far as knowledge, you might recognize the mystical significance this holds in addition to being my signet?

He holds up his hand to show her the platinum ring on it. ((Spellcraft DC ?? to recognize half of the set of focii necessary to cast Shield Other))

"But of course, someone dressed as you are might be more impressed by a sparring match... unfortunately that must wait for the morrow as some of my gifts in that area do not lend themselves to demonstration when I am without allies, and my men are tired. Even then, I shall have to hold back since I brought no sparring weapon. Perhaps if the harmless touch of a hand were to replace the stroke of steel... although I'm not so practiced with my bare hands as I am with spear and chain.

Or, if you are willing to proclaim an oath to use your own powers to heal my wounds when we are done, I might even go alone, with no weapon, against your blade provide it will lay no curses upon me."

"So... now that you know me, or at least know how to know me well enough that you may be satisfied that the servants of Mishakal are not slighting this gathering, even though I do not consider myself above cleaning a stable, might I inquire as to the general nature of your own divine powers, and the nature and extents of what you hope to contribute to this gathering?"

Diplomacy [roll2]

2015-07-24, 06:13 PM
Timothy laughs jovially then responds ((interspersing brief spellcasting with his commentary if you decide I need verbal components every round for Prestidigitation rather than once an hour)). He elects to not mention the costs of his magic, lest he reveal himself to a potential enemy without comparable intelligence in return. Otherwise he displays just enough pride that his contributions to the discussion will not be devalued and, perhaps the stricter requirement that raises that minimum, Mishakal's name and Church will not seem to be lax about the issue at hand, nor slighting the other deity-servants by sending a weakling in divine power.

He displays his holy symbol to prove his allegiance and glances at her for her own.

Walls of text incoming, should help speed things up since there is more to respond to with each post we make and thus we get through the whole of what their is to say in fewer posts?

Please "cancel out" of my pre-plotted conversation below if I start seriously offending her or something...

Also, there is are two ability checks in the middle that might lead to me making the same offers to prove my power but in a different order, and/or omitting some/most of them entirely.

"Ah, no. I suspect you under estimate the willingness of those empowered by Mishakal to get involved in simple pragmatic matters. Easy mistake to make. I'm the major representative of Mishakal. Only representative if you don't count my guards.

My name is Timothy Randsom.

I'll freely admit my knowledge of the deities is less than others here, so you all may have to excuse a few amateur questions or faux pas in the coming days. Mishakal's will for the world is usually pretty simple as far as I am concerned. Better to spend my time getting to know mortals to better accomplish it rather than to memorize every obscure analysis of every text written to interpret her revelations. Do not feel slighted though, what I lack in theology I make up for in understanding of the logistics of staving off or mitigating disaster.

But before we go any further, may I know the name, symbol, and nature of the deity you serve so that I might direct my discourse more efficiently?"

Or you can just use the previous rolls if you trust my statement that I didn't open the preceding spoiler to see what I rolled.
Religion [roll0] (I may have rolled +0 before, but that is "nobility and royalty", not Religion)
Sense Motive [roll1]

"And, if we must compare the might of our divine gifts, mine tend toward the subtle and inexhaustible... and some not so subtle. The blessing laid on this place hobbles the best concrete demonstration I can give... but since it only hobbles, rather than hamstrings, I could still give you a demonstration that you might find a unique experience."

*Checks mount for wings*

((If Wings))
"Or perhaps not so unique as all that if you ride such an animal."

((If No Wings))
"Taking to the air more specifically. Just do not stray to many score of paces from me, or, like the fable of Icarus, you fall."

((In either case))
"If you wish for an example more central to Mishakal's will, but less immediately demonstrable, my hands never fail in the application of what appears to be simply the leech's art, and I can place blessings on the sick so that even without my care they recover much better simply by being near to me. This works on as many as can crowd close as long as my voice will last and I have trained my voice for endurance using methods practices by the tellers of great sagas. I should clarify that I am party to a revelation as to the details of some commonly known drawbacks of gathering too many sick into one place and can counter it with the same spell as you see me using here.

Or, if your own store of obscure knowledge is great, it might help you if you understand that I'm not technically a cleric in terms of my gifts, but rather a Grace-Gift.

Somewhere in the middle as far as knowledge, you might recognize the mystical significance this holds in addition to being my signet?

He holds up his hand to show her the platinum ring on it. ((Spellcraft DC ?? to recognize half of the set of focii necessary to cast Shield Other))

"But of course, someone dressed as you are might be more impressed by a sparring match... unfortunately that must wait for the morrow as some of my gifts in that area do not lend themselves to demonstration when I am without allies, and my men are tired. Even then, I shall have to hold back since I brought no sparring weapon. Perhaps if the harmless touch of a hand were to replace the stroke of steel... although I'm not so practiced with my bare hands as I am with spear and chain.

Or, if you are willing to proclaim an oath to use your own powers to heal my wounds when we are done, I might even go alone, with no weapon, against your blade provide it will lay no curses upon me.

So... now that you know me, or at least know how to know me well enough that you may be satisfied that the servants of Mishakal are not slighting this gathering, even though I do not consider myself above cleaning a stable, might I inquire as to the general nature of your own divine powers, and the nature and extents of what you hope to contribute to this gathering?"

Diplomacy [roll2]

Your RL sense motive rolls are not getting better...

Since you are polite (rolled high on the diplomacy check) and can tell that she truly did not know that you were the main cleric and just wanted to know the name of the person that was your churches representative (good sense motive), almost all the things said after "But before we go any further, may I know the name, symbol, and nature of the deity you serve so that I might direct my discourse more efficiently?" is held by your quick mind.

(If you don't care for being polite, go ahead and tell me.)

She says to you giving you a quick look up and down.

"Forgive me Timothy Randsom of Mishakal, you do seem extremely well equipped for a servant. I just did not think that any of the other representatives would be inside here cleaning, especially other animals that they do not own. I am lady Silva, and I am a knight of the skull."

You clearly see the white skull symbol that lays on her black robes. She says the last sentence with pride.

She just said she is a paladin.

2015-07-24, 09:03 PM
Everything I was going to say but didn't was for the purposes of being polite... and also standing my ground as far as not being a putz who should be ignored in the coming days. But he would certainly consider the first is more important than the second. I can always do the listing of powers and qualification later if it seems necessary.

I'll try to edit to strike-through and/or spoiler everything that would get left out.

"Well met then! So... do you know or guess of any 'foes of old' who would oppose all the deities? History is another area I neglected for matters closer to my core calling.

Also, a hypothetical for you to ponder: What would you do if the granter of your powers should come to you in a vision and reveal to you an orison that would... oh, say, turn blueberries pink or something similarly bizarre?"

2015-07-24, 09:24 PM
I misinterpret things all the time. Thought you said something about not wanting to insult them. I can just change it, but it seems you've already changed to get with the flow. So let's see how well her Knowledge (Religon) check is...
"Hmm if I had to think, it be the one the gods fought a little under two centuries ago. I don't think that'd be possible, I hope not at least. As for bizarre magic. If I did pray for my spells I'd laugh and not respect those doing something like that. If it happened to me as I am, though, I'd be scared. For then I'd be right about what this is all about."

2015-07-24, 10:19 PM
I was specifically referring to the various demonstrations of my powers I had typed up the offering/performing of, from a free flight, to a three on three (three on one if he can't find any more to join his team?) sparing match to simply explaining in a non-forth-wall breaking way "I can take 10 on heal checks, and boost fortitude saves for an unlimited number of targets in a certain area".

Demonstrating my power means proving that the church of Mishakal is taking this seriously, rather than sending some low ECL guy to handle it... well, that and getting people to take my contributions seriously, but I already covered how I was prioritizing those two things relative to eachother!

"So your feared foe favored the ridiculous and illogical and could impersonate or bewitch the minds of the very deities? It seems I chose a poor example then... I shall ponder on how to phrase my question better then.

But for now, tell me more of this horrific foe? I think I have a glimmer of what you are talking about, but it could just be a trick of memory playing me false."

2015-07-25, 12:12 AM
I was specifically referring to the various demonstrations of my powers I had typed up the offering/performing of, from a free flight, to a three on three (three on one if he can't find any more to join his team?) sparing match to simply explaining in a non-forth-wall breaking way "I can take 10 on heal checks, and boost fortitude saves for an unlimited number of targets in a certain area".

Demonstrating my power means proving that the church of Mishakal is taking this seriously, rather than sending some low ECL guy to handle it... well, that and getting people to take my contributions seriously, but I already covered how I was prioritizing those two things relative to eachother!

"So your feared foe favored the ridiculous and illogical and could impersonate or bewitch the minds of the very deities? It seems I chose a poor example then... I shall ponder on how to phrase my question better then.

But for now, tell me more of this horrific foe? I think I have a glimmer of what you are talking about, but it could just be a trick of memory playing me false."

"Bewitch? I think not, from what texts say they were just busy fighting the thing. Do not think this as the truth, for the gods themselves would have told us I hope, but this matches the All Father if what is written can be believed."

If you don't know who that is, don't look it up. You can, I cannot hack into your computer (yet), but you'd have less fun I'd think.

2015-07-25, 03:17 AM
"But... the other possibility I mentioned... if it could to use an analogy, ape the voice of Mishakal to me in a vision? Not that I've ever had a vision in my life, you understand, but... How much easier to ape a voice unknown even to many listeners? And, while I wage long wars against diseases, famines, earthquakes, floods, and great fires, rather than armies that have minds behind them, I've been in many small scale fights to set certain wrongs to right, and I do happen to know what an ambush is... should we fear lest we be smote all in one fell swoop, like if a child should decide that the only thing that could be more entertaining that stepping on ants one by one would be to place a few drops of honey on the ground and stomp many with a single press of his boot.

And yet... and yet... it makes little sense if my briefing from the Highest Priest of my faith holds true. I was instructed to expect men and women of renown and power, yet not the most renown, nor the greatest power. I have heard it said that within any ant mound lies a single bloated ant, mother to them all. Kill but that one insect and the mound will pass away as the others age and die in their brief lives. Their mindless loyalty lies to her as well, so perhaps they will wander without purpose if she falls? In any case, it seems to me that if all I have said is true, then this stroke fails before it has even fallen, for no even a twentieth part of all the power of those invested with the divine lies in this place.

The other question might be 'is this stairs connection with the divine such as to make the stomping of a boot here easier than some other place, and might we be best advised to depart en-mass to hold palaver elsewhere while the boot is still being lifted to be brought back down?'.

I know I'm talking nonsense compared to one truly versed in the arts of war, but... sometimes a bit of childish babbling is just the thing to get a smarter head working if only because by the time he is done expounding upon all the fool's grievous errors he finds he has worked out halfway through a full understanding of the situation, and knows how to proceed to finish the other half out."

2015-07-25, 06:06 AM
As the evening wears on, Gailana is conscious of a voice. It is not loud, where she is, but it just keeps talking.

She is keen to face the morning, and even stand with the others to hear what is to be heard. But the morning cannot come without the passing of night, and the night will pass very slow if that voice keeps going.

Owls hoot, leaves rustle, wind moans. She's used to these sounds. But the voice that will not stop echoes through the little valley. Like a door banging in the night, unlocked and unfastened. A constant reminder of something of the day left unfinished and undone.

At length, she sucks in breath through her teeth, and rises in her leathers and casts Gaseous Form. Then she drifts through the trees, silent and insubstantial, until she finds the owner of the voice. She gathers her form, her tendrils of mist and fog, her night-shape directly behind the fellow's shoulder. It is the fellow she walked here with. The one that made comments about civilization.

