View Full Version : [Dark Dungeons] The Crypt of the Crocodile King -- IC

2015-08-05, 05:10 PM

Centuries ago this forsaken corner of the Realm of Man was ruled by a race of crocodile-men, whose reign was ended in a great and sudden cataclysm. Their monuments, cyclopean towers and cavernous citadels can still be found, dotting the countryside and oftentimes inhabited by those brave, clever, courageous or clever enough to claim them as their own. Those who venture inside tell tales of great hoards of wealth still guarded by the cancriform clockwork constructs for which the crocodile-men were famed for producing, or by the degenerate descendants of their human slaves or by undead sentinels set by the palustral priests of forgotten gods.

Chief amongst the treasures to be wrested from the tombs of the crocodile men is the increasingly rare substance known to modern alchemy as "Crocodile Tears", a clear, slightly saline solution that served to power their acroamatic automata. So prized are these Tears -- the secret of its making being lost to the years and perhaps forever unknowable by mammals -- that alchemists are willing to pay as much as 50 gold gharials an ounce!

Several days ago, an hour's walk outside the small trading town of Plud, a torrential rainfall caused a mudslide, sloughing off a thick layer of soil from the side of a hill and revealing what appears to be a hitherto before unknown crocodilian structure. The adventurers have heard rumors of this discovery, brought to Plud by the wagging tongues of wandering shepherds.

Thirdmonth, Firstday
9:00 am
Outside the Crypt

The adventurers and their cohort, having left early in the morning to investigate the tales for themselves, find themselves standing before the tomb. Protruding from the heart of a sloping hill -- at the bottom of which drying mud is layered feet deep in its valley -- is an enormous crocodile head carved from the living stone itself. Its great jaws are open, creating a betoothed tunnel that the brave or foolhardy could venture down, into the very center of the hill! Climbing the hill, the party peers into the shadowy darkness of the monument's gullet, noting that the jaws form a funnel some thirty feet deep, terminating in a large corroded bronze door. Surely a vast treasure lies beyond, ready for brave explorers to bring it to the surface.

I'm a fan of throwing you guys right into the action. Assume everyone knows each other already.

2015-08-06, 10:39 AM
"Isum, you take the lead, and Gar, you cover our rear. Be cautious, there's no telling what dangers lie ahead."

The Black Cloak fell into formation between the two mercenaries, walking slowly with his staff for support.

2015-08-06, 11:35 AM
Thirdmonth, Firstday
The Entrance to the Crypt
9:10 am

The adventurers line up and enter the gaping maw. Stone teeth the size of a man's forearm project from the floor and ceiling on either side of the gullet, rising (or falling) at an incline until the upper and lower jaws meet some twenty feet in. The floor is made of cut and laid flagstones, and is mostly covered by an inch or more of slick wet mud. There are a few small, bare footprints by the entrance to the maw -- it seems likely these were made by the young shepherds who discovered this place -- but the further one goes into the corridor the less disturbed the mud is. There are no print visible in front of the massive interior door, which, as the adventurers approach, stands slightly ajar. Not by much, a thumb's-width, perhaps.

2015-08-08, 05:21 PM
Kargum stood shoulder to the man, Isum's waist as they entered the maw. A trickle of sweat dropped from his tattooed forehead, down and disappearing into the vastness of his beard when he bent low, even for a dwarf at the flagstones and the prints, particularly the ones that seemed to taper off, and of course the bronze door itself, ever so slightly ajar, enticing in its invitation.

"No tellin what dangers be waitin right here. Lemme see what the stones have to say for themselves."

He was careful, cautious for a dwarf, as he inspected the floor, especially around the door, and even took a moment to study the walls and bronze entrance itself.

2015-08-08, 07:20 PM
The footprints appear to have been left by humans -- either young or suffering from some rare form of micropedalism -- and the patterns indicate hesitancy to the doughty dwarf. Likely several youth stood here, daring each other to approach the great fanged entryway.

