View Full Version : [IC] Under the Dark Sun

2015-08-03, 08:53 PM
You have been taken to a slave camp near the town of Davaran in the Tablelands. Your stories are different, but for each of you the outcome is the same: captured by slavers. The blood-red sun of Athas is high overhead as rough men pull you from the caravans that brought you here. They prod you along with clubs, and with your arms tied behind your back you struggle to keep your balance. Eventually, you make your way trudging through the hot sand to a large cage, perhaps twenty feet on a side, where you are forced inside. Its bars are made from wood and what appear to be the ribs of some great beast. This enclosure offers little relief from the oppressive heat.

You are surrounded by other slaves, though many are in worse condition--they must have been here a while. Perhaps thirty or so slaves are crammed into the pen. Most are men, and among those in bondage all races are represented. They are injured and burned, broken in body and spirit. Their clothes are little more than rags. Dry, cracked lips betray a painful lack of water and their emaciated frames a dreadful lack of food. Even in the cage, all the slaves' hands remain bound. Most don't even bother to look up at you as you enter the cage.

The slavers leave, and you are left to take in your surroundings. Outside the cage, a crude fighting pit has been constructed in the sand. Stakes and ropes cordon off an area where the sand is caked dark with blood. A handful of tents sprawl away from the pit, and a large pavilion houses supplies, weapons, and a comfortable-looking lounge. Guards stand lazily outside the cage and around the pit. Beyond the camp, pale yellow dunes stretch out as far as the eye can see in every direction, with no civilization in sight.

2015-08-03, 09:39 PM
His tall frame cramped in the small enclosure, Sho-Gal does his best to get acquainted to the space, taking note of all the injuries on the slaves, listing in his head the most commonly bruised body parts. In the city, guards and masters tended to beat the slaves where the bruises would not show - maintained a modicum of decency while the slaves walked around, they said. He'd laughed at that, and been beaten for it. Already thinking like a slave again, Sho-Gal, he thought to himself, jaw clenching. Maybe this is all you're destined to be, but you'd better keep fighting it till your last breath. On his way here, Sho-Gal recognized a few familiar faces, mostly folks he'd run into at some point in his past, but none he knew all that well. Except one, of course - the mantis warrior Chuk'ta. They'd butt heads at some point in the past, and despite the language barrier, ended up building a solid rapport with the thri-kreen. In the mean time, the half-giant observed his surroundings, picking up what he could through the slats in the cage. With a grunt, Sho-Gal strains against his bindings, testing them for their strength. Breaking out of them now would only spell trouble when the guards came to check, but if he knew he could break from them at a moments notice, it could serve as a nice surprise.

Use Divine Sense
Perception to spot the most injured individual(s): [roll0]

Not sure if I can do this, but like... a Strength check to almost break out of the chains?

2015-08-03, 10:09 PM
The bonds hold tight for now, but they are made of simple rope, not metal chains. With a bit of luck, help, or both, it may be possible to break free.

As you look around the cage, one slave in particular stands out to you. A young man, elf, pale despite the incessant sunlight beating down on him. He lays on his side in the hot sand in one corner of the pen, staring dead-eyed straight ahead. His hands are pressed against his stomach, and they're covered in blood, as is his shirt. The others seem to not pay him any mind.

2015-08-04, 12:03 AM
Shaking his head, Sho-Gal moves to the young elf, kneeling at his side. "I beseech thee, O Great Oronis," he mutters, palms on the elf's stomach, "lend me thine strength and benevolence." A soft glow suffuses his hands, healing powers flowing through his body into the elf's. This should be enough to keep him from dying. Eventually, the glow subsides, his day's supply of healing drained. Sho-Gal leans back, letting out a long, weary breath.

Use Lay On Hands to heal the elf for daily limit of 5 HP. Also, any result on the Divine Sense?

2015-08-04, 01:43 AM
Saskia sat in the corner of the cage. Her hands may have been bound but her new owners it seemed were not aware of her power. Physical bindings mean little to someone of psionic power. Saskia sits with her head down but peeps up and looks at Sho-Gal. "Oh great some kind of arena, hopefully they don't pit me up against that brute over there. Knowing my luck".

