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2015-08-02, 05:11 PM
The Ascetic
http://orig01.deviantart.net/a3a4/f/2014/147/7/1/cm___kusarigama_s_kunoichi_by_kachima-d7jyl66.jpgCM : kusarigama's Kunoichi by kachima

"Chi is not some special quality of the soul. It is simply the conviction and strength of will to do what must be done. Tell me, did you ever see a man struck by lightning go flying off into the distance? And did you ever wonder why it doesn't do the same to anything else? It is not the lightning that moves us. It is the power of our own bodies. It is, if you like, our chi: that strange, mysterious force that keeps us going long after we ought to fail."


Flurry of Blows attack bonus

Unarmed Damage

AC bonus

Unarmoured Speed Bonus

Overcome Wounds

Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Shrug Off, Righteous Desperation, Mind over Matter, Tricks




+10 ft


And I Believe (1), Evasion




+10 ft


Silent Mind




+20 ft


And I Believe (3)




+20 ft


Force of Will, Slow Fall Any Distance




+30 ft


And I Believe (6), Overcome Wounds




+30 ft


Perfection of Body




+40 ft


And I Believe (8)




+40 ft


Improved Evasion




+50 ft


And I Believe (12)




+50 ft


Halting Rebuke




+60 ft


And I Believe (15)




+60 ft


Dim Mak




+70 ft


And I Believe (19)




+70 ft


Timeless Body, Tongue of the Sun and Moon




+80 ft


And I Believe (23)




+80 ft


Resilient Form




+90 ft


And I Believe (27)




+90 ft


Denial of Death




+100 ft


A Paragon of my Kind, And I Believe (32)




+100 ft


Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d12

Class Skills:
All skills except for Truespeak (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Use Psionic Device (Cha) are class skills of the ascetic.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the ascetic.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency
The Ascetic is proficient in all types of weapon but no type of armour or shield.

AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Evasion, Slow Fall, Improved Evasion, Timeless Body, Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex)

All of these abilities work just like the monk abilities of the same name, except as given on Table: The Ascetic and also that the ascetic also attains all of the monk's bonus feats at first level (If this matters, it's considered part of the ascetic's unarmed strike ability).

Ascetic levels and monk levels stack to determine a character's effective monk level. Ascetic levels are treated as monk levels, not as nonmonk levels, when determining Stunning Fist attempts that can be performed each day.

Tricks (Ex)
At each level, an ascetic gains ascetic tricks. The ascetic gains 1 ascetic trick per level up to and including fifth, two per level for the next five, and so forth. Ascetic tricks are detailed in their own section.

Shrug Off
Ascetics can Shrug Off abilities which would hinder, incapacitate or even kill lesser beings. Shrugging Off an ability does not take an action any more than choosing a target to attack does; it is simply a thing that one does, or one does not.

An ascetic who Shrugs Off an effect ignores it. It does not affect the ascetic at all, even if it affects an area (irrespective of, for example, whether or not the ascetic enters, leaves, and then re-enters an area). However, it still affects other people: the effect is still there, unlike with more magical means of removing an effect such as Dispel Magic or Iron Heart Surge. The source of the effect may still be there, even if the effect itself isn't (for example, a windstorm is still there even if the ascetic isn't checked by it, and will automatically check the ascetic again next round). Similarly, an ascetic can't Shrug Off death by hit point damage, as the ascetic would simply die again immedately. This makes the many effects on the table below unlikely at best to come up but they are included for completeness.

The ascetic may Shrug Off an effect in progress, or even one which hasn't taken effect yet (for example, an ascetic could Shrug Off a spell's effect upon being struck by it, ignoring it, even if that ascetic wasn't aware of the spell until it dealt its effects). Ascetics incapable of experiencing the world, such as those who are Dead, Petrified or Unconscious, can't Shrug Off effects. Those who are merely distracted, incapable of acting, or suffering sensory impairment (such as those who are Fascinated, Stunned or simultaneously Blinded and Deafened) can still Shrug Off further effects.

However, Shrugging Off an effect costs hit points. These hit points are dependent on the severity of the effect being Shrugged Off. Further, if the effect is permanent (except for spell effects and effects which are always or usually permanent), triple the number of hit points needed to remove it. An ascetic can't Shrug Off an effect if doing so would kill the ascetic. Use the following table to determine the hit point cost:



Ability Damaged


Ability Drained/Burned




Blown Away*


















Energy Drained






Knocked Down*










Spell Lv 0**


Spell Lv 1**


Spell Lv 2**


Spell Lv 3**


Spell Lv 4**


Spell Lv 5**


Spell Lv 6**


Spell Lv 7**


Spell Lv 8**


Spell Lv 9**


Spell Level 10th**


Spell Level 11th***


Spell Level 12th***


Spell Level 13th***









As stable/dying

*These effects can only be Shrugged Off before they take effect, due to one of three reasons: One, that they less are conditions and more cause them, two, that once the ability takes hold the ascetic won't be able to Shrug them Off, or three, because simply being hard enough to prevent yourself falling down is one thing; being hard enough to go from being on the ground to on your feet in no time at all is another.
**This also covers (Sp) and (Ps) abilities, powers, and martial maneuvers.
***As **, and also these abilities tend not to exist, but a few classes such as the Worldspeaker have them. To find any spell level higher than 13th, add the new spell level to the previous number (for example, the 13th level value is calculated by adding 13 to the 12th level value).

Mind over Matter
An ascetic is good at resisting attacks. Once per round, an ascetic can, while expending no more time, effort or actions than a normal save, make a will save to negate an attack or spell, even after the result of that attack or spell has been determined. If the save is successful, the attack or spell is negated in its entirety.

Spells, powers, spell-like abilities and psi-like abilities have a set formula to determine the DC of the saving throw (even if the spell itself doesn't allow a saving throw, or has the Irresistible Spell metamagic applied to remove the saving throw) and most other attacks have attack rolls, whose result the ascetic uses as the save DC.

Righteous Desperation (Ex)
In the mind by Hieyizar
"The first rule of unarmed combat: Don't be unarmed."

Ascetics are masters of improvisation, of getting by, of making do with what they have, and this stems from their conviction, their vow never to use magic. Such is the way of the ascetic.

