View Full Version : Pathfinder Can Ninja dip into unchained Rogue?

2015-07-27, 12:38 AM
Hi Folks,

Looking at building my back up character for a pathfinder game i am in (I am the only frontline and the most likely to die!) and had as wondering if Ninja can dip unchained rogue (3 levels for Finesse Training, Evasion, 1 Rogue talent).

Is this allowed as the ninja is an "archetype" of the rogue basically?

If not, am i best going for ninja or unchained rogue for a stealthy damage class?
The party has very little front line and low damage (ATM my beastmorph alchemist is the highest damage and only real combat character)

I like the Ninja a lot for theme (custom world setting has a country like feudal japan as a major power), but the unchained rogue seems to have better combat and damage now.

I am rather new to pathfinder (my alchemist is my first pathfinder character), but i DM 5th a lot and played a bit of 3.5 ages ago.

Thanks for the feedback


2015-07-27, 01:24 AM
Since the Ninja is just a modified version of the Rogue, you're much better off asking your DM to just extend the Unchained changes to the Ninja. It's pretty simple, all you do is take the Unchained Rogue, replace trapfinding with poison use, evasion with ki pool, and trap sense with no trace. And use the Ninja tricks obviously.

2015-07-27, 01:58 AM
RAW the Unchained Rogue is still a Rogue, and since the Ninja is an advanced class of the Rogue, you can't MC between the two.

Seconding the idea above to see if your GM will just let you "unchain" the ninja.

2015-07-27, 05:36 AM
Note that if Dex to damage is all you're after you can go for agile weapons, or just stick the new version of Slashing Grace on and go einhander, or even do one followed by the other.

The Ninja still has the advantages of much more reliable SA (invisible blade), being much more durable in melee thanks to its mirror image clones, and being the best in the game at tumbling.

2015-07-27, 12:12 PM
Note that if Dex to damage is all you're after you can go for agile weapons, or just stick the new version of Slashing Grace on and go einhander, or even do one followed by the other.

The Ninja still has the advantages of much more reliable SA (invisible blade), being much more durable in melee thanks to its mirror image clones, and being the best in the game at tumbling.

Ninja was actually one of the classes my group used to set the standard for the Stalker when we were playtesting the original Path of War materials. The Ninja actually out-damaged the Stalker by a pretty wide margin during the first couple sessions, but the Stalker really pulled ahead when we started having 4+ combat encounter days and his initiating started outlasting the Ninja's ki pool. The Ninja's ability to apply sneak attack damage so much more consistently then the Rogue made a big difference.