She cancels the spell, and is suddenly standing there.

"Do you mind, sir?" she says quietly. "Some of us would like to sleep."

2015-07-25, 07:56 PM
"Eh, I'm off to bed, see you both in the morning." says Timothy, suiting action to word after the normal pause for responding 'goodnights', if nothing much comes up.

2015-07-26, 04:29 AM
Gailana stares long after Timothy until she's actually sure he's gone. Then turns her head to the gentleman he was talking to; breathes a quiet "My apologies", and Shadow Strides back into the trees. Back to her own little campsite, and back for a bit of peace.

2015-07-26, 09:19 PM
As you all fall asleep this night you all dream into oblivion, no dreams come to you this night. As you wake up it feels as if someone woke you up at midnight, you also see a small glow right above you. As you get a better look at this you see that it is a small bead size purple substance that glows softly. It seems to be not moving, and when you finally are awake enough to do something about it (varies) a message is given:

"All clerics that would go to the stairs must forgive Alfran for he cannot report to the Stairs till noon, good day."

Then the small blob is gone. A new day has begun and you can hear people near by making and eating morning feast. The amount of tension seems to be at it's lowest you've seen so far. The Stairs of Heaven building casts a shadow through the campsites. How do our heroes wake up and what do they do?

2015-07-26, 09:47 PM
As you all fall asleep this night you all dream into oblivion, no dreams come to you this night. As you wake up it feels as if someone woke you up at midnight, you also see a small glow right above you. As you get a better look at this you see that it is a small bead size purple substance that glows softly. It seems to be not moving, and when you finally are awake enough to do something about it (varies) a message is given:

"All clerics that would go to the stairs must forgive Alfran for he cannot report to the Stairs till noon, good day."

Then the small blob is gone. A new day has begun and you can hear people near by making and eating morning feast. The amount of tension seems to be at it's lowest you've seen so far. The Stairs of Heaven building casts a shadow through the campsites. How do our heroes wake up and what do they do?

Ugh! Who in the abyss is Alfran! Abby moaned into her pillow.

But morning is morning. A cruel terrible day star burning bright in the sky.

She gets up and goes over to the crowd, picking up someone who looks lonely.

Greetings. Abby Abby stated in greeting, extending a single hand.

2015-07-26, 11:07 PM
Gailana emerges from sleep testily, wondering such things as Who the frell is Alfran and why must anyone forgive him? And when they say Clerics, do they mean myself as well? Shaking her head, she gets on with her dawn meditation, refreshing her powers for the day, then packs her things and heads off into the campsite.

Someone presents a hand, she takes it absently.

"No. Hello Gailana" she says, looking the taller woman in the eyes. "You are Abby. We met yesterday. So, hello Abby." Not letting go of the hand, her eyes slide down the armoured woman's body. "Nice Greaves."

2015-07-26, 11:30 PM
Hmm. Abby murmured sleepily before blinking her eyes repeatedly.

My apologies Gailana. I'm exhausted and I guess I didn't open my eyes fully. How are you this fine morning? She asks. Then she notices the smaller woman's eyes wandering downwards.

My eyes are up here. She chides gently.

2015-07-27, 12:25 AM
"I know". says Gailana, her eyes slowly sweeping even further down and then even more slowly back up again. She lets go of Abby's hand as she returns to eye-contact, and places her hands behind her back.

"In the night, I had a mysterious and cryptic vision. It was most irritating. Are you familiar with an "Alfran?" Because apparently, he will be late. We must forgive him for this for some reason , and this is apparently a matter of sufficient importance for somebody to disturb our sleep over.".

2015-07-27, 09:16 AM
Um. Thank you. Abby added with a small chuckle, a twiddling of her fingers, and an awkward blush.

Uh, yeah. I heard the same message, but have no more insight into it, then you. She added orating somewhat.

I'm just pissed they woke us up for that. She adds.

2015-07-27, 06:23 PM
As you two are talking you see a small group of people move to the main campsite past you. They seem to be with those men that greeted you yesterday, they wear similar if longer robes. Large amounts of perfume (or similar ointment) can be smelled on them. About 8 of them surround a woman who wears a slightly more reveling robe (the robe goes up to her joints) with studded leather being shown underneath. She does not hide her face and seems to be in her mid twenties, though her hair looks like it is turning white with age (only part of her that looks old at all). The robed men's hands are the only part of them not hidden, but gloves cover that.

The woman is singing a tune like a girl going to the baker.

2015-07-27, 06:56 PM
As you two are talking you see a small group of people move to the main campsite past you. They seem to be with those men that greeted you yesterday, they wear similar if longer robes. Large amounts of perfume (or similar ointment) can be smelled on them. About 8 of them surround a woman who wears a slightly more reveling robe (the robe goes up to her joints) with studded leather being shown underneath. She does not hide her face and seems to be in her mid twenties, though her hair looks like it is turning white with age (only part of her that looks old at all). The robed men's hands are the only part of them not hidden, but gloves cover that.

The woman is singing a tune like a girl going to the baker.

Abby subtly gestures to lead Gailana's gaze to the white haired woman.

Heard that stress can do that to hair. Guess leading these people in stressful. She replies.

2015-07-27, 08:16 PM
Timothy rises, (thus allowing Robert to join Kevin in sleep), he looks for a likely group to breakfast with.

"Mind if I join you all?" He asks.

2015-07-27, 08:24 PM
Gailana gives Timothy a polite, expressionless nod. Then turns her gaze on the white-haired woman and gives her a long, thirsty stare.

"Doubtless" she says in a silently quieter voice than usual; "She has faced some unusual challenges and hardships to have been shaped into such an anomalous appearance; and since she appears to have survived them, is doubtless fairly powerful and significant. She probably considers herself interesting."

She gives the faintest of sidelong glances toward Abby, then to Timothy. "Are either of you interested? I am interested. Let us introduce ourselves."

She takes an unhurried step towards the group, not looking back to see if the others are following her.

2015-07-27, 08:32 PM
Gailana gives Timothy a polite, expressionless nod. Then turns her gaze on the white-haired woman and gives her a long, thirsty stare.

"Doubtless" she says in a silently quieter voice than usual; "She has faced some unusual challenges and hardships to have been shaped into such an anomalous appearance; and since she appears to have survived them, is doubtless fairly powerful and significant. She probably considers herself interesting."

She gives the faintest of sidelong glances toward Abby, then to Timothy. "Are either of you interested? I am interested. Let us introduce ourselves."

She takes an unhurried step towards the group, not looking back to see if the others are following her.

I could tell from your gaze that you were interested. Abby lightly teases with a smirk, following Gailiana.

2015-07-27, 08:36 PM
"Do not worry. I am prepared to share." Gailana says very quietly.

2015-07-27, 08:43 PM
Jeez, you move fast. We just met yesterday, and you're already propositioning me for a threesome? Abby chuckles with a whisper, clearly more amused then threatened.

Want me to handle the introductions? I'm quite good at it. She offers as they get close to the group.

2015-07-27, 08:54 PM
"I might simply have been expressing my intention to not monopolize the discourse." Gailana says. "However, since you made the suggestion, I have no problem with not monopolizing the intercourse either. Shall we wait until she has completed her song? It's said there are special chambers in the Hells reserved for those that interrupt a cappela singing and give sugar to Kender."

2015-07-27, 08:58 PM
"I might simply have been expressing my intention to not monopolize the discourse." Gailana says. "However, since you made the suggestion, I have no problem with not monopolizing the intercourse either. Shall we wait until she has completed her song? It's said there are special chambers in the Hells reserved for those that interrupt a cappela singing and give sugar to Kender."

She is a good singer. Abby agreed with a nod of her head, although she didn't look too into the music.

I'm willing to let her finish, since you are.

2015-07-27, 09:04 PM
"Oh. I'm always happy to let other people finish." says Gailana, without expression. She gives Timothy a brief glance. Then turns back to the singing woman.

"Do you suppose her hair has turned white prematurely, or is it possible that she is far older than she appears and the hair is simply one thing that does not change?" her voice is only just audible under the singing.

2015-07-27, 09:09 PM
"Oh. I'm always happy to let other people finish." says Gailana, without expression. She gives Timothy a brief glance. Then turns back to the singing woman.

"Do you suppose her hair has turned white prematurely, or is it possible that she is far older than she appears and the hair is simply one thing that does not change?" her voice is only just audible under the singing.

Unless it's a curse, I fail to see why she wouldn't change her hair if she could change the rest of her body. Abby mentions.

Unless her partners like white hair of course. Abby adds.

2015-07-27, 09:25 PM
"In any case, some anomaly exists." says Gailana quietly and meditatively. "I could attempt to ascertain who might be her current partners, and vigourously test your theory upon them in numerous different forms. However, I have learned that that sort of behaviour leads to consequences and gossip."

2015-07-27, 09:32 PM
"In any case, some anomaly exists." says Gailana quietly and meditatively. "I could attempt to ascertain who might be her current partners, and vigourously test your theory upon them in numerous different forms. However, I have learned that that sort of behaviour leads to consequences and gossip."

Oh, you can shapeshift as well? Abby asks facing Galiana with a raised intrigued eyebrow.

2015-07-27, 09:47 PM
Gailana does turn her head at that, and gives Abby an unblinking look. Since her mother and her hideous*, horrible, haranguing harridan sisters (and Dozla) shared the same rough set abilities it was always a bit of a surprise to her that others didn't have the same spells.

"A trick I have. I can change my shape a little. Not for very long." she says. "Why do you think I look at other people so intently? It is so I can remember their shape should their form come in useful. However, I try to save such tricks for when they are vitally needed."

She turns back toward the singing woman and adds softly; "Such as when the person I'm with doesn't actually prefer girls."

*Gailana would be the first to admit that Kycilien is kind of hot, but scary as all hell.

2015-07-27, 09:54 PM
Gailana does turn her head at that, and gives Abby an unblinking look. Since her mother and her hideous*, horrible, haranguing harridan sisters (and Dozla) shared the same rough set abilities it was always a bit of a surprise to her that others didn't have the same spells.

"A trick I have. I can change my shape a little. Not for very long." she says. "Why do you think I look at other people so intently? It is so I can remember their shape should their form come in useful. However, I try to save such tricks for when they are vitally needed."

She turns back toward the singing woman and adds softly; "Such as when the person I'm with doesn't actually prefer girls."

*Gailana would be the first to admit that Kycilien is kind of hot, but scary as all hell.

Okay, that is very hot. Abby muttered to herself, blushing beet red.

Do you think my form will be useful? She asking trying to regain her composure.

2015-07-27, 10:03 PM
"I am sure I could find some uses for your form." says Gailana, sounding a little absent. She's wondering exactly how long somebody can sing about round, swelling buns and long, hard loaves without exhausting the subject.

"As for what form I would have while doing so, I might require more information as to your preferences."

2015-07-27, 10:12 PM
Um.. Well you know.. First. I'd have to make sure my husband's okay with it. Abby stated still a faint red twinge on her cheeks.

2015-07-27, 10:17 PM
"Excellent idea. I should ask his preferences as well", says Gailana. Without a pause.

2015-07-27, 10:22 PM
"Excellent idea. I should ask his preferences as well", says Gailana. Without a pause.

Oh that's easy. Buxom as hell. Abby replies, gesturing to her large chest.

2015-07-27, 10:44 PM
Gailana gives the proffered assets a look which, again, goes on just a second too long. "Of course. A common preference. And nice inlays."

