View Full Version : The Holy Baby

2015-07-25, 10:51 PM
So in my main game I'm playing (currently with a rock gnome wizard and a human fighter) They were sent to a town by druids, but it was a trap by a druid. they were surrounded by the corrupt druids undead and barely escaped but in the process I said they heard something. This was all improv so i rolled a d20 to see how harmfull it would be. I rolled really low, so i said they found a live non-zombie baby. They took it and later they asked if they could find any magic items, I joked that they found a baby.

They went with it, and i did to saying the local cleric discovered it was a divinly blessed. We ended but when we came back it just kinda happened, they found a holy baby (and thats why it didnt get bit by the undead) They now call it the holy baby and have bathed it in holy water and given it holy symbols to play with. What should i do with this? I was thinking it could be a dieties son, or possibly an angel. The wizards familiar which now is worshiped by the local city (an even longer story and some insane dice rolls) Is now divine also and has summoned the child.

What is your opinion on this babys ultimate destiny?

2015-07-25, 11:18 PM
Nystul's Magic Aura. That's my verdict.

2015-07-25, 11:23 PM
There are bumbling acolytes, priests, wise-men, wise-women, wise-cubes (oozes can have religion!), philosophers, theologists, evil kings, evil queens, evil cubes (oozes can have cruel monarchies!), and what-not who all believe that the holy baby is going to lead THEM to a grand revelation that will decide the FATE OF THE WORLD!!!

In truth, a pair of particularly worried parents (a paladin and a cleric) casting their ire on the angel that they had entrusted to look after their newborn. Sometimes, an adventure comes from hiring the wrong baby-sitter! So now it's a race to see who can get to the baby first!

Shining Wrath
2015-07-26, 07:43 AM
This seems to be a humorous campaign, so let's keep it light.

The child is truly holy - the offspring of a god of chastity and a human prostitute. The god is LN and so wants the incident covered up, but not at the cost of the baby's life. The clergy of the god mostly don't know. Some of the ones that do know are LE, corrupt priests, who will kill the baby if they can find it. In addition to being LE they are also bumbling idiots and their attempts to find the child, let alone harm it, are easily seen through, avoided, and mocked. But they keep the party moving.

The baby has two allies: the mother, who is desperately poor but a Wild Magic sorceress who doesn't yet understand her power (Level 1/2, so to speak), and a noble Devotion Paladin, dedicated to chastity, loyalty, truth, and honor, a servant of the deity of chastity. These two are travelling together and seeking the baby, and the Paladin is paying for their expenses and keeps having to resist the prostitute's efforts to repay him in the only "coin" she has. Of course, you don't have to be particularly bright to be either a sorceress or a paladin.

2015-07-27, 03:01 PM
Ok I think I'll say a tiefling and a aaismar had a kid, the aaismar was killed by the secret black paladin organization (not racially paladins in my setting are color coded) seeking the baby, the mother escaped barely, and fled, finding some druids she entrusted her child till she could meet back up. The druids unfortunately were betreyed by one of their own (in my settings evil druids caused the first undead outbreak) They were all killed and were zombie-fied, the baby survived because the undead were confused by the divine aura (that warded them off) and the abyssal aura (that said it was a friendly monster)

The local monastary only detected the divine aura, because they are low level noobs. black paladins (aka black guard) seek the child and wish to destroy it. Blue, green, and red paladins (devotion, ancients, and vengence) seek the child now also In hopes of protecting it and raising it as a paladin, monk, or cleric (or at least to make sure it's not dangerous). The tiefling king seeks the child for his own unknown reasons, and slimes are attracted to the child thinking it's a magic item (Im actually serious because it give me a free encounter).

Do you guys think that is good? It uses bits of everyones ideas I saw above and fits my setting.

EDIT: I forgot the baby is actually a little older then it appears to be, It's mother (a sorcerous) made an amulet of polymorph and while it wore it, The child appeared to be a human baby.