View Full Version : A Cat in Need

2015-08-03, 11:38 AM
In South Korea, there was a stray cat whom had been run over by a car. Thankfully, she survived and was found by a student named Daisy Choe. She named the cat Kurumi, and rushed her to the vet which saved Kurumi's life.

However, Daisy now cannot afford to cover the cost of the surgery. She was able to raise part of the money herself, but there is still at least $1000 (USD) left to cover. But the vet was kind enough to postpone the bill for as long as Daisy could show active fundraising. This is where we come in.

I came across the link to the Indiegogo campaign the other day, and thought I should share it on some of the more frequented forums I visit. If everyone who reads this were to drop a dollar in the hat, the campaign could be over in a week.


And here's a picture of Kurumi:

Even if you can't send any money, you can still help by leaving a comment below so that this thread stays near the top of the page for a little while longer.

2015-08-08, 01:26 AM
I wish I could help brother, but I'm stone broke :(