Gailana, oddly enough, has always been quite comfortable with her own waifish figure. It might be considered a little scrawny by some but at least doesn't cause her issues with support against gravity, lower back pain, or things getting caught down her front like what happened to Dozla that time Kycilien started throwing scorpions at Ghairen at the dinner table. However, it escapes her wit right now to think of a way of expressing this opinion without sounding like a complete shrike.

So she makes small talk. "Your husband is not present? I would count it poor manners to make any commitment to attendance upon you without his permission. If, indeed, we have time."

Gailana's not the best at small talk.

2015-07-27, 10:48 PM
Gailana gives the proffered assets a look which, again, goes on just a second too long. "Of course. A common preference. And nice inlays."

Gailana, oddly enough, has always been quite comfortable with her own waifish figure. It might be considered a little scrawny by some but at least doesn't cause her issues with support against gravity, lower back pain, or things getting caught down her front like what happened to Dozla that time Kycilien started throwing scorpions at Ghairen at the dinner table. However, it escapes her wit right now to think of a way of expressing this opinion without sounding like a complete shrike.

So she makes small talk. "Your husband is not present? I would count it poor manners to make any commitment to attendance upon you without his permission. If, indeed, we have time."

Gailana's not the best at small talk.

A preference you seem to share. She teases noting the look.

He was supposed to be here, but he was delaying. He said to expect him some time today.

2015-07-27, 10:54 PM
"Better late than too soon, I find." says Gailana without a trace of humour. And then; ""This lady has rhymed "yeast" with "feast" three times in the same stansa. I am starting to wonder if we should request some other material."

2015-07-27, 10:56 PM
"Better late than too soon, I find." says Gailana without a trace of humour. And then; ""This lady has rhymed "yeast" with "feast" three times in the same stansa. I am starting to wonder if we should request some other material."

Sure, we can introduce ourselves, while we request new material as well. Any good songs you'd like to hear? Abby offers.

2015-07-27, 11:13 PM
""The Mermaid and the Octopus"" says Gailana. "No, better not. There's only so many times you can hear the word "tentacle" before it starts sounding funny."

2015-07-27, 11:26 PM
""The Mermaid and the Octopus"" says Gailana. "No, better not. There's only so many times you can hear the word "tentacle" before it starts sounding funny."

Oh jeez if you want romantic, just go the Knight of Solamnia and the succubus in distress. Abby joked

2015-07-27, 11:37 PM
""A Ploughman and his Hoe"; "The Lay of the Three Little Maids", "How the She-Elf found her shaft"" lists Gailana in a voice that sounds even more flat and dispassionate that usual. "Maybe we're not so badly off hearing about bread. It hardens as it rises, apparently. It's almost as though some people have dirty minds."

2015-07-27, 11:48 PM
""A Ploughman and his Hoe"; "The Lay of the Three Little Maids", "How the She-Elf found her shaft"" lists Gailana in a voice that sounds even more flat and dispassionate that usual. "Maybe we're not so badly off hearing about bread. It hardens as it rises, apparently. It's almost as though some people have dirty minds."

What us? Never. Abby says innocently.

2015-07-28, 12:12 AM
"So; purely hypothetically, how long does it take you to remove that armour? I'm just planning ahead" asks Gailana, equally innocently.

2015-07-28, 12:40 AM
"So; purely hypothetically, how long does it take you to remove that armour? I'm just planning ahead" asks Gailana, equally innocently.

Depends on how much eager help I have. Abby says chuckling the whole way through.

2015-07-28, 12:54 AM
"Oh--do you often have extra help? That makes things easier. I assumed your husband would be the one sticking up for you. Or something."

2015-07-28, 01:16 AM
"Oh--do you often have extra help? That makes things easier. I assumed your husband would be the one sticking up for you. Or something."

Well I wasn't always married. Abby teased with a wink.

2015-07-28, 01:24 AM
Kanmus had deliberately tried to go back to sleep after preparing her spells, but it finds it completely futile as she hears the singing wafting through the air and straight into her tent.
"Razza frazza mmm gonna kill whoever's singing out there."
She unruffled her feathers as she stepped outside of her tent and greeted Dive through their link. He had gone out to try to find something with more meat around the woods, already having been warned off of the horses that had been brought by the other clerics.
She proceeded to grab some basics of her gear and went out to meet the noisy 'songbird' that had decided to wake up perhaps a little too early to annoy Kanmus.
She makes no effort to conceal her annoyance as she begins to shout over the singing group.
"O.K. who's the one that I need to talk to in order to haul you off to a seedy bar instead of disturbing all of the wildlife in the world with this din? The only other thing I'd be fine with taking instead is knowing who this Alfran character is as it seems like he's quite careless if he can't arrive on time when we were given plenty of notice."
It's very obvious she cares little for tact.

2015-07-28, 01:46 AM
Gailana is about to make some comment of the dubious ethics of wife-husbandry when Kanmus's voice comes across the field. Her jaw clenches a little. This will make us popular. She turns to Abby; "Rather than let this awkward moment fester, I think it's time we did that introduction". One eyebrow flickers. "After you? As discussed?"

2015-07-28, 01:54 AM
Yes. Perhaps Abby agreed,

Hello miss. Abby stated extending a hand.

I'm Abby, and this is my friend Gailana. Can we perhaps calm everyone down, before someone does something rash?

2015-07-28, 02:22 AM
Kanmus looks at the new arrivals and grimaces a bit.
"Well now you take notice of me. Couldn't pay attention to a giant eagle swooping over your heads, but now this gets your attention? Kanmus is my name. Druid of Habbakkuk."
The suddenly grumpy exterior fades away to become somewhat friendlier, though obviously still disgruntled about the singing.

2015-07-28, 02:25 AM
Gailana steps up toward the white-haired woman, staying just far enough away from Abby's shoulder that the taller woman doesn't loom. "Please forgive this...unmannerly behaviour." she rasps. "We enjoyed your song." would have enjoyed it more if it had been a little shorter, but no sense in saying that.

"We are all strange and different people here, it is no wonder that there are some that cannot understand that insulting and threatening unknown strangers is...." She casts an unblinking look over her shoulder at Kanmus. "...Is bestial and foolish beyond all measure." She bows her head briefly to the white-haired lady. "We are sorry."

2015-07-28, 07:31 AM
Kanmus's neck ruff begins to fan out a bit, an indication of her displeasure at the jab.
Well say whatever you want lady. I am a Druid after all. Druids and animals tend to get to the point a lot faster when they need something to be known.
{Hey Dive? Do you happen to have a dead deer or something to let go of?}
Dive responds that he doesn't and asks why he would let go of it in the first place.
{I would have loved to have seen it drop on a few people. I'm beginning to see why the elders prefer to associate with animals.}

2015-07-28, 01:15 PM
Kanmus feels that something is close by, something could be right beyond his senses...

Found someone good in this situation, you and others nearby get a spot check.

2015-07-28, 06:14 PM
Timothy finishes eating, having been keeping his mouth busy as others talked. He has obviously been paying attention, but... well, he's been picking his words for maximum impact. Apparently someone actually managed to hit a nerve through his normally thick skin.

"If loins indeed match the words that tongues have made in this place and time, then I weep for the farmers, injured working their fields to the point of exhaustion who could have been saved from the ravages of filth fever by all the disease curing magics that some of you must have expended on yourselves over the years."

He looks to Kanmus "If you would like to search out better company I would be glad to escort you." he says rising for a semi-formal bow.

"Unless you are all quite finished?" he says, looking at each ribald speaker in turn.

2015-07-28, 07:29 PM
Gailana turns on Kanmus slowly. Not turning her head, pivoting her entire body on her heels. "The only thing you have made known is that you apparently expect to be coddled before you will treat others with basic decency."

"We did not ignore you yesterday. You chose to ignore us. Showing off in that feathered form. We are all divines here. Do you think we have not seen such things before? Do you think anyone is going to be impressed? As though that power belonged to you, rather than you to it."

Then her gaze fixes on Timothy. "As for you; a spell I do not cast one day is no use at all to anyone on the next. We could all be dead tomorrow. Waste not while we're alive. We are all blood and ashes waiting to be, I'll not wait still for my day. And-" She gives Timothy the slightest frown. "You could have moved away, or you could have asked us polite to speak on different matters around you. Yet strangely you chose to stay and listen and rail at us for it. Could it be you enjoyed listening to us? Well-" Her voice raises.

"I believe we were summoned here to discuss something rather more important than one's delicate sensibilities and another's right to sluggabed. If you two are prepared to disrupt matters because you cannot see past that, then by all means go."

2015-07-28, 09:11 PM
Timothy turns to Gailana and tilts his head to one side, as if looking upon something most curious.

"Indeed we were, but since nobody seemed... ah well enough then. Let us head to the gathering."

2015-07-29, 12:29 AM
As you stalkers heroes continue to follow the woman she does not talk or turn her head more than once to see who you were. She continues to just move ignoring you all, her singing stopping once she get's to the Stairs. She quickly moves up the walk way created to get up to the Stairs bringing 2 of her guards with her (who surprisingly keep up with her). The others stay behind and wait a little off from the walk ways start.

The walkway is a 10ft wide stone bridge that connects the ground level to the top of the large spiked (unnatural looking) hill that holds the Stairs of Heaven. It twists around the hill for the most part, looks like a good sized walk (or shorter climb). The hill at this time in the morning makes a shadow that covers half of the hill, the other half is bright from the morning sun.

Other than the woman and her guards a few others are walking up as well.

2015-07-29, 01:12 AM
Kanmus seemed a bit taken aback.
O.K. so she has a point about it probably not being overly unusual.
She decided that the best course of action would be to ignore this person since all it seemed to do was get them further into an argument.
Her sharp eyes turn instead to the surrounding area as something catches her eye.
Looking at the lady as she finally stops singing, she remarks at the fact that people are climbing the stairs.
"I suppose that's where the meeting is?"

2015-07-29, 02:13 AM
Kanmus seemed a bit taken aback.
O.K. so she has a point about it probably not being overly unusual.
She decided that the best course of action would be to ignore this person since all it seemed to do was get them further into an argument.
Her sharp eyes turn instead to the surrounding area as something catches her eye.
Looking at the lady as she finally stops singing, she remarks at the fact that people are climbing the stairs.
"I suppose that's where the meeting is?"

As you were walking you saw someone trying to sneak behind you guys. He would fool a great deal of people, but you could keep you sight on him most of the time when need be. It seems to be Gizur.

As you ask your question it seems that Gizur get's the idea to finally walk over to you and anyone near you. He says to you all with large grin:

"Well of course! Where else would you think in this savage untamed land do you think would be appropriate to hold such people as us? If you are coming I'll be starting the nice moring walk up to the top. You all are lucky, the first day we had to walk a long horribly degraded path, the dwarf fixed it after she had to suffer through it."

He does begin to walk to the path, giving you a happy wave as he does so.

2015-07-29, 02:39 AM
Kanmus grimaces up at the stairs and at Gizur's retreating back.
"I'd much rather be flying, but I might as well take the stairs for now so that I can do something if someone were to fall off. I wonder what he was doing trying to hide behind us in the first place."
She then turns to Timothy with an apologetic smile that makes her look like she'd been a crow caught in the act of pilfering a shiny bauble.
"Kanmus, if you didn't already catch my name. I'm just a little irritable when people force me to get up when I'm trying to sleep in. I'll introduce you to Dive when we get up there."
She instructs Dive to get up to the top and save a spot for her. Then she begins the long way up the stairs.
It's a good thing I haven't been flapping out of my flight training. It might come in handy here.

