View Full Version : Optimization Help me find out if this breaks the game.

2015-08-01, 11:30 PM
So a friend of mine has made a race that I've had issues with. This is because it has psuedo flying and innate spellcasting. After a few talks with my friend we've decided to playtest it following my DM's new rule on homebrew testing, "The creator cannot be the tester".

Originally he was going to try and break the game to prove if it was broken or not. But since he doesn't min/max much at all (I should do it less honestly) we agreed that I'd be better to try and see if I can break the game or at least abuse this race to showcase it needs a nerf.

The limitations: Standard point buy of 15,14,13,12,10,8 and level 1. I have probably at least a week to make the choice.

The stats:

infernal common
+2cha, +1 dex
30 ft land, 30ft fly- cannot hover must end turn on the ground or holding onto something
cannot fly when wearing armor

inmate spell casting,*
friends- cantrip
disguise self- once a day lvl 3
calm emotions- once a day lvl 5

replace flying with last kiss
deals 2d6 psi damage to a willing creature kissed once a day
(scales like dragon born breath attack)

So tell me playground, what can you do at first level with this class to make it very unfair? I was thinking either dragon sorcerer (since level 1 I don't think the color matters), favored soul sorcerer with war or death domains, or a warlock (fey or fiend. Not sure on Great old one).

I think the stat line up for those would be 10 str, 16 dex, 13 con, 8 int, 12 wis, 16 cha.

So I ask you playground, what can you make?

P.S. If it sounds like I'm being a bit unfair to my friend, he did ask me to see if I could break or outright abuse this and level 1 seems like the best way to find this out (we'll do another test at a higher level).

2015-08-02, 01:17 AM
In combat this seems like it's probably pretty balanced. The requirement to end your turn on the ground limits much of the combat abuse. Since the spells aren't combat related at all you probably won't see any real balance issues there period. That being said, my real question is how social your game is, because this is about as optimizable a low level social character as I've ever seen.

A 1st level Rogue with 16 cha and expertise in persuasion and deception will have a flat +7 to both checks. The racial modifiers mean they will have their 16 cha without sacrificing a 16 in dex. Thanks to their racial casting progression they can use friends to operate at permanent advantage and use the kiss to stop people from going nuts when they realize they've been enchanted. The stat spread, the free cantrip and the kiss combine to make a uniquely effective 1st level party face. When the racial disguise self option comes online at 2nd level this character has the social flexibility of a low level bard with the mundane combat effectiveness of a low level rogue. This may not be a huge problem for the game, this may not be what the player wants from the character, but that seemed the most effective optimization to me.

2015-08-02, 02:08 AM
Can't fly when wearing armor, so you can only play a optimal sorcerer with this. Make it heavy armor, or heay/medium armor. Next to that, it is balanced.