I am assuming the slaves are resting so I think given the time that has already past I can use this feature to pick my saving throw. I will pick Con, I will probably end up picking this one a lot because.....DARK SUN!

Prince Zahn
2015-08-04, 07:51 AM
Chuk'ta's head remained lowered as more and more people crowded the cage. The slaver's were particularly cruel to him, as he tried to escape numerous times and boy how the scars paint a picture. Chuk'ta's thri-kreen arms were tied together in creatively applied restraints. Even his mandibles tied shut with knotted ropes. He has powerful, toned arms covered his bright, glossy, blood stained chitin.

When he hears Sho-Gal has joined the cage and immediately jerks up and stares blankly, unsure what to think about sharing a cage with his hulking sparring companion. Though it would be nice if they could spar again, but Chuk'ta's place is not in the ring. If only with the help of others, they could hatch a plan to break free.

2015-08-04, 10:31 AM
Sho-Gal, your healing magic offers the young elf some relief, and you see pain recede from his face as the wound is closed. Many of the other slaves pay you no mind, but others look on with reverence, and others still with anger. You sense no particularly strong evil, but a faint odor of evil seems to cover everything in this world.

2015-08-04, 11:24 AM
Haaku stumbles as the slaver shoves him into the cage, barely catching his footing in time, before face planting into the sand. He turns slightly, looking over his shoulder as the slaver walks away without a care in the world, We'll see if you care about me once I get free... Turning back around to gauge his surroundings, Haaku keeps his face passive as he takes in the other prisoners and the surroundings. The smell of unwashed sweaty bodies is almost too much to bear, and Haaku decides it's best to keep to the outer edges of the cage where there's at least the possibility of some fresh air and breeze. Noticing the giant-humanoid hovering over his kin, Haaku takes a step forward, concerned that the Half-Giant may be a bully that needs to be stopped before turning his attention on him. After a moment of monitoring though, the Half-Giant's body language wasn't hostile so Haaku backs off and keeps his distance, not entirely sure what was happening. As he looks around he takes stock of the guards and the quality of the prison, Rope bindings... shouldn't be too difficult to get these untied with a little help from another captive. Now how to get out of the cage and across the grounds to those weapons?

2015-08-04, 08:22 PM
Satisfied with his handiwork, Sho-Gal turns to find the cage more packed than it had already been - the line of slaves hadn't finished filing in after him, it seems. Standing to give other slaves more room to stand, he spots the thri-kreen staring at him, and smiles. "Unfortunate that we must meet again under such circumstances," he says in a low voice as he approaches, "but it's nice to see you all the same. I see you've held up well." Out of the corner of his eye Sho-Gal spots a tall, dark skinned elf glancing at him, but writes it off as a look similar to what the others had given him after his little display.

2015-08-04, 09:46 PM
Saskia insects Chuk'ta's bindings from a distance. She immediately feels pity for him. Having his mouth strapped shut must be quite unpleasant.

IN Chuk'ta's head he hears a female voice ask. "Are you in pain?". It is in whatever language he can understand. He can reply in kind and ignore the language barrier.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-06, 06:43 AM
Chuk'ta lowers his head to Sho-Gal's words - half a nod with despair and aversion.
"Yes." Saskia's voice was given answer. A voice rather tender and boyish sounded in her mind - not nearly what one might expect. But then again, what Can one expect from a Kreen's inner thoughts?
"It hurts... And he sees that I am hurt, and that I can do nothing."

2015-08-06, 08:40 AM
"My name is Saskia, I am the one in the corner with her head down. Don't try to talk to me directly as I will ignore you. It is nothing personal but I want to keep my power a secret from the slavers. I want to get out of here, I don't know where I will go but I can't stay here. Do you have any ideas?"

