View Full Version : Tempting Fate [Legends RWBY IC]

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2015-08-01, 11:59 PM
The airship’s engines continued their faint hum as Beacon’s majestic tower gradually came into view.

“Attention students, five minutes to landing. Five minutes to landing”

The bay was bristling as the new students pushed up against each other on the port side windows, trying to catch a glimpse of the school. It was a place they grew up hearing about, grew up romanticizing, and was now going to be their home for the next few years.

Not all of the students are acting so eager however. On the starboard side a Faunus with a pronounced wolf nose and jaw is having a rather heated conversation with a human girl in a beige pantsuit. Another girl is quietly sitting on what appears to be a large white suitcase in the back, rolling her eyes and visibly annoyed at the two.

2015-08-02, 03:22 PM
Emma stood out and she stood apart. It was hard not to, she was, even in a place full of unique individuals like this, someone who stood out. Her skin was a dusky mahogany brown, soft, pleasant. She was tall for her age, and well built, with a toned athletic figure. Her hair contrasted with her sharply though, it was a silver-white and was cute short, curling slightly at the edges. Her clothing was rather different as well, it looked, to be frank, piecemeal. Different clothes and been taken apart and sewed back together to create a rather impressive and colorful if haphazard ensemble. Dresses had been taken apart and worked together to make a frilled skirt, a long buttoned coat cannibalized to make a sleeveless vest under which pair of different shirts had used been cut and tightened to make a close hugging undershirt, different color socks put together to make stockings, and heavy boots to finish it all off.

Frankly, it would look like she came from a rather poor family, and at first glance thats what you would think, her cannibalizing clothes like that. Those from wealth though, who could tell the difference would notice the clothing used in them where of absurdly fine make though. Whatever she had done, it hadn't been cheap. On her back was a sturdy looking blade, on on her left hand a dangerous looking gauntlet ending in wicked claws, the tools of her trade, and on her head for the moment, a pair of headphones, drowning out the world, from her perch near the edge of the ship.

She wasn't concerned with falling, where she was beyond the guard rails, and it had given her a certain bit of privacy she had appreciated on the trip. She viewed the people around her, remaining inwardly observant, but still viewing most of what was going on with a certain calm disinterest.

It was good to be away. It wasn't so much that she enjoyed being on her own, though Emma knew that was part of it. Frankly her parents hadn't paid much attention to her most of her life, letting her reap the benefits of their wealth without much interference. Aside from the occasionally lethal attempts from her siblings, she supposed.

She looked out over the world below them, tapping her claw against the side of the ship from her perch. She'd only recently been realizing how much she'd been robbed. What a sad parody her family was, her father, probably a megalomaniac, her siblings little better. Some part of her wanted to come here just to see if their was any affection, of any of them cared. And if not, maybe she could show them what they where missing? Maybe that would bring them together?

Probably not. Maybe.

Who even knew why she was here. This was insane. She grumbled and looked up, slipping her headphones off for a moment glancing up at the heated conversation in an attempt to figure out what the hell was going on with them, and if she could figure out a way to make them shut up. The yammering was giving her a headache.

2015-08-02, 04:18 PM
It was a little uncanny how well Teddy and Butter blended in with the rest of the students. One would expect that a boy of his size would stick out, especially with a small St. Bernard puppy sitting beside him, but instead the lad seemed to merely be out of the way as best he could. Dark-skinned, nearly seven feet tall and a brick of walking muscle, not to mention a rather obvious Bear Faunus (little fuzzy ears stood freely above his hair, twitching every now and again), one might expect Teddy to be standoffish or even a bully, and yet with a gentle smile he had already offered snacks to some students who had looked like they hadn't eaten. Several of them had even been allowed to pet Butter, after at least being told that Butter was on duty as a therapy dog anyway, and that this came with certain rules.

And so, Teddy continued to sit, perfectly content to enjoy the view of the land as it passed the airship by, Butter nuzzling happily at his hands from the comfort of Teddy's lap. Then he noticed the commotion. "Oh now that simply won't do." thought Teddy to himself, this was clearly not the place for a conflict after all, and if any of the surrounding students had anxiety then there may be greater issues as a result. With that, he stood up tall, an axe fit for his size and bulk strapped to his back and made his way to the arguing pair, standing directly in front of the two, imposing bulk on display.

"Excuse me, but your conversation is causing a ruckus, and while you're free to air out your differences, many individuals are not terribly fond of witnessing personal conflicts. If you would kindly resolve things in a calmer, more quiet manner, I'm sure the more anxious of the students here would greatly appreciate it. In any case, what seems to be the issue?" Teddy's voice, almost serene in its tone, never wavered, but remained gentle and impartial. He smiled brightly, Butter sitting at his side and staring intently at the two.

2015-08-02, 07:50 PM
Kitty, meanwhile, was sitting at one of the Triple Triad tables in the recreational area. She had a pair of red Skullcandy headphones on and her weapon, Heaven's Fang, in her lap. To either side of her, she had a five-card deck of Triple Triad cards, which she was playing against each other. The headphones were attached to a uPad, which was playing a classic 70's movie, so she unfortunately didn't hear the landing announcement. Glancing up from her movie and game, her eyes caught sight of Butters, and she felt a strong compulsion to pet him. At the moment, the only things keeping her from doing just that were the fact that she would have to stand up, and the fact that she would have to interact with he giant bear faunus, who as far as she knew was just as likely to be a bully as he was to be a sweetheart.

Turning her attention back to her game, she played an Ursa card in the bottom-right corner of the Triple Triad board.

2015-08-03, 12:02 AM
The young woman turned towards the imposing Faunus interceder, and was immediately taken aback by the contrast between his physique and demeanor. Her right hand immediately went for the large caliber handgun in a holster around her waist out of shock, but she pulled it back before it got there. Her black bangs with purple highlights parted ever so slightly as her head turned, showing glimpses of a horizontal scar underneath, with her wide brown eyes quickly looking over the rest of Teddy’s torso.

“Well I was just . . . who are yo—“

“This little brat’s upset that she spilled her drink all over herself. Maybe if she wasn’t so clumsy and paid more attention to where she’s going she’d have fewer problems with .”

The wolf Faunus grinned, with his oversized teeth clearly showing his animalistic features. His grey hair was cut almost to the scalp, contrasting with his large wolf ears, though his left ear was partially gone. His one-size-too-small grey T-shirt matched his sweatpants. Curiously, he doesn’t seem to have anything resembling a weapon on his person.

“Why you . . . maybe if Jaws over here didn’t startle me with his ugly face, I wouldn’t have dropped it”

“Jaws huh? It’s better than ‘Doggy’, but come on, shows some originality” he snided

“Do you take everything so personally?”

“Only when I’m being insulted, human”

Lix Lorn
2015-08-04, 01:33 PM
"Must you keep fighting?" the voice, dismissive and irritated, comes from an elegant woman sitting cross-legged in the nearest corner. Shoulder length golden hair is currently knotted backwards, as a complex array of dust chambers and mirrors are half assembled on the tray she holds in her lap.
"This is bad enough without people acting like they're still in single digits. This is not a preschool, you realize." she says, in a biting, condescending tone, glaring at the two.

2015-08-04, 06:23 PM
"Now now there's no need for anyone to get angry." He begins to smile softly. "Miss, as a huntress-in-training, you should be aware of the feelings of those around you. Many Faunus still endure heavy racism in their day-to-day lives, and while names like 'Jaws' may not seem like much to you, it's important to accept that there are those who; due to context, feel very differently over those words. As a human, you come from a position of privilege compared to myself or our friend here. It's vital that you recognise that, and trust our judgement when we tell you that something is not right."

Teddy is practically beaming optimism and understanding at this point. "And Sir, as a Faunus, it's important for you to recognise as a Hunter-in-training, that sometimes the best way to overcome prejudices, is to educate, not attack. We have an opportunity to represent our people in one of the most respected fields in the world. That is a position from which the entire world can be educated."

"I think it would be best for all of us, if we simply apologised to each other, started over, and introduced ourselves properly. I'll even go first. I'm sorry for butting in, my name is Arthur Brun, but you can call me Teddy." Butter barks. "And this is my therapy dog Butter. We're both very happy to meet you both. Would either of you like a snack-biscuit?"

Teddy's attention shifts to the new voice. "While I agree with the sentiment and enthusiasm for stopping a fight Miss, I would greatly appreciate it if you would please be less hostile. Aggression can only serve to escalate personal conflicts." He smiles brightly as he turns his head, soft bright blue eyes holding nothing but an honestly compassionate soul.
"If you are having trouble with our method of transportation, Butter is adept in assisting with all sorts of issues, including locomotion and confinement-related nauseua, and he would be most happy to help you. We both would."

2015-08-05, 12:44 AM
As she examined her cards, Kitty noticed the argument out of the corner of her eye. Pausing her video and tilting her headphones off of one ear, she attempted to eavesdrop on the conversation.

The young woman turned towards the imposing Faunus interceder, and was immediately taken aback by the contrast between his physique and demeanor. Her right hand immediately went for the large caliber handgun in a holster around her waist out of shock, but she pulled it back before it got there. Her black bangs with purple highlights parted ever so slightly as her head turned, showing glimpses of a horizontal scar underneath, with her wide brown eyes quickly looking over the rest of Teddy’s torso.

“Well I was just . . . who are yo—“

“This little brat’s upset that she spilled her drink all over herself. Maybe if she wasn’t so clumsy and paid more attention to where she’s going she’d have fewer problems with .”

The wolf Faunus grinned, with his oversized teeth clearly showing his animalistic features. His grey hair was cut almost to the scalp, contrasting with his large wolf ears, though his left ear was partially gone. His one-size-too-small grey T-shirt matched his sweatpants. Curiously, he doesn’t seem to have anything resembling a weapon on his person.

“Why you . . . maybe if Jaws over here didn’t startle me with his ugly face, I wouldn’t have dropped it”

“Jaws huh? It’s better than ‘Doggy’, but come on, shows some originality” he snided

“Do you take everything so personally?”

“Only when I’m being insulted, human”

At this point, Kitty really wanted to say something, but she knew that attempting to intercede would only cause grief for all parties involved. So instead, she just muttered it under her breath.

"Just kiss already...."

Lix Lorn
2015-08-06, 01:57 PM
Kimida stares at Arthur, with complete and utter disbelief written on her features.
No way is this nutcase for real.

2015-08-07, 07:06 AM
Everyone stared at Teddy, with varying mixes of confusion, incredulity, and amusement. After a few seconds of silence, the wolf Faunus began chuckling, slowly building into a full-bodied laugh.

The woman spoke first, eyes completely focused on Teddy. “Uh, Bezowy. Bezowy Eroi” (OOC: pronounced Bez-oh-we) she said faintly before facepalming. “I just . . . look forget it okay? I don’t care anymore” she mumbled before walking away.

“You gotta be kidding me. Is this guy for real or did I walk onto the set of a children’s TV show by mistake?” the wolf Faunus asked, pointing at Teddy and looking around. “Listen buddy, you can take your rainbows-and-sunshine shtick and shove it. I’m not here to make friends.”

Meanwhile, Kitty spots a short boy staring at her from across the room, who looks away a second after she makes eye contact with him. He has what looks like a spear on his back, but she can’t tell more than that from this distance.

2015-08-09, 09:53 PM
This was getting obnoxious. Now, Emma would never claim to be a patient person. She knew she tended to not think things through. She figured she was good enough to kind of roll with it though, and so she never really worried about it much. Maybe someday someone would make her regret it but she'd managed so far. And right now she was annoyed. She didn't want to leave her perch. She liked it, it was nice, the wind, the view, but this jerk not only would not stop making a scene of himself, but as one was diffused her kept it going.

It was clear he wanted a fight.

Standing up she intentionally clanging her metal gauntlet against the side of the airship as she swung herself back over the safety rail her eyes locked onto the wolf faunus.

"Hey. You. Bigsby. You're obnoxious. I figure if I beat your ass you'll at least be obnoxious quietly. Wanna arrange that? Or can I go back doing things more productive then dealing with strays. Which is nothing, in case you where wondering."

2015-08-09, 10:18 PM
“You gotta be kidding me. Is this guy for real or did I walk onto the set of a children’s TV show by mistake?” the wolf Faunus asked, pointing at Teddy and looking around.

"More like a low-budget web series," Kitty remarked to herself.

Meanwhile, Kitty spots a short boy staring at her from across the room, who looks away a second after she makes eye contact with him. He has what looks like a spear on his back, but she can’t tell more than that from this distance.

Kitty saw the boy staring at her tail, and hugged it closer to herself, sort of folding it under her skirt a bit. While she may have been proud of her heritage, that doesn't mean she didn't want to avoid trouble.

Standing up she intentionally clanging her metal gauntlet against the side of the airship as she swung herself back over the safety rail her eyes locked onto the wolf faunus.

"Hey. You. Bigsby. You're obnoxious. I figure if I beat your ass you'll at least be obnoxious quietly. Wanna arrange that? Or can I go back doing things more productive then dealing with strays. Which is nothing, in case you where wondering."

Kitty sighed, laying her face on the triple triad table and covering her head with her giant shotgun. The engraved words "Gun ex Machina" gleamed in the airship's artificial lights.

2015-08-10, 03:14 AM
"What's this? Another human with a bigger mouth than brain? Well, I'd love to dance missy, but I'm not sure this ship can fly with a brat-sized hole in its hull. We'll have to wait." The Faunus held up his right hand, which seemed, if only for a brief second, to glow a pale grey light as he gave off a confident smile.

As Kitty pulled her head up, she saw directly in front of her the boy she had seen from across the room. His short bowl-cut hair was the same shade of black as his Polo shirt-and-slacks combination. His slightly chubby face was bursting with excitement and energy as he eagerly held out his right hand for a handshake, his sentences starting to blur together as his speech became more and more frantic. "Hello Misses cat-lady-person! Nice to meet you, my name's Pitch, like a ball. Its good to see Faunus like you attending Beacon and aspiring to be Huntsmen! Or I guess it would be huntresses in your case. Unless you identify as a man, do you identify as a man? No wait don't answer that, that's a personal question--is it a personal question or is it rude to not ask and assume? Crap I'm weirding you out, aren't I? I've just never met a Faunus before and I saw you sitting alone over here and then you saw me looking at you and I thought that you thought I was being kinda racist and making you feel uncomfortable and I wanted to tell you that I wasn't but now I feel like I kinda am and I'm sorry about that because that's terrible and I don't want you to feel like that even though it looks like you kinda are. No wait, I mean . . it's just that I . . ." He stopped and let out a deep breath, covering his face with both of his hands in shame, before extending his right hand again, limply this time. "Name's Pitch. Nice to meet you."

2015-08-10, 03:28 AM
"What's this? Another human with a bigger mouth than brain? Well, I'd love to dance missy, but I'm not sure this ship can fly with a brat-sized hole in its hull. We'll have to wait." The Faunus held up his right hand, which seemed, if only for a brief second, to glow a pale grey light as he gave off a confident smile.

As Kitty pulled her head up, she saw directly in front of her the boy she had seen from across the room. His short bowl-cut hair was the same shade of black as his Polo shirt-and-slacks combination. His slightly chubby face was bursting with excitement and energy as he eagerly held out his right hand for a handshake, his sentences starting to blur together as his speech became more and more frantic. "Hello Misses cat-lady-person! Nice to meet you, my name's Pitch, like a ball. Its good to see Faunus like you attending Beacon and aspiring to be Huntsmen! Or I guess it would be huntresses in your case. Unless you identify as a man, do you identify as a man? No wait don't answer that, that's a personal question--is it a personal question or is it rude to not ask and assume? Crap I'm weirding you out, aren't I? I've just never met a Faunus before and I saw you sitting alone over here and then you saw me looking at you and I thought that you thought I was being kinda racist and making you feel uncomfortable and I wanted to tell you that I wasn't but now I feel like I kinda am and I'm sorry about that because that's terrible and I don't want you to feel like that even though it looks like you kinda are. No wait, I mean . . it's just that I . . ." He stopped and let out a deep breath, covering his face with both of his hands in shame, before extending his right hand again, limply this time. "Name's Pitch. Nice to meet you."

Kitty stared at Pitch, slightly dumbfounded at the torrent of words spilling out of his mouth. Her brain raced to keep up with what he was saying, but to be honest, she lost track halfway through ... that was, until he paused to introduce himself. Kitty shook his hand, functioning on autopilot, still dumbfounded that, a, he wanted to talk to her in the first place, and b, the speed at which he spoke. After a moment, she managed a few simple words.

"Uh ... Kitsune. I'm Kitsune," she said. Also, she was a fox and not a cat, but that was neither here nor there. She offered him a drink. "Coffee?"

2015-08-11, 09:13 PM
"Look, Reynard, I understand you have something to prove. Probably because you're incompetent. Which is why you're screaming at the top of your lungs that you're a super hardcore that doesn't take nothing from no one. But please understand some things. The first is that no one cares. The second is that you're actively annoying and everyone would be happier if you left. The last," The girl chuckled darkly as she slipped on her headphones again and headed back over to the guard rail, looking over the city, "is that you're not special, and I look forward to eating you alive out there."

She turned back, looking the would-be-hunter over slightly, measuring his form, glancing at if his weapon was clearly visible already. "You should probably internalize all of those. Life lessons if you will. You're welcome."

2015-08-12, 12:25 AM
"Uh ... Kitsune. I'm Kitsune," she said. Also, she was a fox and not a cat, but that was neither here nor there. She offered him a drink. "Coffee?"

"Uh, no thanks. I . . . don't do well with caffeine" Pitch replied, in a much calmer tone of voice as he glanced right awkwardly. "So, uh, Miss Kitsune, umm . . . oh what kind of weapon is that?" He asked, pointing at gun resting on the table.

"Look, Reynard, I understand you have something to prove. Probably because you're incompetent. Which is why you're screaming at the top of your lungs that you're a super hardcore that doesn't take nothing from no one. But please understand some things. The first is that no one cares. The second is that you're actively annoying and everyone would be happier if you left. The last," The girl chuckled darkly as she slipped on her headphones again and headed back over to the guard rail, looking over the city, "is that you're not special, and I look forward to eating you alive out there."

She turned back, looking the would-be-hunter over slightly, measuring his form, glancing at if his weapon was clearly visible already. "You should probably internalize all of those. Life lessons if you will. You're welcome."

"Wow. It usually takes longer than this for me to have a list of people who need their asses kicked." He mumbled under his breath. "Guess that's what happens when you move up the food chain." He chuckled to himself, making sure he got a good look at Emma before walking away.

As Emma looked back, she found it odd that the Faunus had nothing on him that struck her as a weapon. Not even a bag or a box or something unassuming that could be a weapon.

Just then, the speakers turned on again. "One minute to landing, one minute to landing students. Prepare for arrival"

2015-08-12, 03:54 AM
"Uh, no thanks. I . . . don't do well with caffeine" Pitch replied, in a much calmer tone of voice as he glanced right awkwardly. "So, uh, Miss Kitsune, umm . . . oh what kind of weapon is that?" He asked, pointing at gun resting on the table.

"What, this?" Kitty asked, a giant grin crossing her face. Snatching the weapon off the table, she unfolded it into its giant shotgun form. "Oh, just a point-seven hundred caliber double-barrel shotgun rifle hybrid with an extended a 6al-4v titanium alloy barrel for range, metal-jacket dust shells, and a lance slash sword melee form with a monomolecular stellite edge." When mentioning the weapon's melee form, she transformed it into the spear form, then shortened the handle to make it a large sword.

Lix Lorn
2015-08-13, 06:35 PM
Kimida scowls as the argument escalates - and as some crazy girl with clothes she probably got at the pawn shop jumps down and challenges the ******* to a fight. Well, good, at least one of them would shut up.

...and great. Just great. One minute til landing. Did they not know how difficult it was to undertake field modifications of a Luxiomatic SEAR Generator even when you weren't in a hurry? She'd be lucky if she got half of what she'd planned done.

2015-08-14, 05:25 AM
"What, this?" Kitty asked, a giant grin crossing her face. Snatching the weapon off the table, she unfolded it into its giant shotgun form. "Oh, just a point-seven hundred caliber double-barrel shotgun rifle hybrid with an extended a 6al-4v titanium alloy barrel for range, metal-jacket dust shells, and a lance slash sword melee form with a monomolecular stellite edge." When mentioning the weapon's melee form, she transformed it into the spear form, then shortened the handle to make it a large sword.

"Oooh Cool! I bet you can drop an Ursa with a single blast from this thing" Pitch exclaimed, face hovering no more than a few inches away from the weapon. "Oh, here's mine". He pulled a bladed rod off of his back. "Its basically a longspear" he said as he twisted the blade, pulling it outward as the concentric cylinders trailing behind it expanded outward to form a complete shaft, almost a foot-and-a-half longer than Pitch was tall. "But its also a Grenade Launcher--see you load it here, and you can trigger it right when you hit someone with it in order to make it blow up in their face like KABOOM" He jumped up and spread his arms out wide as he finished.

2015-08-14, 06:27 PM
Everyone stared at Teddy, with varying mixes of confusion, incredulity, and amusement. After a few seconds of silence, the wolf Faunus began chuckling, slowly building into a full-bodied laugh.

The woman spoke first, eyes completely focused on Teddy. “Uh, Bezowy. Bezowy Eroi” (OOC: pronounced Bez-oh-we) she said faintly before facepalming. “I just . . . look forget it okay? I don’t care anymore” she mumbled before walking away.

“You gotta be kidding me. Is this guy for real or did I walk onto the set of a children’s TV show by mistake?” the wolf Faunus asked, pointing at Teddy and looking around. “Listen buddy, you can take your rainbows-and-sunshine shtick and shove it. I’m not here to make friends.”

Meanwhile, Kitty spots a short boy staring at her from across the room, who looks away a second after she makes eye contact with him. He has what looks like a spear on his back, but she can’t tell more than that from this distance.
"Sir, I don't think I appreciate your tone or your attitude. Now I know this hasn't been the smoothest discussion, but if you try anything at all that might even begin to hurt someone." Teddy's glare narrows at the wolf faunus over his glasses, his voice getting very low and cold very suddenly. "I will get very cross with you." Teddy punctuates that last part with a slight growl, grabbing the boy by the scruff of his shirt and lifting him up so that they're face-to-face. "You're going to be a Hunter. Start acting like it before I get mad. Because believe me, if I get mad, you'll know about it."

With a gentle smile, Teddy sets the boy back down, his voice returning to its usual softness. "Have a lovely day sir."

2015-08-14, 07:12 PM
"Oooh Cool! I bet you can drop an Ursa with a single blast from this thing" Pitch exclaimed, face hovering no more than a few inches away from the weapon.

Kitty grinned, pulling a bullet out of her pocket. ".700 caliber anti-aircraft rounds with a solid crystalline dust core," she said.

"Oh, here's mine". He pulled a bladed rod off of his back. "Its basically a longspear" he said as he twisted the blade, pulling it outward as the concentric cylinders trailing behind it expanded outward to form a complete shaft, almost a foot-and-a-half longer than Pitch was tall. "But its also a Grenade Launcher--see you load it here, and you can trigger it right when you hit someone with it in order to make it blow up in their face like KABOOM" He jumped up and spread his arms out wide as he finished.

"Oooo, neat! What are the specs on it? I was going to use grenades, but they lacked the sheer punchiness of a .700 cal right through the armor."

2015-08-14, 09:48 PM
"Sir, I don't think I appreciate your tone or your attitude. Now I know this hasn't been the smoothest discussion, but if you try anything at all that might even begin to hurt someone." Teddy's glare narrows at the wolf faunus over his glasses, his voice getting very low and cold very suddenly. "I will get very cross with you." Teddy punctuates that last part with a slight growl, grabbing the boy by the scruff of his shirt and lifting him up so that they're face-to-face. "You're going to be a Hunter. Start acting like it before I get mad. Because believe me, if I get mad, you'll know about it."

