View Full Version : Roleplaying Theme Ideas for a new character (Pyromaniac)

2015-07-23, 12:12 AM
Hey guys, so a friend of mine is getting ready to try and run a 4e Resident Evil themed campaign soon, and in the party we're rolling up I'm going to be playing a hybrid Monk/Sorcerer who specilizes in pretty much all of the close blast and close burst aoe carnage. More specifically I'm making a character that is sort of a homage to the idea of Yang from the RWBY series. More importantly, the dm currently is wanting to try and keep to the spirit of Resident Evil, so most everything that is blatantly magic he's wanting to skin as not magic unless we have a super good explanantion for it. Which leaves my character subbing that all of her powers are bassically her using a combination of a military grade shot gun with dragonsbreath rounds and pyrokinesis since psionics is a thing in that world setting. Also all of her powers will be dealing fire damage, because I wanted to have fun playing a tiefling in all their glory of being able to cause the world to burn.

Personality wise I'm going to try and keep her as close to Yang's as I can, though because of how he's writing up the story the character will technically be a 23-24 year old member of a star's team that happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when all hell breaks loose.

So theme ideas, its sort of a tradition in our group for everyone to have a theme song for their character for when they start to do something epic, and currently all I have as options are one of the remix versions of the I Burn theme from RWBY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XoOt-5pW_Q

Anyone have any other good ideas for some good theme songs that would fit the character idea?