View Full Version : Optimization Help with building a 4th Level Favored Soul

2015-07-29, 09:04 AM
Hey Giants,

Looking for a bit of help to fill out/optimize a favored soul I've rolled up. Not 100% sold on the whip (just thought it might be interesting with reach). I'm looking for help mostly with spell selections and tweaks to what's below though I'd consider complete reworks/multiclassing if it didn't alter the theme of the character too much. As for that, my character is a middle aged, retired Major/mercenary looking to join forces with an invading Lord in another land. He's already sold his soul to Bane for the powers he has and is looking for a stable retirement in the kingdom this Lord is starting a civil war in. He's a natural leader that likes to lead from the front. I'd prefer him to be melee focused, using spells to enhance his combat ability and control the battlefield if needed. He would be amiable to buffing his allies but is a bit selfish and likes having the buffs himself.

So far here is what he looks like:

Maximilian - Lawful Evil Human Soldier (Officer) - Level 4 Sorcerer (Favored Soul of Bane)
Str: 15+1
Dex: 14
Con: 17+1
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 16
HP: 38
AC: 16+2

DM gave us choices to cherry pick specific racial abilities so I went with +1 HP per level and proficiencies in two weapons of my choice longsword and whip (cause simple weapons just don't fit my concept.) Most of the other racial options are available but can't choose an option 2x. One of the options was to get another bump to a stat of our choice. Everyone starts with 1 feat and +1 to two stats and 1 skill. We were also given 550g + starting equipment with magic equipment costing the max for it's category in the DMG (at 500g for an uncommon it pretty much leaves out magic items due to having to spend so much on regular equipment).

So I went with this:

Cleric Domain:

Equipment Bought:
Breastplate (though Scalemail would suffice if I could figure out how to better spend all the starting gold)

1st level Feat - Warcaster
4th level Feat - Inspiring Leader

Intimidation(Soldier), Athletics (Soldier), Perception (Starting Skill), Deception (Sorc), Persuasion (Sorc)

Land Vehicles
Gaming Set
Light, Medium Armor
Simple Weapons, Longsword, Whip


Spells Known:
Minor Illusion
Shocking Grasp
Thunderclap (EE)

1st Level:
Divine Favor (Domain)
Shield of Faith (Domain)
Earth Tremor (EE)

2nd Level:
Spiritual Weapon (Domain)
Magic Weapon (Domain)
Maximilian's Earthen Grasp(EE)
Mirror Image

Looking forward to what you guys come up with! Thanks in advance for your input!

2015-07-29, 09:19 AM
If I understand the concept correctly, and I could be wrong (AFB), I believe you are only allowed to dual wield light weapons, thus canceling the dual wield long sword and whip. The DW feat would negate this.

Or if you just plan on using one at a time with your shield, I'll sit down.

Are you needing advice on what spells you think you should take?

2015-07-29, 09:22 AM
Just a thought: If you take the Tough feat at level one, you could put that 18 into Charisma instead of Constitution to improve your spellcasting without sacrificing much in the way of survivability. Metamagic: Subtle Spell could serve as a substitute for the Warcaster feat.

2015-07-29, 09:37 AM
Or if you just plan on using one at a time with your shield, I'll sit down.

Are you needing advice on what spells you think you should take?

Yeah, using one or the other with a shield. Not trying to use both at the same time.

And yes, I am also looking for advice as to what spells to take.

Just a thought: If you take the Tough feat at level one, you could put that 18 into Charisma instead of Constitution to improve your spellcasting without sacrificing much in the way of survivability. Metamagic: Subtle Spell could serve as a substitute for the Warcaster feat.

I thought about doing that... but with buffs and the like having Concentration restrictions I prefer to have a higher Con and Advantage on the save. I almost took Tough but Inspiring Leader is only one less HP and I can give it to the party and it's on a Short Rest cooldown.

2015-07-29, 10:47 AM
You definitely want to hold on to Mirror Image for a melee build, it's so good. I would also suggest Hold Person. Nothing like a Quickened Hold Person, then going in for an Autocrit attack action.

Going forward, Counterspell, Haste, and Animate Objects will also net you some solid utility/damage.

Might I suggest a 2 level paladin dip? For the melee build FS + Smites is insane. You can use Sorcery points to constantly recharge your spell slots for more smites in shorter time than any other build.

2015-07-29, 12:06 PM
You definitely want to hold on to Mirror Image for a melee build, it's so good. I would also suggest Hold Person. Nothing like a Quickened Hold Person, then going in for an Autocrit attack action.

Going forward, Counterspell, Haste, and Animate Objects will also net you some solid utility/damage.