With a gentle smile, Teddy sets the boy back down, his voice returning to its usual softness. "Have a lovely day sir."

"Oh I like you." he said with a grin. "Name's Greil. Greil Claws. We'll meet again, I'm sure."

"Oooo, neat! What are the specs on it? I was going to use grenades, but they lacked the sheer punchiness of a .700 cal right through the armor."

"Um, they're .4 kg HE, impact-on-detonation rounds. Or was it .2 kg? Uhhh . . . I forget. Honestly its not what I focus on in combat too much. I'm more of an Aura guy myself. The best offense is a good defense!"

The aircraft began to turn and the full school grounds glided into view from the side window. "Attention students, we have landed. Please make sure to take all of your belongings with you, and meet up in the main hall in 10 minutes."

2015-08-15, 12:36 AM
"Um, they're .4 kg HE, impact-on-detonation rounds. Or was it .2 kg? Uhhh . . . I forget. Honestly its not what I focus on in combat too much. I'm more of an Aura guy myself. The best offense is a good defense!"

Kitty lightly bit her lip and peered closely at the weapon, visually appraising it.


2015-08-15, 03:18 PM
Kitty lightly bit her lip and peered closely at the weapon, visually appraising it.


Kitty notices right away that his weapon isn't particularly optimized. The Grenades aren't good quality, the rifling is done wrong, and the blade is designed for a thrusting motion even though he seems to be making slashing gestures when talking about it.

2015-08-15, 04:01 PM
Kitty notices right away that his weapon isn't particularly optimized. The Grenades aren't good quality, the rifling is done wrong, and the blade is designed for a thrusting motion even though he seems to be making slashing gestures when talking about it.

"You know, I could help you optimize that for better performance," Kitty offered.

The aircraft began to turn and the full school grounds glided into view from the side window. "Attention students, we have landed. Please make sure to take all of your belongings with you, and meet up in the main hall in 10 minutes."

"Whoop, later, looks like we're landing."

2015-08-16, 01:48 PM
Teddy smiles and takes his seat once more. Butter leaps up into his lap. He does not seem to have noticed Emma or her almost-escalating the situation. Butter receives an very much appreciated scratch behind the ears for his company and general cuteness.

2015-08-16, 08:35 PM
She rolled her eyes. Still, she had to admit she was interested to see how the other hunter was going to fight. She expected they'd be throwing down sooner rather then later, which was good. Ideally it would be somewhere public? She wanted to establish pecking order early. At the sound that they would be landing soon, she just grunted and turned her music up a little. She was looking forward to getting this show on the road, she'd already proved herself in the entrance test to get into Beacon, she knew she could handle this, and all the formalities where getting a little annoying.

2015-08-17, 09:43 PM
"Whoop, later, looks like we're landing."

"Oh yeah, okay! I'll see you later Miss Cat Lad--I mean, uh, Kit-su-may".
Kitsune notices it takes him 3 tries to get his weapon back into its original form.

As the airship came to a complete stop, the students began piling up towards the exit. A half dozen conversations varying from whispers to excited shouts can be heard as the students take their first steps onto Beacon's glistening campus and towards the main hall.

While most of the students are preoccupied with the sights however, Kimida spots what looks to be a humanoid standing on top of one of the spires far in the background, and facing her direction. After a few seconds, it vanishes, though she can't really tell how from this distance.

Lix Lorn
2015-08-18, 04:52 PM
Kimida watches the figure for a moment, before frowning as it vanishes. Vexing.
She was one of the last to leave the ship, having had to get her weapon close enough to reassembled that she wouldn't lose any parts walking, and irritation was writ large upon her features.

Most people look at Kimida and see an arrogant, self-obsessed bitch who doesn't know anything. But they were wrong.
Kimida knows everything.
"Troublesome." she scowls under her breath.

2015-08-18, 05:04 PM
Teddy leaves the airship with a smile, his bag across one shoulder. Butter sits in his special satchel for the moment, happy to be carried for the moment and take in all the wonderful sights and smells in comfort. He takes a moment to stop and take in a deep breath, admiring the general scenery.
"What a nice place." Teddy muses before continuing on towards the Main Hall. Butter barks in agreement.

2015-08-20, 09:56 PM
"Lines." Emma looked at the throng of students shifting out of the exit and promptly decided that well. "Nope. Don't do lines." Shrugging she simply, as she was want to do, jumped off the edge of the airship and landed in a light roll. She paused, brushed herself off, and proceeded towards the hall significantly ahead the slow throng of people trying to trickle out, pushing into the hall and looking around.

2015-08-21, 12:11 AM
"Oh yeah, okay! I'll see you later Miss Cat Lad--I mean, uh, Kit-su-may".
Kitsune notices it takes him 3 tries to get his weapon back into its original form.

As the airship came to a complete stop, the students began piling up towards the exit. A half dozen conversations varying from whispers to excited shouts can be heard as the students take their first steps onto Beacon's glistening campus and towards the main hall.

While most of the students are preoccupied with the sights however, Kimida spots what looks to be a humanoid standing on top of one of the spires far in the background, and facing her direction. After a few seconds, it vanishes, though she can't really tell how from this distance.

Kitty's eye twitched as she watched the boy struggle with his weapon. She desperately wanted to pursue the issue, but that would have to wait. So she packed up her stuff, opened up a notepad file on her uPad, and typed, in big, bold, multiple-underlined letters:


2015-08-22, 03:50 AM
"Lines." Emma looked at the throng of students shifting out of the exit and promptly decided that well. "Nope. Don't do lines." Shrugging she simply, as she was want to do, jumped off the edge of the airship and landed in a light roll. She paused, brushed herself off, and proceeded towards the hall significantly ahead the slow throng of people trying to trickle out, pushing into the hall and looking around.

Emma immediately drew the attention of the entire class, and after a few seconds of hesitation a number of students decide to follow her lead and take the "shortcut". Greil stepped up to the edge and with a huge smirk on his face muttered to himself "Oh, you're not going to show me up that easy woman" before running and diving headfirst off the side of the ship and below the school, quickly falling a hundreds of feet and out of his shocked and horrified classmates' view.

A blue-haired girl wearing a huge white box on her back like a backpack immediately rushed to the side of the ship, swinging the box off of her back and over her shoulder and pointing it off the side. Her eyes furiously scanned the area below, right hand gripping a handle and trigger on the top of the box, while the left hammered a series of buttons on the side. "Dammit dammit dammit! Where'd you go you dumb suicidal sh--!"
She was interrupted by a loud whoosh as Greil soared down from over the top of the ship, flapping what appeared to be large, translucent, grey eagle wings formed around both of his arms.


Greil quickly soared past Emma, landing gently inside the main hall as his wings faded away.

2015-08-24, 05:54 PM
As Greil landed just ahead of she didn't stop her casual walk, hands in her pockets as she glanced up at him, cocking her head to the side lightly, "Overcompensation much, Lobo?" She snickered, glancing at to see how far the rest of the students where from arriving, while making sure to keep the Faunus in her peripheral.

2015-08-27, 08:49 AM
As Greil landed just ahead of she didn't stop her casual walk, hands in her pockets as she glanced up at him, cocking her head to the side lightly, "Overcompensation much, Lobo?" She snickered, glancing at to see how far the rest of the students where from arriving, while making sure to keep the Faunus in her peripheral.

Greil smirked. "You're one to talk, Dr. Claw."

The rest of the students began filing in quickly behind the two, as Greil's stunt had put a quick end to the sightseeing. One of the first through the doors is Pitch, who runs straight up to Greil. "Oh man that was so cool how did you do that how fast can you go have you ever given people rides can you give me a ride is that awkward to ask now oh man this school is so cool!". Greil looked back in silence with a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

Meanwhile, Bezowy and the blue-haired girl from before started chatting and headed off to a corner.

After a few minutes, the audience went quiet as Professor Ozpin took the stage.

"I'll . . .keep this brief. You've traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you've finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you, to take the first step."

Afterwards, Emma heard something quietly mumored over the noise of the crowd. "Lo-what?"

2015-08-28, 05:25 AM
"I feel like there was a nicer way for the Headmaster to put that. But I suppose if I let it deter me I shouldn't be here anyway." Teddy says with a smile, giving Butter a pat.
Then Teddy's 'Two aggressive people are potentially about to have a confrontation' sense tingles and his gaze drifts towards Emma and Griel. With a gentle hand he moves Pitch by the shoulder away from them.
"Better slow down there friend. You might give people the wrong impression." He smiles warmly, and Butter jumps out of his satchel to sit right in front of this new friend. He barks and wags his tail.
With the young lad hopefully distracted by the presence of PUPPY, Teddy moves on to solving the more pressing issue the only way he knows. By introducing himself and being friendly.
"Hi there I'm Teddy, it's a pleasure to meet you, would you like a cookie?" He beams at Emma.

Lix Lorn
2015-08-28, 07:58 AM
Kimida follows the queue into the hall slowly, missing out on the death-defying stunts of the faunus and the badly-dressed-noblewoman. She listens to Ozpin's speech with the rest of them, hands subconsciously fiddling with her weapon as her scowl grows more and more pronounced.

She seems to think the speech is mocking her personally, by the looks of it.

2015-08-29, 06:21 PM
"Griel will absolutely give you a ride whoever you are. Just now, before you all got there, he confided in me that he loves giving people rides he is just embarrassed to admit it in public." She confirmed to the energetic lad warmly, giving him a smile that showed just slightly to many teeth, before narrowing her eyes and taking a small step back from Teddy.



"Why what's wrong with it." She crossed her arms and looked at him with obvious suspicion.

2015-08-29, 06:31 PM
Teddy blinks at the question.
"I don't quite understand? It's a cookie. Why would there be something wrong with a cookie? I mean, I baked them myself, so I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with them. I suppose if you had a sugar allergy they'd be bad for you. And if you ate too many you might get a stomach ache. So, no, nothing any more wrong with them than there is with any cookie."
He smiles honestly.
"So, would you like a cookie Miss?"

2015-08-29, 06:37 PM
"I'll take half of a cookie if you eat the other half," she ultimately conceded. She was a little peckish, and frankly, she could go for a snack. Handing out cookies randomly was weirdly suspicious though.

2015-08-29, 06:42 PM
Teddy blinks again, this lady is strange, but cookies are nice, and if it makes her more comfortable then that's fine.
"Okay." he says with a smile before splitting the cookie, happily eating his half (making a rather contented face as he does so) and offering her the other.

2015-08-29, 11:21 PM
Greil smirked. "You're one to talk, Dr. Claw."

The rest of the students began filing in quickly behind the two, as Greil's stunt had put a quick end to the sightseeing. One of the first through the doors is Pitch, who runs straight up to Greil. "Oh man that was so cool how did you do that how fast can you go have you ever given people rides can you give me a ride is that awkward to ask now oh man this school is so cool!". Greil looked back in silence with a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

Meanwhile, Bezowy and the blue-haired girl from before started chatting and headed off to a corner.

After a few minutes, the audience went quiet as Professor Ozpin took the stage.

"I'll . . .keep this brief. You've traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you've finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you, to take the first step."

Afterwards, Emma heard something quietly mumored over the noise of the crowd. "Lo-what?"

Kitty didn't take the harsh tone of the headmaster's speech personally. It's not like it wasn't something she was used to - it was certainly a lot nicer than some of her old classmates. She raised her head from her tablet to watch the commencement speech and to look around. Even if she was absorbed in her work, it would still do her good to keep an eye on her surroundings. Glancing around, she split her attention between her environment and the contents of her tablet.

2015-08-31, 10:59 PM
"Griel will absolutely give you a ride whoever you are. Just now, before you all got there, he confided in me that he loves giving people rides he is just embarrassed to admit it in public." She confirmed to the energetic lad warmly, giving him a smile that showed just slightly to many teeth, before narrowing her eyes and taking a small step back from Teddy.

"Oh really? Oh man can you please it can be quick oh man this is awesome your the best will you be my friend forever but not in a creepy wa--"

"No, I'm not going to let a human ride me." Greil snapped back. Don't ask me again if you want to keep all of your teeth"

With a gentle hand he moves Pitch by the shoulder away from them.
"Better slow down there friend. You might give people the wrong impression." He smiles warmly, and Butter jumps out of his satchel to sit right in front of this new friend. He barks and wags his tail.

Pitch frowns and sits down with Butter, petting him softly but keeping his eyes fixed on Teddy.

With the young lad hopefully distracted by the presence of PUPPY, Teddy moves on to solving the more pressing issue the only way he knows. By introducing himself and being friendly.
"Hi there I'm Teddy, it's a pleasure to meet you, would you like a cookie?" He beams at Emma.

"Can I have a cookie?"

2015-09-01, 06:47 AM
Pitch frowns and sits down with Butter, petting him softly but keeping his eyes fixed on Teddy.

"Can I have a cookie?"

Butter is very happy to be petted. Butter is so happy that he licks Pitch's hand.

"Of course you can have a cookie friend!" Teddy beams and hands Pitch a cookie. "Would you like a cookie too Mr. Griel?"

2015-09-04, 07:31 AM
"Of course you can have a cookie friend!" Teddy beams and hands Pitch a cookie. "Would you like a cookie too Mr. Griel?"

"Thanks, Mr. . . Bear . . . Guy?" Pitch guessed cheerfully as he stared at Teddy's ears, quickly eating the cookie.

"Would you like a cookie too Mr. Griel?"

" . . . .Fine." Greil said with a smirk. A faint and translucent grey hand suddenly appeared out of his shoulder and grabbed the cookie, while he kept his actual hands folded in front of him. "Thanks". He turned and walked with the rest of the students filing out of the room and towards the Barn.

2015-09-04, 07:58 PM
"Still trying to show off. That dudes a bundle of mental issues. Sucks for whoever ends up paired with him." Emma commented with absolutely no sense of irony, as she munched the cookie she had previously suspected of being poisoned specifically because it was offered freely. "Oh well. Thanks for the sugar. Luck to you, try not to die." Emma gave Teddy and Pitch a nod and shrug, before stretching her arms and locking them behind her head as she began to head towards the barn, humming a little to herself.

She kept an eye on other students as she moved, curious to see if any more of them stood out. She had, to be blunt, never been around this many people in this kind of environment before. It was interesting. None of them seemed particularly afraid, nervous maybe but not like that. Odd.

2015-09-05, 06:42 AM
"Thanks, Mr. . . Bear . . . Guy?" Pitch guessed cheerfully as he stared at Teddy's ears, quickly eating the cookie.

" . . . .Fine." Greil said with a smirk. A faint and translucent grey hand suddenly appeared out of his shoulder and grabbed the cookie, while he kept his actual hands folded in front of him. "Thanks". He turned and walked with the rest of the students filing out of the room and towards the Barn.

"I'm Arthur, but you can call me Teddy, and you're very welcome friend." Teddy smiles at Pitch and his little bear ears waggle happily. "You're welcome Mr. Claws. Good luck!"

"Still trying to show off. That dudes a bundle of mental issues. Sucks for whoever ends up paired with him." Emma commented with absolutely no sense of irony, as she munched the cookie she had previously suspected of being poisoned specifically because it was offered freely. "Oh well. Thanks for the sugar. Luck to you, try not to die." Emma gave Teddy and Pitch a nod and shrug, before stretching her arms and locking them behind her head as she began to head towards the barn, humming a little to herself.

She kept an eye on other students as she moved, curious to see if any more of them stood out. She had, to be blunt, never been around this many people in this kind of environment before. It was interesting. None of them seemed particularly afraid, nervous maybe but not like that. Odd.

"You're welcome friend. And good luck to you too!" Teddy says with an excited wave as Butter trots to his feet.

2015-09-07, 08:04 PM
When the headmaster's short speech concluded, Kitty made her way around the hall, looking for Pitch as well as the cafeteria.

2015-09-08, 05:54 PM
With a warm smile, Teddy scans the room for people who look lonely, and lo and behold, the boy spots Kimida! A person on their own! Surely they require the friendly presence of him and his dog, and potentially also a cookie to lift their spirits. So, with a hearty wave, a plate of cookies in one hand and Butter trotting along beside him, Teddy makes his way over to her.

"Hi there!" he beams. "I'm Teddy, and this little guy is Butter!" Butter barks cheerily. "We're both so glad to meet you! Would you like a cookie miss?"
With the most honest smile possible, Teddy offers the plate of cookies to Kimida.

2015-09-09, 12:22 AM
When the headmaster's short speech concluded, Kitty made her way around the hall, looking for Pitch as well as the cafeteria.

She finds Pitch sulking and talking with another girl. Kitty catches them mid-conversation.

" . . . Because people are slower to trust than you are. You can't just ask to be someone's friend and expect them to say yes."

"Hi there!" he beams. "I'm Teddy, and this little guy is Butter!" Butter barks cheerily. "We're both so glad to meet you! Would you like a cookie miss?"
With the most honest smile possible, Teddy offers the plate of cookies to Kimida.

"Though I guess you can make an exception for bears wielding cookie platters."

2015-09-09, 09:01 AM
She finds Pitch sulking and talking with another girl. Kitty catches them mid-conversation.

" . . . Because people are slower to trust than you are. You can't just ask to be someone's friend and expect them to say yes."

Whoops, Pitch was busy. Well, he could wait, she decided. Pocketing her uPad, she made to set her up her sleepover equipment nearby.

Lix Lorn
2015-09-09, 07:26 PM
With a warm smile, Teddy scans the room for people who look lonely, and lo and behold, the boy spots Kimida! A person on their own! Surely they require the friendly presence of him and his dog, and potentially also a cookie to lift their spirits. So, with a hearty wave, a plate of cookies in one hand and Butter trotting along beside him, Teddy makes his way over to her.

"Hi there!" he beams. "I'm Teddy, and this little guy is Butter!" Butter barks cheerily. "We're both so glad to meet you! Would you like a cookie miss?"
With the most honest smile possible, Teddy offers the plate of cookies to Kimida.
Kimida, practically in her own little world - one full of rude words of which I can repeat very little here - almost jumps at Teddy's words. An angry response forms on her tongue as she turns around to look at him, and then... well, her eye level is about his chest, and by the time she's tracked upwards to his face she's reconsidered being directly insulting.
"...a cookie would be nice?"

She also likes free cookies.

2015-09-10, 06:03 AM
Kimida, practically in her own little world - one full of rude words of which I can repeat very little here - almost jumps at Teddy's words. An angry response forms on her tongue as she turns around to look at him, and then... well, her eye level is about his chest, and by the time she's tracked upwards to his face she's reconsidered being directly insulting.
"...a cookie would be nice?"

She also likes free cookies.

Teddy flashes his warmest, most genuine smile. "Well then take as many as you like friend." he says softly in a manner that can only be described as conveying a sense of 'This guy gives really gentle hugs'. Cookies are offered forward.

Butter starts nuzzling at Kimida's leg. "I think Butter likes you miss... miss... I don't know your name..." Teddy's sad voice is akin to a sad puppy.

Lix Lorn
2015-09-13, 07:27 AM
She takes a cookie, and looks at it from all directions before taking a small bite. She nods in approval.
"Kimida Blanc." she replies, and takes another bite of the cookie.

Of course, if Teddy pays attention to famous hunters, he'll know that Scarlet and Arianna Blanc were famous married hunters about twenty years ago. Granted a noble title for the saving of a city, they became highly strange nobles, denying most of the trappings of wealth and continuing to serve the community as best they can.

Somehow, Kimida does not seem that similar to those two.

2015-09-13, 08:57 AM
She takes a cookie, and looks at it from all directions before taking a small bite. She nods in approval.
"Kimida Blanc." she replies, and takes another bite of the cookie.

Of course, if Teddy pays attention to famous hunters, he'll know that Scarlet and Arianna Blanc were famous married hunters about twenty years ago. Granted a noble title for the saving of a city, they became highly strange nobles, denying most of the trappings of wealth and continuing to serve the community as best they can.

Somehow, Kimida does not seem that similar to those two.

Teddy has frankly no idea who either of those people are, but I'm sure if he did he'd think they were very nice people.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you Miss Kimida!" Teddy's happy face is also similar to a puppy. He's like a giant half-man half-bear all-puppy combo, and given his face he likely already assumes they are friends.

Butter has decided to fall asleep on Kimida's foot. He looks very comfortable.

Lix Lorn
2015-09-13, 09:40 AM
By Kimida's expression, she would quite like for the sun to explode and cleanse all life right now.
"Your dog has fallen asleep on my foot." she says, deadpan, but for a note of irritation.

2015-09-13, 09:53 AM
By Kimida's expression, she would quite like for the sun to explode and cleanse all life right now.
"Your dog has fallen asleep on my foot." she says, deadpan, but for a note of irritation.

"Awww, poor guy, he's all tuckered out. It's been a long day." Teddy kneels down and picks up the sleeping Butter, cradling him like a tiny baby (and in Teddy's arms, everyone is a tiny baby).
"Miss you look like you're not having a good day. What's wrong?"

Lix Lorn
2015-09-13, 01:33 PM
"I've had to ride on a clanky airship and people keep trying to talk to me." she says, snapping slightly. "And now I'm expected to sleep here? This is ridiculous."

2015-09-13, 05:44 PM
"I've had to ride on a clanky airship and people keep trying to talk to me." she says, snapping slightly. "And now I'm expected to sleep here? This is ridiculous."

"It wasn't the most fun ride no. And people kept arguing. I got worried." he nods. "But of course people want to talk to you! You look so interesting! And I reckon sleeping here won't be so bad, I've had worse, I mean, at least they have enough sleeping bags for everyone. And besides, it'll be better with a friend to keep you company."
Butter snoozes happily from the comfort of Teddy's arms.

2015-09-13, 06:33 PM
"I've had to ride on a clanky airship and people keep trying to talk to me." she says, snapping slightly. "And now I'm expected to sleep here? This is ridiculous."

Kimida can hear Greil laughing to himself in the distance as she says that.

Meanwhile, Emma is the first one into the Barn. The room was almost completely cleared out except for some bookcases on the side wall, and the staircases at the back of the hall. The sun was starting to sink below the horizon, and the light seeping in from the windows was at such a low angle that Emma's shadow reached all the way to the eastern wall. She quickly noticed another shadow however, or rather the head of one, directly above hers. Quickly looking up, she spotted an older-looking man, probably in his forties, standing upside-down on the ceiling and looking down at her. His dark skin and brown hair complemented his business suit and neatly tucked red tie.

"Well hello there. You're a bit early, aren't you? I was hoping to make a more dramatic entrance but I see that's out of the question now."

2015-09-14, 09:15 PM

Emma took a step back, surprised by the man (Teachers?) sudden appearance from such an unexpected angle, she quickly shifted back to regain her cool though, the surprised expression pushed back as she smoothed herself out then cocked her head at the stranger. The hell was that about? "You know thats the ceiling, right Count Chocula?" She offered helpfully, undisguised snark in her voice.

"Or do you just find scaring kids funny for some reason? Not that I was scared. Just noting its weird. Is what I'm saying. You get it? You get it."

2015-09-15, 01:42 AM

Emma took a step back, surprised by the man (Teachers?) sudden appearance from such an unexpected angle, she quickly shifted back to regain her cool though, the surprised expression pushed back as she smoothed herself out then cocked her head at the stranger. The hell was that about? "You know thats the ceiling, right Count Chocula?" She offered helpfully, undisguised snark in her voice.