An ascetic who looks about for an improvised weapon to use can as a standard action take a search check whose DC is equal to the price of the item in gold pieces. Passing this check means the Ascetic finds (and can pick up as part of the check) an improvised weapon of the type for which the ascetic is looking. Ascetics never take a penalty for wielding an improvised weapon, although the improvised weapons found in this way are usually fragile, and break within a number of uses equal to 10, plus the number by which the search check DC was beaten. Ascetics wielding improvised weapons deal damage equal to the item's damage, or the ascetic's unarmed strike damage, whichever is higher. In some cases, such as a d12 weapon in the hands of a 12th-level ascetic, neither is inherently more favourable: the ascetic chooses before making each attack.

Ascetics might easily not be able to find anything they can fashion into a weapon of the correct type, but unless they are in a barren plain they can probably find something vaguely weapon-shaped.

Similarly, an ascetic can find objects which function as tools, shields, and so forth in a similar manner. Again, they will break after the same number of uses as the weapon might and the ascetic gets no penalty for using them.

Further, an ascetic is immune to fear, sickness and tiredness effects (such as shaken, frightened, terrified, cowering, sickened, nauseated, fatigued and exhausted).

However, the ascetic's guile and wit, their devotion and their motivation, all stem from the meaningfulness of the vow: the ascetic cannot deliberately and knowingly use magic, psionics, martial strikes or stances, supernatural abilities, or magic or psionic items. They cannot accept direct magical or psionic aid to their person (Fireballing their foes doesn't count), and must take any save against that aid that is given to them. They are encouraged to shun those who repeatedly give them unwanted aid of this nature, and preferably all magic, but this is not actually required and ascetics don't bear any particular enmity towards spellcasters, psionicists or initiators.

An ascetic who breaks this vow feels mentally shattered by the transgression, and loses the conviction that fuels ascetic abilities (other than class skills, proficiency, and hit dice). These other abilities are regained at a rate of one level per day by adventuring normally as a glorified warrior ("Normally" is subjective, but no attempt should be made to avoid combat beyond the usual measure). For example, an eighth-level ascetic who breaks the vow can use a single ascetic trick after one day of adventuring, and seven after six days of adventuring. These days don't need to be consecutive. New ascetic tricks can be selected in this way, though it would have been faster to relearn them normally!

A creature who gets the vow from somewhere else other than a class loses all class abilities if they break the vow, and needs to recover them in the same way. Creatures such as factotums who steal the ability are only affected by breaking the vow for the duration of the ability that copies it.

And I Believe (Ex)

The power of belief is a strong thing. From 2nd level, the ascetic gains a pool of belief points - only one to start, up to 32 at 20th level) each round. A belief point can be spent without an action to add 1 to any roll you make, or increase one of your static defences, such as armour class, spell resistance, energy resistance (even if you don't have any energy resistance, or any of that type) or DR/- (even if you don't have any DR or don't have any DR/-), for the duration of one roll. If your opponent is rolling directly against you, but you don't have an applicable static defence or opposed roll, you can increase the DC instead (such as if someone's trying to steal from you with a sleight of hand check, which has a flat DC).

It should be noted that any expenditure of belief points is unless stated otherwise a free action, and can usually be done when it isn't your turn if necessary (if you want to use it when it's not your turn, you probably can). Belief points are refreshed at the start of each of your turns.

Silent Mind (Ex)

From third level, ascetics are simply immune to all enchantment and illusion spells, and telepathy powers.

Overcome Wounds (Ex)
An ascetic of at least 6th level is very hard to kill, and no wound inflicted on them hinders them long. They gain fast healing as given on Table: The Ascetic.

Perfection of Body (Ex)

From seventh level, an ascetic ignores the effects of any poison or disease inflicted upon them.

Halting Rebuke (Ex)

From eleventh level, an ascetic acquires immunity to magic.

Dim Mak (Ex)

"Dim Mak" or "Death Touch" is one of the most sought-after martial arts techniques ever to come to be. While the attack is supposedly powered by the victim's ki being crushed, in reality it is simply psychological that the creature seizes up, usually as a result of a heart attack. An ascetic can perform Dim Mak instead of any unarmed attack. Dim Mak is a touch attack, but deals no damage if it hits. Instead, the target is slain if they fail a will save (DC 10 + half the ascetic's level + the ascetic's wisdom modifier). However, no matter how many attacks the ascetic may be entitled to, only a single save must be taken against Dim Mak each round by each creature - the ascetic may however use it on multiple creatures to activate its affects multiple times.

Resilient Form (Ex)
From seventeenth level, the ascetic's ability to resist damage is legendary. An ascetic who takes damage is entitled to a will save each time. The will save has no difficulty class, but instead the damage is reduced by the result of the will save.

With the DM's agreement, if this starts getting annoying after a while, you can agree always to take 10 on the will save.

Denial of Death (Ex)
From nineteenth level, ascetics can carry on fighting long after another creature would die, with only their force of will keeping them alive. An ascetic who would fall unconscious, whether dying or stable, doesn't. An ascetic who would die stays alive for a number of rounds equal to the ascetic's wisdom score, before finally collapsing unless the source of the ascetic's death is removed (if the death effect is instantaneous, this is not possible).

A Paragon of My Kind (Ex)
At twentieth level, an ascetic takes on the Paragon Creature template. It does not gain the template's spell-like abilities. This means, all told, that it acquires maximised hit points, plus 240 more hit points (+12 per level after 20th), triple speed, +12 insight +12 luck +5 natural armour to AC, +25 luck to attack, +20 luck to damage, +13 insight to special attacks, resistance 10 to fire and cold, DR 10/epic, Fast Healing increased to 20, epic natural attacks, +10 insight to saving throws, +15 racial to ability scores, +10 competence to skills and one bonus feat.

Learning Ascetic Tricks
Meditation by goro79
"My dreams are a pillar upon which worlds are built."

Learning an ascetic trick works essentially exactly the same as learning a feat; indeed, they work in nearly the exact same way as feats, they just can't be taken as actual feats. You learn them when you gain the relevant level, and then retain them for use later.

The main difference is that it's a lot easier for an ascetic to pick up new tricks. Indeed, once per day an ascetic can simply pick up a trick that is useful in the current situation. However, it must choose and discard a previous ascetic trick to do this. An ascetic can do this once more per day for each five levels after first: at high levels, an ascetic can near-constantly be learning on-the-spot to handle almost anything as and when it comes up.