A closer examination of the door indicates that the the bronze latch that once secured it has corroded. The stonework seems fairly normal, with no indications of traps or hidden passages. It was clearly not fashioned by the hands of dwarves, that much is clear, but overall seems to be of decent construction.

2015-08-08, 07:47 PM
"Croc craftsmanship was decent, but nothing notable it seems." Kargum huffed bemused. He glanced over his shoulder at the Black Cloak with a wicked glimmer in his eyes. "I'll take a peek ahead and continue if nothing sodding nasty is there." He grasped the bronze door and opened it slowly, only enough to peer into what waited beyond.

2015-08-08, 09:03 PM
"Careful, brave dwarf ...."

The fledgling mage braced himself for the worst gripping his staff, even with experienced warriors surrounding him. He'd always imagined adventuring the unknown, but this was the real test! He licked his lips which had grown dry from his low, heavy breathing and went over a spell in his head ....

2015-08-09, 08:23 AM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
9:15 am

The door swings open inwardly on ancient, corroded hinges, revealing a circular room some thirty feet in diameter. A thick layer of dust, seemingly undisturbed, coats the floor. In what looks to be the exact center of the room stands a stone statue depicting some unknown crocodile-man; life-sized, it depicts a noble in his kind clad in the fish-bone armor their race is known for, with a stone crown upon his reptilian brow. One arm, the four fingers ending in long claws, is raised, pointing regally towards the south and the adventurers.

There are no visible exits from the room other than the one the adventurers currently occupy.

As a general rule, I operate of the assumption of "dungeon north". That is, the entrance to any given dungeon is typically at the south end of the map, and they party faces north as they enter. It just makes mapping easier.

2015-08-09, 02:20 PM
"Ah, take a look Black Cloak! Their bloody king greets us." Kargum snorted. The dwarf stepped inside the circular room, inspecting the dust-ridden floor all the way to the center, where the stone Crocodile King pointed regally at them and the exit. With no obvious way of penetrating the crypt further, Kargum was careful in his approach of the king. "I'm curious what the stone king hides" He inspected the stonework with due diligence and caution.

2015-08-09, 04:27 PM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
1 turn elapsed

With the door opened, the room is reasonably well-lit by sunlight streaming in through the toothed maw. Any detailed investigation will require an additional light source of some sort, such as a lantern or torch. Once this light is provided, Kargum steps forward to examine the statue. After several minutes, he is reasonably certain that it is designed to be moved in some manner, most likely rotated around on its vertical axis.

2015-08-09, 05:45 PM
"Perhaps I misspoke. They were more clever than I gave credit. Thanks for the light Isum, be a good pal and help me turn our friend here around. Come on in everyone, I have a hunch our exit is about to close."

Kargum grasped the stone crocodile king and attempted to rotate it with brute force along its verticals axis, clockwise, 180' to point its regal claws north.

2015-08-10, 01:13 PM
It takes some effort -- the mechanism allowing the statue to pivot is clearly old -- but eventually the statue rotates 180 degrees. Nothing happens when the statue is moved.

2015-08-10, 01:54 PM
Entering the ancient room, the mage looks about for any signs of danger,

"Perhaps there is a hidden pathway of some sort ...?

Isomannon walks to the bizarre statue and begins to examine it ....


2015-08-10, 02:14 PM
Kargum thoughtfully stroked his beard. "Or we picked the wrong direction. Let's try 90' to the west, and if nothing happens, 180' the other way pointing east. How about it Isum? Let's give the king another good push in the 'right' direction" The dwarf chuckled too much at his own joke, and attempted to turn the king as directed.

2015-08-10, 07:03 PM
Entering the ancient room, the mage looks about for any signs of danger,

"Perhaps there is a hidden pathway of some sort ...?

Isomannon walks to the bizarre statue and begins to examine it ....