"Or do you just find scaring kids funny for some reason? Not that I was scared. Just noting its weird. Is what I'm saying. You get it? You get it."

"Funny? No. I merely find that surprising the new students can be an excellent way to gauge their . . . character.". He smiled politely. "But where are my manners." he laughed, quickly dropping to the floor with a half somersault. Emma notices a pair of short blades attached on his back in the brief glimpse she gets before he lands. "My name is Professor Valencian. Pleasure to meet you Miss."

2015-09-15, 10:34 AM
"Professor Vlad. Gotcha. Eh, actually that one is probably to much of a stretch. I'll come up with something better." Emma's pose wasn't difficult to read, to be frank, looking the Professor straight in the eye her arms crossed and eyes ones of challenge. Still, she was a little wary. She knew the Teachers at beacon weren't supposed to be any jokes, so...

Maybe she should reign it in a bit.

She let her arms fall to her sides and nodded, "Pleased to meet you then." She offered, a little less aggression in her tone. A little. She was making an effort at least, "What exactly do you teach, Professor?"

2015-09-19, 01:32 AM
Whoops, Pitch was busy. Well, he could wait, she decided. Pocketing her uPad, she made to set her up her sleepover equipment nearby.

As Kitty makes her way towards the barn, she notices Pitch break off from the two girls and head to the bathroom. She also overhears them talking.

" . . . have to put up with the fuzzballs, but I don't have to like it"
"I know what you mean. Did you see that wolf guy earlier? He has one hell of a chip on his shoulder"
"And who the hell does a stunt like that in front of a class full of students? Did he think he was impressive or something? I was this close to pulling his ass out of the sky as a matter of principle"
"The cookie guy seemed pretty alright though."

2015-09-19, 01:58 AM
As Kitty makes her way towards the barn, she notices Pitch break off from the two girls and head to the bathroom. She also overhears them talking.

" . . . have to put up with the fuzzballs, but I don't have to like it"
"I know what you mean. Did you see that wolf guy earlier? He's has one hell of a chip on his shoulder"
"And who the hell does a stunt like that in front of a class full of students? Did he think he was impressive or something? I was this close to pulling his ass out of the sky as a matter of principle"
"The cookie guy seemed pretty alright though."

Kitty's tail curled under her in a combination of annoyance and not-quite-fear-but-close at the two talking, but there was nothing she could do about it. So instead, she went over to the bathrooms, intent on approaching Pitch when he came out.

2015-09-19, 04:30 AM
"I've had to ride on a clanky airship and people keep trying to talk to me." she says, snapping slightly. "And now I'm expected to sleep here? This is ridiculous."

Teddy thinks for a moment and has a brief moment of 'oh no I'm bothering this person'.

"Maybe if we went into the barn, there'd be less people trying to bother you. And I can make sure everyone there gives you your space." He smiles brightly, waiting for a response to his suggestion.

Butter starts to wake up with a tiny puppy-yawn.

Lix Lorn
2015-09-19, 03:14 PM
"It wasn't the most fun ride no. And people kept arguing. I got worried." he nods. "But of course people want to talk to you! You look so interesting! And I reckon sleeping here won't be so bad, I've had worse, I mean, at least they have enough sleeping bags for everyone. And besides, it'll be better with a friend to keep you company."
Butter snoozes happily from the comfort of Teddy's arms.
She sniffs derisively, wondering if he's really this optimistic or just an idiot.

Teddy thinks for a moment and has a brief moment of 'oh no I'm bothering this person'.

"Maybe if we went into the barn, there'd be less people trying to bother you. And I can make sure everyone there gives you your space." He smiles brightly, waiting for a response to his suggestion.

Butter starts to wake up with a tiny puppy-yawn.
"A barn." she exclaims, horrified and disgusted, before looking around in distaste. "I suppose that's better than out here. Ugh."

2015-09-19, 03:22 PM
She sniffs derisively, wondering if he's really this optimistic or just an idiot.

"A barn." she exclaims, horrified and disgusted, before looking around in distaste. "I suppose that's better than out here. Ugh."

With a voice like soft pillows, Teddy speaks. "Well then let's get going Miss Kimida." He offers a gentle smile as Butter looks around sleepily.

With Kimida presumably following, Teddy uses his bulk and presence of said bulk to clear enough of a way that she isn't bothered too much.

2015-09-19, 04:52 PM
"Professor Vlad. Gotcha. Eh, actually that one is probably to much of a stretch. I'll come up with something better." Emma's pose wasn't difficult to read, to be frank, looking the Professor straight in the eye her arms crossed and eyes ones of challenge. Still, she was a little wary. She knew the Teachers at beacon weren't supposed to be any jokes, so...

Maybe she should reign it in a bit.

She let her arms fall to her sides and nodded, "Pleased to meet you then." She offered, a little less aggression in her tone. A little. She was making an effort at least, "What exactly do you teach, Professor?"

Valencia raised an eyebrow at "Professor Vlad", but his face quickly turned into a polite smile. "Basic and advanced group tactics Miss. You probably won't be seeing me in class this semester." He took a moment to straighten out his tie, which had become slightly loose from his flip. "More to the point, I will be chaperoning this little sleepover tonight. Please place your stuff over on the west side of the hall. Bathrooms are behind the stairs." He pointed to each before giving a little bow and proceeding to walk back up a wall towards his original spot. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. Even if your idea of proper clothing constitutes a crime against good taste." he said with a playful smile.

2015-10-02, 08:52 PM
"Oh no the old creepy professor dude who teaches unnecessary things is giving fashion advice thats probably a decade out of date. My poor feelings." She paused before sighing and giving him a long, up and down look before giving him a disparaging look. "I bet you're tenured." She commented, pulling her bag over her shoulder. She... traveled light. She honestly didn't plan on doing much sleeping tonight. Probably nap here and there but there was a lot to do, probably.

2015-10-03, 04:23 PM
"Oh no the old creepy professor dude who teaches unnecessary things is giving fashion advice thats probably a decade out of date. My poor feelings." She paused before sighing and giving him a long, up and down look before giving him a disparaging look. "I bet you're tenured." She commented, pulling her bag over her shoulder. She... traveled light. She honestly didn't plan on doing much sleeping tonight. Probably nap here and there but there was a lot to do, probably.

Valencian doesn't say anything at first, though he smiles slightly when Emma says "unnecessary". She also recognized his suit as high-class designer brand, absolutely spotless, and unusually skin-tight. "Oh, I bet you say that to all the teachers" he said with another subdued smile. Emma also got a better view of his backside, and noticed that the blades on his back are longer than daggers but shorter than most swords she's seen before. They also seem to be glowing faintly, as opposed to when she saw them earlier.

Kitty's tail curled under her in a combination of annoyance and not-quite-fear-but-close at the two talking, but there was nothing she could do about it. So instead, she went over to the bathrooms, intent on approaching Pitch when he came out.

Pitch walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, and looked surprised and a little uncomfortable seeing a girl standing outside the boy's bathroom. "Oh, uh, hey"

2015-10-03, 04:47 PM
With a distinct lack of people to be friendly to, Teddy makes his way into the Barn with a warm smile.
Butter trots alongside him and they both hope that they make a new friend.

2015-10-03, 05:03 PM
A million thoughts raced through Darren's mind as he hauled his heavy suitcase as fast as his slight frame could go. The foremost was the concern about immediate expulsion. His flight arrived late and he had missed the first assembly of the year, if the schedule was to be believed.

The young Huntsman-in-Training stuck out in the elegant hallways of Beacon Academy, with garish military camouflage covering him from head to toe. The small window of pale skin that showed was that around his worried grey eyes. Beneath them, he wore a cloth mask just thick enough to hide his thin hooked nose and jagged misaligned teeth, much to his relief. The mask was in a flurry of motions as Darren did his utmost to pick the remnants of his toast breakfast from his yellowed teeth with his tongue.

As he rounded yet another corner, he spotted a group of students as well as someone who stood with an air of authority... Well, stood on the ceiling. A professor... I hope. Waddling forward with his heavy luggage, he attempted to wave with his spare hand. "Excuse me, sir!" The voice was slightly muffled due to the mask and Darren's natural tendency to speak quietly.

2015-10-03, 05:29 PM
"Oh boy, Teddy-Bear and the Slenderman. Getting a little crowded in here." Emma turned, pausing to eye the Professor curiously. She had considered adding a parting snipe but frankly, she was pr etty sure she'd won that encounter. No need to push when you're already ahead. She turned and began to casually begin setting up her own section in the corner of the Barn. It was a pretty good piece of space honestly, and she was pretty quickly prepared to evict anyone who considered infringing upon it.

2015-10-03, 05:41 PM
"Well most people do call me Teddy. But my real name is Arthur, and my last name's Brun, not Bear. Common mistake to make though." Teddy smiles brightly. He hoped his new friend was having a nice time. She seemed like she enjoyed the cookie at least. "You never told me what your name was Miss." Teddy's smile continues to beam with all the gentle light he can muster.

Butter trots up to Darren and sits in front of him, barking to get his attention before wagging his tail happily.

2015-10-03, 05:55 PM
Pitch walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, and looked surprised and a little uncomfortable seeing a girl standing outside the boy's bathroom. "Oh, uh, hey"

((I just assumed both bathrooms were next to each other?))

"Hey, Pitch," Kitty said. "Do you want to tune up that weapon after we're settled in? I don't know what tomorrow's test will be like, but we'll wanna be in top shape for it, and I need to quadruple-check my own weapon, and...."

2015-10-03, 06:39 PM
"I... your name is actually Teddy?" Emma paused, and blinked, before slowly bringing her gauntleted hand to the side of her face. "No. Of course your name is Teddy. Of course." The warm beaming smile he kept shooting at her was not returned, rather given with a look of positive indifference that wasn't quite a glower. Which was the friendliest she'd been to anyone the entire day, but to be fair he had given her half a cookie.

"Emma." She paused for a moment before grunting and adding the second part. "Emma Rangold."

2015-10-03, 06:45 PM
"Yup. Even my Mom used to call me Teddy." Mentioning his mother seems to make Teddy a little sad, but he quickly brightens. "Well that is a lovely name Miss Emma. It's a pleasure to meet you." Teddy holds out a large hand for shaking purposes.

Regardless of whether the handshake is done or not, Teddy will then look up. "Sir, that is a very neat trick to be standing on the ceiling like that. Are you a teacher?"

2015-10-03, 06:57 PM
A lot of things were happening so Darren was forced to prioritize. Setting his suitcase down, he reached down cautiously to pet the excited puppy. He watched it, waiting to see if it would flinch away from his hand. When it didn't, he took a seat and softly patted it on the head.

Meanwhile, the dog's apparent owner quickly drew Darren's attention. He was huge, towering over the girl he was speaking to as well as 90% of the student population, if Darren's guess was correct. But even more interesting was the ears. A second set, like some sort of animal. A Faunus.

How did a Faunus get into Beacon? If his studies were to be believed, those creatures lacked Aura, much like Grimm, and would make subpar Hunters. They were cursed with awful luck and had an incredibly limited intelligence. That this Faunus was at one of the most prestigious training academies in all of Remnant... He must be the strongest Faunus in the history of Remnant! The thought cowed and intimidated Darren as he lifted his hand off the dog. He only hoped that this Faunus didn't smell his fear; apparently one in every twenty couldn't.

2015-10-03, 07:05 PM
Butter is absolutely ecstatic about being petted, nuzzling into Darren's hand appreciatively, even licking it once.
In fact, let's go into the mind of Butter for a moment:
"NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND! This person is so nice! They went out of their way to pet me! Most of the time only Teddy does that! NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND!"

Teddy at this point notices another person in the room and turns around with a big, warm smile.
"Oh hello there! Didn't seeya there buddy!" He covers the distance between them with a few long strides. "Do you need any help with your luggage? Oh where are my manners, my name's Teddy, and this little guy here is Butter. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you!"
As much as Teddy's voice is a little loud and very enthusiastic, it's kind of like it outright refuses to be boisterous, or aggressive, instead remaining soft and welcoming, like a fire burning gently in the hearth.

2015-10-03, 07:47 PM
That Faunus had to have at least a sixth grade level vocabulary. Truly, he is a glowing representation of his people. But Darren did not quite trust this so-called Teddy yet. He was too nice. No one was ever this nice to him. "Hi," was Darren's quiet reply. "I'm... Darren."

It was at this point that Darren noticed that the small pup had somehow gotten even more excited. "Here's your dog back," he said, lifting the tiny ball of fluff and energy up to Teddy.

2015-10-03, 07:56 PM
"Well it's nice to meet you Darren." Teddy says with a hearty laugh as he takes back Butter. "Have you been making a new friend Butter?"
Butter seems eager to continue playing with his new friend, his little legs outstretched and reaching towards Darren.
"Well now, you've made quite an impression on the little guy. Usually new people tucker him out pretty quickly, but he just can't get enough of you."
With surprising gentleness, Teddy clasps an arm around Darren's shoulders with a smile. "And there's no need to be nervous Darren. We're all friends here. So don't you worry about a thing. You're friend Teddy's got you covered."
He pulls a bag of cookies out of a conveniently placed pocket/bag.
"Would you like a cookie friend? I baked them myself."
Even the prospect of cookies doesn't seem to distract Butter from his desire to receive more attention from his new friend Darren.

2015-10-04, 03:14 AM
Regardless of whether the handshake is done or not, Teddy will then look up. "Sir, that is a very neat trick to be standing on the ceiling like that. Are you a teacher?"

"Well, it seems that Miss Tyev-Rangold has ruined my chance for a dramatic introduction. A shame; I was very much looking forward to gauging the reactions of more of the class." He did a half-spin again, this time much more slowly, and glided downwards towards the incoming students. "I am Professor Valencian. I will be chaperoning this little sleepover of ours. Please take your bags to the West side of the hall, and fan out from there. We should have enough space for all of you. Lights out at 10:00; we're starting early tomorrow."

"Why the hell do we have to sleep in a 'Barn' anyway?" Greil said with a measure of disgust in his voice, as he sauntered into the hall. His scowl quickly turned into shock as he locked eyes with the professor. "What the . . .Why are you . . "

"Hello Greg." The professor stated, with heavy emphasis on the name. "Glad to see you took my advice".

Greil was silent for a few seconds before composing himself. " . . . **** you Vlad. You forgot to mention I'd have to look at your ugly face the whole time" He stormed off to an unoccupied corner.

((I just assumed both bathrooms were next to each other?))

"Hey, Pitch," Kitty said. "Do you want to tune up that weapon after we're settled in? I don't know what tomorrow's test will be like, but we'll wanna be in top shape for it, and I need to quadruple-check my own weapon, and...."

((OOC: I was assuming you were standing right outside the door))

"Oh, uh . . . okay, thanks." He said slowly and awkwardly. "Do you have tools and stuff? You'd need to finish before tomorrow morning, right?"

2015-10-04, 10:20 PM
Despite the gentleness of the act, Teddy's grip made Darren flinch. He considered pulling away but it seemed like a futile task; if the Faunus wanted him to stay put, there was little the shorter teen could do to change that. Friend... Did Teddy somehow recognize him and was getting ready to try and use Darren for his lineage? Maybe he was just trying to get friends to better his situation. Being a Faunus, it was unlikely that many people at the school would accept him. Admittedly, Darren could understand that.

"Sorry but..." Darren gestured at the mask covering his face. "I don't like eating in public. Personal reasons." If this Faunus was as considerate as he was attempting to show himself as, Darren hoped he'd at least take the hint.

2015-10-04, 10:33 PM
"Come on Greg!" Emma howled from her corner, clearly hamming up 'Greils' name for as much as it was worth, "You should be marginally more polite to your Professors even if they're old and weird. Especially since it sounds like he was your ticket in here, right? Nepotism makes the world go 'round. No wonder you're so determined to fight everyone you meet." she snickered.

2015-10-05, 06:09 AM
Despite the gentleness of the act, Teddy's grip made Darren flinch. He considered pulling away but it seemed like a futile task; if the Faunus wanted him to stay put, there was little the shorter teen could do to change that. Friend... Did Teddy somehow recognize him and was getting ready to try and use Darren for his lineage? Maybe he was just trying to get friends to better his situation. Being a Faunus, it was unlikely that many people at the school would accept him. Admittedly, Darren could understand that.

"Sorry but..." Darren gestured at the mask covering his face. "I don't like eating in public. Personal reasons." If this Faunus was as considerate as he was attempting to show himself as, Darren hoped he'd at least take the hint.

"Oh well that's okay then." Teddy smiles softly, letting him go when he notices the flinch and mouthing a 'sorry'. "Everyone has their boundaries Would you like to take some away so you can eat them later?"

Teddy frowns when he starts to hear Emma making fun of Griel. He may not be nice but he doesn't deserve that. He takes a deep breath in, drawing himself up to his full height and suddenly appearing to convert a lot of fat to solid muscle as he strides towards Emma, practically blocking her from the rest of the room.
"Now, I don't appreciate bullies at all Miss Emma." There's a slight growl in his voice. "And I am sure that Mr. Claws got into Beacon the same way we all did. By earning it through hard work and persistence. So I think we'd all appreciate it if the pointless posturing and putdowns stopped, right now." That growl seems to grow with every word. "Do I make myself clear?"

2015-10-05, 10:26 AM
As Teddy spoke Emma kept a fairly unperturbed expression, aside from a slight raise from one of her eyebrows and a curve of one of her lips. Looks like the bear wasn't all fluff after all. Good. She had liked him and it would be a shame if the guy washed out entirely. He seemed... Nice. Although she didn't particularly care for his method of challenge.

"Mm. So I guess Greg needs the Teddy to catch his back? Don't worry, I'll lay off. I don't mess with kids." She added, putting a step back into her corner, keeping her awareness on high alert, from the ceiling, the sides, and before her. Paranoia maybe but it was a learned skill.

2015-10-05, 10:39 AM
Teddy smiles gently, his voice losing none of its steel.
"Glad we could come to an understanding Miss Emma. And don't worry, I watch everybody's back. Even yours."
He's still smiling.

Butter at this point is making sure that Darren knows that he loves him and that they are friends. He is doing this by nuzzling at his leg.

2015-10-05, 05:09 PM
"Come on Greg!" Emma howled from her corner, clearly hamming up 'Greils' name for as much as it was worth, "You should be marginally more polite to your Professors even if they're old and weird. Especially since it sounds like he was your ticket in here, right? Nepotism makes the world go 'round. No wonder you're so determined to fight everyone you meet." she snickered.

Greil's face flared up on hearing that name again, and his whole body started glowing grey. Valencian immediately shot him a stern look, and after a few seconds he growled in frustration before returning to normal and walking back off to his corner.

"Oh no, you misunderstand. I merely pointed out to him that attending Beacon would be a much more effective way of accomplishing what he was trying to do elsewhere."

2015-10-05, 05:13 PM
"Focus on the back's of people who can use it, like Slender over there. I can cover myself, been doing it for a while. If I need help, I'll ask for it." she offered in rebuttal, laying down on the floor, leaning back and using her knapsack as a cushion, shooting him a genuine smile this time, even if it was more then a little cocky, "Protip? I won't."

2015-10-05, 05:21 PM
"Well, I respect your decision Miss Emma. Nothing wrong with asking for help though. We all need a little help every now and again." He smiles and begins to give her some space. "Oh, and protip?" Teddy says over his shoulder. "I'll be around if you do need me. Also you have a very nice smile." And with that he leaves Emma to her own business, fairly happy with the net result of this conversation.

Teddy-style sass doesn't feel like sass. Like, it's definitely sass, but it also feels like it patted you on the knee, handed you a plate of cookies and complimented your figure.

2015-10-05, 06:32 PM
"Oh, uh . . . okay, thanks." He said slowly and awkwardly. "Do you have tools and stuff? You'd need to finish before tomorrow morning, right?"

Kitty's smile faltered. "W-Well, I have the basic tools," she said. "The Forge probably won't be open to us for until tomorrow, but I can at least give it a tune-up." With that, she pulled a tool out of her vest pocket and began to work, a fiery passion in her eyes.


2015-10-05, 06:50 PM
Teddy sniffs the air for a moment.
"Crystallised fire dust for a spark and oil for lubricant... high quality stuff too." he mumbles, and follows his nose over to Kitty while Butter stays right where his new friend Darren is.

He tries his best not to loom over the girl as she works, so that he doesn't block her light, but he's a rather big boy, so he's certainly noticeable. He's just a little enraptured, focusing intently on that little spark of flame.

2015-10-05, 11:52 PM
Darren had once more focused all of his attention on the attention-seeking pup when he noticed that Teddy had just... left. A muted shriek of shock escaped his mouth as he picked up the ball of lovable fluff and desperately searched the crowd. Luckily for him, it was kind of hard to lose sight of a huge bear Faunus. Unfortunately for him, there were people in the way and he couldn't risk leaving his suitcase behind. And as much as he hated to admit it, he couldn't leave Butter on his own.

Taking a deep breath, he held Butter up to eye level. "Okay, you need to listen to me. I'm going to put you in my backpack. It is very important you stay still. Do you understand?" A soft bark and an aggressive wagging tail would tip most people off that the dog had not, in fact, understood. But Darren was not exactly a dog whisperer and just hoped against hope that Butter wouldn't break anything too important.

Undoing the largest pocket on his backpack slightly, he put Butter in so that he would be facing behind Darren. The sound of puppy paws treading on numerous glass containers scared Darren but at least there was no breakage. Grabbing the suitcase, he slowly made his way over to Teddy.

"You really can't leave your dog with strang--" Darren didn't finish the thought, instead distracted by the girl working on a weapon. Something about the way her hands seemed to glide. Something about the intense focus in shutting everything out. Something about the effectiveness of a tool vest.

Finally, someone he might be able to relate to.

2015-10-06, 03:02 AM
Kitty's smile faltered. "W-Well, I have the basic tools," she said. "The Forge probably won't be open to us for until tomorrow, but I can at least give it a tune-up." With that, she pulled a tool out of her vest pocket and began to work, a fiery passion in her eyes.


Kitty easily fixes the mis-aligned sights, and fiddles around with the grenade priming mechanism. She thinks she's improved it's delay, but can't know for sure without testing it (which she can't do in a crowded hall for obvious reasons). Most of the other problems require some measure of hot metalworking or different equipment, which she can't do in a single night without more advanced tools. ((OOC: You removed some of his weapon penalties, but more remain))

Pitch spends the entire time alternating between expressions of awe and thoroughly misguided advice. Needless to say, the weapon looks like it was created by a sloppy amateur, well below what would be expected of even non-mechanically-proficient Beacon students.

2015-10-06, 05:03 AM
Darren had once more focused all of his attention on the attention-seeking pup when he noticed that Teddy had just... left. A muted shriek of shock escaped his mouth as he picked up the ball of lovable fluff and desperately searched the crowd. Luckily for him, it was kind of hard to lose sight of a huge bear Faunus. Unfortunately for him, there were people in the way and he couldn't risk leaving his suitcase behind. And as much as he hated to admit it, he couldn't leave Butter on his own.

Taking a deep breath, he held Butter up to eye level. "Okay, you need to listen to me. I'm going to put you in my backpack. It is very important you stay still. Do you understand?" A soft bark and an aggressive wagging tail would tip most people off that the dog had not, in fact, understood. But Darren was not exactly a dog whisperer and just hoped against hope that Butter wouldn't break anything too important.

Undoing the largest pocket on his backpack slightly, he put Butter in so that he would be facing behind Darren. The sound of puppy paws treading on numerous glass containers scared Darren but at least there was no breakage. Grabbing the suitcase, he slowly made his way over to Teddy.

