View Full Version : Disney XD Guardians of the Galaxy (another MCU tie-in, AGAIN).

2015-07-22, 11:09 PM
Can't watch the vids, on data plan in Myanmar but heard from comments that Rocket's voice is annoying.
Judging by summary, it will be the MCU version, meaning that we will be getting another space terrorist Ronan instead of Blue and brutal authority figure (I don't know but Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Hero nailed that part, and EMH has little screen time on him and feel like generic space superior officer). And definitely no Nova Corps with super powers (Definitely wanted that part) and no Richard Rider. Probably add some new characters only when movie came out and flanderized version of them (read the comic tie-in and Gamora became a motherly-figure instead of coldblooded-assasin, like poor man's Kenshin from anime series with comedic elements). And not Abnett's version of Space Commandos, which Bendis gleefully ruined that storyline for the movies and turned it into "let's shove in Marvel earth heroes with four characters from the movie" (even James Gunn hated his approach).
Well, Man of Action, you done goofed AGAIN.
On second thought, maybe we can start Dominic Deegan and Starpower-esque thread on this (Sarcasm and MST3K).

2015-07-22, 11:16 PM
Can't watch the vids, on data plan in Myanmar but heard from comments that Rocket's voice is annoying.
Judging by summary, it will be the MCU version, meaning that we will be getting another space terrorist Ronan instead of Blue and brutal authority figure (I don't know but Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Hero nailed that part, and EMH has little screen time on him and feel like generic space superior officer). And definitely no Nova Corps with super powers (Definitely wanted that part) and no Richard Rider. Probably add some new characters only when movie came out and flanderized version of them (read the comic tie-in and Gamora became a motherly-figure instead of coldblooded-assasin, like poor man's Kenshin from anime series with comedic elements). And not Abnett's version of Space Commandos, which Bendis gleefully ruined that storyline for the movies and turned it into "let's shove in Marvel earth heroes with four characters from the movie" (even James Gunn hated his approach).
Well, Man of Action, you done goofed AGAIN.
On second thought, maybe we can start Dominic Deegan and Starpower-esque thread on this (Sarcasm and MST3K).

It can't be much worse than Avengers Assembled... Oh wait.. It probably will be if it's anything like their guest appearance on the show last season.

2015-07-23, 02:51 AM
On second thought, maybe we can start Dominic Deegan and Starpower-esque thread on this (Sarcasm and MST3K).

You know I really ought to read Dominic Deegan just can't see it being worse than Starpower if anything I could use something to cross off some fantasy tropes since I picked up Fantasy AGE and fancy running a post apocalyptic game ala Thundarr the Barbarian except no freaking lasers!

Magical Beam guns that's much better!:smallsmile:

Okay thanks for the link personally I'm more offended at Star Lord's voice since he comes off as Spiderman-lite instead of like he was in that first clip they showed what last year the one where Rocket jumps off a skyscraper and is told he needs bigger blasters?

Really needs a cockney accent to go with Rocket's voice acting!

I actually liked that Fantastic Four animated series its a shame they consider those movies bad when the only change was having Galactus turn up in full on giant mode at the climax of the Silver Surfer movie ending with TO BE CONTINUED...

You know enough to make you realise the fan's busted because of the sheer awesome that just hit the screen... but no they chickened out... pity liked their version of Doom just hope they do well with their reboot.

2015-07-24, 03:28 AM
Well, would be better if they made it as "what happened after GOTG 1, Peter Quill's time as Ravagers, and pre-GOTG 2" like Dragon Riders of Berk and Mummy cartoon.
Since Marvel ruined Korvac by making him a warlord instead of space demigod, here's some to give people nightmares: Introducing Mantis in not-Celestial Madonna with her marrying Groot.

2015-07-24, 06:14 AM
It looked interesting to me from the trailer I saw earlier. I'd have to see an actual episode to really know if it's good, but it has a little potential.

2015-07-24, 08:29 PM
It looked interesting to me from the trailer I saw earlier. I'd have to see an actual episode to really know if it's good, but it has a little potential.
I read the tie-in comic.
- Gamora is a bit more flanderized on "peaceful part" but then again, I don't know how Gamora was in GOTG comics other than sleeping with Richard Rider and comment on "if Peter Quill touch her, she would cut off his hand".
- Either it's prequel to GOTG 2, like Dragon Riders of Berk, or another MCU rip-offs.
- Marvel said that they screwed up "Cartoons are for kids" idea and still no serious cartoon, other than bad japanese ones, yet.

