View Full Version : Where Can I Find Horse Cutouts?

2015-07-30, 08:49 PM
In our last game session there was a lot of confusion, not to mention DM crankiness, about which characters were mounted at any given time. For some reason the horse-minis weren't on the battlemap, but even when they're out it's difficult to keep track of who's where.

So I had the notion of cardboard cutouts, each with a top-down view of a horse, which would take up two squares and could be placed beneath a mini. I can't be the first person to have thought of this, but I'm not finding much so far.

Does anyone know where to find cutouts like this? Are there counters or a map pack that would work? I've been promised hero points if I can come up with something for our next session.

2015-07-31, 07:13 AM
Well, it doesn't actually answer your question, but my party used dice to indicate horses. Like we'd place our mini's on top of d6's.

2015-07-31, 08:00 AM
Take a piece of cardboard from an old cereal box or something and write "HORSE" on the clean side with a sharpie?

2015-07-31, 08:34 AM
Thats very similar to what my group did, but we used some thin foamboard and cut it out to Large (10x10) size. We put numbers on them to be able to differentiate, and this also easily transitions to Large monsters when the horses may not be around. The cardboard or foamboard is nice because you can easily put a normal mini on top of it.

If you really want the image of a horse, find one you like, print it out and gluestick them to the top of the card/foam-board tiles. A quick google images search turned of a few decent options.

2015-07-31, 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Diarmuid
If you really want the image of a horse, find one you like, print it out and gluestick them to the top of the card/foam-board tiles. A quick google images search turned [up] a few decent options.

This is the part I'm having trouble with; my google-fu doesn't seem to be working here.

Can you point me towards a couple of those decent options? For whatever reason I'm just not finding much.


2015-07-31, 03:04 PM
This is the part I'm having trouble with; my google-fu doesn't seem to be working here.

Can you point me towards a couple of those decent options? For whatever reason I'm just not finding much.


here's what I found (https://www.google.com/search?q=horse+gaming+tile&rlz=1C1BLWB_enUS587US587&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=923&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAmoVChMIgvWQ3ZSGxwIVEAaSCh0KEAwe#tbm= isch&q=horse+top+down+image)

Just in case the above gives you different results than I got:

This (http://rpgmapshare.com/images/Horse_Tack01_SR.png).

Or this (http://www.dundjinni.com/forums/uploads/RavenStarhawke/F72_DraftHorse&Harness_2_RS-SR.png).

A search for "Horse Token" reveals interesting results - like the top down images of horses than many use in roll20 and such.

2015-07-31, 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Nibbens
Just in case the above gives you different results than I got:


Many thanks for that link, which led me to a whole series of horse-counters by Steel Rat on RPGMapShare. Exactly what I was looking for.