"You really can't leave your dog with strang--" Darren didn't finish the thought, instead distracted by the girl working on a weapon. Something about the way her hands seemed to glide. Something about the intense focus in shutting everything out. Something about the effectiveness of a tool vest.

Finally, someone he might be able to relate to.

Teddy leans over to whisper to Darren.
"Don't worry, Butter's a bit more than just a regular dog. He's well-trained enough that I don't have to worry about him. After all, he's a dog that they let me bring to Beacon. If anything he's the one who has to worry about me." He says with a smile. "Metalwork's a beautiful sight isn't it. When I was a kid..." There's a slight choke in his voice when he brings up his childhood. "My Dad..." a sniffle and a grimace, but Teddy pushes through it with a smile. "My Dad was a blacksmith, and he used to let me watch while he worked. I loved everything about that forge. The smell of soot and oil, the way the dust ignited, causing flames to dance across the steel. There's nothing quite like the sound of a hammer hitting hot metal."
He absent-mindedly puts a hand on Kitty's shoulder and says softly. "That's good work there. Whoever taught you must be damn proud."

2015-10-06, 02:20 PM
Kitty easily fixes the mis-aligned sights, and fiddles around with the grenade priming mechanism. She thinks she's improved it's delay, but can't know for sure without testing it (which she can't do in a crowded hall for obvious reasons). Most of the other problems require some measure of hot metalworking or different equipment, which she can't do in a single night without more advanced tools. ((OOC: You removed some of his weapon penalties, but more remain))

Pitch spends the entire time alternating between expressions of awe and thoroughly misguided advice. Needless to say, the weapon looks like it was created by a sloppy amateur, well below what would be expected of even non-mechanically-proficient Beacon students.

Kitty let out a sigh, frowning in slight disappointment that she couldn't fix everything tonight. Still, given what little she had to work with, she had to admit her work was still pretty impressive.

"Well, that's that," she said. "There's a few more things I'd like to fix, but they'll have to wait until the forge is open. Just remember, the blade as it is is better designed for thrusting than slashing, and the rifling is misaligned, so your range will be reduced a bit." She began packing up her materials, placing them in the correct pockets of her vest.

Teddy leans over to whisper to Darren.
"Don't worry, Butter's a bit more than just a regular dog. He's well-trained enough that I don't have to worry about him. After all, he's a dog that they let me bring to Beacon. If anything he's the one who has to worry about me." He says with a smile. "Metalwork's a beautiful sight isn't it. When I was a kid..." There's a slight choke in his voice when he brings up his childhood. "My Dad..." a sniffle and a grimace, but Teddy pushes through it with a smile. "My Dad was a blacksmith, and he used to let me watch while he worked. I loved everything about that forge. The smell of soot and oil, the way the dust ignited, causing flames to dance across the steel. There's nothing quite like the sound of a hammer hitting hot metal."
He absent-mindedly puts a hand on Kitty's shoulder and says softly. "That's good work there. Whoever taught you must be damn proud."

Kitty jolted in surprise, not having even noticed the giant faunus nearby. Her hand twitched to one side, touching the still-hot crystal fire dust. This caused her to flinch in pain, bringing her hand violently to her forehead, knocking her flat on her back.

"Eheh ... thanks?" she said sheepishly.

2015-10-06, 02:23 PM
Kitty jolted in surprise, not having even noticed the giant faunus nearby. Her hand twitched to one side, touching the still-hot crystal fire dust. This caused her to flinch in pain, bringing her hand violently to her forehead, knocking her flat on her back.

"Eheh ... thanks?" she said sheepishly.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He kneels down gently next to her and checks her over. "Are you okay?" Teddy's voice; much like the rest of him, is very soft.

2015-10-06, 02:29 PM
"I'm okay!" Kitty said, twitching her tail slightly where she landed on it as she sat back up. "The floor broke my fall."

2015-10-06, 06:17 PM
Teddy chuckles a little, and smiles with all the warmth and brightness he can muster. "I'm Teddy. It's a pleasure to meet you miss." The words seem to fall around the immediate area like a warm blanket "You're an excellent smith. Who taught you how?"
Butter barks from the comfort of Darren's backpack (taking good care not to break anything), to remind the room that he is present and watching.
"Oh! And that is my dog Butter. He's very happy to meet you too miss."

2015-10-06, 09:50 PM
Darren had to do everything in his power from bouncing up and down in his shoes. Here he thought that all the Hunters that he'd meet at Beacon would be the 'smash first, ask questions later' types but the skill with which that girl was using to work on that weapon... Hitting herself in the face, not withstanding of course.

Ooh, he couldn't wait to ask her about what her favoured screwdriver was when a slight movement caught his eye. A red furry appendage twitched behind her. A... tail?

Suddenly, all of Darren's excitement evaporated, replaced with a frightening curiosity. But instead of the torrent of questions that he had been firing through in his mind, only one came out of his mouth. "How?"

2015-10-06, 10:15 PM
Teddy chuckles a little, and smiles with all the warmth and brightness he can muster. "I'm Teddy. It's a pleasure to meet you miss." The words seem to fall around the immediate area like a warm blanket "You're an excellent smith. Who taught you how?"
Butter barks from the comfort of Darren's backpack (taking good care not to break anything), to remind the room that he is present and watching.
"Oh! And that is my dog Butter. He's very happy to meet you too miss."

"Oh, uh, thanks," said Kitty, quickly putting the rest of her stuff away. "My name is Katsune Akatsuya, but most people call me Kitty. Yes, I'm aware I'm a fox, not a cat. And my dad taught me since I was little. It's ... a bit of a family hobby." The others might or might not recognize the name Katsune as the very human head of the Vulcan Refinery Corp, the company that sells most of the metal bought by the schools in the region. She reached out to pet Butter with her closest hand.

Darren had to do everything in his power from bouncing up and down in his shoes. Here he thought that all the Hunters that he'd meet at Beacon would be the 'smash first, ask questions later' types but the skill with which that girl was using to work on that weapon... Hitting herself in the face, not withstanding of course.

Ooh, he couldn't wait to ask her about what her favoured screwdriver was when a slight movement caught his eye. A red furry appendage twitched behind her. A... tail?

Suddenly, all of Darren's excitement evaporated, replaced with a frightening curiosity. But instead of the torrent of questions that he had been firing through in his mind, only one came out of his mouth. "How?"

Kitty glanced up at Darren. "Hm? How what?" she asked innocently.

2015-10-06, 10:20 PM
"H-How can you do that? As a Faunus?!" Darren tried to take a step back but forgot he had left his heavy suitcase there. Luckily, the cushioning of the backpack prevented anything disastrous but it made his pale skin turn even paler. "Your kind are supposed to be allergic to hard work! Nothing is as tough as making a good weapon!" Even as he said it, Darren couldn't help but wonder why something he read in a non-fictional book on Faunus sounded so... silly.

2015-10-06, 10:41 PM
All in all? Not a bad day. She had made a new friend, even if he was a bit if s doofus. One new friend already. Pretty good. She was always good at making friends though. Maybe not as good as her brother but a hell of a lot better then her sister. It was really expected, so maybe she shouldn't feel so smug about it. Regardless though, it felt good.

She pulled out her blocky, and frankly retro style headphones out again. She preferred them over smaller ones for several non-hipster reasons. Mostly that they sent a clear message to people when you had them on, an unmistakable 'I'm doing something else. Go away' signal. They also didn't fall off when you darted around, which was nice.

Yawning, she got comfortable and flicked on a playlist, and before long she was snoozing happily.

2015-10-07, 05:40 AM
"Oh, uh, thanks," said Kitty, quickly putting the rest of her stuff away. "My name is Katsune Akatsuya, but most people call me Kitty. Yes, I'm aware I'm a fox, not a cat. And my dad taught me since I was little. It's ... a bit of a family hobby." The others might or might not recognize the name Katsune as the very human head of the Vulcan Refinery Corp, the company that sells most of the metal bought by the schools in the region. She reached out to pet Butter with her closest hand.

Kitty glanced up at Darren. "Hm? How what?" she asked innocently.

"My Dad taught me how to Smith too." Teddy's smile seems a little weak. Butter meanwhile is very happy to receive pettings.

"H-How can you do that? As a Faunus?!" Darren tried to take a step back but forgot he had left his heavy suitcase there. Luckily, the cushioning of the backpack prevented anything disastrous but it made his pale skin turn even paler. "Your kind are supposed to be allergic to hard work! Nothing is as tough as making a good weapon!" Even as he said it, Darren couldn't help but wonder why something he read in a non-fictional book on Faunus sounded so... silly.

Teddy's head suddenly snaps around to Darren with a glare that could crack stone.
"Son." Dad voice appears to be enabled. "I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and go ahead with this under the impression that you've just been misinformed." Teddy's entire body seems to solidify into sheer muscle as he stands up. "So, let me educate you. 'My kind'; which by the way the correct word for is just Faunus, are not allergic to hard work. And when you say we are, you insult me, every Faunus here, and every Faunus who's ever worked a day in their life. Which by the way includes my mother, and believe me son, you don't want to insult my mother, because it makes me angry." Teddy growls, and Butter actually follows suit, the small dog baring his teeth a little at Darren.
"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." He says very calmly. "Lesson over."
Teddy lets out a long, slow breath as his form softens. Butter takes his cue and nuzzles against Teddy's leg, making him smile.
"Sorry, lost my temper a little there. Are we still good? I didn't mean to snap so hard, you just... you pushed a bit of a button buddy. And I hope after all of this, what you take away from it is that Faunus are just like humans, just with better night-vision."

2015-10-07, 04:06 PM
"H-How can you do that? As a Faunus?!" Darren tried to take a step back but forgot he had left his heavy suitcase there. Luckily, the cushioning of the backpack prevented anything disastrous but it made his pale skin turn even paler. "Your kind are supposed to be allergic to hard work! Nothing is as tough as making a good weapon!" Even as he said it, Darren couldn't help but wonder why something he read in a non-fictional book on Faunus sounded so... silly.

Kitty simply stared at Darren, stupefied (coming back again). Never in her life had she heard something so completely wrong, so utterly ignorant on faunus culture, and she'd grown up with some pretty racist classmates. Of course, they were racist, and this guy was just ignorant, so maybe he didn't actually mean any harm?

Teddy's head suddenly snaps around to Darren with a glare that could crack stone.
[COLOR="#A52A2A"]"Son." Dad voice appears to be enabled. "I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and go ahead with this under the impression that you've just been misinformed." Teddy's entire body seems to solidify into sheer muscle as he stands up. "So, let me educate you. 'My kind'; which by the way the correct word for is just Faunus, are not allergic to hard work. And when you say we are, you insult me, every Faunus here, and every Faunus who's ever worked a day in their life. Which by the way includes my mother, and believe me son, you don't want to insult my mother, because it makes me angry." Teddy growls, and Butter actually follows suit, the small dog baring his teeth a little at Darren.
"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." He says very calmly. "Lesson over."

Kitty frowned, and put a hand on Teddy's ... whatever part of Teddy she could reach and shook her head, trying to calm him down.

"I mean ... everything you just said is objectively wrong," she said to Darius. "I mean, maybe aside from the bit about making a good weapon."

2015-10-07, 06:00 PM
"H-How can you do that? As a Faunus?!" Darren tried to take a step back but forgot he had left his heavy suitcase there. Luckily, the cushioning of the backpack prevented anything disastrous but it made his pale skin turn even paler. "Your kind are supposed to be allergic to hard work! Nothing is as tough as making a good weapon!" Even as he said it, Darren couldn't help but wonder why something he read in a non-fictional book on Faunus sounded so... silly.

Darren's outburst and fall quickly made the room go silent. Valencian didn't say anything yet, but shot another look at Greil, who himself seemed more confused than angry.

Teddy's head suddenly snaps around to Darren with a glare that could crack stone.
"Son." Dad voice appears to be enabled. "I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and go ahead with this under the impression that you've just been misinformed." Teddy's entire body seems to solidify into sheer muscle as he stands up. "So, let me educate you. 'My kind'; which by the way the correct word for is just Faunus, are not allergic to hard work. And when you say we are, you insult me, every Faunus here, and every Faunus who's ever worked a day in their life. Which by the way includes my mother, and believe me son, you don't want to insult my mother, because it makes me angry." Teddy growls, and Butter actually follows suit, the small dog baring his teeth a little at Darren.
"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." He says very calmly. "Lesson over."
Teddy lets out a long, slow breath as his form softens. Butter takes his cue and nuzzles against Teddy's leg, making him smile.
"Sorry, lost my temper a little there. Are we still good? I didn't mean to snap so hard, you just... you pushed a bit of a button buddy. And I hope after all of this, what you take away from it is that Faunus are just like humans, just with better night-vision."

Pitch sat on the floor, staring at Teddy. After a few seconds of silence, Teddy heard from behind him "Pitch! I smell fire dust! Did you fiddle with your weapon again? I thought I told you to . . ." She stopped as she saw Kitty with the tools. "I thought I told you not to let . . . ." She looks at Teddy and Kitty. ". . . Strangers . . . touch your stuff. What if it's broken! We've got an important test tomorrow!"

2015-10-07, 06:35 PM
Pitch sat on the floor, staring at Teddy. After a few seconds of silence, Teddy heard from behind him "Pitch! I smell fire dust! Did you fiddle with your weapon again? I thought I told you to . . ." She stopped as she saw Kitty with the tools. "I thought I told you not to let . . . ." She looks at Teddy and Kitty. ". . . Strangers . . . touch your stuff. What if it's broken! We've got an important test tomorrow!"

Kitty, being the brash type, found herself speaking before her 'mental filter' could kick in.

"It was already broken," she said. "I fixed it. Somewhat."

2015-10-07, 11:22 PM
As the eyes of all those in the room fell on Darren, he pulled the hood tighter over his head. Would his death be sweet and merciful or would he be slowly torn apart, careful effort made to keep him alive as long as possible to feel every excruciating moment of suffering? The silence save for a few one-on-one conversations made him worry that the latter option would be the path taken, even if it wasn't physically. Without saying another word, he grabbed his suitcase and made way to the sparsest corner of the Barn, hoping to make it through the night and perhaps die with some dignity against Grimm than his own classmates.

That and he certainly hoped none of the Faunus had a predisposition for human fl-- wait, this kind of thought was what had dug Darren this gaping hole in the first place. As he finally settled down in the corner, he mulled over the possibility of stitching his own mouth shut. He'd miss tomato juice but perhaps the sacrifice would be worth it to save himself from bringing further shame on both himself and his family, although it seemed merciful that no one had recognized him. Not surprising since his parents did what they could to keep him out of the limelight but still, all it took was one person with a weird interest in Atlesian corporate politics and he'd be on a long walk off a short pier at the behest of his family.

2015-10-08, 03:43 AM
Kitty, being the brash type, found herself speaking before her 'mental filter' could kick in.

"It was already broken," she said. "I fixed it. Somewhat."

"Sure you did. He'll probably blow himself up again if he tries using it now." She walked over and grabbed the spear, folding it back into its short form with a single smooth motion. "Come on Pitch, we'll straighten this out" She said in a resigned and mildly annoyed voice before walking off.

Pitch stood there for a few seconds not making eye contact with Kitty, before slowly following after the blue-haired girl with his head down. "Okay Azzy. Uh . . . Thanks anyway Miss Katsunay" he said, meekly.

2015-10-08, 04:12 AM
Teddy frowned as he watched Darren scamper away.

Butter, being very perceptive of these things, started to bite at Teddy's shoes, trying to pull him.
"Yeah, we probably should."
He directed his attention towards Kitty for a moment.
"Miss, I'd absolutely love to stay and talk Smithing with you, but right now a friend needs me."

With as much as gentleness as he could muster, Teddy followed his dog over to Darren, and sat down beside him.
"Hey buddy." he said very softly.

2015-10-08, 02:01 PM
"Sure you did. He'll probably blow himself up again if he tries using it now." She walked over and grabbed the spear, folding it back into its short form with a single smooth motion. "Come on Pitch, we'll straighten this out" She said in a resigned and mildly annoyed voice before walking off.

Pitch stood there for a few seconds not making eye contact with Kitty, before slowly following after the blue-haired girl with his head down. "Okay Azzy. Uh . . . Thanks anyway Miss Katsunay" he said, meekly.

"You could at least look at it!" Kitty snapped after the blue-haired bi--- girl.

Teddy frowned as he watched Darren scamper away.

Butter, being very perceptive of these things, started to bite at Teddy's shoes, trying to pull him.
"Yeah, we probably should."
He directed his attention towards Kitty for a moment.
"Miss, I'd absolutely love to stay and talk Smithing with you, but right now a friend needs me."

With as much as gentleness as he could muster, Teddy followed his dog over to Darren, and sat down beside him.
"Hey buddy." he said very softly.

"Sure thing, see ya," Kitty said, before returning to her mat, coincidentally set up near Emma, grumbling while she fiddled with her own weapon.

2015-10-10, 03:50 PM
Emma opened one eye, giving Kitty a distinct disapproving look for daring to set up near her, however what began as irritation slowly shifted to anger. That weapon was weird. Three forms it looked like? What? How the hell would you use something like that well? Although she seemed to be using firedust. Bonus points for that. Dropping her headphones to around her neck she headed over to the fox girl, prodding her bottom with her foot lightly.

"What the hell kind of weapon is that." She asked, rather bluntly. Although she didn't call Kitty a name so this was the most polite to she'd been to anyone the entire day so give her some points for that please.

2015-10-10, 04:17 PM
After Kitty set up her sleeping area, she checked over her weapon, making sure the ammo clip was removed before ensuring that it was clean and ready to operate tomorrow. Then, when she was done, she looked across the room, spotted the blue-haired woman and pointed her unloaded gun at her. Making a "pew" noise, she pointed the gun up to imitate recoil, pretending to shoot her in the back.

Emma opened one eye, giving Kitty a distinct disapproving look for daring to set up near her, however what began as irritation slowly shifted to anger. That weapon was weird. Three forms it looked like? What? How the hell would you use something like that well? Although she seemed to be using firedust. Bonus points for that. Dropping her headphones to around her neck she headed over to the fox girl, prodding her bottom with her foot lightly.

"What the hell kind of weapon is that." She asked, rather bluntly. Although she didn't call Kitty a name so this was the most polite to she'd been to anyone the entire day so give her some points for that please.

Kitty glanced up at her neighbor. "Hmm? Oh, it's a gunlance-type weapon," she said, transforming it into its melee form. "Um, why?"

2015-10-10, 04:44 PM
What her father would have said was that it was of the highest importance to understand foreign weaponry and capabilities in order to know how you yourself scaled in proportion to it. Knowledge was of the highest I,portable in matters of survival and war and every aspect of society is merely that struggle re skinned and renamed.

But she was here because that was bull**** so screw that. "Hadn't seen a weapon that looks and works like that before. How does it work?"

2015-10-10, 05:08 PM
What her father would have said was that it was of the highest importance to understand foreign weaponry and capabilities in order to know how you yourself scaled in proportion to it. Knowledge was of the highest I,portable in matters of survival and war and every aspect of society is merely that struggle re skinned and renamed.

But she was here because that was bull**** so screw that. "Hadn't seen a weapon that looks and works like that before. How does it work?"

"Simple enough," said Kitty. "It uses a series of wound pivot joints powered by dust in order to automatically switch forms with little effort." With a flick of her wrist, the weapon transformed back into its gun form.

2015-10-10, 05:16 PM
"Thats... Cool?" Emma kind of shrugged at that, rubbing the back of her pale messy hair lightly, she didn't do engineering or anything approaching that. She knew just enough to maintain Gram, but that had never been her speed. Her sister was alright at it, but neither she or her brother really had the knack. "I meant more how do you fight effectively with it. Its good good reach but with that many gadgets I assumed it's meant for more then just stabbing and shooting."

2015-10-10, 05:36 PM
"Thats... Cool?" Emma kind of shrugged at that, rubbing the back of her pale messy hair lightly, she didn't do engineering or anything approaching that. She knew just enough to maintain Gram, but that had never been her speed. Her sister was alright at it, but neither she or her brother really had the knack. "I meant more how do you fight effectively with it. Its good good reach but with that many gadgets I assumed it's meant for more then just stabbing and shooting."

"Well, it's mostly to support a speedy and effective transformation in either direction," said Kitty. "But it also supports a recoil firing system to augment physical melee attacks. Really, it's best if I just showed you in the field."

2015-10-10, 05:45 PM
"Why not do a demo in here Tod? I mean as long as you don't shoot any live rounds it should be fine. Show me!" She prodded her a little more, eager to see what that spear gun thing would be capable of. "Can you like, stab something, switch back into gun mode, then shoot them while they've been stabbed? Seems like a cool way to get past some armored grimms."

2015-10-10, 07:15 PM
"Why not do a demo in here Tod? I mean as long as you don't shoot any live rounds it should be fine. Show me!" She prodded her a little more, eager to see what that spear gun thing would be capable of. "Can you like, stab something, switch back into gun mode, then shoot them while they've been stabbed? Seems like a cool way to get past some armored grimms."

"Something like that, yeah," said Kitty. "Buuut I don't think we're supposed to show off our weapons in here," she added, noting that a number of people were already trying to sleep.

2015-10-10, 10:39 PM
Teddy frowned as he watched Darren scamper away.

Butter, being very perceptive of these things, started to bite at Teddy's shoes, trying to pull him.
"Yeah, we probably should."
He directed his attention towards Kitty for a moment.
"Miss, I'd absolutely love to stay and talk Smithing with you, but right now a friend needs me."

With as much as gentleness as he could muster, Teddy followed his dog over to Darren, and sat down beside him.
"Hey buddy." he said very softly.

Why was this happening to him? Punishment for letting down his family seemed like a good starting point. Was this for the time he accidentally called his mom at a business meeting when he had accidentally started a fire in his room? Or maybe when he wrote his dad that letter to try and make him happy at work?

Whatever the case was, Darren was being punished in the form of this implacable bear. Fumbling with one of the plentiful pockets on his vest, he pulled out a small cube, with a plethora of colours. Rather than the standard 9-squares-per-side Rubick's cube, this one had 25 squares on any given side. It was a mess and clearly no where near completion but Darren tackled it anyways. A muffled "Sorry." escaped his lips before his entire undivided attention turned back to the cube, spinning it with practiced ease and only a slight glimmer of annoyance in his eyes.

2015-10-11, 06:00 AM
Why was this happening to him? Punishment for letting down his family seemed like a good starting point. Was this for the time he accidentally called his mom at a business meeting when he had accidentally started a fire in his room? Or maybe when he wrote his dad that letter to try and make him happy at work?

Whatever the case was, Darren was being punished in the form of this implacable bear. Fumbling with one of the plentiful pockets on his vest, he pulled out a small cube, with a plethora of colours. Rather than the standard 9-squares-per-side Rubick's cube, this one had 25 squares on any given side. It was a mess and clearly no where near completion but Darren tackled it anyways. A muffled "Sorry." escaped his lips before his entire undivided attention turned back to the cube, spinning it with practiced ease and only a slight glimmer of annoyance in his eyes.

"Actually, I wanted to apologise." Teddy said softly, giving Darren a pat on the shoulder. "I shouldn't have snapped like that. You didn't know, and I should have just done my best to educate you, without losing my temper." Teddy hugs his knees and looks even more like a giant pillowy ball of caring. "When I was little, I didn't really live around any other people. So my Mom and Dad were all I had. Mom was a faunus, and a nurse, and one of the hardest-working and most caring people I knew. But she got sick, and they..." Teddy sniffs once. "They couldn't save her. And well, everything changed after that and it wasn't long before I lost my dad too." He wipes the slowly forming tears from his eyes. "And I know you didn't know any of that, but that doesn't make it stop being a sore spot for me." He smiles gently. "Anyway, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for snapping at you. That can't have been fun for you, or helped at all with clearing up with misinformation you've received about faunus. I promise you, if I ever hurt you like that again, you can tell me, and I will do everything I can to make up for it."
Butter uses the end of Teddy's little speech to nuzzle in between him and Darren, putting a small smile on Teddy's face.

