View Full Version : Session time problems and swashbuckler problem

2015-07-30, 04:09 AM
Hey guys,
I've been having problems with the time of a weekly session I've been part of lately due to family things like having family dinners or family holidays. Everything should be fine in a month or so as I'm moving out of my parents house in September, but there may be problems until then and I really don't want to leave the group as it is a very fun group of people.
In your experience, what is the best course of action to remedy this or make it up to other players? (This is using the Roll20 website)

As for the second thing, I am about to level up to level 7 in a rogue build (rogue5/swashbuckler1) but am unsure what feat to take (TWF rogue planning on dipping shadow dancer for HiPS). I've heard that daring outlaw is good?
Current feats: Weapon Finesse, TWF (ITWF included as homebrew), Craven, Combat Reflexes, Dodge (PF version)

The above question has been moved to its own thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?430976-Session-time-problems-and-swashbuckler-problem

2015-07-30, 06:21 AM
Hey guys,
I've been having problems with the time of a weekly session I've been part of lately due to family things like having family dinners or family holidays. Everything should be fine in a month or so as I'm moving out of my parents house in September, but there may be problems until then and I really don't want to leave the group as it is a very fun group of people.
In your experience, what is the best course of action to remedy this or make it up to other players? (This is using the Roll20 website)
Is there a need to make it up to your group? While it's very good practice to attend sessions whenever you can, family obligations generally go unquestioned as reasons to miss sessions.

If you're the DM and therefore freezing the campaign in your absence, then you can just have a really cool session when you come back: a few awesome combats that let the players feel out their characters, exciting loot, etc. Whenever my group goes a long stretch without meeting, we usually open our returning session with a random encounter (or, if plot doesn't allow, just a random fight with a fun monster).

2015-07-30, 06:28 AM
I'm a player in the game.
There probably isn't any need to make it up to the rest of themy, but they have all been attending almost every session, so I feel like I need to do something.
Also, the DM flipped out the other week and kicked someone for interrupting and giving RP advice when his character wasnt anywhere nearby. (Though to be fair he had been arguing and interrupting for the past year)

Also any help with the second question would be much appreciated, though perhaps it should have it's own thread?