View Full Version : Shargon Baiting encounter from Grasp of the Emerald Claw?

2015-07-22, 02:59 PM
The Eberron adventure The Grasp of the Emerald Claw had a Sahuagin/Dire Shark encounter that was significantly cut down in the final product. The author, Bruce Cordell, had published the original encounter on his own site/network. It was entitled Shargon Baiting. I have the old link address, but it appears that the internet archive didn't ever capture a copy of it. Here is the (now dead) link:


Does anyone happen to have this encounter saved, and be willing to share it? I remember using it back in 2008 or so, and it was a great encounter.

I was able to find enough info in reviews of GotEC that I can piece together something approximating it*, but I just figured I'd ask and hope some of you fine people were clairvoyant enough to have saved a copy of the encounter somewhere...

*Sahuagin nets snag the underwater craft and slow it down enough that the Dire Shark starts advancing on the craft. The PC's have to drink the supplied potions of underwater breathing, go out with a few of the crew, and cut four nets from the submersible. All the while, the shark is gaining on the ship, and IIRC from when I ran it, there were four (?) Sahuagins that had to be fought off, too (protecting the nets snaring the ship). I'm sure there were required swim and/or balance checks to move along the hull, but what the appropriate DC's would be... that I can't recall.

2015-07-23, 01:46 PM
FYI - I contacted Bruce Cordell at his current blog (Apple "blew up all their blogs," which is why the old link went dead) and he was kind enough to repost this encounter. Here is the link to the new post:
