View Full Version : [IC] The Heroes of Circumstance (Closed to New Interest)

2015-08-03, 11:27 PM
Welcome to the wonderful campaign of the Heroes of Circumstance! Beyond this point lies monsters, intrigue, adventure, excitement, and hilarity! This is a fairly classic campaign designed for players who are pretty new to the game, and who want to test it out. Without any further ado, I give you: the campaign setting!

The Campaign Setting:

The Map of the Known World:
Map Key:

Red Dots are towns
Red Stars are major cities
Red Numbers refer to the list down below
Everything Else is hopefully pretty self-explanatory

Index of Places:

Major Regions:

Gilded Lake: A very, very big lake with some very, very mean monsters.
Sha'akin Desert: No one has ever returned from exploring this desert...
Inori Desert: Very big. Very dry. Also known for frequent sandstorms.
Regirantum Mountains: A huge mountain range. It is divided in half by a single towering mountain: Mt. Molduth. To the West, the range is infested with Goblins. To the East, the Dwarves have made the mountains their home.
Clavat Mountains: A large and dangerous mountain range that separates the Emerald Forest from the rest of the continent. It is said that brave adventures like to test their mettle against the powerful monsters that lurk in the mountains.
Plains of Fum: Fum was a powerful Wizard who was engaged in a massive combat with a Lich. The two of them had a duel that literally leveled mountains for hundreds of miles. After vanquishing the Lich, Fum used the last of his magic and the last of his life energy to restore life to the decimated region before dying. No one has yet found where his body was laid to rest.
Emerald Forest: A forest filled with all sorts of evil Fey who want to trick unwary adventurers.

Major towns, cities, and points of interest (ordered by map number):

Boddock: This is where you'll start off. It's a decently-sized mining town, which was seized from the Goblins several years back. It's conveniently located near the mountains for mining purposes.


The Dandy Lion: The best tavern in all of Boddock! No, we do not sell flowers, so stop asking!
Refineries: This is where all of the incoming materials from the mining trips are processed.
This is where the general populace lives.
Muntzi's Merchandise: This is a shop run by a Halfling woman named Muntzi. Here, you can find general goods, some potions, and some weapons.
This is Som's home, the town mayor.

Staha'i: A town in the desert. The inhabitants are notoriously untrustworthy. Keep your coin purses close by!
Morrin: A town that is used as an outpost for the fishing enterprises of Clyerdale. The main income of this town comes from selling caught goods to the nearby city.
Clyerdale: A very large city, known for its majestic ports. This city is led by Duke Holmshead.
Morthek: The largest known community of Dwarves. Morthek has the largest mining industry on the Dwarven half of the Regirantum Mountains.
Irreantum: A beautiful town on a small island in the middle of the Gilded Lake. The inhabitants don't interact much...
Reevedale: A small Dwarven town. They do less mining than Morthek, but they also have a significant lumber industry.
Enclops: This once was a very large city. It was abandoned long ago, and no one knows why...
Do'ur'ur: A large community of Orcs. These are the not friendly ones.
Mac'pe'eng: A large population of Orcs, interspersed with many Half-Orcs and Humans. They are friendly to outsiders.
Steggr: The only large community of Halflings in the land. These are renowned fishermen.
Holmus: An outpost town used to resupply the Clavat Mountains. The inhabitants are known to entice travelers to stay in the town for a long, long while...
Flavani: A very large merchant community. Acts as a basepoint for nomad merchants, both on land and on sea.
Campari: A major city run by Gnomes. They are industrious inventors, and have technology available beyond that of other places. That is, if you're willing to part with your shiny goods.
Streimuun: A large foresty city of Elves. There is incredibly powerful magic surrounding the city. They're also not very receptive to unannounced visitors.
Mt. Molduth: A single peak that dominates above the other mountains in the Regirantum range. It divides the Dwarven half and the Goblin half of the range, simply because no one dares to explore it. Many have gone missing near it, and witnesses will swear that they hear moaning sounds from the mountain...

The Characters:

Alfeus, the Human Barbarian! (played by escorscher)
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=294754)

Speaks in red.

Alfeus comes from a small nature-worshiping semi-nomadic tribe in the mountains outside of Boddock. The ancestors of this tribe were the inhabitants of Boddock before it was seized by the goblins, and the ill-will they feel for the goblins has not diminished over the years. Alfeus, however, does not bear the same enmity for the goblins that his brothers in arms share. A prisoner of war for a brief period of time, Alfeus learned the relatively simple Goblin language, and also learned to view his enemy as people rather than the monsters of childhood fairy tales. After six months of captivity, he was returned to his tribe in a prisoner exchange, and since that time has kept his opinions about the goblins secret, except from his beloved, Sylvia. The tribe has grown weary of constant warfare and the tribal elders, believing his knowledge of the goblin language to have been learned out of necessity, have chosen him to act as part of a peace envoy. The fact that they are sending a warrior to make peace against the enemies he fought is not lost on them--perhaps they are testing his loyalty to the tribe, or perhaps they secretly want the peace envoy to fail, set in their ways as they are.

Sylvia, the Human Druid! (played by afos)
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=295477)

Speaks in purple.

Sylvia comes from the same nature-worshiping, mountain-dwelling tribe as Alfeus. A red head born from a long lineage of red heads, she is both honored and feared by her people, due to the tribe's beliefs about gingers as both powerful and volatile. Her family members integrated themselves fully by embracing the tribe's customs and social mores, but Sylvia turned to the woods and mountains to find her community. Sylvia naturally turned to Druidry, preferring the company of the trees over that of her own superstitious and xenophobic tribe members. Left mostly to her own devices and largely ignored unless her services as an herbalist or minor healer were required, Sylvia was met with no opposition when she chose Alfeus, who was also somewhat of an outsider after returning after being held as a prisoner of war by the goblins. Now that Alfeus has been chosen by the tribe's elders to participate in the peace envoy to the goblins, Sylvia is determined to go with him. While she will miss the trees and animals that surround their mountainous camp, she will not mourn the extended separation from their tribe.

