View Full Version : SPIDERMAN III (Possible Spoilers)

Mr. Mud
2007-05-02, 04:02 PM
Anyone Seen spiderman 3? if so Is it Really THAT good?

Also will There be a 4th? Any ideas please Reply :amused:

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-05-02, 04:38 PM
Anyone Seen spiderman 3?
It won't even arrive in theatres until tomorrow and won't be shown until the day after... so I sincerely doubt it.

I'll post a review on it tomorrow though when I go to the midnight showing.

2007-05-02, 04:54 PM
Actually, I'd bet there are people who've seen it, early showings and all that...the question is, whether there's anyone on these boards (there have been before).

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-05-02, 04:58 PM
Actually, I'd bet there are people who've seen it, early showings and all that...the question is, whether there's anyone on these boards (there have been before).
Where would they have showings earlier than the theatres themselves get them?

2007-05-02, 04:59 PM
Where would they have showings earlier than the theatres themselves get them?

Are you serious? Press and early showings, they happen all the time. I think the creator of the 300 thread here, if I'm not mistaken, started by saying they'd just seen it at an early showing (and I posted I was really jealous because it wasn't even out yet...).

Edit: These people (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/spiderman_3/) have seen it. At theaters, for special showings.

2007-05-03, 04:20 AM
I saw it 12:01 Monday night/Tuesday morning here in Gent, Belgium. It was a decent movie, and they didn't shirk on story so it was pretty long. Neither of the latter two are as good as the first imo, but definitely a better ending than the Matrix third movie or X3.

It's pretty dark.

They left it open for a possible 4th... a little bit. Kind of. But I doubt it.

2007-05-03, 04:25 AM
I saw it 12:01 Monday night/Tuesday morning here in Gent, Belgium. It was a decent movie, and they didn't shirk on story so it was pretty long. Neither of the latter two are as good as the first imo, but definitely a better ending than the Matrix third movie or X3.

It's pretty dark.

They left it open for a possible 4th... a little bit. Kind of. But I doubt it.

Considering from the get-go I believe they said, what was it, 6 they wanted to make? Yeah, I should hope they left it open...

That said, I'll just have to see it for myself, because I love Spidey 2 and hate Spidey 1 (and you posited the opposite :smallwink:).

Mr. Mud
2007-05-03, 06:10 AM
Yea there are tons of people who've seen/read the comic book/ Foreign Conturies like Arlanthe AND all those people who pirate movie and sell them on street corners.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-05-03, 08:38 AM
I want Morlun to be in at least one Spiderman movie- 4 would be good, and his return in number 6 would also be good.

Can anyone here see the eye-rip scene in a movie? Because I can!

2007-05-03, 11:23 AM
That said, I'll just have to see it for myself, because I love Spidey 2 and hate Spidey 1 (and you posited the opposite :smallwink:).

Hear Hear... I'm actually going into Spider-Man 3 with somewhat low expectations because I don't believe you can make a better Spider-Man movie than Spider-Man 2. X-Men also had its 2nd movie be the best one by a long shot. I didn't hate either series's first movie, I just thought they were unambitious, with the least possible work going into the script to make the superhero genre work, and then we were blown away because we were surprised it worked at all. A half dozen years before the first Spider-Man movie, a Spider-Man live action work would have been practically impossible in every sense of the word, and X-Men is so heavily steeped in continuity that we thought anything involving them would become so convoluted that the movies would become 11 hours of talking heads.

I haven't seen the third one, but I'm not expecting to like it much. I'm practically the only Spider-Man fan who doesn't like the "evil alien suit that turns noble Peter evil... for some reason" storyline. I have friends though that think that's the only interesting part about Spider-Man, so I'm bound to see it, and have my overall enjoyment lessened by them clamoring about how fantastic the idea of an evil black suit that makes you do evil things is.

I dunno, here's hoping I'm pleasantly surprised.

2007-05-03, 06:16 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing it this Bank Holiday.

But anyway, Tobey and Kirsten said on a talk show last Friday that they would definitely be up for a fourth Spidey film as long as the script was up to scratch and Sam Raimi was directing it. Tobey is obviously worried about being too tied to the role of Spiderman, and you can't blame him for that.

2007-05-03, 06:19 PM
Tobey is obviously worried about being too tied to the role of Spiderman, and you can't blame him for that.

Yes I can. He's already been in other notable movies. If he's worried about it now, too bad. He's already been Spiderman thrice, and made tons of many at it, there ain't know goin' back. I don't like whiny Multi-Millionaires with plenty going for them.

p.s. I am, personally, dreading the return of the Goblins...I only moderatley care about Harry, and the first Goblin was suckage enough please and thank you.

2007-05-03, 08:21 PM
It's not the "evil black suit Spidey" I'm looking forward to seeing. It's Venom. He's my favorite Spiderman villian. Although it looks like he's not going to be heavily featured in this movie, if the trailers are any indication; even the best shots we see of him are momentary flashes. Although I'm hoping I'm wrong and he's the primary villian. It'll be interesting to see how the movie juggles three supervillians.

Of course, the primary villian is most likely "evil black suit Spidey." Sigh.

2007-05-03, 09:26 PM
Yes I can. He's already been in other notable movies. If he's worried about it now, too bad. He's already been Spiderman thrice, and made tons of many at it, there ain't know goin' back. I don't like whiny Multi-Millionaires with plenty going for them.

p.s. I am, personally, dreading the return of the Goblins...I only moderatley care about Harry, and the first Goblin was suckage enough please and thank you.
It doesn't matter how many big movies he's been in beforehand. If you say "Toby Maguire", you think "Spider-man."

I liked the GG in the first movie. Sure, he looked like some weird Power Rangers villain, but the original Goblin costume wasn't that great, either. From what I've seen of Harry, though....It sucks.

2007-05-03, 11:00 PM
I liked the GG in the first movie. Sure, he looked like some weird Power Rangers villain, but the original Goblin costume wasn't that great, either. From what I've seen of Harry, though....It sucks.

It wasn't just that it looked horrible (which it did), the whole thing was horrible...the stupid mechanical cackly voice, everything. You might as well not have even had an actor. The villain was just plain bad IMO, though Goblin is a stretch to do in the first place.

2007-05-03, 11:06 PM
It wasn't just that it looked horrible (which it did), the whole thing was horrible...the stupid mechanical cackly voice, everything. You might as well not have even had an actor. The villain was just plain bad IMO, though Goblin is a stretch to do in the first place.

Dude, the Green Goblin was awesome. His best scenes are the ones where you can see Willem Dafoe's face and eyes.

2007-05-04, 02:56 AM
For once, I'm about in complete agreement with a movie's rottentomatoes' score. Certainly, this movie was Spider-Man. Campiness, action, fun...but at times it was TOO cheesy, and there was also almost TOO much action, and not enough meaning behind it. I found this acceptable enough, however, in how much I love the second movie in that it provided the dramatic groundwork that this movie worked off of.

Granted, if the movie had spent more time on character rather than "OMGZ!" then it never would've fit its tremendous amount of plot...Still, there's enough there for Spider-Man fans to be pleased with. It nailed the feel for a good part of it, dramatically lost it in others, and venom deserved more dwelling upon...but the writers seemed to use the other events in the movie to really drive the meaning of the venom plot home.

2007-05-04, 03:36 AM
It's not the "evil black suit Spidey" I'm looking forward to seeing. It's Venom. He's my favorite Spiderman villian. Although it looks like he's not going to be heavily featured in this movie, if the trailers are any indication; even the best shots we see of him are momentary flashes. Although I'm hoping I'm wrong and he's the primary villian. It'll be interesting to see how the movie juggles three supervillians.

Of course, the primary villian is most likely "evil black suit Spidey." Sigh.

Nope, primaries will most surely be GG/Venom, with the big 'V' standing out, I think. The director went so far that he stated that he just kept saying that he hated the character to prevent fans from sneaking on set to get a look at it. And for the fact that Venom is most likely the most favorite villain in the whole Spider-Man franchise... They'll be killing themselves if they dare to not give him the big '1' as the top villain...

PS: Sorry for ranting, but I still haven't seen the movie because I have to wait for my girlfried to find the time... Will be in a week or two, I presume. Life sucks.

2007-05-04, 05:25 AM
Spiderman/Green Goblin team-up for the absolute win.

2007-05-05, 01:15 PM
My take was that it was good, but not as good as the first two. They tried to pack too much into the amount of time that they had. Still, a fun movie.

Also... who else has a huge crush on Gwen Stacy now? She was so sweet and kind, besides being really pretty... :smallredface:

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-05-05, 05:55 PM
Also... who else has a huge crush on Gwen Stacy now? She was so sweet and kind, besides being really pretty... :smallredface:
I've had a huge crush on Bryce Howard since her first major roll in The Village :smallwink:


Here is my review on the movie...

I felt the movie was substantially worse than the first two films, which I both enjoyed and saw in theaters multiple times.

