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2015-08-03, 09:54 PM
Book 1: Departure
Chapter 1: Mother Tathlorn's House of Pleasure and Healing

A cool sea breeze fills the streets of Waterdeep this eve, bringing with it the scents that invigorate the soul and cause a yerning for adventure. The sun hangs low on the horizon this autumn day but the lanterns have yet to illuminate the streets against the approaching starry sky.

Having received an invitation to a premier event (though you all know this scene to be more foppish and drool but well worth an evening lost), you find yourselves venturing forth through Waterdeep's streets towards the residence of the festivities.

Mother Tathlorn’'s House of Pleasure and Healing is probably the most famous of Waterdeep’'s several festhalls. A baroque, five-storied structure, Mother Tathlorn'’s establishment has been hung with garlands of flowers and greenery for the occasion.

The way along Gem Street leading up to the house has been lit with torches that provide soft light, unlike the streets beforehand, reflecting off the towering walls of Castle Waterdeep, which stands nearby.

A single man, garbed in an ornate uniform, is posted at the entry way of the establishment.

Please feel free to post about your character; how they look, whom they are traveling with, how they make an entrance to the party or whatever it is you feel like this character would do in this scene.

2015-08-04, 06:23 AM
Torrin made his way towards Mother Tathlorn’'s House of Pleasure and Healing, a slight smirk crossing his face, this was one of the last places he expected to be going as he chuckled to himself. His tall countenance moved with grace and ease down the street, almost a skip in his step. He nudged Bax and when he had his attention nodded towards Aurora walking a few paces ahead of them, she actually was skipping.

Torrin was a reasonably tall fellow, well kept, his dark black hair and silver eyes betrayed his half elven heritage to most who bothered keeping track of those things. He was fit but not bulging with muscles the way some warriors were, his strength was speed and agility. He loved the woods, the outdoors, and favored the bow and arrow.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-04, 07:37 AM
Bax Rifthammer paced with his friends toward Mother Tathlorn's house. Opting for a more "casual" look, Bax was dressed for a finer evening- no armor or weapons tonight. He did have his shield.... and always carried his clan's decree (you just never knew when business would present itself). Tonight was for entertainment, and it just wouldn't do to show up- invited no less!- arrayed for war. Considering they were staying at one of the better inn's at Waterdeep, Bax thought it safe for his gear to remain at the room. Quietly he hoped his companions followed his advice- though there was a small nagging regret of not having a weapon on hand. "A stein or candlestick will have to do- should it come to it!" the dwarf thought to himself.

"Torrin," Bax grumbled, "you've more time in Waterdeep than I.... What do you know of our hostess Mother Tathlorn? What company does she keep?" Torrin will recognize the dwarf's tone as "Bax's Street Voice." Bax never dropped the gruff nature of his dwarven heritage in public. In private, or after a few mugs of ale, a more charming Bax presented himself. For now, Bax was all grumbles, glares, and harumphs!

2015-08-04, 07:46 AM
"Fop and drool, good dwarf, nothing more. Do not let the appearance of finery cloud your mind. Though she never fails to put on a good show." Torrin's grin is meant to put the dwarf at ease.

He too had left all but a small boot knife at his place above his business not expecting any trouble tonight.

2015-08-04, 08:11 AM
Caleb's bow and rapier were resting with the others' weapons, but his true weapons were on him, for this was their battlefield. A grand lute at his back, a flute in his pocket, and just in case, his most amusing insults at the tip of his tongue.

Murmuring a tune, he walked behind his companions.

2015-08-04, 08:37 AM
Nodding for Caleb to catch up with them and join the conversation, Torrin turns and grins, "Obviously the entertainment will be sub par this evening, Caleb is not playing..."

2015-08-04, 09:40 AM
"Ah, not yet, dear Torrin, for walking into another's performance with one of your own might be the most distasteful of insults. But once they tire of torturing their tools, it'll be my turn."

2015-08-04, 10:30 AM
"Most assuredly, friend, but could it not be considered equally insulting to assault our ears with the noise they pass off as music when one so capable is at hand and eager to play?" Obviously this was banter the two had performed many times over the years spent as friends and adventuring party members.

2015-08-04, 10:37 AM
"Well said", Caleb continues in their typical vein, "so let us see if their endeavors can't be cut short".

His mind quick at work, Caleb looks around for any small birds in sight.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-04, 11:34 AM
Bax speaks up in milder tones. "If you do manage a tune tonight, Caleb... could you do that rendition of 'The Sea Sick Dwarf?' It's quite good."

Known to loosen up after a pint or two, the Mountian Dwarf was at ease backing a good bar song with his own voice. Perhaps even create an opportunity for some to approach him as well- Bax was always conscious of the perceptions of others when it concerned dwarves. In battle it's one thing, bit in commerce another. Hopefully the Rifthammer Clan will profit from this feast tonight!

2015-08-04, 11:38 AM
Doing a little spin as she lead the group down the road, her radiant blonde hair spinning over her shoulders, Aurora looks back at the men behind her. Walking backwards for a few steps, her long blue dress swishing with her legs, moving a stray hair out of her eyes she says, " Come on guys move your legs, the party is going to be over by the time we get there!" Her beautiful otherworldly face is drawn in a pout, though those who know her knows shes just excited and joking around. "You should play Caleb, it would be wonderful to have something nice to dance to." Adding just after hearing their conversation. No weapons are visible upon her, dressed in finery as she is but anyone who knows her knows she comes well armed with spells wherever she goes.

2015-08-04, 09:00 PM
As you near the festhall, you notice that you aren't the first to arrive.

Several parties of well-groomed nobles, resplendent in rich velvets, brocades, and cloth of gold, can be seen inside by the many windows of the structure. You see other adventurers as well. You recognize the beautiful Loene of the
Company of Crazed Venturers; the stern Velkor Minairr, leader of the Bloodaxe Mercenaries; and Darrstul, a rogue in service to the Hunt.

The doorman bows to the group, and opens the door for the group.

A stout, mature, and charming woman, Mother Tathlorn, greets you at the door. "Ah welcome to my humble establishment. It is my pleasure to have the likes of Caleb Numi, Bax Rifthammer, Aurora Valentine, and Torrin Nemmonis entering these walls." She smiles. "Please come in and dine, wine, and mingle about."

The interior has been completely redecorated. The bar has been removed, and tables added to accommodate the crowd. Servants scurry here and there, and everywhere is the muted din of conversation.

2015-08-05, 07:09 AM
Torrin makes a huge flourish and bow to Mother Tathlorn in greeting. "We certainly appreciate the invitation, Mother, and to be included with so many prestigious names as well..." He let's the inferred comment hang in the air while thinking to himself 'There are far too many adventuring troops in one location for my liking.'

2015-08-05, 07:14 AM
Not about to disapoint his partners, let alone Aurora, Caleb plays the part.

"I am deeply indebted for such an invitation, and would be honored to try and repay it with the services of my music."

Sol Mazer
2015-08-05, 09:33 AM
Bax will dial up the charm a bit and say, "Bax of Clan Rifthammer, Mother Tothlorn, at your service." The dwarf will bow with a hand on his chest.

Upon rising, and when unobserved, he will flash a look toward Caleb or Torrin in an attempt to relay his surprise at all the "guests."

"Confounded Adventurers!" he thinks. "There will be no business tonight! But certainly a duel or a brawl should words turn sour!"

Feeling naked without weapon or armor, Bax will causally look around the room as if looking for a friend. A slight smile of his lips... he's actually looking for a suitable weapon substitute. He will also flag down a server for a stein of ale. "Suitable for a dwarf, lad! My thirst will not be satisfied with a man sized mug, or elf wine glass!"

OOC: Flip, should a roll a perception for looking for spotting an "improvised weapon?"

2015-08-05, 11:18 AM
Torrin easily catches Bax's gaze and gives him a knowing nod and then a shrug. Announcing to Aurora and the others "Dammit, I am thirsty, anyone else want something to drink?" as he looks for the bar.

2015-08-05, 09:33 PM
Mother Tathlorn smiles at Caleb's request. "On a night such as tonight, you are my honored guest. As such, your tabs are covered for this evening." She nudges the group towards the room, a little eagerly. "Please mingle and enjoy your evening."

Bax looks about the place and notices plenty of objects that could be used for other purposes besides their intended use. He also catches glimpse of a few armed adventurers, as well as nobles, though their pieces are merely decorative.

No sooner as the words leave Torrin's mouth, a servant appears, seeming out of thin air, presenting him a draft of some honey colored ale.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-05, 10:20 PM
Bax will try to be a gracious guest. Upon getting his ale, he'll drink comfortably and approach any nobleman, or guildsman, that would suit his clan's need. Specifically ores, coal, and grain.

Seeing other people beyond adventurers has given the dwarf hope of this being a lucrative evening afterall.

2015-08-06, 05:06 AM
Smiling at Mother Tathlorn, "Thank you for the invitation to your wonderful party, thank you kindly for covering our tab tonight!" Looking around at the other guests , she takes careful note of the seemingly large amount of other adventurers and the fact that a few are armed. Seems Mother Tathlorn has an ulterior motive to the party, oh well might as well enjoy the free tab! Linking arms with Torrin as they walk to the bar, she whispers quietly, "Looks like Mother Tathlorn has plans for us, so many others here. But hey after you had a drink or two, wana dance?"

2015-08-06, 06:28 AM
Torrin takes a big swig from his drink and sets it on a passing serving wenches tray, "I would love to dance Miss Valentine." As he pulls her to the dance floor he whispers to her "I agree, there seems to be more going on here than a simple party."

2015-08-10, 11:58 AM
Bax notices a rotund human noble off in a corner table, with several contracts laid out over the spread. A smaller female, possibly halfling is scurrying about, speaking with a few adventurers then pointing to some of the paperwork. This seems to be someone attempting to make some sort of business deal with adventurers.

2015-08-10, 01:13 PM
Torrin moves fluidly about the dance floor, spinning and dipping Aurora here and there as the music moves them. He spots Bax fixating upon the contract table and doesn't give it a second thought, knowing full well that was the dwarf's arena. He smiles down at Aurora after a spin and dip causes her to grab at him, thinking she might fall... "Now when have I ever let you fall?"