2015-08-06, 08:51 AM
Sumiira filters in after several other slaves, and immediately begins searching for a spot against a wall - the habit of an old, almost forgotten former life - but most of the wall space has already been claimed. With little else to do, deprived of her stitch-worked spells, the mul wanders into the centre of the pen, collapses in a free space and begins to let out a series of hollow, sobbing laughs.

Well, that'll teach me to leave the damn city.

2015-08-06, 02:57 PM
You hear the slaves mutter amongst themselves as you're brought into the pen, but they don't go out of their way to greet you. The stench of tens of people locked in a small area is nearly overwhelming. The baking heat of the sun is not just unpleasant, it's downright painful. However, the sun gradually works its way down to the horizon and the cage begins to cool slightly. Guards filter in and out of the surrounding area, but there is ever someone watching. If there is nothing else you currently want to do, night falls.

2015-08-07, 01:00 PM
As night falls, Haaku settles himself against the side of the cage, using it to prop his body up so he won't sleep soundly and can rise quickly. Sitting in a cage all day was going to get old quickly, and he knew he needed to find a way out sooner rather than later.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-07, 02:37 PM
silence falls quickly. The Kreen lays still, unresponsive.
"I can share my experiences of my failed escapes, if you think it could aid us." The bound insect's voice returned. " I am Chuk'ta. Like you, my place is not with the bad people, or in this wretched cage; I need to leave, and pursue a true life purpose. I have tried many times to escape these men. And they are strong and alert and are many. And they enjoy the hurt of others..."
Chuk'ta's mandibles flicked lightly, pausing for a moment. He closed his eyes as a hot sunset breeze blew sand towards the cage.
"The real people - and the people trapped, they need me to protect them, and find food. but I can no longer like this." The Kreen's mandibles sank, and he suddenly wriggled helplessly in his ropes for a brief moment. Only to stop as abruptly as he started.

2015-08-07, 07:40 PM
No time like the present, huh? Sho-Gal closes his eyes, focusing his attention on the bonds around his wrists. The rough rope chafes against his skin, but the half-giant blots out the pain as he strains against it, the muscles in his arm flexing as he tries to break out of his bindings - for real this time.

Will roll a Strength check against the bonds? If initial attempts at breaking the bonds fail, will try to use my passive Strength score (if that's a thing. Still getting used to the rules).

Strength check: [roll0]
Passive Strength: 14

2015-08-07, 08:05 PM
Sho-Gal manages to snap the binds around his wrists, and the rope slips off and coils onto the sand like a snake. The sound and action go unnoticed by the guards, who continue to mill about outside the cage, though now with torches. There are two guards standing near the entrance to the cage, though they don't seem too interested in the pen's contents. There are also three other guards you can see, standing at various places around the camp, farther away.

2015-08-07, 09:16 PM
Grinning, Sho-Gal immediately sets to work unbinding Chuk'ta, putting his index finger to his lips as he releases the thri-kreen's mandibles. Though Sho-Gal may understand him, the guards certainly will not be expecting to hear clicks, whistles, and snaps of a man whose mouth they'd tied shut. He looks around the cage, spotting the other able-bodied slaves, keeping a count in his head of both the people within the cage and those without, eyes and ears searching for any patterns in the way the guards are moving outside. If he could determine when there were fewest guards close to the cage, he could potentially bait the remaining guards to open the door, and get a foothold outside the cage before others had a chance to react. Night time is also the best chance to escape, since guards who are blinded by their torches will have a harder time seeing into the darkness, and the cooler temperature meant that people had more stamina. He may not be the smartest person alive, but he'd been a slave for long enough to know where and when to be in the right place. Beatings will do that to you, he thinks grimly, violent memories rising unbidden to his mind. In the meantime, Sho-Gal turns back around to the elf he had healed before, checking on him.

Unbind Chuk'ta.

Perception check for noticing slaves, guards, and potentially movement patterns: [roll0]
Medicine check on elf to see if there is anything else wrong with him: [roll1]

Also, please let me know if I am making too many (or too few) rolls - I tend to be very cautious when it comes to the quantitative elements of the game.