2015-10-12, 02:13 PM
"Actually, I wanted to apologise." Teddy said softly, giving Darren a pat on the shoulder. "I shouldn't have snapped like that. You didn't know, and I should have just done my best to educate you, without losing my temper." Teddy hugs his knees and looks even more like a giant pillowy ball of caring. "When I was little, I didn't really live around any other people. So my Mom and Dad were all I had. Mom was a faunus, and a nurse, and one of the hardest-working and most caring people I knew. But she got sick, and they..." Teddy sniffs once. "They couldn't save her. And well, everything changed after that and it wasn't long before I lost my dad too." He wipes the slowly forming tears from his eyes. "And I know you didn't know any of that, but that doesn't make it stop being a sore spot for me." He smiles gently. "Anyway, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for snapping at you. That can't have been fun for you, or helped at all with clearing up with misinformation you've received about faunus. I promise you, if I ever hurt you like that again, you can tell me, and I will do everything I can to make up for it."
Butter uses the end of Teddy's little speech to nuzzle in between him and Darren, putting a small smile on Teddy's face.

For most people, such an emotional speech would impact them for quite some time. In fact, it would've done so to Darren too. If he wasn't absorbed in the puzzle before him.

The words were a quiet buzz floating above his head as his wrists flicked and fingers danced across the multicoloured cube. If he turned this slide right... No, no, that wouldn't work. Maybe this one? But then...

The soft feeling of fur finally snapped Darren out of the trance before noticing Teddy sitting next to him. "Oh, you're still here?"

2015-10-12, 02:26 PM
For most people, such an emotional speech would impact them for quite some time. In fact, it would've done so to Darren too. If he wasn't absorbed in the puzzle before him.

The words were a quiet buzz floating above his head as his wrists flicked and fingers danced across the multicoloured cube. If he turned this slide right... No, no, that wouldn't work. Maybe this one? But then...

The soft feeling of fur finally snapped Darren out of the trance before noticing Teddy sitting next to him. "Oh, you're still here?"

Teddy blinks and looks confused. Butter follows suit.
"Yes I am... I was apologising? For snapping? Because even if what you said was wrong I shouldn't have snapped at you like that? I mean I can repeat myself if you'd like but at this point..." he trails off and then just settles back into his regular state of serene caring. "Long story short, I am sorry for snapping, and if I ever hurt you again, you can tell me, and I will do everything I can to make up for it."

2015-10-12, 10:58 PM
"No one said we can't! Why so worried? They can't get mad at you for something they didn't tell you not to do. That'd be crazy." Emma pointed out. She didn't see what the big deal was to be honest. This girl had a pretty sweet looking set and she doubted she'd have the chance to really examine it in the field anyway. She wanted to see what it was capable, and by proxy the girl.

2015-10-12, 11:51 PM
Teddy blinks and looks confused. Butter follows suit.
"Yes I am... I was apologising? For snapping? Because even if what you said was wrong I shouldn't have snapped at you like that? I mean I can repeat myself if you'd like but at this point..." he trails off and then just settles back into his regular state of serene caring. "Long story short, I am sorry for snapping, and if I ever hurt you again, you can tell me, and I will do everything I can to make up for it."

Darren dropped the cube and put his hands to his head, scratching furiously. "Oh no no no... I was spacing out again... I'm so sorry..." Why was he so bad with people? This Faunus came and apologized to him, even though Darren was the one who had gone and said something stupid. "Th-Thanks for the apology, but I'm the one who said something stupid. I'm so sorry..."

2015-10-13, 05:35 AM
Darren dropped the cube and put his hands to his head, scratching furiously. "Oh no no no... I was spacing out again... I'm so sorry..." Why was he so bad with people? This Faunus came and apologized to him, even though Darren was the one who had gone and said something stupid. "Th-Thanks for the apology, but I'm the one who said something stupid. I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, it's okay." Teddy smiles in a manner that could only be described as gentle and motherly. "You didn't know, and that's not something to be ashamed of, because you can learn from this. And I promise, I'll be there every step of the way to help you." Butter accentuates Teddy's point by nuzzling against Darren's hand.

2015-10-15, 10:08 PM
"No one said we can't! Why so worried? They can't get mad at you for something they didn't tell you not to do. That'd be crazy." Emma pointed out. She didn't see what the big deal was to be honest. This girl had a pretty sweet looking set and she doubted she'd have the chance to really examine it in the field anyway. She wanted to see what it was capable, and by proxy the girl.

Kitty shook her head. "Most of it would require a grimm though, or at least a training dummy," she said. "Which this room doesn't have."

2015-10-16, 03:04 AM
Most of the rest of the Freshmen were also settling into bed. Greil is still off by himself, curled around sleeping like a dog, his assigned sleeping bag still packed up. He also doesn't seem to have much in the way of bags. Pitch is sitting as close as he can to "Azzy" while still being on the boy's side of the hall, and is silently kneeling over with his head touching the ground. "Azzy" herself is sitting next to Pitch's weapon, with the bulky white pack she was originally wearing on her back now pointed straight at it and glowing. Bezowy is sitting next to her reading a book, and appears to be quietly talking to herself.

"Attention students, it's time for lights out. Get a good night's sleep, and we'll wake you up at 6:00 AM sharp for your first test."

With that, the lights turned off and the buzzing background noise of a dozen quiet conversations gradually shifted into silence as all the students fell asleep.

2015-10-20, 01:35 AM
"Rise and Shine Ladies and Gentlemen! Time for work. Well, testing for you all, but still." Valencian didn't look like he had moved from his spot on the ceiling all night. "Bathrooms and food are provided on a first-come-first serve basis, but please don't push. You have two hours before the exams begin on the cliff overlooking the Emerald Forest. Don't be late."

With that the students all began waking up and packing their stuff. Greil bounces up and bolts straight for the bathroom, easily beating all the other students there. Bezowy starts disassembling and cleaning a high-caliber revolver, and it looks like Pitch still hasn't woken up. However, Teddy notices that Butter is missing from the pouch where he fell asleep the night before.

(OOC: Make a Perception Check)

2015-10-20, 07:01 AM
Perception Check: [roll0]

2015-10-20, 10:38 AM
Perception Check: [roll0]

2015-10-20, 02:40 PM
Teddy straps his folded axe to his back and whistles once, frowning when Butter doesn't come.
Perception Check: [roll0]

2015-10-21, 06:03 PM
While Teddy is busy looking around the wrong side of the room, Darren and Kitty both spy Butter nudging the sleeping Pitch, who's tossing around in his sleeping bag. Butter eventually starts licking his face, which finally gets him to wake up, panting.

"Oh. Hey doggy. Thanks" He gives Butter a nice couple of scratches behind the ears.

"**** **** ****." The panic was showing through her normally cold mannerisms as Azzy hustled over to Pitch. "Are you okay? Do you want an ice pack like last time?".

"I'm okay Azzy, its fine"

Her gaze narrowed as she looked towards the dog on the ground. "What's this?" she asked suspiciously as she picked Butter up by the scruff of his neck.

2015-10-21, 06:31 PM
Kitty was up early, her headphones plugged into her uPad as she watched a bit of The Big Lebowski. She'd seen the movie several times already, so her eyes inevitably wandered over to where the big bear faunus had been sleeping. It was then that she noticed that his dog, Butter, was missing. Standing up, she looked around and ...

While Teddy is busy looking around the wrong side of the room, Darren and Kitty both spy Butter nudging the sleeping Pitch, who's tossing around in his sleeping bag. Butter eventually starts licking his face, which finally gets him to wake up, panting.

"Oh. Hey doggy. Thanks" He gives Butter a nice couple of scratches behind the ears.

"**** **** ****." The panic was showing through her normally cold mannerisms as Azzy hustled over to Pitch. "Are you okay? Do you want an ice pack like last time?".

"I'm okay Azzy, its fine"

Her gaze narrowed as she looked towards the dog on the ground. "What's this?" she asked suspiciously as she picked Butter up by the scruff of his neck.

By the time B*tchface McBluehair Azzy picked up the dog, Kitty was there to snatch the dog away, holding him protectively.

"That would be my friend's dog," she said. She pointed at the gigantic and somewhat intimidating bear faunus on the other side of the room. "That's my friend," she added, scratching Butter behind the ears as she held him protectively.

2015-10-21, 06:41 PM
Emma yawned as she headed to the restroom herself, easily simply slinging her pack over her shoulder as she adjusted her frazzled hair. Looks like some drama was going on. Cute. Shrugging she headed to go clean herself up. She probably wouldn't be out for a several minutes, not in any real rush.

2015-10-22, 01:59 AM
Darren looked tired when he was well rested. Last night had not been a night of fulfilling sleep. The floor was cramped. He didn't have the privacy of his room to give calm his nerves. Despite how goodhearted and kind Teddy was, he was also a huge Faunus, not exactly something Darren felt comfortable around.

As he pushed himself to his feet, he groaned quietly as his joints ached a little bit. Seeing most people dart for the bathrooms, he decided maybe a meal would work while he waited for the bathroom lines to subside. He then noticed that the small dog that stuck to people like glue was gone from Teddy's side. Blinking, he quickly spotted it over by a few other students, including the girl Faunus who had been working on someone's weapon. Not trusting his voice to convey the words properly, he softly poked Teddy and motioned in the direction of Kitty and Butter.

2015-10-22, 12:58 PM
"Hmm?" Teddy intoned in response to being poked. "Oh, Darren, is something wrong? Oh, Butter! There you are! Thank you Darren." Teddy would give Darren the time for a hug, but his dog just worried him sick, so he settles for a very gentle pat on the shoulder (OF FRIENDSHIP!), before hurrying over to Butter, taking him gently from Kitty's arms.

"There you are buddy." he says softly, cradling the small dog, who is very happy to get so much affection right now. Two people have held him already! That one lady lifted him a bit awkwardly, but he forgives her.

2015-10-24, 11:33 PM
By the time B*tchface McBluehair Azzy picked up the dog, Kitty was there to snatch the dog away, holding him protectively.

"That would be my friend's dog," she said. She pointed at the gigantic and somewhat intimidating bear faunus on the other side of the room. "That's my friend," she added, scratching Butter behind the ears as she held him protectively.

"Ah. I see. Well, in the future please keep your friends and relatives to yourself and away from my cousin."

"Azzy. You're doing it again."

She turned to look at Bezowy. "Fine." She walked off towards the bathroom in a huff.

Bezowy turned to the faunuses in front of her. "You'll have to excuse her, she's . . . uh . . . slow to trust? No that's not what I mean, uh . . . well let's just say she hasn't had good experiences with your kind, okay?"

2015-10-25, 02:06 AM
"Hmm?" Teddy intoned in response to being poked. "Oh, Darren, is something wrong? Oh, Butter! There you are! Thank you Darren." Teddy would give Darren the time for a hug, but his dog just worried him sick, so he settles for a very gentle pat on the shoulder (OF FRIENDSHIP!), before hurrying over to Butter, taking him gently from Kitty's arms.

"There you are buddy." he says softly, cradling the small dog, who is very happy to get so much affection right now. Two people have held him already! That one lady lifted him a bit awkwardly, but he forgives her.

Kitty handed the puppy over without incident.

"Ah. I see. Well, in the future please keep your friends and relatives to yourself and away from my cousin."

"Azzy. You're doing it again."

She turned to look at Bezowy. "Fine." She walked off towards the bathroom in a huff.

Bezowy turned to the faunuses in front of her. "You'll have to excuse her, she's . . . uh . . . slow to trust? No that's not what I mean, uh . . . well let's just say she hasn't had good experiences with your kind, okay?"

Kitty crossed her arms and turned away from the blue-haired bimbo in a huff, muttering darkly under her breath. "Keep your face to yourself. Do us all a favor...."

2015-10-25, 11:40 AM
"Hmm?" Teddy intoned in response to being poked. "Oh, Darren, is something wrong? Oh, Butter! There you are! Thank you Darren." Teddy would give Darren the time for a hug, but his dog just worried him sick, so he settles for a very gentle pat on the shoulder (OF FRIENDSHIP!), before hurrying over to Butter, taking him gently from Kitty's arms.

"There you are buddy." he says softly, cradling the small dog, who is very happy to get so much affection right now. Two people have held him already! That one lady lifted him a bit awkwardly, but he forgives her.

Darren tried to drop his shoulder to avoid the oncoming hand but was caught off-guard when it tapped him regardless. Waiting until Teddy had been reunited with Butter, Darren turned his eyes to the small buffet laid out and shambled over, rubbing his eyes in a vain hope of getting them better focused. He doubted they would have a nice tomato soup for breakfast but he really should try to eat something. If the rumours he heard were true, orientation would be something he'd want to be awake and concentrating for. Well, at least one of the two would work.

2015-10-25, 12:15 PM
"Ah. I see. Well, in the future please keep your friends and relatives to yourself and away from my cousin."

"Azzy. You're doing it again."

She turned to look at Bezowy. "Fine." She walked off towards the bathroom in a huff.

Bezowy turned to the faunuses in front of her. "You'll have to excuse her, she's . . . uh . . . slow to trust? No that's not what I mean, uh . . . well let's just say she hasn't had good experiences with your kind, okay?"

Teddy blinked, and then he twitched. Apparently, being referred to as 'your kind' twice in a 24 hour period was his limit.
"Miss, I'd really appreciate it, if you didn't treat 'Faunus' like it was a bad word by calling us 'your kind'."
Even Butter looks disapprovingly at Bezowy for that comment.

2015-10-26, 02:04 AM
Kitty crossed her arms and turned away from the blue-haired bimbo in a huff, muttering darkly under her breath. "Keep your face to yourself. Do us all a favor...."

Teddy blinked, and then he twitched. Apparently, being referred to as 'your kind' twice in a 24 hour period was his limit.
"Miss, I'd really appreciate it, if you didn't treat 'Faunus' like it was a bad word by calling us 'your kind'."
Even Butter looks disapprovingly at Bezowy for that comment.

Bezowy looked away awkwardly for a second. "Oh, I uh . . . well yeah, okay, Faunuses . . .Faunusii?" She brought her hand up to her forehead and broke eye contact. "You know what I mean." She took a deep breath before continuing, looking straight at the ground, with a low and solemn voice. "Look--the last time she trusted a Faunus, it cost her. Alot. Please try not to take it personally"

After a few seconds and another deep breath, her face returned to normal. "So . . .uhhhhh that's a cool-looking weapon you've got there! Is it a transformable High-Explosive Axe or something slightly more exotic?" she said with a mixture of genuine and feigned interest.

Off by the kitchen, Greil was busy stuffing his face, messily, with pancakes.

2015-10-26, 08:53 AM
Bezowy looked away awkwardly for a second. "Oh, I uh . . . well yeah, okay, Faunuses . . .Faunusii?" She brought her hand up to her forehead and broke eye contact. "You know what I mean." She took a deep breath before continuing, looking straight at the ground, with a low and solemn voice. "Look--the last time she trusted a Faunus, it cost her. Alot. Please try not to take it personally"

"Well, someone's got to fix Pitch's weapon, and she's not doing anything about it," Kitty grumbled.

After a few seconds and another deep breath, her face returned to normal. "So . . .uhhhhh that's a cool-looking weapon you've got there! Is it a transformable High-Explosive Axe or something slightly more exotic?" she said with a mixture of genuine and feigned interest.

Off by the kitchen, Greil was busy stuffing his face, messily, with pancakes.

Kitty was briefly distracted by Teddy's weapon. "Oooohhh, yes, definitely transformable," she said, leaning in close. She tapped the barrel. "A wrought nickel-cobalt alloy, right? Silicon and aluminum, and some rare-earth metals for oxidation resistance?"

2015-10-26, 04:49 PM
"Well, someone's got to fix Pitch's weapon, and she's not doing anything about it," Kitty grumbled.

Bezowy chuckled. "Oh, trust me--that kid" She pointed over to Pitch, who was making his third futile attempt at packing up his sleeping bag "Doesn't need a weapon. He's probably more useful without one"

2015-10-26, 05:05 PM
Bezowy chuckled. "Oh, trust me--that kid" She pointed over to Pitch, who was making his third futile attempt at packing up his sleeping bag "Doesn't need a weapon. He's probably more useful without one"

"Yeah, but that weapon is an affront to all things decent and good!"

It was becoming increasingly clear that Kitty wasn't worried Pitch's survival, she was just having the same reaction as Rarity a type-a fashionista looking at a particularly ugly wardrobe.

2015-10-27, 10:29 AM
Emma slipped out of the bathroom, having apparently opted to entirely rework her outfit while in there. She was wearing a long jacket with billowy sleeves one one arm, while the other was cut to make room for her gauntlet, and her shirt had been reworked with the leather vest to give a bit more air while still hugging tight. She also appeared to have found some pants somewhere that she had adjusted and torn, and used a wide purple silk ribbon as a kind of belt that also drifted behind her.


She was hungry, and she passed the pancakes and other sweets with barely a glance, getting herself a rather absurd portion of fruits and meats, bacon, sausage, oranges apples the works, the plate. Was stacked nearly as high as her head.

She grinned at it and rubbed her palms together, before digging in with what could only be described as 'gusto'.

2015-10-27, 03:48 PM
Bezowy looked away awkwardly for a second. "Oh, I uh . . . well yeah, okay, Faunuses . . .Faunusii?" She brought her hand up to her forehead and broke eye contact. "You know what I mean." She took a deep breath before continuing, looking straight at the ground, with a low and solemn voice. "Look--the last time she trusted a Faunus, it cost her. Alot. Please try not to take it personally"

After a few seconds and another deep breath, her face returned to normal. "So . . .uhhhhh that's a cool-looking weapon you've got there! Is it a transformable High-Explosive Axe or something slightly more exotic?" she said with a mixture of genuine and feigned interest.

Off by the kitchen, Greil was busy stuffing his face, messily, with pancakes.

"Pretty much hit the nail on the head there buddy." He says with a smile. "I'm really only passable as an engineer, but I'm a pretty decent blacksmith. Modified the payload to be releasable when it's in its axe form."

He turns his attention to Kitty. "Pretty sure that's right, I'm really only the guy who makes the metal behave." He rubs the back of his head and looks a little embarrassed, it's possible that he's trying to play it down a little, but it's pretty clear he sees himself as just the Blacksmith.

There's a large rumble and Teddy puts a hand against his stomach.
"Whoops, we all better get some breakfast." he says with a definite implication of 'I care about you so you should eat too' to everyone around him. With that he makes his way towards the breakfast table.

Teddy's choice of food seems to be a combination of meat, potatoes and bread. He's probably got enough for three or four people on his plate as he sits down. Butter sits behind him digging into a bowl of kibble with a happy enthusiasm. Teddy seems to eat like he's not expecting to get food again for a while, though he does watch those around him to see if they're eating, occasionally pushing food towards them with a motherly smile if they're not.

2015-10-27, 04:00 PM
"Pretty much hit the nail on the head there buddy." He says with a smile. "I'm really only passable as an engineer, but I'm a pretty decent blacksmith. Modified the payload to be releasable when it's in its axe form."

He turns his attention to Kitty. "Pretty sure that's right, I'm really only the guy who makes the metal behave." He rubs the back of his head and looks a little embarrassed, it's possible that he's trying to play it down a little, but it's pretty clear he sees himself as just the Blacksmith.

There's a large rumble and Teddy puts a hand against his stomach.
"Whoops, we all better get some breakfast." he says with a definite implication of 'I care about you so you should eat too' to everyone around him. With that he makes his way towards the breakfast table.

Teddy's choice of food seems to be a combination of meat, potatoes and bread. He's probably got enough for three or four people on his plate as he sits down. Butter sits behind him digging into a bowl of kibble with a happy enthusiasm. Teddy seems to eat like he's not expecting to get food again for a while, though he does watch those around him to see if they're eating, occasionally pushing food towards them with a motherly smile if they're not.

Kitty's stomach growled as well. "Breakfast is good," she admitted sheepishly. She followed Teddy to the breakfast bar, where she loaded up entirely on meat, and a few slices of toast, stacking the plate almost as high as Teddy before setting it down on the table and digging in.

2015-10-27, 04:29 PM
Darren took his time as he examined the food available to the students. Pancakes, bacon, cereal... Common breakfast foods. Part of him wanted to try eating them, just to see. To answer the thought, his stomach made a rather unappetizing sound. Guess not. Even still, he grabbed a plate and some utensils before trudging back to his spot, marked out by the large metal suitcase.

Kneeling down, his fingers whirred as he completed the lock combination to get it to open the top hatch. Cold air shot past his face as he reached in to grab his personal favourite breakfast: blood sausage with a small juicebox filled with tomato juice. He quickly sealed it back up, to preserve at least some of the temperature. Just as he was about to get started cutting up his meal, he suddenly remembered that he was surrounded by other students.

Seeing the line for the bathrooms had all but vanished, Darren made a beeline for it, plate and juicebox in hand.

2015-10-29, 11:25 PM
Emma slipped out of the bathroom, having apparently opted to entirely rework her outfit while in there. She was wearing a long jacket with billowy sleeves one one arm, while the other was cut to make room for her gauntlet, and her shirt had been reworked with the leather vest to give a bit more air while still hugging tight. She also appeared to have found some pants somewhere that she had adjusted and torn, and used a wide purple silk ribbon as a kind of belt that also drifted behind her.


She was hungry, and she passed the pancakes and other sweets with barely a glance, getting herself a rather absurd portion of fruits and meats, bacon, sausage, oranges apples the works, the plate. Was stacked nearly as high as her head.

She grinned at it and rubbed her palms together, before digging in with what could only be described as 'gusto'.

Greil stares at Emma's new outfit for a few seconds with a mouthful of food before laughing. "What, did your last clothes go out of style already?" he said before picking up another whole pancake with his hand and biting half of it off in one massive chomp.

"Pretty much hit the nail on the head there buddy." He says with a smile. "I'm really only passable as an engineer, but I'm a pretty decent blacksmith. Modified the payload to be releasable when it's in its axe form."

He turns his attention to Kitty. "Pretty sure that's right, I'm really only the guy who makes the metal behave." He rubs the back of his head and looks a little embarrassed, it's possible that he's trying to play it down a little, but it's pretty clear he sees himself as just the Blacksmith.

"Oh, cool. I've been trying out some new cupronickel alloy coatings in my rounds recently; they really give them some penetrating power. I'd be interested to hear the opinion of a good metallurgist however." She follows him towards the dining hall, along with a whole group of other students.

There's a large rumble and Teddy puts a hand against his stomach.
"Whoops, we all better get some breakfast." he says with a definite implication of 'I care about you so you should eat too' to everyone around him. With that he makes his way towards the breakfast table.

Teddy's choice of food seems to be a combination of meat, potatoes and bread. He's probably got enough for three or four people on his plate as he sits down. Butter sits behind him digging into a bowl of kibble with a happy enthusiasm. Teddy seems to eat like he's not expecting to get food again for a while, though he does watch those around him to see if they're eating, occasionally pushing food towards them with a motherly smile if they're not.

Bezowy, who is eating slow, does a poor job of hiding how much this creeps her out. "Oh, uh, no thanks. I eat light".

2015-10-30, 01:33 AM
"Oh, cool. I've been trying out some new cupronickel alloy coatings in my rounds recently; they really give them some penetrating power. I'd be interested to hear the opinion of a good metallurgist however." She follows him towards the dining hall, along with a whole group of other students.

Kitty's mouth formed an "oooh" of interest. Okay, this girl was nice, she could stay. She shook her head.

"Cupronickel may be hard, but it's going to generate some seriously lumpy metal fouling," she said. She pulled one of her own armor-piercing bullets out of her vest pocket. "What you really want for an AP bullet is a heavy metal tungsten-cobalt alloy. Cuts through armor like butter." She emphasized this point by stabbing a piece of butter and spreading it on her toast.

2015-10-30, 02:33 PM
Bezowy, who is eating slow, does a poor job of hiding how much this creeps her out. "Oh, uh, no thanks. I eat light".

"Well if you're sure. Just make sure you eat enough, okay?" He replies with a concerned look. Teddy makes a mental note to not push food towards Bezowy and continues eating.

2015-10-30, 04:13 PM
Greil stares at Emma's new outfit for a few seconds with a mouthful of food before laughing. "What, did your last clothes go out of style already?" he said before picking up another whole pancake with his hand and biting half of it off in one massive chomp.

"As its logical I define whats in style, I assume so." Emma commented, pouring syrup all over her meats before diving into her protean-fest, shrugging lightly as she leaned back, "Thank you for asking though. I assume you slept well Greg? Anyone manage to get that piggy back ride yet?" She commented, her voice calm and as sugary as the syrup she was enjoying.

2015-10-30, 04:15 PM
Kitty looked towards Teddy. She wasn't very good at making conversation, but this was a topic she was passionate about.

"Hey Teddy, what metal do you use for your bullets?" she asked.

2015-10-30, 04:32 PM
"Oh, I don't use bullets miss. I'm not that great of a shot, but the blast radius on a rocket launcher certainly compensates. As for those, pretty sure they're an iron-alluminium alloy. Make's for a pretty stable casing, and it's lightweight too. Means I can pack in more of a payload per shot. Though honestly the whole time I was making her I was more focused on just how pretty she looked in the light of the forge. I guess that's just the Smith in me."
He inhales a pancake.
"Even then, I prefer to stick to Jarnbjorn's melee form as much as I can. I don't think I was ever gonna be built for distance fighting."

2015-11-02, 05:14 AM
"As its logical I define whats in style, I assume so." Emma commented, pouring syrup all over her meats before diving into her protean-fest, shrugging lightly as she leaned back, "Thank you for asking though. I assume you slept well Greg? Anyone manage to get that piggy back ride yet?" She commented, her voice calm and as sugary as the syrup she was enjoying.

Greil smiles back at her. "I didn't realize you were so enthusiastic about getting a 'ride' miss. At least buy me dinner first". The sarcasm was clear enough that even Pitch looks like he figured it out. "Who knows, maybe some talent will rub off on you".

"Even then, I prefer to stick to Jarnbjorn's melee form as much as I can. I don't think I was ever gonna be built for distance fighting."

"You say that like its a bad thing" Greil's spectral hand appeared again, this time with protruded and sharp claws. He casually threw an unpeeled orange into the air with one of his real hands and sliced it into pieces, grabbing each as they fell. "I never have to worry about running out of ammo or being disarmed. That's something most people don't appreciate until a pack of Ursa plows into their camp in the middle of the night."

2015-11-02, 02:18 PM
Greil smiles back at her. "I didn't realize you were so enthusiastic about getting a 'ride' miss. At least buy me dinner first". The sarcasm was clear enough that even Pitch looks like he figured it out. "Who knows, maybe some talent will rub off on you".

"You say that like its a bad thing" Greil's spectral hand appeared again, this time with protruded and sharp claws. He casually threw an unpeeled orange into the air with one of his real hands and sliced it into pieces, grabbing each as they fell. "I never have to worry about running out of ammo or being disarmed. That's something most people don't appreciate until a pack of Ursa plows into their camp in the middle of the night."

"Neither do I." Teddy smiles very sweetly and lets his bulk and large; almost ham-like, fists do the rest of the talking.

2015-11-02, 02:55 PM
"You say that like its a bad thing" Greil's spectral hand appeared again, this time with protruded and sharp claws. He casually threw an unpeeled orange into the air with one of his real hands and sliced it into pieces, grabbing each as they fell. "I never have to worry about running out of ammo or being disarmed. That's something most people don't appreciate until a pack of Ursa plows into their camp in the middle of the night."

"Neither do I." Teddy smiles very sweetly and lets his bulk and large; almost ham-like, fists do the rest of the talking.

Kitty glanced across the table at Emma and rolled her eyes, with an expression that said, "Boys."

2015-11-02, 02:58 PM
Greil smiles back at her. "I didn't realize you were so enthusiastic about getting a 'ride' miss. At least buy me dinner first". The sarcasm was clear enough that even Pitch looks like he figured it out. "Who knows, maybe some talent will rub off on you".

Emma didn't respond immediately. Rather her movements became slightly exaggerated, as she pushed back from the table slightly, and very obviously looked him over up and down, and then raised one eyebrow slightly. Her lips shifted into a notable frown, and her arms came up, crossing, before she shook her head, giving him only one comment. "Ew." She said, giving him a disappointed look, before nodding at Kitty lightly.

2015-11-03, 11:45 PM
Kitty glanced across the table at Emma and rolled her eyes, with an expression that said, "Boys."

Bezowy joins in the eye-rolling.

Emma didn't respond immediately. Rather her movements became slightly exaggerated, as she pushed back from the table slightly, and very obviously looked him over up and down, and then raised one eyebrow slightly. Her lips shifted into a notable frown, and her arms came up, crossing, before she shook her head, giving him only one comment. "Ew." She said, giving him a disappointed look, before nodding at Kitty lightly.

"Oh lighten up ya damn prude." Greil stuffed another pancake into his mouth. "We're going to be in the thick of it soon enough. You could at least be a little amusing before I have to pull your ass off a deathstalker stinger". He paused for a second, looking off into the distance, before letting out a massive burp. "Well then, show time! See you all at the cliffs!" He got up and ran at full sprint towards the door.

2015-11-04, 12:09 AM
Emma very nearly shot more vitriol after him, but decide that, all in all there wasn't much point. She wasn't here to make enemies, and things where going to get intense soon, it looked like. Save her focus. She finished up her own pile of food before stretching, and shifting grams form back and forth, before striding towards to door.


2015-11-04, 07:53 AM
"Oh lighten up ya damn prude." Greil stuffed another pancake into his mouth. "We're going to be in the thick of it soon enough. You could at least be a little amusing before I have to pull your ass off a deathstalker stinger". He paused for a second, looking off into the distance, before letting out a massive burp. "Well then, show time! See you all at the cliffs!" He got up and ran at full sprint towards the door.

Kitty glanced at Emma again. "Ew," she echoed. She pulled out her weapon to double-check it one more time before going to the cliffs.

2015-11-04, 02:34 PM
Teddy finishes breakfast quickly and sighs. "Mr. Claws isn't a very nice person."
He kneels down in front of Butter.
"I'm gonna have to go into the forest buddy, and I'm pretty sure you can't come with me, not that far anyway."
Butter barks and nods.
"So let's go find someone who you can stay with while I take whatever test they're planning."
Butter barks and nods once more.
Teddy adjusts some of the plating on his armour as he heads towards the cliffs, rolling his shoulders. Butter follows along by his side.
When he finally gets there he speaks up to whoever looks the most like a teacher.
"Excuse me? Hi. This is my therapy dog Butter." He gestures towards Butter who bounces to indicate that yes, he is Butter. "Would it be okay if he stayed with you while we do whatever it is you want us to do? He's not really combat ready... I mean, he's a puppy."

2015-11-04, 02:51 PM
Well, that conversation was over. A shame, too, it had been fun, and somewhat of a new experience for her. Still, it was time for her to show off just what her weapon could do, and that was always fun. Folding her weapon into its portable form, she gulped down the rest of her food, grabbed a chocolate chip muffin and a drink for later, and made her way towards the cliffs.

2015-11-04, 11:44 PM
It was quiet as Darren exited the washroom, dishes and silverware in hand. Quiet because he was alone again. "Great," he muttered, unsure if he was being sarcastic or honest. It was probably for the best, he thought as he made his way to the cliffs, slowly so as not to get in anyone's way.

2015-11-06, 11:28 PM
When he finally gets there he speaks up to whoever looks the most like a teacher.
"Excuse me? Hi. This is my therapy dog Butter." He gestures towards Butter who bounces to indicate that yes, he is Butter. "Would it be okay if he stayed with you while we do whatever it is you want us to do? He's not really combat ready... I mean, he's a puppy."

Valencian, who had followed the students towards the cliff, looked a little confused. "Then why did you bring him out here? He could have sit by your stuff in the hall." He shrugged a little. "Fine, he can stay with me. He's trained right?"

Meanwhile, at the cliff side, Glynda is gathering the students into their starting positions. Ozpin took a sip of his coffee before begining.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams." Glynda interjected. "Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today."

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years. After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die. You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

"Good! Now, get ready."

Everyone is about to make a Hazardous Fall to represent your "landing strategy". If you don't have a guaranteed means of landing gracefully (like a fly speed or something similar), make either a DC 15 Acrobatics check (to represent catching yourself or landing gracefully) or a DC 15 Athletics Check (to represent "Pyrrha-ing" your way to the ground, or just being tough enough to take the hit in stride. If you fail, take 18 points of damage for the very hard landing. The whole forest is going to be one scene, so keep track of your 1/scene abilities appropriately

Greil is one of the first ones launched. He quickly reforms his translucent grey wings and begins flying towards the forest. Bezowy and Azzy go next, right after each other, with Azzy wielding what looks like a metallic white box slung under her shoulder. It lights up right before she launches, and those watching them notice that they both seem to lose all forward momentum and glide to the ground once they reach the tree line. Pitch looks really eager to start, and has a huge smile on his face as he gets launched. "WEEEEEEEEEE"

2015-11-07, 08:12 AM
Valencian, who had followed the students towards the cliff, looked a little confused. "Then why did you bring him out here? He could have sit by your stuff in the hall." He shrugged a little. "Fine, he can stay with me. He's trained right?"

"Well I wasn't going to leave him on his own, that would be mean. And yes, he's definitely trained." Teddy nods and Butter goes to sit right by Valencian, wagging his tail.

Teddy braces himself and pulls Jarnbjorn from his back. The axe quickly shifts, extends and otherwise transforms into its single-barrelled rocket launcher mode, and as Teddy soars through the air, he repeatedly fires off rockets at the forest below to alter his course and momentum. As he approaches the canopy, Jarnbjorn switches back to an axe, and Teddy gives it a wide swing as he crashes right through the trees.

Athletics Check: [roll0]

2015-11-07, 04:43 PM
Emma stood on the platform, getting the just of what the professors yammered about, before taking her headphones and slipping them on. This was it. This was what she'd been preparing for she thought, reflecting on what had brought her here. She was going to make a difference in this world beyond her screwed up family. She was going to kill monsters, not make them. She did a few stretches to get ready, and then-

They where flung into the air. She spiraled through it like she was born to it though, twirling effortlessly as she left a small trail of firedust around her. The firedust ignited, its concussive force buoying her further into the air. It gave her the appearance, and functionality, of flight, a trail of fire and light behind her. Her semblance absorbed the heat, causing it to ignite as well, giving her a draconic aura as she plunged into the trees, weapon ready.

2015-11-07, 05:04 PM
Even standing on the platforms, Darren had to do everything he could to avoid fidgeting. Maybe this was all a mistake? Being flung into a forest and then forced to team up with whoever he happened to look at? Considering how badly he had botched the first few first impressions so far, he didn't have high hopes.

Speaking of high, Darren suddenly noticed the lack of firm metal beneath his feet. Frantically snapping back to his rather important current situation, Darren recalled his 'landing strategy'. While he was above the treetops for now, they were quickly approaching. Taking aim with Ars, Darren pulled the secondary trigger in his left hand, as a grappling shot launched forward, looking to be embedded in a nearby tree.

The plan was to pull the line so that he would swing around the tree in smaller and smaller circles, descending until he landed safely on the forest floor at a far slower speed.


2015-11-07, 05:24 PM
Kitty made her way to the launch platform, partially excited and partially nervous. She wasn't worried about the landing strategy, that was simple enough, she was more worried about who would be her partner. Turning her attention to the task at hand, she unfolded Heaven's Fang into its anti-tank shotgun mode, firing retrograde to slow her descent. As she approached the treeline, she transformed Fang into its spear mode, launching it towards the tree she was falling towards. As the spear embedded itself in the tree, she attempted to grab it, swing around once, and launch herself up to land feet-first on the spear.


2015-11-07, 08:10 PM
Speaking of high, Darren suddenly noticed the lack of firm metal beneath his feet. Frantically snapping back to his rather important current situation, Darren recalled his 'landing strategy'. While he was above the treetops for now, they were quickly approaching. Taking aim with Ars, Darren pulled the secondary trigger in his left hand, as a grappling shot launched forward, looking to be embedded in a nearby tree.

The plan was to pull the line so that he would swing around the tree in smaller and smaller circles, descending until he landed safely on the forest floor at a far slower speed.


Darren's grappling hook embeds solidly into the first tree, but as he begins his spin, he faceplants at full speed into a different tree nearby. He slides to the ground in pain.

[COLOR="#A52A2A"]Teddy braces himself and pulls Jarnbjorn from his back. The axe quickly shifts, extends and otherwise transforms into its single-barrelled rocket launcher mode, and as Teddy soars through the air, he repeatedly fires off rockets at the forest below to alter his course and momentum. As he approaches the canopy, Jarnbjorn switches back to an axe, and Teddy gives it a wide swing as he crashes right through the trees.

Athletics Check: [roll0]

Teddy balances himself with the axe well enough, but at the last second spies Darren lying on the ground right where he was about to land. He's able to quickly get off one more rocket to alter his course, but winds up slamming headfirst straight into the same tree Darren hit.

Kitty made her way to the launch platform, partially excited and partially nervous. She wasn't worried about the landing strategy, that was simple enough, she was more worried about who would be her partner. Turning her attention to the task at hand, she unfolded Heaven's Fang into its anti-tank shotgun mode, firing retrograde to slow her descent. As she approached the treeline, she transformed Fang into its spear mode, launching it towards the tree she was falling towards. As the spear embedded itself in the tree, she attempted to grab it, swing around once, and launch herself up to land feet-first on the spear.


Kitty pulls this maneuver off flawlessly, and looks up in time to see Emma shooting by over her head.

They where flung into the air. She spiraled through it like she was born to it though, twirling effortlessly as she left a small trail of firedust around her. The firedust ignited, its concussive force buoying her further into the air. It gave her the appearance, and functionality, of flight, a trail of fire and light behind her. Her semblance absorbed the heat, causing it to ignite as well, giving her a draconic aura as she plunged into the trees, weapon ready.

Emma leaves a trail of flaming branches behind her as she lands. She also hears what she thinks is a Grimm call, probably agitated by her loud and bright display.

Kitty and Emma need to Roll Knowledge: Grimm to figure out what kind

2015-11-07, 08:18 PM
Teddy shakes off the fall pretty quickly and darts over to Darren.
"Oh I'm so sorry buddy are you okay?"
Teddy's concerned face is almost motherly as his gaze checks Darren for any serious injuries.
"Oh I do hope you're alright friend."

2015-11-07, 09:07 PM
Truth be told, Darren's head was still spinning a little. While not the first time he had flung himself face first at a tree, it was the first time where it had the added momentum of being flung off a cliff.

"Stings..." Although the physical pain was definitely there, a far more concerning thought rang throughout Darren's mind. The bear Faunus... Darren froze, flinching once more in Teddy's presence. Four years being teamed with such a large and imposing creature...

Another shadow to live in. Darren would've laughed but part of him decided to save the bitterness for a more appropriate time. For now...

He pushed himself to his feet, doing his best to hide the slight wobble in the ascent. "What now?"

2015-11-07, 09:11 PM
Kitty took a moment to get her bearings, and consider the situation. Okay, so who did she want as a partner? The bear faunus would be nice, he seemed sweet and shared a similar interest. The guy with the mask was okay as well. Pitch would be interesting, just as long as she didn't wind up with Bluehair McB*tchtits. Then there was ...

Kitty pulls this maneuver off flawlessly, and looks up in time to see Emma shooting by over her head.

Then there was her. Kitty wondered if Emma saw her, and if not, if they were still locked into being partners. She supposed she should err on the side of caution and find her, pulling her spear out of the tree trunk and setting off to find her.

Emma leaves a trail of flaming branches behind her as she lands. She also hears what she thinks is a Grimm call, probably agitated by her loud and bright display.

Kitty and Emma need to Roll Knowledge: Grimm to figure out what kind.

If Kitty had fox ears, they would have perked up at the sound. As she did not, she glanced in the direction it came from.


2015-11-08, 09:12 AM
Truth be told, Darren's head was still spinning a little. While not the first time he had flung himself face first at a tree, it was the first time where it had the added momentum of being flung off a cliff.

"Stings..." Although the physical pain was definitely there, a far more concerning thought rang throughout Darren's mind. The bear Faunus... Darren froze, flinching once more in Teddy's presence. Four years being teamed with such a large and imposing creature...

Another shadow to live in. Darren would've laughed but part of him decided to save the bitterness for a more appropriate time. For now...

He pushed himself to his feet, doing his best to hide the slight wobble in the ascent. "What now?"

Teddy still looked concerned, but decided that if Darren wanted help walking he probably would've asked for it.
"Well, I would guess we go north. That's where the temple is meant to be anyway. Though if you don't mind Darren, I'd like to talk to you before we go. Would that be alright?"
Teddy's voice is soft and somewhat quiet, like a warm blanket being draped across your shoulders.

2015-11-08, 09:43 AM
Emma didn't pay much attention to the others as she sales to her destination. As far as she was concerned she didn't really need a partner, they would probably get in the way it wasn't anything against these people, most of them seemed some degree of nice. But she could only really rely on herself, so it would be best to complete this task with high marks on her own. She'd worry about th partner crap after that.

Landing, she immediately headed towards the Grimm she'd heard. She was kind of uptight, hadn't fought anything in a while. Needed some catharsis.


2015-11-08, 10:09 PM
Teddy still looked concerned, but decided that if Darren wanted help walking he probably would've asked for it.
"Well, I would guess we go north. That's where the temple is meant to be anyway. Though if you don't mind Darren, I'd like to talk to you before we go. Would that be alright?"
Teddy's voice is soft and somewhat quiet, like a warm blanket being draped across your shoulders.

"Sure," replied Darren, his voice faint as he looked around, hoping to find a Grimm or something to get him out of having to have this conversation. Even if the tone didn't carry it, Darren knew what those words meant. He had heard them before. When he was too loud. When he was too close to meeting rooms. When he embarrassed his proud family name yet again. They were the words of disappointment. No doubt Teddy wished he had found a partner that was actually capable and not some fool who couldn't even execute a landing strategy without making an idiot of himself.

2015-11-09, 05:20 PM
"Sure," replied Darren, his voice faint as he looked around, hoping to find a Grimm or something to get him out of having to have this conversation. Even if the tone didn't carry it, Darren knew what those words meant. He had heard them before. When he was too loud. When he was too close to meeting rooms. When he embarrassed his proud family name yet again. They were the words of disappointment. No doubt Teddy wished he had found a partner that was actually capable and not some fool who couldn't even execute a landing strategy without making an idiot of himself.

"I just want you to know, that I'm sorry for what happened the other night. I didn't mean to snap. That can't have helped, even if you were misinformed about Faunus." Teddy clasps both hands behind his back and even looks a little shy. "But I also want you to know that I am going to be the best friend and team-mate I can be for you. In fact, I'm really glad you're my partner." He beams a big, happy smile at Darren.

2015-11-10, 01:20 AM
"I just want you to know, that I'm sorry for what happened the other night. I didn't mean to snap. That can't have helped, even if you were misinformed about Faunus." Teddy clasps both hands behind his back and even looks a little shy. "But I also want you to know that I am going to be the best friend and team-mate I can be for you. In fact, I'm really glad you're my partner." He beams a big, happy smile at Darren.

Darren tried to think of a polite way to put out his question. Unfortunately, a lack of real human interaction left him at an impasse. That said, he really needed to get this off his chest.

"What is wrong with you?" There was no anger in the voice, only genuine confusion. "I said something stupid earlier and you're the one apologizing. Not only that but you want to be my partner?" Okay, maybe a tinge of bitterness crept in with that last line. "If you're excited to look good by comparison, don't be; I'm going to get better."

Darren pauses but before Teddy can get a word in, he shakes his head. "Forget it." He points north. "Let's just get the piece."

2015-11-10, 01:57 AM
Kitty recognizes the sounds as an Ursa. Emma recognizes the sounds as a pair of Ursa, and they sound like they're coming straight for her.

You have 1 round before they show up. Roll Initiative

2015-11-10, 10:04 AM
Hearing the roar, Kitty realized it was an Ursa, and it was heading right towards where she saw Emma land! Focusing, she ran as fast as she could to get there.


2015-11-10, 01:57 PM
Darren tried to think of a polite way to put out his question. Unfortunately, a lack of real human interaction left him at an impasse. That said, he really needed to get this off his chest.

"What is wrong with you?" There was no anger in the voice, only genuine confusion. "I said something stupid earlier and you're the one apologizing. Not only that but you want to be my partner?" Okay, maybe a tinge of bitterness crept in with that last line. "If you're excited to look good by comparison, don't be; I'm going to get better."

Darren pauses but before Teddy can get a word in, he shakes his head. "Forget it." He points north. "Let's just get the piece."

Teddy pouts. "No, I won't forget it." He folds his arms.
"I just want to help you Darren." Teddy says weakly, before setting his face with somewhat grim determination. "So what if you said something stupid? We both did. And we both learned from it." Teddy takes in a deep breath and puffs up to his full height. "So you listen to me now and you listen good. I want to support you, and help you. I don't care how I look compared to you or anyone else. I'm not here to be part of a competition, or prove anything. I am here to help people as best as I can."
Teddy's expression softens.
"If we're going to be partners, then it'd be good if I could be my partner's friend."

2015-11-10, 02:10 PM
Meanwhile elsewhere in the forest Emma grinned as she mentally assured herself that soloing these two Ursa would pretty effortlessly put her on top of the competition so far. They really had no chance to beat her, even if they did get a lead on her in combat she'd just be able to outmaneuver them with little to no issue. She could also just start a conflagration in the forest for a major advantage, but that seemed like it was tipping her hand a bit.

Drawing Gram, she shifted the weapon into its bow form. Instead of drawing an arrow though, she allowed some dust to flow from the cartridge in her gauntlet, and as she pulled back the string she nocked an arrow born from flame on the weapon, waiting to loose it the moment the Ursa was in sight of her.

2015-11-10, 02:11 PM
Initiative because imaderpderp


2015-11-11, 02:29 AM
Meanwhile elsewhere in the forest Emma grinned as she mentally assured herself that soloing these two Ursa would pretty effortlessly put her on top of the competition so far. They really had no chance to beat her, even if they did get a lead on her in combat she'd just be able to outmaneuver them with little to no issue. She could also just start a conflagration in the forest for a major advantage, but that seemed like it was tipping her hand a bit.

Drawing Gram, she shifted the weapon into its bow form. Instead of drawing an arrow though, she allowed some dust to flow from the cartridge in her gauntlet, and as she pulled back the string she nocked an arrow born from flame on the weapon, waiting to loose it the moment the Ursa was in sight of her.

Emma watches the pair of Ursa burst through the tree line ahead of her pausing only to look at her breifly before charging.


Start of combat, Emma won initiative. They are about 100 ft away.