2015-07-29, 08:00 AM
Gailana stares after the white-haired lady as she ignores the greeting, the apology, and the insults as if in a blissed stupour. "New theory." she purrs. "Her hair is white as a side-effect of whatever tinctures and lotuses she has used to fry her brain. If this is a fair representation of those that serve the divine in "civilized" lands, we might as well all start learning Infernal." She gives Abby a suddenly weary look. "I have been a long time getting here. A long road with many dead by the side-well, we must serve. Shall we walk?"

She gives Abby the lead as they start off. Assuming, of course, that that happens. "Do tell me about your husband, if you please", she murmurs. "You're young. Younger than myself anyway. Your meeting and courtship must have made a pretty story. I like to hear pretty stories."

2015-07-29, 01:27 PM
Abby noting the weary look offers an arm to help Gailina climb the steps.

How can you tell I'm younger? You don't look old. Abby asks

2015-07-29, 02:37 PM
Kanmus grimaces up at the stairs and at Gizur's retreating back.
"I'd much rather be flying, but I might as well take the stairs for now so that I can do something if someone were to fall off."
"A kind service we should all be grateful for."

She then turns to Timothy with an apologetic smile that makes her look like she'd been a crow caught in the act of pilfering a shiny bauble.
"Kanmus, if you didn't already catch my name. I'm just a little irritable when people force me to get up when I'm trying to sleep in. I'll introduce you to Dive when we get up there."
"Apology accepted! But who is Dive?" Timothy says with a smile.

2015-07-29, 03:54 PM
Kanmus continues to climb the stone stairs to the height and tries to keep from tripping while sparing a glance at Timothy and grinning.
"Well, let's just say we're travelling companions. I'll let you figure out the rest when we get up to the top. He'll be there waiting for us."

2015-07-29, 03:58 PM
Kanmus continues to climb the stone stairs to the height and tries to keep from tripping while sparing a glance at Timothy and grinning.
"Well, let's just say we're travelling companions. I'll let you figure out the rest when we get up to the top. He'll be there waiting for us."
"Sounds interesting!" says Timothy with a smile.

2015-07-29, 05:01 PM
Abby noting the weary look offers an arm to help Gailina climb the steps.

How can you tell I'm younger? You don't look old. Abby asks

Gailana flashes Abby a look that's almost surprised. "How-I suppose after a while you just start spotting a certain perkiness in other people that you can no longer feel you can lay claim to yourself. Sometimes it's something in the eyes, sometimes a little lower down-" Her own eyes drift a little. "I suspect it's mostly in the head. Back with my people I was never allowed to forget I was the youngest of the Shamans, but I have been wandering for a while now. Seen a lot of things. Met a lot of interesting and interested people. Often quite briefly. It weathers you." She stares on up ahead, at the walk before them and the backs of those ahead.

"I suppose coming all this way, across strange countries and seas that your people had never seen. And then find you have to get in line at the end--I suppose that's making me feel like a brooding elder suddenly. It's foolish. I am sorry."

She fetches Abby a sly look. "If this husband of yours doesn't actually exist, and you were just making him up to warn me off, you should tell me now. Otherwise, I'd like that pretty story."

2015-07-29, 05:49 PM
It's not much of a story. Abby admits blushing.

I was helping my sister move into her new home with her husband, one of the noble's aides was new, and the noble's child was required to oversee the paperwork. That was my husband.. It was love at first sight. She adds blushing more.

2015-07-29, 05:55 PM
Gailana looks up and blinks. "Sorry, did you just say you're married to your sister's husband's son? Or did I miss who all these people are? Do you have to call your sister "mother" now? That must make family dinners almost as interesting as mine."

2015-07-29, 06:44 PM
Gailana looks up and blinks. "Sorry, did you just say you're married to your sister's husband's son? Or did I miss who all these people are? Do you have to call your sister "mother" now? That must make family dinners almost as interesting as mine."

No sorry. Pretty much the short of it, is we met when I was helping my older sister out. Abby explains.

2015-07-29, 08:03 PM
Kanmus smiles as the two converse.
I guess they're not that bad when you finally get used to them. I bet I have my own quirks as well.
{Hey Dive, you there yet and is there going to be room enough for all of us?}
Dive questions her use of the word 'all'.
{I'm bringing a friend along.}
Dive seems confused about this, but doesn't ask any questions.
"So what do you think they'll be talking about up there? After all, someone called this meeting so they have to have something important to say."

2015-07-29, 08:10 PM
No sorry. Pretty much the short of it, is we met when I was helping my older sister out. Abby explains.

Gailana looks a little relieved. "It must be nice to have siblings that are not attempting to kill each other on a regular basis." She looks around the crowd of pilgrims absently. "Love at first sight sounds fun. Usually it takes me at least a good second look and a short conversation."

2015-07-29, 08:18 PM
Gailana looks a little relieved. "It must be nice to have siblings that are not attempting to kill each other on a regular basis." She looks around the crowd of pilgrims absently. "Love at first sight sounds fun. Usually it takes me at least a good second look and a short conversation."

Oh, you have bad experiences with siblings? Abby asked with a sympathetic smile.

2015-07-29, 08:36 PM
Gailana looks very set. "Dozla's fine. Mostly. Big girl. Bigger than you. Thinks with her fists a bit much. Kycilien's a cold snake, but she doesn't hurt people when they might be helpful to her in the future. Ghairen's a monster. When mother dies; Kycilien will gut Ghairen like a pig, and everyone knows it but Ghairen. The only question is how many people Ghairen takes down with her. She's been trying to kill Kycilien for years, and Dozla on the side as well. The only thing stopping her from going after mother is she wants to have the advantage over Kycilien first, which everyone but her realises will never happen. I was quite pleased to be sent away from all this." Gailana looks up at the taller woman.

"There's a couple of brothers as well, but I don't know who they are. Mother started being very secretive after Ghairen murdered one. The boys don't get bought up as Shamans, like us, of course. They are raised by their fathers. None of us have the same father, I believe. We don't even look anything similar."

2015-07-29, 08:51 PM
Wow. I just have a older sister, and two older brothers. Abby replies.

So far no inter family murders as far as I'm aware.

2015-07-29, 09:03 PM
"I am sorry. I did not mean to bore you." says Gailana tonelessly. "I do not even know how accurate all this is now. I have been away from home for quite a while. Being a nomad-we know a lot more than the stone-dwellers give us credit for, but the finer points of the shape of the world beyond our steppes tend to be a little vague to us. I was wandering for a while getting here." She purses her lips.

"I served on a ship for a while. Crossing endless water you could not drink. One of the sailors used to say it was very bad luck having a woman on board, until another pointed out to him that since he was small and somewhat pretty, he would find it far less lucky being on a ship without one. He shut up after that. I have no idea why."

2015-07-29, 09:18 PM
"I am sorry. I did not mean to bore you." says Gailana tonelessly. "I do not even know how accurate all this is now. I have been away from home for quite a while. Being a nomad-we know a lot more than the stone-dwellers give us credit for, but the finer points of the shape of the world beyond our steppes tend to be a little vague to us. I was wandering for a while getting here." She purses her lips.

"I served on a ship for a while. Crossing endless water you could not drink. One of the sailors used to say it was very bad luck having a woman on board, until another pointed out to him that since he was small and somewhat pretty, he would find it far less lucky being on a ship without one. He shut up after that. I have no idea why."

You did not bore me, my apologies. I just didn't know what to say. Abby explained.

2015-07-29, 09:23 PM
"You could just tell me more about your husband, if you like. I've no desire to come between the two of you." says Gailana. Then she looks as though she's rethinking that last statement. Then she looks like she's about to correct herself, but slams her mouth shut with a *click* instead.

2015-07-29, 09:34 PM
He's interesting. Abby chuckled.

I wasn't lying when I said he was a bit of a pervert, but he is very kind and sweet, and smart.

I remember this date he took me on... She started. Should I go on? She adds, Don't want to bore you either.

2015-07-29, 09:38 PM
"You are not boring me at all. I'm sure you have heard enough of my ordinary adventures. Please go on."

2015-07-29, 09:47 PM
It's not every day I hear about families plotting revenge murder and intrigue. Abby teases with a smirk.

2015-07-29, 10:54 PM
You can finish the talk you two were having, the walk does take a half and hour if done at a normal pace. We can just say that any posts that happen with you two talking are done when you two are walking up to the Stairs.

As you all walk along the stone path obviously set down by magic (way to smooth, seems to come from the ground, and all the other buildings have not received the same treatment) you can see for a long ways away. The hill has a few trees sprinkled across occasionally with flowers and other lower leveled plants covering all of the places not covered by the path or the old ancient stone that has degraded to covering the hill over the years.

As you reach the top after walking for a half hour (prolonged by the way the path wrapped around the mountain) you see that the path leads right into the Stairs of Heaven's building. The building that sits on the top of this hill takes up most of the room but leaves a good 15ft of space at least all around it before you'd fall off (and probably fall onto the path to get up here). The building itself looks like it is a type of gazebo, one with six pillars made of what seems like marble. The pillars are degraded at points and the ceiling has some holes, though the floor and the things inside look new.

From your position of just coming up the walkway you see that the inside of the building looks like it has the Stairs inside the center of the room (no details from the entrance here, but I already described it in the intro for you readers), with a circle of stone going around it a few feet from the center (cannot tell, probably 20ft). The stone circle seems to have a few stands placed around it for everyone to stand (I'll just say right now that you can choose where you stand there are 20 seats).

You can see that six people are inside already, sitting away from everyone else.

2015-07-30, 12:23 AM
"-so Ghairen is tall, as tall as you if not more. Voluptuous and magnificent to look at. And she'd be beautiful if she wouldn't keep smiling like a shark the entire time. And that smile isn't a pose, it's not a front. It's her. I don't know who her father was. Maybe she killed and ate him." Gailana is speaking in a low, flat voice. Her eyes trained dead ahead as they walk.

"Kycilien's father was some sort of wandering adventurer. She's quite a different-looking woman. Tall, but not so as to loom. And slender as a viper. Pale skin and hair like flames and cheekbones you could shave your--you could shave with. And she seems cold and detached at first, and then you see the warmth and caring under it. And that's dangerous. Because that's just another layer. The part of her that knows it's smart to make friends and allies while the knives are in their sheaths. And under that layer is something darker and colder and deeper than anything Ghairen would know. Ghairen is like a thing that stalks the forest at night, its fangs agleam, and hungers. What's in Kycilien is more like something that looks down on us unblinking from the dark between the stars, and smiles like a knife-edge, and hungers."

"So I left" she finishes abruptly. "So you say your husband is a pervert for liking woman with chests? Lucky we didn't send Ghairen. Or Dozla. You are happy with him?"

2015-07-30, 01:06 AM
Liking women with large chests. Abby corrects with a smile.

And I'm very happy with him. She added warmly.

Jeez though, my older sister is just a bit anti-social, my eldest brother a tad guarded, and my other older brother a bit unforgiven. Your family makes mine seem like saints. She jokes.

2015-07-30, 01:12 AM
"Maybe we could set them up with each other, and watch the resulting horror from a very long way away." says Gailana, tonelessly. "Ghairen does girls and boys. It's probably the one thing we have in common-no, I'm joking. Don't worry. Shamans do not marry. Your middle brother is unforgiven? What did he do?"

2015-07-30, 01:15 AM
"Maybe we could set them up with each other, and watch the resulting horror from a very long way away." says Gailana, tonelessly. "Ghairen does girls and boys. It's probably the one thing we have in common-no, I'm joking. Don't worry. Shamans do not marry. Your middle brother is unforgiven? What did he do?"

Sorry, I meant. He's extremely slow to forgive slights. Abby corrects herself.

