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View Full Version : Pathfinder [Prestige Class] Occult Manifester (Psionic/Psychic Theurge)

2015-07-31, 04:08 PM
-Occult manifests tap into the power of the mind yet walk two paths to accomplish this. They are adept at delving into the secrets of the psyche, drawing forth psionic and psychic might. Most find both paths laid out before them rather than being initial and active pursuers. Given the option, they choose to follow each path and unite them, rather than specializing in one over the other.
-To become an occult manifester, a character must have training in manifesting psionic powers, and delving into the occult to cast psychic spells. While the most common sort of occult manifester is one who is a psion and a psychic, other combinations are possible, such as psychic sorcerer and wilder.
-Role: Occult manifesters combine flexibility and versatility, uniting two separate interpretations of some of the same fundamental concepts. What they lack in power, they make up for in utility.
-Alignment: Any.
-Hit Die: d6.

-To qualify to become an occult manifester, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
-Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 3 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks.
-Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level psychic spells.
-Psionics: Able to manifest 2nd-level powers.

-The occult manifester's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
--Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

The Occult Manifester
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Powers Known
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Occult Manifesting (1st), Transparency of the Mind +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Augment the Occult (+1), Integrated Psyche (1st) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +2 Occult Manifesting (2nd) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
4th +2 +1 +1 +2 Integrated Psyche (2nd) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
5th +2 +2 +2 +3 Occult Manifesting (3rd) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
6th +3 +2 +2 +3 Augment the Occult (+2), Integrated Psyche (3rd) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
7th +3 +2 +2 +4 Occult Manifesting (4th) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
8th +4 +3 +3 +4 Integrated Psyche (4th) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
9th +4 +3 +3 +5 Occult Manifesting (5th) +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class
10th +5 +3 +3 +5 Integrated Psyche (5th), Weaving the Occult +1 level of existing psychic spellcasting class/+1 level of existing manifesting class

-All the following are class features of the occult manifester prestige class.
-Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An occult manifester gains no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
-Spells per Day/Powers Known: When a new occult manifester level is attained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also attained a level in any one psychic spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in any one manifesting class he belonged to previously. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of either class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the level of occult manifester to the level of whatever other psychic spellcasting class and manifesting class the character has, then determines spells per day, caster level, power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.
-If a character had more than one psychic spellcasting class or more than one manifesting class before he became a occult manifester, he must decide to which class he adds each level of occult manifester for purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, power points per day, powers known, and manifester level.
-Occult Manifesting (Su): A occult manifester is capable of using his spells to increase the power level of powers he manifests. By expending a level one spell slot when he manifests a power, that power is treated as one level higher for purposes of its save DC and interacting with effects that deal with power level, such as minor globe of invulnerability.
-At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter, the spell slot the occult manifester can expend increases by one, and the power’s effective level is increased by the level of the spell expended. He gains no other benefit of the spell being expended, and the power is not treated as if it was augmented. A power’s level cannot exceed 9th level, but the occult manifester may augment the power normally.
-Transparency of the Mind: For the purpose of an occult manifester's psychic spells and psionic powers, magic-psionic transparency rules are considered to be in play even if transparency in the campaign is partial to non-existent.
-Augment the Occult (Su): An occult manifester learns how to meld the augmentation of psionic powers with the occult nature of his psychic spells. Starting at 2nd level, when a occult manifester casts a spell, he may spend two power points to increase the save DC by 1. At 6th level, the occult manifester may spend four power points to increase the save DC by 2.
-Integrated Psyche (Su): An occult manifester cast spells from one of his psychic spellcasting classes using power points and manifest powers using his psychic spell slots. Spells cast in this way take at least two power points more than a power of the same level requires to be manifested and powers manifested this way take up a slot one level higher than they originally required. At 2nd level, an occult manifester can cast 1st-level spells from one of his psychic spellcasting classes by expending 3 power points and prepare 1st-level powers using the 2nd-level spell slots of their psychic casting class. Every two levels thereafter, the level of spells that can be cast and powers that can be manifested this way increases by one, to a maximum of 5th-level spells and powers at 10th level (these powers would take up 6th-level spell slots and these spells would require 11 power points). The component of these spells and displays of these powers do not change, but they otherwise follow the rules for the spellcasting or manifesting class used to cast the spell or manifest the power.
-Weaving the Occult (Su): Once a occult manifester reaches 10th level, he can manifest a power and cast a spell using one action. Both the power and the spell must have the same manifesting and casting time. The occult manifester can make any decisions concerning the power and spell independently. Any target affected by both the power and the spell takes a -2 penalty on saves made against each. The occult manifester receives a +2 bonus on manifester and caster level checks made to overcome power and spell resistance with this power and spell. A occult manifester may use this ability once per day.

2015-07-31, 05:31 PM
Are you basing all the psychic magic stuff off of the playtest, or did I miss the books official release?

2015-07-31, 05:39 PM
Are you basing all the psychic magic stuff off of the playtest, or did I miss the books official release?

The book is out, and I think it is worth getting. Shame there are no PrCs in it, but I think that is seldom the selling point.