View Full Version : Pathfinder Integrating DSP Psionics & Initiators into Psychic Duels from Occult Adventures

2015-08-02, 02:44 PM
crosspost from DSP forums, any input appreciated!

Occult Adventures introduced a new mechanic for users of psychic magic called psychic duels, which is really neat! Unfortunately, RAW, psionics are pretty harshly crippled in a psychic duel, which makes no sense, and when applying transparency, they are greatly overpowered, and better are psychic duels than the characters who can natively initiate them! Initiators aren’t really a problem in terms of balance, but obviously don’t slide directly into the RAW.

Both of these scenarios are bad news, so here is the workaround our table has come up with for both initiators and psionics so that other fans of DSP products can make the most of the Occult Adventures features. For the sake of transparency and balance review, the workaround will be preceded by our view of the problems.

The problem with psionics:
There are two ways to read how psionics (specifically, those with a manifester level) interact with psychic duel mechanics. (1) They do not have a caster level or spells in the sense that psychic duels require them to, so they are considered mundane for the purpose of psychic duels and limited to manifesting 1/4 HD points per manifestation. (2) Due to transparency, psionics do have a caster level, but then what? You don’t have spell slots to burn, leaving two possibilities. Either a complex (and ultimately unwieldy) jury-rig converts spells known into temporary spell slots, or you are simply allowed to burn power points without regard to spell slots, which quickly ramps up to the point where a psion and wilder are better at dueling than psychics!

Our solution for psionics:
(1) Aegis and non-gifted blade Soulknife are unaffected by our solution, as they fit perfectly into the rules for non-casters already established in Occult Adventures.
(2) The remaining classes, which will be referred to simply as psionics to prevent confusion, are affected, as their reliance on a power point reserve to cast spells throws a wrench into the mechanic.
(3) The instigate psychic duel spell or effect does not normally affect psionic characters because the thought structure of psionics so greatly differs from that of psychic magic users. When this ability targets a psionic character, instead of instigating a psychic duel, the psionic character instead takes 1d4 damage per 2 caster levels of the caster with a will save to negate all damage. The justification for this rule is simply that it’s incredibly unlikely for a psionic character to be targeted for a psychic duel, and that it doesn’t warrant a total rewrite or repatch in all cases for which a psionic or psychic character must otherwise prepare, let alone the DM trying to run them. Essentially, this part of our patch makes integration in the event of this scenario unfolding unexpectedly easy and quick to resolve without punishing either party.
(4) A psionic character that wants to participate in this cool mechanic can take the feat, Psychic Duel Training, detailed below. This feat removes the damage effect from instigate psychic duel targeting a psionic character, and grants the psionic character the ability to participate and even instigate psychic duels themselves on equal terms with their Occult Adventures counterparts. By tying this mechanic to a feat, we allow psionic players interested in participating in this mechanic a way to do so without complicating all psionics with an otherwise less than ideal system.

Feat: Psychic Duel Training
Prerequisites: Able to manifest 2nd level powers.
Benefit: Add instigate psychic duel to your list of powers known as a 2nd level power. When targeted by this effect by another source, you no longer take damage, and the spell resolves normally. You gain a virtual spell slot progression for the purpose of psychic duels – psions, wilders, tacticians, and vitalists gain the psychic progression, dreads, psychic warriors, and cryptics gain the occultist’s progression, and gifted blade soulknives and marksmen gain the mesmerist’s progression. You gain bonus spell slots as normal for having a high ability score for this virtual progression. This progression only exists for the purpose of generating manifestation points when engaged in a psychic duel, and does not count as a prerequisite for anything else. When you consume a virtual spell slot in a psychic duel, you also consume power points equal to the standard cost of a power of that level (1 points for a 1st level power, 3 for a 2nd, and so on).

Power: Instigate Psychic Duel
Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting]
Level: 2 (see text)
Display: Auditory and material
Manifesting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: One minute/level
Saving throw: will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power points: 3
Description: This power can only be learned by taking the Psychic Duel Training feat. It otherwise functions exactly as the spell of the same name from Occult Adventures.

Psionics in conclusion: We haven’t had a chance to playtest this, obviously, but given that it’s a direct feature import with minimum homebrewing, balance issues seem unlikely. An additional possibility is creating a Psychic Dueling discipline for Psions similar to the psychic archetype of the same theme.

The problem with initiators:
(1) None mechanically, other than maneuvers don’t really fit cleanly into RAW for psychic duels.

Our solution for initiators;
(1) Initiator classes are limited to generating 1/4 HD (rounded down) manifestation points per round when in a psychic duel.
(2) An initiator can sacrifice a maneuver readied to generate manifestation points during a psychic duel equal to 1/2 the maneuver level (rounded down). The maneuver may still be refreshed after the duel is over, but not during the duel. This solution makes initiators slightly more efficient at generating points than some other martial themed classes, but comparable to paladins and rangers.

Well that’s what our table uses. Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated! It’s a clunky patch, but it works.

2015-08-02, 03:04 PM
Feat: Psychic Duel Training
Prerequisites: Able to manifest 2nd level powers.
Benefit: Add instigate psychic duel to your list of powers known as a 2nd level power. When targeted by this effect by another source, you no longer take damage, and the spell resolves normally. You gain a virtual spell slot progression for the purpose of psychic duels – psions, wilders, tacticians, and vitalists gain the psychic progression, dreads, psychic warriors, and cryptics gain the occultist’s progression, and marksmen gain the mesmerist’s progression. You gain bonus spell slots as normal for having a high ability score for this virtual progression. This progression only exists for the purpose of generating manifestation points when engaged in a psychic duel, and does not count as a prerequisite for anything else. When you consume a virtual spell slot in a psychic duel, you also consume power points equal to the standard cost of a power of that level (1 points for a 1st level power, 3 for a 2nd, and so on).