2015-08-01, 11:15 PM
So am I the one who seem to think about Spiderman:Reign whenever I see Peter's mom who may got cancer from
his energy being dad.
Fortunately, Spiderman Reign is not canon until Spider Island, which MJ was resistant to Spider mutant disease thanks to her "time" with Peter Parker.
Definitely MCU's Dragon Riders of Berk, aka interquel.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-01, 11:37 PM
So am I the one who seem to think about Spiderman:Reign whenever I see Peter's mom who may got cancer from
his energy being dad.
Fortunately, Spiderman Reign is not canon until Spider Island, which MJ was resistant to Spider mutant disease thanks to her "time" with Peter Parker.

Yes, yes you are.

Definitely MCU's Dragon Riders of Berk, aka interquel.

No. It, like all the Marvel cartoons, just use the movies as their inspiration in terms of art, story, and characterization. They aren't in any way literal tie-ins to the MCU, they're as non-canon as X-Men Evolution or Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

2015-08-02, 12:29 AM
I would say that the film is canon to the series, but it isn't canon to the MCU. So it would be like the Mummy TV show.

I hope it isn't connected to the Marvel Animated Crapverse (Ultimate Dragonfly Spider-Man, Avengers Assemble, Hulk & the Agents of SMASH), because that series needs to die. Right now. The character designs are different from the ones in USM, but that could just be an art shift.

#BringBackAvengersEMH sigh.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-02, 01:00 AM
I would say that the film is canon to the series, but it isn't canon to the MCU. So it would be like the Mummy TV show.

More like they'll assume the audience generally knows who these characters are because of the movie. No direct canonical connection because, well, that's confusing for one (how can it be connected to one film in the universe but not the universe that film is a part of?) but mostly they'll want to broadly slide the characters into more kid-friendly re-imaginings where Peter isn't having casual sex and they aren't killing people left and right. Avengers Assemble did the same thing, it just kind of assumed some version of The Avengers happened in this reality but none of it literally did.

They're there to sell toys.

I hope it isn't connected to the Marvel Animated Crapverse (Ultimate Dragonfly Spider-Man, Avengers Assemble, Hulk & the Agents of SMASH), because that series needs to die. Right now. The character designs are different from the ones in USM, but that could just be an art shift.

#BringBackAvengersEMH sigh.

That I don't know. Originally when they posted a quick peek into what they were going to do the animation was much more interesting compared to the Marvel Animated Universe's rather generically smooth style. It was more stylized, the colours used had more contrast and thus popped, and the character designs less realistic and more angular. Then the recent advertisements showed none of that, it looks fairly consistent with their other animated offerings.

2015-08-02, 01:32 AM
More like they'll assume the audience generally knows who these characters are because of the movie. No direct canonical connection because, well, that's confusing for one (how can it be connected to one film in the universe but not the universe that film is a part of?) but mostly they'll want to broadly slide the characters into more kid-friendly re-imaginings where Peter isn't having casual sex and they aren't killing people left and right. Avengers Assemble did the same thing, it just kind of assumed some version of The Avengers happened in this reality but none of it literally did.

They're there to sell toys.
But even the old Marvel's promotional shows went to old formula through adapting old comics rather than ripping off "inspired by movies", which is why people like Earth's Mightiest Heroes (for me, return it in Netflix since they could have Vision and Scarlet Witch, along with darker Annihilation Wave and Hercules' "personality").
Well, considering Disney's history with serious cartoons (see Gargoyles, Recess' refusal to move to another timeslot, motor city, and EMH), this is to be expected. Including Jeph Loeb's decision to make it "kid friendly" and ruin EMHverse after destroying Ultimate universe [made worse with a fit of son-loss madness] (I don't know why am I enjoying his Sam Alexander Nova comic).
And they are releasing new seasons to Avengers Assemble and Ultimate Spiderman (luckily, Agent of Smash is gone...For Now) next year, which they will ruin Kamala Khan too (Please just make standalone. You can put a metaphorical insult to DC with their own Plasticman).
I am feeling that Warner Brothers, except for "flaws" (cancelling Young Justice and Green Lantern), are pretty much not that reliant on kid-friendly image.
That or using Superfriends as a reference point to make better DCAU.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-02, 04:04 AM
But even the old Marvel's promotional shows went to old formula through adapting old comics rather than ripping off"inspired by movies"