Don't forget that I make all the rolls

The Black Cloak notes nothing overtly magical about the statue, or its construction.

Kargum thoughtfully stroked his beard. "Or we picked the wrong direction. Let's try 90' to the west, and if nothing happens, 180' the other way pointing east. How about it Isum? Let's give the king another good push in the 'right' direction" The dwarf chuckled too much at his own joke, and attempted to turn the king as directed.

The statue moves as intended, with no obvious result.

2015-08-10, 07:41 PM
He sighed and scratched his tattooed dome absentmindedly. Perhaps a further step was necessary? He approached the east wall, the statue pointing its claw in that direction. Kargum investigated the wall itself for some subtle indication of change or an impression in the stone.

2015-08-11, 08:39 AM
Still standing near the stone monarch, the wizard turns to look in the southern direction it was pointing in originally,

"There had to be something to its gesture: pointing south. That, or perhaps the entire structure can be moved?"

2015-08-11, 01:48 PM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
2 turns elapsed

Kargum examines a ten foot section of the eastern wall, which also happens to be the section of wall the statue is currently pointing to. His keen dwarven senses note a hairline crack in the stone that forms the outline of a door. No visible handle or catch is apparent, and Kargum thinks it is designed to move inwards with pressure applied from the antechamber where they currently stand.

2015-08-11, 03:18 PM
"Thank the stones! Black Cloak I think I've discovered something. Come Isum, put your hands against the wall here, and together let's give it a push! Ready? Go!" Kargum applied pressure against that portion of the eastern wall.

2015-08-12, 06:39 AM
It takes no small amount of effort, but the stone door is pushed back and then slid to one side, revealing a dusty set of spiral stone stairs going up. From where the adventurers stand it is impossible to tell what is at the top, or even how high the stairs go.

2015-08-12, 10:09 AM
The Black Cloak gazed at the staircase, startled,

"Beard of Belial!" This seems fairly advanced for demi-monsters .... is this unusual to you, Kargum?"

2015-08-12, 10:42 AM
Kargum laughed, half amused with his companions exclamation, half pleased his dwarven senses identified their pathway further into the crypt. He gazed up at the staircase, and then shook his head. "Aye Iso...Unusual and promising. Sodding Crocs. They must have hidden important and valuable things. Shall we see where the stair go?"

Kargum checked the stone stairs first for any disconcerting marks or indications of traps before trudging up them, pleased to leave the antechamber behind them, and anticipating what waited ahead.

2015-08-12, 03:08 PM
While it is a common practice among those currently entrenched in power to hurl epithets such as "barbaric" and "primitive" upon those who came before, the crocodile-men were in fact just as capable as modern man in the lore of masonry, stonecutting and carpentry. Perhaps not to rival dwarven craftmasters, nor elven woodwrights, but certainly capable of raising great monuments and deep dungeons.

The Crypt of the Crocodile King
2.5 turns elapsed

The adventurers follow the winding staircase upwards. It rises perhaps twenty-five feet, and Kargum's innate dwarfish senses suggest that, upon reaching the final step, the party is facing north. Before them runs a ten foot wide hallway, with an arched ceiling that peaks fifteen feet above the laid flagstone floor. The hallway runs north further than the adventurers can see with their current light source. There is a stout wooden door set into the eastern wall twenty feet north of the end of the staircase; opposite this in the western wall is a ten foot wide archway that opens into what appears to be a larger room, although the companions will have to approach closer to determine exactly what lies beyond.

2015-08-12, 03:52 PM
"It appears the long lost crocs were far more capable than I'd imagined. Makes one wonder what exactly made them all disappear doesn't it?" Kargum mused, and appeared once again transfixed on their craftsmanship. "Can't hurt to give these flagstones a look over before proceeding. I'm thinking we get a good look beyond the western archway first. Clear the room, check the Eastern Door, and if we're still in one piece after all that, we keep moving north." Kargum offered his sound advice and stroked his beard once again, bending low to check the stone pathway, and if all seemed well, he would move forward and take a peek into the larger room beyond the western archway.

