View Full Version : Robot Warrior ideas

2015-07-22, 02:20 PM

So looking at the Warforged race, and the Mineral Warrior template, and feeling a bit creative.

What kind of Hard-as-nails Robot Warrior build ideas can people think of?

I was thinking perhaps a Warlock with Eldritch Glaive - various useful powers and a huge freakin' laser sword.

Maybe a Psychic Warrior with Expansion, a Deep Crystal Fullblade and charging feats?

Perhaps a Crusader, for super-"tank"iness?

Any cool ideas, anybody?

2015-07-22, 02:55 PM
I think a glaive is more like a polearm than a sword.

2015-07-22, 03:10 PM
I think a glaive is more like a polearm than a sword.

If the invocation only said that, it would eliminate an astounding amount of confusion.

2015-07-23, 07:41 AM
Crusader all the way. First they have to get past your AC, then past your DR, then past your general big bag o' HP, and then there's still a ton of maneuvers. Get your DM drunk enough to get him to let you take Human Heritage and Troll-Blooded and watch the ensuing chaos.

2015-07-23, 10:00 AM
You said creative, so not quite sure if this is actually a good idea, but I think it sounds cool. Starting a a barbarian, maybe for the first 1-3 levels, then go to the crusader, keeping the chaotic good. If playing by this, Tymora would seem like a good choice, being bold & willing to take chances. Stepping out of just being a hunk of wood & stone, & actually living. Also, as a warforged, take all the bonuses you can get, like embedded weapons. For the weapons cost plus 600 gp, get a flail or longsword attached to your body. It is "sheathed" when not in use, so you still have use of both hands. You gain + to sleight of hand checks when "unsheathing", & you can't be disarmed unless you are 0 hp or lower. I would choose flail because of the trip & disarm, but your choice. Enchanting your ownself as armor is pretty cool too. I'm just trying to imagine a warforged with Ghost Touched. But now you've really got me. I now wanna play a barbarian/crusader warforged. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:Hope this helps.

2015-07-24, 09:48 AM
Ha yeah thanks guys.

Crusader would be beefy as..

But also, I'm thinking Barbarian for the obvious Rage and possible Pounce...

What fun things could you do with a Mineral Warrior Warforged Psywar? Expansion would be a given?

Maybe Barbarian2/Psywar2/Crusader X?

Oh oh oh but what about Warlock... Invisible, Flying, shooting lasers.. perhaps using Eldritch Claws with some of the Psywar claw powers??

Oh the options amuse me. :)

2015-07-24, 12:41 PM
If the invocation only said that, it would eliminate an astounding amount of confusion.It actually does:
Your eldritch blast takes on physical substance, appearing similar to a glaive. As a full-round action, you can make a single melee touch attack as it wielding a reach weapon. If you hit, your target is affected as if struck by your eldritch blast (including any eldritch essence applied to the blast).

A glaive has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it, but you can’t use it against an adjacent foe. And then there is the image of a glaive on p. 115 of the PHB.

2015-07-24, 01:06 PM
Take Dragon Shaman and breathe fire, cold, electricity, etc. every round. It has the added benefit of being Con-SAD, and if you only pick long duration buff invocations then there's no drawback to using heavy armor/Adamantine Body and a (nonproficient) tower shield.

2015-07-24, 02:09 PM
Warforged Druid.

I don't have to explain why, do I?

2015-07-24, 02:43 PM
Warforged Druid.

I don't have to explain why, do I?

Robotic, fire-breathing T-Rex?

2015-07-24, 03:16 PM
Robotic, fire-breathing T-Rex?

Doesn't have to be a T-Rex, nor does it need fire. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformers:_Beast_Wars) Though they do help.