View Full Version : Jedi Battles

2015-07-25, 08:22 AM
This thread is being used to roll battle details for a table top game in which the Jedi player quit. The other players are also involved in the battles, but instead of using up so much playing time when we're together by rolling for the Jedi who is now an NPC and who she fights, I thought I'd do it here and have the results ready for when game sessions occur.

2015-07-25, 08:24 AM
Enhance Senses [roll0]

Elaya [roll1]
Numion [roll2]

2015-07-25, 08:30 AM
Rd 1

Numion (19)
Heroic Surge (1/3) - Move: Bluff (Feint) [roll0]

Sense Motive [roll1] +Force point [roll2]
Use Combat Expertise (-5 Attack/+5 Defense)

Move & Attack: Spring Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

2015-07-25, 08:36 AM
Rd 1


Force Mastery (free actions, x2 cost, Includes Force Point bonus)
Battlemind [roll0]
Enhance Ability (strength) [roll1]

2015-07-25, 08:44 AM
Rd 1

Ealaya (16 - Includes Force Point bonus +12)
Move: Tumble [roll0]
Attack: Form Mastery I (improved disarm) [roll1]
Vs Numion [roll2]
Possible Sunder damage [roll3]

VP 52
Force Point +12
Enhance Str +8 (+4 Attack & Damage)
Battlemind +4 Attack
Combat Expertise -5 Attack +5 Defense

2015-07-25, 08:48 AM
Rd 2

Heroic Surge (2/3) - Move: Bluff (Feint) [roll0]

Sense Motive [roll1] +Force point [roll2]

Move (& draw 2nd weapon) & Attack: Spring Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

2015-07-25, 09:03 AM
Rd 2

Move: Tumble [roll0]
Attack: Form Mastery I (improved disarm) [roll1]
Vs Numion [roll2]
Possible sunder damage [roll3]

VP 39
Force Point +5
Enhance Str +8 (+4 Attack & Damage)
Battlemind +4 Attack
Combat Expertise -5 Attack +5 Defense

2015-07-25, 09:23 AM
Elaya calmly said, “You are outmatched, sword master, and without your blades. Surrender now and save yourself the embarrassment of suffering wounds before your inevitable capture.”

The sword master growled softly in frustration as he drew a vibrodagger and replied with anger,“You underestimate me woman. Even with this dagger I will cut you down! It will result in your embarrassment as I rape you in front of my men later!”

Elaya took a step back and smiled slightly, “I strongly advise you to surrender. Do not make me harm you before your inevitable capture.”

The man laughed derisively and sneered, “You are a fool Jedi, and you will have to do much better than that to defeat me!”

Intimidate [roll0]

2015-07-25, 09:30 AM
Rd 3

Heroic Surge (3/3) - Move: Intimidate (rolled previously)

Level Check [roll0] +Force point [roll1]

Move: Bluff (Feint) [roll2]

Sense Motive (1d20+12)[17] +Force point (rolled above)

Attack: [roll3]
Damage (2d4+1)

2015-07-25, 09:47 AM
Rd 3

Full Attack:
Attack 1: Form Mastery I (improved disarm) [roll0]
Vs Numion [roll1]
Possible sunder damage [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

VP 39
Force Point +12
Enhance Str +8 (+4 Attack & Damage)
Battlemind +4 Attack

2015-07-25, 10:02 AM
Stabbing at her availed the man nothing, and he was once again disarmed by the agile Mirulaka. The energy of her weapon also sliced the dagger in two. She stepped back again and smiled slightly as she said, “I will not attack an unarmed opponent, but you seem to be having trouble holding onto a blade. What a dilemma this would seem to create. But unless you have yet another weapon with which to fight me, the duel is over by default.”

The sword master snarled as his hand dropped to the holstered blaster pistol at his side, “You must be a coward, using such tactics to prevent me from slicing you into little chunks. Do you fear a real fight Jedi?”

Elaya shrugged, “I have nothing to fear from you, and disarming a dangerous opponent is an act of merciful bravery. Whoever instructed you failed to ensure that you could hold onto a blade when facing a well-trained foe. The blaster is a desperate ploy and will only cause you more harm if you try it. Now, surrender, or I shall have my companions stun you.”

The man glanced at the others, seeing two opponents aiming their blasters at him as the droid moved up behind Elaya with the electroshock probe extended on the telescopic appendage. Numion growled and glanced behind him, then slowly raised his hands over his head to surrender, “Very well. I have your word as a Jedi that I will not be harmed, treated humanely, and brought out of this place to face charges?”

Elaya smiled, “Naturally. Varesk, put him in cuffs. Take his blaster, and search him well for hidden weapons or equipment.”