2015-08-10, 01:28 PM
Trailing Bax's sight and nodding at him, Caleb heads for the table, presumably along with Bax. A pleasant business partner is always handy when getting yur hands dirty with ink.

2015-08-10, 02:31 PM
Smiling and laughing as they spin and dance, she takes a moment to look around at others as she spins, slipping for a moment a little epp crosses her lips. Laughing, " No you never have before!"

2015-08-10, 02:38 PM
Torrin fakes a frown, completely incensed at the reference...maybe. "Never have before, are you saying you don't trust me?!? Why I am utterly CRUSHED by the thought!!"

Sol Mazer
2015-08-10, 02:39 PM
Bax will approach the table, but respect the privacy of the man's business by not looking at the scrolls. He will say, in his best professional voice,

"Greetings Sir, I see you are laid out for possible business among quite a crowd of adventurers. Perhaps I and my mates can help you with a burden. I am Bax Rifthammer of the Rifthammer Clan. My crew and I have had a few endeavors together and enjoyed a bit of success. Perhaps we can be of use...."

Bax will meet the man's gaze with equal measure.

2015-08-10, 02:53 PM
Gasping in shock, "Never the sort! Of course I trust you, Trust you not to drop me in front of all these people!"

2015-08-10, 02:54 PM
The man looks to the dwarf, a smile forms on his face for but a moment.

He motions towards the woman to come over. When she arrives, she moves as closely as she can to the man, he moving very little to accommodate her size, they begin to whisper to one another briefly before the woman moves over.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Bax. May I introduce Corvin Blacktrout the Third, Son of Belimor Blacktrout."

As soon as she finishes the formalities, Corvin chimes in; "What is it that you can do?" he says in a deep voice, accenting the words in some unlikely places.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-10, 06:00 PM
OOC: Can I do a Local History check to see what I know of this guy? Does his name mean anything to me, or what type of business he is in? I tried to keep my approach even keeled and ready for anything.

2015-08-11, 10:42 AM
Another OOC: I wouldn't be close enough to hear any of that conversation would I?

2015-08-11, 12:06 PM
Please post all out of character actions in the OOC thread for this game. If you post something in character and out in the same post, please use spoilers. :)

That said, please make a perception check for Torrin and Bax make a Local History check.

2015-08-11, 12:16 PM
Perception for Torrin [roll0]

2015-08-11, 12:22 PM
Torrin keen ears pick up the conversation from across the room. Onlookers upon the dancing duo do not notice that his attention is elsewhere while he moves gracefully.

2015-08-11, 12:57 PM
Torrin overhears the names and quickly thinks about it, wondering if it sounds familiar or not...


Ummm, nope.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-11, 03:00 PM
Bax thinks on the man's name for a moment.... considering his next words carefully...

Local History: [roll0]

2015-08-11, 04:09 PM
Caleb, too, plunders his limited courtly knowledge for that name.

((And has no dice roller on the mobile dice :p ))

Sol Mazer
2015-08-11, 08:59 PM
Bax diplomatically answers his question.

"My associates and I provide services to those in need. And while the room seems to be full of that type of person," Bax will say gesturing with his hand, "they seem too preoccupied to realize an opportunity may await at this very table. Or, are intimidated by contract work- if that is what is these reams are for. In any case, I offer to be of assistance, and can certainly bring the others of my party if you would like to discuss a venture."

Bax will stand ready for a response.

2015-08-12, 11:30 AM

Corvin holds a serious face for a moment before letting out a boisterous laugh, his girth shaking in the process.

"I did not expect your kind to be so well spoken." he says smiling.

He motions towards the two empty seats on the opposite himself.

"Join me and lets talk business."

2015-08-12, 11:39 AM
Caleb knows this noble house to be very minor in the workings of Waterdeep, it's wealth coming from fishing. The house gained it's notoriety and power due to a fluke in that arena. While out looking for it's next haul one Autumn day, Corvin Blacktrout the 1st came across a school of knucklehead trout several miles north of Waterdeep. Rarely seen outside Icewind Dale and lands north, these fish made the family a good deal of money. Never again has that success been duplicated but the money was well invested and the fleet and name was secured a spot among Waterdeep nobility.

2015-08-12, 01:35 PM
With the bow of a courtly jester, Caleb asks, before taking a seat, "So how can we be of service, Admiral Blacktrout?"

2015-08-12, 02:15 PM
Corvin looks confused by Caleb's comment. Rightly so since this man most likely hasn't seen a boat nor set foot outside all that often, judging by his complexion.

2015-08-12, 02:18 PM
"Oh, no reason to act humble, you are the heir of the Blacktrout fleet after all!"

Sol Mazer
2015-08-12, 03:47 PM
When offered to sit, Bax nods and raises his stein in a salute. He sits, and rests his mug on the table, careful not to get it on the documents.

Before he responds to Blacktrout, Caleb offers his knowledge and to that Bax will look at Caleb and then to Blacktrout with an impressed look on his face as if to convey "Not bad!"

He will then offer in response, "Glad I chose my words carefully if it is Admiral indeed!"

2015-08-13, 11:14 AM
Corvin ponders the words, possibly letting the title ring about in his head. A smirk forms on his lips but quickly is dismissed.

"I am quite comfortable in my station. Maybe when I look to move upward, I will call upon your crew for aid."

He then turns to the little woman. Once you have a chance to actually glance the contracts, you then realize that you have been suckered into a spiel about some sort of timeshare opportunity in Neverwinter.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-13, 01:05 PM
Politely giving the man atttention, and at a time when it would be courteous, Bax will rise from his seat and say, "Certainly very interesting.... Perhaps when we are looking for a more permanent base of opperations- or if we want to diversify our portfolio- we will know who to talk to! Good day to you sir."

Bax will bow casually and move to the bar for a fresh stein of ale. "Who would have thought I almost used this stein on myself! Really! Timeshares? Has the world gone mad?!"

In the mood to cleanse his palate of boring real estate, he searches the room for any that are on the verge of all out singing. He could use a good bar song right now....

2015-08-13, 04:34 PM
Dishearted by his percieved gaffe, Caleb turns to the company of the one companion who'd never unpleasantly surprise him, his lute.

Caressing its srings softly, he starts playing, quietly and softly at first, joining in and synchronising with the room's music, and only once he's confident does he start enriching the melody with his own additions.

2015-08-13, 05:13 PM
The first disappointment of the night hangs heavily over a few members of the crew, but with the evening still so young, there is hope yet.

Before the next bargain can be discussed or the music drown out more of the negative mood, Mother Tathlorn steps out upon the stage, waving her hands for everyone to take a seat at the tables around.

Please tell me where each of you would like to sit for the evenings entertainment. You can sit together or at different tables if you wish. Each table already has a nobleman assigned to it and enough seats to accommodate the party as a whole or separately.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-13, 08:20 PM
Bax will stay close to his crew. If room allows at the table, he will be gracious enough to allow others (NPCs) to sit as well.

2015-08-14, 01:32 AM
Caleb, too, will stick with Bax.

2015-08-14, 06:39 AM
Torrin leads Aurora through one last twirl and dip then takes her hand and leads her to Bax's table. He pulls out her seat in a flourish of exaggeration and then takes a seat as well. "I take it negotiations didn't go well?"

2015-08-14, 10:56 AM
Smiling , she slips gently into the seat, "Yes do tell us, what happened? Do we have work?"

Sol Mazer
2015-08-14, 02:18 PM
"Ha-rumph! The only work we have is to avoid Captain Blackfish; or what ever in Nine Hells his name is! Timeshares and the like!"

Bax will wave the server over for another round for the table. He will then give his attention to the stage.

2015-08-14, 02:21 PM
A look of surprise comes over Torrin as he listens, "Timeshares, he is selling air? Damn, I wish I had thought of that..."

2015-08-14, 02:59 PM
"Alas, it's true, lads. We went in hoping for bussiness, and we were almost made bussiness of. Here's hoping the night has better surprises in store!"

2015-08-19, 12:15 PM
The group finds a table near the kitchen entrance. The aroma of the food wafts out as the servers enter in and out with various plates of samplers.

A petite, lithe female and a tall, rather lanky male are seated at the table with you. Their clothing is conservative compared to the other nobles in the festhall this evening.

A round of ale reaches your table as well as a plate of stuffed mushrooms.

Before much conversation can be exchanged, Mother Tathlorn begins to speak.

"Once again I would like to welcome all of you to my humble abode and appreciate all of you for accepting my invitations for tonight's activities." She smiles. "Dinner will begin shortly. But first we will start off with a little entertainment for the evening to help you relax. Plates of various local favorites and some exotic dishes will placed for your pleasure while you watch the performers. So without further ado, let the entertainment begin!"
She leaves the stage and...

I would like for each of you to describe one of the acts for the evenings entertainment. Be as descriptive as possible and tell us how your character reacts to it. Does he/she like it or not? React to the others descriptions of the events if your character would.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-19, 04:50 PM
The applause was hearty as the first performers of the evening took the stage. Bax grumbled just loud enough for the others at the table to hear....

"Pah! Gnomes...." and he looked to his stein, taking a pull as if to rinse the word out of his mouth.

Gnomes they were, but a very well known bard troop. Introduced as the Riverbottom Daydream Band it became abundantly clear why they were to start the evening off. The older gnome, introducing himself as "Uncle Larry," raised his voice and got his "nephews" off to a fast start.

"Two Drunks and a Fox" got the set list going. That was then followed by "Trouble at Keystone Mill" and "Blind Monk, Beautiful Slave." The room was captivated! Cheers, laughs, and sing alongs for all. But standing out as a Daydream Band specialty was "The Legend of Cobalt Tarn." The very lights seems to dim and the room was hushed. It was as if everyone had been transported to that mystical place.

Through it all, Bax's mood changed and he was slapping the table and singing with the crowd. After a couple more songs, Uncle Larry offered, "Enough of these practiced songs! A request! Who has a request!" The din was deafening, but Bax made himself heard.

