View Full Version : Lines for a character with intimidating intelligence.

2015-07-24, 01:57 PM
I'm currently working on a Forgeborn brutal disruptor build. One of the special abilities of the brutal disruptor archetype is that it can add 1/2 of its character level to Intimidate checks and use Intimidate as a free action by expending psionic focus after hitting the enemy with a melee attack. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) Forgeborn get a -4 on Charisma and I'm already dumping that to ensure that I can survive and thrive in the thick of battle so Intimidate kind of goes down the drains.

However Traits come to the rescue! By picking either Clever Wordplay:

"Your cunning and logic are more than a match for another's confidence and poise"

or Bruising Intellect:

"Your sharp intellect and rapier-like wit bruise egos."

it becomes possible to use the brutal disruptor's really high intelligence score on Intimidate checks instead of my abysmal charisma. Plus those traits are really fun and can add a lot flavor to the character. Which is what I need help with, if I had a rapier-like wit or cunning that lets me steamroll my way through conversations I probably wouldn't be playing tabletop games. So I need help with coming up with cool lines the character can use when he Intimidates people.

I'm thinking possibly some Blackadder style backhanded insults for social situations if I go with Bruising Intellect while a Clever Wordplay character would probably use something more like Roy's speech to V in Origin of PC's.

I'm not sure how you would demoralize someone with intelligence in combat. Perhaps something like the French-men from Monty Python's King Arthur...

2015-07-24, 02:03 PM
Given just how low your Cha is going to be, go for the creepy machine-insults style.

"Chance of your survival: 0%"
"Estimated remaining lifespan of target: twelve seconds"

Things like that

2015-07-24, 02:41 PM
Given just how low your Cha is going to be, go for the creepy machine-insults style.

"Chance of your survival: 0%"
"Estimated remaining lifespan of target: twelve seconds"

Things like that
Heh, that sounds like a good idea.

"Based on observed behaviour and prior experience you are deemed unlikely to do anything productive with your life. Proceed with the termination."
Fits pretty well with the description of what a character with 4 Charisma is like. I can't help but wonder what DPS was thinking when they gave the Forgeborn -4 Charisma. I can't really see anything with the race that justifies such a massive penalty.

2015-07-24, 02:45 PM
"Polling of a representative sample of your peers suggests that your likeness is that of your species' genitalia, and your odour is regarded as unpleasant."

2015-07-24, 02:50 PM
I'd go for the Spock treatment. "Your response is illogical." Depending on how "nice" you're being, possibly throw in some insults to their intelligence while you're at it.

2015-07-24, 03:02 PM
"Also: I can kill you with my brain."

2015-07-24, 04:35 PM
I'd go for the Spock treatment. "Your response is illogical." Depending on how "nice" you're being, possibly throw in some insults to their intelligence while you're at it.
Probably not very nice since I'll be using these for Intimidation checks. Attempting to stumble through Diplomacy or Bluff checks should be pretty fun though, think I might roll first and then try to base my words on the result. If I roll badly enough I could actually end up with a score of less than zero. XD

"Also: I can kill you with my brain."
I'd prefer to not use quotes. Unless there's a way to say that all fancy like.

Like "I can cause the cessation of your continued existence by firing a simple sequence of synapses in my central nervous system."

Or something like that but better.

Gracht Grabmaw
2015-07-24, 05:01 PM
Okay, first tip: If you're going for a witty character, don't look for inspiration in Order of the Stick, it's one of the most horribly written comics on the internet.
Personally I wouldn't go for straight up insults (or even backhanded insults) at all, insults aren't intimidating, they're provoking. If I wanted to play a character who uses his intelligence to put people in their place, I'd go for more of a cold reading thing, like a Sherlock Holmes or Batman type genius detective character, but utterly ruthless and amoral. Picking up clues and making threats based on those clues.
Talk to your GM and explain how the feat works, if s/he's any good at what they do, they'll work it with you.

For example:

You, OOC: I want to intimidate the guard using some leverage.
The roll is successful.
GM: He wears a wedding ring and a blue cotton armband with tassles, fashionable among the people of the upper ward. It looks new, but the tassles are already worn and slightly chewn.
You, IC: I saw your lovely wife today, just past noon over by the arboretum on the upper ward. Would be a shame if something happened to her, and your little baby too.

Boom. That's how you intimidate someone.

2015-07-24, 05:07 PM
"I've done the math and read the numbers. You lose."

