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View Full Version : GM Tool: Fantasy NPC Cards

2015-07-27, 04:28 PM
Howdy there!
Just wanted to share something with my fellow Game Masters. If you like using NPC Cards/illustrations in your game, you might like my set of 140+ illlustrated characters.


I've tried to be as varied as possible, to hit all the big archetypes. You can check out the full gallery on my Facebook page here! (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.898410480229207.1073741825.126410624095867&type=3)

Feel free to download the images for personal use. You can also get them all at once on my DeviantArt page: click this link (http://domigorgon.deviantart.com/art/NPC-Characters-549352880) and then the DOWNLOAD button in the upper right corner.

Also, let me know if you think I've skipped on some types of characters. If I like your idea, I just might add your character to the collection! (yes, I might illustrate one, free of charge)

Let me know by leaving a note (and the character description) here or on the Facebook page.

2015-07-28, 05:45 PM
Thank you very much for this, DemiGorgon. It's always nice to find a source of good art for games. I use pictures all the time to help illustrate the people, places, and things I choose to put in my games.

And if the half-orc you posted is any indication, then there should be plenty of great NPC pics to use. And, of course, it doesn't get any better than free!

2015-07-29, 04:35 AM
Eventhough I rarely play fantasy games where this thing will be useful, this is pretty good. If I ever be in a fantasy game I hope I can use this.

2015-07-29, 06:50 AM
These look GREAT! Thanks for posting them!

2015-07-29, 07:32 AM
Important NPCs get unique portraits! Generic NPCs get equally generic portraits! Just like the video games!

Until your players derail everything, that is...

2015-07-29, 01:04 PM
Not sure what you mean. 140+ portraits is a lot of NPCs. I've run a campaign for months now and only used about 10 portraits - the king, several nobles, the sheriff... Very Important People, all of them. No matter how derailed the campaign gets, the king stays the king. :)

Anyway, I'm glad you like these, but I still await some suggestions for portraits-to-come. :)

2015-07-29, 02:13 PM
Perhaps some that are more cleric/priest in design?

Likewise, some additional real-world cultures were touched upon, but I would like to see some more - things like Oriental, Arabian, Egyptian, Celtic, Viking, Germanic, Mongolian, etc.

2015-07-29, 03:17 PM
Hmm, I'll take it into consideration. I just might make a few culture-specific series. :)