So many problems could've been solved by cutting out either Sandman or Venom. They tried to stuff too much in.
I have to agree wholeheartedly with Rakeesh. From the very, very beginning, first moment I saw the preview for it last year I was thinking Sandman was like a fifth, sixth and seventh wheel. Could have had so much more fun with Venom.

I liked it, but nowhere near as much as the others. It definetely had a rushed feel to it that the others didn't and I left feeling vaguely disatisfied.

#1. Guy just happens to tumble into the sand thing and be converted. What were they doing and why? Who knows.

#2. Same time, meteorite falls and venom creeps out, happening to be right next to Spiderman so that it can hitch a ride.

Even for a comic book this is straining credibility. Backstory, folks, we need some background info!

Also, really, the Sandman needed shot even at the end. 'I killed or threatened to kill hundreds of people, including other little girls so that I might save MY little girl.'

Sorry dude, that reasoning does not help your case AT ALL. Seriously, why did he have to live and Venom die? The latter was far more interesting.

Last but not least the attitudes of the characters... they were rather off kilter. They had to make Spidey all super happy now, getting his way in everything and acting like a stuck-up jerk, just so that he could be opposite of Mary Jane as well as so he could fall further once the suit got hold. Its transparent, overdone, and kinda unprofessional if you ask me.

Mary Jane also going and getting JEALOUS of Peter because of his recognition? She was all for him but the moment she gets a bad review she turns into this depressed, self-absorbed, green little redhead. Not but a few months ago she was barely making ends meet. Has she gotten THAT used to the spotlight?

It had its moments though, most particularly Harry and Spidey quipping at each other during the fights. The dance scene was pretty zesty for a time. Also gotta love the scene with the little girl and the camera.

"Film is extra."

Love it :smallbiggrin:

I also could have done with a bit more Bryce Howard, but thats just me.

2007-05-05, 06:23 PM
I'm sorry, but I just can't see how Sam Raimi can fall to such a level. I even went in with low expectations and was still disappointed.

I'd go into more detail, but I don't know how to do that spoiler thing yet. *looks for the "Poster's Guide to Posting"*

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-05-05, 06:24 PM
I'd go into more detail, but I don't know how to do that spoiler thing yet. *looks for the "Poster's Guide to Posting"*

Replace {}'s with []'s.

2007-05-05, 06:33 PM

Replace {}'s with []'s.

Merci. I realize now I could have just looked at someone else's spoiler tags by hitting QUOTE. I____________'m dumb.

Lord Xaedien
2007-05-05, 06:43 PM
I was ok with it. I think the second was fantastic, but I really liked the story with Harry, and Sandman was fantastic. Venom should have been a teaster for the 4th movie.

The thing about the movie, its VERY kid friendly. I saw it in a theatre with kids, and they went nuts. I was very impressed with that, in comparison to the second movie.

I was really happy with the Mary Jane story too, and I feel lke they did a good job with it. I have some complaints...

1.) The villains were too stuffed in, I agree that one of them should have been cut.

2.) I feel like Sandman switched from hating spider-man to apologizing for killing his uncle a little fast... after seeing the movie, I was VERY happy with how they did his story. I feel like having spider-man beating the crap out of sandman while in venom mode, then having sandman "confess" would have been a touching way to do it.

3.) Venom's finish was wussy. I was VERY pleased with how they did the church scene (straight out of the comic book), but having that being the final scene would have been very satisfying... But without having Dunst and McGuire signed on for a 4th movie, thats difficult to do. I can see why they made the movie with no loose ends, but it still sucks.

4.) What was with that stupid freakin butler telling Harry about his Dad not being killed by Spider-man. That totally devalued him going out to help Peter. I was happy they killed Harry, as I was glad they didn't try to drag his story on. Also, they did a good job of making him Green Goblin without looking idiotic.

5.) Venom needed some more developing, as did Sandman... once again one villain would have been MUCH better.

6.) Kind of nitpicky, but Venom's voice needed to be deeper and less... Topher Grace. I really did love him as Eddie Brock, and I liked the look of Venom (some of the special effects when he was ripping the costume off were FANTASTIC), but the voice wasn't quite there. I mean in the comics, the speech bubble practically drips off the page... I wasn't getting that vibe with this movie.

So I have noticed that most of my complaints have an addendum about what I was happy with the movie... so I guess I must have liked it.

Also, I think they will think of some way for Venom to not be dead if they do another movie.

2007-05-05, 06:49 PM
Woo! Just saw it... I'm getting mixed feelings from all you people saying stuff so I'll just throw in my two-cents (or whatever)...

(P.S. If you haven't seen the movie, then open this Spoiler at your own risk... most of the plot is in here)
The action started a lot sooner than I thought it would. There was no real explanation behind what Harry was doing, although it was fairly clerar, it still lacked something...

The doctors then seemed a little too satisified with the idea that 'it was a hit and run' that got Harry. And amnesia? Come on! We need no amnesia!! I guess it could've been worse on that point...

And then there's the magic meteor out of nowhere that landsall nice and quiet like so no-one notices. And how did it get back to his place? It was on his scooter and he got pulled off by the 'New' Goblin as he's called in the credits...

I didn't see anything wrong with sandman's bit, except the cliched fading away on the breeze at the end...

And Venom? Venom, venom, venom, venom. He was better than I thought he'd be. I was worried they were gonna totally suck him out. Apart from not being as big as I would've liked, he was great all in all. Right down to the ability to sneak past spidey's spider-sense and the vulnerability to sound, it was excellent. And he got more screen time then I thought he would, which makes me happy...

As for Gwen Stacey, erm, I can't even remember what she looked like now cos of so little screen time. Honestly, she wasn't even a character, just a plot device to get MJ all steamed up and jealous.

As for who did and didn't die, I went in thinking Sandman and Harry will both die, MJ and Venom/Brock may die, and Spidey won't. Half way through I was like Harry will die and everyone else (spidey included) is a maybe. was mildly surprised with the outcome, glad that harry bit-it (villains surviving becoming good guys sucks) and was confused about Brock. Brock didn't need to die, and yet he did. As for Sandman, he's fine, he's made of sand, he can't die. Stupidness!! and then he gets all emotional and goddy-goodyish at the end, bah!

Then there was the cheese! Oh the cheese! It burdens me so! Stan Lee's line was odd I guess. Then ol' Sandy and Mr Spider having their heart-to-heart at the end *gag* and spidey running along in front of the flag! WTF!!!

But anyway... there's more I can say, I know there is, but i think I'll leave it there...


And like themrpj said, what's with the friggin butler!? God! Christ! Damn it! Suckish... but not as suckish as made out in the above post...

I too was also hoping for the suit to only come off of Spidey at the end and have it go onto Brock with a quick flash of the face, like the church scene for the next movie...

hmm... I'm also beginning to wonder if the symbiote actually died... It sort of puled itself in after Broc got vaped (which I still think was stupid) and then wasn't there no-more... maybe it got away...

Maybe it can find Cassady and we can have Carnage in the next movie? nah... but could be interesting... but no!

And as for the talk about X-Men...
I found the 2nd to be most lacking as it just drew on and was gah!! (still liked it though)

The first is most definately my favourite... Rogue's always been an interesting character, and that was her movie really... Just like the second was Wolverine's, but it wasn't as cool as it should've been...

The third was Jean's movie and my second favourite... I found the whole Jean + Logan snogging stupid, old and cliche as well as the emphasis on Logan <3 Jean... and Cyclops died too soon...

Anyway, I'll stop talking about X-men now...

2007-05-05, 07:03 PM
I quite liked it, though I do agree that Sandman was entirely unnecessary throughout the entire film. He could have also done with a bit more character stability, something that he lacked in spades.

Venom was fun for the very brief time that we saw him, could've done with more screen time though.

The constant stream of cameos was fun though.

2007-05-05, 09:29 PM
My whole impression of it was 'meh'. As several people have said, splitting this into two movies would likely have made them much better.

I did feel that the movie was pandering to the kiddies a bit. Not that that isn't expected to some extent in a comic book adaptation, but I felt it went a little far. The first half of the movie seemed filled with little kids and simple comedy in pointless scenes... so much so that, having only watched the movie a few hours ago, I can't really figure out what made that movie more than two hours long. Those minutes of screen could have been used to make the actual plot a bit more well-rounded.

I was particularly annoyed by the flashback to the belltower scene during the Venom fight. The audience should be smart enough to figure that out on their own. Those 5 seconds cemented my opinions on who this movie was meant for: not for the fans, but for the families that came, and will come, in droves to see it.

2007-05-06, 01:31 AM
I've had a huge crush on Bryce Howard since her first major roll in The Village :smallwink:
Ah, don't misunderstand me though--I don't care about Dallas Bryce Howard (although she's probably a lovely person), it's Gwen Stacy I have a crush on.

It had its moments though, most particularly Harry and Spidey quipping at each other during the fights. The dance scene was pretty zesty for a time. Also gotta love the scene with the little girl and the camera.
Yeah, those were great moments, especially the dance scene. The whole part with Bruce Campbell as the maitre d' was really good too.