Most ascetic tricks can only be taken once.

2015-08-02, 05:12 PM
List of Ascetic Tricks
Martial art by winter81
"The second rule of unarmed combat: Don't be in combat."

The following are the ascetic tricks available to an ascetic. Note that if the ascetic is being used in the Pathfinder roleplaying system, all skill requirements should be reduced by 3.

All For One
You use everything about yourself to fight.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: When rolling an attack or damage roll for an unarmed strike or monk weapon, instead of using your strength or dexterity modifier, you use the total of all your positive ability modifiers (so for example, if your ability modifiers are +1, +2, +2, 0, +4, -2 then you would add 9). The same is true when using a special attack such as a grapple or disarm, so long as you're using an unarmed strike or monk weapon.

Always Strike First
You are lightning fast, and none can match your speed.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You can't be surprised; if there's a surprise round, you can always act in it. You always go first in the initiative order.
Special: Two or more ascetics with this trick roll normally to determine which acts first, but all act before anyone else in the combat.

Animal Companion
You acquire an unusually powerful animal who is fiercely loyal to you.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This trick works just like the druid class feature of the same name, except that the ascetic can't share spells with it and it only takes 3 hours' searching for a new animal to find such a creature.
Special: You can take this trick more than once. Its effects do not stack normally. Instead, the ascetic's effective level for the animal companion is increased by 3. If the rules in the Epic Level Handbook are not in play, this trick can be taken no more than 6 times (at which point a companion from the level - 15 list treats the ascetic as being of whatever level the ascetic actually is).

You have an instinctive awareness of everything about you.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You have blindsight out to 30 feet.
Special: This trick can be taken multiple times; the range of the blindsight stacks.

You gain control over the functioning of your own body, and use that to heal it faster.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: As a swift action, you can spend belief points to heal you at a rate of one hit point per belief point.

Bonus Feats
Alas, poor fighter.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You choose three feats for which you qualify and gain their benefits, including being able to use them as prerequisites. You must qualify for them normally.
Special: You can take this trick more than once. You can use multiple instances, or even a single instance, of the trick to take the same feat more than once, if you could do so normally.

You can create even more special items.
Prerequisites: Herbalist, Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks.
Benefit: You can create additional powerful items. You also get a +10 bonus on craft (Alchemy) checks.

Envoy Firework: DC 30 to make. An envoy firework can be used as a weapon, dealing just 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 bludgeoning damage on impact if it even hits a creature in the first instance, but that's not really the point. Envoy fireworks are packed with explosive of high enough quality to send them either a steady 4 miles/level, or you can create a more risky explosive that will send the firework up to 2d6 miles/level. Either way, the envoy firework takes 10 minutes to reach its destination, and can send anything that can fit in the small compartment inside it - this usually entails something of the calibre of a small book, or a dagger, some deadly poison, and a note. The envoy firework isn't in condition to send back.

Of course, the decent damage and long range make an envoy firework a possible long-ranged artillery weapon, especially if you put something more dangerous (such as some explosives on a 10 minute and 6 second timer) inside. That's your call.
Explosives: DC 30 to make each set. Explosives can be linked together and linked to the user by a fuse cord, allowing them to be detonated from a safe location and all at once. Alternatively, they can be put on a timer.

When detonated, explosives deal 1d6 damage per level, half fire and half force, within 60 feet.
Poison Gas Grenade: DC 30 to make. Fired just like exploding potion. Fort against 1d6 str 1d6 con/1 str 1 con.
Stun Grenade: DC 25 to make. Fired just like exploding potion, those in 20 feet take 1 sonic/level, fort vs deafened 1 minute/level, reflex vs blinded 1 minute/level, on both failed stunned 1 round/level.

Combat Coup
You can make coups de grace against opponents you're fighting.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You can Coup de Grace nonhelpless creatures, you can do so from up to 30 feet away, you can make Coups de Grace even against normally-immune foes, and making one doesn't take an attack of opportunity.
Special: If the target is immune to critical hits, resolve the Coup de Grace anyway; it's just not a critical hit.

Combat Maneuver Master
You are a legend at performing special attacks.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You gain the benefits of the following feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Improved Overrun, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple. You also get a +5 bonus on your attack roll to perform cleaves, bull rushes, sunders, overruns, disarms, trips, and grapples as well as +5 bonus to any additional rolls needed to perform any of these actions, or a feint, successfully.
Special: You can use these feats as prerequisites, but you can't retrain them or use spells such as Embrace the Dark Chaos to remove them. An effect that would remove one of these feats, short of removing the ascetic trick itself, fails.

You can defend against enemies' attacks and strike back with your own.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 6th.
Benefit: The ascetic gains the ability to counter attacks. As an immediate action, the ascetic prevents one attack that would be made against the ascetic, and makes one against the would-be-assailant. This can be done from any range, but can only defend against attacks which must roll to hit.
Special: A ascetic can counter an attack regardless of ability or inability to attack back. If the ascetic can't complete the counterattack, this doesn't stop an attack being prevented. Similarly, an ascetic is under no obligation to attack even if capable of doing so.

Craft Flying Machine
You know how to create a simple machine that allows you to fly by body power.
Prerequisites: Craft 8 ranks.
Benefit: With a DC 25 craft check, you can create a flying machine. This consists of a large fixed-wing glider combined with a nonfixed-wing propeller connected to pedals that are used to operate the thing. You can direct the glider with one hand to move with clumsy maneuverability, with two to move at poor maneuverability, or with none to move straight forwards. Either way, you can move up to 30 feet per round as a move action. You can't charge, run or dive. Operating a flying machine requires a DC 10 strength check each round, or the machine falls 30 feet (as well as moving in the intended direction) as you lose control of it.

A flying machine can be collapsed or unfolded in 3 rounds, so that it can be carried easily when not in use.
Special: There's no reason another creature couldn't operate the machine. A flying machine costs 500 GP and weighs 20 lb. Flying machines require a large number of pre-built parts and only actually take 1/5 of the normal time to craft.

Craft Masterwork Flying Machine
You can make a superior flying machine.
Prerequisites: Craft Flying Machine, Craft 10 ranks.
Benefit: You can craft masterwork components for flying machines just as you might for weapons. When you construct a masterwork flying machine, it increases the user's strength check result by 2 just like any other masterwork tool, but also increases the speed to 45 feet and the maneuverability by 1 step. They can be collapsed or unfolded in just 2 rounds.

