View Full Version : Maybe a little much?

2015-07-28, 03:33 PM
In the current adventure our GM is using, we've just finished battling a full Vampire and two Vampire Spawn to the death (undeath?)

There were 3 of us, and we were level 7; a fighter, a cleric, and a rogue. We got beat up pretty badly for our victory, the fighter is drained down to 40 max HP and the cleric had to use some of their better spells. There was no treasure at all.

We still have a powerful warrior enemy, two enemy wizards, and an adult dragon to fight, and it has been implied that there won't be a chance for a long rest, so the fighter's HP stay drained, etc. We do hope to maybe have 4 or even 5 PCs for these, but no guarantee.

Is this a little much? Should we at least get some potions or something to help?

2015-07-28, 03:39 PM
Adventurer's League?

2015-07-28, 03:40 PM
You aren't required to go on.....you could retreat......

Not as heroic maybe, but you would live to fight another day. What about your fighter's second wind. Perhaps a short rest to use HD?

2015-07-28, 03:42 PM
It's a published module. Yes, we get to have a short rest. We can't really retreat, we are on a flying island castle with all this.

2015-07-28, 03:45 PM
It's a published module. Yes, we get to have a short rest. We can't really retreat, we are on a flying island castle with all this.

That does limit that option a bit, lol. Could you go into hiding maybe? Just curious as to why you can't leave the dungeon and and camp out (aside from DM fiat of course)

2015-07-28, 03:56 PM
As I understand it, we only have so much time until the castle flies to its destination, and our targets leave. If we want to get them, we have to do it now.

As my character is there specifically to kill the warrior type enemy (a half dragon) I'm going to insist we go after her next, before we are entirely drained (literally in my case, I'm the fighter and worried about having fewer HP than the party mage now, until I can long rest.)

2015-07-28, 04:02 PM
As I understand it, we only have so much time until the castle flies to its destination, and our targets leave. If we want to get them, we have to do it now.

As my character is there specifically to kill the warrior type enemy (a half dragon) I'm going to insist we go after her next, before we are entirely drained (literally in my case, I'm the fighter and worried about having fewer HP than the party mage now, until I can long rest.)

you could try to reason to your DM that a clerics remove curse should allow you to gain your full hp back.

2015-07-28, 04:19 PM
HOTDQ is to hard. Tell your DM to nerve the dragon, our DM used the stats of a young red deagon. A vampire alone or a dragon is to hard for you guys. Impossible if not. TPK incoming if you dont watxh out. Just a tip: get the cloud giant (the pilot) to help you guys.

2015-07-28, 04:25 PM
HOTDQ is to hard. Tell your DM to nerve the dragon, our DM used the stats of a young red deagon. A vampire alone or a dragon is to hard for you guys. Impossible if not. TPK incoming if you dont watxh out. Just a tip: get the cloud giant (the pilot) to help you guys.

We talked to the cloud giant first. He told us which enemies he wanted taken out, told his guards to keep their mooks busy, and has now locked himself in the navigation tower. We went after the vampire first because it was daylight at the time, as going after it at night seemed really stupid. (Not that we were able to get it into any daylight.)

2015-07-28, 04:26 PM
Blaze of glory man blaze of glory. Either take on all comers and live to tell the remarkable tale or go down swinging. Good luck and gods speed.

2015-07-28, 07:09 PM
Blaze of glory man blaze of glory. Either take on all comers and live to tell the remarkable tale or go down swinging. Good luck and gods speed.

Well, if you can do something to stall the island. Find and kill/charm/trick/whatever the person in control of the island you might be able to delay its arrival and buy yourselves some time. Just because the book says the players do X doesn't mean you can't flip the script.

2015-07-28, 07:55 PM
You just went through the toughest encounter in that fortress. Every other encounter (assuming he hasn't changed things) has an approach that simplifies matters. Conserve your resources, and think about how to deal with things.

P.S. If the cloud giant is already on your side and in the control room, why is there still a time limit? He's in full control of where that island goes.

2015-07-28, 10:44 PM
I believe our group took out the wizard and took control of the castle. We then enlisted the help of the giant to remove the dragon and the vampire left in the night.

2015-07-28, 11:44 PM
If the Giants on your side there is no time limit really. The only one you have to deal with now is the Cloudchaser.