2007-05-06, 01:40 AM
Saw it last night, and I loved it.
While, yes, Spiderman 2 is still the strongest, I've found that many of the complaints about the film are either silly little things or have been nicely covered by Mr. Brian. (http://www.nuklearpower.com/daily.php?date=070503)

Anyway, my two complaints:

WHYYYYYY!? Why do you kill of Venom in his first outing? What would make you do that? Huh?

And the, non spoiler complaint.
Emo hair = Evil?

2007-05-06, 01:46 AM
Yay now for my 2 cents on the matter. Yes they have already begun signing contracts for 4-6. I liked this one better than the last two. Definently darker. The fist ten minutes make u think the movie is gonna suck. Lastly but not least id u did not like what they did to voldermort u wont like what happend with venom. I thought venom was perfect though.

2007-05-06, 01:50 AM
Somthing tells me the symbiote will take a new host now lol.
Ps. why r u guys spoilering ur comments the title of the thread says possible spoilers.

2007-05-06, 02:00 AM
Hmmm, the spiderman movie franchise...I don't know if it's a good thin really, on one hand it does get spidey a bigger audience, but on the other...well, yesterday, a friend of mine asked me "Isn't the green goblin the most important spiderman villain?". Couldn't believe what I was hearing. Then he added "Isn't this Venom guy just a background character?"...The movies mess with minds of our younger generation, people! Everyone knows Venom is the main spiderman villain!

2007-05-06, 02:07 AM
Hmmm, the spiderman movie franchise...I don't know if it's a good thin really, on one hand it does get spidey a bigger audience, but on the other...well, yesterday, a friend of mine asked me "Isn't the green goblin the most important spiderman villain?". Couldn't believe what I was hearing. Then he added "Isn't this Venom guy just a background character?"...The movies mess with minds of our younger generation, people! Everyone knows Venom is the main spiderman villain!
Um no. Goblin has always been the big villian. He's the guy that killed Gwen, he's the guy thats always behind everything. Venom is not a background character but its not a bright idea to shoot your mouth off. Granted I do that all the time.:smallwink:

Somthing tells me the symbiote will take a new host now lol.
Ps. why r u guys spoilering ur comments the title of the thread says possible spoilers.

Better question, why are you double-post and using "r" and "u"

Don't you know this is a good forum? We don't do that.
Green Goblin is a Marvel Comics supervillain , and the archenemy of Spider-Man. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, he first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #14 (July 1964).

"Archenemy" yeah

2007-05-06, 02:17 AM
Too many lose ends for me. What about Sandman's kid? What of the venom sample the doctor still had? The relationship between Peter and MJ was kind of left ambiguous as well, the last real interaction he has with her before the very end is striking her in a club. And a few other things. Other than that, it is pretty much what I wanted, and it kept with the feel of the first two movies.

I liked it more than I thought I would.

2007-05-06, 02:24 AM
Too many lose ends for me. What about Sandman's kid? What of the venom sample the doctor still had? The relationship between Peter and MJ was kind of left ambiguous as well, the last real interaction he has with her before the very end is striking her in a club. And a few other things. Other than that, it is pretty much what I wanted, and it kept with the feel of the first two movies.

I liked it more than I thought I would.

The simple answers.

Sandmans kid isn't important to the story. Its Sandmans story. What ever he does after(he just turned into sand you know, he's not dead) probably saved her. But really she's just the motivation.

VenomNot important. If they make a forth and he comes back then you know, if not then Connor was told to kill the thing, end of story.

Mary JaneCome on. You know how this ends. The point of the movie and yes all the movies was choice. Peter's choice and Harry's. MJ's story goes on to marry Parker thats how it goes, everyone knows. No need to ruin the flow of the story and the end for re-affirmation.

2007-05-06, 02:24 AM
I've been veeeeeery cautious towards the Spidey films. I only caught glimpses of Spidey 1- it looked pretty good. I've watched all of Spidey 2, and found it very good. The press, however, have mauled Spidey 3. I've seen the ads, it looks awesome, but should I heed the press or the foru....?


I'll see it soon. :smallbiggrin:

2007-05-06, 03:56 AM
mmm... three more :biggrin:

I want Venom's return, Carnage, The Insidious Six, Doc Connors to become you-know-who and the Secret Wars!!

I also want a crossover for all the marvel movie characters! That'd most likely be Secret Wars... That would be a cool movie... Its also where the symbiote really came from... so that'd be good too...

2007-05-06, 10:53 AM
Of course, if they were smart, that venom sample might be related to Doc Connor's future work somehow, to actually have a background in the movie-verse for it...just sayin'.

2007-05-06, 11:02 AM
it might have a hand in making him der Lizad! Even though thats not ot it did in the comics...

Gnome Barbarian
2007-05-06, 11:27 AM
I liked the movie and when it comes to sequals if they did a secret wars I would be annoyed because they should have done it before the Venom story arc. Also diffrent film companies have the rights to diffrent heros so I dont think this could be done right. Just like an avenger movie would not be possible.

As for the death of Venom...I dont think he is dead. The symbiote still has some left of it in Connors office. And how many times in comics have characters "died" but nearly escaped.

I thought Sandman was awesome and the heart to heart occured because Sandman saw that Peter Parker was spider-man and perfect for the way they wanted to portray him. Threw the entire movie Sandman is saying how he isn't truly a bad person, he just needs money to save his daughter. When spidey beats him in the sewers, he doesn't know it was parker and therefore couldn't fathom why he was stopping him with such tenacity.

2007-05-06, 03:41 PM
Time to write Spider-Man 4.

Begin with The Wedding. Everything is all happy. Honeymoon, they go somewhere and there is a call for help. Peter suits up and swings out and then in midswing, grabs his sides and falls to a rooftop. After a few moments, he comes to realize that, oh snap, he's grown an extra set of arms. He saves the day really quick against some hoodlums (or a movie version of Ultimate Shocker, cause we don't need any big timers here).

After showing MJ his new mutation, he goes to Dr. Conners who, while a physicist, would have access to the needed lab equipment. Peter is forced to reveal his identity to him, of course, and Conners tells him to return tomorrow.

Conners, seeing a chance to work on something to regrow his arm, does some sciency stuff and mutates into the Lizard. For this movie, the Lizard just wants to be left alone. Maybe he still knows he is Conner, or maybe he is just a scared animal with intelligence.

Later, Kraven the Hunter (played none other than Bruce Campbell) hears about the Lizard and proceeds to hunt him. Spider-Man is forced to protect the Lizard to save himself from becoming something monstrous.

2007-05-06, 04:31 PM
Later, Kraven the Hunter (played none other than Bruce Campbell)
I love the way you think.

2007-05-06, 04:41 PM
I just got back from watching it. like a minuet ago. I loved it. will there be a 4th?

2007-05-06, 04:56 PM
It was... ok, I guess. Maybe too many villains in one movie... And it'd be MUCH better without the emoness... Man, those scenes, and the dancing... Nothing short of disgusting... I mean, how can Toby be a bad guy? He can't, ok, but did they have to make him even more gay?

2007-05-06, 05:30 PM
Spider-Man becoming totally self-consumed to negative and positive effects.
Spider-Man becoming Raskolnikov with Sandman as his old pawnbroker.

I thought it was good, and emphasized the fallibility of Spidey, his most culturally important character trait, to a degree the prior films failed to. I was displeased with the limited roll given to Gwen Stacey. I understand a later introduction in the movie canon than the comic canon will lead to a changed character, but I felt it was a poor choice to take one of the two most seminal character's to Spider-Man's psyche and cut them to "the other girl" stock role. She kept a lot of the Gwen personality, too, which made it make even less sense for her to end up that way in the storyline.
Plot contrivances are bad, but I gave up worrying about those after a guy got super powers from being bitten by a radioactive spider, and from this, gained several powers that spiders themselves do not really have without any form of poison, the most notable natural ability of most spiders. Your disbelief is suspent or isn't.
I still don't understand what Spidey sees in MJ, either. I mean, in the state she's in in the comic books now, I'd still tap that, but I could see Pete having reservations. But in her movie form? Whachoo thinkin', Parker?

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-05-06, 05:48 PM
I just got back from seeing it. I was very impressed with it, although I do like the second one a little bit better. Although I do have to admit that Tobey Maguire and suave bad boy just don't go together. I'm a big movie buff (having worked at Blockbuster and then a movie theater for two years), and was thinking on the way home, that this could possibly be one of the best summers movie-wise since I can remember. With, Spidey, Pirates, Harry Potter, Shrek, The Borne Ultimatum, 28 Weeks Later, and several others, I am really going to be spending a lot of time at the movies this summer.

Edit: In response to Jibar's spoiler'd comment
The reason as far as I can think of would be that this is likely going to be the last Spiderman Movie. I believe Tobey Maguire has already said he will not do another one.

2007-05-06, 07:39 PM
Gelly, they're set up to make at least three more movies. I think Toby said he would do another one if Raimi directed.

As for the dancing scenes, I found them hilarious. The part where he was walking around to Saturday Night Fever made no sense, but I'll be damned if it wasn't funny.

