View Full Version : Ways to make the Alabaster Cup more interesting?

2015-08-01, 08:21 AM
My PC's have decided to join up in a tournament - specifically, the Alabaster Cup (Complete Warrior, 132). This is all fine and well, but I have some concerns with the events; two in particular. The archery contest and jousting seem to be very much lacking in things to do, other than simply roll until it's over.

Now, the other events seem to have enough choices to make things interesting, and I plan on sprinkling a little bit of intrigue and rivalry to keep them interested between events and give them motivation to win. I don't want to just flat-out drop them, because then we would have a very short tournament, so does anyone have any ideas to either make them more interesting, or provide alternative events (preferably ones which a ranger could still be competitive in?)

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-01, 08:32 AM
Have the joust be a little combat minigame: each participant has to choose whether to aim low, middle or high with their lance, and then whether they will do the same with their shield. If your enemy's lance gets around your shield, they get a bonus to unhorse you. Then give the PCs some means of figuring out where there enemy will be putting their shield and lance, e.g. a DC 15 sense motive lets the PC narrow the enemy's lance or shield aim down to two spots, DC 20 lets them narrow both down to two spots each, DC 25 lets them narrow one down and pinpoint the other, and DC 30 lets them determine exactly where both shield and lance will be.

Also only do the important jousts; there may be 32 participants (assuming a bracket-style tournament), but the PCs can be safely assumed to get to the last eight (and may end up facing each other).

2015-08-01, 11:38 AM
A very good idea, that could certainly liven up the jousting; thanks!