They can't really rip-off their own movies, they're there's to begin with. Besides that, the only "inspiration" is in their aesthetic and certain character choices -- because kids recognize them from the movie. Nothing in Ultimate Spider-Man or Hulk Agents of SMASH was taken from a movie, none of the scripts for any of the series were some kind of secondary adaptation of a movie scripts. I don't recall the Avengers fighting Squadron Supreme in any of the movies, nor Spider-Man leading a team of young heroes in the MCU.

Anyways, how is it any different than adapting their comics? You're making an arbitrary moral distinction between mediums here.

, which is why people like Earth's Mightiest Heroes (for me, return it in Netflix since they could have Vision and Scarlet Witch along with dark Annihilation Wave).

Well, not really. The quality of the current shows has very little to do with its connection with the MCU, and even if it did the MCU are also based off of comics.

Well, considering Disney's history with serious cartoons (see Gargoyles, Recess' refusal to move to another timeslot, motor city, and EMH), this is to be expected. Including Jeph Loeb's decision to make it "kid friendly" and ruin EMHverse after destroying Ultimate universe [made worse with a fit of son-loss madness] (I don't know why am I enjoying his Sam Alexander Nova comic).

As I said, they want to sell toys. This is apparently how you do it since the current shows are a financial success.

Also, Loeb's written some awful comics certainly, but the man's also written some remarkable Eisner-award winning titles in his career.

And they are releasing new seasons to Avengers Assemble and Ultimate Spiderman (luckily, Agent of Smash is gone...For Now) next year, which they will ruin Kamala Khan too (Please just make standalone. You can put a metaphorical insult to DC with their own Plasticman).

I don't know why you keep comparing her to Plasticman. Marvel has had Reed Richards for over half a century now, and I'm fairly certain he's the more renowned character at this point. Besides that her powers are more than just stretching her body. She can alter her size and mass, can heal herself, and change her appearance as she wants. She's really not Marvel's Plastic Man.

2015-08-02, 04:22 AM
I don't know why you keep comparing her to Plasticman. Marvel has had Reed Richards for over half a century now, and I'm fairly certain he's the more renowned character at this point. Besides that her powers are more than just stretching her body. She can alter her size and mass, can heal herself, and change her appearance as she wants. She's really not Marvel's Plastic Man.
Plastic Man as in "Stretchy and Fun-filled" aspect.
I know Mr. Fantastic but Kamala's more like Plastic Man, especially DC Shorts, to me.
edit: to KittenChampion: For me,
1) purpose of Superhero cartoon is to introduce the audience to the universe and mythos of the franchise.
2) Usually it's separate, which Avengers Assemble don't (Hulk punching Thor alot, Hulk wearing jumpsuit instead of Indestructible's barbarian armor (http://www.geekedoutnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/indestructible-hulk-special-1-cov.jpg), no other Avengers until movie come out, Inhumans* vs. Shield War from tv series, etc.)
3) Mostly it's based on comic book stories (one good thing from EMH: making Antman likable instead of some unknown guy who's know for hitting his wife).
4) I kinda have a strange correlation that DC had good animated series but bad movies (to some degree) while vice versa for Marvel (well, good ones--like X-Men and censored Spiderman--were made by Fox and made during X-Men craze of 90's). Same goes for era too (Justice League was good when Superhero movies were dead, which my theory believed that DC began to shifts towards animation after Superhero film bust thanks to horrible Steel movie).
5) Vice President say that Jeph's idea goofed but still no serious cartoon other than bad Japanese ones.
* I don't know but they're becoming MCU's mutants. Most of the good ones came from isolationist area, space, and War of Kings. No insults to current ones.