2015-08-13, 07:47 AM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
3 turns elapsed

The adventurers proceed down the hallway, reaching the point directly between the door and archway. Advancing the light this far forward allows them to see the end of the hallway, thirty feet past their current position, at the far end of what illumination provides. At the far northern end the hallway terminates in closed double doors, framed by the stylized carving of a crocodile (normal, not humanoid), rearing up on the east side of the jamb, draping over the top of the doors, with its head and maw falling down the western edge.

To the east, the companions note a stout door of oaken construction, set into a more typical and much less elaborate door jamb. The archway to the west opens up into a smallish room, perhaps thirty feet wide (north to south) and thirty feet deep (east to west). The archway opens into the center of the eastern wall.

Opposite the archway, in the center of the western wall, stands an almost abstract statue of a large crocodile man, with a large, bulbous belly, four arms akimbo and two heads -- one peering north, the other south. The statue is large, rising some fifteen feet with its heads almost brushing the arched ceiling of this room, which rises some twenty feet in the center. Red gems set into the two visible eyes wink in the torchlight.

A sunken pit is in the center of the room, and faded murals cover the walls. To get an idea of what the murals portray or what -- if anything -- lies within the pit the adventurers must venture further into the room.

2015-08-13, 10:11 AM
Seeing another even taller statue of a crocodile creature, this one even more bizarre than the last, the Black Cloak bristles,

"I've a bad feeling about this space. Careful here, everyone. Isum, what do you make of that pit?"

Isomannon takes off his pack and draws his map tools out, noting the party's travel to this point. Occasionally, he surveys the room for signs of danger ....

"I'd like to examine this statue as well. Perhaps it has untold secrets worth collecting."

Mapping, Danger Sense, and Magical Engineering

2015-08-13, 10:29 AM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
4 turns elapsed

Advancing within, the adventurers note the floor is covered in a layer of undisturbed dust. The pit proves to be a circle perhaps ten feet in diameter; the depth is unclear, as it is filled with a sludgy, viscous liquid up to approximately one foot below the level of the floor. The Black Cloak is relatively certain that, presuming there is no spring or natural means of feeding the liquid within the pool, any amount of water would have evaporated centuries ago. Before the adventurers can examine the statue, the surface of the liquid starts to roil and churn, and a creature that looks to be a cross between a crocodile and squid breaks the surface of the water, propelling itself through the thick liquid with writhing, besuckered tentacles, its toothed maw opening and closing, exposing wickedly sharp teeth! It is roughly the size of a large dog, and seems intent on attacking.

Combat. Gentlemen, please declare your intentions for the upcoming round, including those you would like any henchmen to take.
Wandering Monster (1 on 1d6): (1d6=1) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4848615/)
Are the adventurers surprised (1-2 on 1d6): (1d6=3) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4848616/)

2015-08-13, 12:11 PM
Kargum was fascinated with the room they found, more particularly the red gems set in the large crocodile man's visible eye set. If they left with nothing else, the dwarf wanted those gems badly for some reason. The murals were also of interest, and following Black Cloak's lead, he was surprised to find the black liquid animate and almost…alive, as a horrific creature broke the surface.

"Did…did you see that? By the Stones! Prepare for battle!" Kargum scrunched his face in serious concentration, reaching for the sword at his side, and drawing the blade free in his right hand, his left securely wielding a shield. The dwarf readied his weapons and intended to be the first to fight the black beast. Deciding to protect himself and take advantage of opportunity at the same time, Kargum went to meet the creature and swung the sword with a hearty growl.

"Go back to which you came creature!"

First combat of the game with a creepy creature! Ah how exciting! :smallbiggrin:

2015-08-14, 12:41 AM
Viewing the monstrosity springing from the pit, the Black Cloak withdraws, seizes his staff in both hands and prepares to fend off the creature with a strike if necessary!

