View Full Version : What was Gond's Relationships with the God/ddess's of Nature?

2015-07-28, 11:23 PM
Forgotten Realms, What was Gond's Relationships with the God/ddess's of Nature?

2015-07-29, 01:32 AM
Near as I can tell? Nonexistant. There's no mention of it one way or the other in either my copy of Faiths & Pantheons (3e FR book about the gods) or the FR wiki. My book mentions him as friendly with Lathander, Waukeen, and Tempus, since his inventions often relate to their roles as gods of creativity, trade, and war (respectively), and says his only true foe is Talos, who is the god of destruction, since his unhindered destructive nature is not only generally threatening to Gond but also to his dominion over devices of destruction. Technically Talos is a nature god, as god of storms and other natural disasters, but it's not that aspect of his domains that makes him an enemy of Gond's.

Other than that he seems to be kind of a loner among the gods - technically he serves Oghma, god of knowledge, but only loosely, and that's his only other mentioned connection to the other gods.

2015-07-29, 04:18 AM
Might be worth noting that Chauntea (avatar of Abeir-Toril and goddess of agriculture - that is to say, an expy of Gaia) despises Talos as well, and has been in conflict with him for all of recorded history.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

2015-07-29, 06:52 AM
None at the moment, but add some sweet ambrosia and nectar, a nice dark empyrean bar some enchanted evening, and maybe there will be some sparks...

2015-07-29, 07:09 AM
None at the moment, but add some sweet ambrosia and nectar, a nice dark empyrean bar some enchanted evening, and maybe there will be some sparks...

Well, they have a lot in common... Both are creative types, popular among the common folk and they do have adjacent alignments...

2015-07-29, 01:10 PM
So what advice would you have, I have a player who wants to be a druid who worships and honors Gond instead of the normal nature powers. He wants to be creative and nature based builder/inventor as the aspects of Gond give off, as Gond has no really no negative aspects that a druid would object to besides industry and creations that use up the worlds resources on some inventions.

2015-07-29, 01:30 PM
So what advice would you have, I have a player who wants to be a druid who worships and honors Gond instead of the normal nature powers. He wants to be creative and nature based builder/inventor as the aspects of Gond give off, as Gond has no really no negative aspects that a druid would object to besides industry and creations that use up the worlds resources on some inventions.

Wait... is this related to this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?430222-Druid-of-Gond)?

I'm pretty sure Gond is pro-industry. Especially mining and metallurgy. Traditional druids hate that stuff. So a druid of Gond isn't going to have many friends, regardless of how neatly they can reconcile the theology in their own head.

2015-07-29, 01:45 PM
Wait... is this related to this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?430222-Druid-of-Gond)?

I'm pretty sure Gond is pro-industry. Especially mining and metallurgy. Traditional druids hate that stuff. So a druid of Gond isn't going to have many friends, regardless of how neatly they can reconcile the theology in their own head.

Gond is a little more laid back then that. He is pro-blacksmithing but doesn't care where the coal to light the fire for the forge comes from being a neutral god.

His the god of Blacksmiths, crafters, engineers, inventors, and woodworkers. Not Miners , woolers, and lumberjacks.

2015-07-29, 03:03 PM
In addition to the inventor stuff, Gond's portfolio includes the proper use of earth and fire, as they are key to the forging/creation process. So I imagine a druid of Gond would be someone who protects mines from being despoiled/stripped, and who protects (and properly wards) volcanoes.

It's particularly worth noting that he's one of the more benign fire deities, because Kossuth and Talos are both kind of ***** about it.

2015-07-29, 03:13 PM
@Psyren A regulator of sorts?

2015-07-29, 04:13 PM
Maybe florists and gardeners? They're both crafting things and maintain knowledge bases...and they intersect with a love of nature.

So yeah, naturalists, conservators, gardeners, game wardens, etc. By trying to maintain ecology they are, in a sense, working to craft a system of order, fighting against the forces of entropy that would destroy such structured environs.