"Uncle! Play for us 'The Seasick Dwarf!'" That got Larry's attention alright! Some of the other dwarves in the room shouted a loud "HEAR! HEAR!" And to everyone's delight, the band got to it.

Bax became that bawdy dwarf his friends had seen in the past- especially when he knows all the words to the song. He gave Caleb a friendly elbow and a look as if to say, "Not bad, eh?"

At the end, Uncle Larry and his nephews took a deep bow to great applause. Bax was not alone in standing and whistling his approval. The Riverbottom Daydream Band had gained another roomful of fans.

2015-08-20, 03:14 AM
Not bad at all, noded Caleb back to Bax. It wasn't often he'd recognize a bard's talent without a competition and a few wordy jabs exchanged (all in good humour, of course), but the Riverbottom Daydream Band had well earned it.

And, of course, he'd learnt a new song or three.

2015-08-20, 06:51 AM
Next up was the ale chugging dwarf, Bart Chugsbetrnu, Torrin had seen his act before. The crowd watched as Bart moved among them, taking bets, gathering attention until he had most everyone watching then he issued the challenge.

"Anyone who thinks they can chug a mug of ale faster than me, step on up! I'll pay 5 gold to anyone who can beat me but if I win you only have to pay me 1!"

At that several jumped to the task...all failed. Bart had a unique talent, he could simply open his throat and just pour the ale down it, no pausing to swallow. No one even came close. But then an idea struck Torrin and his usual sideways grin turned into a full blown smile.

He hopped up and strode to Bart, "Hey Bart, how's about we up the wager, I win I get 10, you win I'll pay you the same?" Bart matched Torrin's smile and jumped at the chance, this was a half elf and he had the constitution to prove it, Bart knew he had this one won.

Everyone watched as they set the mugs down and got ready. Just as they were counting it down Torrin called out to Mother Tathlorn, "Hey Mother, did you ever find the other half of that rat in the ale keg?!?"

With Bart still staring into his mug of ale looking for bits of floating rat, Torrin gulped his way through his and slammed it down on the table, done! Bart looked at the empty mug, then to Torrin's face and let out a roar of laughter, beaten at his own game! "Well done sir, well done!"

He paid up happily and Torrin bought the house a round of drinks with his profits.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-20, 11:20 AM
Bax had seen Torrin pull this scam before, and contained his apprehension- to pull the prank on men in jovial moods was one thing, but a dwarf? No telling how it would turn out.....

Fortunately this was no dwarf just done his shift or fresh from the forge. This was an entertainer at his craft. He was greatly relieved seeing Bart react in true showmanship style. A loud laugh and compliment for Torrin; it could not have gone better for the lad.

The room rode on the waves of comfort and delight- what was to come next on the Mother's docket? Who could guess, but an evening of entertainment was certainly delivered thus far!

2015-08-21, 10:39 AM
A few more acts finish out the evening's entertainment, a comedic sword swallower, a female who's face was completely obscured but her dancing was rather enticing, to all the audience, and a magician who's magic was used to enhance his story telling.

After the magician's exit from the stage, Mother Tathlorn retakes the stage and waits for the applause to die down before she speaks.

"I'm so very glad everyone enjoyed our evenings entertainment."

She smiles and motions to her wait staff.

"And now dinner will be served."

The once quiet erupts into a cacophony of sound as the wait staff springs into action. The kitchen door springs open and the servants enter the dining room with various plates and baskets, all of different designs and shapes, each seemingly tailored to the recipient.

This is confirmed when your dinner arrives and placed in front of each of you is a dish you are most familiar with, nearly your favorite dish, served with dinnerware resembling your homeland or what you current lifestyle has to offer.

As you take a bite of the food, immense pleasure takes hold of you as you are reminded of a happy childhood memory, even if you are unsure about your own past.

While you are partaking the meal provided, you notice a peculiar gentleman slip in though the kitchen entrance. A younger male, his attire is that of someone well traveled, a lute slung over his back, he carries with him a turkey drumstick and rather large smile can be seen on his greasy face.

He scans the room rather quickly, his eyes landing on the empty seat at your table.

He moves over to Torrin, "Mind if I take a seat with your group?". Before Torrin can answer however, the man sits himself at the table, next to Bax. "Thank you kindly." he says before taking a large bite of the turkey leg.

2015-08-21, 04:24 PM
Caleb instantly recognizes the dish, a favourite from his courtly days. Meat baked in a thick, spicy sauce of rich seazonings, served on crisp, slightly bitter letuce. It arrives served in a glass bowl, nondescript to the eyes of most. Caleb, however, knows the slighly opaque sheen on the material: the bowl is actually a piece of a hydralophone, a rather bass note judging by its size.

Caleb is initially concerned. Though reminders of happy times, he is still a fugitive of the crown under which he enjoyed them. Maybe this isn't mere hospitality, but also a display of power?

Nevertheless, the meal is exquisite, demanding enjoyment no matter his misgivings.

((Reactions tomorrow, or so I thought, but nothing beats a dwarf's staredown))

Sol Mazer
2015-08-22, 06:34 AM
Bax will look up at the new comer and say, "Table entertainment as well? Mother has certainly thought of everything! You have your work cut out for you, mister. Those gnomes are going to be hard to beat!"

Bax will look at him just long enough as necessary for a minstrel to understand that it's time to start playing. The dwarf will then look to his plate for the next morsel.

2015-08-24, 06:21 AM
Torrin eyes Bax for a moment or two and then decides to press on. "Can we help you with anything? Most of the rest of the 'adventurers' here came in through the front."

2015-08-24, 02:38 PM
The man laughs at comments he receives from the group.

"I am an adventurer as you are good dwarf. My invitation was lost in the post so I had to be a little more cunning to make my entrance."

He drops the turkey leg upon the fine linens on the table and unslings his lute.

"But if you want to be entertained, I can tell you about my latest adventure."

He strums a few chords on the instrument before any of you can answer.

He tells/sings, or whatever you want to call his lack of talent, a tale of Margaret ir'Dornel. A daughter of a noble here in Waterdeep of some renown, the song talks about her beauty and how shy she the girl happens to be. But the song takes a turn, and it's not because of his singing, as he speaks about how he deflowered the young lass.

2015-08-24, 03:30 PM
Caleb nearly chokes as he sprays his drink out in surprise, trying to cover up the man's singing, music and mouth.

"Put a lid on it, you bullete-mouthed imbecile! Are you really that much in a hurry to die a painful death, that you'd do something like it and strut around declaring it like a peacock through a hunter's camp?"

Sol Mazer
2015-08-24, 04:35 PM
Bax will sit gaping at the intruder and say a silent "Thank you" to Caleb for having the presence of mind to shout him down.

2015-08-25, 06:27 AM
Torrin shudders a bit and echo's Bax's silent thank you as he scoots his chair a bit farther from the man.

2015-08-25, 11:32 AM
The man looks at Caleb blankly.

"Did my song not entertain you?"

He looks about the room, noticing that a few other tables had heard his song and were not amused by it either.

However this doesn't seem to phase him all that much.

"I can pick another adventure of mine then."

And with that he begins to sing about another encounter of his, with a strange creature and how he slew it.

Listening the embellished description of the beast, you quickly realize he is speaking of a Goblin and your insight seems to tell you that what he is saying isn't true.

2015-08-25, 11:34 AM
Torrin watches the man carefully, "Good sir, I think you would be better suited to performing upon the stage or at the very least, at someone else's table."

2015-08-25, 11:44 AM
Once again the comment doesn't seem to deter the young man.

"Tough crowd. I don't have this much trouble with the ladies."

He strums another chord and the instrument makes a strange, irritating sound.

"This one is sure to win you over."

The song begins by describing some majestic landscape. However before he can get to the meat of the lyrics, something seems to have caught the bards eye. He quickly seats himself.

2015-08-25, 01:43 PM
Giving a sigh of relief that he finally has shut up, Aurora looks at what might have done this blessed thing so she can give whoever it is a big thank you.

2015-08-25, 02:19 PM
'My amusement at a moth-brains charging a campfire of trouble is barely outdone by sympathy', he thought to answer, but then turned to see.

2015-08-25, 02:19 PM
Give me a wisdom check or perception check if you wish to see what it was that made him take his seat.

2015-08-25, 02:41 PM
Torrin's wisdom check.


Sol Mazer
2015-08-25, 06:03 PM
Bax wonders at the strangeness of the man.... perhaps he was simple minded.

Wisdom check below....

Sorry for the edits.... forgot how to use the dice roller =^[

2015-08-25, 06:23 PM
[roll0] for Caleb.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-25, 06:29 PM
[roll0] for Bax

2015-08-26, 11:59 AM
Scanning the crowd, the group finds it difficult to pinpoint what quieted the young man so quickly. Even though there are several guests that are staring at him with venom in their eyes, none of them seem to be the cause of his reaction.

The young man looks to the group.

"If you'll excuse me a moment, there is an old friend of mine over there." he says while pointing to a nearby table.

He then slinks over to a rather brawny looking adventurer, hunched over slightly to obscure his vision.

You can see that he really wasn't telling the truth about knowing this individual by his mannerisms, but it is odd that he keeps looking over at your table and pointing at it. The conversation is brief but the effects are quickly realized, the brawny adventurer is clearly maddened by the bards words, stands up, and makes his way over to your table.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-26, 12:06 PM
"Oi!" thinks Bax, "Looks to be a lively sort coming!" Bax will give Caleb or Torrin (who ever is seated next to him) a casual elbow to the side and nod in the brawny fellow's direction.

With his right hand, Bax will grip the handle of his stien. With his left, he will palm the underside of the table and make ready to flip it out of the way. Perhaps in the brute's direction if need be.

2015-08-26, 01:15 PM
"We've been set up, don't miss him" whispers Caleb as he pulls out his lute.

With a caress on the cords, he says, "If I'm to make a guess, our friend there talked lies of us. Would you care to share what those are before acting on them?"

((Charm Person vs wis dc 15, with disadvantage. Persuasion [roll0], and if charm lands, advantage: [roll1]))

2015-08-26, 11:33 PM
The adventurer is berated with the spell and his movement slows a step he attempts to resist it.