2015-08-07, 10:39 PM
Saskia watches as Sho-Gal unbinds Chuk'Ta. "Oi beefy, untie me". she hisses at him. "You are going to need my help if you want to get out of here".

2015-08-08, 01:06 AM
Frowning, Sho-Gal turns toward the source of the noise. The last thing he needs now is for the guards to hear whispers coming from slaves - whispers mean conspiracies, and conspiracies that are left to fester turn into revolts. If the guards were to come in now, the slaves would not be prepared, especially not with everyone's hands tied behind their back. And as much as I believe in the power of my fists, he thinks wryly, I don't think I can punch through body armor. Nevertheless, he moves to the girl, motioning for her to offer him her wrists. As he unties her, Sho-Gal studies the girl. Frail looking, with a head of crimson hair, filled with braids. Eyes, blue like the sky, staring at him, at Chuk'ta, at everything - sharp as knives, indicative of an even sharper mind. As he finishes untying her, he notices a brand on her wrist. "The Shadow King of Nibenay," he murmurs, "hard to imagine what you could have done to end up here with us. Though if it's Nibenay, it's hard to say if you were actually blessed or cursed."

2015-08-08, 01:53 AM
"That isn't important at the moment, so if we are breaking out how are we going to bring everyone with us?" Saskia whispers to Sho-Gal.

2015-08-08, 03:09 AM
Sho-Gal looks down, quiet. "Not all will wish to escape," he replies, looking around the cage at the emaciated crowd, "some will be unable to. Those who wish to escape, and can, will know where they wish to go. Whether or not they get there will no longer be our concern." He looks back at the girl, eyes hard. "I had no intention of bringing anyone except perhaps the thri-kreen with me," he continues, "but if you wish to help, you can start by finding others willing to be unbound, and thinking up a good way to lure the guards in. Nothing loud, or it will attract more than just the two guards outside."

2015-08-08, 03:47 AM
"If we want a way to deal with the guards I could fry their brains, okay that probably wasn't the best way to describe it, but I can attack from inside their heads" Saskia whispers. "And once a few of the guards are...umm knocked out, we can all leave and go...wherever we feel like, because that is what being free is".

Prince Zahn
2015-08-08, 04:07 AM
Chuk'ta's first reflex is to go into a patch in the cage where he would be obscured by other slaves, and stretch out his now unbound muscles. As far as he could without pushing or standing out.
Stealth: [roll0]

He is somewhat intrigued by the conversation, but understands it is vital he does not speak.
He starts to wonder what could he do help. He bends down to his previous position, grabs two two handfuls of sand and vigorously rubs them between his mandibles. He feels the hot sand tough and incredibly hot in his mouthpieces
My attempt at quickly sharpening Chuk'ta teeth. :smallredface: it's not pretty but it's what's there.
Shaking of the sand, Chuk'ta then proceeds to gnaw, tear an pull apart parts of the rope, attempting weaken it's structure.
what check do I roll for this, sir DM?

2015-08-08, 03:56 PM
The guards continue to mill about outside the cage, so far unaware of the goings-on inside the pen. Unfortunately, there seems to be no pattern in their movement; they traverse the camp in random directions, never staying in one place for too long. As night falls, you see only their torches bobbing amongst the tents.

The elf that Sho-Gal healed earlier seems to be feeling a bit better, although he is still laying on his side in the sand.

2015-08-10, 09:26 AM
Haaku awakens suddenly, eyes darting open. Through graggy eyes he finds what caught his attention, the Half-Giant from early has broken his bindings and is obviously planning an escape. Well it's not the well planned escape that I would have concocted, but I guess it's now or never. Haaku taps his foot on the ground, trying to get the attention of the Half-Giant without creating so much movement that he alerts the guards. Once he finally gets the attention of the Half-Giant he whispers, You'll find no one who knows the sands better. I'll can lead us through the desert when we get beyond the camp. Haaku will subtly shift onto his side in order to espose his bindings for breaking/untying.