Death Mark
Your attacks mark enemies for death.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: When you attack an enemy, if you hit, you mark them for death. Their armour class is reduced by 2 for each death mark they have (Death marks stack). A creature with one or more death marks is always a viable target for a sneak attack, but if they couldn't be sneak attacked anyway, the sneak attack is limited to one die per death mark on the creature.
Special: A creature can remove a death mark with three rounds' rest.

You can block attacks headed for your allies.
Prerequisites: Counterattack, Sudden Movement
Benefit: You can move suddenly and counter an attack as the same immediate action to block an attack that would have hit an ally. To do this, you must interpose yourself between the attacker and the target. The attack is then countered just as though it was aiming for you.

You can disappear into thin air by distracting your foes and hiding.
Prerequisites: Hide 8 ranks.
Benefit: You can hide even while being observed. You can hide as a swift action. You can move while hidden.

Dominating Shout
You can rattle a creature so badly that they follow your commands.
Prerequisites: Intimidate 12 ranks.
Benefit: You can intimidate creatures normally immune to fear, and creatures don't get morale bonuses against intimidation attempts by you. If you pass an intimidate check of any type by 10 or more, you rattle the creature so much that they live in fear of your wrath for one day per level. Their terrifying experience haunts every waking moment, and they are shaken for the duration, but it also makes them fiercely loyal to you. They will obey any command you give them, even if that command puts them in immediate danger.

A will save with a DC equal to the amount you passed by negates the effect.
Special: You still can't intimidate mindless creatures, but you can intimidate those immune to mind-affecting abilities.

Escape Death
You're very hard to kill.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 8th
Benefit: If you're killed, you turn out not to have been dead and wake up 3d6 minutes later at 1 hit point (although your fast healing will quickly give you more). To all inspection, you are still dead for those minutes. If you die three times in a single 24-hour period, your body finally finally gives in and you don't get up.
Special: Any additional information about the feat, for example whether it can be taken more than once.

Find Planar Rift
Between any two planes that are connected, there are countless rifts that allow for one simply to walk through, though to do so by accident would be almost an achievement as they require very specific negotiation.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 13th, Find Rift
Benefit: A ascetic can take a knowledge (The planes) check to see whether or not there are any known planar rifts between the ascetic's plane and a specific other plane. Beating a DC of 30 finds the closest, which is about (3d6-3) miles away (0 to 15). Beating a DC of 20 finds the second closest, which is about 5d6 miles away (5 to 30). Beating a DC of 10 finds some planar rift or other within 10d6 miles (10 to 60).

When a planar rift is found, an ascetic can move through it through bodily contortions specific to that rift. This takes one minute to achieve, and planar rifts lead to a specific location on the other plane; an ascetic who knows the rift's location on this plane knows its location on the other plane.

A ascetic can instruct another creature on how to pass through the rift, but doing so takes five minutes as the ascetic painstakingly instructs the other creature on exactly how to move their body.

Interrupting a creature who is trying to move through a rift disorientates them a little and they must start anew, but has no appreciable negative effects.
Special: Planar rifts are nonmagical and can't be detected magically, except perhaps by epic magic. Even in demiplanes or dead magic planes, there are planar rifts. A planar rift is usually the effect of planar movement, but sometimes due to repeated plane shifting. Either way, an ascetic doesn't lose conviction for using one unless a wizard or wizards deliberately plane shift until they create a planar rift.

Find Rift
When mages teleport, they leave behind a small tunnel in space called a "Rift." To enter it accidentally is nigh-impossible, and even doing it deliberately requires much skill.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 9th
Benefit: A ascetic can take a knowledge (The planes) check to see whether or not there are any known rifts between the ascetic's location and a specific other location. Beating a DC of 30 finds the best, which is about (3d6-3) miles away (0 to 15) from both the start and end locations. Beating a DC of 25 finds the second best, which is about 5d6 miles away at one end (5 to 30) and 3d6-3 from the other. A DC of 20 finds one which is about 5d6 miles away at each end. Beating a DC of 15 finds some rift or other within 10d6 miles (10 to 60) at one end and 5d6 at the other, and a DC of 10 finds a rift which is about 10d6 miles away at each end.

When a rift is found, an ascetic can move through it through bodily contortions specific to that rift. This takes one minute to achieve. A ascetic who knows the rift's location at this end knows its location at the other end.

A ascetic can instruct another creature on how to pass through the rift, but doing so takes five minutes as the ascetic painstakingly instructs the other creature on exactly how to move their body.

Interrupting a creature who is trying to move through a rift disorientates them a little and they must start anew, but has no appreciable negative effects.
Special: Rifts are nonmagical and can't be detected magically, except perhaps by epic magic. A rift is usually the effect of planar movement, but sometimes due to repeated teleporting. Either way, an ascetic doesn't lose conviction for using one unless a wizard or wizards deliberately teleport until they create a rift.

Full Attacker
You can make your full complement of attacks rapidly
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You can make a full attack as a standard action, or as part of a charge. You can make a full attack twice as a full action.

Great Reach
You can reach further than usual.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You can reach 5 feet further in each direction than normal - for example, a medium ascetic with a greatsword can attack creatures 10 feet away or in the ascetic's own square, while the same ascetic with a glaive can attack creatures five to fifteen feet away.

You can also make any number of attacks of opportunity each round.

You are capable of making spellcasters forget some of their spells with a handy knock to the head.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: A Headslam attack must be made as a full-round action, and you take a -5 penalty on the attack roll, but it ignores the wielder's armour (shields apply normally, and if the creature is wearing some kind of helmet it gives them a +2 armour bonus to armour class which is not ignored in this way). A Headslam that hits the target successfully is a critical hit. It also causes a spellcaster to lose some of their spells. A spellcaster who is Headslammed successfully loses 1d3 spells of each level they can cast; if they've run out of spells from a level they lose spells from the one below instead. Prepared casters lose random spells.

Any psionic creature who is Headslammed loses psionic focus. They also lose half their current psi points if they weren't focused, and one third if they were.