Taeska, the Changeling Rogue! (played by Kadiith)
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=294883)

Speaks in blue.

Taeska grew up in the village of Tirinfals. He and his closest friend, a half-elf called Kaithe, were the village troublemakers. If something went wrong (or more likely, missing), chances are the two of them had something to do with it. Kaithe always spoke of getting the gold together and leaving Tirinfals in order to explore and see the world, and was starting to go on progressively more and more dangerous heists in order to fund his goal. Finally, one day Kaithe told Taeska about a caravan passing through, and that if they could lift a particular gem from one of the merchants travelling through then they could finally get out of there and start their adventure. Taeska refused to go, fearing that it was too dangerous and they would surely be caught, and tried to talk his friend out of it.

Kaithe was killed by the caravan's guards trying to escape with the gem. Taeska blames himself for not being able to talk his friend out of attempting the job. He vowed that his friend would get the adventures he always wanted, even if it was only through Taeska wearing Kaithe's face on his own travels. He gathered what he could, bought what gear he could afford, and set off down the road in the direction of the town of Boddock.

Tasseter 'Glumluck' Itherion, the Gnome Wizard! (played by Ski-Bird)
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=295243)

Speaks in light coral.

Tasseter 'Glumluck' Itherion grew up the son of a wealthy gem-cutter in the gnomish city of Campari. As a child, he was apprenticed out to the finest artisans in the gem-cutters guild … but the poor lad showed absolutely no aptitude. In fact, in a bold attempt to prove himself, he undertook to cut a gem that his family had been holding on to for some time … a fiery uncut red ruby, named The Balor's Eye.

His family had been in negotiations with the guild to secure the talents of one of the finest gem-cutters in the realm. Surely, the Balor's Eye would have been a masterpiece, the centerpiece of a royal crown or scepter. It would have, that is, if Tasseter hadn't completely botched it and cracked the gem into a handful of tinier and less remarkable specimens. He had cursed out loud when he did it — 'Of all the glum luck!' — and the name stuck ever since.

His father, rather than being furious, felt a deep pity for Tass (<--- which ended up way worse! He got the: 'I'm not mad … I'm disappointed.' speech from his dad ) and arranged for him to be sent away and apprenticed to one of the magic guildhalls. If he could not cut gems, the thinking was … then his only chance at a prosperous and successful life lie in taking on that other most venerable of gnome traditions. Magic.

Turns out … Tass had finally found his calling! He excelled in his studies. He managed to grasp esoteric concepts in just his first few years that other apprentices struggled with for decades.

He has just recently been sanctioned and duly certified as a journeyman illusionist, and for the first time in how life has set out from gnomish lands.

His destination? The mining town of Boddock. It is Tasseter's goal to one day replace the uncut gem that he ruined all those years ago as an impetuous youth, and he figured that this town was as good a place as any to begin his search.
Thorgrid, the Human Ranger! (played by xDacy)
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=294518)

Speaks in green.

Thorgrid hails from the small hunting village Raventhrine north of Flavani. His mother passed when he was young from disease, his father Fredric taught him the ways of hunting and trapping. When Thorgrid was almost of adulthood word spread through the village that a legendary Silver lycanthropy was plaguing the local forest. His father Fredric assembled a hunting party to slay the legendary beast, unfortunately none of them were ever seen from again. When Thorgrid reached adulthood he left the village traveling from town to town in search of any news of the silver lycanthropy.

Thorgrid provides his services to towns and villages in need of a hunter, but always still seeking the legendary beast. He swore one day he would have his revenge.

Sir Landan, the Human Paladin! (played by Molan

Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=383787)

Speaks in orange.

Sir Landan was born an orphan of a long forgotten war. He was raised by Monks in one of the several monasteries that dot the southern area north of the Plains of Flum. After he came of age, Landan swore himself into the Emerald Guard, an Order of Paladins dedicated to protecting the Jade Hall and hunting down all manner of "Black Magic" -- Demons, Undead, Warlocks, Diabolists, Necromancy, or any other form of occult evil prescribed in the order's guiding document, The Veridian Scroll.

Landan was never much of a cleric, with many of the Order's other paladins being more "spiritually attuned" then he was; however, what he lacked in celestial intervention he made up for in sheer grit and fighting skill. Landan quickly grew to be one of the Order's most notable defensive-fighters, training under a legendary paladin colloquially referred to as "The Spear Hero". The Spear Hero died in battle a couple years before Landan graduated, but his tutelage still lingers on the young man as he has graduated into a full Paladin of the Emerald Guard.

Since taking the Emerald Vow, Landan has been on several missions with small teams of more experienced Paladins, however the Orders resources have been stretched thin of late, with reports of more and more occurrences of dangers, prohibited magic sprouting up across the land. Landan has since been sent to investigate strange reports now farther to the north, and has embarked on his first assignment, only to discover he may be up against more then he was prepared for.

Out of Character thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?431270-OOC-The-Heroes-of-Circumstance)

Prepare for a legendary tale of five six ordinary people who take on an epic quest to save the world.

2015-08-03, 11:47 PM
*Reserved in case I need this space.*

2015-08-03, 11:57 PM
The five of you, for one reason or another, have found yourselves in the town of Boddock. More specifically, you have found yourselves in The Dandy Lion, the local tavern. The attitude of the tavern, as well as that of the town itself, is one of people who are afraid. The town has been attacked, multiple times, by Goblins from the mountains. Apparently, these Goblins fought with a ferocity and a blind rage that has never been equaled by Goblins in the past. Mining operations have had to be shut down, which has been disastrous to the town's income. In addition, dozens have been slain defending the town, and several more have been carried away by the Goblins back to the mountains.

