View Full Version : D&D 3.5 - About thieves and magicians

2015-08-02, 01:42 PM
I think this is easy for you all, but i'm starting on d&d and i have some doubts about how defend myself against theses classes to be more precisely, the skills punga and prestidigitation (thieves) and dispell (magicians), because i use magical items and i don't want to lose it, so i expect someone to clear up my mind; i heard some people saying that high observe (expertise) help against thieves, but i'd like to now if has others things i could do, by the way, i'm a samurai.

2015-08-02, 02:09 PM
I... do not think this is the correct subforum for your question. It doesn't look like you're asking about D&D 3.5e. :smallconfused:

From a conceptual standpoint though, higher perception skills will help against thieves, and items with a higher power (caster level/spell level) will help with them from getting dispelled.

2015-08-02, 02:38 PM
Yes, i'm talking about D&D 3.5.

You're answer isn't so diferent than mine, it will help me more, if you know items (i have some books of D&D 3.5, but i couldn't find anything about it) against dispell for exemple.

2015-08-02, 02:44 PM
Yes, i'm talking about D&D 3.5.

You're answer isn't so diferent than mine, it will help me more, if you know items (i have some books of D&D 3.5, but i couldn't find anything about it) against dispell for exemple.

Well, punga, prestidigitation, dispel, and observe (expertise) aren't skills in 3.5e. The first doesn't exist, the second and third are spells, the fourth should probably be Listen and/or Spot.

2015-08-02, 03:01 PM
I see...

Some people said about it, it was the same thing, i really didn't find about punga on player's book or master's. The case of observe i mean what you said "higher perception skills will help against thieves", i wrote wrong only.

But against dispell, any thoughts???

2015-08-02, 03:04 PM
I suspect Hermano has a non-English (probably Spanish?) translation of the PHB and is back-translating from that. I can see "sleight of hand" getting translated into "prestidigitación" in the Spanish edition, making "prestidigitation" the natural English translation from there. I'm not sure what "punga" would be, though.

To try to answer the question: yes, I think ranks in the Spot skill are what you're after. It'll let you notice when people try to steal from you with Sleight of Hand.

As for resisting dispel magic, which is I think your other problem... it only lasts 1d4 rounds on items, so I'd just ignore it. If you mean Mordenkainen's/mage's disjunction, that's a spell whose use is generally frowned upon for both DMs and players. You could try the "shrink item'd lead cone" trick -- you craft a giant lead cone big enough to fit under, cast shrink item on it, and wear it as a hat. If you're ever targeted by dispel magic or disjunction or antimagic field, it hits the lead cone, dispelling the shrink item, turning it into a giant lead cone, blocking the effect. (I don't know a whole lot about the specifics of that trick, though -- I'm not certain that it works on disjunction and dispel magic.)

2015-08-02, 03:07 PM
I see...

Some people said about it, it was the same thing, i really didn't find about punga on player's book or master's. The case of observe i mean what you said "higher perception skills will help against thieves", i wrote wrong only.

But against dispell, any thoughts???

You can't really do anything against dispelling beyond getting a higher caster level on your items, or by being a spellcaster and counterspelling their dispel.

Mr Adventurer
2015-08-02, 03:09 PM
In one of the books for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, there is an ability you can add to a weapon which absorbs one targeted spell. It's called Spellblade. So you could get one which works against Dispel Magic. If you are high level, you will need one that works against Greater Dispel Magic.

2015-08-02, 03:11 PM
In one of the books for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, there is an ability you can add to a weapon which absorbs one targeted spell. It's called Spellblade. So you could get one which works against Dispel Magic. If you are high level, you will need one that works against Greater Dispel Magic.

The issue is that there are many dispel spells out there, and you'd need a spellblade against each one. Arguably, it doesn't even defend against dispel magic since they're targeting your items, not you.

2015-08-02, 03:24 PM
1. Is english your first language?
2. Are the D&D Books In english?
3.Have you Played the game before?

Now, In DND 3.5 Sleight of hand is used to pilfer/Pick Pockets. DC 10 is taking a coin purse, DC 20 is taking a small item off of someone's person.

The spot skill Opposes it.

Dispel rules are 1d20+Caster Level(Max +10/ +20 for greater dispel) VS 11+ Spell's Caster Level

Elven Spell Lore helps against dispel checks...
Sure there are some items out there.

So those two things aren't strongly explored in the game.
If you don't want your things to get dispelled, Increase your caster level.
If you don't want to get robbed (When it is SO much easier to just kill you and take the spoils from your body, )Increase Spot skill

2015-08-02, 03:27 PM
i'm a samurai, so the only thing i worry at the moment is my magic items, if has something i can put on them or use some other item like bracelets, rings, necklace could help. i have 2 magician on the group, but i don't want to depend on them if they can do something.

2015-08-02, 03:31 PM
1. No.
2. No, Portuguese.
3. No.

The problem is the master created a thief that meet the group and "played" with us, and now we met again and took my money.

1. Is english your first language?
2. Are the D&D Books In english?
3.Have you Played the game before?

Now, In DND 3.5 Sleight of hand is used to pilfer/Pick Pockets. DC 10 is taking a coin purse, DC 20 is taking a small item off of someone's person.

The spot skill Opposes it.

Dispel rules are 1d20+Caster Level(Max +10/ +20 for greater dispel) VS 11+ Spell's Caster Level

Elven Spell Lore helps against dispel checks...
Sure there are some items out there.