2015-07-30, 01:24 AM
Gailana gives a twinge of a smile. "Maybe we should set him up with Dozla. She doesn't do "slights". "Brutally excessives", maybe. But not "slights". So how do these siblings of yours feel about the man that swept away their bouncing baby sister?"

2015-07-30, 01:31 AM
Gailana gives a twinge of a smile. "Maybe we should set him up with Dozla. She doesn't do "slights". "Brutally excessives", maybe. But not "slights". So how do these siblings of yours feel about the man that swept away their bouncing baby sister?"

Damian's the same guarded disposition he normally gives, I don't think he hates him for what it's worth. And Alex likes him just fine. Especially after my husband got him a job as a guard. Abby explains

2015-07-30, 01:41 AM
"Always nice to marry into a bit of influence." says Gailana. "That sort of thing is exactly why my sisters and I am not supposed to marry, if you're curious. Are we at the top, or is this gazebo going to open into some interdimensional stairway to allow this mess to proceed still further?"

2015-07-30, 12:04 PM
"Always nice to marry into a bit of influence." says Gailana. "That sort of thing is exactly why my sisters and I am not supposed to marry, if you're curious. Are we at the top, or is this gazebo going to open into some interdimensional stairway to allow this mess to proceed still further?"

Your mother is worried you and your sister's will abuse the influence? Abby asked.

2015-07-30, 07:14 PM
Gailana turns her head and gives Abby one of her long looks. "Nooooo. Rather the reverse. We are the shamans. We are the ones with influence. The headmen think they're in charge, but the shamans make the big decisions and have the final say. The trick is managing things so that the men wind up thinking it was all their idea in the first place."

Her eyes face front again. "That is why Ghairen is a poor shaman and Kycilien is a very good one. Even though they're both terrible people. Kycilien can keep people thinking she's helping them, rather than directing them. Ghairen just bullies and terrifies. But in any event, we cannot marry, because we cannot give the impression that we belong to anyone but ourselves and the horde. Marrying would place a layer of loyalties and duties between ourselves and the nation as a whole. And the horde as a whole is where our loyalty and duty is supposed to lie." She tosses her head and skins her teeth.

"That's what I learned from mother and Kycilien anyway. Obviously, things never work out perfectly. Dozla and Kycilien both have long-term male companions they seem to favour exclusively. Ghairen seems to have no sense of loyalty to anything but Ghairen. And obviously I was a little surplus or I wouldn't have been sent here." And then she looks up.

"Although, it may be more that Kycilien and Dozla couldn't be spared, and Ghairen couldn't be trusted. That makes me feel better. I'm an outrider."

2015-07-30, 07:20 PM
I think it was Dozla, and Kycilien aren't following the rules, and that Ghairen won't be able to be in delicate situations. Abby muses.

Unless you've had a long term companion. Abby jokes.

2015-07-30, 07:43 PM
Gailana snorts. "Hmmm? No. I've been a good girl. Like mother. Never been with any one person longer than a month at a stretch. And since I started wandering, trying to get here two steps in the wrong direction for every three in the right, I wouldn't have been able to maintain such a connection even if I'd wanted to." She frowns.

"Neither Dozla's not Kycilien's behaviour is much threat to the way of things. Both their companions seem utterly devoted and subservient to them, though in very different ways. In Kycilien's case her companion is one of the nations best scouts and war leaders, so they don't even see each other that much. When they do, it's like he thinks she's some kind of goddess. Something to be worshipped and served."

2015-07-30, 07:50 PM
Gailana snorts. "Hmmm? No. I've been a good girl. Like mother. Never been with any one person longer than a month at a stretch. And since I started wandering, trying to get here two steps in the wrong direction for every three in the right, I wouldn't have been able to maintain such a connection even if I'd wanted to." She frowns.

"Neither Dozla's not Kycilien's behaviour is much threat to the way of things. Both their companions seem utterly devoted and subservient to them, though in very different ways. In Kycilien's case her companion is one of the nations best scouts and war leaders, so they don't even see each other that much. When they do, it's like he thinks she's some kind of goddess. Something to be worshipped and served."

What's Dozla's companion like? Abby asks.

2015-07-30, 08:13 PM
"Big. Nice. Dumb. Brave. Doesn't seem to have an idea in his head that someone else hasn't put there. And Dozla's...not a terribly sharp piece herself sometimes. The man's not a leader or a threat to anyone outside of a fight. I like him, but Dozla's welcome to him. And from what I've been told around the camp or under one set of furs or another, most of the nation thinks he's welcome to Dozla."

Then she gives one of her rare smiles. "Just before I left, I think Dozla might have been with child. Hard to tell, figure like hers."

2015-07-30, 08:16 PM
"Big. Nice. Dumb. Brave. Doesn't seem to have an idea in his head that someone else hasn't put there. And Dozla's...not a terribly sharp piece herself sometimes. The man's not a leader or a threat to anyone outside of a fight. I like him, but Dozla's welcome to him. And from what I've been told around the camp or under one set of furs or another, most of the nation thinks he's welcome to Dozla."

Then she gives one of her rare smiles. "Just before I left, I think Dozla might have been with child. Hard to tell, figure like hers."

Aww! You're going to be an aunt. That's amazing. Abby said beaming, and wrapping Galiana into a side hug.

2015-07-30, 08:45 PM
Timothy merely listens, finding nothing that particularly invites him to interject, but still interested.

2015-07-30, 09:18 PM
Gailana take the opportunity to get in a good squeeze or two. She's already figured out Abby isn't really interested, based on the way she keeps avoiding the topic of her husband. But waste not.

"Might be one already. Been a while." she says quietly. "Hopefully a daughter. Then she will be raised as a Shaman like the rest of us. A son could make things problematic, at least for Dozla."

2015-07-30, 09:26 PM
Kanmus only listened to the conversation up to a point until it became to strange for her.
If I ever had to live a lifestyle like that...

When they reach the top, she searches around for anyone else at the top.
"Huh, I thought for certain Dive would have shown up by now."
It was at that point that Dive decided to live up to his name and dove towards the group, kicking up whatever debris was there right before he landed and giving everyone a good gust of air.
Kanmus simply narrowed her eyes.
"Aaaaand, that's Dive for you. Oh, introductions. Dive this is... what was your name again?"
She looks between Timothy and Dive as she talks.

After introductions have been given, Kanmus walks up to the group of eight people and gets right down to business.
"O.K., so what are we discussing up here? Who sent the message, what we should do about it, or are we just going to wonder why someone had to have all of the faiths here?"

2015-07-30, 09:34 PM
Gailana take the opportunity to get in a good squeeze or two. She's already figured out Abby isn't really interested, based on the way she keeps avoiding the topic of her husband. But waste not.

"Might be one already. Been a while." she says quietly. "Hopefully a daughter. Then she will be raised as a Shaman like the rest of us. A son could make things problematic, at least for Dozla."

Oh, what would happen? Abby asked curious.

2015-07-30, 09:38 PM
Timothy speaks up.

"Well, I think that identifying the source would be the first thing to do if reasonably possible, but I suspect that might be so difficult that we should move on to identifying what the threat it spoke of could be.

Actually, one idea does spring to mind. Are their any deities that could and would consider this either a magnificent jest, or an opportunity to strike at their enemies either directly or through their servants?

Err... make that four ideas, counting the two I just listed.

Third would be that the threat is a fake, but the intention of fostering greater cooperation could be the goal, rather than a means to an end.

Fourthly if we assume that it is real, who would have the knowledge to see it coming, and the ability to send out such a message in such a way? Actually, that might be a good place to start in any case. I'm afraid I'm more of a 'down in the sick-houses' sort of servant of Mishakal than one who studies every little thing about her less day doctrines, let alone the other deities. I don't think I'd even know where to start."

2015-07-30, 10:04 PM
Gailana says quietly to Abby; "Probably nothing serious. It would just be difficult for Dozla to keep her companionship discrete while her companion is bringing up her son. Some changes in domestic arrangements might be in order. A daughter would cause no such difficulty because her upbringing and care would default to Dozla and Kycilien anyway. And to Ghairen, technically. But that will not happen."

It's a daughter. Gailana doesn't know this, of course.

And then she speaks a little louder. "Since it appears that some here", she nods to the figures under the Gazebo. "Are implicitly placing themselves in a position of seniority over the rest of us, might we hear what they have to say, and what they think they know, and why we should listen to them, before we trouble ourselves with speculation?"

And then she shunts close to Abby and whispers. "Someone wants to be the headman, remind them it's actually a job."

2015-07-30, 10:28 PM
One of the moon deities for one. They would know of any threats before the other gods did. Abby replied.

But I see none of the colored robes. She states scanning the crowd.

So unless someone would like to identify themselves as a cleric of Gilean. Abby starts, We're stuck until whoever called this meeting cares to share their reasons.

2015-07-30, 10:46 PM
"Of course" Gailana gives a bit of a growl. "It is an interesting thought. That this is all a trap. And we have all been gathered here to somehow dispose of us in one strike. Well." Her teeth show briefly in something like a smile.

"Something with that amount of power may not be something we could do much about anyway. And anything who thinks they can remove my family as a threat by disposing of me obviously has never met them."

2015-07-30, 10:58 PM
"I rather doubt it." A slender young man of soft black hair and piercing red eyes and dressed in a black and red coat with the symbol of Mina on his left shoulder sat down on the seat next to Abby. He winked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello darling. You were taking too long to get here so I may have wandered off on my own a little."

He glanced to Timothy and shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine at this point. While I doubt that the summons was false or in jest, I cannot speculate as to the reasons thereof."

2015-07-30, 11:01 PM
Kanmus only listened to the conversation up to a point until it became to strange for her.
If I ever had to live a lifestyle like that...

When they reach the top, she searches around for anyone else at the top.
"Huh, I thought for certain Dive would have shown up by now."
It was at that point that Dive decided to live up to his name and dove towards the group, kicking up whatever debris was there right before he landed and giving everyone a good gust of air.
Kanmus simply narrowed her eyes.
"Aaaaand, that's Dive for you. Oh, introductions. Dive this is... what was your name again?"
She looks between Timothy and Dive as she talks.

After introductions have been given, Kanmus walks up to the group of eight people and gets right down to business.
"O.K., so what are we discussing up here? Who sent the message, what we should do about it, or are we just going to wonder why someone had to have all of the faiths here?"

As you enter the room you feel a strong pull similar to magic affect you like the area outside, you instinctively try to go for a weapon (natural or metal) and find that your limbs refuse to draw them in the slightest. Any familiars or companions you have seem to refuse to go inside the building.

The people here seem to only be making idle small talk as you walk into the building, though they give you their attention to hear what you said.

A old man who wears red robes that clearly shows the symbol of Zivilyn says to you in a voice that shows annoyance:
"No one here is talking about anything important for days, they have been just chatting till they get bored and return to their tents. Bring the others in and listen so I can tell you the actually important information. Also for your information, not everyone is here yet, I doubt the mages will come at all."

He seems to give a look at the others inside that is not entirely positive.

2015-07-30, 11:05 PM
"I rather doubt it." A slender young man of soft black hair and piercing red eyes and dressed in a black and red coat with the symbol of Mina on his left shoulder sat down on the seat next to Abby. He winked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello darling. You were taking too long to get here so I may have wandered off on my own a little."

He glanced to Timothy and shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine at this point. While I doubt that the summons was false or in jest, I cannot speculate as to the reasons thereof."

Hey, wait I thought I was early. Dammit. Abby sighed, wrapping an arm around him.

How was your travel dear? She asks.