In the tavern itself, most of the people talk in hushed voices at their tables. Looking around, they give new faces, (specifically, you) very wary looks. The only exception to this is a man at the counter of the bar. He is laughing loudly and rather obnoxiously. He is dressed in unusually fine attire, with an attractive woman on either side of him. And he is downing alcohol like nobody's business.

As each of you survey the scene from your various positions within the tavern, the door bursts open. A woman runs in, her clothes torn, her arm bleeding. She is clearly distraught; tears are flowing down her face. She collapses on the floor and screams:

Someone help me! The Goblins! The Goblins have taken my husband to the mountains! Please, somebody help me!

What do you do?

2015-08-04, 10:19 AM
Sylvia stands up and is by the collapsed woman's side in an instant, examining her wounds and checking to see if she's conscious. If she's conscious, Sylvia says, "Where were the Goblins when you were attacked? Which direction were they going?"

2015-08-04, 10:52 AM
Thorgrid was seated alone in a corner of the Dandy Lion tavern enjoying his mug of ale when a bloodied women came crashing through the door.

Someone help me! The Goblins! The Goblins have taken my husband to the mountains! Please, somebody help me!

In an instant a red haired women is aiding the bloodied women who collapsed on the floor.

Thorgrid moves next to the two women, looking at the bloodied women first, then to the red haired women by her side.

I'm Thorgrid, do you know this women? He says to the red haired women.
Calm down ma'am your safe, start from the beginning. What happened to you and your husband. he says to the bloodied women on the floor.

2015-08-04, 11:46 AM
Taeska had spent the past while futilely attempting to use his Half-Elf friend's good looks to his advantage, but it was apparently having little to no affect on the women in the tavern. He sighs and lifts his ale to take a long draw just as the woman bursts into the room.

At her cries, Taeska sets his mug down on the bar with a solid thunk and bounds to her side, ale and flirting both forgotten. Excitement already!

He kneels to the side and asks "How can I be of help?"

2015-08-04, 04:58 PM
If one had asked him a few weeks ago, Tasseter would have said that had very little knowledge of human custom. His journey from his gnomish homeland had been an eye opening experience, however, and he was pleased to say that he had a grasp on the basics. One tends to pick up a lot from teamsters when traveling by caravan.

Other than the general human lack of a sense of humor, and their odd tendency to only give their children a single name — as opposed to the proud gnomes … who could be said to have 7 or 8 before even dipping into the unofficial nicknames that relatives sometimes bestowed — he had managed to fit in quite well.

The small gnome sat with his feet propped up, near the hearth of the Dandy Lion. A lit pipe sent an aromatic thread of smoke up into the air as he contemplated how to go about the next phase of his trip abroad. His green eyes stared — unfocused and lost in thought — into the embers of the fire. Daydreaming.

Then the commotion at the door snapped the wizard from his reverie!

At the mention of goblins, Tasseter felt his anger rise up. While he had no particular love for the people of Boddock, the enmity between the goblin-folk and his gem born ancestors was the stuff of legend. He sprang to his feet and crossed over toward the small group that had gathered.

Making his way past the big folk, he announces his presence with a polite cough, and a clearing of the throat. "I too, would like to be of assistance, yes?" He says in an accented common. His words have a lyrical tone, spoken in almost a sing-song cadence. "I am a mage by trade, and my people have no small skill when it comes to vermin such as these."

2015-08-04, 07:53 PM
Alfeus, who had been enjoying a relaxing evening in the tavern and had been watching the colorfully dressed lothario get drunk with some interest, is startled by the sudden entrance of a distraught and shrieking woman. Seeing Sylvia take action, Alfeus moves along behind her, standing warily as she tends to the frightened woman. The approach of others who wish to help bodes well for whatever lies ahead. "Water," he calls to the bartender, "Please." He then looks out at the crowd, noticing what the other patrons of the tavern are doing in the commotion.

2015-08-05, 10:34 AM
The woman is instantly mobbed by the five of you, as well as by several well-meaning customers. Once the cacophony dies down, it becomes apparent that she is conscious, and is not in physical peril. She is helped into a nearby chair, and given a mug filled with "something to calm the nerves", according to the bartender. When she regains her composure, she says:

My husband and I live on one of the farms to the North of the town. Today, a group of about a dozen Goblins attacked us without any warning. They picked my husband up and carried him away. I tried to stop them, but... well... that's how I ended up getting so beat up. They took my husband into the mountains, following the river that flows down from them. So I came here to this tavern to see if there was anyone here who could find him and rescue him. I'm afraid that we're poor, and don't have any money, but please, could someone save my husband? I love him so much, and I just know that he's still alive. I can't bear the thought of what those Goblins are doing to him. Can anyone help me?

2015-08-05, 02:37 PM
Thorgrid listening to the poor womens plea for help could not let her cries go unanswered. I will hunt these goblins down and find your husband. If anyone cares to join me we should leave at once.

2015-08-05, 04:56 PM
Alfeus volunteers as well. "We'll bring back your husband safe and sound, I'm sure of it," he says. Having been a prisoner of the goblins before, Alfeus knows them and their treatment of their captives as well as anyone. "Bloodshed may not be necessary, but if it is, you will need a strong arm," he says to Thorgrid, the ranger's choice of words not going unnoticed.

2015-08-06, 09:28 AM
Sylvia, sitting close to the weary and worried woman, watches Thorgrid and Alfeus carefully as they state their intents. A short series of emotions flicker across her face: fear, exasperation, and then resignation. After a moment's pause, she stands up slowly and stands by Alfeus' side. "Then I too shall go. I am no warrior but I may be of service."