2015-08-26, 11:50 PM
The brawny man takes one last step forward then stands for a moment. He blinks a couple times, shakes his head, then looks to Caleb. A smile erupts on his face and the anger dissipates from his body.

"Aye, I be tellin u wut da boi sez."

But before he can tell you anything more, another man roars and comes barreling through the dining room, tackling the brawny adventurer at the end of his path. Fist begin to fly as the entangled pair try to gain the upper hand.

Caleb then realizes that he wasn't the only spellslinger in the room as he finds it increasingly difficult to move.

Caleb must make a wisdom saving throw, DC 15, or find himself unable to move.

The wait staff gather around the kitchen door, many of whom seem to be trying to hide in the kitchen. The adventurers and nobels closest to the wrestling stand up and attempt to help break up mess. Those companions of the two fighting however seem to have a different idea in mind and begin to shout at one another or at those helping. Mother Tathlorn stands upon the stage, pleading with everyone to please remain calm.

With dinner coming to an end with chaos about to insue, what is everyone going do?

2015-08-27, 12:17 AM
[roll0] wisdom save :/

Sol Mazer
2015-08-27, 06:15 AM
I should have laid a wager with Torrin! Easiest money I would have made!"Bax will say to himself.

Bax will not flip the table, as Mother Tathlorn is calling for calm. Insted, he will get to his feet, don his shield, and stand with Caleb to thwart an attack. He will hold the stien as if to use it as a bashing device should anyone get too close.

He's also scanning the crowd for that simple-minded "bard" that started this all.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-08-27, 06:27 AM
Damn glad I didn't bet with Bax, he gets so smug when he wins...

Torrin steps up with his adventuring friends, shielding the Lady Aurora behind their line and also with the same idea as Bax scanning the chaos for the one who seems to have caused the problem. He is also looking for a stray bow and arrows that might be handy, though he isn't holding out much hope. Why in hades did I decide to leave it at home?


2015-08-27, 08:50 AM
Caleb resists the hold of the spell, able to discern the source of the spell as a cleric attempting to restore peace and order to the room. The cleric gives an apologetic look as she realizes that you were intent on no harm and rushes over to the enraged groups, hoping to keep them from getting violent.

Bax and Torrin are unable to see the bard through the mess that he created. Some of the nobles make their way out the door as the doorman and several other guards from the establishment join in to break up the fight and push apart the other group.

But it seems to be someone's unlucky day however, or some non-divine intervention from a certain person. One of the other adventurers from the group walks over to the guard and knocks him clean out with one punch. And chaos ensues as both groups break out into a brawl.

The front exit is now blocked by this new fight, servants continue to block the kitchen entrance, and the old fight continues nearby as those trying to break it up are not strong enough to remove the two from one another.

What do you do next?

Sol Mazer
2015-08-27, 10:59 AM
In an effort to keep the peace, and be a gracious guest to Mother Tathlor, Bax will charge the brute that attacked the guard. His shield before him and stein raised.... it's contents sloshing out.

Roll for attack or initiative?

2015-08-27, 11:11 AM
Torrin starts to object as Bax rushes into the fray but sees it has it's usual affect. Instead he turns to Caleb, "Have you anything to soothe the situation here?" After he asks he will take a step a bit closer to Aurora, making sure he knows where his people are.

2015-08-27, 11:31 AM
"I can put them to sleep once they really beat each other tired, or maybe..."

A terrible draconic roar fills the room as Caleb's strings are pinched, maybe just loud enough to make everyone drop what they're doing for a moment to check.

((Minor Illusion: sound!))

2015-08-27, 11:58 AM
Hiding behind Torrin being bumped and jostled as the fighting goes on, Aurora thinks to herself that there has to be a non violent way to end this, thinking through her spells and coming up with one that fits, she begins the moves she has practiced so long but rarely ever in a situation like this. Creating a minor illusion spell, she decides something along the lines of a ear splitting scream would probably get people to stop, and making it as loud as she possibly can centers it in the middle of the room.

[roll0] for wild magic

Sol Mazer
2015-08-27, 02:58 PM

Ha! It worked! I'm arting up my posts from now on when appropriate. Promise to make them smaller.... Sorry Flip =^]

2015-08-28, 11:33 AM
Bax charges into the crowd of brawling bodies, the shield pushes away those whom he doesn't wish to target, finding the man whom started the larger mess with that sucker punch.

Bax, make an attack roll.

The two spells combine to create a very unpleasant and unsettling sound that many of the guests end up covering their ears to avoid the effect of the magic, some even trying to find the source of the sound or cowering under tables from it.

However most of those whom are fighting don't seem to bothered by the effect, continuing the assault on one another.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-28, 04:44 PM
Bax plows into the offender with his shield to put the fear of an angered dwarf into him.... The stein raised for the next attack- hopefully, it won't come to it.

Bash with shield: [roll0]

2015-08-28, 09:19 PM
Using the ongoing illusion to this time make a warning, a loud but clear and imposing voice echoes:

"Those of you who wish the fight to end, move to the edge of it. If anyone here has the means, use magic to restrain or defuse the combatants."

Frankly, it was sad that Caleb had to say that to get people in motion, but what can one do?

2015-08-31, 01:50 PM
Though Bax's intent was fear, he moves to push back the man with his shield, but is bumped as he swings, clocking the man square in the jaw with the shield, laying the man out cold.

Seeing the situation and responding to the message Caleb announced, a few of the adventurers step in and pull the unconscious man from the chaos to prevent further injury. Others attempt to keep the peace by keeping those not in the fray from joining in or tending to the injured.

Bax finds himself engulfed by the chaos, his shield barely keeping the brawlers at bay.

2015-08-31, 05:04 PM
My apologies for misreading your post. I was too distracted by the artwork. :P

Post edited to reflect the changes, though the outcome is the same.

Sol Mazer
2015-08-31, 06:33 PM
Bax will brandish his shield pushing at those that would encroach, or attempt, him.or others. He will also shout, "We are guests of Mother Tathlorn! Stand DOWN! STAND DOWN!"

Thanks Flip. I deleted my previous post.

2015-08-31, 06:52 PM
Caleb gives a forceful slam on the strings, with his hand landing on the floor after it, and plants crawl out the woodworks to entangle the brawlers.

(Instrument-sourced Entangle, centered on the brawl, plus keeping my distance from everything I'd wanna keep my distance from)

2015-09-01, 11:15 AM
The plants grasp at the brawlers, making the fighters have a more difficult time swinging at one another.


2015-09-01, 11:22 AM
Finding the strength in their rage, the brawlers resist the restraining pull of the plants.

The situation seems dire as the guests continue to wail on one another, but no sooner as the spell fails to subdue the crowd, several whistles can be heard coming from the street.

A few moments later, a new force bursts into the establishment, the city watch enters.

In the midst of the noise, you can hear, "The building is surrounded. You are all under arrest! Resist the urge to fight and come quietly."

2015-09-01, 11:25 AM
Torrin shakes his head sadly, he should have gotten in a few licks while he could. Well jail was going to be interesting.

2015-09-01, 11:29 AM
Muttering a few curses in celestial, words that probably should not be spoken in any language, and she looks out at the street outside, "So, you think that cuzz we wernt involved we wont go to jail?" The question directed at those around her.

2015-09-01, 11:35 AM
Torrin snaps a smile in place at the curses, "Such language for a lady!! Unfortunately no, I think the guards have already decided that everyone they have surrounded is guilty."

2015-09-01, 11:35 AM
"That would be awfully optimistic unless none other than the Mother herself vouched for us. But I think it's because we're smart that we won't go to jail. Grab Bax and let's check the upper floors, quickly."

With that, he nods to his overeager buddy over.

2015-09-01, 11:48 AM
Giving a sheepish grin to Torrin, "I agree, lets see if we can get him out of the fight."

2015-09-01, 11:52 AM
To help pull Bax from the fight, going to need a Strength check from everyone, including Bax.

2015-09-01, 11:53 AM
Strength check


2015-09-01, 11:55 AM
Strength Check: [roll0]

2015-09-01, 12:01 PM
Torrin attempts to help his dwarven friend by pushing a few bodies out of the way to make a path.

However, he doesn't realize how much adrenaline has been pumped into these brawlers as one attempts to grab in him in return.

Dexterity Save for Torrin, Please.

2015-09-01, 12:02 PM
Dex save


2015-09-01, 12:16 PM
Torrin finds himself unable to resist the man's pull, dragging him into the chaos of brawlers.

Aurora and Caleb help push bodies out of the way to help Bax, but they aren't able to provide much help to the dwarf.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-01, 07:14 PM
Bax has had enough of this tomfoolery! Being in the thick of it is one thing.... seeing his friends- people who need him to be their shield! - getting dragged in was another!

Strength check to get away from the crowd [roll0]

Strength check to grab Torrin and pull him to safety (if Bax can free himself) [roll1]

2015-09-02, 11:45 AM
Bax is able to push his way through the mass of bodies, bringing with him Caleb and Aurora. Torrin on the other hand was proving to be a bit more difficult to free.

The city watch gets involved in the brawl more, restraining a few more of the bodies, lessening the hold the mass on the establishment and gaining the upper hand for themselves. The chance to flee the scene is getting more difficult and more urgent.

What do you do?

2015-09-02, 11:52 AM
Torrin gives another wriggle in an attempt to get free, moving with the crush of the crowd to loosen grips and slip away.


2015-09-02, 11:54 AM
Torrin slips out of the brawlers hold, leaving the man slightly dumbfounded as if Torrin magically disappeared to him. The expression doesn't last long as he returns to punching some other adventurer.

2015-09-02, 11:59 AM
Torrin leans down and yells to Bax over the din of the crowd, "Caleb thinks we can find an exit upstairs, can you make us a path up there?" He nods to Caleb and Aurora to fall in behind Bax and help push their way through to the stairs.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-02, 01:19 PM
Bax will nod his agreement and attempt to move as Torrin describes. He uses his shield as a ram and makes for the stairs.