"Isum! Gar! To arms! A monster!"

Looking for Isum and Gar to assault the monster with sword and mace attacks, respectively. Still not sure if I'm RPing their behavior or not, but they should be attacking (I hope).

2015-08-14, 06:45 AM
Round One

The adventurers wait until the crocosquid pulls itself out of the pool before attacking; Gar and Isum swing wildly, missing, while Kargum hews at it mightily, sending great gouts of black ichor spurting through the air. The doughty dwarf's blows are are not enough to end the abomination's life, however, and with a peculiar gaseous emanation from its hindquarters the monster shoots through the air, tentacles writhing, and chomps down on Isum's neck! The henchman goes down as if poleaxed, with the crocosquid's jaws clamped around him.

Those instructions to your henchmen are perfect, dream. Isum has been reduced to 0 hp. As noted on p. 143 of the rulebook, I will make a Save. v Death at the end of the subsequent round, failure indicating he has died. Application of the First Aid skill will save his life, although at this point it may be difficult to do with the crocosquid still attached to his neck. Note that if First Aid is used in this manner it does not restore hit points, but instead stabilizes the target. First Aid may be used subsequently to restore hit points.

Initiative, PCs first: (1d6+1=6, 1d6=1) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849044/)
Gar: 1d20+1=10, 1d6=1 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849048/)
Isum: 1d20=3, 1d6=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849049/)
Kargum: 1d20+2=14, 1d8+1=7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849051/)
Crocosquid: 1d20+2=14, 1d6=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849052/)
Oops, crocosquid is attacking (in alphabetical order): (1d3=2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849053/) Hits AC 6 and attacking Isum, doing just enough damage to reduce him to 0.

2015-08-14, 09:07 AM
"Isum!"Kargum shouted as he watched the crocosquid take that blow, and still managed to shoot out and chomp down on the poor henchman. If something wasn't done quickly the man was going to die, and for all of his medical training he possessed, there was no point in trying to stabilize Isum without first dealing with the abomination.

"Hang in there Isum! Off of him foul monster!" Kargum snarled, swinging at the dark beast once again.

Kargum will use first aid instead if Iso's magic missle does enough damage to kill the creature. And let's have Gar use a healing spell or first aid to help stabilize or restore points as well. As long as that bloody beast is down of course. Kargum keeps swinging if it's alive. Eat Magic missle!

2015-08-14, 08:28 PM
"No! Isum!" Isomannon yells as he sees the writhing croco-monster attack the fighting man! The mage takes a step back and holding up his staff in one hand, gestures with the other while chanting in an arcane tongue,

"Silshah ounabreitos Komut!"

Suddenly, a glowing-blue arrow appears mid-air next to the Black Cloak, humming with eldritch energy! Pointing his staff at the monster, the radiant arrow darts at the reptilian abomination!

2015-08-15, 04:20 PM
Round Two

The crocosquid propels itself off Isum's prone and bleeding body, swimming through the still air towards Gar. Luckily, the cleric is able to dodge out of the way, just as the Black Cloak's missile of pure force slams into it, sending it skittering across the floor. Within seconds, the creature begins to bubble and shake, before liquifying into a shapeless mass of ooze on the floor. Kargum rushes to Isum's side, but is unable to save the loyal retainer, who dies in the doughty dwarf's arms.

Silence descends upon the room, and no other threats present themselves.

Kargum just missed the healing check, and Isum failed his Save v. Death. Isum is now dead. :( Feel free to strip his body.

1d6+1=3, 1d6=6, 1d6=5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849463/)
Crocosquid: 1d20+2=6, 1d6=4, 1d3=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849735/)
The Black Cloak: 1d6+1=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849736/)
Kargum healing: Healing, 13 or better fails; followed by Save v. Death if needed (14 or better succeeds): (1d20=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849737/)
Missed a roll: 1d20=5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4849738/)
Save fails.