2015-08-06, 10:19 AM
Tasseter grinned despite himself, this was shaping up to be such an interesting journey! Oh, the tales he would bring home; a damsel in distress, a kidnapping, and a goblin hunt.

"It is settled then, hm?" The gnome says to the poor, terrified woman. Patting her on the hand to reassure her. "Help you seek, and help you have found."

He straightens up a bit taller then, hands on hips and looks to his taller, big-folk companions. The slightest twinkle of mirth flashes through his green eyes, the hint of a grin playing across his face.

"Shall we be off then? In this, time is not our friend."

2015-08-06, 01:33 PM
Taeska listens intently as everyone speaks. A lady in distress and a kidnapping all at once? This really does sound like a decent start to an adventure.

Looking around at the others who have volunteered their help, he states "I might not have the strength of some of you, but I shall make myself useful on this task." He stands and dips into a sweeping bow before the distressed woman. "Fear not, our fine group of men-" he hesitates for a slit second, flicking his eyes at his new companions "-erm, adventurers... shall do our best to recover your stolen husband and return him to you." He stands with a flourish, eyes twinkling and a small smile playing at his lips.

He nods to the gnome. "Our friend is right, the sooner we be off, the better our chances of success."

2015-08-06, 02:59 PM
Another man approaches with a large greatsword strapped across his back.

My name is Cecil. I will lend my sword to the job as well. I figure you need as much help as you can get.

Thank you all so much! You are all so kind. I don't know how to possibly thank you enough. My name is Rena, by the way. Robald, my husband, was carried by the Goblins up into the mountain along the river path. You can just follow the river straight up. It used to be that we had a mining encampment up there about four hours away, before the Goblins took it a few weeks back. I'd bet they took him there. Again, thank you for your kindness! I know the Gods smile on each of you.

As the six of you begin to take off, the wealthy looking man from the tavern runs out after you. You notice that, after all of the alcohol he's taken in, he looks remarkably sober. He waves you down, and says:

Hello, adventurers! I am Terigald. I am an emissary sent from the city of Clyerdale. I came here to see if I could find the cause of the Goblin attacks. It's not natural, I tell you. They've been relatively peaceful for years. And they've never been so ferocious. Some of them have even mutated. I suspect that there is something behind all this. Rena said that she didn't have anything to offer for your help. If the six of you can find out the cause of the Goblin attacks, then I will provide a nice reward for you, so come find me. Also, don't forget to stock up on supplies at Muntzi's! I know she always had a good deal. Take a look before you head out.

Cecil goes back into the tavern to get his armor on before the group heads out.

Mitzi's Merchandise

Dagger: 1 GP
Light Mace: 4 GP
Shortspear: 1 GP
Longspear: 3 GP
Short Sword: 5 GP
Flint and Steel: 5 SP
Torch: 1 CP
Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 5 GP
Decoy Potion: 1 GP
Potion of Mage Armor: 10 GP

2015-08-06, 08:09 PM
Alfeus greets Cecil with a nod. While Muntzi/Mitzi's prices are downright charitable (especially on potions), the barbarian has insufficient wealth to take advantage of them. To Terigald, he says, "What is the reward you are offering, and do you have a suspicion as to the cause behind the attacks?" If the rich man is looking for someone to fabricate evidence to confirm his previous ideas and perhaps justify violence, he has come to the wrong barbarian, but if he is approaching the situation with an open mind, he may have found his man.

2015-08-06, 08:24 PM
As Alfeus speaks with Terigald, Sylvia visits Muntzi's, delighted with the price of potions of Cure Light Wounds. She forks over 10 gold for two potions.

2015-08-06, 09:59 PM
Thorgrid eager to grab some supplies before they head out stops by Muntzi's shop, picking up a Cure Light Wounds potion and a Torch. He places 5 gold and 1 copper coin on the counter, thanks the halfling and heads back to the group. Thorgrid is happy that Cecil has joined them in there quest after all there is strength in numbers, but keeps a watchful eye on him, still not certain of his motives.

2015-08-06, 10:47 PM
Alfeus greets Cecil with a nod. While Muntzi/Mitzi's prices are downright charitable (especially on potions), the barbarian has insufficient wealth to take advantage of them. To Terigald, he says, "What is the reward you are offering, and do you have a suspicion as to the cause behind the attacks?" If the rich man is looking for someone to fabricate evidence to confirm his previous ideas and perhaps justify violence, he has come to the wrong barbarian, but if he is approaching the situation with an open mind, he may have found his man.

Don't worry, the reward will be well worth the while for adventurers like yourselves. To be honest, I think there's some dark magic involved with these Goblins. They're acting strange. Some are mutating. And I hear that reports say that these Goblins have purple glowing eyes. That's not natural. Now, I'm not asking you to go out of your way to find out what's causing this. It's probably extremely dangerous, whatever it is. All I'm asking is that, if you do find out what's going on, please tell me. This has to be stopped.

2015-08-07, 05:07 AM
"Hm, this is odd, yes." Tasseter ponders aloud as Terigald shares his description of these goblins. He strokes his meticulously trimmed goatee as he thinks back to his days in the magical university.

Would Tass recognize these mutations and glowing eyes as the result of any particular sort of influence?



2015-08-07, 09:31 AM
"That would certainly be serious. I know I for one will be keeping my eyes open for any signs of... unnaturalness from the creatures." Taeska grins and shoots Terigald a wink. "Promise of reward always makes my eyes sharper."

2015-08-07, 07:54 PM
"Alright then." Alfeus says, looking around at the assembled party. "If there's nothing else, I suggest we make haste." From the sound of things, these were not the typical goblins--certainly not the ones he had experience with.