A creature who uses spell-like, psi-like or supernatural abilities (except supernatural maneuvers; see below instead) with some restriction on their use (including non-specific restrictions such as a Truenamer's Law of Resistance) is treated as having used each one a single time.

Martial Initiators who are Headslammed lose all their readied maneuvers. This doesn't stop them recovering them normally.
Special: A Headslam works even if it doesn't deal any damage. That said, you can Headslam a creature just to deal normal critical hit damage (though the Combat Coup trick might be better for this). You can Headslam a creature with a ranged weapon, but only if they're within 30 feet.

Creatures immune to critical hits, and creatures who don't actually have heads to speak of, can still be Headslammed: in the former case it's not a critical hit. In the latter, you hit whichever part of their body does the thinking, or equivalent.

Healing Hands
You are talented at healing creatures' wounds.
Prerequisites: Heal 4 ranks.
Benefit: You can, by spending a minute to heal a creature, restore hit points equal to the heal check result. You can also cure the effects of poison or disease by using your heal check in place of the fortitude save against the normal DC.
Special: If you're interrupted or choose not to take a full minute, you instead heal 1/10 of the normal number of hit points for each round you spent healing. For example, an ascetic who would heal 36 hit points but is interrupted after 2 rounds instead restores only 7. Because the instances are counted holistically, not separately, they are rounded down together, not individually.

Ascetics can heal themselves like this.

You can make some all-natural concoctions which aid the drinker... or explode, of course.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You can use Craft (Alchemy) despite not being a spellcaster. The results are always nonmagical. You can also craft some interesting items which others cannot, taking 10 minutes to achieve. The save DC against these effects is 10, plus half the ascetic's level, plus the ascetic's intelligence modifier.

Deadly Poison: DC 20 to make, injury or ingested, fort. vs death/4d6 con.
Exploding Potion: DC 20 to make, when thrown (range incr. 10 ft) or used in sling/crossbow/ballista etc. explodes 40 feet, dealing 1d6/lv fire to target and 1/lv fire to others in area, sets everything flammable in area ablaze, fire spreads at 20 ft/round.
Healing Salve: Restores 1d6 HP and 1 ability score per level. Permanent drain is removed by sacrificing 4 points of damage removal (so at level 8, can remove 3 CON damage 5 INT damage, or 1 STR drain 4 DEX damage, or 1 WIS drain 1 CHA drain, for example).
Ignition Paste: DC 10 to make, burns for 1 minute/level when lit, on weapon adds 1d6 fire damage. Enough to cover 1 weapon or 50 ammo. Can also be used for anything else you might want 1 minute/level fire for (eg put it in a sling and throw the entire thing, sling and all, through someone's window?).
Rage Brew: DC 15 to make. Imbiber rages as barbarian of own level; only effective 1/day per person.
Sticky Paste: DC 10 to make. Very slightly sticky (like a post-it or old tape) until activated as standard action, then becomes very sticky; anyone who touches it is stuck to it. Loses its stick after 1 minute/level. Dealing it 10 points of fire damage destroys it. Can also be used to stick inanimate objects together, though the short duration might not make this the best idea.

Heroic Killing Blow
You can kill anything you can hit.
Prerequisites: Killing Blow
Benefit: Any hit you make is automatically resolved as a successful coup de grace, even though it's not necessarily a critical hit.
Special: Just like the coups de grace from combat coup, these coups de grace ignore critical immunity: the coup de grace is still resolved, it's just not a critical hit.

Incorporeal Bane
Your fist cuts through even ghosts and spirits.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: Your attacks function absolutely normally against incorporeal and even ethereal creatures, the force of your blow carrying through much like a force effect.
Special: Your attacks are treated as force effects for anything related to incorporeality and etherealness.

Instant Identify
You know what an item does just by looking at it.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You know what an item does just by looking at it. This includes its functions and how to activate them, its current hit point total, whether or not it is a cursed item, and anything else that is to do with an item's functionality, capabilities, or usage.
Special: This doesn't just apply to items that you can pick up and use, but also to houses, bridges, castles, and so forth.

Jump Master
You are a master of jumping in all situations.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You can Slow Fall any distance just like a monk does. Even if there's nothing for you to grab, you only take half damage from a fall. You can jump while grappling if you take the "Move while grappling" option. You can try to escape the grapple once during your jump as a free action; if you do your opponent falls and you complete the jump rather than moving into an adjacent space.

Killing Blow
You know how to score a deadly hit on a foe even in normal combat.
Prerequisites: Combat Coup
Benefit: Every critical hit you strike is automatically resolved as a successful coup de grace.
Special: This is useless if your foe is immune to critical hits, even though Combat Coup works normally.

Loyal Companion
You can obtain a companion on the field of war.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 6th.
Benefit: You obtain the service of an unusually strong cohort to aid you on the field of war. This cohort works much like the one from the Leadership feat, with a few exceptions. First, the cohort cannot take levels in any class with the righteous desperation class feature. Second, the cohort acquires the righteous desperation class feature as though they had levels in such a class. Third, the cohort is always of the ascetic's own level, and doesn't gain experience separately.

Magic Resistance
You have started to resist the magic of your enemies
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You gain SR and PR 6+level, or increase your current SR and PR by 5.
Special: This talent can be taken more than once. Its effects stack.

Master of Disguise
You can change your disguise at a moment's notice.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You can disguise once per round as a free action. You get a +10 bonus on disguise checks.

Miko's Gambit
You can move out of harm's way quickly.
Prerequisites: Jump 4 ranks.
Benefit: When you jump, you get a +10 bonus on the check, and provoke no attacks of opportunity for doing so. If you leave a creature's threatened area in this way, there's a new surprise round in which that creature (or those creatures) are surprised and then combat resumes as normal. You might use this opportunity to allow your allies to blast the area you were in. However, you can't do this when it's already the surprise round.
Special: You're not stupid enough to allow the enemy to completely surround you without a valid strategic plan in mind.

Mortal Wound
Your attacks are difficult to heal and impossible to resist.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Your attacks with any kind of weapon always do the full complement of damage, regardless of damage reduction, resistances, or any other clever way your opponent can think of to reduce the damage you deal. You can deal lethal or nonlethal damage entirely at your option, even if an opponent has a special ability such as regeneration which would normally stop you.