2015-08-15, 04:43 PM
Kargum watched Isum's final moments, likely confused, terrified and painful, before closing the man's eyelids. "I am sorry friend." He whispered, and wiped as much ooze and blood off his weapons and clothes as he could before taking Isum's torches and tinderbox, plucking the torch he dropped when the thing attacked and held firmly onto it.

Kargum was mad. He walked over to the puddle of ooze remains and held the lit torch close, testing the liquid's flammability.

2015-08-15, 05:06 PM
Kargum watched Isum's final moments, likely confused, terrified and painful, before closing the man's eyelids. "I am sorry friend." He whispered, and wiped as much ooze and blood off his weapons and clothes as he could before taking Isum's torches and tinderbox, plucking the torch he dropped when the thing attacked and held firmly onto it.

Kargum was mad. He walked over to the puddle of ooze remains and held the lit torch close, testing the liquid's flammability.

It does not burn. A close inspection reveals it is composed -- at least superficially -- of a substance similar to the thick substance within the pool.

2015-08-15, 05:25 PM
"Well setting the bloody pit ablaze seems out of the question." Kargum huffed moodily, and approached the tall crocodile statue. The dwarf inspected the stone structure with close scrutiny, and also checked to see if another pair of jewels were set in the other pair of eyes.

2015-08-16, 01:26 PM
"Well setting the bloody pit ablaze seems out of the question." Kargum huffed moodily, and approached the tall crocodile statue. The dwarf inspected the stone structure with close scrutiny, and also checked to see if another pair of jewels were set in the other pair of eyes.

All four eyes are set with the stones, which to Kargum look to be rubies. He guesses that each is probably worth about two hundred gold coins, if prized from the statue's eye sockets.

2015-08-16, 01:36 PM
Greed filled the dwarf's eyes with glimmers of red ruby. Split between the Black Cloak and himself, a pair of ruby eyes each. Not bad. Not bad at all...

Kargum attempted to climb the statue to reach the top of the heads, and tried to pry all the rubies free from their home.
"Come to Kargum pretty gems..."

2015-08-17, 02:29 AM
Kneeling near the slain warrior, the Black Cloak extended a hand to his face, but paused, the hand hovering still ....

"Fare thee well on your travel into the gods' gates, soldier."

The mage stood and gazed around the room, then walked to the dusty murals hung about the area, looking them over curiously ....

Alchemy & Magical Engineering for the murals. Why not?

2015-08-17, 03:03 PM
The Crypt of the Crocodile Kings
5 turns elapsed

With the aid of some rope and his companions, Kargum easily ascends the statue and begins vigrously prizing the stones from their sockets. One by one they fall into his waiting hands like hard, cold fruit. The doughty dwarf. Upon the third's removal, he feels a slight buzzing in his ears, as if there were a large and excitable beehive some distance away. As the fourth falls into his greedy grasp, the liquid in the pool begins to boil and bubble, but after several tense minutes nothing emerges.

The Black Cloak, after mourning the death of his companion, begins to studiously examine the murals. They are faded and chipped and covered in the dust and grime of centuries, but enough is visible to make out depictions of a seemingly religious nature. Many of the scenes depict a crocodile-man very similar to the statue, drawn much larger than those around him. Much of it is inscrutable to the magic-user; he knows that elves and dwarves and humans, though of different races, have similar beliefs and outlooks upon the world. Even the savage humanoid races share enough in common with the races of Law -- a sense of family and friend, of frivolity and fun, right and wrong, vengeance and justice -- that communication is not impossible. From what he has heard, however, the cold-blooded crocodile-men viewed the world not as an elf or a dwarf, or a human or an orc, but through the cold, hard-hearted lens of a born predator. Thus, while he see the physical images the murals depict he cannot begin to decipher what they mean, or even in some cases what they represent. Is the statue that of a god, or a demon. Or is it of a mortal being, even? Are the lesser crocodile men in the paintings bowing before it in respect, or in fear? There is no way for him to tell.