2015-08-09, 10:35 AM
Sylvia's trepidation about the journey is mounting. As she considers the prospect of strange and mutated goblins, she hears the call of the trees loud and clear. But she more strongly feels the plight of the poor woman, frantic about her stolen husband. Sylvia straightens her spine and looks in the direction of the river.

2015-08-11, 12:27 PM
Thorgrid anxious about what is waiting for them in the mining camp tries to calm his nerves. He plucks an arrow from his quiver and begins to twirl it between his fingers for several minutes, when that finally doesn't work he decides to address the whole group. Perhaps when we reach the farm house Taeska and I should scout ahead of the group, Goblins are notorious for ambushes. And if these aren't your normal Goblins then we should be extra cautious. Thorgrid then looking at Taeska says in a calm voice What do you say?

2015-08-11, 05:31 PM
Taeska nods in agreement. "That would be wise, I should think." He looks around the group, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as he continues, "Are we all set? We'd best be off, if there's nothing else that needs doing before moving."

He reaches up and absently runs his fingers through his hair as he shifts from one foot to the other.

2015-08-14, 01:02 AM
Cecil comes out of the tavern, decked out in a fierce-looking set of full-plate.

The wonderful party of six sets off, ready for a new adventure! You begin the journey up into the mountains. You pass the farm house, at which point Thorgrid and Taeska take the lead scouting ahead. As you follow the path along the river, it starts getting steeper as you go up into the mountains. Cecil starts lagging at the back of the group, barely able to keep up in his armor. Eventually, the the path begins to rise above the water. To your left is a cliff that drops down to the river (roughly 50 feet down); to your right is another cliff (roughly 20 feet high) above you.

As you're journeying, you hear a loud cry as goblins begin hopping off of the cliff ledge to your right. One of them, a large one, is able to run in and knock poor Cecil (who was standing at the edge of the cliff) into the river below. The goblin, unable to stop his momentum, flies off the edge as well. The several goblins that are left have the glowing purple eyes, as mentioned before, and look furious.

Here (https://app.roll20.net/join/975470/MFYZ5w) is the link to a virtual tabletop that I would like to try out for this combat. Click on the link and log in. I picked the first avatars that I could find for y'all. If you don't like them, pick a different one.

Here's the turn order, in case you can't find it on the site:

We'll see how this works. If it doesn't, we'll try something else for combat. Here we go!

2015-08-14, 02:13 PM
Before another moment passes after Cecil's fall into the river, Sylvia mentally directs her horse Maurice to attack the goblin closest to him. Maurice, spooked by the glowing goblin eyes but able to follow orders from his mistress, rears up and brings both his front hooves down on the goblin's exposed skull.

Sylvia then takes out her sling and a sling bullet. She aims for a goblin nearby and lets loose both the bullet and a cry of anger.

Maurice (full attack): [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]

Sylvia: [roll4], [roll5]

2015-08-14, 05:10 PM
Goblin 1 takes two hits from the horse, and Sylvia's sling bullet misses him.

2015-08-14, 05:59 PM
"Tch, goblins..." Taeska draws his bow and hopes he had practiced well enough to do some good as he lets an arrow fly at one of the small figures.

Taeska attempts to shoot the goblin in his line of sight. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Sneak attack if applicable: [roll2]

2015-08-15, 10:13 AM
"Tch, goblins..." Taeska draws his bow and hopes he had practiced well enough to do some good as he lets an arrow fly at one of the small figures.

Taeska attempts to shoot the goblin in his line of sight. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Sneak attack if applicable: [roll2]

Goblin 6 snarls as he is hit by Taeska's arrow!

2015-08-16, 09:48 AM
Tasseter was no warrior, but that did not mean he was unprepared for a fight. He turns towards the largest group of goblins he can target with out also striking his allies, and begins to speak an enchantment.

Whorls of color begin to trail from his fingertips, a myriad of ever-shifting and brightly colored patterns begins to emerge. It grows as he completes the spell, collapsing into itself and shifting as it strains against the magical constraints Tass has put on the arcane energy.

Then he looses it! He imagines the globe of hypnotic and disruptive energy as a pressure filled container ... one with a seam that faces away from him. One that he faces toward the enemy ... and opens, releasing the maddening, chaotic mess, and letting it wash over them.

Tass will use a move action if he needs to, to get into a good postition to target as many Gobs as possible. He will not target any allies with this spell.

He will cast Color Spray.

If he can target a fair number of gobs without moving, his move action will be to draw his crossbow.

2015-08-16, 10:01 AM
Goblin 3 has his ridiculously ugly posterior handed to him as he is unconscious, blind, and stunned by Tasseter's arcane might. Goblin 2 manages to resist the incoming flood of rainbow light.

2015-08-16, 10:48 AM
And that's why you don't wear full-plate, Alfeus thinks as he watches helplessly as Cecil is knocked into the river. Depending how deep the river is, Cecil might drown before they can reach him. Either way, after they'd dealt with the goblins, they would have to go in after him.

The goblins are the pressing concern and he watches with a sense of pride as Sylvia emphatically defends herself from the goblin's assault. Tasseter's magic is equally impressive. The unconscious goblin poses two options--a quick kill before turning his attention to the other, or leave it alive to be questioned, later. Although his first thought favors the former, a moment's rational conclusion leads him to instead focus his assault on the goblin still standing. Charging past Tasseter, he draws his greatclub and brings it down on the goblin in one smooth motion.

Alfeus (charging): [roll0], [roll1]

AC 13 until next round.

2015-08-16, 04:25 PM
Thorgrid readies his bow and takes aim at the goblins between him and the rest of the party, he quickly fires off an arrow at the first goblin then draws back and releases an arrow at the second goblin.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-08-16, 07:42 PM
Charging past Tasseter, he draws his greatclub and brings it down on the goblin in one smooth motion.

Alfeus (charging): [roll0], [roll1]

AC 13 until next round.

A smashing hit! The Goblin definitely didn't like that.

Thorgrid readies his bow and takes aim at the goblins between him and the rest of the party, he quickly fires off an arrow at the first goblin then draws back and releases an arrow at the second goblin.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

The first arrow hits Goblin 4, but Goblin 5 is unscathed.

The goblins, now enraged, go in for their attacks.

Goblin 1 attacks Maurice with a Shortsword: Miss
Goblin 2 attacks Alfeus with a Battleaxe: Miss
Goblin 4 attacks Thorgrid with a Shortsword: Hit - 4 damage
Goblin 5 attacks Taeska with a Shortsword: Hit - 6 damage
Goblin 6 attacks Taeskawith a Club: Miss

2015-08-17, 11:57 AM
Sylvia's horse Maurice attacks the goblin next to him with two hooves again. Sylvia moves behind Alfeus, on her way to the second group of goblins, and she uses her sling at the goblin by the corner of the cliff.

Maurice (full attack): [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]
Sylvia: [roll4], [roll5]

2015-08-17, 12:15 PM
Taeska cries out at the strike from the goblin, struggling to focus through the pain as he dives back from the goblins. He brings his bow up as he comes from the roll and lets loose an arrow as soon as he can direct it in the direction of the goblin that had slashed him.

Tumble to move back: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]

2015-08-18, 03:11 PM
Maurice delivers a powerful blow to Goblin 1, knocking him unconscious!

Sylvia's stone fails to strike true.

Taeska successfully gets out of the Goblins' way, but his arrow doesn't hit them in the confusion.

2015-08-20, 07:21 PM
Tasseter takes a conservative approach, moving forward, past the unconscious goblin and the one dealing with the barbarian Alfeus, and, once in position, fires his crossbow at the goblin close to the cliff near Taeska.

Crossbow: [roll0], [roll1]

Alfeus grunts as he brings his club smashing down on the goblin once again.

Greatclub: [roll2], [roll3]

2015-08-20, 11:55 PM
Tasseter's bolt hits the ground near the Goblin he was aiming for.

Alfeus's mighty swing is barely dodged by the Goblin in front of him.

2015-08-21, 03:35 PM
Thorgrid quickly takes aim at the goblin right in from of him and fires off two arrows.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-08-21, 04:37 PM
Thorgrid quickly takes aim at the goblin right in from of him and fires off two arrows.

A couple of notes on your action here:

Using a ranged attack in melee range of an enemy (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20070710a) provokes an attack of opportunity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/attacksOfOpportunity.htm).
To get around this, you may take a 5-foot step (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm) before making your full attack. (Sorry, you'll have to use Ctrl+F to find exactly what I'm talking about. I can't get more precise text in a link).
For the sake of time, I'm going to assume that you take a 5-foot step.
Also, your first attack will kill Goblin 4, so I'll redirect your next attack to Goblin 5.

The three Goblins that are still up continue to attack with ferocity!

Goblin 2 attacks Alfeus with a Battleaxe: Miss
Goblin 5 attacks Thorgrid with a Shortsword: Miss
Goblin 6 attacks Taeska with a Club: Miss

2015-08-23, 10:07 AM
Sylvia and Maurice the horse move closer to the active group of goblins. Sylvia pats her friend, communing silently with him about the goblin blood spilled, both knowing it is a terrible but sometimes necessary act. Sylvia steadies herself and readies her sling. She wonders about these strange and aggressive creatures, as she lets another bullet fly.

Sylvia: [roll0], [roll1]

2015-08-23, 10:53 AM
Taeska curses under his breath and rolls further away from the goblin again, not wanting to risk another hit. Those things hurt. Drawing his bow back up, he lets fly another arrow.

Tumble: [roll0] Attack: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Taeska rolls back two squares (I drew a blue line, hopefully that works x_x), and attacks the goblin down and to the right on the map.

2015-08-23, 10:32 PM
Sylvia and Maurice the horse move closer to the active group of goblins. Sylvia pats her friend, communing silently with him about the goblin blood spilled, both knowing it is a terrible but sometimes necessary act. Sylvia steadies herself and readies her sling. She wonders about these strange and aggressive creatures, as she lets another bullet fly.

Sylvia's long throw hits, and Goblin 5 drops to the ground!

Taeska curses under his breath and rolls further away from the goblin again, not wanting to risk another hit. Those things hurt. Drawing his bow back up, he lets fly another arrow.

Taeska successfully rolls back and delivers a nice hit with his arrow.

2015-08-24, 06:06 AM
Tasseter winces when his first shot went wide … luckily for him, Alfeus was there to engage the goblin nearest him. He shuddered to think what might have happened if the tall warrior hadn't been there.

Then, turning his attention to the far side of the battle field, Tass levels his crossbow at the remaining goblin.

Tass will take a 5' step (1 square northeast) toward his target, reload his crossbow, and fire. It looks like Tass might be right at the edge of a 80' range increment for his light crossbow … @VGLord, I'll defer to your counting distance-wise, the shot will be at -2 if it is deemed greater than 80'.

[roll0], [roll1](<--- I did not add any distance penalties to this roll, adjust as needed.)

2015-08-24, 06:09 AM
Woot! Tass threatened a critical!

Crit confirm, [roll0]
extra crit damage, [roll1]

2015-08-24, 07:58 AM
Out of the corner of his eye Alfeus sees the devastating effects of Sylvia and her horse, smirking somewhat at the efficacy of the druid. He brings his own greatclub up once more, to smash the goblin remaining engaged in battle with him.