My recomendation is to leave Rezmir, Rath and Jos alone for now. They can't go anywhere. (Well Rath and Jos can with a feather fall but that will leave them in the middle of nowhere, for a while.) Cloudchaser however is a Dragon and is powerful threat that is best taken on before he gets wise to the situation and starts attacking from the air.

Take advantage of his size and the fact that the treasure he is guarding has a bunch of narrow tunnels that he won't be able to move too well in. If you drive off Cloudchaser you have a total victory as Rezmir, Rath and Jos will be forced to abandon the treasure and retreat. (And likely be stranded as their only escape is to featherfall off the castle.)

Anyway you have pretty much won now that Blagothkus is on your side. It's now a matter of are you willing to risk your lives to take on 3 enemy officers or allow them to escape and if you can chase away Cloudchaser in order to get the treasure.

2015-07-29, 05:42 AM
When I played this we killed the vampire and the two spawns, the we allied with the giant, as we played it he let us stay and rest in his rooms and so we had a long rest while he had the island floating around, we then killed Renzmi and the other bad guys, as for the dragon we "conviced" him to flee :smallcool::smallcool: we asked the giant to try a false island crash on the mountains, and because the lair was on the part that would crash first the dragon flew away ... :smallwink::smallwink:

As far as we did the vampire was not really the toughst encounter . . . Renzmi and the other guys were really worst . . and we were lucky I disarmed Renzy on turn 1...

2015-07-29, 05:44 AM
Ah yes . . dealing with a vampire is really easy if you your friendly druid has a daylight spell prepared (our has . . . )

2015-07-30, 04:01 AM
When I played this we killed the vampire and the two spawns, the we allied with the giant, as we played it he let us stay and rest in his rooms and so we had a long rest while he had the island floating around, we then killed Renzmi and the other bad guys, as for the dragon we "conviced" him to flee :smallcool::smallcool: we asked the giant to try a false island crash on the mountains, and because the lair was on the part that would crash first the dragon flew away ... :smallwink::smallwink:

As far as we did the vampire was not really the toughst encounter . . . Renzmi and the other guys were really worst . . and we were lucky I disarmed Renzy on turn 1...
Sounds like the best idea. You have to take a long rest, if you DM doesn't let you take one still try to. Rezmir isn't that hard, but the dragon is serious bussines, if you walk around with 40hp when you fight the dragon you're going to die (breath weapon).

2015-07-30, 04:42 AM
When I ran HotDQ, I greatly changed some parts.

In your case, try to hide in the tower. It's relatively isolated, and several of your foes won't be able to get there/won't expect you to be there. Try to make it seem like the vampire is still there (Is the rogue an Arcane Trickster?).

2015-07-30, 08:21 AM
Ah yes . . dealing with a vampire is really easy if you your friendly druid has a daylight spell prepared (our has . . . )
I'm AFB, but doesn't that specify that it doesn't cause harm? It'l trigger a Drow's light sensitivity, but it won't burn a vamp.

2015-07-30, 08:28 AM
I'm AFB, but doesn't that specify that it doesn't cause harm? It'l trigger a Drow's light sensitivity, but it won't burn a vamp.

From monster manual:
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes 20 radiant
damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.

My master followed this... plus the regen doesn't work. it seems a pretty advantage to me...

2015-07-30, 08:34 AM
From monster manual:
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes 20 radiant
damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.

My master followed this... plus the regen doesn't work. it seems a pretty advantage to me...
Oh, sunlight is a huge advantage when dealing with vamps, but check the wording of the spell. There is a difference between sunlight and just plain old light.

2015-07-30, 09:23 AM
Rezmir can dish some damage, but not really take it. Her AC is really low if you surprised her in the OTHER castle because she runs off without her armor. At least that's what happened to us.

2015-07-31, 06:35 PM
Damn, I've spoiled HotDQ for myself. Oh well.

Take a long rest. Go ahead! You're tempting fate one way or the other, and whether or not they get where they wanna be, you've got a solid chance at being un-fightered. Or be clever: Try caving things in on other things for good results without fights. Perhaps you can blow an engine on your flying island? Anyone got a high level dispel ability and a gambling problem?