Str Check [roll0]

2015-09-02, 02:03 PM
The group finds no resistance on their flight towards the stairs. The dwarf leading the way with shield raised deters anyone from stepping in the way.

The stairs somewhat spiral upward, keeping everyone hidden from view by the crowd below. A long hallway extends out from the last step with several doors on each side. A lone window can be seen at the end, letting in the moonlight and glow of the lanterns outside.

A few others are hiding out up here as well.

2015-09-02, 02:10 PM
Is the window facing the front street? If not, Caleb looks out. Otherwise, we check rooms, starting away from the front street.

2015-09-02, 02:11 PM
"Well now where Caleb?" Torrin scans the hallway for possible open doors or perhaps more stairs leading to the roof.


2015-09-02, 02:21 PM
Caleb believes that it does look out onto the streets in front of the establishment.

Torrin finds the doors here locked. He can feel a breeze coming from underneath one of the doors near the stairwell.

2015-09-02, 02:36 PM
"Alright, the front window doesn't help much, we're hoping for a window to the back or sides. Any ideas?"

2015-09-02, 02:54 PM
"Here, by the stairs, this door. There is a breeze coming from under it. Maybe an open window." Torrin says as he points out the door in question.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-02, 03:33 PM
Bax is now on full alert. How much light is in the hall? Dimensions?

Also, Bax is reconsidering his current "weapon." He is looking for a candlestick to replace his stein. Better yet, are there any weapons on display in this hall? Something he can grab for himself, or if not a hammer/ mace/ mattock, maybe a sword for one of his tall friends who dabble in such weapons?

2015-09-02, 03:35 PM
"Good catch. Is the door locked?"

((We're gonna pay for the damaged door sometime, I swear.))

2015-09-02, 04:09 PM
The hallway is about 50 feet in length and two humans can walk next to one another comfortably down the wooden floor.

Bax still cannot find a true weapon in this place.

The door is locked.

As the group figures out the next course of action, several footsteps can be heard coming up the stairs behind you. The downstairs room sounds much quieter than before.

2015-09-02, 04:15 PM
"Damn that slime-faced string-torturer, time's up! Bash the door in, quick!"

Sol Mazer
2015-09-02, 04:27 PM
Bax bashes the door- really putting his shoulder into it.

Open sez me Str check: [roll0]

2015-09-02, 05:19 PM
Looking behind her, hearing the commotion quieting down , "Hurry up Bax," thinking about how they might hide if necessary Aurora brings to mind a spell she knows that might help hide them from the guards, "Hey, if we cant get out I can hide us with an illusion."

2015-09-03, 11:31 AM
Bax hits the door with a solid thud. The door unable to resist the blow, the frame splintering under the force of the dwarf's shoulder, begins to swing open.

The room is rather small, the 4 of you would be quite cramped in there. A single bed, table, and dresser are the only furniture in this room. As Torrin suspected, a single, small window sits opposite the doorway, ajar and curtains drawn open so the night breeze can filter into the room.

The other guests in the hallway notice what you have done and move towards the room as well.

2015-09-03, 12:42 PM
Torrin leads the way through the door and to the window. He peers out to see where it leads and who might be watching the opening.

2015-09-03, 01:36 PM
Torrin looks out the window at a magnificent view of Waterdeep's harbor and rooftops. Looking down, you see that there is an alleyway that does not connect to the main street and may have been overlooked by the watch.

Give me a perception check Torrin.

2015-09-03, 01:37 PM
Perception check

2015-09-03, 01:57 PM
Off in the shadows, a little ways down the alleyway, Torrin notices a figure hiding there, cloaked in darkness. Not much can be determined as to what the figure is doing, or even if that figure is watching the window, but it doesn't seem to be moving.

2015-09-03, 02:09 PM
Making a mental note of the figure and saying a prayer to Solonor Thelandira that there are no guards in sight he says to his companions "There are no guards below, hurry, lets go!!!"

Sol Mazer
2015-09-03, 02:24 PM
Bax will look at the "adventures" gathered at the door and say, "Go find your own path, hearty adventures! Our's is this way!"

Without a second glance he will turn to the others and say, "I offer to descend first.... how high is the fall?"

2015-09-03, 02:36 PM
30 feet separates the window from the alleyway below.

The crowd of guests do not seem heed the words Bax spoke and begin to push themselves into the room.

And with that the first members of the watch make it to the top of the stairs. They grab the guests and proceed to pull them out of the room. The remaining guests, three of them to be exact, begin to make for the window.

2015-09-03, 02:53 PM
"It looks like you might try to make the other rooftop instead of the alley below. You may want to try and roll a bit as you land to soften the impact." Torrin awaits his companions before he heads out the window to do just that.

2015-09-03, 02:58 PM
Of the three, does anyone look particularly muscular, simpleminded, or both?

Sol Mazer
2015-09-03, 04:01 PM
To buy a moment, Bax will shove the closest stranger back to the door. There's a old dwarven prayer on his lips with a simple request, "Fall down and block the door, stranger."

Attack OR Str check: [roll0]
(Didn't know which would do it)

2015-09-04, 07:20 AM
"BAX! We have to go...NOW!!" Bax can hear the sense of urgency Torrin puts into his words. Bax also knows through their adventures together that Torrin will be last out that window, making sure he puts himself between his friends and danger.

2015-09-04, 10:02 AM
Bax finds pushing a person is much harder than pushing a locked door. The person resists the force of the dwarf and continues to push towards the window.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-04, 10:04 AM
Bax turns his head after his shove, and gives Torrin "Harumph! You and your hero complex!" The dwarf realizes the value of his defense below and Torrin covering the escape- but he keeps it to himself.

He will rush to the window and try getting through in a way that allows him to hang from the sill and then drop.

Dex check?

2015-09-04, 10:33 AM
"Hey, you coward, what do you think you're doing, running away from some pesky guardsmen? Go, stand your ground!"

Addressing the biggest, dumpest stranger and a string-peck was all Caleb did before hanging, then dropping, out the window.

(Suggestion, on a stranger, he checks with disadvantage. I'll cast Levitate on our sorceress as she takes the leap, from the instrument)

2015-09-04, 10:57 AM
The check to leap from the window to the the roof that is a little over 5 feet away and 15 feet down would be a Strength/Athletics check to make the distance and Dexterity/Acrobatics to roll with the momentum to reduce the risk of injury.

2015-09-04, 11:05 AM
Save vs Suggestion


2015-09-04, 12:28 PM
The guest nods in agreement with Caleb, turning out of the room, and moves towards the stairwell, leaving the groups sight.

You hear a large thud a moment later.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-04, 04:16 PM
Bax grips the sill and thinks of the last thing he heard... Tuck and roll? Or was it roll and tumble? .... I better not break my damn neck!

Bax lets go... hoping he can compensate for a poor landing with bis dwarven dexterity.... gods help us!

Dex check for falling/ tumble:[roll0]


2015-09-05, 02:30 AM
Acrobatics check: [roll0]

2015-09-07, 04:39 PM
Aurora goes next hopping out, nodding a thanks for the levitate and floats down gently, and readies a spell to hide the group from the guards.

2015-09-08, 06:19 AM
Torrin is the last out and climbs through the window to perch on the sill for a moment before making his leap.



2015-09-08, 10:25 AM
I needed everyone but Aurora to roll both skill checks because of the complex nature of the task. For the sake of moving things along I will roll those now. I will add the modifiers on after this post.



2015-09-08, 10:51 AM
Bax and Torrin barely make the gap, grasping the ledge of the roof opposite the window.

Aurora just floats over to the roof like she was used to walking in this manner.

Caleb actually finds the gap much hard to traverse, his lack of strength more a hinderence in the situation than he had expected. He begins to fall before he reaches the ledge.

Dexterity Save to see if you can avoid plummeting to the ground below.

2015-09-08, 11:13 AM
Torrin see his friend is going to come up short and reaches out a hand to try and catch him.


2015-09-08, 03:03 PM
[roll0] Please save me, gods of dice and bardery!

2015-09-08, 03:56 PM
Torrin reaches out to grab Caleb to assist him up on the roof, but struggles to keep his footing. Caleb is quick enough to react that he aids Torrin in regaining his balance and keeps himself held fast to the ledge.

Once Caleb climbs up. The Watch can be heard entering the room you just exited. Several shouts can be heard before finally one of the Watch looks your way and blows a whistle.

"They have taken to the rooftops!"

Sol Mazer
2015-09-08, 04:17 PM
Panting at the event of jumping the distance, and pulling himself to safety, Bax assesses the situation. Seeing all safe- and proven once again that Torrin should bring up the rear in the event of an emergency (Damn him!)- Bax turns to the others and says,

"Glad we are all accounted for.... Shall we?" Bax motions a hand to the rooftops around them. "Perhaps back to our lodgings to discuss why we are now on the lamb?"

2015-09-09, 06:19 AM
Torrin gathers himself after the near fall and says to Bax, "Lead on friend, lead on. But may I suggest something other than a direct route back to our lodgings? If need be and we can manage to get out of the city they'll never find us once we hit the woods."

2015-09-09, 12:06 PM
A thought occurs to Torrin as they gather themselves for a run and he purses his lips and lets out a loud whistle.

The whistle is answered by a familiar (to Torrin) shriek that has the horses in the streets below panicking. Some pulling free, breaking reins and running etc. A few moments later a huge Griffon lands on the rooftops beside the group, her fierce gaze looking at the 4. She lowers her head and nudges Torrin who pats her head and beak in return. "I need you to do a favor for me Shiala, we need to get out of here, allow my companions to ride please." Shiala's head jerks up at first, defiant, but as she looks at Torrin she slowly lowers her head back down in agreement.

Torrin extends his hand to Aurora to help her up...


Sol Mazer
2015-09-09, 02:01 PM
"Clanggedin's beard!" exclaims the dwarf as the animal descends upon them. He then composes himself a bit, and says to Torrin, "I'll never get used to that if you don't give us fair warning, friend!"

Bax will pull himself together and add, "I'm for an exit of the city, but I'm also in for retrieving our gear first. We must get the better part of our protection first."