2007-05-06, 10:37 PM
I thought the movie was pretty decet, honoestly, I wish they'd have left Venom out of the picture. I really loved the performances for Sandman and the Green Goblin. both were fantastic. Toby did a great job too. I LOVE Emo Diva Spidey! Absolutely hilarious. Well ta. :smallwink:

2007-05-07, 12:00 AM
It was... ok, I guess. Maybe too many villains in one movie... And it'd be MUCH better without the emoness... Man, those scenes, and the dancing... Nothing short of disgusting... I mean, how can Toby be a bad guy? He can't, ok, but did they have to make him even more gay?

I hate post like this. What with how often it happens I'd think you'd no by this point that it would have sucked if the movie was serious through the whole thing. Dark Peter was awsome(not emo) and the Jazz club scene was about the only time I felt he was a jerk. Which was good.

P.S. Don't use "gay" as a synonyme for stupid, or (shivers) emo. Its childish.

2007-05-07, 12:58 AM
After having seen 3, my picks for Spiderman 4.

Either Vulture, or Lizard as the main villian.

Gwen Stacy as the main love interest, with Mary Jane still on "just friends" terms with Peter.

2007-05-07, 01:14 AM
I just say 3 this morning and it wasn't a bad movie, but it still wasn't as good as the first two. Seriously, what was up with MJ this movie? Jealousy over a kiss? You're a damn actress!

Gwen Stacy as the main love interest, with Mary Jane still on "just friends" terms with Peter.

Three words: Gwen Stacy's Death

Peter dates and falls head over heels in love with Gwen. She's nice, smart, and doesn't ask too many questions when he leaves unexpectedly for "personal reasons." Meanwhile, a strange failed special effects artist named Quentin Beck obsessed with Spider-man. He follows him, identifiying his weaknesses and toying with his mind to a breaking point. As Spidey continual thwarts Beck's plans, he becomes more and more obsessed with him. Finally, Beck discovers Spidey's identity and kidnaps Gwen. After a drawn out battle, Beck makes Gwen fall off of a building. Spidey catches her with a thread, but when he brings her back up, she's dead.

2007-05-07, 01:21 AM
You can't have Quentin Beck! He already showed up in the Spiderman 2, and I think the Spiderman 3 games!
Where he was very good by the way.
No, I'm pegging for the Lizard as the next villain. You can't introduce Conners, without arm, and not do something with it.
I also hope Aunt May gets more screentime. She deserves every second.

2007-05-07, 01:29 AM
I'm hoping for Kraven and Lizard. They'd go together like Shoo-bop-a-watta-watta-yip-a-dee-dip-de-doo.

2007-05-07, 01:30 AM
So I saw it, and was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it, considering how bad of reviews it was getting. I definitely didn't like it as much as the first two, but it still had the same characters in the same positions dealing with their problems like has always happened. The plot is too ambitious with its number of villains, but some aspects of those stories were done well.

My only real complaints about it are the fact that the movie didn't know what it was trying to do with Evil black suit Spider-Man as far as Peter's character is concerned. At one point it seems like he's angry and upset, and unhappy in his dark costume, other times he seems outright joyful at his transformation. Also, compare the poignancy of the scene from Spider-Man 2 where Aunt May tells Peter about what it means to be a hero to the scene from Spider-Man 3 where she tells him revenge is wrong. It's just not as important or soul stirring. Aunt May's fantastic actress is wasted on the sidelines more so than in either other Spider-Man movie. The other complaint I have is Harry's Butler. I had to stop myself from shouting at the movie screen, "Why didn't you tell him two movies ago? Jerk!" because I didn't want to upset the people sitting around me.

The trouble really wasn't that there was anything in particular that was so wrong with Spider-Man 3 that made me not like it as much. It was more that there weren't any scenes in it which on their own stood up to comperable scenes from the other two movies. (Except Bruce Campbell, who was an improvement on flawlessness, as usual... Ted Raimi was unfortunately at a loss for this installment.) Some of the best parts of Spider-Man 3 were already done better, and the others were cheapened by the movie itself. When Harry came to Peter's rescue near the end, I would have practically pumped my fist in the air with enthusiasm had the scene with the butler not taken place.

I need to stop talking bad about it. I liked it, it's just easier to point out the ways it didn't live up to my expectations that explain how I really liked X scene, or Y fight or whatever.

2007-05-07, 01:44 AM
Just saw it today, here are my thoughts:

WHY DID THEY KILL VENOM!?!?!? He just started being evil then BAM, he dies.

What is up with Peter's wild dance moves in the street? Came off as creepy not quite sure what they were going for there.

Is it just me, or does spidey's new doo make him look like a nerdier, emo Hitler?

Sandman's humongous lips bugged the crap out of me.

Overall, meh.

2007-05-07, 02:49 AM
Well, it dissappeared off wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lizard_%28comics%29#Live_action_feature_films) just a moment ago, but they were saying that the Lizard might be in Spiderman 4.
Also according to that article,Bruce Campbell might have been playing Doc Conners. That would have been wierd.

Ninja Chocobo
2007-05-07, 04:08 AM
I thought there was too much Peter in it. Particularly the emo version. I know, I know, not really emo, just has the hair and is Dark, but I still hated him. After all the scenes with him in it, I wanted to pour bleach into my eyes.

Too much Plot for a movie with two supervillains in it.

What VT said about background and credibility.

Other than that, good.

2007-05-07, 04:27 AM
I just say 3 this morning and it wasn't a bad movie, but it still wasn't as good as the first two. Seriously, what was up with MJ this movie? Jealousy over a kiss? You're a damn actress!

Three words: Gwen Stacy's Death

Peter dates and falls head over heels in love with Gwen. She's nice, smart, and doesn't ask too many questions when he leaves unexpectedly for "personal reasons." Meanwhile, a strange failed special effects artist named Quentin Beck obsessed with Spider-man. He follows him, identifiying his weaknesses and toying with his mind to a breaking point. As Spidey continual thwarts Beck's plans, he becomes more and more obsessed with him. Finally, Beck discovers Spidey's identity and kidnaps Gwen. After a drawn out battle, Beck makes Gwen fall off of a building. Spidey catches her with a thread, but when he brings her back up, she's dead.

Screw that. MJ needs to die. Fast. She has yet to win audiences over, IMO. Peter seems to like here because she's just...there...even though continuously screws him over. She deserved that "dark Peter" bitch slap.

2007-05-07, 05:48 AM
Saw it yesterday... I vote 'meh'. Just void your brain and don't expect anything much and you might actually enjoy the movie.

And for the complaints: way too much sappy stuff in the beginning, MJ == bitch, MJ, you can't sing, so shut your trap girl.

The new suit was ... meh. Splitting it into two movies woulda been WAY better.

2007-05-07, 06:00 AM
The mane problem was that thy put 5 to many plots into.

The J Pizzel
2007-05-07, 10:00 AM
Here's my review:

First and foremost, the score was different. I've been playing in symphonies and concert bands since I was in 6th grade (i've graduated college now) and the score made a HUGE difference for me. Danny Elfman did not write the score for this one whereas he did for 1 and 2. I missed the cresendo in the music that used to be there. The dynamics in the music did nothing to compliment the rise and fall of events in the movie.

Next: where were the slow motion stuff that showed us how cool spidey can be. Example - the entire Doc Oc fight on the clock tower and train from part two. When spidey spins through the whole of the bridge. When he's knocked off the train and he webs himself back on it. I'm not saying there was none of this in part 3, just not as much as the first two. I really missed that kinda stuff.

Venom: venom wasn't too bad. The only real complaint I had was I wished he would have been bigger and had more character depth.

On MJ and Peter Parker - I thought they were portrayed relatively close to the way their characters have always been. They've always been second guessing each other, never knowing exactly what they want. Getting together then breaking up. I'm not saying I enjoyed it (it is getting a little old) but it was, imo, in accordance with their characters development.

On the fiftty plots: i'll admit in the beginning of the movie I was thinking "ok, so, yeah, we've just been introduced to about 5 plots, this should be interesting. And yes, they just drag you along. They start meshing together pretty well toward the end, but I didn't particularly like being forced along the plot. The plot is supposed to gradually pan out, not come flying together at the end.

Sandman: i loved his character in general, and hated how his character ended. Sorry, just thought that was cheesy as hell.

I enjoyed the sub plot of Harry and Peter. I thought it was pretty nicely done (except the temp. amnesia, what the hell was that). I like how you could always tell Harry felt uneasy attacking Peter. It's like his guilt was always playing on him. I like how Spidey asked for his help and Harry told him to **** off. The next scene made me want to cry. The DAMN BUTLER "Bernard"..."i cleaned your fathers wounds and you're father was pierced by his own blade" WHAT THE **** WAS THIS. Sorry, that was just as lame as lame gets. Now, if Harry's guilt had finally gotted the best of him and he decided to go help Spidey on his own, that would've made a little more sense to me.

