View Full Version : Does SnowFlake Wardance work with Double weapons?

2015-08-02, 07:07 AM
I probably already know the answer, but I just wanted some Confirmation.

2015-08-02, 07:22 AM
It only works while using a slashing weapon in one hand and nothing in the other. If you can find a one-handed double weapon then sure. Pretty certain there aren't any though.

2015-08-02, 07:25 AM
It only works while using a slashing weapon in one hand and nothing in the other. If you can find a one-handed double weapon then sure. Pretty certain there aren't any though.

So does this mean Duel wielding is out of the question?

2015-08-02, 07:27 AM
By strict RAW I'd say Two Weapons=yay, Double Weapons=nay. Reasoning: 1. Double weapons are not wielded in one hand thus disqualifying it. 2. The line about double weapons being used as two weapons is specifically for the purpose of two weapon fighting. That said I don't think most DMs would have trouble letting you use a double weapon with Snowflake Wardance.

2015-08-02, 07:27 AM
It only works while using a slashing weapon in one hand and nothing in the other. If you can find a one-handed double weapon then sure. Pretty certain there aren't any though.

Incorrect; Snowflake Wardance works on all one-handed slashing weapons that you wield in one hand, as long as you're not encumbered, wearing a shield, or wearing medium or heavy armor. It does not require you to have an empty hand, and works just fine with TWF.

In any case, the answer is still the same. While there are one-handed double weapons (just get one one size below you), you can't wield a double weapon as two weapons while wielding it in one hand.

2015-08-02, 07:30 AM
Incorrect; Snowflake Wardance works on all one-handed slashing weapons that you wield in one hand, as long as you're not encumbered, wearing a shield, or wearing medium or heavy armor. It does not require you to have an empty hand, and works just fine with TWF.

In any case, the answer is still the same. While there are one-handed double weapons (just get one one size below you), you can't wield a double weapon as two weapons while wielding it in one hand.

Ah, my mistake. Must have been thinking about the Slippers of Battledancing (which, incidentally, any Snowflake Wardancer should get)

2015-08-02, 07:30 AM
Yeah I figured as much.

2015-08-02, 07:31 AM
It only works while using a slashing weapon in one hand and nothing in the other. If you can find a one-handed double weapon then sure. Pretty certain there aren't any though.

There's nothing in the feat's description that requires your offhand to be empty, it only requires a "slashing melee weapon you wield in one hand" which doesn't actually prevent you from wielding a second "slashing melee weapon" wielded in your other "one hand." The feat only calls out shields as not being permissible for your offhand.

Edit: Darned ninjas.

2015-08-02, 07:32 AM
It only works while using a slashing weapon in one hand and nothing in the other. If you can find a one-handed double weapon then sure. Pretty certain there aren't any though.

There is no such restriction on keeping a hand free. A bard could TWF with two slashing weapons and still use Snowflake Wardance. You may be thinking of the Duelist's precise strike, which does require the offhand to be empty.

Using a double weapon... the rules aren't clear, so it's iffy, and you're probably going to need a DM's Call to determine if this works.

This is what the PHB says about double weapons:

"A character can fight with both ends of a double weapon as if fighting with two weapons, but he or she incurs all the normal attack penalties associated with two-weapon combat, just as though the character were wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon (see Two-Weapon Fighting, page 160). The character can also choose to use a double weapon two handed, attacking with only one end of it. A creature wielding a double weapon in one hand (such as a human wielding a Small two-bladed sword) can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round."
(emphasis added)

So... the DM would have to decide if "just as though" counts the same as actually wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. But there's also a RAW way to do this: wield a small-sized double weapon in each hand. You'll incur a size penalty, but it's allowed.