Any damage, lethal or nonlethal, that you deal should be tracked separately. This damage is impervious to magical healing and can only heal naturally or through other nonmagical action (including by the giving of long-term care).
Special: There's nothing to stop you missing due to cover, concealment, or simply failing to beat your foe's AC.

Not on My Watch
Ascetics are responsible for everyone not dying, and they take that responsibility seriously.
Prerequisites: Heal 12 ranks, Healing Hands
Benefit: You are so good at healing that you can heal creatures after anyone else would pronounce them dead. For 6 hours after someone has obtained the Dead condition, you can use your Healing Hands ability to restore them above -10 hit points, after which they are no longer Dead.

You have more raw ability in one or more areas.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You gain a +4 perfection bonus divided as you wish between any number of ability scores.
Special: You can take this trick more than once. Its effects stack.

Perfect Aim
You can shoot past cover to strike foes you can barely see.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You ignore all cover and concealment with any type of attack you make.
Special: Your opponent might still be invisible to you.

Power of Belief
Your belief is stronger than that of others.
Prerequisites: And I Believe class feature.
Benefit: Your And I Believe feature functions as though you were two levels higher, but you can't spend more points on one thing than your actual level would allow.
Special: You can take this trick more than once. Its effects stack.

Continuing on beyond 20th level, the progression goes from 32 to 37, 42, 47, 53, 59, 64, 71, 77, 83, 90, 97, 104, 111, 118, 125, 133, 141, 149, 157, 165, 173, 182, 190, 199, 208, 216, 226, 235, 244, 253. If you want any more than that, stop to consider the life choices that brought you to this point. Maybe you would be better off playing a factotum, or a psion? Stop to consider other classes that might be more suitable for someone who wants huge numbers of points to fuel their abilities. Okay, okay, so take your effective level, halve it, and put it to the power of 1.5, then round it up. And then work out what you're going to spend your 263 belief points on.

Resolute Shout
Your shouts daze enemies who hear them.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: As a standard action, you can unleash a Resolute Shout. An enemy who hears the Resolute Shout is stunned for 2 rounds. A fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 level + strength modifier) negates this effect. You can spend 3 belief points to increase the DC by 1, and can do this multiple times.

Scars of War
Your skin is tough enough to withstand a beating
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You gain a natural armour bonus to armour class equal to 1, plus 1 per 3 ascetic levels.

You are simply more skilful than others of your kind
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You retroactively and forevermore increase the ascetic's skill points per level by 4 (16 at first level). You spend these extra skill points immediately, even though you couldn't normally spend them at this time. Further, you get a +1 bonus on all skill checks and treat all skills as trained.
Special: You must remember which skill points are a result of this ascetic trick in case it is lost or swapped out. You can take this trick more than once; its effects, where relevant, stack.

Speed of the Wind Unbound
You can move faster through the power of belief.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Whenever you move, you can spend a belief point to move five feet further. You can continue to spend belief points to move even further.

Snap Out of it!
You can allow people to regain control over themselves.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You can negate the effect of an enchantment, illusion or telepathy by shouting at someone to snap out of it. This takes a swift action, as it's a little more strenuous than actually talking.
Special: Obviously, you can't end instantaneous effects like Phantasmal Killer.

Snap Shooter
You can shoot enemies who are distracted
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You gain the benefits of the Quick Draw feat, and you can make attacks of opportunity with a ranged weapon, and don't provoke them for using one. Your threatened area is increased to the range of your weapon (or a weapon such as a throwing weapon that you can draw as a free action) but only for actions other than moving through a threatened space that provoke attacks of opportunity, such as casting a spell.

Sudden Movement
You are faster than most
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You move twice as fast as normal. You can move up to half your new speed as an immediate action. You don't provoke attacks of opportunity for moving.
Special: You can move out of the effect of an ability, or out of a creature's attack. This might waste someone's action.

You swim masterfully, and move through water as though it were air even when you hit the bottom.
Prerequisites: Swim 4 ranks.
Benefit: You can hold your breath 10 times as long as normal. You get a +10 bonus on swim checks. When you're moving on ground that's under a body of water, the water doesn't slow or impede you.

Terrain Master
You can move through any kind of terrain without issue.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You don't take any penalties for moving through any type of terrain.

Terrifying Presence
You demoralise your opponents into submission just by your presence.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 4th
Benefit: Your enemies within 120 feet get a -1 penalty on all D20 rolls per 4 levels, and a -1 penalty on damage rolls per 2 levels.
Special: This is not a morale penalty and stacks with morale penalties normally.

Trap Mastery
You know everything there is to know about traps.
Prerequisites: Disable Device 4 ranks.
Benefit: You can find and disable traps in the same manner that a rogue does. You get a +10 bonus to disable device checks, and spot checks taken to notice traps, as well as search and open lock checks to use a bypass method. If you successfully disable a mechanical (non-spell) trap that can reasonably be picked up and moved, you can take it around with you safely, and also re-set it as a full-round action.

You are automatically entitled to a search check to find a trap even if you're not actively searching for it.

The Speed of Light
You can move insanely fast.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 16th, The Speed of Sound.
Benefit: Each turn you can take an extra standard action.
Special: Due to the fact that you invariably have an extra move action, this allows you to take an extra full-round action.

The Speed of Sound
You move faster than eye can see.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 11th
Benefit: You can take an extra swift action and an extra move action each round.
Special: This allows you to take extra immediate actions, and with a source of an extra standard action might entail allowing you another full-round action.

Unbound Feat
Alas, poor epic fighter.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 11th.
Benefit: You can take any feat, even if you don't qualify for it. You can even take epic feats with this trick.
Special: You can take this trick more than once.

You are near-impossible to hit.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You roll any saves twice and take the better result. Creatures attacking you roll the attack roll twice and take the worse result.

You are much better at breaking objects.
Prerequisites: Strength 16+
Benefit: Your strength check result (including the D20 result) for any strength check to break any object (including, for example, walls) is multiplied by 5.

This allows you to pull off some exceptional feats. If you can pass a DC 60 strength check, you can break a Wall of Force, an item made of Riverrine, or a similar force effect. A DC 100 strength check will break pretty much anything.