Quick things: Bryce Dallas was beautiful in this movie. I'm glad the portrayed Harry "Green Goblin" the way they did. Cool outfit and gear, not a giant green suit. I had no real problems with Dark Spidey or Dark (emo, was yall are calling it) Peter. I thought the scene where he's walking down the street dancing was a fun little comical break, as well as the bar scene.

All in all, 2 was the best, followed by 1, then part 3. And no, x-men 3 was far worse than spidey 3 when compared to thier relative trilogies. Spidey 3 was at lease watchabel in comparison. IMO, x-men 3 was bad enough to ruin the franchise, spidey 3 wasn't.

I'm tired of typing.


2007-05-07, 10:27 AM
I meant to see it today, but it's too late. Maybe I'll see it in a weekend or two, but it may be looking a bit unlikely now that I've seen so many iffy reviews.

But I did read in the paper that SM3 has the world record for biggest opening weekend. It got some sort of ungodly amount, like 188 million pounds worldwide...and they were worried about the costs...

Fax Celestis
2007-05-07, 10:30 AM
Venom ain't dead. Professor still has some.

2007-05-07, 10:51 AM
Yea the symbiote isnt dead, but I dont think eddie brock is dead either..he disappeared that is about it. They never said anything about him being dead.

The J Pizzel
2007-05-07, 10:52 AM
"Venom" is dead. The professor still has some of the symbiote. "Venom" is simply the name that Eddie Brock and the symbiote called themselves when they merged.

2007-05-07, 11:04 AM
I've been a long time spidey fan and got a couple of comments as well....

Liked the Venom effects..detested the fact that Venom never references himself in the "We".

The "emo" Peter dance moves on the sidewalk were a call-back to the John Travolta moves in Saturday Night Fever, same camera angles and everything.

What's the phrase, I won't believe he's dead unless I see a body...I've only seen it once but if there was a hole blasted into the floor of the high rise...

Things were a bit telegraphed...apparently someone in hollywood likes to use the CLUEBYFOUR (or CLUEBAT). Harry's talk with the butler immediately told me that he wouldn't be back for number 4.

I would have like to see the suit change to street clothes...that way he never would have needed to take it off.

Overall opinion a good action movie. Too many villians (a problem that X-men has intrinsictly because of the number of members) TOOOOO much Angst....seeing peter cry...and then seeing peter cry....and then seeing MJ cry....and then seeing peter cry.... and then seeing..well you get the point. Great effects, probably will see it again (hopefully on IMAX).

2007-05-07, 11:10 AM
Too many lose ends for me. What about Sandman's kid? What of the venom sample the doctor still had?

And, of course, people familiar with the comic will recognize "Dr. Connors" as another potential hook (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizard_%28comics%29#Live_action_feature_films) (though the movies made him a physicist rather than a biologist).

2007-05-07, 11:55 AM
Personally I liked it fine. It could have used a little editing maybe, but overall I think they did O.K.
And I really liked Topher Grace as Eddie Brock and Venom ("oops! My spidey sense is tingling..." Oh, Venom, you bad*ss you:smallwink: ) . I think he did a great job on both, and I wish I could have seen more of him.
I thought Peter thinking he was totally hot got a little bit ridiculous (the hair sweep? oh, pu-lease). I'm not sure it was meant to make me laugh that hard. That being said I did like the bit about the cookies.
I liked the Sandman...but for mainly visual reasons. The little grains all coming together, the ebb and flow through a body...Cool. Friggen' Cool.
Maybe it would have been better if it was just Venom as a primary villain (I always thought he deserved a whole movie to himself) but as all the villains didn't make some god awful "bad league," like in Batman movies (and I don't count the end fight as a real alliance thing as the barely communicate with each other, and don't make idiotic comments) I thought it was okay for that. Also the focus was on Spidey fighting himself as a Villain, so that helped too.
This goblin was way better than goblin senior. For one thing he had a better costume and fighting style, and for another he had some character development and better motives than "I'm f*cking Nuts!" I loved the bit where Peter and Harry fought out of costume. So very well done.
All in all, I'd say that it was far better than the first movie. But I'd have to watch it again to be-able to compare it to the second one (which kicked major booty.)
I would say that it's probably better than any other superhero movie I've seen (excludeing Batman Begins which is better, and maybe X-Men 2, which was equal) So I'll give credit where it's due.

I'm not sure if I want another movie. I think that they said what needs to be said, and should be careful not to milk the franchise.
Of course that being stated, if they made another movie that featured Venom as the principle villain I would totally be for it. But this would be for selfish reasons, not because I'd think it was necessary.

{edit} Wow. I can't believe I forgot to mention how much the action rocked! Oh my god, so cool! Too much cool! So very cool! *drools*

Totally Guy
2007-05-07, 01:36 PM
Nobody has any love for Spider-Plantman (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_07mqQ9RaTk)...

Fax Celestis
2007-05-07, 01:37 PM
Yea the symbiote isnt dead, but I dont think eddie brock is dead either..he disappeared that is about it. They never said anything about him being dead.

The leftover symbiote will probably become Carnage.

2007-05-07, 02:11 PM
Screw that. MJ needs to die. Fast. She has yet to win audiences over, IMO. Peter seems to like here because she's just...there...even though continuously screws him over. She deserved that "dark Peter" bitch slap.
Maybe we can just have her disappear ala the 90s cartoon?

Oh, and:
Venom can't come back. Brock was incinerated in the blast. If you look you can see his skeleton. He went the way of the board members in the first one.

2007-05-07, 04:35 PM
The leftover symbiote will probably become Carnage.

Or fuse's with Scorpion

2007-05-07, 07:13 PM
Just saw it. Liked the beginning. Liked the end. The middle...SUCKED!

And let me say what everyone else is saying.

Emo Bangs of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooommmmmmmm!

(I suppose that's who the movie makers think the REAL villans are :wink:)

2007-05-08, 11:41 PM
Quick Review: Better than the second movie, not as good as the first (although that's largely because the first features adaptations of two of the greatest superhero stories ever told).

Problems: Pretty much the same as the first two movies. Raimi insists on filming crowd reactions to everything, but is incapable of executing on them. The extras he finds to deliver the lines in these scenes are, as a rule, absolutely atrocious.

There are also the now-familiar plotholes, continuity errors, and curiously omniscient characters. There's also one incredibly and painfully stupid scene where Mary Jane apparently forgets that her boyfriend is Spider-Man.

There's also a faux-news broadcast sequence at the end of the film which suffered from two sins: It completely shattered your sense of disbelief (because it didn't resemble an actual news broadcast in the least) and its only function seemed to be informing you that the scene you were watching WAS REALLY DRAMATIC. Well, Mr. Raimi, either you succeeded at delivering a dramatic scene or you didn't. Filming a bunch of bad actors telling me it's really dramatic doesn't help you in the slightest

Overall, I loved the movie up until that final sequence. But the final sequence has a lot of problems. It's not so bad as to serve as an anti-climax, but it it's bad enough to seriously detract. Problems include:

(1) Given the way you established the character of Sandman, it makes absolutely no sense for him to agree to a plan which would involve threatening and/or killing an innocent young woman.

(2) Peter: "Oh my god! Mary Jane is in trouble! I have to go help her... No, wait... On second thought I think I'll stare at my costume for an awkwardly long period of time."

(3) Peter: "Hey! You showed up! That's great!"
SPOILER: "Yeah, it's great to be here."
Peter: "Yeah, thanks again.... Man, I feel like I'm forgetting something."
SPOILER: "Really? What do you think it could be?"
Peter: "Hmm... Wait. Why did I ask you to come again?"
SPOILER: "I'm not sure... Wait..."
Peter: "It's right on the tip of my tongue..."
SPOILER: "Yeah... Hold it... Something about your girlfriend?"
Peter: "Mary Jane!"
SPOILER: "Yeah! Mary Jane! She's suspended in the air directly above us and about to plummet to her doom! Maybe we should be saving her instead of standing around chatting!"
Peter: "Do you think so?"
Peter: "I'm coming MJ!"

(4) The faux news sequence.

It also would have been far more interesting if Peter hadn't gone to Harry for help. That scene compounded the problem that Peter was frequently not keeping his eye on the MJ ball in that sequence, but it also would have been more interesting if we see Harry watching what's happening on TV... and then, when the Goblin shows up, we don't know what side he's going to be on.

It also would have been better to cut the heart-to-heart with his butler. It would have been more powerful if Harry looked inside himself and found the resolve to be a better person. Instead the scene ended up have substantial, "You mean Spidey was never responsible for my dad's death? I've been wrong all along? I better go help him!" component.

Also, I felt there was a missing piece of dialogue:

Peter: I never should have hurt you, Harry. I never should have said those things...
Harry: Said those things? **** that. You never should have thrown a bomb in my face.

Peter saying that he never should have hurt him was fine. But specifying that he was talking about what he said? C'mon.

All that being said: I loved the redemption of Harry. Like the movie as a whole, I just felt the conclusion could have been handled better.