2015-08-17, 02:25 PM
Just watched Groot's origin.
Why am I thinking about Kree's genociding tree people when they lose a contest over whog gets to join the then-peaceful Skrulls (who chose the tree people's garden over Kree's city), even though both of them are different tree species?
And Rocket.
I know most wanted Cockney but I kinda want Marcus Fenix from Gears of War as his VA.
"Rocket as a mean of propulsion and a weapon".
And he isn't a lunatic asylum guard at all, even though that might be less PC.
Hope that Nova will be a cameo as a test pilot for new "Centurion Armor", which will be similar to Human Rocket. Think Iron Man and Green Lantern has a love child with Blue Beetle (possessed AI thingy) as another mother. At least the brat from USM wouldn't be in the show (me thinks that both USM and comic version are half-Xandarian. Come on, can't at least a half-alien have parents who decided to raise a family rather than a product of one night stand.)
Still has mixed feelings but would be a bit honest if they say "interquel" to GOTG2.

2015-08-17, 02:52 PM
I don't know why you keep comparing her to Plasticman. Marvel has had Reed Richards for over half a century now, and I'm fairly certain he's the more renowned character at this point. Besides that her powers are more than just stretching her body. She can alter her size and mass, can heal herself, and change her appearance as she wants. She's really not Marvel's Plastic Man.

Actually the more you describe her, the more she begins to sound like Plastic Man. I think your thinking about the Elongated Man, who can mainly stretch his body.
Plastic Man on the other hand has a JLA level powerset, being able to grow to the size of a skyscraper and regenerate after spending 3000 years on the bottom of the ocean as fragmented molekyles.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-17, 05:40 PM
Actually the more you describe her, the more she begins to sound like Plastic Man. I think your thinking about the Elongated Man, who can mainly stretch his body.
Plastic Man on the other hand has a JLA level powerset, being able to grow to the size of a skyscraper and regenerate after spending 3000 years on the bottom of the ocean as fragmented molekyles.

They have similar polymorph abilities, yes, though she has nothing to that ridiculous degree - and neither Mister Fantastic or Plastic Man shape-shift into other people like Mystique or the Skrulls.

Though I think what bugs me is because her powerset may be the single least important thing about her as a character, specifically and in general. Calling her merely "Marvel's Plastic Man" over and over again does Kamala a disservice as a unique and vibrant character.

Reddish Mage
2015-08-19, 07:12 PM
Seems to me all the new Marvel Disney shows have taken the approach of deciding previous cartoons were too high-minded. Instead, they have done everything to make the dialogue and action suitable to fit the attention span and logical capacity of a 5-year old with ADHD.

2015-08-19, 07:20 PM
Well, ironically this new show was created in response to your saying, ReddishMage. That was what Vice President of Marvel's tv department said.
edit: well, considering Disney's history with serious cartoon (remember Gargoyle), this was to be expected. They could have made a separate channel for mature cartoon (not to Southpark level) but that was called "Toon Disney" and its block "Jetix".

Reddish Mage
2015-08-19, 08:02 PM
Well, ironically this new show was created in response to your saying, ReddishMage. That was what Vice President of Marvel's tv department said.
edit: well, considering Disney's history with serious cartoon (remember Gargoyle), this was to be expected. They could have made a separate channel for mature cartoon (not to Southpark level) but that was called "Toon Disney" and its block "Jetix".

Really? I just watched a few of the intro's and all of them had in common that they flittered from one situation to another spastically while the hero simply adapted and spouted one-liners.

Except the little bit of Groot's I got did slow it down a bit to give a very barebones and bland origin story.

Very similar to what I saw in Avengers Assembled. The one Agents of SMASH I saw seemed to me to be the most intelligent of the bunch...

2015-08-19, 08:53 PM
Really? I just watched a few of the intro's and all of them had in common that they flittered from one situation to another spastically while the hero simply adapted and spouted one-liners.

Except the little bit of Groot's I got did slow it down a bit to give a very barebones and bland origin story.

Very similar to what I saw in Avengers Assembled. The one Agents of SMASH I saw seemed to me to be the most intelligent of the bunch...
On the other hand, unintentional reference to Spiderman: Reign in Starlord's origin (cancer from dad?).
edit: I don't know but Agent of SMASH is considered as worst of the bunch. And I don't know but Groot should be a bit better but people will not know the old Groot's story by Stan Lee...and Rocket as Lunatic Asylum guard (the latter is abit less PC for kids too).
And here's the worst case scenario: Celestial Madonna with Groot and Mantis.