Despite the name, this allows you to bring even magical flyers to the ground.
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: Whenever you strike an opponent with an attack, you may injure them such as to prevent them flying for 1 round/2 levels (minimum 1). If they're actually flying, they fall (though spells such as Fly usually have special riders to prevent the user being damaged in this way).
Special: This doesn't prevent the use of spells like Feather Fall. For the purposes of this trick, any means of becoming airborne for longer than the duration of the actions taken to do so (such as levitation but not jumping) is treated as flight.

You have no power over me!
Enemy wizards find that their abilities aren't quite as good as they think they are.
Prerequisites: Ascetic level 10th
Benefit: When the ascetic's attack would be blocked, prevented, impeded or interrupted by a spell effect, it isn't.
Special: As normal, this includes powers, spell-like or psi-like abilities, as well as martial maneuvers.

2015-08-02, 06:44 PM
Weeeeeee 10000° of face punching.

Edit: I see the fuzzy idea for my next character in the unlikly case my veteran on Tuesdays is killed. Your plan for these classes is that a non magic character can keep up with an optimized wizard/cleric/druid correct?

2015-08-05, 04:50 AM
I've noticed on the class table in the initial post that there are a few abilities that don't have an explanation further down:

7th level: Perfection of Body
11th level: Halting Rebuke
13th level: Dim Mak
17th level: Resilient Form
19th level: Denial of Death
20th level: A Paragon of My Kind

Could you clarify what these abilities do? Thanks.

EDIT: Missed the one at 20th.

2015-08-05, 06:58 AM
I've noticed on the class table in the initial post that there are a few abilities that don't have an explanation further down:

7th level: Perfection of Body
11th level: Halting Rebuke
13th level: Dim Mak
17th level: Resilient Form
19th level: Denial of Death
20th level: A Paragon of My Kind

Could you clarify what these abilities do? Thanks.

EDIT: Missed the one at 20th.

Huh. I swear I remember writing up Dim Mak, at least. Hang on.

EDIT: I had them all in a text file, but never copied them up. It's done.

Edit: I see the fuzzy idea for my next character in the unlikly case my veteran on Tuesdays is killed. Your plan for these classes is that a non magic character can keep up with an optimized wizard/cleric/druid correct?

For a set value of "Optimised", yeah.

2015-08-05, 10:00 AM
Oh good, another one of those T1 supermundanes. Love these.

Resilient Form (Ex)

From seventeenth level, the ascetic's ability to resist damage is legendary. An ascetic who takes damage is entitled to a will save each time. The will save has no difficulty class, but instead the damage is reduced by the result of the will save.

I could see this adding up to a pretty annoying amount of bookkeeping. That's an extra roll and an extra step on essentially every single instance of damage.

2015-08-05, 10:32 AM
Oh good, another one of those T1 supermundanes. Love these.
Now, which one to do next... :smallbiggrin:

I could see this adding up to a pretty annoying amount of bookkeeping. That's an extra roll and an extra step on essentially every single instance of damage.

Added a bit that allows you to take 10 if the DM agrees that it's getting annoying.

2015-08-11, 01:45 PM
I want to convince a GM to run a T1/2 campaign with this and other similarly powerful martials alongside casters. That would be fun.

2015-08-11, 01:57 PM
I want to convince a GM to run a T1/2 campaign with this and other similarly powerful martials alongside casters. That would be fun.

Well, you know as well as I do where the finding players forum is. :smalltongue:

You seen the Veteran and Mundane Trickster, yet?

2015-08-11, 03:14 PM
Well, you know as well as I do where the finding players forum is. :smalltongue:

You seen the Veteran and Mundane Trickster, yet?

Seen the veteran, haven't looked at Mundane Trickster.

EDIT: I'm also in like 3 games right now. While in Costa Rica. Though I might throw up a thread for the helluvit, invite you and some others maybe if you're interested.

2015-08-11, 03:19 PM
Seen the veteran, haven't looked at Mundane Trickster.

EDIT: I'm also in like 3 games right now. While in Costa Rica. Though I might throw up a thread for the helluvit, invite you and some others maybe if you're interested.

Behold! The Mundane Trickster! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?431473-The-Mundane-Trickster-Because-who-needs-spells-%283-5-class-PEACH%29)

And yeah, that'd be cool if you did that.

2015-08-11, 08:32 PM
I'm Doing it! Hope you're fine me searching for a GM.

Edit: Anyone you'd like to invite?

Edit 2: I did it! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?433534-3-5-Jorm-s-Homebrew-Playtest!)

2015-08-11, 08:46 PM
I'm Doing it! Hope you're fine me searching for a GM.

Edit: Anyone you'd like to invite?

nikkoli and JohnTheSavage seem to be loyal followers of the hypermundanes.

Also, barbarian rework! Check it out! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?433533-quot-I-will-crush-you-puny-mage!-quot-%283-5-hypermundane-class-PEACH%29)

2015-09-03, 04:50 PM
I really like the veteran, and i get the point behind these classes. However, this guy goes so far over the edge he looks like Wile E. Cyote.

Tricks (Ex)[/B]
At each level, an ascetic gains ascetic tricks. The ascetic gains 1 ascetic trick per level up to and including fifth, two per level for the next five, and so forth. Ascetic tricks are detailed in their own section.

He gets to select a trick 50 times? Thirty more times than the veteran, who's major class features ARE his tricks? Holy overboard, batman.

And I Believe (Ex)

The power of belief is a strong thing. From 2nd level, the ascetic gains a pool of belief points - only one to start, up to 32 at 20th level) each round. A belief point can be spent without an action to add 1 to any roll you make, or increase one of your static defences, such as armour class, spell resistance, energy resistance (even if you don't have any energy resistance, or any of that type) or DR/- (even if you don't have any DR or don't have any DR/-), for the duration of one roll. If your opponent is rolling directly against you, but you don't have an applicable static defence or opposed roll, you can increase the DC instead (such as if someone's trying to steal from you with a sleight of hand check, which has a flat DC).

It should be noted that any expenditure of belief points is unless stated otherwise a free action, and can usually be done when it isn't your turn if necessary (if you want to use it when it's not your turn, you probably can). Belief points are refreshed at the start of each of your turns.

No reason they should refresh every round. Let em be 1/day, as this would let them effectively have 32/- DR at level 20, 12 better than the Vet.

Halting Rebuke (Ex)

From eleventh level, an ascetic acquires immunity to magic.

Now you're just being silly. I dont really have to tell you why this is just ridiculous, even in a tier 1 game, do I?

