View Full Version : Pathfinder Sharing damage and DR/Resist

2015-07-30, 07:18 AM
Hello :)

I was reading through the Familiar archetypes, and was looking at the 'protector' ability that states damage from an attack on the Master or Familiar can be split between the both of them.

Is this split before DR or Resistance is taken into account, or after?
Clarification - can both the master AND familiar apply their separate resistances and/or DR to the divided (unaltered) damage, or does the original target's resistance / DR apply first, then the resulting damage get split?

2015-07-30, 09:20 AM
Because the damage comes from a spell-like supernatural effect (shield other), you cannot apply DR to it, and the damage you recieve is untyped, so no resistance will block it. As such only the DR/resists of the master will come into effect to lower the damage taken by both. They will apply first, then the damage is halved between the master and his familiar.

So for example, a Master has DR10/- and gets hit by a 34 damage attack. The damage is reduced to 24, then halved so the master and familiar take 12 damage each, regardless of what DR the familiar had, since the damage is not coming from the attack, but rather the shield other effect.

2015-07-30, 08:30 PM
Because the damage comes from a spell-like supernatural effect (shield other), you cannot apply DR to it, and the damage you recieve is untyped, so no resistance will block it. As such only the DR/resists of the master will come into effect to lower the damage taken by both. They will apply first, then the damage is halved between the master and his familiar.

So for example, a Master has DR10/- and gets hit by a 34 damage attack. The damage is reduced to 24, then halved so the master and familiar take 12 damage each, regardless of what DR the familiar had, since the damage is not coming from the attack, but rather the shield other effect.

^What this guy said^