As the bothan advanced to cooperate, the human calmly capitulated and allowed himself to be taken into custody. Cis hooked into the panel next to the door and soon had it closed and secured with a new pass code.

Elaya walked over to the door and turned off her lightsaber, “Cis and Valentine, please escort our prisoner to the ship, secure him there in the stun cage and return as quickly as you can.”

Once the foe was safely cuffed and led away, the Jedi turned off her lightsaber and hung it from her belt, "Well done all. While we wait for Cis and Valentine to return, let me see about those wounds."

Heal Self take 10 = heal Vitality [roll0]
Heal Another (Val upon return) take 10 = heal Vitality [roll1]
Heal Another (Varesk) take 10 = heal Vitality [roll2]

VP 43

2015-10-06, 04:02 AM
Monster roll Bleon [roll0]

2015-10-18, 09:29 AM

Move Silently

2015-10-18, 09:37 AM
Mark VII's
Listen [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Listen [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

Spot [roll4]
Spot [roll5]
Spot [roll6]
Spot [roll7]

2015-10-18, 09:40 AM
Gharzr [roll0]
Johl [roll1]
Mark VII's [roll2]

2016-04-15, 11:55 PM
Albino See Force

Johl Force Stealth

2016-04-16, 12:54 AM
Albino VP: 6 or better; [roll0]

2016-04-22, 09:03 AM
VP Lvl 16 [roll0]
Enhanced Sense [roll1] + Force Point [roll2]
Sense Motive [roll3] + Enhanced Sense result above + Force Point result above

2016-04-22, 09:28 AM
Diplomacy [roll0] + 21 Force Point

2016-06-20, 07:37 AM
Oh minimum characters [roll0]

2016-06-20, 08:09 AM
Oooh 3 more [roll0]

2016-07-17, 07:31 AM
Ship flaws (0-3):

Action IV [roll0]
Citadel Cruiser [roll1]

2016-07-17, 07:35 AM
Action IV [roll0]
Citadel Cruiser [roll1]

2016-09-09, 12:31 PM
Tregar Bluff

2016-09-14, 12:45 PM
F [roll0]
S [roll1]
FA [roll2]
BH [roll3]

2016-10-19, 09:52 AM
Behir treasure

2016-10-19, 09:55 AM
Coins [roll0] x1000 sp
Items [roll1] Minor Items

2016-10-19, 09:58 AM
Minor Items [roll0]

2016-10-19, 10:00 AM
2 Potions [roll0]

Type [roll]1d100[roll]
# spells [roll1]

2016-10-19, 10:03 AM
Type [roll0]
# spells [roll1]

2016-10-19, 10:06 AM
2 Arcane, Level [roll0]

2016-10-19, 10:08 AM
2nd level spells on scroll [roll0]

2016-11-15, 04:15 AM
As requested:

1d20 plus Wisdom Bonus:

Survival Roll to Track (estimated since I haven't nailed down skills yet; +2 more if Nyr is allowed to "aid another"):

Will Save:

2016-11-15, 04:17 AM
Oh, and +2 to more on the Will Save if it's an enchantment effect (and immunity to sleep)...

2016-11-15, 09:07 PM
Hit point rolls:
Max of 6 at 1st level
2 (Ranger): [roll0]
3 (Ranger): [roll1]
4 (Elven Ranger): [roll2]
5 (Ranger): [roll3]
6 Sorcerer: [roll4]

If any are less than 75%, then they're increased to 75%.

2016-11-17, 04:12 AM
After following the rumors he had heard for years in Shadystone of where to find the witch, Celeg went to the large copse of woods northeast of town. Searching around he would have thought it would not be that hard to find, especially aided by his animal companions. Eventually, just when he was about to give up, he came across a crude hut raised on stilts. A scraggly old woman sat in the doorway watching him approach. She was human, as far as he could tell, very old and wrinkled, and didn't seem particularly concerned with either appearance or hygiene.

Above the door, perched on top of the hut, was a very large eagle. Its alert eyes clearly watching the elf and his animals.

Celeg wants to find her (to confirm that she's real and not just a local legend) and talk to her (to find out how she's able to evade the undead; he's all about putting them back to their final rest, and as things seem to be getting steadily worse, warn her of that fact).

Pulling up short of point blank range, Celeg motioned Nyr to sit. "Good evening!" he called pleasantly, leaning on his bow. "It seems you're more than a legend after all..."

Roac was perched on his master's shoulder, and eyed the eagle above the door warily. Nyr sat obediently, but cast about looking for any trouble, turning her head this way and that.

The old witch cackled softly, coughed, then fell silent for an uncomfortable period of time. Just before his patience for waiting to hear a reply was reaching its end, she said in a raspy voice, "Indeed, while some consider me legendary, I am real. My named is Nimanthi. Who are you, young elf, and for what other purposes did you seek me out?"