So those two things aren't strongly explored in the game.
If you don't want your things to get dispelled, Increase your caster level.
If you don't want to get robbed (When it is SO much easier to just kill you and take the spoils from your body, )Increase Spot skill

2015-08-02, 03:55 PM
There might be some translation problems there - would "punga" mean something like Sleight of Hand? (Google tells me it means "bag" or "pocket" in Romanian... pocket, to pickpocket... and the skill does mention "feat of legerdemain" which could be translated as prestidigitation.)

Anyway, anybody trying to use Sleight of Hand has to make a DC 20 skill check in order to lift a small object off of a person. You can oppose the check with your Spot check. If your Spot check beats his Sleight of Hand check, he still gets the object but you've noticed that he stole it.

Using Sleight of Hand to steal something is only for objects that aren't worn or carried - basically, stuff you have that isn't secured, like in a pocket or a purse. If it's not something that's hanging loose on you, you'd use the Disarm rules. Even if it is an unsecured item, using Sleight of Hand to do anything other than draw a hidden weapon is an action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. So if the Rogue is trying to steal your potion out of your pocket, you get a chance to hit him. If you do hit him, he has to make a Concentration check to continue with the action.

More good news for medium-sized Fighters is that you don't have to worry about two-handed weapons being taken through Sleight of Hand:

In general, a light weapon is an object two size categories smaller than the wielder, a one-handed weapon is an object one size category smaller than the wielder, and a two-handed weapon is an object of the same size category as the wielder.

So if you're carrying a two-handed weapon, it counts as a Medium object, and is therefore unaffected by Sleight of Hand.

Even if it isn't a medium object, if you're currently carrying it or wearing it, they would need to make a Disarm attempt to get it away from you. If it's "well secured," they can't Disarm it unless they've Grappled and Pinned you. (And if a Rogue is able to grapple and pin a Fighter, then something very strange is going on). There are a lot of different ways to protect yourself from being Disarmed; the easiest one is getting a Locked Gauntlet (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/armor.htm#gauntletLocked) for your weapon.

2015-08-02, 04:09 PM
Hermano, I have two recommendations:
1) Remove that picture in your signature or place it in spolier tags. I am not 100% sure but I think there are some rules about having such large signatures.
2) Get books in English if you can. This will help with talking to us atleast, and any small mistakes you make in translating back to Portuguese for your group are much easier to correct when you are talking face to face as its way faster than trying to figure out what someone means when posting on forums every 20 minutes or so.

2015-08-02, 04:20 PM
Hmm, Thanks, it will help me a lot, the gauntlet Locked i already have, but desarm works on other items(rings, necklace) or just weapon? or they use in these cases Sleight of Hand?

There might be some translation problems there - would "punga" mean something like Sleight of Hand? (Google tells me it means "bag" or "pocket" in Romanian... pocket, to pickpocket... and the skill does mention "feat of legerdemain" which could be translated as prestidigitation.)

Anyway, anybody trying to use Sleight of Hand has to make a DC 20 skill check in order to lift a small object off of a person. You can oppose the check with your Spot check. If your Spot check beats his Sleight of Hand check, he still gets the object but you've noticed that he stole it.

Using Sleight of Hand to steal something is only for objects that aren't worn or carried - basically, stuff you have that isn't secured, like in a pocket or a purse. If it's not something that's hanging loose on you, you'd use the Disarm rules. Even if it is an unsecured item, using Sleight of Hand to do anything other than draw a hidden weapon is an action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. So if the Rogue is trying to steal your potion out of your pocket, you get a chance to hit him. If you do hit him, he has to make a Concentration check to continue with the action.

More good news for medium-sized Fighters is that you don't have to worry about two-handed weapons being taken through Sleight of Hand:

So if you're carrying a two-handed weapon, it counts as a Medium object, and is therefore unaffected by Sleight of Hand.

Even if it isn't a medium object, if you're currently carrying it or wearing it, they would need to make a Disarm attempt to get it away from you. If it's "well secured," they can't Disarm it unless they've Grappled and Pinned you. (And if a Rogue is able to grapple and pin a Fighter, then something very strange is going on). There are a lot of different ways to protect yourself from being Disarmed; the easiest one is getting a Locked Gauntlet (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/armor.htm#gauntletLocked) for your weapon.

2015-08-02, 04:25 PM
2) Get books in English if you can. This will help with talking to us atleast, and any small mistakes you make in translating back to Portuguese for your group are much easier to correct when you are talking face to face as its way faster than trying to figure out what someone means when posting on forums every 20 minutes or so.If that is not an option, look up the things you have questions about on the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/). Yes, I know it's not the official one which can be found here (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35) but the first link can be searched much more easily. That way there will be a lot less confusion about all the technical terms.

2015-08-02, 04:32 PM
Thanks a lot, this will help, i'll read it, so many things...and organized.

If that is not an option, look up the things you have questions about on the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/). Yes, I know it's not the official one which can be found here (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35) but the first link can be searched much more easily. That way there will be a lot less confusion about all the technical terms.

2015-08-02, 04:39 PM
Im curious, is he "legally" allowed to download english PDF's of books he has in Portugese?

2015-08-02, 05:15 PM
Im curious, is he "legally" allowed to download english PDF's of books he has in Portugese?

Just what I want to ask the Playground their expertise about: international copyright law :smallsmile:

If your DM allows it, you could craft or purchase a worn item with extradimensional space where you could store your valuables. The thief would then have to somehow get the item from you; no amount of mundane thieving will let them steal an object from another dimension.

They'd also have to know what they were trying to get. If you made it something non-obvious like a boot (or extra-difficult like underwear), they'd need to justify why they were stealing that thing. Be sure not to let anyone observe you transferring money in and out of the extra space.