2015-07-30, 11:10 PM
Gailana leans forward slightly, the better to give the newcomer a long, expressionless stare. Then her eyes flicker to Abby, then to the newcomer again, and she resumes her upright posture, looking again forward at the occupants of the Gazebo.

After a second, her hand makes a complicated gesture and she mutters something like "muuttavatitse under her breath. Without any fuss, her chest fills out under the mithral and leather, expanding to a measure just shy of Abby's own apparent assets.

"Testing" she whispers sidelong to Abby. A hand in front of her face hides a very slight smile.

Alter Self. In bad, machine-translated Finnish.

2015-07-31, 12:23 AM
Whatever effect the shapeshift has on Felix, it has a very strong effect on Abby.

Wow. Is all she can mutter as she focuses her gaze on the area changed.

After entirely too long she realizes that she has been staring.

Sorry. She muttered blushing.

So, who's getting the other clerics still in the valley? She asks flushed.

2015-07-31, 01:32 AM
Gailana bites her lip a little. "In future, please give me time to adjust my mail before I do this." Then sets her chin. "Not that it's entirely unpleasant. As to everybody else, I really do not know. It's almost as if making everybody mill around at random without any communication and hoping we all go to the same place at the same time is not all that efficient. Maybe they hoped the gods would guide us."

She sighs.

"Shows how much they know about gods."

2015-07-31, 01:35 AM
Tight in the Chest area. Yeah I know that feel. Abby nods in empathy.

It's probably they hoped the gods would guide us. Abby agrees.

2015-07-31, 01:53 AM
Kananoth walks into the gazebo a few minutes after the group. He stops to survey who has arrived and who he knows before deciding on what to do next.

If he spots Kanmus and her group (are you guys all around the same area or have you split off into two groups?) and sees no possible threats he will move to join them.
Detect evil on any one new and on the effect he feels upon entering. (Unless that is also not allowed. Which may be telling in its own way) I use that way to often. Oh well.
Sense Motive[roll0]

2015-07-31, 02:52 AM
"Let's just say that chain mail and a sudden enlargement of certain very sensitive areas is an interesting experience" says Gailana, a little more breathlessly than usual. "I am being tweaked in places I usually have to go to much more effort to be tweaked in." She adjusts the fit of her leathers. "Oh well. Enjoy it while it lasts."

2015-07-31, 04:14 AM
Timothy looks to Kanmus.

"Oh, I forgot to say. I'm Timothy."

He then turns to the man who claims to know what is going on. ((Assuming I'm in the same place as him?))

"Important stuff... say on?"

2015-07-31, 07:27 PM
Timothy looks to Kanmus.

"Oh, I forgot to say. I'm Timothy."

He then turns to the man who claims to know what is going on. ((Assuming I'm in the same place as him?))

"Important stuff... say on?"

As you walk into the building the old man gives you a look over, he does not seem to want to get mad at you but whatever said clearly annoyed him.

"Bring in those three who are outside, I don't want to say this twice."

He looks back to the other clerics that were in the room then back at you. He gives a sigh then says.

"Though I probably have enough time to say this 20 times with these idiots here."

(OOC wink, yea right.)

2015-08-01, 01:50 AM
Kanmus looks at the seats and decides to sit down in one, preferably one next to Kananoth and Timothy.
"No, I suppose you can't get everything started very easily around here."
She then turns to Kananoth and whispers, having to rise up a little in order to do so:
"What did you find out? I still have no idea what we're supposed to be doing here. Not only is it looking like a waste of time; boring; and annoying, I'm just a little uneasy in this area. Not being able to draw my weapon or coax Dive to come in."

2015-08-01, 10:38 PM
Kanmus looks at the seats and decides to sit down in one, preferably one next to Kananoth and Timothy.
"No, I suppose you can't get everything started very easily around here."
She then turns to Kananoth and whispers, having to rise up a little in order to do so:
"What did you find out? I still have no idea what we're supposed to be doing here. Not only is it looking like a waste of time; boring; and annoying, I'm just a little uneasy in this area. Not being able to draw my weapon or coax Dive to come in."

(At this point I'm just going to assume that you all have entered at some point.)

The old man seems to give you all a look to try to register your faces. He replies with to the statement made by Kanmus with:

"It at least keeps the more twitchy from killing someone if they get mad, this room was made to keep beings much stronger than us from killing each other."

He sighs as the others just seem to be talking about something completely different when he tries to tell you the information he has:
"Well it is to listen to what we have found from what we have gathered after searching the surrounding area for clues these past days. It seems that this place was made to house the gods, or at least avatars, it's enchantments seems to make all of our powers fail if we try to resist one of it's rules. Though it has been getting progressively weaker the longer we have been here, the strongest of the enchantments that can still be seen within this building were what the surrounding area had to deal with till four days ago, before then it was hard for some to even make a proper insult. We have stayed here to discuses what could be doing this, and to see what happens after it is gone to make sure that it is nothing. My guess is that we should have almost another week before this happens. Though that seems to matter not, for these bumbling clerics seem to lose track whenever we talk about this. It is like a tug to move onto a different subject whenever we try, it's hard to not try to talk to you about the silly jokes that Alfran has told me."

You feel a small tug to join in the chaotic conversation that the people are having here (make a DC 21 Will save or lose yourself in the talk, yes they all failed when I rolled except the old man, lot's of below 10 rolls).

2015-08-01, 11:23 PM
Abby manages to resist the chaotic conversation.

Hmm. Could it be a cleric on the outskirts messing with the enchantments by trying to dispel them? She suggests.

2015-08-02, 02:46 AM
"Gathered here, then stopped from actually resolving an interesting issue? My wild theory that this is a trap becomes a little more credible, although if the pile of bait is big enough to hold the target eating this long it must be a mighty spell indeed to need that long to cast... in fact I'd say that a small army or the like incoming would make the more sense.

Still, the idea that that both the weakening of the spells of peace and the tendency to talk of another matter are part of the first stroke of the enemy that the messages warned about is also quite likely." says Timothy.

2015-08-02, 04:08 AM
Abby manages to resist the chaotic conversation.

Hmm. Could it be a cleric on the outskirts messing with the enchantments by trying to dispel them? She suggests.

(I might as well say this to dispel some ideas)

The old man answers with a "no" nod saying:
"Six of us tried to dispel it for 2 days, we prayed for the power to do so twice. The enchantment here reflected our attempts and struck Thorhild at one point with a blast of energy. She is lucky to still be alive. If anyone could do this they would be of greater power than I know exists in people these days. I'm personally in the opinion that it is a natural decay of the enchantment itself."

2015-08-02, 06:18 AM
Gailana feels the tug on her mind. The seductive murmur of the babble. The appeal of losing herself in the endless discussion of trivialities. It would be so easy not to matter. To talk about what to do and debate endlessly. There was no danger in that. No possibility of failure. It would be so easy.


She lunges forward, a little lower than planned, given she's a little more top-heavy right now than usual, and reaches out to take the old man by the hand. "Your pardon, Father." she says quietly. "But if there's something unco here that makes the wisest in the land foolish, then would not be best to get out? And get them out as well. I am no great mind but I believe great words can be spoken under sky as well as under stone."

If she can take his hand, she'll give him a pull toward the outside. Not trying to force him, more reminding him that the option of moving is available. "Please."

2015-08-02, 12:55 PM
Abby does giggle as the now bustier shaman stumbles over her new weight.

Gailana raises a point, if the enchantments are failing, or worse being reversed, then any place is as good as any to continue this conversation.

2015-08-02, 03:26 PM
"I may be able to help them all at my own expense if a mind once fallen to the effect is not forever lost to it, rather than only for a day or such. I agree that getting them out would be preferable to that however."

2015-08-02, 04:37 PM
The old man looks at all of you with tired eyes, he looked like he has not had a proper night of sleep in weeks. He holds his hand up to the side of his head to support it. He says to you all:

"Yes, yes... that would be proper. It has not gotten anywhere near this bad before. Go grab the others if you can, once we get out of here we can try to find anyone that might be doing this."

As you start to react to this information however you hear from high above.

STOP, that would not be a part of my will.

As you look up to where that was coming from you see a (blank) people on top of the stairs. They are the opposite to your beliefs, every fiber of their being is a insult to what you believe. Yet... they are perfect, that you cannot deny. They have found perfection in blasphemy to you what believe is right. They show themselves in a different form to everyone, but everyone knows what they say: that your way is wrong and meaningless.

It is easy for people to lose their trust in their faith in the face of something like this. The mind reels when it sees these beings, make a DC 22 will save or lose the ability to use divine powers of any kind for four rounds.

A good side to this though is that the others in the room that were talking are now paying attention to this threat, as well as you feel the enchantments are now gone.

(Time for some rolling on my part, roll your initiative as well.)

2015-08-02, 04:54 PM
Will save [roll0]
Init [roll1]

2015-08-02, 05:32 PM
Will [roll0]

Initiative [roll1]

Sense Motive to know if anyone still has yet to roll their saves by the time I have yet to act, including NPCs [roll2]

2015-08-02, 07:35 PM
See lads? This is what comes of trying to do something.:smallsmile:[roll0]

2015-08-02, 07:52 PM
[And missed the bit about initiative: [roll0]:smallredface:]

Gailana, by and large, believes in simple things. The calls of blood and spirit. The voices in the wind and the flow of the grass. The passage of the sun and the flight of birds. And the little proviso--the small addendum that makes her and her like Mystics rather than Druids--that all such things become a lot less interesting without some intelligence to wonder on them.

The sight of the blank thing before them, a embodiment of abstractions little touched on in her philosophy, gives her a bit of a shake. Like looking on a snake eating its own tail and vanishing utterly. For a little instant it is like her world no longer makes sense.

And then her forebrain chimes in with; "Oh. This must be like what Kycilien sees every time she looks in a mirror." And then she is herself again.

"What are you." she says slowly. "And why is your will something to place before us?"

K/Religion [roll1]
K/Arcana [roll2]

2015-08-02, 10:33 PM
Abby blinks, the creature's are perfect their bodies shifting from one form to the next as effortlessly as one may switch hats.

Abby is only entranced for a moment. As soon as she senses the enchantment warding the area breaking, she immediately draws her weapon, on instinct alone.

What do you want? Abby calls out, her eyes narrowing.

2015-08-02, 11:09 PM
Everyone else inside the room seems to follow suit, though the old man, a dwarven woman, and Silva are looking on with a touch of horror. They pull out their weapons and face the intruders. The two robed guards from the woman with grey hair move to the bottom of the stairs, they show that they were carrying short swords.

The (insert blasphemy) on the stairs seem to go down a few steps. At the demands coming from all over the room you hear a laugh coming from the center of their group. (You also hear some spell casting going on with the other clerics, nothing important this round.)

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

What do we want? WHAT DO WE WANT?

We want the want the world to return to the peace that is perfect chaos! The father shall return to his faithful servants and bring down the End on us all! If you all bow down one of you might be able to see the End come about once he manifests."

You seem to see a consistent figure within the group. The laugh though gives you all the giggles. (Your saves are to good for it too work against you.)

2015-08-02, 11:20 PM
Gailana, for her part, responds to the [redacteds] laughter with a low chuckle of her own. "I have heard this song before. Aren't you supposed to start with "Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows"? And if you want swirling incarnate chaos wouldn't it be easier just to stay home?".

She braces for a fight. "Anyway, if you want any of us on our knees it would help to start with a nice dinner and some drinks."

[Casting Protection from Evil on herself, if possible.]

2015-08-02, 11:48 PM
He laughs madly:

"Hahaha! Time to di- wait what? Your actually going to listen to what I have to say? And here I was getting all exited for a fig-"

I guess you all cut him off there. You seem you have an extra round to work with.