But, all those problems aside, I still enjoyed the movie. I was amazed at Raimi's skill in developing and interweaving so many distinct plot arcs. The whole really was greater than the sum of the parts, and the movie would have been distinctly lessened if any of the arcs -- all of which tied to each other both thematically and in terms of plot -- had been removed.

2007-05-10, 10:22 AM
I don't agree with your Peter-SPOILER conversation.

I mean, if you were trying to fight off two supervillains while resucing the love of your life, only to have your dearest friend who's hated you for a few years show up in his supervillain outfit to save your ass, wouldn't you be a little distracted?

I've also decided Eddie doesn't get emo hair because he's a jerk anyway.

Something else, children really can't appreciate how brutal Spiderman is in that black suit. I mean, his fight with Sandman, we're talking ripping half his head off. This is the thing which would result in extremely painful deaths.

2007-05-10, 10:33 AM
Yeah. Eddie is a bit of a jerk.
(only a small spoiler but enough of character in sight to make it worth the cut) Didn't he call Gwen 'quick and easy' or something like that? When people were asking what the smell was, it was obviously Eddie's post-sex smell.

2007-05-10, 12:16 PM
"Spiderman 3" - hard fail. Harder fail than "Spiderman 2". :smallannoyed:

'Egocentric and neurotic to the point of solipsism' Mary Jane was fail (PROTIP: dump her, and leave her dumped. Problem solved.)
Emo Parker and his jazz club dance scene were fail (sorrywut? Did I buy tickets for "Chicago" by mistake?)
Daddyissues-goblin was *yawn* and should have been resolved at least a movie ago.
The fight scenes, although technically impressive, were a bit too hyperkinetic and "Prince of Persia" for my tastes.
The 'Old Glory moneyshot' (before the climactic fight) was gratuitous.
Also: "sorry" and a sob story doesn't cut it if you kill my kin. :smallmad:

Venom was interesting: I especially liked how the goo moved like a spider's legs. But a couple of interesting FX shots don't redeem a weak, flawed and lazily plotted ("Check this box. Check that box. Fan-service. Check other box...") superhero film. Still, at least it wasn't "Fantastic 4". :smalltongue:

2007-05-10, 04:30 PM
"Spiderman 3" - hard fail. Harder fail than "Spiderman 2". :smallannoyed:

I just can't take anyone seriously after they've said that.

Innis Cabal
2007-05-10, 05:27 PM
There might be a 4th....according to Toby, if all the right people are in and the script is good he will do it....i want Carnage

2007-05-10, 05:56 PM
A very good show, had me entertained for a Saturday, although the "emo hair" scene where he's just walking down the street had me in hysterics.

I'm sad that Harry died, but it really was the only viable option for the character.

Funny moments: Camera girl, the secretary, everything involving Emo-Peter.

Also, as far as future villains whose normal identities have been seen:

The Lizard. Covered.
Gaunt. Dr. Stromm was killed back in #1, wasn't he? It's about time he shows up as a villain.
Man-Wolf. Was Mary Jane's fiance last movie, I think.

Carnage would still be awesome, though. I just doubt it, unless some of those dudes were cameos.

2007-05-10, 09:51 PM
There might be a 4th....according to Toby, if all the right people are in and the script is good he will do it....i want Carnage

It's already been stated, they've been planning six from the get go. They're discussing the contracts for the second three right now.

2007-05-11, 02:21 AM
i generally liked the movie. it was okay and better than a lot of other flicks ive seen in the genre. it is the weakest in a very strong trillogy and thats still pretty good. i really enjoyed the acting and the action.

my issues:
1. venom plotline felt forced. the whole thing felt like they merged two scripts unsuccesfully.

2. eddie brocks "vampire teeth". when the suit pulled away from his face the canines were enlarged and it made him sound stupid. it also looked stupid.

3. too much dancing/musical numbers. 'nuff said.

4. sandman wasnt given enough time to develop. i feel that it was the superior storyline and it wasnt given ample time to develop or resolve.

5. not dark enough. dark spidey was just whiney and douche baggy, not actually dark.

its an okay flick, im not going to rush out and buy it though.

2007-05-11, 02:31 AM
I mean, if you were trying to fight off two supervillains while resucing the love of your life, only to have your dearest friend who's hated you for a few years show up in his supervillain outfit to save your ass, wouldn't you be a little distracted?

Would I be distracted from the fact that the love of my life could, at any moment, fall to her death?

No. No, I wouldn't.

2007-05-11, 01:11 PM
For people who want Carnage:

Carnage was a sorry excuse for a symbiote. Its like the creators said "hey, let's get a venom-thing, but attach it to a serial killer and have fun with that." NO! When 616 Carnage died, the hearts of Spidey-fans everywhere rejoiced.

Lizard would be nice, but Doctor Conners is a physicist in the movies, so I don't know how that would work.

2007-05-11, 02:46 PM
Lizard would be nice, but Doctor Conners is a physicist in the movies, so I don't know how that would work.
Perhaps the fact that he is NOT a biologist is the reason behind things going so wrong, thus creating the Lizard. As he showed in 3, he has access to the equipment.

2007-05-11, 03:21 PM
Another few things I noticed/was annoyed about:

1. Sandman cried. I think I remember this correctly, anyway. A man made entirely out of sand, somehow shed water from his eyes.

2. Peter learns how to dance and play piano very quickly. I could forgive Harry for being able to learn that sort of stuff (painting etc.), since he's rich and has loads of spare time. But spidey should be doing other things

2007-05-11, 09:04 PM
Another few things I noticed/was annoyed about:

1. Sandman cried. I think I remember this correctly, anyway. A man made entirely out of sand, somehow shed water from his eyes.

2. Peter learns how to dance and play piano very quickly. I could forgive Harry for being able to learn that sort of stuff (painting etc.), since he's rich and has loads of spare time. But spidey should be doing other things
Why do you assume that? He could have taken Piano as a kid. Really how do you know? As for the "dancing" nothing but flash. Harnessing his agility to do cool looking stunts.

Also the Lizard is boring. After GG and Venom you want to go back to Lizard? No way. Kingpin and the Sinister Six. That would be great. Or a reproduction of the "Ultimate Clone Saga" Scorpian as a clone is cool.

Anyway Possible sinister Six-

2007-05-11, 09:39 PM
My problem with the Spider-Man films has always been that they don't get Spider-Man's character right. In the comics he's a pretty even mix of angsty, regular guy and wisecracking near-genius superhero. In the movies, he's all angsty, all the time. Until he gets the symbiote and goes all cornball emo. And that's what I hated about this movie- the cornball melodramatic overacted attempts at injecting suspense into scenes that would have been just darn fine if you hadn't added in some reporter from out of nowhere talking about "the brutality".

I thought the plot was alright. The action scenes were well done, if a little over the top. Spider-Man beating Venom was actually REALLY cool for me. It could have been awesome, but they tried too hard, I think. If they'd cut down on the corny stuff, gotten Stan Lee to write some of Spidey's dialogue (HE WAS THERE, he would've been happy to throw in a couple of one liners!), and had some of those masked superpeople, I dunno, actually wear their masks, it could have been great. As it was I left the film with a sort of vaguely disgruntled feeling.

At least we know Venom's coming back for part 4. Because if you don't see a body, he's not dead! Heck, sometimes even if the body's lying there in a mangled pile they're still not really dead.

I'm not sure what to think about the way they portrayed the symbiote- it was animated incredibly well, but everyone seems to forget that in the initial comic story, the costume didn't actually mess with Peter's mind at all- he took it off because Mister Fantastic told him it was alive and maybe sort of possibly dangerous, and it got pissed about being abandoned. I've heard conflicting stories about Sam Raimi's attitude towards the symbiotes, but it seems apparent that at the very least he has no idea how to handle them, which was really dissapointing for me.

2007-05-11, 10:17 PM
My problem with the Spider-Man films has always been that they don't get Spider-Man's character right. In the comics he's a pretty even mix of angsty, regular guy and wisecracking near-genius superhero. In the movies, he's all angsty, all the time. Until he gets the symbiote and goes all cornball emo. And that's what I hated about this movie- the cornball melodramatic overacted attempts at injecting suspense into scenes that would have been just darn fine if you hadn't added in some reporter from out of nowhere talking about "the brutality".

I thought the plot was alright. The action scenes were well done, if a little over the top. Spider-Man beating Venom was actually REALLY cool for me. It could have been awesome, but they tried too hard, I think. If they'd cut down on the corny stuff, gotten Stan Lee to write some of Spidey's dialogue (HE WAS THERE, he would've been happy to throw in a couple of one liners!), and had some of those masked superpeople, I dunno, actually wear their masks, it could have been great. As it was I left the film with a sort of vaguely disgruntled feeling.

At least we know Venom's coming back for part 4. Because if you don't see a body, he's not dead! Heck, sometimes even if the body's lying there in a mangled pile they're still not really dead.

