View Full Version : DM Help Help me with this puzzle room

2015-07-22, 08:56 AM
Below is some of the text from the Book of Challenges. This one is called The Capstan Room. I'm just looking for help on how to run this challenges, more specifically the timing of events. The text explains that the water or acid rises in inches per round. After how many rounds should characters (small and medium sized) need to start making swim checks? I'm also thinking of putting an actual real world timer on the group to increase the urgency a bit (we have been having some trouble with turn length lately). Any suggestions or has anyone ran something like this that you think may work better/easier?

Any input is appreciated.

Left Capstan
The left-hand capstan turns counterclockwise. Each
turn represents a 90-degree rotation. The first turn
closes and locks the entrance to the chamber (as
noted above) and activates the gargoyles. Each gargoyle’s
mouth opens, and a stream of water issues
from it, spilling onto the floor (see Gargoyles, below,
for specific effects). The second turn doubles the gargoyles’
output of water. The third turn generates a
darkness effect centered on the capstan. The fourth
turn returns the capstan to its original position and
stops the flow of water (though the darkness remains
for the length of its 30-minute duration).
Right Capstan
The right-hand capstan turns clockwise, but otherwise
functions identically to the left-hand capstan.
The water flow generated by the two capstans is
cumulative. Unless both are at their starting position,
the water continues to flow.
If both capstans are in the three-quarter position
(double flow with darkness), four gargoyles magically
summon Small fiendish vipers. Each snake slithers
out of a gargoyle’s mouth and into the water. The
snakes remain for 5 rounds or until slain.
dSnakes, Small Fiendish Vipers (4): hp 5, 4, 3,
4; see Monster Manual.

The twenty-three stone gargoyles are actually magical
constructs that create water at an alarming rate
(more than 20 gallons per round each). At its standard
flow, the water fills the room at a rate of 1 inch
per round. At double flow, this increases to 2 inches
per round. Since the flow generated by the two capstans
is cumulative, the maximum water flow is 4
inches per round.
The spray of water from a gargoyle’s mouth varies
from a gurgling stream to a powerful geyser. At
normal flow, the water has no hazardous effect on
those in the room. Treat any character within 5 feet of
a gargoyle as being in rain (–4 penalty on ranged
attacks; –4 penalty on Spot, Search, and Listen checks;
flames are extinguished, 50% chance if protected).
If either capstan is generating double flow
(meaning the room is filling at 2 or 3 inches per
round), the stream from each gargoyle’s mouth
becomes a strong spray reaching 10 feet into the
room. Treat this as if the characters were in a storm
(ranged attacks are impossible; –8 penalty on Spot,
Search, and Listen checks; flames are extinguished,
50% chance if protected).
If both capstans are generating a double flow
(meaning the room is filling at 4 inches per round),
the spray from each gargoyle’s mouth turns into a
powerful geyser. In addition to the effects noted for
a 2- or 3-inch per round fill rate above, anyone
standing within 10 feet of a gargoyle suffers 2d4
points of subdual damage from the blast and must
make a successful Strength check (DC 15) to avoid
being knocked down. If the check fails by 10 or
more points, the character is also stunned for 1
round and may begin to drown. Casting a spell in
these conditions requires a Concentration check
(DC 10 + spell level).
Each gargoyle has hardness 8 and 60 hit points.
Damaging a gargoyle has no effect on the water flow,
though destroying one ends its effect. Unless the
PCs destroy several gargoyles in this manner, the
effect on the water flow is minimal.

Shutting off the Water
A 5-foot-by-5-foot stone vent has been set in the
floor; it can be found with a Search check (DC 25) as
a secret door. When both capstans have been
returned to their original positions, the flow of water
stops and the vent slides open, revealing a large iron
grate. The water drains away, its level dropping 1
inch per round. As the last of the water swirls down
the drain, the door unlocks with a loud “KACHUNK,”
and the sliding vent door closes.

2015-07-22, 09:35 AM
Swim checks are right off their character sheet. Height in inches minus 10% or so. I'd start with easier than normal checks until the water is actually over the characters head.

Of course if the character is the one ducking under the water to operate the capstan, I might add a penalty instead.

If they get it stuck in the 4"/rnd position, in the dark, fighting snakes, the halfling is in trouble in 8 rounds. The tall guys will have twice as long at least. That seems a long time in some ways. If they can set one position per round, it's only 16 rounds to try them all, so the tall guys aren't really in trouble. Especially since many of the settings have even slower water.

Depending on how well you think your party might work this puzzle out, I'd at least double the output, and might go for feet of water instead of inches.

2015-07-22, 09:43 AM
And yes, I'd use something resembling a real timer.

If the characters are discussing what to do among themselves, keep telling them "the water is now 3" deep" "the water is now 5" deep" every 15 seconds or so (slower than actual rounds).
If they are rolling dice, pause your clock.