2015-08-03, 12:09 AM
Abby for her bonus round is going to cast a spell that will make it easier for herself to work her wonders.

Casting Mass resist energy electricity on the player group. And the three closest allied clerics to the enemies.

2015-08-03, 12:21 AM
Gailana, frowning, mutters again the words of the Alter Self spell. Her form broadens and darkens as she takes the form of a reptilian creature fanged and clawed.

[A Lizardfolk if that's okay, a Slig if you want something specifically Dragonlance.]

"Oh, do go on." she growls. "I find you distinctly amusing".

2015-08-03, 01:00 AM
Abby for her bonus round is going to cast a spell that will make it easier for herself to work her wonders.

Casting Mass resist energy electricity on the player group. And the three closest allied clerics to the enemies.

That affects the dwarf, Gizur, and the grey haired woman. In order of farthest to closest to the Stairs.

Gizur for his part runs up to attack the guards in one "sneaky" blow. This fails in the sense that the creature does not have an anatomy, but works in the sense that the hit connected. His blade glowed as he struck, but it shattered the instant it touched the creature. The guard dies, but Gizur gets a few attacks that scrap him pretty well.

The woman for her part casts a spell on another of the guards:
"In the name of the one who waits, be gone from this world abomination! (Rare thing for her to say). The another guard is gone, just popping out of existance.

The robed ones are not moving, and everyone else is disabled from their spell casting and/or are not close enough to be effective this round.

The man who is losing guards for his part seems to look at Gizur and goes "DIE". A small orb that seems to made of lava but is blue is thrown right into Gizur's face.
[roll0] Failure means [roll1] damage and some nasty side affects. Success means he is not affected.

2015-08-03, 02:14 AM
As the nameless, poor, brave, stupid fellow collapses in a flaming heap, Gailana narrows her eyes and abruptly vanishes.

[Cloak of Deception, Greater Invisibility for one round. Activated as Swift Action]

She launches herself across the floor and uses the springy muscles of the lizardman form into a jump at the talkative figure, her hand reaching out to place a spell.

[Jump check:[roll0]
Touch Attack: [roll1]-No Dex bonus to enemy AC
If successful, places a Bestow Curse against the central Daemon, DC 18 Will.
Gailana will remain invisible until the next turn]

2015-08-03, 01:44 PM
A perfect plague is still a plague. And perfect plague-bearers who spread it willingly are still to be stopped rather than admired! Timothy thinks.

"Excuse me, defensive emanation user coming through!" says Timothy, trying to get people to let him maneuver ((If necessary.))
Mechanically this probably determines if I can move through the NPCs squares to get to the center.
If I totally tank this I might be taking some AoOs from the NPCs?
Timothy tries to position himself to effect the maximum number of people possible with a blessing while drawing his adamintine spiked chain. ((Move Action, or double-move if necessary.))

"Res" he speaks a single quick syllable with a mere twitch of a hand.
DC 21 because, due to a quirk of wording and a feat I took, this actually counts as a 6th level spell. More specifically it is half the highest bonus provided, and I have a feat that allows me to transfer my divine grace as well as the +1 bonus the feat provides in addition to the basic amount equal to my lowest base save.

Anyway, I'm tanking my save to either Fortitude or Reflex, whichever that lava-ball was (if I can tell)* by 13 points in order to give a +13 bonus to everyone who isn't one of the daemons or on their side within a 10' emanation from me. Those "allies of mine" outside of 10', but within 30' instead get a +6.
*If I can't tell, or if the lava-ball was targeting will, I'll instead apply this to reflex.

Lastly he buckles his magical belt if he has time, probably shoving or being shoved around by those surrounding him as he grows. ((Standard Action if I didn't have to double-move, Enlarge Person))

2015-08-03, 05:03 PM
Kanmus was not so lucky, being from a naturally debating race she fell in easily with trying to resolve trivial matters instead of making a reasonable point, though some of the ideas she presented were not necessarily her true opinion, she just found her race's love for debating for the sake of seeing all sides and for fun. She ignored the others as they tried to pull the old man outside.
"-But you have no idea how that works! The wilds and the faiths would oppose each other if such an action were taken. I should know after all-"
Her train of thought is interrupted now and she realizes her dilemma.
Gah! How could I have gotten so caught up in all that?
She looks up at the intruders with astonishment as their nature works on her.
That... can't be right, perfection of the wild in such things as those! No, there has to be some other explanation, this can't be!
Her senses for nature are severed as she looks to shift.
"No, nononononono! Not here!"
She mentally mutters a quick string of words as she jumps and flies through a hole in the ceiling and lands on the roof. She then finishes the final word and suddenly the man being surrounded by the remaining two 'guards' is lit up with a blue flame that crackles with electricity, arcing across his body.
{DIVE! Grab the man who was talking! I can't do much right now, I'm too shaken up to cast any real spells. Grab him and throw him off of the hill! We need to separate him so that we can either talk him out of this or finish it like he wanted to.}
Dive lets out a screech and takes off in order to carry out the plan by flapping his great wings and flying in an attempt to grab the man lit up by the electric flame.
Used 1 charge of Stormfire Ring in order to cast Faeirie Fire on the main man and any of his guards that are within a 5 ft. burst (a.k.a. 4 squares) with no saving throws unless they have SR. Those affected are hit with Faeirie Fire and take 1d6 points of electricity damage for 5 rounds. I'm not sure if the Faeirie Fire last longer than the electricity, but in any case they don't receive the benefit of concealment by light conditions, blur, displacement, invisibility, or any similar effects.
Dive makes a grapple attempt against the main man who is lit up by the Stormfire Ring.

Touch attack: [roll0]

2015-08-03, 10:51 PM
With the bestow curse on him he... would be grappled. The Faeirie Fire though is completely ineffective on them, no glow at all or damage, his two remaining guards are also unaffected. Dive I can imagine though can still tell that the guy with the red skin is the target.

Before that happens though I should point out what he does on his turn with Gailana next to him (I know your invisible). She sees a being right next to her appear that looks right into her eyes. This being looks exactly like her to the very detail. It opens it's mouth and only void is seen within, silence enters the room for her perspective only. She hears inside her head:

"You were nothing, you are nothing, and your belief is false. Throw it away... it would not make sense for nothing to care."
(DC 20 Will Save or be erased from existence. You get two chances at this, but still this can lead to being in pretty bad shape.)

Now I would go into describing what everyone else does... but at this point the fight is practically done. Mr. Generic Crazy guy is being attacked by a bird and the other two daemons are really easy to kill with this much opposition to the point of it being non-important (unless you really care).

(:smallsigh:) You now have Mr. Generic Crazy guy on the ground being attacked by the giant bird, with most of the people in the room still alive. What shall our heroes do to this guy?

Shows me to have only one effective enemy unit in a battle, something like this always happens.

2015-08-04, 01:35 AM
{You wanna take a ride you red palooka?}
Sometimes Kanmus had no idea as to where Dive got these insults. If anyone was near her, they would hear her mutter under her breath:
"At least I got him out of that swearing habit of his."
{Hey, fly him over the hill real quick and then we'll see if he wants to risk annoying you into dropping him.}
She then decided that it would be best if she tried to shout talk this crazy man out of this as Dive began trying to fly off with him.
"You know, it would be really easy right now to just give up! I'm not sure many people prepare to get swept off of their feet by a giant eagle! You got a problem with just talking? If you do, keep trying to kill the bird and see where that gets you!"
Normally, Kanmus would not have had this much patience with someone who had just fried one of her friends, but she felt it would be safer to stall than to try and fight hand-to-hand, something Kanmus had tried to avoid during training.
It all sounded good to Kanmus in her head, but she always had that way of putting things that just didn't seem right. Today was no exception.
Dive made a point of not staying in the area and began to move away from the group and started to ascend while moving away from the gazebo and over the hillside.
Let's see how good he is with heights.
Dive is flying 30 ft. at a 45 degree angle away from the gazebo. Preferably distance if height won't bring him over the hill's edge.
Grapple Check to move the Grapple: [roll1]

2015-08-04, 04:06 AM
Gailana looks at the apparition with mild interest. Then thinks in response; What are you? Stupid? "My faith is false?" Seriously? I'm an Animist! You telling me you don't believe in trees and rain and dead people?

And besides, that outfit makes your behind look fat.

2015-08-04, 01:13 PM
"Someone be ready to gag them if they start casting before they can get the second syllable out." Timothy says if there are any daemons (not that he has the least clue what they are) that aren't up in the air dangling from a bird.

He then augments the bodily integrity of everyone around him with an extra blessing on Kanmus to share any wounds she might take.
Likely utterly irrelevant, but my well is bottomless so I might as well draw from it.

2015-08-04, 02:18 PM
Gailana looks at the apparition with mild interest. Then thinks in response; What are you? Stupid? "My faith is false?" Seriously? I'm an Animist! You telling me you don't believe in trees and rain and dead people?

And besides, that outfit makes your behind look fat.

Galiana! You okay? Abby called to the air, searching for the invisible Galiana with arms stretched out waving in front of her.

2015-08-04, 07:47 PM
As Gailana's currently reptilian form returns to visibility she speaks quietly. "I am fine. Aside from currently being a lizard I am the picture of health" She reaches out to touch the Daemon guard next to her with an Inflict Serious Wounds.

[UNLESS she recognizes these guards as the lower-ranking daemons that are Undead type for some bizarre reason. Her K/Religion check was high enough to easily do so. If this is the case she uses Cure Serious Wounds instead.

Touch Attack:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]DC 18 Will to halve damage.

If she misses with the touch attack, spell remains charged for next turn]

After this attack, she tumbles back to Abby's side.
[TUMBLE:[roll2]] "I believe we still have a fight to win. By the way; what is a "High Cleric?". Are they just called that because they are Clerics that live in tall buildings?"

2015-08-04, 08:54 PM
As Gailana's currently reptilian form returns to visibility she speaks quietly. "I am fine. Aside from currently being a lizard I am the picture of health" She reaches out to touch the Daemon guard next to her with an Inflict Serious Wounds.

[UNLESS she recognizes these guards as the lower-ranking daemons that are Undead type for some bizarre reason. Her K/Religion check was high enough to easily do so. If this is the case she uses Cure Serious Wounds instead.

Touch Attack:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]DC 18 Will to halve damage.

If she misses with the touch attack, spell remains charged for next turn]

After this attack, she tumbles back to Abby's side.
[TUMBLE:[roll2]] "I believe we still have a fight to win. By the way; what is a "High Cleric?". Are they just called that because they are Clerics that live in tall buildings?"

You use the cure spell on the daemon. The daemon that you hit got a large hole on his "chest", but it seems that does not matter to it.

Daemon1 Attack: [roll0]
Daemon1 Damage: [roll1]
Daemon2 Attack: [roll2]
Daemon2 Damage: [roll3]

If a attack hits, make a DC 17 Fort save or take [roll4] of acid damage.

The grey haired lady seems to cast a spell on the remaining daemons Daemon1: [roll5]

If they fail they take [roll7] points of damage, if they die from this they disappear in a explosion, Gailana must make a DC 21 reflex save if this happens. (Get to that after I see the rolls)

MGCG (Mr. Generic Crazy Guy) on the ground seems to be having a lot of trouble with but the simple bird. He tries to vaporize it but the bird pecks his hand, and the bird did not trigger his backlash affect (second time, come on). The dwarf woman inside the room seems to walk up to him and hits him over the head with her boot. She is going to gag him next round.

Kanmus your attempt to talk to MGCG does not seem to go through his skull with the bird on his face. He does say to Gailana in response to what she said:
"Animist? You fool nothing like that ex- oh for the sweet peace of the father get this thing off my face!"

