View Full Version : Serpent's Skull IC-Interactive

2015-07-23, 12:14 AM
This is an IC thread, like the main one. However, this is for side conversation that is not "immediate" on the timeline. Say Ankarum wanted to banter with such-and-so about this-and-that. As long as it is not intrinsic to "current events," this is the place. This way, even when there is "action" going on in the main thread, current-off-camera and previous conversations for RP fun (or expedition by me) can occur here.

Here's how it works, even though there are only two players. If Ankarum needs to speak to someone, you would put "Ankarum >>> Xxxxx" on the spoiler heading, and write message inside. where Xxxxx is the name of the person or group to whom he speaks. The reply would be the same on the Spoiler heading, "Xxxx >>> Ankarum." All text is to occur inside spoilering; there should be nothing outside spoilers.

For example:
"So, how much do men pay for a Calistrian's ... services?"
"People have desires. Desires are wants. We figure how badly they want it and if they can have it."
Again, this in no way takes the place of current situations "on camera." Also, as most of these side conversations are forms of ret-con, nothing in these side conversations can provide guidance or illumination or any other meta that might change the current choices of on-camera, nor may they benefit of on-camera events if the conversation occurred in the past.

I also might put little side things here for individual characters to keep the full IC clear.

2015-09-17, 03:08 AM
It's not that you have to have it, but I am so plot-push intensive (if you couldn't tell) because pbp is too slow for traditional RP. Don't forget this thread for conversations with each other or NPCs when they are not decision-point discussions in the main thread.

2015-09-17, 08:53 AM
Do you know how to add titles to spoilers written in code?

2015-09-17, 09:07 AM
Two ways:
1) When using the Spoiler button, you are prompted.

2) Writing out code, on the first line it would look like..

2015-09-17, 03:31 PM
Hello Tempest!*excited* My name is Ankarum. It is great honor to be traveling with so wise a person. Ankarum is very interested in poisons, venoms, and toxins. Does Tempest have knowledge of such things? Does your companion produce venom? Does Tempest know how to make anti-venom? Will you spar with Ankarum? Ankarum's trident is new and needs practice. Apologies for so many questions.

2015-09-18, 04:04 AM
"Stupid Pale One. Ignorant youth. You brave the Challenge of Water and win, and now because this was Gozreh's will that I am wind-sent to help you, eh? How can I be one with the creatures that scuttle and crawl without understanding the most common predatorial power of most ... poison. Tell me what you know about healing a man before you tell me you want to learn how to poison him."

2015-09-18, 07:06 AM
*abashed*Forgive me wise one, Ankarum meant no disrespect. Ankarum has learned some small bit of natural healing during travels. Ankarum will show you."
The savage warrior discusses medicine with the priest for a while.
"Ankarums knowledge is small compared to Tempest. The poison knowledge Ankarum seeks is to help him protect the party. Most others seek magic to aid them and sharpen their weapons. Ankarum seeks aid from the Natural world. Most see this as lesser to magic, but Ankarum has always been connected to nature and this is right for Ankarum. Will Tempest help?"

2015-09-19, 05:18 AM
"Hmmm. Modesty false or true, one wonders. But it cannot be denied that Gozreh has blessed you with the standing of the liquids and breaths of a body to balance them. Pale Ones call them 'humors.' I can teach you no more of what you know, but I can broaden this with great and different knowledge of same of Mwangi ways. Make you better in travel and more self-sufficient in the jungle. Poisons, yes, they too. Only proper ones. I teach you about how things work. Then, I teach how nature provides all the help you need. Poisons are water in the body by weapon, water by food, or air by powder. He only doesn't like those ones that sneak through the skin. I teach you how to harvest. But, no, you shall not have any contact with my friend. She is not a 'thing,' but a she, and she demands respect."

2015-12-28, 05:53 PM
"I am not sad, I think you mean. I cry because I am happy. Your chief say my parents were killed by blue devil, but you all kill the devil and avenge my parents. I am happy to have my locket with drawing of my father."

2016-01-22, 09:16 PM
when next Ankarum can approach Tempest for Alchemy training he broaches a topic that has been bothering him.
"Wise Tempest. Ankarum hopes he is progressing to your liking in his training. Ankarum would like to obtain some poison to add to his ability to protect the party. Ankarum is not ready to make such toxins but if you could make some for Ankarum, that would be very good. This would be a great debt Ankarum would owe to Tempest. What say you."

2016-01-22, 09:23 PM
He shakes his head. "I will not do for you, but teach you to do for yourself. The Tempest is an ascetic. I do as much with as little as possible. And on the road as we are, I have not the time."

2016-01-26, 08:00 PM
Don't rob yourselves of good RP, so continue Ankarum>>>Lalarlia here, if you'd like, even if it is later. Remember, Lalarlia is technically the squad's chaplain - not just a member of Ankarum's original traveling group - so she would naturally be one to talk to.

2016-02-24, 01:35 AM
After the meeting ends, and you and Stephan are getting ready for bed in your room, he looks over at you as you ready your things on the floor. "Ankarum, I do want you to know ... yes, I am now in the position of being your commanding officer, and an officer to an enlisted man, at that. But I never stopped thinking of you as a friend. There's a way things have to be done, especially where the other men are concerned. I don't expect you to necessarily know or agree with some of what you might find to be silly rules, but history has taught its lesson only too, too well. Still, I didn't want you to think that I have somehow severed a sense of brotherhood I found with you in our shared experiences in surviving the Shiv and keeping everyone else alive. We couldn't have done it without you."

2016-02-24, 08:21 AM
The normally happy young warrior has been quiet and depressed since Erin's death. After Srephan's comments, his face brightens like clouds parting to reveal the sun.
"Ankarum understands leader must be strong in the eyes of his warriors and not have favorites. Ankarum does not understand your ways yet, but is glad that our friendship is still strong. He clasps Stephan's forearm in friendship and prepares for bed.

2017-02-04, 02:15 PM
Using subscription defibrilator ...

2017-04-10, 04:07 AM
Interesting combat techniques. Where did you get your training?

2017-04-10, 01:45 PM
Harsk, a little put off by the elven sergeant, answers curtly, "Interesting dwarves, sarge."