2015-08-10, 09:54 PM
Turning, Sho-Gal sees the same dark skinned elf that had been looking at him earlier. "Your knowledge will be invaluable in the near future," he replies, setting to work on his bonds. As he works, he looks around the pen one last time, to see if any of the other slaves sought for their bonds to be freed. From what he could tell there was only a handful of slaves who'd asked for his assistance, and unless they had magical inclinations, it would be difficult to overcome all the guards who were sure to give chase once they noticed the pen opened. The tall woman who'd sat down in the center of the cage earlier that afternoon had been letting out strange laughs, and at first Sho-Gal had been nervous that this would continue into the night, but it eventually stopped.

Glancing at the injured elf one last time, Sho-Gal motions for those he'd freed to gather around. "If you believe you have better ideas, make sure to let it be known," Sho-Gal starts, "we're all in this together." He motions to the door, the two guards standing outside hopefully still none the wiser to the goings-on of the slave pen. "The most important thing is to minimize encounters, given our lack of equipment. Second, we need to get this door to open with as little commotion as possible, and that means having the two guards outside open it for us. I suggest we begin by bumping into the door a few times, intermittently - the guards will not bother to open the door at first, so they'll probably just get irritated and tell us to quiet down. Once the roaming patrols are far enough away, we'll bang against the door one last time, which should prompt the guards to open door, at which point Chuk'ta and I can incapacitate them. We'll take what's immediately available off their bodies, and make for the desert. If the stables are somehow close enough, we could steal a few horses, though depending on how many of us there are, there may not be enough for all of us."

Prince Zahn
2015-08-14, 03:59 PM
Chuk'ta turns to see the guards as his antennae shift gently. However, He tries his hardest to speak what with incomprehensible clicks and quiet pops softly enough not to attract attention.

"they see me as dangerous, and as one who attempts to break free. And I may be the first they go after, as I have broke free and assaulted these men many times, and for every reason. But I fight as two gladiators, and I still have these ropes, and it will cost from them time and manpower if they try to take me down, and use it wisely, if it serves any advantage to us. Are you ready, Sho-Gal?"
My Kreen is not fully aware that he's going to need more practical means of communication. For now he feels quite talkative.

2015-08-15, 08:48 AM
Nodding, Sho-Gal motions for everyone to get in position - those who would attack from afar or the shadows would position themselves wherever they felt most advantageous, with Chuk'ta standing smack dab in the center of the cage. Then, when he is sure as many of the wandering guards are far away, Sho-Gal puts the plan into action. Grunting loudly, the half-giant throws himself at Chuk'ta, arms locking with the thri-kreens. He maneuvers the fake fight such that his back eventually slams against the cage's door, just loud enough to alarm the guards just outside but not enough to attract the attention of those farther out. I really hope this works, he thinks to himself as he continues to pretend-wrestle.

2015-08-15, 03:17 PM
As the thri-kreen and half-giant lock together in fake combat, the guards and prisoners all turn to watch. Sho-Gal's immense size seems to put him at the advantage, and even when pretending, he seemingly overpowers Chuk'ta easily. However, the thri-kreen is able to use his extra arms to shift the half-giants weight, and the two put up a convincing and apparently evenly-matched fight. As their struggle continues, the two guards adjacent to the cage knock the bars of the cage with their clubs. "Hey! Break it up in there," one of them shouts. "Yeah!" cries another. "Save it for the pits. Ain't nobody payin' to have ya fight in a cage."

When the two fail to respond, the exasperated guards call over a few of their allies. Three more guards hustle over to the cage, and when they get there one of the five guards unlocks the pen, and the group enters with clubs drawn. "Bug! Giant! Knock it off. We'll smack ya around ourselves if ya don't stop." With that, the guards raise their clubs threateningly. At this point, most of the other slaves push themselves to the far end of the pen, cowering away.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-15, 03:47 PM
Already fired up from the roughhousing, Chuk'ta swiftly grabs two pieces of rope from the ground below him, turns around and lunges at the closest guard, whacking him back with two arms-length portions of cut rope as he shouts in Thri-Kreen wrath.
starting a rage, as well as two weapon fighting with improvised weapons (them ropes Chuk'ta cut earlier). Please refresh me on rules for improvised weapons. And what damage die to roll at the same time (for if I hit. I also get +2 to damage rolls due to raging. I also have resistance to Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing and advantage on strength checks and saves while I'm at it.)