2015-11-11, 02:08 PM
Emma remained still, focusing in, her mind going blank, clear. There where a lot of styles of combat, to frantic energy, enraged blows, and acrobatic prowess, and more, but Emma had been trained to favor one above all others. Clear, purposeful focus. Think one step ahead in combat. Animals, her father had claimed as he had thrown her to the wolves the first time, they fight on instinct, only thinking of the moment before them. And if you cannot best such things, if you cannot think one step ahead, then you, much like many wretched people, will never be greater then a beast.

Everything was pushed away, and her mind was crystal calm. She felt the fire billow around her, and unleashed the first shot into the charging Ursa without flinching, then nocking and firing off another bolt of flame in a single swift motion. The soared, flickering as fast as sight before slamming into the Ursa, not inflicting terribly much damage but igniting their body, leaving them burning-

and vulnerable.

Stand still. Two flame kisses. Both Ursa take 4 fire damage and suffer the [Burning] Condition.

2015-11-11, 04:46 PM
Emma remained still, focusing in, her mind going blank, clear. There where a lot of styles of combat, to frantic energy, enraged blows, and acrobatic prowess, and more, but Emma had been trained to favor one above all others. Clear, purposeful focus. Think one step ahead in combat. Animals, her father had claimed as he had thrown her to the wolves the first time, they fight on instinct, only thinking of the moment before them. And if you cannot best such things, if you cannot think one step ahead, then you, much like many wretched people, will never be greater then a beast.

Everything was pushed away, and her mind was crystal calm. She felt the fire billow around her, and unleashed the first shot into the charging Ursa without flinching, then nocking and firing off another bolt of flame in a single swift motion. The soared, flickering as fast as sight before slamming into the Ursa, not inflicting terribly much damage but igniting their body, leaving them burning-

and vulnerable.

Stand still. Two flame kisses. Both Ursa take 4 fire damage and suffer the [Burning] Condition.

The northernmost Ursa recoils a bit from the flames, clearly in pain, before patting itself out and continuing to move towards Emma. The southernmost one looks less affected, and charges at her at full speed while still flaming

Turn 1 over, Emma's up again

2015-11-11, 05:22 PM
Calm. Stand your ground. She nocked another firebolt, freeing it at the Ursa that had successfully put itself out. She couldn't have that, the fires needed fuel, and the Grimm would provide be it with their consent, or without. She turned then, drawing a normal arrow from her side quiver, locking onto the charging beast, and letting it fly, wearing it down before it met with her in fang and steel.

Firebolt the not on fire Ursa. We're not ok with things not being on fire. 4 damage and [Burning]. Striking at the charging Ursa with Gram.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-11-11, 06:16 PM
Calm. Stand your ground. She nocked another firebolt, freeing it at the Ursa that had successfully put itself out. She couldn't have that, the fires needed fuel, and the Grimm would provide be it with their consent, or without. She turned then, drawing a normal arrow from her side quiver, locking onto the charging beast, and letting it fly, wearing it down before it met with her in fang and steel.

Firebolt the not on fire Ursa. We're not ok with things not being on fire. 4 damage and [Burning]. Striking at the charging Ursa with Gram.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Emma's arrow barely hits the charging Ursa, striking it in the shoulder and clearly hurting it, but it continues to charge (and burn). It swipes at her head in a broad stroke with its left claw, but misses by over a foot. The other one lets out another roar and gallops up next to her.

Emma estimates that the Southern Ursa is close to being dead, whereas the other one looks like the fire hasn't been hurting it much. She also hears something behind her.

The bottom one charged and missed, the top one double-moved to get into range. You rolled high enough on your knowledge:Grimm to get a general idea of how much HP these things have. Make a perception check.


2015-11-11, 06:57 PM
Time to put the first Ursa into the dirt. As the drew in she shifted Gram back into its blade form diving into the two monsters reach, her blade wove shimmering distracting pattern, trailing bits of dust but it wasn't the real threat. Her gauntlet began to release a fine layer of fire dust, which then ignited, turning the layered steel practically molten. With her burning claw she dropped low to the Ursa's stomach before rising, making a long brutal gash along its stomach.

Firebolt southern bear. Attack southern bear.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-11-11, 07:28 PM
Perception check because unlimited derp works


2015-11-11, 08:00 PM
Time to put the first Ursa into the dirt. As the drew in she shifted Gram back into its blade form diving into the two monsters reach, her blade wove shimmering distracting pattern, trailing bits of dust but it wasn't the real threat. Her gauntlet began to release a fine layer of fire dust, which then ignited, turning the layered steel practically molten. With her burning claw she dropped low to the Ursa's stomach before rising, making a long brutal gash along its stomach.

Firebolt southern bear. Attack southern bear.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Emma's slash, combined with the continued burning sensation, hurts the Southern Ursa immensely, but seems just not enough to drop it. It takes another panicked swing at her, this time connecting on her forehead, though she gets the feeling it could have been a lot worse. This puts her off balance enough for the second Ursa to also get a swing in, hitting on her arm. The first Ursa looks hurt enough that the burning looks set to finish it off without any help from her.

Meanwhile, a pack of Beowulf has shown up behind her, looking ready to charge.

Nat 20 (unconfirmed), for 13 damage, followed by a 19 roll on the d20 for 8 damage from the 2nd one.

Southern Ursa still massively on fire.

Emma's turn again.

2015-11-11, 08:46 PM

More Grimm?

More points.


The fires around the Grimm warmed her, as she pulled in some of the excessive heat resulting from the pyre. The flames licked at her, but they didn't burn no, they sustained. Her wounds healed in the glow as she lashed out at the Ursa again with her claw, as she raised Gram and channeled another firebolt into the other Ursa, keeping them on fire and working on wearing each of them down.

HP: 77/94
Heal 4 from nearby burning foes.
Fire kiss northern ursa
Claw southern ursa

2015-11-12, 02:24 AM

More Grimm?

More points.


The fires around the Grimm warmed her, as she pulled in some of the excessive heat resulting from the pyre. The flames licked at her, but they didn't burn no, they sustained. Her wounds healed in the glow as she lashed out at the Ursa again with her claw, as she raised Gram and channeled another firebolt into the other Ursa, keeping them on fire and working on wearing each of them down.

HP: 77/94
Heal 4 from nearby burning foes.
Fire kiss northern ursa
Claw southern ursa

Emma drops the Southern Ursa easily (OOC: Feel free to call your kill shots), and the Northern one burns heavily before putting itself out and attacking, missing Emma's face by literal inches.

Meanwhile, the Beowulfs all charge, though they form an inefficient attack pattern while doing so. The first one comes close but misses, the second one misses more widely, and the third trips over a fourth one while charging and completely misses.

Meanwhile, Kitty comes out of the Brushes to the West


Kitty & Emma both go before any of the Grimm. Do your turns in whatever order you want

2015-11-12, 10:26 AM
Kitty ran through the forest, chasing the sounds of battle. Spotting a small pack of beowulves running in the same direction, she moved to intercept them.

As she emerged from the underbrush and spotted Emma already engaging the enemy, she had a brief moment of hesitation. Would Emma take kindly to her interfering? She shook it off. It was her job to wipe out these grimm so that she and her partner could continue on and claim the relic.

Drawing Heaven's Fang and shifting it into spear mode, she dashed towards the beowulves, moving so fast it almost looked as if she teleported. Appearing behind them, she made a single slash, striking all five of the beowulves at once.

Moving to the square two left and one down from Emma, entering a War Dance, and using Reckless Strike with Whirlwind to attack.

Free: Activate Reckless Strike/Power Attack
Swift: Activate War Dance
Move: Move behind the beowulves (65 ft)
Attack: Whirlwind attack vs the beowulves.

Whirlwind Attack: [roll0]
Whirlwind Damage: [roll1]

2015-11-12, 10:26 AM
This was it. This was that feeling that made it all worth it. She smiled, diving under the Southern Ursa's guard, slamming her blade into its stomach as she pushed herself over it, her gauntleted hand grabbing its face as she flipped, removing her sword in the process. She then ingited, a wave of flame engulfing it as she spun and kicked its body, sending it flying into the oncoming Beowulfs. It only caused them a moment of pause but it was enough to scatter their attacks. She parried and avoided them deftly, diving back towards the other Ursa.

It had put itself out again. She wasn't ok with that but such was life, she had other concerns now. Grunting she released more firedust into the air, and drew the flames that had begun growing around her into it, calling them home to both empower her next attack and prevent setting the forest on fire. Yet. She then hammered into the Ursa with her claw as she used Gram to fend off the wolves, a smooth lateral slice before she ended the movement in slamming her weapon into the ground with a spark.

At which point, the air around her immediately exploded. A concussive force that sent everything around her reeling as she took the opportunity to slip out of combat, rocketing herself to the side to avoid having her back presented.

Claw surviving Ursa.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Howl of the North Wind combo finisher. Everyone within 30 feet takes five damage and is [Blown Away] if they don't pass a DC: 19 fort reflex save.
If enemies are successfully [Blown Away] she will two five foot steps north and then move 40 feet north.
If enemies are not successfully blown away she'll take two five foot steps east then try and move to avid AoO's to keep everyone in front of her.

2015-11-12, 10:44 AM
This was it. This was that feeling that made it all worth it. She smiled, diving under the Southern Ursa's guard, slamming her blade into its stomach as she pushed herself over it, her gauntleted hand grabbing its face as she flipped, removing her sword in the process. She then ingited, a wave of flame engulfing it as she spun and kicked its body, sending it flying into the oncoming Beowulfs. It only caused them a moment of pause but it was enough to scatter their attacks. She parried and avoided them deftly, diving back towards the other Ursa.

It had put itself out again. She wasn't ok with that but such was life, she had other concerns now. Grunting she released more firedust into the air, and drew the flames that had begun growing around her into it, calling them home to both empower her next attack and prevent setting the forest on fire. Yet. She then hammered into the Ursa with her claw as she used Gram to fend off the wolves, a smooth lateral slice before she ended the movement in slamming her weapon into the ground with a spark.

At which point, the air around her immediately exploded. A concussive force that sent everything around her reeling as she took the opportunity to slip out of combat, rocketing herself to the side to avoid having her back presented.

Claw surviving Ursa.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Howl of the North Wind combo finisher. Everyone within 30 feet takes five damage and is [Blown Away] if they don't pass a DC: 19 fort save.
If enemies are successfully [Blown Away] she will two five foot steps north and then move 40 feet north.
If enemies are not successfully blown away she'll take two five foot steps east then try and move to avid AoO's to keep everyone in front of her.

((Intentionally failing my Fortitude save, because it's funny.))

Kitty was blown back by the shockwave as well, landing behind the beowulves. Standing up, she glared at Emma.

"Hey! Watch it!" she said indignantly, her tail twitching in agitation.

2015-11-13, 12:03 AM
Drawing Heaven's Fang and shifting it into spear mode, she dashed towards the beowulves, moving so fast it almost looked as if she teleported. Appearing behind them, she made a single slash, striking all five of the beowulves at once.

This was it. This was that feeling that made it all worth it. She smiled, diving under the Southern Ursa's guard, slamming her blade into its stomach as she pushed herself over it, her gauntleted hand grabbing its face as she flipped, removing her sword in the process. She then ingited, a wave of flame engulfing it as she spun and kicked its body, sending it flying into the oncoming Beowulfs. It only caused them a moment of pause but it was enough to scatter their attacks. She parried and avoided them deftly, diving back towards the other Ursa.

It had put itself out again. She wasn't ok with that but such was life, she had other concerns now. Grunting she released more firedust into the air, and drew the flames that had begun growing around her into it, calling them home to both empower her next attack and prevent setting the forest on fire. Yet. She then hammered into the Ursa with her claw as she used Gram to fend off the wolves, a smooth lateral slice before she ended the movement in slamming her weapon into the ground with a spark.

At which point, the air around her immediately exploded. A concussive force that sent everything around her reeling as she took the opportunity to slip out of combat, rocketing herself to the side to avoid having her back presented.

Kitty dashes in and connects a powerful lancing attack with Heaven's Fang, critically injuring all of the Beowulfs in front of her, but not quite taking them out. Emma's flailing with her claw seems to miss completely, but her knockback attack takes the last bit of fight out of all of the Beowulfs, whose bodies go flying away and almost into Kitty, who also gets knocked back. The Ursa however, seems to ignore both the pulse and the flame kiss this time, and charges after Emma as she heads northwards, catching her from behind with another one of his claws.

Some action-economy issues for Emma, you can't attack and do your finish in the same turn unless you have more than 1 melee attack (your finish replaces one), and you can't move and use your flame kiss in the same turn. I just went with your extra stuff "missing" for simplicity's sake. You take another 8 damage from the Ursa claw.
Kitty also takes 5 damage from the knock-back, and is prone at the start of her turn.


2015-11-13, 12:25 AM
Getting knock back like that stung a bit, but she quickly recovered ([Fast Healing 4]). Standing up, she twirled her weapon, shifting it back into its rifle mode. Focusing, she lined up a shot against the Ursa and fired....

Using the Deadly Aim maneuver at +2/-2.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2 (: [roll2]
Damage 1: [roll3]

2015-11-13, 01:24 AM
Someone else? Strange, but it was a concern for later. They seemed to be helping her and she had to concern herself with the enemy before her, not the one that may arise later. Growing she lunged forward, raking it with her claws as she unleashed another fire bolt into the Grim.

Flame Kiss 4 damage
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-11-13, 02:49 AM
Kitty's second shot lands square in the back of the Ursa's head, dropping it forwards as Emma's Fire Kiss and claw gut it from that side.

Combat over for the time being.

2015-11-14, 02:30 AM
Emma wiped her brow and stretched, before neatly shifting Gram into its melee form and sheathing the weapon, before turning and giving Kitty a long look up and down. "...Guess we're going to be partners." She a said at last. This seemed like kind of a big deal, given this is person she'd be with for, the duration of her stay here, but frankly she didn't really know how to respond. What was...mhow a socially well adjusted person responded her?

Being overly cheered would seem mocking, and she didn't really know her. So, she just kind of shrugged awkwardly.

"Guess we go get the artifact or whatever. You had any luck yet?"

2015-11-14, 08:53 PM
Teddy pouts. "No, I won't forget it." He folds his arms.
"I just want to help you Darren." Teddy says weakly, before setting his face with somewhat grim determination. "So what if you said something stupid? We both did. And we both learned from it." Teddy takes in a deep breath and puffs up to his full height. "So you listen to me now and you listen good. I want to support you, and help you. I don't care how I look compared to you or anyone else. I'm not here to be part of a competition, or prove anything. I am here to help people as best as I can."
Teddy's expression softens.
"If we're going to be partners, then it'd be good if I could be my partner's friend."

Was this guy clinically incapable of taking a hint? Darren bit his own tongue before he snapped back. Faunus were a stubborn bunch, undoubtedly. And while Teddy may be an outlier in many ways, he still had the animal temperament like the rest of them. Arguing would be a waste of both of their time and Darren had enough ground to recover as it were without adding 'last to get a piece' onto the list.

"Whatever. Let's get going."

2015-11-15, 09:40 AM
Was this guy clinically incapable of taking a hint? Darren bit his own tongue before he snapped back. Faunus were a stubborn bunch, undoubtedly. And while Teddy may be an outlier in many ways, he still had the animal temperament like the rest of them. Arguing would be a waste of both of their time and Darren had enough ground to recover as it were without adding 'last to get a piece' onto the list.

"Whatever. Let's get going."

Teddy frowned and nodded. This would be harder than he thought. Maybe with a softer approach, he might have better luck. Mother always did say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. As he walked north, he made sure he was in front of Darren, axe at the ready and senses open to his surroundings. Anything that wanted to get to his partner was going to have to go through him first.

General perception check as we move forward to search for any incoming threats. [roll0]

2015-11-15, 03:39 PM
Emma wiped her brow and stretched, before neatly shifting Gram into its melee form and sheathing the weapon, before turning and giving Kitty a long look up and down. "...Guess we're going to be partners." She a said at last. This seemed like kind of a big deal, given this is Spahn she'd be with fir the duration of her stay her, but frankly she didn't really know how to respond. What was.., how a socially well adjusted person responded her? Being overly cheer would seem mocking, and she didn't really know her. So, she just kind of shrugged awkwardly.

"Guess we go get the artifact or whatever. You had any luck yet?"

Kitty shook her head. "Not yet, I was more focused on the battle. Just a second." Hopping up into a tree, she climbed to the top, attempting to peer over the forest canopy in search of their destination.


2015-11-16, 04:50 PM
Kitty shook her head. "Not yet, I was more focused on the battle. Just a second." Hopping up into a tree, she climbed to the top, attempting to peer over the forest canopy in search of their destination.


Kitty is able to figure out where the Temple clearing is from the trees. She also notices what looks to be a Nevermore off in the distance but it looks preoccupied.

Teddy frowned and nodded. This would be harder than he thought. Maybe with a softer approach, he might have better luck. Mother always did say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. As he walked north, he made sure he was in front of Darren, axe at the ready and senses open to his surroundings. Anything that wanted to get to his partner was going to have to go through him first.

General perception check as we move forward to search for any incoming threats. [roll0]

Teddy hears noises, but they sound like they're coming from all around him.

Please make a Knowledge: Grimm check. Darren can as well

2015-11-16, 05:09 PM
"Darren, there's something nearby. Pretty much all around us." Teddy braces himself and holds his axe in front of him in a balanced stance. "We're probably in for a fight, but who knows, it might just be a squirrel." Teddy smiles reassuringly over his shoulder at Darren.

Knowledge Grimm check: [roll0]

2015-11-16, 05:30 PM
Kitty is able to figure out where the Temple clearing is from the trees. She also notices what looks to be a Nevermore off in the distance but it looks preoccupied.

Kitty leaped off the tree, landing with a modicum of grace and style next to Emma.

"Found it! It's that way," she said, pointing in the direction of the temple.


2015-11-16, 09:04 PM
"Darren, there's something nearby. Pretty much all around us." Teddy braces himself and holds his axe in front of him in a balanced stance. "We're probably in for a fight, but who knows, it might just be a squirrel." Teddy smiles reassuringly over his shoulder at Darren.

Darren tensed and scanned the area. If Teddy heard something, he doubted it was something as harmless as a squirrel. This wouldn't be a proper initiation if everything went by without a bunch of Grimm making the mistake of attacking hunters-in-training. Teddy had heard them so but not seen them. Then it was time for him to be the eyes.


2015-11-17, 04:19 AM
"Darren, there's something nearby. Pretty much all around us." Teddy braces himself and holds his axe in front of him in a balanced stance. "We're probably in for a fight, but who knows, it might just be a squirrel." Teddy smiles reassuringly over his shoulder at Darren.

Knowledge Grimm check: [roll0]

Teddy recognizes the faint hissing sounds as "Hamelins", which are a small, rodent-like Grimm that attack in packs with large numbers.

Both of you roll Initiative, and you have about a turn before they show up.

2015-11-17, 02:02 PM
Teddy recognizes the faint hissing sounds as "Hamelins", which are a small, rodent-like Grimm that attack in packs with large numbers.

Both of you roll Initiative, and you have about a turn before they show up.

Teddy sighs. "It's Hamelins. Why did it have to be Hamelins." He tightens his grip on his axe and grits his teeth, as his whole body seems to shift into solid muscle. It even looks like he managed to gain a foot or so of height. Dust swirls around Teddy a little, and very small rocks start to gravitate towards him through the air.

Initiative: [roll0]
What I am doing in the prep round: Activating Rage. (+2 AB, +2 Damage, +1 Combat Maneuver DCs, +1 Fort and Will Saves, 10 Temporary Hit Points. Size increases to Large without the penalties of being Large, meaning +5ft Speed, +2 on Saves vs Combat Maneuvers and +5ft Melee Range. Don't worry I'm keeping track.)

2015-11-18, 01:41 PM
Teddy recognizes the faint hissing sounds as "Hamelins", which are a small, rodent-like Grimm that attack in packs with large numbers.

Both of you roll Initiative, and you have about a turn before they show up.

Hamelins... Darren's eyes turned grey as his Semblance kicked in. Ars's crossbow mode would be, for the most part, overkill. Unless...

"Don't move." Reaching into a pocket on his arm, he drew out a vial of brown liquid. Turning around, he smashed it to the ground, causing it to splash around to a small area behind the two huntsmen-in-training. That should slow down any flankers... Darren thought to himself, as he prepared a Dust explosive.


Standard Action: Nothing
Move Action: Prepare [Cold] Explosive, (Partial) Tactical Insight on Hamelins (+3 Deflection Bonus)
Roll for Tactical Insight: [roll1] DC is 10 + The highest level of the Hamelins.
Swift Action: Tanglefoot Paste (Set up to cover five squares in a line, two squares behind Darren and Teddy), Attempt to Conceal
Roll for Conceal: [roll2] DC is Hamelins' Awareness defense.

2015-11-19, 02:35 AM
The Hissing keeps getting louder as the two prepare. Almost in unison, three large swarms of Hamelins, numbering well over a hundred in total, appear in front of and to the sides of Teddy & Darren, crawling out from bushes, down trees, and under rocks. They head straight for the students.


Initiative Order is: Hamelins, Darren, Hamelins, Teddy

2015-11-19, 02:45 PM
Teddy braces and swings his axe as the Hamelin's approach from the north.

Attack of Opportunity if it applies (because frankly I assume the Hamelin's are going to charge right for them, and therefore go right through Teddy's melee range at some point).
Attack roll: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]

When it actually gets to Teddy's turn:
Teddy lifts his axe high and leaps, bringing it crashing straight back down onto a Hamelin within reach. "Darren! Don't let them surround us!"

If he needs to move into range, Teddy will move into range. But the main part is a Standard Action to use "Meteor Crush" feat. This attack deals +2 damage. If it hits a Flying enemy, it deals +5 damage, that opponent stops [Flying], loses the Fly movement mode until the start of your next turn, and is knocked [Prone].
Attack Roll: [roll2]
- Damage: [roll3]

2015-11-19, 08:59 PM
The First swarm of Hamelins from the Southwest all move into range, with Teddy focused on the top swarm. They clearly notice the tanglefoot paste and move around it, biting and clawing at both of the students, dealing 3 damage to Teddy and 4 to Darren.

Teddy's Knight Track doesn't protect Darren due to the fact that the whole swarm is attacking both of them. Look up "Myriads" in the book for more details. Damage Reduction is already included in the damage rolls. It's Darren's turn, and Teddy's AoO will happen against the Top Swarm when it moves into range.

2015-11-20, 01:30 AM
Teddy braces and swings his axe as the Hamelin's approach from the north.

Attack of Opportunity if it applies (because frankly I assume the Hamelin's are going to charge right for them, and therefore go right through Teddy's melee range at some point).
Attack roll:
- Damage: [roll1]

When it actually gets to Teddy's turn:
Teddy lifts his axe high and leaps, bringing it crashing straight back down onto a Hamelin within reach. "Darren! Don't let them surround us!"

If he needs to move into range, Teddy will move into range. But the main part is a Standard Action to use "Meteor Crush" feat. This attack deals +2 damage. If it hits a Flying enemy, it deals +5 damage, that opponent stops [Flying], loses the Fly movement mode until the start of your next turn, and is knocked [Prone].
Attack Roll: [roll2]
- Damage: [roll3]

The First swarm of Hamelins from the Southwest all move into range, with Teddy focused on the top swarm. They clearly notice the tanglefoot paste and move around it, biting and clawing at both of the students, dealing 3 damage to Teddy and 4 to Darren.

Teddy's Knight Track doesn't protect Darren due to the fact that the whole swarm is attacking both of them. Look up "Myriads" in the book for more details. Damage Reduction is already included in the damage rolls. It's Darren's turn, and Teddy's AoO will happen against the Top Swarm when it moves into range.