Might I suggest a 2 level paladin dip? For the melee build FS + Smites is insane. You can use Sorcery points to constantly recharge your spell slots for more smites in shorter time than any other build.

This. A 2 level Paladin dip is amazing for a Favored Soul.

Or trade paladin for 2 warlock to get EB + more with invocations to get a more versatile pain factory. And eldritch blast is such a sick cantrip with it's invocations.

2015-07-29, 02:06 PM
Perhaps a two level paladin dip would work for another character... but this one already sold his soul to Bane and is LE so Paladin is out (unless he started as a fallen Paladin at 3rd level and went first level favored soul (which defeats where I'm going with the concept).

It's a toss up for me between Hold Person and Maximilian's Earthen Grasp. The first targets only humaniods, is a Wisdom save, deals no damage but paralyzes the target allowing for a critical hit. The second targets anything, is a Strength save, deals 2d6 damage and restricts the target (allowing attacks against to have advantage). Which would you all choose?

I do like Mirror Image, it's so dope.

For first level spells I feel Shield is a must.
Earth Tremor is interesting for its knockdown ability.
Thunderwave is pretty decent, less resisted, AoE damage.
Considering Sleep but at level 4 we are starting to reach the point where it is less effective... but could be useful when combined with other AoE effects.
Other than that are there any spells I should be considering?

2015-07-29, 02:38 PM
Perhaps a two level paladin dip would work for another character... but this one already sold his soul to Bane and is LE so Paladin is out (unless he started as a fallen Paladin at 3rd level and went first level favored soul (which defeats where I'm going with the concept).

Paladins can be any alignment in 5th. They don't take their vows until level 3. That being said, I wouldn't recommend a paladin dip for a favored soul; not because it's underpowered, but because it's so amazingly powerful that everyone else is likely to get jealous.

2015-07-29, 02:55 PM
Vengeance Paladin fits this character just fine. The government refuses to pay his retirement or dishonorably discharged him, whatever it was it pissed him off enough to turn coat and swear vengeance to Bane. You could multiclass Paladin 2/Sorc 2 for weapon/armor proficiencies, take Res: Con for concentration saves. Or go straight Vengeance Paladin of Bane.

2015-07-29, 03:21 PM
While multiclassing Paladin could work I was looking for more of a 'battlemage' type character and less Paladin gone dark. Also, it seems like going Paladin/Favored Soul is a bit of a wash. Paladin gives you better weapon selection, better armor, etc leaving little reason to go Favored Soul. Better to go Storm Born, Dragon, or Wild Sorcerer instead.

2015-07-29, 03:26 PM
Also, it seems like going Paladin/Favored Soul is a bit of a wash. Paladin gives you better weapon selection, better armor, etc leaving little reason to go Favored Soul. Better to go Storm Born, Dragon, or Wild Sorcerer instead.

The draw for Favored Soul is the extra attack at level 6.

2015-07-29, 03:36 PM
Paladins can be any alignment in 5th. They don't take their vows until level 3. That being said, I wouldn't recommend a paladin dip for a favored soul; not because it's underpowered, but because it's so amazingly powerful that everyone else is likely to get jealous.

LOL you had me worried for a second, and then it all came together.

"Who in their right mind doesn't see how amazingly powerful that would- Oh, ha!"

While multiclassing Paladin could work I was looking for more of a 'battlemage' type character and less Paladin gone dark. Also, it seems like going Paladin/Favored Soul is a bit of a wash. Paladin gives you better weapon selection, better armor, etc leaving little reason to go Favored Soul. Better to go Storm Born, Dragon, or Wild Sorcerer instead.

Not a wash at all, Favored Soul gives you spell slots on top of spell slots to use for Smite and you still get your extra attack.

You just can't understate the power in Quickening Hold person to rush in and 4th level smite twice for 20d8 smite damage at level 8. Then you can use sorcery points to keep yourself going by converting them into spell slots. Smites for DAYS. If anything it's too much synergy, definitely not a wash though. It's silly in practice, I played this to 12. It's the energizer bunny of beating faces in.

2015-07-29, 03:47 PM
While multiclassing Paladin could work I was looking for more of a 'battlemage' type character and less Paladin gone dark. Also, it seems like going Paladin/Favored Soul is a bit of a wash. Paladin gives you better weapon selection, better armor, etc leaving little reason to go Favored Soul. Better to go Storm Born, Dragon, or Wild Sorcerer instead.

Favored Soul gives you Extra Attack and bonus Cleric and Paladin spells like Spirit Guardians and Crusaders Mantle. For reasons mechanical and thematic, go Favored Soul.