The giant eagle momentarily focused its intense gaze on the elf and his animal compatriots. As the witch began to speak it spread its wings and leaped into the air. Flapping the huge wingspan a few times, it swiftly gained some altitude and began circling the area.

Celeg also noted a very large, shaggy furred brown bear come out of the woods about 100 feet away. It stood up to its full height, then scratched its back against a big tree before sinking down into a sitting position.

Sense Motive [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2016-11-17, 04:19 AM
Bowing, the elf said "I am Celeg, and I hunt the dead that walk. Their numbers have been increasing of late, though it seems they haven't found you yet. I fear that may not last, as difficult as it was for me. Not only are there more of them, they seem to be increasing in power as well, and I fear for the town and all in the surrounding area. Do you know anything about what might be the source of their power?"

2016-11-17, 05:50 AM
Nimanthi's half closed eyes stare deep into the eyes of Celeg as he speaks. As he does he notices a huge, shaggy brown bear come out of the woods. It scratches its back against a large tree nearby, then slowly slides down to sit there watching the elf. The eagle spreads its wings and flaps them as it leaps into the air. A few mighty strokes of the huge wingspan lifts it high into the air, then it starts to slowly circle the area.

The witch remains silent for an uncomfortable time. Just before the elf reaches the end of his patience she says, "That power is unnatural, thus it cannot reach me in my hut. Though I am not overly concerned about Shadystone or the citizens there, I am not uncaring. I can learn more, but there is a cost you must pay. I sense that you will not be happy about the price, but are committed enough to suffer it. You may also gain more than mere information."

She closes her eyes as she raises her hands over her head and begins to chant in a guttural mutter. Tiny particles coalesce above her head, growing into a swirling magic vortex. It becomes deafening and so bright the elf must look away to avoid being blinded. A moment later absolute calm suddenly replaces this display of magic power and a deep inhalation is heard.

Celeg feels a tearing at his heart and mind as the magic ends. Looking back at her, he sees her eyes wide, with a startled and nervous expression on her wizened face. She says in a cracking voice, "This is a true and tragic abomination! It is much more than some mortal priest of evil, necromancer, or some other power. I sense an ancient evil desecration in the onyx mines, combined with a Star Shard!"

She struggles to stand and adds swiftly, "These undead are not slow and weak, they are swift and strong. There is a high likelihood that it could spread quickly to overwhelm all and consume everything, living and dead. Go elf, and seek help to end this tragedy perpetrated against life, death, and nature itself. I may be able to lend further aid later. For now I must seek more answers elsewhere."

Her hut shimmers briefly, then vanishes. The bear vanishes with it, but the eagle remains. It flaps its broad wings and flies higher, then shoots off to the north.

I had intended this to be something the group needed to do. But it seemed appropriate now. So Celeg knows much more than anyone else now. Return to town and tell them, then seek out the group? Something else?

He permanently loses a point of int and con. If he makes a Will save of DC 10 he will gain a point of wisdom, DC 20 gains 2 points, DC 25 gains 3 points. If you get more than one you must take at least one in wisdom, then take the remainder in intelligence, wisdom or charisma.

2016-11-17, 06:08 PM
Well, that hurt a bit more than I expected... let's see just how bad:
Will Save: [roll0]

As the witch ended her magic, Celeg dabbed at the blood he could feel running from his nose. She disappeared before he could collect his wits enough to say a word, but when he could finally speak, he said, "Well, looks like we better get back to town!"

Roac only croaked something that ended with "...pretty lights" but held on to his master's shoulder as the elf turned to run back to town as fast as his legs would carry him. Nyr paced her master easily, just glad to be away from all the magic and mayhem.

Upon returning to Shadystone, he first told his cousin what the witch had said:

"Cousin, you're not going to believe this, but I found the witch! And she said the undead attacks are the work of an ancient evil that has obtained a Star Shard! Can you spread the word here, while I go for help?"

2016-11-17, 06:11 PM
OOC: Sweet.. I think I'll make that two points of Wisdom. At least that'll be another +1 on Will Saves... I'm adjusting his sheet now.

2016-11-17, 07:13 PM
It took a couple of hours to get back to town. On the way Celeg had to avoid small groups (3-8 each time) of zombies.

The gate guards recognized him and opened the gates to let him enter.

His cousin Voyanj immediately agreed and added, "Excellent cousin! There's a group from the Adventurers' Guild preparing to leave soon. It includes a coupke of dwarves from here; Dunbar and Krosis, and their companions. Be cautious cousin, but hurry. Each night there are more undead in the area. Hurry back, you'll be missed, and we'll need every bow and sword if they try to invade."

OK on the wisdom, nice roll.I see you chose his spells. Just need some backstory etc for plot points later. No need to be elaborate, just things his background, goals, personality and such.

So I think it'd be a good idea if he was with the group. He can insert some exposition about the urgency he feels and try to urge the group on a quicker pace. Once the dwarves in the group hear about the situation he's seen and maybe what he learned from the witch they'll very likely support pressing forward asap.

2016-11-17, 07:39 PM
Hmmm... how about if he had to warn another family member and joins the group where they are now in the morning? He'll be tired, sure, but still motivated.

Gear question: would it be possible to exchange the Handy Haversack for a quiver with a permanent "Abundant Ammunition" spell? It's 1st level, so should be around the same price point, and Celeg has a couple hundred gold lying around he could throw at it...

Plot point motivations to consider:
His mother was killed by undead (possibly around Shadystone?), possibly also Nyr's dam...
His uncle (mother's brother) was Voyanj's father, and is still in the area somewhere?
His father was the one with Sorcerous blood, but hasn't been seen since his mother died (presumed dead?)
-Perhaps he was the undead that killed his mother...
I think he probably knows the dwarves with local family, and likely has adventured with them
He's been hanging around Shadystone trying to figure out exactly what happened to his parents... years of invetigation have turned up little to nothing, and that would have been the next thing he was going to ask the witch about, but she kited off...

Potential later plot points:
If we get near the Shard around the time we make level 12, I could see that resulting in Roac getting real smart, real fast (Theurgic Bond, adding Celeg's Ranger levels to his Sorcerer level for purposes of Roac's abilities; he'd gain 5 points of INT (making him smarter than Celeg), 5 points of Natural Armor bonus, and even Spell Resistance all in one giant leap).

2016-11-17, 07:48 PM
All that works for me, nicely done. So instead of him being the one that reported this to the Guild, one of the other townfolk had a teleport scroll they used to get there and another to get back. We'll say it was your cousin, so he had very good reasons to return as swiftly as possible. That way the timeline is preserved and the group only knows a very limited amount until now, when Celeg finds them on the way and can tell them what he knows.

The potential plot points for the future may or may not work out that way, but good ideas to work with there.

2016-11-17, 08:07 PM
I'll include his presence in the next DM post, waiting outside for the group. Though they never said they were pushing the travel and hurrying, I presumed they would not dawdle and rest only as long as needed. They could be hurried along, especially if the ranger convinces the horses pulling the wagon to go faster.T

he trip is originally 3+ days from Rexzes, with them arriving at Shadystone on the morning of day 4.

2016-11-17, 08:10 PM
I edited the last game post here to include the details we worked out.

2016-11-17, 08:22 PM
Cool, thanks! I'll try to get a post together before the train arrives (because I'll be busy with family after that...).

2016-11-19, 02:50 PM
Nyr's 2nd HD:

She gets 10 for her first HD, and 4 for CON.

2016-11-19, 04:45 PM
Gear question: would it be possible to exchange the Handy Haversack for a quiver with a permanent "Abundant Ammunition" spell? It's 1st level, so should be around the same price point, and Celeg has a couple hundred gold lying around he could throw at it...

Is that one of those pathfinder spells?

I see no problem with that, other than you losing the capability to store things other than arrows. We can even name it the Abundant Quiver or something.

I had created a bunch of items in 2e and never converted them to 3.5. One of them was an infinite quiver. It produced up to 50 arrows or bolts or sling bullets, or 20 javelins or spears per day, which would replenish each morning. The type of ammo was determined when created and permanently produced that ammo. I forget the cost, but it wasn't really much (I think it was 2000-3000 gp). I also had advanced versions for magic and other special ammo, more expensive of course. Maybe Celeg will come across such an item during the adventure, which I always found is the best and most fun way to introduce homemade items. :smallwink:

2016-11-19, 05:14 PM
Ah, yes... it must be a Pathfinder spell, sorry. How it works is it replenishes non-magical (only) arrows taken from a quiver every round (you cast the spell on the quiver). It's a first level spell, but Pathfinder turns everything up to 11. I'll stick with the Haversack and just buy a bunch of quivers to put in it. I also picked up barding for Nyr (which took care of most of the 242 gp I had left).

2017-02-08, 07:30 PM
Attack [roll0]

2017-02-08, 07:59 PM
Spellcraft [roll0]

2017-02-08, 09:17 PM
Knowledge Arcana [roll0]

2017-03-04, 12:15 PM
Spot [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

2017-03-11, 12:05 PM
a mysterious GM roll...

2019-10-11, 06:04 PM

A 20
K5 3
R Blur

R 20
K6 6
A Hntr Mark K10

M 19
K8 6


K 17
Magnus 4




2019-10-27, 12:23 PM
Saving it for Chaos