The despicable creatures moved fast, like a black tide of gnashing teeth. So fast, in fact, that they were upon Darren before he could toss his explosive at them.

Taking a quick hop back, towards the swarm that was further away, Darren lobbed his explosive and fired with Ars at the western group, hoping to take a few of the pesky critters quickly. Not that he wasn't staying aware of the approaching group that was now directly behind him, shifting Ars's form to be a better defense.


In order...
Move Action: 5ft step to disengage from the southwestern swarm.
Standard Action: Attack with Ars.
Partial Standard: Attack with [Cold] Dust Bomb.
Free Action: Activate the [Variable] enchantment on Ars, turning from Crossbow to Tonfa mode.
Swift Action: Prepare an immediate action to [Parry] attacks from the southeastern swarm.


Attack with Ars: [roll0]
Attack with [Cold] Dust Bomb: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (If applicable, DC for putting out [Burning] is 17 vs Reflex)
Damage (for Ars): [roll]1d6+2 + 1d4+3

2015-11-23, 08:12 PM
Kitty leaped off the tree, landing with a modicum of grace and style next to Emma.

"Found it! It's that way," she said, pointing in the direction of the temple.


Emma smiled slightly, "Atta girl. I'll take the vanguard, you get my back? Though, wait." She paused, before pressing her gauntlet to the ground. She was kind of beaten up after that last battle, cuts, bruisers starting to form. Then, suddenly, she immolated herself. Flames coursed around her, but they didn't spread, and instead drawn back into her as she released a wave of firedust, turning herself into a small bonfire. When it was done, she was no worse for wear, no, better. Her wounds healed her stance confident, as she began moving.

"Lets go."

2015-11-24, 01:21 AM
The despicable creatures moved fast, like a black tide of gnashing teeth. So fast, in fact, that they were upon Darren before he could toss his explosive at them.

Taking a quick hop back, towards the swarm that was further away, Darren lobbed his explosive and fired with Ars at the western group, hoping to take a few of the pesky critters quickly. Not that he wasn't staying aware of the approaching group that was now directly behind him, shifting Ars's form to be a better defense.

Darren's Crossbow bolt nails a Hamelin in the head, but seems to do little against the larger swarm. When he reaches for his explosive, he accidentally flings it off to the South, freezing a bit of open field but missing all of the Hamelins.

Meanwhile, the Southeastern swarm manages to close ranks with Darren and Teddy, biting and clawing at both of them again. Darren's successfully parries a single attack by one of the Hamelins, but the sheer volume of them makes the move ultimately uneffective.

OOC: Darren takes 5 damage, Teddy takes 1 Damage

Finally, the Northern Swarm moves in towards Teddy head on, who has been focusing only on this this swarm so far. Teddy slams the ground as they approach, sending a number of them flying away before they even get in range of him. This swarm focuses almost exclusively on Teddy, as his massive size and relative position block them from reaching Darren. They also proceed to bite and claw at Teddy, though their teeth and claws have a minimal effect on the enraged faunus. Then, noticing how effective his first attack was, jumps up and bit and slams the swarm hard, splattering a few immediately and sending even more flying away. The combination of these attacks seems to be greatly thinned out the Northern swarm.

OOC: Teddy takes 3 Damage.


Note that the tokens represent the reach of the Hamelin Swarms, not their actual numbers.

The Southwestern Swarm keeps biting and clawing at Darren and Teddy

OOC: 2 Damage to Teddy, 3 Damage to Darren

2015-11-24, 01:38 AM
Teddy doesn't even seem to notice the claws by now, but he does see Darren get hit. He grits his teeth and shouts. "Oh no, you don't get to hurt my partner and get away with it! NOT NOW. NOT EVER!" His voice still has a definite motherly quality. If the Hamelin's can understand speech, or even tone, then they know that they have angered the Mom.
He takes a deep breath in through his nose and raises his axe up high, holding it above his head for a moment as the axe head begins to glow a bright red, as if it was starting to heat up rapidly. When he brings it down, the blade seems to explode as it hits the ground.

Move action for an In-Combat Perception check (DC 10 + Target's Level + Target's Charisma Modifier): [roll0]
Standard action to use the Forceful ability of Jarnbjorn. All enemies within 15ft take 10 points of HP Reduction, and must make a DC 17 Fortitude save (with a -2 penalty if the Perception check succeeds) or be knocked prone.

2015-11-24, 10:27 AM
Emma smiled slightly, "Atta girl. I'll take the vanguard, you get my back? Though, wait." She paused, before pressing her gauntlet to the ground. She was kind of beaten up after that last battle, cuts, bruisers starting to form. Then, suddenly, she immolated herself. Flames coursed around her, but they didn't spread, and instead drawn back into her as she released a wave of firedust, turning herself into a small bonfire. When it was done, she was no worse for wear, no, better. Her wounds healed her stance confident, as she began moving.

"Lets go."

Kitty simply nodded, shifting her weapon back to its rifle mode. Flipping up the scope, she began to scan the area for further danger as she followed Emma. By now, her injuries had entirely healed.

2015-11-24, 01:47 PM
Darren grit his teeth as various claws and fangs bit down on him. There was no way he was letting a bunch of filthy vermin get in his way. Shoving his way out of the surrounding black mass, he got some distance before turning to face the Hamelins. A prepped Dust bomb in each hand, his dimly glowing eyes scanned his foes with disgust. They had wasted enough of his time.


In order...
Standard Action: Run (35ft to the east)
Move Action: Create Dust bomb.
Swift Action: Create Dust bomb.

No rolls.

2015-11-28, 01:49 AM
Darren is able to quickly scamper over the Hamelins, who seem to have more trouble biting at someone while they're moving. He makes it to the east without suffering any damage.

Meanwhile, the Hamelins now between him and Teddy, along with the ones immediately north of Teddy both seem focused on the Giant Faunus, who is making alot of noise. They all swarm Teddy, leaving Darren alone entirely, but have the angry mom almost completely surrounded.

OOC: Teddy Takes 10 damage after DR (they rolled high), punching through the last of his temporary HP. Teddy gets an AoO on the Southeastern Swarm for this movement

Teddy's massive ax attack looks like it did significant damage to the Hamelins, including knocking a bunch of them prone, but most of them rolled over an continued attacking without missing a beat. Teddy thinks the swarms north and West of him are almost done for however.


Also, Teddy and Darren both hear something incoming from the North. Make Perception Checks.

2015-11-28, 09:28 AM
"JUST STAY DOWN ALREADY!" Teddy practically roars, swinging wide at the swarm approaching from the southeast, letting the momentum of his swing carry the blade back around to strike at the western swarm. Moving with the recovery of his swing, he throws his bulk towards the northern swarm, trampling them underfoot.

AoO vs Southeastern Swarm - [roll0]
- Damage - [roll1]
Meteor Smash vs Western Swarm - [roll2]
- Damage - [roll3]
Move 20ft North, triggering Wake against the northern swarm, dealing 5 damage.

2015-11-28, 09:30 AM
Insert perception check here because I messed up: [roll0]

2015-12-01, 01:08 AM
Even without the scum crawling on him, Darren was growing impatient. He didn't come all the way to Beacon to become a glorified exterminator. Not with the weight of his family crushing down on his shoulders. Hurling explosive vials, he began to prep a bomb of a different variety, along with the usual freezing explosives. If that Faunus boy didn't hurry up and finish dealing with the rats, Darren would take measures into his own hands to find them a more suitable foe.


Standard Action: Throw 2 x Dust Bombs.
Move Action: Create Dust Bomb.
Partial Move: Create Flashbang.
Swift Action: Create Dust Bomb.


Dust Bomb #1 To Hit: [roll0]
Dust Bomb #1 Damage: [roll1] [Burning DC 19 vs Reflex]
Dust Bomb #2 To Hit: [roll2]
Dust Bomb #2 Damage: [roll3] [Burning DC 19 vs Reflex]
Perception Check: [roll4]

2015-12-03, 02:10 AM
Darren's Dust Bombs engulf most of the remaining Hamelins south of Teddy, their hissing gradually dying out as the flames consume their black bodies. Jarnbjorn's impact took care of the remainder. A few leftovers manage to get a few more bites and scratches in on Teddy, but are swiftly trampled underfoot.

OOC: Teddy Takes 1 Damage total from the swarm, but they're all dead.

Both Teddy and Darren can hear something coming straight towards them from the North, but they can't quite tell what it is. They do know there is only one however, it sounds big, and they have about a Round before it arrives.


Meanwhile, Kitty and Emma hear a massive explosion just ahead of them. Roll Knowledge: Arcana, Engineering, or Medicine.

2015-12-03, 08:10 AM
Knowledge: Arcana:


2015-12-03, 03:11 PM
Teddy's instincts snap quickly from battle to care. First priority: Darren.
"Darren, are you alright?" Teddy says softly, but firmly, body and axe pointing straight towards whatever's coming their way. "You're not too hurt are you?" His voice sounds obviously concerned, though not condescendingly so. Teddy just cares is all.

2015-12-05, 11:37 PM
Teddy's instincts snap quickly from battle to care. First priority: Darren.
"Darren, are you alright?" Teddy says softly, but firmly, body and axe pointing straight towards whatever's coming their way. "You're not too hurt are you?" His voice sounds obviously concerned, though not condescendingly so. Teddy just cares is all.

"I'm fine; you were the one getting swarmed," muttered Darren, turning his gaze north. "Something else is coming."

Beneath the mask, a small grin grew on his lips. It sounded big. Something that would be much more satisfying than those annoying rodents. Maybe he'd even get a chance to use that thing he had been practicing... Best to begin the prep before it got too close.


Standard: None.
Move: Create [Cold] Dust Bomb.
Swift: Create [Cold] Dust Bomb.

2015-12-06, 01:10 AM
With both Teddy and Darren preparing for combat, they can hear the footsteps a little clearer. They sound big, fast, and bipedal. Right as they're about to appear, they hear a


Pitch bursts through the treeline, landing with a heavy thud. Teddy & Darren immediately notice that he seems about a foot taller than the last time they saw him, realizing after a few seconds that he seems to be standing on air about a foot off the ground. Well, a foot off where the ground used to be, as there are two craters under his feet.

OOC: Knowledge checks if you want to see if you can figure out why.

Pitch grins wildly at Teddy, before looking over and seeing Darren. He looks confused for a second before he figures it out, slouching and letting out a deflated "Awwww"

2015-12-06, 06:58 AM
"I'm fine; you were the one getting swarmed," muttered Darren, turning his gaze north. "Something else is coming."

Beneath the mask, a small grin grew on his lips. It sounded big. Something that would be much more satisfying than those annoying rodents. Maybe he'd even get a chance to use that thing he had been practicing... Best to begin the prep before it got too close.


Standard: None.
Move: Create [Cold] Dust Bomb.
Swift: Create [Cold] Dust Bomb.

Teddy smiles at Darren, brightly and warmly. "Don't you worry about me friend, I'll be fine."

With both Teddy and Darren preparing for combat, they can hear the footsteps a little clearer. They sound big, fast, and bipedal. Right as they're about to appear, they hear a


Pitch bursts through the treeline, landing with a heavy thud. Teddy & Darren immediately notice that he seems about a foot taller than the last time they saw him, realizing after a few seconds that he seems to be standing on air about a foot off the ground. Well, a foot off where the ground used to be, as there are two craters under his feet.

OOC: Knowledge checks if you want to see if you can figure out why.

Pitch grins wildly at Teddy, before looking over and seeing Darren. He looks confused for a second before he figures it out, slouching and letting out a deflated "Awwww"

"Sorry buddy, I already have a partner, but that doesn't mean we can't find you one!" Teddy has the voice and shape of a friend.

Given that Teddy's primary experience is with engineering and metalwork, he's going to go with that for figuring things out.

Engineering check: [roll0]

2015-12-06, 03:56 PM
Darren tensed as Pitch jumped out of the overgrowth, a second short of tossing his explosive payload. Well, at least he knew that he wasn't dead last anymore. But that bizarre power...

Knowledge Check (If Engineering, add +1; Others are all the same)

2015-12-06, 05:12 PM
"Sorry buddy, I already have a partner, but that doesn't mean we can't find you one!" Teddy has the voice and shape of a friend.

Given that Teddy's primary experience is with engineering and metalwork, he's going to go with that for figuring things out.

"Really? Thanks Mr. Bear Guy!" Pitch's face brightens up again as he runs over towards Teddy, but stops about 30 ft away, looking concerned. "Oh, you guys are hurt, huh? Hold on a sec". He holds up his hands in front of him, palms pointing at Teddy, and they start to faintly glow. Teddy starts feeling really energized, and realizes quickly that his Aura levels are being recharged. After a couple of seconds, Pitch runs over to Darren and does the same thing.

OOC: You're both healed to full

"Alright, let's go!"

Teddy & Darren both notice that he's a little bit shorter now.

2015-12-06, 05:31 PM
"Really? Thanks Mr. Bear Guy!" Pitch's face brightens up again as he runs over towards Teddy, but stops about 30 ft away, looking concerned. "Oh, you guys are hurt, huh? Hold on a sec". He holds up his hands in front of him, palms pointing at Teddy, and they start to faintly glow. Teddy starts feeling really energized, and realizes quickly that his Aura levels are being recharged. After a couple of seconds, Pitch runs over to Darren and does the same thing.

OOC: You're both healed to full

"Alright, let's go!"

Teddy & Darren both notice that he's a little bit shorter now.

Darren flinched as Pitch's hand approached him. What was with this kingdom and their inability to comprehend personal space? That said, the healing energies did not go unnoticed. Darren had some basic healing Aura knowledge but it definitely wasn't his specialty. And if the four team member set-up was true, it would help to have someone skilled at that on their side.

2015-12-06, 05:39 PM
"Thank you Pitch, you can call me Teddy though. Are you okay?" Teddy places a hand softly on Pitch's shoulder and looked semi-concerned. "You're shrinking is all. Are you sure you're alright?"

Teddy relaxes for just a moment, letting out a long, slow breath as his aura settles down from its previous flared state. He breathes deep for a moment or two.

- OOC: Rage over. Teddy is Fatigued (-1 to all d20 rolls) for 3 rounds. Though given that Rounds don't have a set time to them in Legend, I have no idea how long that actually is.

2015-12-06, 07:56 PM
"Thank you Pitch, you can call me Teddy though. Are you okay?" Teddy places a hand softly on Pitch's shoulder and looked semi-concerned. "You're shrinking is all. Are you sure you're alright?"

Teddy relaxes for just a moment, letting out a long, slow breath as his aura settles down from its previous flared state. He breathes deep for a moment or two.

- OOC: Rage over. Teddy is Fatigued (-1 to all d20 rolls) for 3 rounds. Though given that Rounds don't have a set time to them in Legend, I have no idea how long that actually is.

Teddy's hand feels strong resistance as it gets closer to Pitch, stopping a little under a foot away from his actual shoulder. "Oh, that's my Aura-mer! I named it myself! It uh, gets a little weaker whenever I have to charge someone else's aura, but it'll be fine again in a little bit! Its awesome and really sturdy! Though it does make holding stuff really hard, since I haven't quite figured out how to make fingers on my armor-hands yet"

2015-12-07, 01:43 AM
Teddy's hand feels strong resistance as it gets closer to Pitch, stopping a little under a foot away from his actual shoulder. "Oh, that's my Aura-mer! I named it myself! It uh, gets a little weaker whenever I have to charge someone else's aura, but it'll be fine again in a little bit! Its awesome and really sturdy! Though it does make holding stuff really hard, since I haven't quite figured out how to make fingers on my armor-hands yet"

"Well that sure is neat buddy. Just don't tire yourself out too much. I don't want you getting hurt." Teddy smiles in a manner that may remind surrounding individuals of hearth-fires. Dude practically radiates warmth and safety.

2015-12-09, 05:53 PM
"Well that sure is neat buddy. Just don't tire yourself out too much. I don't want you getting hurt." Teddy smiles in a manner that may remind surrounding individuals of hearth-fires. Dude practically radiates warmth and safety.

"Oh don't worry. I've got a lot more where that came from!" He beams a smile back at Teddy. "Now lets go!!" He starts running off forward, making a huge ruckus as he thomps from step to step.

Knowledge: Arcana:


Kitty immediately recognizes it as the sound of a .34kg Schnee brand HE Fire dust grenade exploding. Then she hears another one, but this time preceded by a single high-caliber revolver shot.

2015-12-10, 06:56 PM
"Oh don't worry. I've got a lot more where that came from!" He beams a smile back at Teddy. "Now lets go!!" He starts running off forward, making a huge ruckus as he thomps from step to step.

"Pitch!" Teddy calls out to his friend. "That isn't North." Teddy points North. "That way is." He smiles in a 'I know you tried and I'm proud of you anyway and I promise there'll be snacks when we get back' manner.

2015-12-12, 12:49 AM
Much belated knowledge roll: [roll0]

2015-12-12, 01:07 AM
Kitty immediately recognizes it as the sound of a .34kg Schnee brand HE Fire dust grenade exploding. Then she hears another one, but this time preceded by a single high-caliber revolver shot.

"Oooo, that sounded like a thirty-four kilogram Schnee brand high-explosive fire dust grenade~~" Kitty said, getting heavily distracted. "Let's go see who threw it!"

And with that, she was off towards the source of the noise.

2015-12-14, 03:18 AM
As Kitty bounds forward, she immediately sees a giant black-and-white colored snake lashing out at the air ahead of her. The next thing she notices is a pack of tusked Grimm, half of them charred and dead, lying in front of it, looking straight up. Finally she notices Bezowy leaping between a pair of tree branches, narrowly avoiding the Snake slamming its head at her. She's quickly followed by Azzy, who's wielding her box from earlier over her shoulder like a rocket launcher and fires another grenade at the snake, hitting it square in the head. Neither of the two students seem to notice Kitty & Emma yet.

As Kitty steps into the clearing, the Tusked Grimm all look at her. Roll Initiative.


OOC note: The Snake has a much bigger reach than what you see in that picture. Bezzy & Azzy are both about 20 ft off the ground right now.

2015-12-15, 08:10 PM
As Kitty bounds forward, she immediately sees a giant black-and-white colored snake lashing out at the air ahead of her. The next thing she notices is a pack of tusked Grimm, half of them charred and dead, lying in front of it, looking straight up. Finally she notices Bezowy leaping between a pair of tree branches, narrowly avoiding the Snake slamming its head at her. She's quickly followed by Azzy, who's wielding her box from earlier over her shoulder like a rocket launcher and fires another grenade at the snake, hitting it square in the head. Neither of the two students seem to notice Kitty & Emma yet.

As Kitty steps into the clearing, the Tusked Grimm all look at her. Roll Initiative.


OOC note: The Snake has a much bigger reach than what you see in that picture. Bezzy & Azzy are both about 20 ft off the ground right now.

Kitty looked up at the giant snake grimm as it assaulted the other two huntresses. "Ohhhhhh, that's a big grimm," she said breathlessly. Then she turned her attention to The Nice One and Bluehair McBitchface.

"Uh, hey! You guys need any help?!" she called to them. She'd had enough experience with prideful idiots to ask before barging in on someone else's battle.


2015-12-15, 11:26 PM
Emma is a little behind her, hells the girl was fast, walking into the clearing with her bow over her shoulder casually, as she began to slip and arrow in, the air around her growing warm. "That's a nasty one. They seem to have it under control, though we should stick around for a moment to make sure they don't die. Bet we get brownie points for saving people. The Teachers are watching this after all, at least thats what he said." The other girl pointed out, waiting and watching.


2015-12-16, 02:31 AM
"Uh, hey! You guys need any help?!" she called to them. She'd had enough experience with prideful idiots to ask before barging in on someone else's battle.


Bezowy looks back at Kitty quickly with an exasperated look on her face. "Get off the ground! Quick! Before . ." She's interrupted by the sound of charging Grimm, as the tusked ones close the gap with Kitty & Emma in what feels like an instant.

The first one gallops straight at Kitty, and looks set for a head-on collision before veering off to her left suddenly, accompanied by a loud crack from the treetops. It looks like Bezowy shot it in the head with enough force to knock it off balance, and it trips over itself and falls prone next to Kitty.

OOC: This provokes an attack of opportunity from Kitty.

Kitty is able to dodge out of the way of the second one, which runs past her and Emma as its momentum carries it forward. Two others however are able slam headfirst into Kitty, tusks goring as they do. They also run past Kitty, slowing down and turning around as they do.

OOC: Kitty takes 28 points of damage. Emma gets an AoO on the first Boarbatusk. It's now Kitty & Emma's turn.


2015-12-16, 05:34 PM
As the grimm charged them, Kitty pointed her spear at the closest one, stabbing it and keeping it still as Bezowy shot it. But as her lance caught on the grimm's tusks, two of the remaining grimm hit her right in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain. Gritting her teeth, she pulled her weapon free of the downed grimm.

Kitty glared at the three remaining boarbatusks, grimacing as she tried to hide the pain.

"You know," she said coldly. "I wasn't going to get involved. Because I know how upset people can get when I interfere. But you. You just had to do it, didn't you? So this?" Kitty cocked her weapon. "This is your own fault."

Turning her spear to point at the three remaining grimm, she fired the weapon's gun mechanism, causing her to shoot towards them at an incredible speed while shooting the downed grimm in the face. Landing in the middle of the three grimm, she stabbed the furthest one in the face, fired the gun mechanism again, and used the recoil to spin her weapon around, slashing the remaining two grimm with her blade.

AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Swift action: enter war dance.

Move action: move right 25 ft. Wake deals 6 damage to downed grimm.

Gun vs downed grimm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Power attack whirlwind: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

AC reduced by 5 until next round.

2015-12-17, 06:37 AM
As the grimm charged them, Kitty pointed her spear at the closest one, stabbing it and keeping it still as Bezowy shot it. But as her lance caught on the grimm's tusks, two of the remaining grimm hit her right in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain. Gritting her teeth, she pulled her weapon free of the downed grimm.

Kitty glared at the three remaining boarbatusks, grimacing as she tried to hide the pain.

"You know," she said coldly. "I wasn't going to get involved. Because I know how upset people can get when I interfere. But you. You just had to do it, didn't you? So this?" Kitty cocked her weapon. "This is your own fault."

Turning her spear to point at the three remaining grimm, she fired the weapon's gun mechanism, causing her to shoot towards them at an incredible speed while shooting the downed grimm in the face. Landing in the middle of the three grimm, she stabbed the furthest one in the face, fired the gun mechanism again, and used the recoil to spin her weapon around, slashing the remaining two grimm with her blade.

AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Swift action: enter war dance.

Move action: move right 25 ft. Wake deals 6 damage to downed grimm.

Gun vs downed grimm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Power attack whirlwind: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

AC reduced by 5 until next round.

Kitty's attack on the charging Grimm reflects off its heavily armored head, but all of her other attacks connect. They all look hurt but still functioning.

2015-12-17, 08:16 AM
Kitty's attack on the charging Grimm reflects off its heavily armored head, but all of her other attacks connect. They all look hurt but still functioning.

Uh-oh. Kitty had really expected that attack to take the grimm down.

"....Ohhhhhh buck," she said.

2015-12-19, 01:01 AM
Emma was quick to follow up though, as they charged them she let out a wide grin, something fiery flickering in her eyes as she spun around, attempting to hamstring the passing boar. More then that though, she moved in perfect synchronicity with Kitty. For a moment they both flowed along the same path, reacting identically, and unleashing a flurry of fire and steel upon the boar as she shifted back into her ranged from, concentrating her attack on the same target as kitty.