View Full Version : Player Help Minimum Stats Help

2015-07-29, 03:05 PM
What is the lowest a stat can go from acquired templates?i have a reoccuring villan idea that i want to use agianst the party who attacks them every few levels and each time he has another template added on he started as a simple water orc who was then augmented by a crazy alchemist/wizard and gained the feral template later he would be willingly experimented on multiple times gaining more and more templates. a lot of these templates lower the intelegence score and I want to know how low the int score can go for the guy

2015-07-29, 03:15 PM
Normally ability scores can go as low as 1, but most templates that impose an Int penalty will say whether or not it can be reduced below 3. Note that the can't-go-below-3 only applies at the time you apply the template. For example, say he has Int 9, and you apply Feral (Int -4, minimum 2), which reduces him to Int 5. You then apply Mineral Warrior (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003e) (Int -2, minimum 1), which reduces him to Int 3. Next you apply a template that gives Int -2 (minimum 3), it won't reduce his current Int 3 any lower. If those were applied in a different order, and his Int was lower when Feral and/or Mineral Warrior were applied, then he could have a one or two for his Int score.

2015-07-29, 03:25 PM
Dont forget the Half-Golem Template (MM2), its awesome for bruiser BBEG's. But as Biff says most of the time you can't reduce an ability score to below 1, but certain types can such as Undead (Con -), Mindless via Vermin usually (Int -), Ghost (Str -), etc.

2015-07-29, 03:32 PM
Dont forget the Half-Golem Template (MM2), its awesome for bruiser BBEG's. But as Biff says most of the time you can't reduce an ability score to below 1, but certain types can such as Undead (Con -), Mindless via Vermin usually (Int -), Ghost (Str -), etc.

I was going to make half golem the one he get when they go for the final battle

2015-07-29, 04:43 PM
Dont forget the Half-Golem Template (MM2), its awesome for bruiser BBEG's. But as Biff says most of the time you can't reduce an ability score to below 1, but certain types can such as Undead (Con -), Mindless via Vermin usually (Int -), Ghost (Str -), etc.

Those are all cases of Not-A-Number, not a score lower than 1.

If you have a score of 0 in anything you are dead (Con) or physically helpless (Dex/Str) or totally helpless (mental stats).

Ghosts have no strength score, but can still move. Undead have no con score, but can still make fort saves. vermin have no mental faculties (except when they do), but still show intent and can act.

If you take something that reduces your Int to below 3, you are incapable of language outside of a few limited means (mental, really. as you usually aren't a valid option for Speak with Plants or Speak With animals) and higher order logic. That makes a hard character to play.

Anything else can technically be played at a score of 1, but if they aren't immune to ability drain and ability damage, they aren't going to be much of a problem.