A Paragon of My Kind (Ex)
At twentieth level, an ascetic takes on the Paragon Creature template. It does not gain the template's spell-like abilities. This means, all told, that it acquires maximised hit points, plus 240 more hit points (+12 per level after 20th), triple speed, +12 insight +12 luck +5 natural armour to AC, +25 luck to attack, +20 luck to damage, +13 insight to special attacks, resistance 10 to fire and cold, DR 10/epic, Fast Healing increased to 20, epic natural attacks, +10 insight to saving throws, +15 racial to ability scores, +10 competence to skills and one bonus feat.


All that other stuff and now this? I give up.

The veteran is a great idea...it needs to be level gated with its tricks, but its still a good idea.

THIS, on the other hand, makes the veteran about as useful as a literal potato by comparison; It does literally everything the veteran does, only much, much, MUCH better. It is to the vet what the wizard is to the fighter, and i dont think your goal was to make a whole NEW tier system, with the veteran holding the bottom slot.

2015-09-03, 05:07 PM
He gets to select a trick 50 times? Thirty more times than the veteran, who's major class features ARE his tricks? Holy overboard, batman.

I don't know how you're reading the veteran tricks, but the ascetic gets 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 which you're right, adds up to 50, and the veteran gets 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, which doesn't add up to 20, but to 60.

No reason they should refresh every round. Let em be 1/day, as this would let them effectively have 32/- DR at level 20, 12 better than the Vet.

A fighter has four attacks in a round. Suppose that a fighter attacks an ascetic four times, dealing 20 damage each time, the ascetic can spend 20 on the first attack and 12 on the second, getting hit for 8 from the second, 20 from the third, and 20 from the forth for a total of 48. The veteran takes zero from the first, zero from the second, zero from the third, and zero from the fourth, for a grand total of zero damage. I feel you're not understanding how the ability works.

Now you're just being silly. I dont really have to tell you why this is just ridiculous, even in a tier 1 game, do I?

OMG GOLEMS (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/golem.htm) OP WOTC PLZ NERF.

A wizard who can't take on a CR 7 encounter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/golem.htm#fleshGolem) by 11th level (when the ascetic gets that ability) should have his wizard license revoked. I mean, Truenamers can get past spell resistance/immunity. At level one.


All that other stuff and now this? I give up.

The veteran is a great idea...it needs to be level gated with its tricks, but its still a good idea.

THIS, on the other hand, makes the veteran about as useful as a literal potato by comparison; It does literally everything the veteran does, only much, much, MUCH better. It is to the vet what the wizard is to the fighter, and i dont think your goal was to make a whole NEW tier system, with the veteran holding the bottom slot.

The ascetic loses access to a few of the veteran's best tricks, doesn't get as many tricks, and can't stomp around in adamantine full plate without wasting most of its build (and losing most of its features) doing that; it also isn't as good at taking hits in general. I wouldn't say they did the same thing.

2015-09-03, 08:38 PM
Let Flurry apply to any attack, not just full attacks. It's the smallest change, but it makes monk abilities so much more useful.

2015-09-03, 09:07 PM
I have only one question. Where can I find those rules of unarmed combat? xD

2015-09-04, 03:06 AM
I don't know how you're reading the veteran tricks, but the ascetic gets 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 which you're right, adds up to 50, and the veteran gets 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, which doesn't add up to 20, but to 60.

I did misread the entry on the veteran. I STILL think that this gets way too many tricks. Drop it down to something like 30 and you might be inthe ballpark, if only for the fact that tricks are essentially the only special thing vets get.

A fighter has four attacks in a round. Suppose that a fighter attacks an ascetic four times, dealing 20 damage each time, the ascetic can spend 20 on the first attack and 12 on the second, getting hit for 8 from the second, 20 from the third, and 20 from the forth for a total of 48. The veteran takes zero from the first, zero from the second, zero from the third, and zero from the fourth, for a grand total of zero damage. I feel you're not understanding how the ability works.

I did not understand how this worked, and now i do. I have fewer problems with it now.

OMG GOLEMS (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/golem.htm) OP WOTC PLZ NERF.

A wizard who can't take on a CR 7 encounter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/golem.htm#fleshGolem) by 11th level (when the ascetic gets that ability) should have his wizard license revoked. I mean, Truenamers can get past spell resistance/immunity. At level one.

A golem without magic immunity is FAR less dangerous than one of these guys, especially at level 11. In fact, pretty much the only reason golems ARE so dangerous is precisely because they are immune to magic, otherwise they'd be a much lower-level encounter.

This is not true for the Astetic. Its a killing machine BEFORE immunity, afterwards it an unstoppable killing machine. Give it some form of passive SR instead.

The ascetic loses access to a few of the veteran's best tricks, doesn't get as many tricks, and can't stomp around in adamantine full plate without wasting most of its build (and losing most of its features) doing that; it also isn't as good at taking hits in general. I wouldn't say they did the same thing.

Which tricks are those, exactly? Their lists look almost identical to me. As well, getting only 50 instead of 60 tricks is not giving up a lot, ESPECIALLY when you get things like magic immunity and the eventual Paragon template.

As well, as a monk-ish character, why do you even care about adamantine full plate? This isn't a balancing factor, becuase the class is built to compensate for that.

The point to all of this is that the veteran is extremely powerful, more or less tier 1 material. THIS mess blows that guy away in terms of power, and really needs to be toned down to be more in line with the vets power level.

2016-05-27, 09:42 PM
Could there be a trick to let this class add dex to damage (and maybe to hit too?)

The veteran has a bunch of ways to boost damage, from using a scythe, to poison, I think the ascetic could be at least a little less MAD.

2016-05-28, 08:22 AM
Sure, I've added the All for One trick that does that and more.

2016-05-29, 10:18 AM
I've been messing around a bit (theory crafting!) and I keep running into the problem of the scythe. Mainly, that for both the veteran and the ascetic it is the best weapon they can have due to coup de grace auto crits.

My suggestion is this, have a trick that sets the character critical multiplier to x4. Though I could just be jumping at shadows with this, a higher level fighter putting 10 of his tricks towards boosting strength will always be using a scythe (with poison!) to do max damage. And while it makes these classes cool in a Grim Reaper sorta way, I don't think that is the intent.