For as common as the Gifted Blade archetype is with soulknifes, I am surprised that they arent mentioned in the feat. I would assume that they use the mesmerist like the marksman, but I thought I should atleast bring it up.

2015-08-02, 03:07 PM
For as common as the Gifted Blade archetype is with soulknifes, I am surprised that they arent mentioned in the feat. I would assume that they use the mesmerist like the marksman, but I thought I should atleast bring it up.

Thank you for pointing this out, I'll edit it in promptly. Totally forgot to look at psionic archetypes!

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-02, 05:34 PM
Why should an initiator be any better than any other martial class in a psychic duel? They aren't casters, and psychic duels are one of the things that make sense to be caster-specific (or rather, so heavily geared towards casters that it might as well be). They should be stuck with fueling manifestations through ability scores and ki/grit/etc. Maneuvers aren't per-day expendable resources and thus have no reason to be lumped in with the per-day expendable resources.

Another thing: the virtual spell slot progression still gives psionics a leg up on psychic casters, because they start each duel with all of their high-level slots intact. Adding something that reduces the number of available effective slots when PP are spent (e.g. spend 17 PP, lose an effective 9th-level slot) would balance this out perfectly.

2015-08-02, 08:21 PM
I would rather add some Psychic Duel support to the Stamina system. That way every martial can use that (assuming the variant that all martial classes get Combat Stamina for free), but in a more limited way so that the psychic casters are still king.

There's in fact already a rule about using point-based class features to generate Manifestation Points during a psychic duel, and allowing others with GM discretion - a broad reading could let Stamina qualify.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-02, 10:06 PM
I would rather add some Psychic Duel support to the Stamina system. That way every martial can use that (assuming the variant that all martial classes get Combat Stamina for free), but in a more limited way so that the psychic casters are still king.

Hm. You'd be sort of using a reversed Iron Heart Surge to manifest stuff, right? I approve of this.

There's in fact already a rule about using point-based class features to generate Manifestation Points during a psychic duel, and allowing others with GM discretion - a broad reading could let Stamina qualify.

Indeed. I'd probably make it 2 stamina per 1 ki/grit/etc, because stamina can scale twice as fast (BAB instead of 1/2 level).

2015-08-02, 10:40 PM
Indeed. I'd probably make it 2 stamina per 1 ki/grit/etc, because stamina can scale twice as fast (BAB instead of 1/2 level).

I like this idea.

Also, am I the only one tempted to refer to you as Boney because of your avatar?

2015-08-03, 05:44 AM
Occult Adventures introduced a new mechanic for users of psychic magic called psychic duels, which is really neat!

As neat as 3.0 psionics one?

2015-08-03, 01:42 PM
Given my distaste for their choice of calling these spellcasting classes that seem more arcane and divine than anything else "psychic," I'm not opposed to actual psions and wilders being better at psychic duels than ill-labeled spellcasters.

That said, it could be somewhat fixed for balance by requiring EACH MP purchased with PP to cost a number of PP equal to the total number of MP you will have purchased up to that time, including this one.

So the first MP you buy will cost 1 MP. The second will cost 2. The third will cost 3. etc.

2015-08-03, 08:32 PM
Why should an initiator be any better than any other martial class in a psychic duel? They aren't casters, and psychic duels are one of the things that make sense to be caster-specific (or rather, so heavily geared towards casters that it might as well be). They should be stuck with fueling manifestations through ability scores and ki/grit/etc. Maneuvers aren't per-day expendable resources and thus have no reason to be lumped in with the per-day expendable resources.
There's a few reasons. First off, the group both lycantrope and I play in really likes initiators. Second, maneuvers are, at least in part, based on the mind, much more so than, say, fighters or barbarians are (see: initiation modifier). Third, Spell-likes, including at-will spell-likes, are explicitly permitted by RAW to be expended for MP once per duel. This also builds on the fact that at least some maneuvers are based largely on mental focus and ki-like concepts. You really want to tell me that Steel Serpent maneuvers, for example (many of which explicitly mention ki manipulation) wouldn't give a user a leg up in terms of generating and using such energies in a mindscape? Martial characters stuck in a psychic duel against a full caster are probably boned anyway, but this permits them to at least muster a defense without crippling themselves for the rest of the day.

Another thing: the virtual spell slot progression still gives psionics a leg up on psychic casters, because they start each duel with all of their high-level slots intact. Adding something that reduces the number of available effective slots when PP are spent (e.g. spend 17 PP, lose an effective 9th-level slot) would balance this out perfectly.

Our table really likes psionics, to the point that, if given the choice between prohibiting psychics and prohibiting psionics, I strongly suspect we'd all cheerfully wave goodbye to Occult Adventures (I know I would). Also, this pretty much approximates one of the strong points of psionics even outside psychic duels, since a psion can just keep spamming 9th-level powers long after the wizard's used up all his 9th-level spells. This tweak allows psionicists to take part in psychic duels if they so desire without effortlessly overwhelming everyone, since even with a full compliment of virtual spell slots, they've got vastly less full-bore endurance than they would if you just did a straight PP-cost-to-spell-level conversion or even more brokenly allowing spending PP for MP at a 1-1 ratio (the way a character with PP but no manifester level like an aegis or an elan can)

2015-08-04, 09:49 AM
Indeed. I'd probably make it 2 stamina per 1 ki/grit/etc, because stamina can scale twice as fast (BAB instead of 1/2 level).

Agreed - and in addition, stamina is purely about the physical, so it should be a little harder (but not impossible) to translate that sort of gumption to a mental contest.