Bax will eye the roof top and look about, as on guard... hoping for a distraction to delay his ride on the griffon. Heights were simply not his thing- and the group was kind enough not to draw too much attention to it (most of the time).

2015-09-09, 02:22 PM
Caleb had seen the beast a thousand times, and none where less awe-inspiring than the previous. Shaking himself back on track, he ponders the dilemma posed by Bax.

"Certainly we could lose those dimwits before skipping town. The cover of an illusion and clouds might do the trick, or I could borrow this fine lute's gifts and fly off, then have you pick me and our stuff from the air."

120lbs is my limit, and I can't fly for more than 10 minutes, plus concentration. That said, it might suffice. Or, we can use minor illusion(s) to hide/duplicate the gryphon as we swoop into some backstreet, stock up, and make off.

2015-09-09, 02:38 PM
"As best I recall does that fly not have a time limit on it? I would say ride Shiala to the lodging to get the gear then again to get free of the city. I like the illusion though, cover is good, Shiala dislikes arrows. Now hurry climb on while we have a moment and she is agreeable to it!!"

Torrin urges Aurora and Caleb up and onto the Griffon then smiles that crooked smile at Bax, "My apologies, good dwarf, she will have to carry you." Torrin then grabs the Griffon's head meaningfully and says "Do not drop him."

Shiala snorts and then launches herself into the air, snatching the dwarf off the roof as she does. Too late the group realizes that Torrin has once again insured their safety above his own. Shiala makes good speed towards their lodgings to pick up their gear as Torrin peers over the side of the roof before grinning and taking off across the rooftops...

2015-09-09, 02:57 PM
"Oh, damn that box of hay and heroism you call a head", Caleb shouts at him, "you damn better come meet us in one piece!"

I'll give him an inspiration die (d6, to be used on any roll or AC) as a parting gift.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-09, 07:34 PM
Bax knows the talons and regrets the fear he has of the "saddle" above. Nevertheless, be closes his eyes during the flight and prays for a soft landing.

2015-09-10, 01:26 PM
As the griffon flies away from the scene, Torrin can be seen traversing the rooftops of Waterdeep, unmolested by those that pursue the group, for now.

The front of the festhall can be seen as you fly over, ablaze with the light from torches. Several watchman can be seen loading large carts with the guests from the party, their job nearly complete by the appearance of the overstuffed wagons.

The griffon turns northward and the scene fades. A rush of chilled sea air catches you in your flight, doing little to lighten the mood of what just transpired a few moments ago.

The flight seems to take forever despite the distance traveled by the beast is quiet short.

Dismounting from the creature, you find yourselves on the estate of Torrin's family, in a stable specifically built for the griffon.

2015-09-10, 09:12 PM
(Sorry ive not posted much lately, been dealing with ... things)

Smiling as Shiala lands, "Hello girl, thank you for coming," Taking Torrins hand she slips up on her back. Enjoying the flight over the city , Aurora keeps close eye on Torrin to make sure hes ok. Slipping off her back and patting her shoulder, "Thank you so very much. He should be here soon."

2015-09-15, 12:20 PM
I do apologize for the lateness of this post, but I had wanted permission from Lio to railroad it a little to progress to the end of this chapter.

A few hours pass by with no sign of Torrin's return.

As you begin to ponder the possibility of his capture and make plans to spring him free from jail, Torrin comes strolling in through the barn door.

He reassures the group that he did give the watch the slip. However he did not do it alone.

Torrin begins his tail of his escape describing the parkour jumps and feats of agility he accomplished on his own, moving from rooftop to rooftop. They were impressive and the group would have struggled to move as a whole in this situation.

Eventually, the rooftops would give and he would have to take to the street.

It was at that moment that he found help. Another of the party's guest was there waiting for him to climb down. A noble female, dressed in simple elegance that did little to hide her lithe frame, gave Torrin an easy escape path from the watch, in exchange for meeting someone on the morning after.

She was very genuine and had helped him avoid the watch that was on the upcoming street ahead. Accepting the offer, she lead Torrin through a few alleyways and homes.

Eventually Torrin found himself in the noble quarters, not to far from the estate. She gave him a slip of paper and departed his company.

On the slip of paper was a location and a time. The Oily Draken pub at sunrise.

The place is not to far from your current location.

2015-09-15, 12:27 PM
Smiling when Torrin comes in, I go give him a big hug, having made sure the gyphon is taken care of, "Im glad you got away , you think this is a job?"

2015-09-15, 12:45 PM
"Either it is, or the dear lady got enamoured enough in a glance by this jelly-brained hero's mug to blackmail for a date", says Caleb as he lands a not-too-soft knock on his partner's head. "You know you scare us ****less every time you pull these stunts, won't you knock it off already?"

2015-09-15, 01:06 PM
Torrin winces in mock injury at the rapping on his skull. "My apologies, but you all know you argue when these things come up and tis usually easier to just do them." His sideways grin is as disarming as ever.

He hugs Aurora back, "I think it is a job, you've been around me enough to know I'm not as instant a charmer as Caleb is."

Torrin walks over to Shiala, letting her nudge him hard, expressing the same sentiments as his companions in that one push.

2015-09-15, 01:56 PM
Torrin takes a seat on one of the benches in the barn, "So, is it just me or did anyone else think Waterdeeps watch had one hell of an impressive response time in getting to Mother Tathlorn's place once the fight broke out? Personally it almost seems to me like the whole thing was a set up to round up people calling themselves adventurers." He lets that sink in to see if any of the others thought the same things.

2015-09-15, 04:29 PM
"Can't be, the whole deal started off from the imbecile, no way he'd..."

"Wait a second, he didn't work with anyone, he was the target! The guard was there to catch him, the whole event a bait for him!"

He thinks for a moment further before his earlier concerns hit him again.

"Perhaps... not just him. Many an adventurer have a past to flee from, and our hostess made a point of showing she could dig through our pasts. A warning to some, and a bait for others, and that dimwit noticed first..."

Sol Mazer
2015-09-15, 05:40 PM
Bax glares at Torrin a bit upon his arrival.... The dwarf Defender does not like leaving anyone behind- even if they are capable of taking care of themselves. It's a matter of principle and convenience: protect the group and you don't have to plan an escape... or some such.

Torrin and Bax had been through it before. The dwarf was stubborn though.... and he spoke up.

"That's all well and good you escaped Torrin, but what if she had been a dwarven lass?"
A true stretch, but worth the moment in the asking.

"And as far as being set up.... could be! It was almost as if the guards were waiting outside. And the number of them! So many, so soon? Very unlikely.... More's the chance they were waiting for the cue. Perhaps that dimwit was planted to give reason to the guard for their 'investigation.'"

Bax will go on after a moment of rubbing his shoulder a bit...... "Your damn bird really dug in this time, Torrin. When will a good stout pony be enough of a steed for you?" Bax will end with a wink. He loved calling the griffon a "bird."

2015-09-15, 06:27 PM
"Had she been a dwarven lass I could have walked instead of run..." Good friends were indeed the wealth Torrin valued most.

"I think you are on track master Bax, there was a shadowy figure outside our escape window and then the noble lass that met me knew where I would have to come down from the rooftops."

"On another note, perhaps if you refrained from calling her a bird she wouldn't dig in so much when she carries you." Torrin will still cast a glare at Shiala when he finishes letting her know his displeasure, her head drops a minute amount, likely too subtle for anyone but her friend and companion to notice, but it was there.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-15, 07:16 PM
"Shadowy figures? And you happened upon her where you would have most likely descended to.the street? Wheels within wheels.... I don't like the sound of any of it!" Bax snorts. "It would seem a better course of action to make for the forrest- I've had my fill of Waterdeep."

Then thinking... "Drat! Our gear! Seems the forrest is out for the time being...."

Bax will look around the barn for an improvised weapon. Maybe a blacksmith's hammer... or a construction mallet. Something a bit more useful than the stein he opted for at Mother's.

2015-09-16, 06:20 AM
Torrin offers reassurances to his dwarven friend. "Easy friend, we are not in some random stable, we are at my parents home. Once we are done talking we can go inside and relax. I am also certain the city watch is not still looking for us. We should have plenty of time to swing by and pick up our gear before we meet our prospective employer tomorrow."

2015-09-16, 11:35 AM
With the flight over and all party members accounted for, you retire in estate of Torrin's parents, finally gaining some much needed rest after the events that transpired.

So many questions remain unanswered. But maybe the solution will come with time.

End Chapter 1

Because everyone played their characters well and found new ways to interact with the situation, go ahead and level up. :)

Hold all posting on this thread until the next chapter starts. That will begin once everyone levels their character.

2015-09-18, 11:42 AM
Chapter 2: The Unexpected Guide

The morning after greets you all with familiar aches and pains, like you had experienced at the conclusion of the previous adventure.

The sun has yet to rise, but already the smell of a hearty breakfast fills the air around the home of Torrin's upbringing. Eggs, bacon, sausage, toasted bread, a variety sauces, and more, all the typical fare of those getting ready for a long trip.

The house servants hurry about the place as you enter the dining hall, taking care of your every need. Even having retrieved your belongs during your rest.

After eating your fill of the food, Torrin's father comes down from his chambers to greet you all. Dressed in simple clothing, it does not take away from his elegant features and regal posture.

"You could try and be a little quieter next time you arrive at my doorstep after a night of childish antics." he says, his tone somewhat directed at Torrin as to scold him.

Everyone is free to post once again. :)

2015-09-18, 12:41 PM
"My apologies serrah, we were a bit out of sorts. My thanks for the elegant send off though. You didn't have to do this for us."

Torrin's tone is respectful and humble, he knew putting father off his routine would displease him but he was as yet unsure if the group was a target or not.

Had it not been for the watcher and the not-so-chance meeting he had he would have went home. Perhaps it was a test of some sort?

2015-09-18, 01:38 PM
"I deducted that you would be "lying low" for a while after word of the incident at Mother Tathlorn's spread. Your names haven't reached the lips of those that spew out these tales, but you can be assured that the Watch will obtain a list of all those whom attended the party and that anonymity will soon fade."