Greatclub: [roll0], [roll1]

2015-08-24, 09:02 AM
Thorgrid takes aim at the only goblin near him and Taeska. He once again shoots off two arrows at the beast.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2015-08-24, 02:04 PM
With a flurry of powerful blows from the party, the remaining Goblins are dropped to the ground, leaving only Goblin 3, who is out cold.

2015-08-24, 10:11 PM
"Alright," Alfeus says, walking over to the edge of the cliff and peering down into the water. "With as much as he weighs, Cecil can't have gone far. Anyone got some rope? Tie it around my waist, I'll dive in and fish him out."

2015-08-24, 11:33 PM
Thorgrid grabs his rope and quickly ties it around Alfeus's waist. Quick everyone grab on.


2015-08-25, 08:10 AM
Alfeus checks the rope to ensure it is securely around his waist, and once everyone is holding on to the other end, begins to climb down the cliff face. When he gets to the river, he will dive down and look for any sign of Cecil.

Climb: [roll0]
Swim: [roll1]

2015-08-25, 08:33 PM
Alfeus checks the rope to ensure it is securely around his waist, and once everyone is holding on to the other end, begins to climb down the cliff face. When he gets to the river, he will dive down and look for any sign of Cecil.

Alfeus successfully lowers himself down to the water, but as he attempts to swim, he finds that the current is too strong, and he has trouble navigating through the water. Poking his head under, he can tell that the river is very deep. As he moves within the range of his rope, he is unable to see Cecil.

2015-08-25, 08:36 PM
Alfeus swims to the near shore and shouts up, "We'll need to move along with the current! I can't see him yet!" If the party is willing/ able to follow the path of the river, Alfeus will let the current carry him, continuing to look underwater for Cecil.

Can Alfeus see the bottom of the river?

2015-08-26, 08:21 AM
Sylvia, displeased with Alfeus' riparian antics, sighs heavily. Now that the battle is over and her partner has now jumped into the river in such a foolhardy fashion, Sylvia turns around and delivers a casual quarterstaff blow to the unconscious goblin to keep him out cold for the time being. "I hope they find Cecil soon, so we can get on with questioning this poor goblin," mutters Sylvia.

Sylvia: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Coup de grace (non-lethal)

2015-08-26, 01:33 PM
Taeska fidgets as he helps hold the rope, the pull straining his injuries. "Any sign yet?" he calls out. He casts glances over at the unconscious goblin, though he refuses to acknowledge that he's nervous about it waking up and finishing him off.

2015-08-26, 07:04 PM
"Nothing, yet! I may need to go deeper into the river--can you give me some more slack on the rope? Or can someone climb down with it?" Alfeus calls up.

2015-08-26, 10:15 PM
"Nothing, yet! I may need to go deeper into the river--can you give me some more slack on the rope? Or can someone climb down with it?" Alfeus calls up.

Alfeus is able to see the bottom of the river close to the cliff, but it descends rather quickly into darkness. More likely than not, Cecil was carried down there. You're not able to see him from where you are.

2015-08-27, 07:05 AM
Tass makes his way over to the edge of the cliff. Cautiously, he peers down the incline at the rushing waters below … fearing that he too might slip and be carried away.

Taking a few carefully placed stapes back, he turns to the remaining goblin, still quite dazed from Tasseter's spell. He begins to tie up the gob as best he can.

2015-08-27, 08:28 AM
"Drop the rope," Alfeus calls down. "I'll swim down to the river bottom and see what I can see, then swim back." He is confident in his muscles.

Assuming compliance with his request:

Swim: [roll0]

2015-08-27, 11:28 AM
"If you're certain," Taeska nods as he lets go of the rope. He winces and looks around. "I don't suppose anyone has any bandages while we wait? Those goblins gave me a bit of a beating."

2015-08-27, 03:57 PM
Thorgrid watches as Alfeus dives under the water again, searching for there lost friend. Thorgrid is worried about the out come of this situation.
He then directs his attention to Taeska, he reaches into his belt pouch and pulls out a potion of cure light wounds. Here, make it count its the only one I got. He says to Taeska, handing him the potion.

2015-08-28, 01:30 PM
Taeska gratefully takes the potion and gives it a quick sniff before downing it. "Thank you, friend. That was very much appreciated."

Go go gadget healing potion~ [roll0]

2015-08-28, 07:11 PM
"Drop the rope," Alfeus calls down. "I'll swim down to the river bottom and see what I can see, then swim back." He is confident in his muscles.

In spite of Alfeus's best efforts, he isn't able to find Cecil. The river is too large, and the current is too quick.

2015-08-28, 07:34 PM
Alfeus returns empty handed. He throws the rope back up to the clifftop, so that others can support his climb up. When he reaches the top, he says, not without a twinge of remorse, "He's gone." If the gods meant them to find their fallen friend, they would have. Perhaps he would turn up later. Then he walks over to the goblin, and gives him a hearty slap across the face to wake him.

Climb: [roll0]

2015-08-29, 02:51 PM
Thorgrid coils his rope back up and heads over to the dead goblins to collect his arrows and search there bodies for items and anything useful.

2015-08-30, 09:38 PM
Then he walks over to the goblin, and gives him a hearty slap across the face to wake him.

The Goblin is knocked over by the blow, and begins hissing and struggling violently to free himself from the rope. He thrashes about, his purple eyes gleaming brightly.

Thorgrid coils his rope back up and heads over to the dead goblins to collect his arrows and search there bodies for items and anything useful.

Thorgrid doesn't find anything useful, unless he wants to take the weapons they were carrying.

2015-08-30, 09:48 PM
Alfeus speaks to the goblin prisoner in Goblin. "<Hello. You fought well. My name is Alfeus. What is your name?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-08-31, 01:43 PM
Alfeus speaks to the goblin prisoner in Goblin. "<Hello. You fought well. My name is Alfeus. What is your name?"