2015-07-24, 05:20 PM
Attempting to stumble through Diplomacy or Bluff checks should be pretty fun though, think I might roll first and then try to base my words on the result.
I wrote a feat for Threadnaught a while back in "GitP Regulars as Feats" called "Irrefutable Truth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19153817&postcount=130)". You could try to use that? Hahaha.

2015-07-24, 08:06 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned:

"You've heard of Acererak, Bigby, Mordenkainen? Morons."

And, of course:


2015-07-24, 08:39 PM
I think having the character spout off a series of horrifying facts. For example, casually mentioning exactly how much blood is in a humanoid body, or giving a gruesome but matter-of-fact description of how a poison or disease will kill you.

2015-07-24, 10:49 PM
Hey, I like OotS!

As for intimidation techniques, not even all of them have to be verbal. Staring someone down is quite creepy, especially if you're a robit. Looking into eyes devoid of emotion/empathy that betray a cold and inhuman intellect would give anyone some pause.

2015-07-24, 10:54 PM
"Life is a terminal condition ..."

2015-07-25, 02:11 AM
Maybe playing on common insecurities?

"You've done a good job of faking it all along, but now everyone is going to see that you were dragging them down the whole damn time."
"I guess your masters have finally decided it's time to squeeze that last bit of use out of you."
"You realize I didn't walk in here peacefully, what do you have that all the cooling bodies behind me didn't?"

2015-07-25, 02:14 AM

"If I wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was."
—Pemmin, Riptide survivor

"Superior force meets woefully inadequate object. What paradox were you expecting?"
—Azguri, archmage of Evos Isle

Interestingly, either of these flavor texts work well.

Or for something original-ish:

"Such depressingly predictable tactics. To continually improve I need to learn something new every day. It seems I'll have no use for you today. Try not to disappoint me in the future."

I think what you may be looking for is: The Fighting Narcissist (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheFightingNarcissist). (This link goes to the site known as TvTropes, it is known to waste hours of your time, proceed with caution)

Killer Angel
2015-07-25, 04:07 AM
"Do you have a vague idea of how much can be boring to torture someone to death? but I'm a professional, and this is business."

2015-07-25, 04:17 AM
Okay, first tip: If you're going for a witty character, don't look for inspiration in Order of the Stick, it's one of the most horribly written comics on the internet.Said a poster on Giant in the playground. Yes. Bravo. This is exactly what you should start your post with. Now I really want to pay attention to what you have to say and respect your opinion.

Gracht Grabmaw
2015-07-25, 04:22 AM
Maybe playing on common insecurities?

"You've done a good job of faking it all along, but now everyone is going to see that you were dragging them down the whole damn time."
"I guess your masters have finally decided it's time to squeeze that last bit of use out of you."
"You realize I didn't walk in here peacefully, what do you have that all the cooling bodies behind me didn't?"

See, this one's good.
Quoting numbers and statistics at people is not going to intimidate anyone. When you want to convince someone to do something, whether you want to indimidate them or charm them or inspire them, you need to engage them emotionally. Human beings are just not wired to react emotionally to dry facts. That's why doctors need to use scare tactics to get parents to vaccinate their kids even though they really shouldn't have to, that's why every political campaign in the history of democracy has been won on polemic rhetoric and that's why Han Solo blew off C3PO when he told him about the chances of survival in an asteroid field. Numbers aren't scary.

2015-07-25, 05:53 AM
I am going to bleed you dry, and bake your remains into a cake. That way your blood will finally serve a use.

I wonder if you intestines are long enough to hang your friends with? Let's find out shall we.

Don't go rusting your armor, we've just begun.

I have more power coursing through my pinky than it takes to run your entire body.

I will use your offspring as a battery for my young.

2015-07-25, 06:03 AM
"I already killed you eight different ways six seconds ago."

2015-07-25, 06:12 AM
"I already killed you eight different ways six seconds ago."
I don't think I have the Dexterity for that. Or the Unarmed Strike feats.

2015-07-25, 07:26 PM
I don't think I have the Dexterity for that. Or the Unarmed Strike feats.
You don't need Dex or US for it. Just get an Amulet of Second Chances.

2015-07-25, 07:58 PM
You don't need Dex or US for it. Just get an Amulet of Second Chances.
Uh. Not sure what that has to do with Fist of the North Star. Or anything either of us said.