2015-08-16, 08:15 PM
Saskia tries to blend into the crowd of slaves not wanting to fight. She locks onto one of them and launches a barrage of psionic energy into his mind.

"Y͖͚͕̣̓ͫ̔o̜̮̱̳̤ͫ̒̃̄̊̅ụ̵͔͒̾̒̓̃̚r̸̰̞̮̥ͭ̆ ̞̝̳̗m̛͉͉̱̺̞̍͐̅̾͂ͪ̐i̡̝̜͇̓̊ͭͫ̆̉̇n̰̹̯͇ͣ̽ͩ̒̂dͦ̓̌̽̄ ̡̙̟ ̫̳̤̭w̝̗̲̬í͍͉́̆̽̑l̰̲̜̫̗ͧ͂͒̾̃ͩl҉͙̹͖ ̝̩̬̠͕͇͚b̧̩̪̖̟̘ͯ̒̐͆͒ͦr͇͚̾͆ͅê̡̙̱̐̋̉ͯͦ̂a͈͙͈̩ͥk̄̂ ͍ͭ́" he hears in his head.

[roll0] vs that guards intelligence score instead of his AC.

2015-08-18, 11:06 AM
Haaku tries to subtley move around the back/side of the closest guard before hurling himself in an effort to tackle the guard and steal his club.

Initiative: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

From my understanding of the Disarm rules (which are rather vague), it's basically an attack roll vs either an acrobatics or athletics roll. Since Haaku is unarmed, I'd asume he'd be at a Disadavantage as well. Not really sure if he gets to add his proficiency to the roll though... I'm NOT going to include proficiency, if you feel it should be added, then please add 2 to the result.

Disarm Attack 1: [roll2]
Disarm Attack 2: [roll3]

Prince Zahn
2015-08-18, 06:34 PM
Chuk'ta hollers and swears in his native tongue as he barrages the guard before him desperately with whacks of his ropes - even with all his scars, Chuk'ta retains his fighting vigor.
Going to treat the ropes as clubs unless told otherwise, as those are pretty much the rules for improvised weapons - to treat them as an equivalent weapon if I am proficient with one.

Action: [roll0] --- Damage: [roll1]
Bonus Action: [roll2] --- Damage [roll3]

2015-08-19, 10:08 PM
Completely unbeknownst to the other slaves, Saskia reaches into the mind of one of the guards. Suddenly, the man doubles over in pain, gripping his head. Next, Haaku slinks around the edge of the pen, waiting for an opening, then lunges out just as one of the other guards begins to swing his club at Chuk'ta. Haaku grips the man's wrist, twisting until the club falls to the ground. With the guard distracted by pain, Haaku could easily grab the weapon before the guard picks it up again. With the opening, Chuk'ta swings his short, gnawed up ropes in a flurry, striking the disarmed guard hard across his chest.

2015-08-19, 10:53 PM
Cursing, Sho-Gal rushes the nearest unoccupied guard, throwing his entire weight into the man's lower body in order to bowl him over. Being weaponless put him at a severe disadvantage, but his size, weight, and hopefully advantageous position would mean he could win in a ground-and-pound game.

Shove an Opponent, making an Athletics roll: [roll0]

2015-08-19, 11:04 PM
Sho-Gal's massive size gives him the advantage, and as he comes barreling toward one of the armed guards the man can do nothing to get out of the way. With the weight of a half-giant suddenly thrown into him, the guard is slammed into the ground.

2015-08-20, 09:11 AM
Haaku rolls off the guard and extends his hand towards the fallen club, desperately trying to reach the weapon before the guard. As soon as he brings it to bear, he swings at the guard.