2015-08-04, 09:00 PM
Both the daemons are dead, they explode. Gailana make a DC 21 reflex save or take [roll0] damage. This affects anyone on the stairs.

2015-08-05, 12:51 AM
Gailana walks out of the explosion and, just for style, drops the lizardman form, returning to her usual shape."You are doing this all wrong" she says; "You are suppose to make US babble incoherently at the inexplicable horror of YOUR existence, not the other way around. Abby; your turn."

2015-08-05, 01:19 AM
To make you babble incoherently? Abby replied with a smirk.

But knowing what Galiana meant, she started chanting.

Casting Energy substation Electricity, Ice storm. Unless I would hit more friendlies then enemies.

2015-08-05, 01:23 AM
"Curious green ideas float swimmingly" says Gailana, in her usual dead-serious tone.

2015-08-05, 01:33 AM
"Curious green ideas float swimmingly" says Gailana, in her usual dead-serious tone.

Well, I'm already more successful then the enemy. Abby chuckles.

2015-08-05, 01:47 AM
"Maybe you just got lucky. Or will."

2015-08-05, 02:05 AM
Abby blushes, and stutters out something unclear.

2015-08-05, 02:46 PM
Timothy keeps up his repeated spellcasting, also buffing someone within 10' of him who seems able to move quickly, and preferably through the air... if not he moves towards Dive or the winged woman, whoever is closer.
Next verse, same as the last...
Plus adding 30' to all movement speeds of someone who might be able to catch the guy if he makes a break for it. Yes, I have a spell with a move-action casting time. Least Gifts[Gift of Time]

2015-08-06, 01:10 AM
Kanmus just frowns at his complaints.
She walks off of the side of the gazebo and glides down to the ground while looking up at Dive's captive.
"Yeah... I don't think so. I don't know about where you come from, but around here it's not very neighborly to blast someone into charcoal. So I'd start explaining really fast. Oh, and you might want to stop struggling or you might get dropped from a rather unhealthy height."
Dive didn't know why this man was so squirmy, but every time he saw him try to wave his hands around he'd give him a good squeeze and a peck or two.
Unless the man stops struggling, Dive is going to have to keep making checks to keep moving the grapple since he doesn't have hover. He's just going to keep going further away from the hill and up at with only 30 ft. movement speed available. (Moving the grapple rules while flying, yeesh what a pain. But I had a hunch that very few people bother to prepare feather fall in these scenarios.)
Kanmus just sighed and walked over to Gulric's corpse. She was certain that few would take kindly to her invoking Habbakkuk's name over another cleric's own deity and worded her next sentence accordingly.
"May you rest peacefully in your Deity's name."

2015-08-06, 03:36 PM
When he sees that when he stops struggling, Dive stops scratching his face and pecking his hands. He lays on the ground without moving his hands or raising his head. He does look up at you all with a smile on his face, especially to Galiana. He says to her now that he can (and before the dwarf gags him to prevent casting for now):

"Don't you understand who grants your miracles?"

Anything else he wanted to say is muffled by a gag.

2015-08-06, 03:59 PM
Abby turns to the creature.

I understand who grants mine. As for the others, I'm unsure until they start flashing holy symbols. She says with a shrug.

2015-08-06, 05:58 PM
With the danger apparently passed, Timothy starts going around and stabilizing the wounded. He still maintains the quickest of his blessings, just to be on the safe side.

((EDIT: Seems like the GM is good with the ability, although given what he said I'm going to assume Timothy has never heard of Raise Dead.))
"In case it matters, I am available to preserve mortal remains for more pleasant ceremonies at far locations if that is desired.

In any case, I'm merely offering, and will completely understand if it is against your faiths in any given case."

2015-08-07, 03:00 AM
Gailana has heard a lot of ranting from the doomed in her time. A lot of snivelling, pleading, blubbering and boasting as well. None of it has ever amounted to much.

It all sounded the same once they were handed over to Ghairen anyway.

Since the threat appears to be presently passed, she approaches the old man they were speaking to before and gives a Nomad toss of the head, which she speedily amends to a respectful nod. "Father, is it possible we have all been deceived? Are these creatures the ones that have summoned us here? And whatever else they have planned, would it be best not to linger where they want us? I cannot say I appreciate a wasted journey, but I am not disappointed". Her look flickers over to Abby and her husband, and stays there for a little too long.

"The suggestion of leaving here is what triggered their attack. They did not like that thought. I believe if they do not like something, that is what we should keep doing."

She looks around the company. "Unless there is a greater wisdom to be heard?"

2015-08-07, 03:08 AM
Galiana raises a good point, we should interrogate the creature elsewhere. Abby replies.

If they can move into this place easily they will probably have reinforcements here shortly.

2015-08-07, 06:09 PM
Galiana raises a good point, we should interrogate the creature elsewhere. Abby replies.

If they can move into this place easily they will probably have reinforcements here shortly.

"Yes, we need to get outside as soon as possible. It seemed like it was expecting something to happen soon."

The old man looks down at the now gaged and tied up red skinned thing. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"I might have missed it, but who tied him up? And why did they have to remove it's..."

He had a shocked look on his face them.

"We should just kill this thing now. I'd do it if I had any offensive spells that would do the job."

You all seem to be a little closer to the exit. Two sets of clothing and armor lay on the sides of the red skinned person, he seems to be happy.

(You have no idea what happened and have forgotten about any mention of a dwarf if you remember it in the first place.)

2015-08-07, 08:04 PM
Gailana gives the old man a critical look. Which is like her regular look only more slanticular. "An entire company of the divine, who were throwing around baleful powers like sweetbreads a moment before, and suddenly no-one has a way of finishing off this babbling preacher? Well. Hengelinenase." She summons up a ghostly axe, suspended in the air, and sends it at the bound red-skinned fellow.

"I normally like to kill things with knives, but these fellows seem hard on steel. At the very least, it will be instructive to see how long this takes."

[Spiritual Weapon]

2015-08-07, 09:29 PM
It seems that everyone else is waiting for you to commit your attack, especially the tied up fellow. He looks at you with bright shining eyes, like he wants you to hit him.

(The NPC's in the room, which at this point is 6 if you count the guards, are waiting to use their actions after you decide what you want to do.)

2015-08-07, 09:42 PM
Gailana turns away, and takes the old man by the hand. "Father, let us go. Someone let me know how this goes. Hopefully somebody besides myself has something to contribute" She leads the old man outside as the Spiritual Weapon begins to attack.

Damage type is Force.
Attack1[roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack2[roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack3[roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack4[roll6] Damage [roll7]
Attack5[roll8] Damage [roll9]
Attack6[roll10] Damage [roll11]
Attack7[roll12] Damage [roll13]

2015-08-07, 10:15 PM
Abby for one simply grabs her husband hand, and Galiana's hand as Galiana leads the old priest out.

I'm not one to watch an execution. She says simply.

2015-08-08, 01:20 AM
"Oh, I doubt that that will kill him" says Gailana quietly, accepting Abby's hand. "It's more an message to everyone else that can be start being helpful any time now."

2015-08-08, 08:53 AM
"I'm not much good at hitting things except under very specific circumstances... which are the exact opposite of these circumstances. The rest of you may feel free to continue if you think he or she is too dangerous to be allowed to live..."

I believe the action you may want is "Coup De Grace".

Same as ever. Swift for a buff and trying to stablize any wounded. Tell me when that is done (shouldn't actually take long?

2015-08-08, 09:28 AM
It was already established that they're immune to weapons.

2015-08-08, 09:35 AM
Kanmus sees the glint in the strange man's eyes but decides to go another route. She steps in the way of the ax and tries to reason with the others.
"Wait a second! Don't you think it's strange that there's just a pile of stuff on the floor when it wasn't there before? Also, he wants you to try to hurt him and I'm thinking that something is very strange about this man since he's got wounds, but I don't remember any of them being struck. I suggest we actually interrogate him instead of torturing him, executing him, or whatever else you're thinking about doing."
She then turns to the man and upon feeling her faith return, casts Detect Magic aimed at his direction and holds it there to get the full amount of information.
As she finishes this up, she begins to disarm the man of whatever equipment he has that she is sure isn't cursed or trapped so that he is less of a threat.

2015-08-08, 03:05 PM
"If someone can elucidate on their mode of attack I might be able to protect us better..."

2015-08-08, 11:50 PM
The other clerics in the room look to you, they don't want to attack this thing if they can have some protection from... what it's doing. They've given themselves some protection already, but any help you can provide is welcomed greatly.

Immune to weapons? No, they just have a defensive ability that activates every time someone attacks them (well 5% chance per HD). It leads to people to want to not attack them unless it is a high damaging thing. They are also shape shifters, leading them to not actually showing their wounds if that matters. Sorry for the confusion.

2015-08-09, 04:43 AM
"They are only hurt by weapons blessed by the gods, they are killed instantly from such a weapon. Be warned that the blade shall shatter most likely once the creature is dead." Nobody knows what "blessed by the god" means, and the rules in the dragonlance books are rather different, stating rather that a weapon subject to a Bless Weapon spell gains an automatic critical against them rather than being necessary to hurt them in the first place.

The "5% per hit dice" thing means nothing. What does it mean? It has a % chance of activating per hit? That hit dice adds to the DC? It doesn't even matter. A Will save to not be destroyed every time you use your action to hit something turns the game into a joke.

Gailana snaps her hand down, dismissing the Spiritual Weapon, as the babbling apparition occurs again, and more gently disengages from Abbys hand. "Very well, then".

She turns on her heel; facing the grinning thing. "You others; let's drag him outside. Onto soft ground."

"There are those my nation fight, the princes and shamans of their people, whose blood we may not shed out of politeness, even when they are in our hands and their people destroyed. We'll treat that the same. He is not fit to lick the boots of the lowest slave. But we'll treat him the same. And may the ghosts of a dozen lords and ladies forgive me." She absently throws a gesture at the bound man.

"Dig a hole. Cover him up. Cover him hard and deep. Let rocks and worms be his eternity." And then she flashes a glance back at Abby; "So, you're not from around here-?"

2015-08-10, 03:26 PM
Timothy wrestles a bit with the idea of burying someone alive, but keeps moving despite that rather than allowing it to paralyze him with indecision.

"Seriously! I can't help if I don't know whether to bolster your strength of will, speed of reaction, or bodily integrity! I assume that turning aside missiles isn't applicable, unless someone can see invisible darts shooting out of its eyes or something! Switching to strength of will until and unless someone tells me different! Gailana* you want me to share your wounds or increase your speed?"
*Or "You dragging him" if he doesn't know her name.

He follows Gailana, blessing her for greater speed until and unless she says otherwise.

Swift action(s): Full strength Gift of Resistance[Will] -13 to mine, +13 to people I consider allies within 10', and +6 from just outside that 10' out to 30'. Emanations.

If I'm not enough in front of Gailana that her movement will keep her in the 10' range then if I boost it I'll double-move. Otherwise I'll single-move and spend a move action to increase her speeds by 20'.

If for some reason, I don't have any use for two move actions on any given round then I'll use Gift of Shield on Gailana.

If it seems like more musclepower will help he says:
"The most relevant protections I'm providing flow as powerfully to many as to one, you or you *points to two brawniest individuals he can see* help her out!"
If you are in the process of rending first aid, shouting "Someone call 911!" is better than nothing, but runs into problems with the by-stander effect where everyone might wait for someone else to do it. Much better to point to someone and say "You! Call 911!" or the like.

Diplomacy [roll0]