I'm not sure what to think about the way they portrayed the symbiote- it was animated incredibly well, but everyone seems to forget that in the initial comic story, the costume didn't actually mess with Peter's mind at all- he took it off because Mister Fantastic told him it was alive and maybe sort of possibly dangerous, and it got pissed about being abandoned. I've heard conflicting stories about Sam Raimi's attitude towards the symbiotes, but it seems apparent that at the very least he has no idea how to handle them, which was really dissapointing for me.Not only did you see Eddy die, you saw his skeleton. Not a good sign.

2007-05-11, 10:17 PM
I thought the movie was hilarious. I went in with really low expectations in the first place. The action was good and the cheesy moments were just hysterical. I think my friends and I were the only ones laughing at Peter's hair and dancing and the "patriotic" flag shot, but we had a lot of fun. I wasn't expecting another Spiderman II. :smallsmile:

2007-05-11, 10:38 PM
Not only did you see Eddy die, you saw his skeleton. Not a good sign.

I dunno what movie you were watching, but I didn't see any skeletons. I saw a lot of fire, but that was kind of it.

2007-05-11, 11:03 PM
I dunno what movie you were watching, but I didn't see any skeletons. I saw a lot of fire, but that was kind of it.
Same as you, you just wern't paying ataintion. That Bomb was the disintagrating kind and if you look closely at the impact you'll see Brock skeleton flash.

2007-05-12, 03:34 AM
I dunno what movie you were watching, but I didn't see any skeletons. I saw a lot of fire, but that was kind of it.

Same as you, you just wern't paying ataintion. That Bomb was the disintagrating kind and if you look closely at the impact you'll see Brock skeleton flash.

I'm surprised at how many people seem to have missed this, but Nightmarenny is correct. You do see Eddie's skeleton during the explosion, meaning he's quite dead.

Incidentally, it would have been cool if the Sandman had just been the main villain for this one, and it ended with Eddie fusing with the symbiote, setting up the plot and villain for the next movie.

2007-05-12, 03:54 AM
I had been expecting Spiderman 4 to be purely Spidey vs Venom. I knew New Goblin and Sandman would be dealt with in this movie, setting the way to the next film. But then Eddie gets destroyed by a pumpkin bomb.
He deserved it.
As I've said, Eddie is a jerk. He's not a jerk because he's a supervillain, no. He's that regular kind of jerk which everybody hates. He steals taxis, gets the last muffin, makes jokes about you behind your back. He's a jerk.
Yeah, I really did not like Eddie.

I'm now left wondering what was wrong with Carnage? I mean, it shows both Venom and Spidey what could happen if they let themselves lose themselves to their powers. Besides that, Carnage is the supevillain that will really test Spidey. Goblin, Doc, and Venom all waited for Spidey to come to them. Carnage would actively rip the city to shreds. He would rip people to pieces on a burning crusade to murder Spidey. He would have no reservations whatsoever with using the most underhand tactics possible. Forget kidnapping Mary Jane, he would split her in half.
Take that 12A ratings.

2007-05-12, 07:00 AM
I just can't take anyone seriously after they've said that.

That's entirely your right Amodman. I know the view I subscribe to (the "Spiderman" films started weak and got successively worse) is very much a minority one among geeks. Then again, I consider the Reeves "Superman 1-3" films the ne plus ultra of superhero movies (certainly compared to "The Flash", "The Phantom", "Doc Savage", "The Shadow", "Fantastic Four", "DareDrivel", "Ghost Rider", "Spawn", etc. :smallconfused: ).

It's a simple case of: if you aren't outdoing the spectacle and *drama* of those 20+ year old efforts (and crash-bang CG is not - in itself - a sufficient substitute), then why bother at all? The "Spiderman" films (although not as outright terrible as the 70s version (http://imdb.com/title/tt0076975/)) fail that simple test.

Also: "Superman 3" had Richard Pryor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Pryor) and The Man from Uncle as villains. Top that! :smallcool:

2007-05-13, 12:07 AM
Saw it! Loved it!

2007-05-13, 01:34 AM
Could somebody please explain to me why Peter apparently forgets about his Spider Sense? Yeah, Venom is invisible to it in the comics, but in the movie he gets caught off-guard by Harry at the beginning.

Other things that bugged me:

The butler who knows the Horrible Truth. "Oh, yeah, Master, about that whole 'blood oath for vengeance' thing you've been obsessing over ever since you graduated high school... uh, turns out you're wrong and I could've told you that all along."
Mary Jane's break-up with Peter under duress. A better way to handle the situation: "Hey, Pete, Harry's the Green Goblin again. He's standing right over there. Now could you smash his head in again?" or, heck, if you want to avoid Harry's knowledge, just take Peter in for a farewell embrace and whisper the truth into his ear or something.
Sandman gets away in the end. At first, I thought he was like a ghost, where once you've appeased him, he just disappears, but nope, he flies away in sandstorm form to rob a bank or something. "It's okay, I forgive you for killing my uncle, and I also absolve you of all past and future crimes, not the least of which was dangling my ex-girlfriend a thousand stories in the air to die."
The symbiote's appearance. Yep, random meteor strike, right next to everyone's favorite superhero. Come on, even the original backstory's better than that (Peter gets his costume damaged in a space battle and, while looking for the Costume Creation Machine, accidentally triggers the Alien Symbiote Creation Machine).
Harry's helmet. It just bugged me. Why did he wear the thing if all he did with it was dramatically take it off before every fight?

Things I found unintentionally hilarious:

Doctor Connor's analysis of the alien symbiote: "By looking at this thing under my microscope, I have determined that it is a dangerous alien symbiote that increases aggression and evillness in the subject. You didn't keep any did you, Parker? Parker? Are you there, uncharacteristically evil Peter Parker?"
The birth of Sandman. "Warning: Technobabble Testing Facility" "Okay, boys, fire up the technobabble!" "But sir, there's too much technobabble!" "Meh, it's probably just a bird or something. We don't have to be so cautious about every little thing. What is this, Quantum Physics or something?"
Spidey dramatically poses next to an American flag. Because rescuing your girlfriend from a sapient shapeshifting swarm of sand and an evil alien symbiote is the American thing to do. Not like those lousy French, who'd just leave the girl to die.
Evil hair. Because that's what people do when they give in to the forces of evil and hatred. They mess up their hair.
The final moral of the story. "We all have choices to make. Like how I chose to tread the path of vengeance before choosing to tread the path of forgiveness. Luckily, there are no permanent reprecussions to your choices, since you can always change your mind later and make everything happy again. Unless, of course, you beome an antagonist, because then you'll die as soon as you find redemption."

2007-05-13, 10:18 AM
Haven't read the whole thread yet so I don't know if it's been mentioned, but did anyone else notice that Dr. Connors still had a bit of the Venom symbiote at the end? Anyone else think that's an opening for Carnage? Also, if I remember correctly, Connors eventually becomes Lizard, doesn't he?

2007-05-13, 04:24 PM
to be honest, i feel that going to the movies with lowered expectations is a sad thing. lowering the bar is never the best course of action.

2007-05-13, 09:53 PM
to be honest, i feel that going to the movies with lowered expectations is a sad thing. lowering the bar is never the best course of action.
I don't know. I went in with low expectations and still hated it.

2007-05-14, 05:54 AM
Not as good as the first 2, IMO, but then #3 movies rarely are.

Personally felt this bounced around just too much. Not only did we have to bounce from Harry/Hobgoblin to Eddie to Sandman but we also played "Follow the bouncing character morals" with Harry being an enemy, then a friend, then an enemy, then a friend.

It was enjoyable, but I could have waited for it on Netflix.

2007-05-14, 12:42 PM
You can tell when Spiderman is Evil because he has eye-liner, and an emo haircut ~ my friend's aunt

2007-05-16, 01:27 AM
That's entirely your right Amodman. I know the view I subscribe to (the "Spiderman" films started weak and got successively worse) is very much a minority one among geeks. Then again, I consider the Reeves "Superman 1-3" films the ne plus ultra of superhero movies (certainly compared to "The Flash", "The Phantom", "Doc Savage", "The Shadow", "Fantastic Four", "DareDrivel", "Ghost Rider", "Spawn", etc. :smallconfused: ).
Wow, man... I mean, in the first place, not mentioning "Batman Begins" at all makes everything else you say suspect. Come on. Clearly the best superhero movie. But that aside, I re-watched Superman 1 and 2 recently, and I have to say, they're decent, but they don't qualify as great. For example, the whole "fly around the earth backwards really fast" thing was silly--it certainly wouldn't turn back time, and if he's capable of flying fast enough to reverse the earth's rotation, he can fly fast enough to catch both missiles, and there's no real threat or dilemma involved in stopping them. Other problems include things like plot holes (powerless Clark and Lois make it back to the U.S. from the North Pole with no transportation?), non-sensical and unexplained powers (I'm throwing a magical S symbol at you that I pulled out of my costume!) and at times simple cheesiness (Lois' "can you read my mind" inner monologue. Tat was not well-written.)