He moves over towards the chair at the head of the table and takes his place. More servants enter the room to take care of his needs.

"So enjoy the warm and hearty meal I have provided. I expect you will be on the road before too long."

2015-09-18, 02:11 PM
"I had thought as much. My thanks, father, you are right we are about to embark on yet another adventure I think."

Sol Mazer
2015-09-18, 03:17 PM
Bax, always playing up his age to the elders he encounters pipes up.

"I tried to warn them, Mr. (Torrin)... but, youth today. Seems even when good advice is free for the listening it still goes unnoticed. More's the pity.... "

Bax will then give a good natured grin towards his companions- like he's playing the ultimate prank.

"Thank you, ser, for having our gear returned and for the fine spread this morning. Perhaps I can offer some talent to your forge, or to the mending of your walls, to offset any trouble we may have caused you."

2015-09-19, 04:47 AM
Smiling at Torrins father, "Thank you as always sir for your hospitality and your help.We wil of course keep our heads down for the next little while, dont worry they will have forgotten about us inside of a week im sure."

2015-09-21, 12:00 PM
"Bax, you know that I will never ask for anything in return for my hospitality."

He looks around the table.

"Looks like you have finished your meals and are anxious to take your leave."

Before you go, I warn you to leave the griffon behind. I know the watch is looking for the beast and whomever is riding it.

"Before you object, I'm not saying she won't join you eventually. So bring along a scent stick so she can track you down after you leave. I will have her released tomorrow evening."

He pushes himself out and stands up from his place at the table.

"Now if you will excuse me, I have a personal matter to discuss with a few of my shopkeeps."

And he takes his leave of the room.

2015-09-21, 12:04 PM
"It seems our course is set. We go meet our mysterious lady then?" Torrin pushes back from the table and gets ready to head out.

2015-09-21, 12:30 PM
"So it is, yes" replies Caleb. "It seems we have to take the risk, for now."

2015-09-21, 01:01 PM
Torrin looks at his fellow 1/2 elf, "Well this time we don't go unarmed and unaware like last."

Sol Mazer
2015-09-21, 02:20 PM
"Perhaps disguises are called for? I mean, we don't want to advertise our being adventurers when it seems the town guard are rounding them up...." offers Bax.

2015-09-21, 03:09 PM
Shaking his head, "I honestly do not believe this is a guard driven issue and if worst comes to worst you are all just people contracting me to lead you on a hunting trip."

2015-09-21, 09:52 PM
Smiling, "I'm ready to go, luckily, it isnt that easy to disarm me." continuing to smile, I toss my small pack of food and other misc things on my back and follow the group out of the house.

2015-09-22, 12:23 PM
Leaving the estate of Torrin's family, you find the morning air is a bit cold and dew covers the grounds.

The rising sun is still has a good bit of time before it crests the horizon but already the sky has lightened up from the darkness that once enveloped it.

The road is crowded as usual for a city that never slumbers, but moving through the people and vendor carts doesn't pose much of a challenge.

The Oily Drake Pub is a older structure in town, having seen more history than even it's current owner could fathom to recall. The building isn't much to look at having not been kept well, only the minimal being done to it to keep it upright

It sits in such a strange area of town. Too far from the docks to be a bustling place, but close to the noble quarters whose people refuse to step foot in such a place. The place still manages to get by somehow despite this fact.

The shutters still remain close from the night but light filters though to show that guests are active inside. Aromas of breakfast waft in your direction as you approach.

2015-09-22, 01:13 PM
Torrin strides up to the door and gives it a brisk knock.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-22, 05:19 PM
Bax will rock on his heals a bit. He'll look purposely about... up each end of the street, around the corner, really getting a good view of this area. Though he says nothing to his mates, he is looking for a town guard...

Perception Check [roll0]

2015-09-23, 11:21 AM
After a few moments pass with no reply from the door, Bax points out to Torrin that the door does have etched into it the word: Welcome.

Entering the establishment, the darkness of the shadows in this place seem overwhelming. Besides the few lanterns and fire place, the dimly lit setting seems fitting for meeting someone in secret.

Only a few guests can be seen about the place, enjoying a meal of the food you smelled on your way in.

2015-09-23, 11:26 AM
Torrin will make a quick scan of the room to see if he notices his contact. If he see's her then he will go sit with her, if not he will take a seat at a table large enough for the group plus one and wait.


2015-09-23, 11:38 AM
Torrin looks about for the person whom helped him escaped capture but see's no sign of her in this place.

A few tables away from the fireplace and windows look like they would hold your crew.

2015-09-24, 12:19 PM
Pulling her cloak closer around her , Aurora shivers at the morning chill, it's always so cold here in the mornings. She says little as they traverse the streets and as they arrive at the inn and go to sit, she yawns and sits next to Torrin, "So, when you think we will meetum?"

2015-09-24, 12:58 PM
Torrin shrugs, "They are probably watching us to see if anyone is following us or to see how interested we are." Torrin sheds his cloak and wraps it around Aurora, an unconscious gesture he has done hundreds of times.

2015-09-24, 01:00 PM
Smiling at him and replies with a thank you, she continues, "Mmmm perhaps, well i suppose we just wait and wait ... and wait ... and wait."

2015-09-24, 01:04 PM
Finishing the thought Torrin says, "And wait....and wait some more...." He thrusts up his hand in hopes of summoning a tavern wench. "Coffee? I could use something warm to drink."

2015-09-24, 01:09 PM
A few quiet moments pass by and still no sign of Torrin's contact presents itself.

As the sun finally presents its first rays of light over the horizon, the old shutters do little to resist the burst of brightness. The once shadowy room begins to lose some of it's obfuscating nature.

A figure emerges as the darkness rescinds to darker yet corners. Her attire, set more for adventuring than finer living, is much different from that she wore at the party and helped Torrin escape in. But seems to fit her better than the dress had.

Her dark hair is pulled up into a bun and a small sword sits limply on her waist.

"I see you followed my instructions." she purrs as she takes a seat at the table.

2015-09-24, 01:22 PM
"At last, our heroic bum's mysterious benefacror!", chimes Caleb. "We were begining to think he fell from the roofs and hit his head!"

2015-09-24, 01:34 PM
"Which is entirely possible given my awkward nature with running!" He turns to their guest, "Yes, they didn't appear to be to complicated. What can we do for you?"

2015-09-24, 02:14 PM
The woman smiles.

"It's not what you can do for me. I am here to lead you to the person whom requires you."

She stands up.

"Ready to see a little more of Waterdeep?" she says sounding amused.

2015-09-24, 02:17 PM
Getting up as its clear they need to move to another place, "Is it a warmer part of waterdeep? Cuzz I would really be happy with that."

2015-09-24, 02:38 PM
"I assume we are, though I never got my coffee..."

2015-09-24, 02:48 PM
"Lead the way, then!"

Sol Mazer
2015-09-24, 04:54 PM
Bax will keep his thoughts to himsef as he follows.... when he can, he'll tug at Caleb's elbow,

"Oi, lad! I'm not trusting this one bit! Between the uniforms wanting us in a roundup, and this lass actually rounding us up to great effect, I feel as if I'm a piece of hot steel ready for the hammer!
What say you? Any songs follow to a good end with such a start?"

Bax will adjust his shield and grip the handle of his hammer in wary anticipation. The half elf will recognize the eye of the fight in the dwarf....

2015-09-24, 06:08 PM
"Plenty, but through effort or derailment", replies Caleb.

"Hey, any chance you'd like to tell us who's hiring, and what for?"

2015-09-25, 08:23 AM
"I would never deign to question your instincts Bax but I don't think this is any sort of trap. It would have been simpler to just have those same guards gather us up at the Oily Drake. Given that we were being watched as we exited Mother Tathlorn's and that I was met by our guide here right where I dropped off the rooftops, I think that may have been some sort of test of our abilities to improvise." Torrin shrugs, it seemed one of the only things to make sense to him at any rate, but he'd been wrong before.

2015-09-28, 11:41 AM
"Everything will be explained soon enough. The longer we wait, however, the more likely your future benefactor may question his decision."

She moves towards a door in the back of the pub and holds it ajar, leading into the kitchen area.

"Let us proceed."

And she slips into the kitchen.

2015-09-28, 12:04 PM
Caleb shrugs and follows suit, but not without pulling his lute at the ready.

2015-09-28, 01:23 PM
Torrin offers a not-so-comforting sideways grin and follows her and Caleb.

2015-09-28, 02:26 PM
You enter the kitchen to find the place occupied by just the cook, cooking up the breakfast for the guests.

Torrin goes to tell the man about the service here, but realizes he doesn't have the time as the group makes for another door on the other end of the kitchen.

Leaving the kitchen, you find yourselves in a twisty and dark alleyway, the light of the morning sun doing little to remove the darkness here.

The woman leads through this place for what seems longer than any alleyway in Waterdeep should be sized as.

When you finally emerge from the alleyway, you find yourselves in familiar quarters, the noble estates. Though you are not in the area of Torrin's family, you can't mistake the district. The alleyway exited you upon a massive estate, larger than most of the homes in this city.

She moves the group along the grounds, along a well kept path, towards the home.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-28, 05:18 PM
Seeing the estate, and assuming some kind of regal meeting to occur, Bax will do his best to smooth out his garb with his palms. Then he'll attempt to straighten out his beard a bit.

"Torrin, I do not recognize these grounds, nor do I know where I am in relationship to the rest of Waterdeep.... Do you know this place?" the dwarf will ask aloud.

2015-09-29, 11:43 AM
Torrin looks intently upon the sight in front of him, trying to recall his memories. The only one to come to the foreground is when he was younger, passing the place and telling his parents that he wanted to journey to the large, beautiful mansion.

His father bends down to the young Torrin, and begins to explain to the boy that they may have places they can access because of their status, but there are still many that have more than we will ever have and that affords them privacy.

This was such a place.

Trying to remember the name of the Lord that lives here however escapes Torrin's mind.

2015-09-29, 11:48 AM
"I'm afraid not Bax. These people were well above our station. I remember remarking about it once as a lad and father saying that we would likely never be able to visit. Look's like he was wrong about that!"