Attack: [roll]1d20+2[roll]
Damage: [roll0]

2015-08-23, 01:48 PM
Sumiira takes one look at the chaos erupting in the slave pen and decides she's probably not going to get a better chance to get out of here. Picking herself up to her feet and deprived of her arcane focus, she does what she can: call upon what little of the Way she knows, driving a mental spear into the brain of the closest guard.

Use my move to stand up, and then my action to use psychic spike on the closest guard to Sumiira. Guard has to make a DC 14 Int save or take 1d8 psychic damage.

2015-08-25, 11:05 AM
Another guard stumbles at Sumiira's psychic spike, gripping his skull in pain. He recovers, and the guards manage to regroup for the most part and attack in a concentrated effort. However, the guard that Haaku disarmed begins to slink back toward the opening of the pen, and the guard that Sho-Gal slammed into tries to scramble to his feet. Two of the others swing their clubs at Chuk'ta, and the last at Sho-Gal. Only one of the blows manages to connect; as Chuk'ta deftly dodges one of the guards, the other slams his club sidelong into the thri-kreen's carapace.

Haaku and Sho-Gal each get attacks of opportunity. Chuk'ta takes 42 (halved because of rage) damage. Everyone go ahead and act.

2015-08-26, 11:43 PM
Saskia targets the same guard with her mental attack.

"S͓̣ṷ̥͙̝̤̹͚b̘͎ͬ̉̔m̹͇̣̼̏ͫͧ̅́ͬi̛͚̦̤͔͖̜ͦͬ̿̓t̡̙̺̞̺̾ ͙̣͈"

[roll0] vs that guards intelligence score instead of his AC.
Guard takes [roll1] damage upon hit.

2015-08-27, 04:24 PM
The guard stumbles again in agony, but remains standing.

2015-08-28, 01:24 AM
Oh no you don't! Sho-Gal swings a heavy fist at the scrambling guard, hoping to catch him in the side and keeping him from escaping, while his other hand reaches for the weapon that the guard holds, hoping to disarm him. His fighting instincts kick in, and details of the fight blossoming around him filter into his mind. His hands already moving, Sho-Gal trusts in their placement, and instead eyes the guard lunging at him, his peripheral vision searching for a clear path to the pen's opening, his feet already poised for the move if the opportunity presents itself.

Attack of Opportunity: [roll0]
Damage: 1

What would I be rolling in order to perform a Disarm? I can make the necessary rolls in OOC. Also looking for a path to the opening of the pen that doesn't provoke any AoO's. If that's not possible then I'll have Sho-Gal move anyway, risking any AoO's. I assume the door is only one space wide, so no one should be able to get past me if I just stand in the doorway?

Prince Zahn
2015-08-29, 02:19 PM
Angered further by the guard who struck him, he turns to grab the poor guard in retaliation and tries to force feed him a section of the rope in his hand.
Grappling check contested by his athletics or acrobatics, I have advantage because of rage.
Strength (Athletics) contest: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]

2015-08-30, 11:14 AM
As Chuk'ta grabs the guard, he tries to escape, but the thri-kreen's four arms are too much--the guard is unable to free himself.

2015-08-31, 09:17 AM
Haaku scrambles to the club, grabs it and swings at the nearest guard, hoping to give himself enough room to manuever.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-08-31, 05:57 PM
After scrambling to grab the club, Haaku doesn't have enough of a grip--he swings at the disarmed guard but misses wildly.

Prince Zahn
2015-09-03, 06:08 AM
Chuk'ta's mandibles and antennae swing back and forth wildly, the insectoid's words are nearly impossible to comprehend as the guard with the rope in his mouth gets further whacks with another piece. "-Let's see how you like having your foodcutters stuck in place, you sun-rotted fleshbeetle!"
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Bludgeoning damage.

2015-09-11, 12:17 AM
Following on the momentum of his punch, Sho-Gal lunges for the guard's weapon.

Disarm: [roll0]