It's a simple case of: if you aren't outdoing the spectacle and *drama* of those 20+ year old efforts (and crash-bang CG is not - in itself - a sufficient substitute), then why bother at all? The "Spiderman" films (although not as outright terrible as the 70s version (http://imdb.com/title/tt0076975/)) fail that simple test.

See, I never saw the Spiderman movies as relying on CG effects. Yes, they had them, but there was real character development and plot going on around them too. I never saw them as lacking in spectacle or drama either, and they did a good job of making even the villains sympathetic characters (some to a greater degree than others, of course).

You can tell when Spiderman is Evil because he has eye-liner, and an emo haircut ~ my friend's aunt
You know, I thought almost the exact same thing when I saw it, and I've heard countless other people refer to the "emo Spidey" as well. I think it's hysterical.

2007-05-16, 02:22 AM
This movie may be great or horrible, I don't know. Oh, I saw it, but every other aspect of it is completely overwhelmed by the memory of the montage where he gets the emo haircut and points at the ladies walking down the street. Quite possibly the most hilarious thing I've ever seen in a movie.

The New Bruceski
2007-05-16, 04:56 AM
I seem to be the only one who didn't like John Cleese... I mean Bruce Campbell's cameo in this one. Kept breaking up the pacing of the scene.

Suggestions for an upcoming Sinister Six... without Doc Ock (currently hugging a sun at the bottom of the Hudson) I can't really see it. He was really the mastermind for that group. Even were he to live, he's been "redeemed", which means more plot to explain why he's evil again.

Carnage isn't really worth much more than a target for Spidey and Venom, forcing them to work together while remaining at odds. With Venom comic-book-dead that's difficult to pull off. (Though remember, nobody really dies except Uncle Ben).

As for dark Parker, I loved his photographs. They were flipped through quickly but really showcased the brutality. The rest of his section felt like a 45-minute episode of The Mask. It wasn't bad to have, but it really seemed to drag on.

2007-05-16, 11:06 PM
One of the more interesting ways they could have fought Venom, but I liked how they resolved in the current movie (showing Venom's weakness, hell it might even be vulnerability (takes 50% more damage from) sonic attacks.

If memory serves after his bout with the church bell to rid himself of the symboite, Spiderman looks up Mr Fantastic and actually gets a sonic weapon and the FF help spiderman separate Brock from Venom....but the comic version would have been too hard to pull off with 4 more stars to pay (even for a cameo) and possibly the conflict with studio houses and whatnot...*sigh*

I think spidey's next villian could be chameleon (which leads to), Kraven the Hunter, Punisher or any other mercenary that JJJ would hire to take him down.

Also dont forget the Lizard (Dr Conners) and the Vulture....Electro...black cat...shocker....scorpion...there is a big list..but those are more of the more mainstream villians...he has been around for 40 years....

2007-05-17, 06:22 AM
A little something over on Rotten Tomatoes listed some of the scenes that were filmed but cut.
Looking over them, yeah, all the complaints that people have are pretty well resolved in this one. Sandman, Eddie, Peter, everything gets enough of a fleshing out to really complete the story.

2007-05-18, 10:16 AM
A little something over on Rotten Tomatoes listed some of the scenes that were filmed but cut.
Looking over them, yeah, all the complaints that people have are pretty well resolved in this one. Sandman, Eddie, Peter, everything gets enough of a fleshing out to really complete the story.

Link possible?

2007-05-18, 11:58 AM
Ask and ye shall recieve. (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/showthread.php?t=555674)

By the by, that thread just makes me hate Eddie more. [cute little girl voice]I'm a-gonna go make a hate shrine, 'kay?[/cute little girl voice]

2007-05-18, 12:08 PM
If a Spiderman 4 comes out my guess to the plot would be that the Dr. Conners will become the Lizard when trying to fix his arm and during the transformation in his lab he'll thrash about freeing the symbiote sample he still has which will escape and become Carnage

2007-05-18, 12:31 PM
Haven't read the whole thread yet so I don't know if it's been mentioned, but did anyone else notice that Dr. Connors still had a bit of the Venom symbiote at the end? Anyone else think that's an opening for Carnage? Also, if I remember correctly, Connors eventually becomes Lizard, doesn't he?
He does, and I feel that if they're gonna come out with sequels Conners is definitly gonna become the Lizard sooner or later. They even had him start out as a friend of Peter Parker so they can more easily put emotion into a future fight

2007-05-18, 12:52 PM
Saw it, partially enjoyed it.

Awesome concept. Why, then, did Eddie Brock get roughly 15 minutes screentime, and Venom 10? I didn't feel any kind of sympathy, empathy, or any other -pathy for the evil symbiote/unprincipled reporter, leaving him somewhat anti-climatic.

Again, awesome. Again, more character development/screentime beyond "I have a locket of my ill daughter, and sand can fly".

New Goblin:
Okay, now this was well done. You know why? Because it has the awesomeness of the other two villains, but actual screentime/development in this movie, along with that from the previous two. He has a credible reason for doing this, we feel (and get a good feel) for his character, although he seems to merrily switch back-and-forth between "brooding avenger" and "sadistic villain".

Mary Jane:
Whiny, unnattractive, clingy and fragile, all the things Mary Jane isn't meant to be.

Peter Parker/Spiderman:
First part of the movie? Loved him. The dorkiness of the PP/SM from the previous movies combined with a glimmer of the wise-cracking from the comics. A glimmer.
Second part? His dark side is unleashed, which apparently consists of attempting to kill Sandman (good!), yelling at his irritating Borat-esque landlord (good!), throwing a pumpkin back at Harry (good!), demanding nutty cookies from aforesaid landlord's sympathetic daughter (er?), giving himself an emo haircut (what?), dancing in the street in a fashion that made everyone laugh and cringe (huh?), and acting like a semi-drunken **** toward some bouncers (hmm.), and throwing playground insults at Harry Osborne (um...). So yeah, you fail at the Dark Side, Pete.

Overall, it would have been better if they had put the Sandman/New Goblin (dumbass name) into the Third, and subtly (or not-so subtly) set up Venom in the Fourth.

Other points:
Stan Lee's Cameo:
Dammit, Stan! Cameo means no lines. You appear in a bit-part, you don't deliver a monologue, you crazy old man!
Doctor Conners:
"I'm a physicist, not a biologist..." What. The. Hell.

2007-05-18, 01:16 PM
I can honestly say that Spiderman 3 was the most fun I've had at the movies this year. I'm willing to admit that the only other movie I've seen in a theater this year was The Good Shepherd.

I did a little poking around on the internetz and came to the conclusion that everything wrong with SM3 can be traced back to two sad facts:

1. Tobey Maguire doesn't want to do Spiderman anymore. While I wish he could have stayed on for a fourth, I can't blame him for wanting to get on with his career before people start thinking of him as Tobey Parker. Sam Raimi could have gone with another actor, but it would have weakened the series as a whole, so ha apparently chose to wrap it up instead.

The sad result of that was them having to fit all the remaining loose ends into one movie. There was no room to make things make sense when so much had to happen.

2. Sam Raimi doesn't like Venom. He's big on the old-school Spidey villains, not so much the new(er) ones. So when it came down to giving the spotlight to Sandman or Venom, Sandman won out and Venom got demoted to computer-generated metaphor.

2007-05-18, 01:36 PM
2. Sam Raimi doesn't like Venom. He's big on the old-school Spidey villains, not so much the new(er) ones. So when it came down to giving the spotlight to Sandman or Venom, Sandman won out and Venom got demoted to computer-generated metaphor.

Actually I believe he said that to throw people off and to get fans to stop pestering him. When the movie came out, he said something about it. Wish I could remember where that came from.

2007-05-19, 08:10 AM
I liked it but sandman is probably my least favorite villain venom was okay and it was awsome when spiderman beat him

2007-05-19, 03:30 PM
...black cat...
There is no way the big screen can handle that much cleavage. :smalltongue:

2007-05-20, 11:02 AM
There might be a 4th....according to Toby, if all the right people are in and the script is good he will do it....i want Carnage

Something you'll probably never get, and part of the reason that Venom was barely featured. Sam Raimi has an admitted hatred of the character. Thus the weak treatment since Venom was effectively forced onto Raimi by the studio execs.

That said I enjoyed this one, but its definitely the weakest of the three movies.

2007-05-20, 11:12 AM
There is no way the big screen can handle that much cleavage. :smalltongue:

Go play Spiderman 2.
They add cleavage. Yowza.
This is a game children will play. Putting it into a video game is bad enough. Putting it into a movie is asking for moral outrage. Jibar likes italics.
Ah ha, tracked it down. Sam Raimi didn't like Venom to start and only added him to please the fans but during production came to appreciate the character.
Damn it. So he kills off Venom before he likes him.

2007-05-20, 11:50 AM
I read the spoiler for it online and I thought it seemed good. Having one villian turn goo made way more sense than spidey taking them all n at once here. And the about the whole "mushy parts" in the movie. They where needed, you can't expect everyone to be pure evil otherwise Sand man would of killed spidey.

2007-05-20, 03:32 PM
The movie was good, but it could have been awesome if Venom appeared much more. Period.