Reddish Mage
2015-08-20, 11:47 AM
I saw a Agents of SMASH episode done as a reality show, and Deathlok showed up, and aliens. So I saw the stupidity as social commentary.

2015-08-21, 12:35 AM
Let's see
- Starlord might be mix of "Spiderman: Reign mom" (or unless she was shot by alien and died at hospital) and "Pete the Alien Wedlock child" since he got the laser gun.
- Rocket isn't at least Bendis "Bamm, I kill you" psychopathc. Not great but at least he did have a heart unlike that new one. Either than or Youtube commentor really hate Bendis' "space Avengers".
- Drax is...still not "undead white human with magic daughter".
- Gamora, in the comics, she is more motherly.
- Groot is just last tree on earth.
On the bright side, it is a bit better than expected (I expected Rocket to be a berserker man child).
Me thinks that it's starting to look like Mummy: Animated Series approach to movie canon (like not canon but would be used in sequel). That means Nova too (maybe they used Infinity Stone, or Richard Rider as recruit and test pilot for Xandarian Ironman Nova Centurion armor, plus a homage to Guy Gardner).
Disney..Disney..You just had to put good talents in other shows and/or not listen to them. Ironic that Jeph can't have satisfaction of ruining other universes (or Ultimate was when he went bonkers over his son's death). This is me, who actually enjoyed Pewdiepie (equally terrible youtube show) and Sam Alexander (the comics!) but the latter's excuse for "bringing Rich back will ruin his ending" is moot now. At least Hulk will not get a new season, should have used Namor, Dr. Strange, and Deadpool (imagine an arrogant sea-king, a psychopath, sane magician, and an angry green dude fighting EACHOTHER and an Elf With a Gun).

2015-08-23, 03:20 PM
Watched the GOTG's Drax origin.
Wait, :smalleek: did he showed humane side? I mean the comic version and movie version would break his word and killed him on that spot. They made him more like Asura from Asura's Wrath (think Kratos, but willingness to protect innocent people and showed genuinely good ideals despite being a war god).
Or Man of Action's writers decided to improve their writing to insult Bendis, who made Rocket Racoon and Drax as blood-thirsty psychopaths despite being well-developed in Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning's run.

Reddish Mage
2015-08-26, 08:23 PM
Watched the GOTG's Drax origin.
Wait, :smalleek: did he showed humane side? I mean the comic version and movie version would break his word and killed him on that spot. They made him more like Asura from Asura's Wrath (think Kratos, but willingness to protect innocent people and showed genuinely good ideals despite being a war god).
Or Man of Action's writers decided to improve their writing to insult Bendis, who made Rocket Racoon and Drax as blood-thirsty psychopaths despite being well-developed in Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning's run.

I think its quite clear they can't do the bloodthirsty Drax and holocaust-survivor Gamorra, because this is aimed at a very young crowd. What I don't understand is why they think adult movie tie-ins work for marketing.

Notice how this one starts in-media-res, explanations are given in very short, digestible chunks, accompanied by the appropriate images, and that the action is occurring at a lightning fast clip with no transition.

I do feel the substitution of protective instincts completely for what one-could-guess was an original motive of vengeance gives Drax an appealing character as a literal-minded, simple, but very empathetic and heroic sort. A Forest Gump who looks better in a muscle shirt.

2015-08-26, 08:58 PM
I think its quite clear they can't do the bloodthirsty Drax and holocaust-survivor Gamorra, because this is aimed at a very young crowd. What I don't understand is why they think adult movie tie-ins work for marketing.

Notice how this one starts in-media-res, explanations are given in very short, digestible chunks, accompanied by the appropriate images, and that the action is occurring at a lightning fast clip with no transition.

I do feel the substitution of protective instincts completely for what one-could-guess was an original motive of vengeance gives Drax an appealing character as a literal-minded, simple, but very empathetic and heroic sort. A Forest Gump who looks better in a muscle shirt.
So he's like Asurafrom Asura's Wrath than Kratos.
Edit: so comparison between this with Bendis, Abnett, and MCU version.

2015-09-13, 05:42 PM
Let's speculate that the cube thingy is Spiderman's marriage and Thanos wanted to erased it to prevent the birth of Spidergirl.
Just saying and they already had MJ and PP broke up as a kid in Ultimate Spiderman as further salt to the wound (I don't care I still see it as a subtle reference to One More Day).