The Goblin looks Alfeus and snarls. He then continues thrashing against the rope that binds him, struggling to get out.

2015-08-31, 08:13 PM
Alfeus continues, unperturbed. "<Resistance is futile. There is but one of you, and we are many. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. If you insist, I will break every one of your bones as I seek the answers to my questions. Are you from the Thrash'tuk village? Did Jexmaz send you?>" Alfeus asks, using the name of the village he had been held captive in, and the elders of the village there.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2015-09-01, 07:02 PM
Alfeus continues, unperturbed. "<Resistance is futile. There is but one of you, and we are many. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. If you insist, I will break every one of your bones as I seek the answers to my questions. Are you from the Thrash'tuk village? Did Jexmaz send you?>" Alfeus asks, using the name of the village he had been held captive in, and the elders of the village there.

The Goblin spits at Alfeus. Simple human! I do not serve Jexmaz. He is weak. He is as low as you scum.

2015-09-01, 07:20 PM
Thorgrid, cutting the ears off a dead goblin turns around and address the goblin. So you can speak, well this certainty is interesting. He begins to walk towards to goblin, dagger in hand. How about you tell us what we want to know and I wont have to mutilate you like I did your friend here.


2015-09-01, 07:42 PM
Is the goblin answering in Goblin or Common?

Alfeus looks at Thorgrid, surprised to see another non-goblinoid Goblin speaker. "Who do you serve?" Alfeus asks.

2015-09-01, 10:10 PM
Thorgrid, cutting the ears off a dead goblin turns around and address the goblin. So you can speak, well this certainty is interesting. He begins to walk towards to goblin, dagger in hand. How about you tell us what we want to know and I wont have to mutilate you like I did your friend here.

The Goblin looks unfazed. I do not fear pain. I do not fear death.

Is the goblin answering in Goblin or Common?

Alfeus looks at Thorgrid, surprised to see another non-goblinoid Goblin speaker. "Who do you serve?" Alfeus asks.

He's speaking in Goblin, because that's what you spoke in. Sorry, I forgot to mention that.

I serve my mistress, Nuuyl.

The name "Nuuyl" tugs at Thorgrid's memory. He very faintly remembers legends of an ancient Goddess by that name. One who was known for her cruelty and spite.

2015-09-01, 10:24 PM
"I wish to serve your mistress. I have proven my strength. Will you bring me to her?" Of course, Alfeus has no such intentions, but the goblin's response will be interesting either way.

Bluff: [roll0]

2015-09-02, 08:02 PM
Sorry I thought the Goblin was speaking in common, so disregard me talking to him and his answear I guess

2015-09-02, 11:58 PM
"I wish to serve your mistress. I have proven my strength. Will you bring me to her?" Of course, Alfeus has no such intentions, but the goblin's response will be interesting either way.

Silly Human! Nuuyl is a great Goddess! I cannot take you to her, and she would not accept you as a follower. Not unless you were truly Evil.

2015-09-03, 07:55 AM
"Will you take me to your leader, so that I can prove my worth and join your cause?" Alfeus asks.

2015-09-04, 08:24 AM
Sylvia waits to hear the goblin's response. How can this possibly go well... and wherever it goes, I'll have to go too, Sylvia thinks. She shifts her weight back and forth, glancing around, before settling again.

2015-09-04, 09:57 PM
"Will you take me to your leader, so that I can prove my worth and join your cause?" Alfeus asks.

Ha! You're not welcome. You and your group are here to save our captives. At least the ones that are still alive! Did you think I was dense, like the other Goblins? Mistress Nuuyl has made me wise!

2015-09-05, 08:16 AM
"Wise enough to know what will happen to you should you displease me," Alfeus says, lowering his voice menacingly. In a swift motion, his dagger is out and at the goblin's throat. "You will tell me where you are keeping your captives, or your refusal will be the last act of your meaningless life."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2015-09-09, 12:10 AM
"Wise enough to know what will happen to you should you displease me," Alfeus says, lowering his voice menacingly. In a swift motion, his dagger is out and at the goblin's throat. "You will tell me where you are keeping your captives, or your refusal will be the last act of your meaningless life."

I do not fear pain! I do not fear death! Mistress Nuuyl will make things right. You cannot scare me, human! You cannot!

2015-09-09, 08:13 AM
"Very well," Alfeus says, raising his greatclub and smashing the goblin's skull. Then he turns to the rest of the group, and begins speaking in common. "He was, as you might expect, entirely unwilling to reveal any information. That said, I was able to learn a few things. I learned Goblin when I was held captive by a tribe of honorable goblins not far from here. This goblin was not from that tribe, and indicated that the membership of that tribe are not aligned with the force that attacked us. He and his compatriots serve Nuuyl, a goblin deity I am unfamiliar with. They know that we are coming to rescue the captives we have taken." He offers the information to the group freely, so that they might best decide the next course of action. He has his own plans, but he holds them back to facilitate the group's discussion. In the absence of an existing idea, the brain forms it's own plans. Were he to suggest something, it would be easier to agree than to determine independently, and he is interested in what the others might suggest.

2015-09-09, 04:05 PM
This Goblin camp you speak of, how far from here is it? Do you think they would help in our cause to free the prisoners, or at least have supplies to aid in the rescue.

2015-09-09, 05:48 PM
I'm just making this up as I go, if the DM wants to change anything, I'm happy to edit my post.

"It's not far, only a few miles. I left on good terms, and from the sound of things, there's some dissension among the goblin tribes. It's likely they can offer some aid; what form it will take I can not predict." Alfeus says.

2015-09-09, 11:16 PM
I'm just making this up as I go, if the DM wants to change anything, I'm happy to edit my post.

Actually, that gives me a great idea. Let's run with it. :biggrin: