View Full Version : Speculations on the Afterlife [spoilers]

2007-05-03, 12:11 PM
Not only do I think it would be good to have a thread based on what it might be like if Rich showed the afterlife, but I have a few ideas of my own that I'd like to throw out there and see if they stick. I mentioned them in this forum before, but never actually asked about their significance.

My idea is that Roy is going to have his build optimization increased in a different manner than usual. I'm thinking he is going to get some sort of template/prestige class in the afterlife that will aid him against Xykon, but I don't know of the templates/classes that a death could bring about. Anyone know of any besides "Saint" from Book of Exalted Deeds?

Remember, feel free to discuss your ideas on the afterlife too... but if anyone starts talking about strip #447 before it is posted, as many on the forums have been doing, then I will punish those transgressors by making this thread about waffles. :smallbiggrin:

Edit: Oh, if someone has already done this, just say so and I'll delete this one and post on theirs. Thanks!

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-05-03, 08:07 PM
That does make sense. I remember a scene in Jade Empire where you learn the Paralyzing Palm style from the ghostly Master Radiant, who learned the style in the spirit world. Come to think of it, it would be interesting if ALL of the Order fell at the battle, and then the gods gave them a challenge. Completing this challenge would not only restore all of them to life but give them special benefits, possibly prestige classes or even boosting them up to epic level (though I sincerely doubt that would be the case), with which to face Xykon, who will have boosted himself to an equally uber degree via the Snarl's powers. Granted, I would hate to see these beloved characters fall, but it would be pretty cool to fight their way out of the afterlife (Note that this plotline is also reminiscent of Jade Empire. I can't help it I love the game!).

2007-05-03, 08:58 PM
i had trouble taking the game seriously right at the end

"yes my student, i assume you have removed the flaw in your style by now"!

"got that right boss, and now its time to exploit the flaw in your style, your weak to being crushed to death by a giant elephant demon!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-05-03, 09:07 PM
:smallconfused: Elephant demon? I've played through the game three times, and I never found an Elephant Demon style.

2007-05-03, 09:12 PM
been a while since i played and i only did the one go through, but the basic premise was fighting demons allowed you to transform to them for a short while, i ran up against an elephant demon around 3/4ths of the way through and it made the whole blasted thing easy mode. kicked every boss after that to the curb in a few shots.

edit: only remember dying once and thats because the style made your avatar incredibly large but you still used the same hp pool, the boss that got me used an AoE attack that i gather was supposed to hit me for massive damage with just one of the rays and caught me on 4 or 5 and effectivly one shotted me. next time i was prepared, dodged, owned him with demon form before he got off another strike. was more prepared with a transform ----> slow time ----> dodge ----> retransform ownage combo for subsequent fights, never happened again

2007-05-03, 09:19 PM
It could always be a Third Party prestige class, like Elan has.

2007-05-03, 11:11 PM
Does anyone have a link describing the Saint class? I can't find a thing...

Edit: Imo I think that after Elan giving Roy a power boost as well would be too much too soon. Not to mention he did become a better evil killer by getting the star metal sword. Still... I do think he might get something to help in his quest, just not any + bonus to kick ass (ex. what in blazes can get Xykon angry to the point of dangerously irrational?).

2007-05-04, 06:05 PM
(ex. what in blazes can get Xykon angry to the point of dangerously irrational?).

That's a good question. We've never seen Xykon angry. Or anything but pleased with himself, actually.

2007-05-04, 06:07 PM
That's a good question. We've never seen Xykon angry. Or anything but pleased with himself, actually.

probably breaking his phylactry would get him peeved... but not very...

2007-05-04, 06:14 PM
Does anyone have a link describing the Saint class? I can't find a thing...

Edit: Imo I think that after Elan giving Roy a power boost as well would be too much too soon. Not to mention he did become a better evil killer by getting the star metal sword. Still... I do think he might get something to help in his quest, just not any + bonus to kick ass (ex. what in blazes can get Xykon angry to the point of dangerously irrational?).

Saint is actually a template from the BoED.

I suspect that Roy will show up in a place based on which pantheon he follows. Since we have no idea which one it is, we can only guess. Im thinking that he wakes up in a field somewhere. With a tree on a hill.

And Majora... :smallsmile:

(Also I played through Jade Empire using ONLY toad demon form! 2 hit the last boss. :smallbiggrin: )

2007-05-04, 06:17 PM
probably breaking his phylactry would get him peeved... but not very...

It would probably make Redcloak more angry, because it's his holy symbol.

But yeah, that could do it.