2015-09-26, 12:53 AM
As cheesy as it sounds, definitely they are going to have comic version (Bendis) in there since Peter Quill's dad maybe J'Son instead of Starfox or some Spiderman: Reign dude.
I heard that Moondragon is going to be there but the problem is that her dad is Drax, who was an undead white guy back in her heyday.

Rogar Demonblud
2015-09-28, 03:13 PM
Finally saw the show yesterday. And once again Cosmo is my favorite Guardian. I don't know what it is about a dog with a Russian accent I find hilarious, but it is what it is.

2015-09-28, 03:21 PM
Finally saw the show yesterday. And once again Cosmo is my favorite Guardian. I don't know what it is about a dog with a Russian accent I find hilarious, but it is what it is.
Also other than MCU, so they are going with Bendis or Abnett version.

2015-10-02, 01:52 AM
So the Collector's VA is bad. I think I changed my mind.
Anyone wanted to inform me on comparing this to Bendis though I kinda remember the latter as making Rocket and Drax as bloodthirsty psychopath.

2015-10-02, 08:23 AM
The show seems mostly okay if unremarkable, but I was really unhappy with how they handled Thanos. Thanos is one of Marvel's best villains. He's smart, he's got tons of personality, a complicated motivation, and he's not 100% evil all of the time (even if he is mostly pretty darn evil). This version of him is just a dull as dishwater cosmic overlord who spouts evil cliches and shows no style whatsoever. I hope that's not a sign of things to come in the movies.

2015-10-02, 10:35 AM
Just hope that this Thanos didn't have some cartoonish idea involving erasing Spiderman's marriage and Spidergirl with Gauntlet or Cosmic Seed.
Well, consider that Ultimate Spiderman adapted One More Day in first episode wit this little flashback.
Yep, they will have it in the future.

2015-10-13, 12:43 AM
Well, *head desk* *head desk*.
If it was separate, we would be having Moondragon sooner and Chronos would be included. Maybe Drax would still be an alien, albeit an undead avatar to kill Thanos.
edit: Also they should market it as "midquel" and "showing MCU verse with ability to show things that aren't allowed in movie". And the premiere of Human Rocket.

2015-11-09, 12:52 AM
Just realize something...
Ever wonder why Marvel famous half aliens (both humans and other aliens) are product of extramarital affairs? I mean Starlord, Hulkling.
This is because 1) Disney XD's intolerance for wedlock children and 2) Starlord's half alien and had a single mom. I know they will not explore there and haven't learn from their mistakes YET (possibly will include OMD with Loki using cosmic seed to destroy Peter Parker's future daughter as an insult).
Well, kinda feel that Marvel could use some interspecies couple but I kinda read Sam Alexander's comic and implied that Sam's dad may be a humanoid alien.

2015-11-09, 03:22 PM
What I don't understand is why they think adult movie tie-ins work for marketing.

To paraphrase Red Letter Media - kids didn't want to be young Anakin, they want to be Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. Kids want to be the adults, not other kids. Even if the medium being adapted wasn't aimed at that age group, the smart business people know that parents took their kids to see the damn thing anyway and that kids will make action figure requests accordingly.

So yes, however loosely the cartoon is going to be based on the MCU whether the MCU was intended for kids or not.

2015-11-09, 04:05 PM
To paraphrase Red Letter Media - kids didn't want to be young Anakin, they want to be Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. Kids want to be the adults, not other kids. Even if the medium being adapted wasn't aimed at that age group, the smart business people know that parents took their kids to see the damn thing anyway and that kids will make action figure requests accordingly.

So yes, however loosely the cartoon is going to be based on the MCU whether the MCU was intended for kids or not.
Well, Peter is part spartoi but mom possibly died from cancer.
No episode about him but possibly not bastard child since wedlock is a big No no on kids' show.
Then there's my post on why Marvel comics tend to hate on idea that human and alien having a family (depends if Sam's dad is an alien). That kinda catch my attention whenever I check out Starlord and Hulkling origins.

2015-11-13, 04:57 PM
And they adapted Bendis' story that ruined the whole Venom storyline.