View Full Version : Finished watching Jurassic World...

2015-07-26, 05:43 PM
Turns out no matter how big and bad you are, don't let them get that flanking bonus... :smallbiggrin:

2015-07-26, 06:10 PM
The Dominus Rex just wasn't using his reach and AoOs correctly. Also, needs more Improved Grab and swallow whole

2015-07-26, 06:55 PM
That Mosasaur had clearly been given Rogue or Ninja levels by the DM, since the damn thing aced so many stealth checks and came straight up out of nowhere in every scene it was in. IT used Improved Grab and Swallow Whole correctly.

2015-07-26, 08:29 PM
And... most of all... monetize everything.

If you will excuse me, I shall now check the AT&T Homebrew Design Sub-Forum.

After which I will check the GoDaddy.com Friendly Banter Sub-Forum.

2015-07-26, 08:54 PM
And... most of all... monetize everything.

If you will excuse me, I shall now check the AT&T Homebrew Design Sub-Forum.

After which I will check the GoDaddy.com Friendly Banter Sub-Forum.

Wut? I was just making mention of how DnD mechanics can be see in Jurassic World... what are YOU talking about?

2015-07-26, 08:54 PM
First post should probably have SPOILERS in it but...

That Mosasaur had clearly been given Rogue or Ninja levels by the DM, since the damn thing aced so many stealth checks and came straight up out of nowhere in every scene it was in. IT used Improved Grab and Swallow Whole correctly.

Eh, the Mosasaurus seemed more like a DM PC than anything:
Every time it shows up, it is only to display how awesome it is.
It clearly has the most levels of anything in the entire movie.
It 1-shots the BBEG, after the PC's had just started winning, thus stealing most of the glory, and depriving our heroes of their well-earned victory.
Yeah, DM PC alright.

2015-07-26, 08:56 PM
Wut? I was just making mention of how DnD mechanics can be see in Jurassic World... what are YOU talking about?

Oh, because when I saw the movie, it had the Samsung Visitor's Center.

Also, the Indominus Rex was on the verge of becoming licensed as the Verizon Wireless Indominus Rex.

2015-07-26, 09:04 PM
@grarrrg I'd argue it came in because the DM is an ass, and likes to steal a win from the PC's by having the DMPC deliver the killing blow. But yeh, that thing was over leveled for the campaign.

2015-07-26, 11:09 PM

I was confused too, but the context makes sense. Remember how in the introduction of the female lead, she's pitching the Indominous to some executives to sponsor the attraction? They were Verizon representatives. One of the operators in the control room makes the "Verizon Wireless Presents: The Indominous Rex" joke and goes on to say that the Pepsisaurus can't be far behind, or something to that tune. The poster is joking that his D&D takeaway is that soon even D&D monsters will have corporate sponsers, a la "Jed Fabulous' Potion Emporium Presents: The Half-Fiend Shadow Chimera!"
I have half a mind to do that in my own campaign, now. Have the BBEG be the ad executives who keep sponsoring the random encounters. Even if they get taken down by the heroes in the end it's still a victory...for capitalism!

2015-07-26, 11:32 PM
If it's a well placed reference then I retract my earlier statements.