2015-09-29, 11:53 AM
The path takes the group through a garden full of strange plants. Nothing abnormal about these plants, but they aren't the kind seen in this part of the world.

"The entrance is through here." the woman calls out, pointing off into a dense section of foliage. She moves towards the plants and vanishes from sight, the plants not reacting to her movement.

2015-09-29, 12:08 PM
"An illusion?", wonders Caleb as he follows suit.

Sol Mazer
2015-09-29, 12:18 PM
"Pah! The work of fairies! I would prefer a world more plainer than tricks of the eye!" Bax grumbles. He will approach and attempt to "feel" his way through the "foliage," and then pass through.

The group will know of his great distaste for illusion magiks. The lowest kind of magik! he has said in the past.

It is hottly debated whether Bax dislikes Illusionist or gnomes more. Gnome Illusionists are obviously the most likely to recieve the worst insults Bax could muster.

2015-09-29, 12:51 PM
Chuckling, Torrin follows his illusion distrusting friend through.

2015-09-29, 02:16 PM
Following the group, Aurora keeps quiet that she uses illusionary magic commonly as Baxs complains about it, though she smiles at his words knowing he wouldn't mean her . she follows closely behind and enters the illusion as well.

2015-09-30, 02:41 PM
The approaching scenery doesn't seem all that different from the real thing. But when you cross the barrier, the world turns white and the something icy seems to grip your body.

This feeling only lasts a brief moment. As you continue to take your next step, scene changes once again.

You exit what looks like to be a mirror, but the garden is the only thing that can be seen in the reflection. The room before you is adorn with several sofas and cushioned armchairs, each wrapped in eloquent fabrics and embroidered in unique patterns. Several large windows bathe the room in sunlight.

On one of these sofas, somewhat facing the direction of the group, sits a older gentleman. His features are sharp and frame only showing some signs of aging. His attire is very plain, though you can tell the quality it is far superior than that of it's appearance.

He looks to the group. His gaze rather devoid of much emotion. "So you are the adventurers that got away?"

2015-09-30, 02:54 PM
Torrin places a look of utter shock and disbelief on his face as he answers, "Surely we cannot be the only ones that escaped the trap?!?"

Sol Mazer
2015-09-30, 02:55 PM
"Aye... we did. I cannot place your face, but if I recall, you were not at Mother's to see what transpired. It was a close thing, but we made it out. Did you devise the test?" Bax will ask.

His feet are spread and arms crossed. Bax would prefer to spring the trap then wait for it to get him unawares. Perhaps he can goad this person into action... or make him slip some information in his anger.

2015-09-30, 09:02 PM
Looking around the room, taking it in and the man sitting, "Interesting tricks you have here, yes we escaped and clearly you know us, so I believe you have us at a disadvantage , perhaps you should tell us who you might be?"

2015-10-02, 12:04 PM
The man smirks.

"Actually I know little of who you are. It's your actions from the previous night that I know the most about."

The man moves from the sofa to an armchair.

"Please have a seat. I have much to discuss with you."

He motions to the woman and in walks a servant with a tray of pastries and tea. The servant places it on a table and walks away.

"Care for something to snack on? I am sure you have already eaten a hearty meal since you did not know what was ahead for you today."

"And what kind of host would Maskar Wands be if I did not offer my guests proper hospitality."

2015-10-02, 02:44 PM
Maskar Wands? Caleb tries to recall.

What kind of check is that anyway?

Sol Mazer
2015-10-02, 02:47 PM
"Hmm, indeed ser. Yes, tea would do nicely. How did you come to know of our 'adventure' last night? What do you know of it?"

Bax will help himself and take a seat closest to Maskar. He will look directly at the man and try to figure out if he knows anything about him in word or deed.

Local history (?) [roll0]

2015-10-02, 02:56 PM
[roll0] history, I guess?

2015-10-05, 06:18 AM
Torrin plops himself down on the couch directly in the middle, arm's sprawled out, legs either up on the coffee table or stretched full out in front of him, looking completely relaxed and at home though those that have been around him and have seen him move know he may as well be sitting at the ready. Going over the name in his head (passive wisdom check 15) to see if it rings any bells though he doesn't hold out any hope that it will.

"And more to Mr. Rifthammer's ultimate point, what can we do for you now?"

2015-10-07, 11:51 AM
Everyone knows that Maskar Wands is a very important noble to Waterdeep. He has much power in the political realm but uses it for the good of the realm, rumors of him being a secret lord have always surrounded him. He also has several businesses strewn about the city and is known for funding adventures.

He looks to Bax. "Your story from last night is known to me because the the city watch had questioned all those whom were captured and released them afterwards. I was given all the information and was able to piece together your involvement in the event."

He sighs. "You see, a trap was laid last night to capture a certain individual. Careful planning and ample preparation all for nothing in return. Somehow he found out that something was amiss and was able to escape."

He looks over to the woman whom led you to this meeting.

"I was informed that my niece was discovered, despite all the precautions we took to disguise."

Sol Mazer
2015-10-07, 12:04 PM
"Well, if you seek a buffoon that fancies himself a bard, I'm sure we may be interested enough if the pay is appropriate, Master Wands. I wouldn't mind seeing that fellow again for a brief discussion....."

Bax will look to the others for their thoughts. He wouldn't be likely to speak for the group unless he was sure of thier decision.

2015-10-07, 12:28 PM
Torrin will nod to Bax giving at least his approval of what he said. Letting what Lord Wands' had to say sink in, So I was right and wrong, it was a trap but not set for us. I think Bax may have it pinned down though, that idiot who so skillfully worked the room into a brawling frenzy so he could make his escape.

2015-10-07, 01:02 PM
Maskar nods. "He is indeed someone I seek, but only for his own protection. He is my grandson afterall."

2015-10-07, 01:16 PM
"So that two-legged bullete is your son? With a mouth that loud, the best way to protect him is a rag in it", says Caleb. "But i'm willing to help. Do tell me though, was the party's organizing your doing, as well?"

2015-10-07, 01:54 PM
Maskar shakes his head. "No. Everyone knows those parties happen on a fairly regular basis. Marcus can't resist them."

He was always drawn to adventurer's, his fascination having been fueled by my business expenditures of the past."

2015-10-07, 01:59 PM
"So you would like us to gather up your grandson to protect him from people like us?" Torrin's usual lack of tact was starting to show through...

2015-10-07, 02:28 PM
"Not at all the situation." he lets out a sigh.

"My grandson has found himself a bit of trouble that is much more dire than he has previously faced."

"Originally I thought if he were here on the estate, he would be safe from harm. But I was foolish in that thought. Those that pursue him are actively watching the activities of my home."

"Before you think that I just marked your upcoming mission for failure, I had my niece lead you here the way she did so you would be undetected."

2015-10-07, 02:33 PM
"A rescue then?" Torrin bites back another comment to same effect as before.

2015-10-07, 02:52 PM
"Think of this as more of a diversion."

I'm going to pause the conversation here so I can lay out the plan. Afterwards everyone can post regularly in response to that. I just don't have the time to put it all down right now.

Sol Mazer
2015-10-07, 02:54 PM
At Torrin's remark of "protection from people like us," Bax willl snort a laugh which he will try to cover with a cough- realizing it could be rude towards a potential client.

He will add, " Ser, what capabilities does the lad have- other than bringing a room to a boil? I'd like to know more should he refuse our service as paid escorts. And- while we are at it- what is offered for service? It would seem to me he is likely trouble anywhere... and trouble for us... A man grown usually won't come quietly if they choose not to. And I have seen some of your grandson's mouthiness first hand- at my table no less! I wager we can bring him in, but it will be a task."

2015-10-07, 05:26 PM
Aurora smiles at Torrins comment of protecting him from people like us. So the good master wants us to find and protect his grandson, interesting, I wonder where the boy is now ... "I agree with Bax, what can this boy do, where would he go , who might he stay with and so forth, also , what might our compensation for this work be?"

2015-10-08, 09:43 AM
Torrin fires one of those infamous crooked smiles right back at Aurora and gives her a wink when she asks about payment.

2015-10-08, 11:37 AM
"Marcus does have some skill in manipulating a situation to his advantage and does have a gift for gab. He is young, lacks a great deal of common sense, and inexperienced in adventuring."

"However I know he won't turn down any chance to join you on some quest."

"Which leads me to why I have called you here. I want you to hire him as a guide to take you from Waterdeep to Shadowdale. In reality you would be guiding him there and keeping him from harm along the way. But he must never know of this meeting or your true purpose for hiring him."

"You need not worry about compensation, I am going to send you off with enough gold for provisions and whatever else you may need on the road. Once you deliver Marcus to Shadowdale, deliver this letter to Lord Mourngrym and he will compensate you 2000 gold dragoons for your troubles."

So what say you to this deal?

2015-10-08, 11:45 AM
"So, gold up front and 500 each once we deliver him to Lord Mourngrym (passive perception for name recognition). All we gotta do is pretend he is guiding us to Shadowdale? You can count me in! Who is this Lord Mourngrym and why would a Lord of Waterdeep need to deliver his grandson to him?"

2015-10-08, 11:50 AM
"Lord Mourngrym is the lord of Shadowdale. He and I have ties from over the years. He is trustworthy and has assured me "Marco Volo" will be safe there."

2015-10-08, 12:00 PM
"I see, I see, well as for me I only have one last question. Can you do anything about us being on the city guard's person's of interest list?" Torrin grins at the possible Lord, not really expecting anything but hey, it was worth a shot.

2015-10-08, 12:04 PM
((Ignore question if we know and I'm silly))

"Marco Volo?", asks Caleb. "Is that the name he goes by?"

And, after a short pause, "Is it alright if we make his task a (safe) bother? We kind of have it out for him."

2015-10-08, 12:12 PM
"You need not worry about the watch. Once you arrived in the care of my niece, I had everything cleared."

"I agree, the name he chose for himself is ridiculous. But that is youth for you."

He turns and looks directly at Caleb.

"I would like to think that you having accomplished as much as you have at this point in your career, you could remain professional in your dealings with my grandson."