He does, however, note that the rule of these alien creatures was somewhat coterminous with the existence of mankind, as several of the scenes depict groups of what are clearly men and women.

1d100=70, 1d6=2, 1d100=84, 1d6=3, 1d100=5, 1d6=5, 1d100=12, 1d6=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4850881/)
1d20=15, 1d20=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4850882/)

2015-08-17, 03:20 PM
Kargum was nervous as the buzzing started, and the boiling disturbed pit nearly convinced the dwarf of his greedy folly. But luck or fate seemed on their side. The weight of the cold rubies in his possession put to rest any doubts he had about obtaining them. They were precious and valuable after all, and would fund their expedition of the crypt. He climbed down, retrieving the rope, and handed Isomannon his share of the ruby eyes, a pair for both of them. Kargum smirked.

"A shame this sodding crypt took Isum. Only fair we take something back right?"

He gazed at the pit and their dead friend one more time and looked past the archway to the eastern door.

"Let's get out of this room and see what waits beyond. Kargum huffed and then approached the eastern door and checked if it was locked.

2015-08-17, 03:43 PM
"These works are .... bizarre. They suggest an odd dichotomy: an alien, reptilian culture with little similarity to other races that seems to have co-existed with humans nonetheless. There must have been some connection, social perhaps. Perhaps a 'predator-prey' or 'master-slave' experience? That may explain what I'm seeing here, but my questions only breed more mysteries."

Feeling the weight of the large gems, the Black Cloak reacts to their beauty,

"Amazing --- the size of them! Surely they are worth thousands of gold! Yes, keeping them seems justified, as the wealth can be used to promote learning and justice."

Isomannon stows the gems in his pack, then follows Kargum to the east ....

2015-08-18, 04:54 PM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
10:00 am
6 turns elapsed

The adventurers return to the hallway, and both listen at and examine the door in the eastern wall. No sounds are heard, and the door appears to be neither trapped nor locked. Kargum cautiously opens it, revealing a room fifteen feet to a side, with the doorway entering in the northwest corner of the room. Shelves are mounted on the eastern, southern and western walls; both shelves and floor are covered in a thick layer of dust. A number of objects -- indistinguishable under the dust -- are arrayed upon the shelves. As the adventurers prepare to enter the room, their torches gutter and begin to die. It is clearly time to light new torches before their current ones are extinguished.

1d6=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4851336/) Go ahead and mark off a torch from the appropriate equipment sheet.

2015-08-18, 05:54 PM
Before his torch was snuffed out, Kargum used its dying light to ignite a new torch and handed it to Gar. The Dwarf was the first to enter the dust ridden room, and approached the western shelves with due caution, trying to inspect the contents of the shelves without disturbing them. If the dust proved too bountiful, he planned to blow some of it away with a quick breath.

"Shelves? Was this a library of some kind?" Kargum mused absentmindedly.

2015-08-18, 06:59 PM
It would likely take a substantial amount of time* to search the dusty shelves, but at a glance Kargum sees no books. There are a number of large, clay jars that are sealed with a waxy substance, two score rusted knives and other more obscure implements, a pile of clay bowls and pestles, and so forth. To the Black Cloak's discerning eye they look to be most religious in nature. A full search, of course, would likely reveal more.

If everyone searched it would take one full turn.

2015-08-18, 08:17 PM
"Come Gar, let's make sure we're not missing anything before we move on." Kargum stroked his beard, intrigued by the waxy substance but unwilling to play with what he didn't understand. Perhaps the Black Cloak was knowledgeable enough to discern the application of some of these items. In the meantime the dwarf gave the room a full inspection.

2015-08-19, 09:21 AM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
10:10 am
7 turns elapsed

The adventurers find the following in the room:
*Seven large jars, each sealed and weighing about twenty pounds (200 cn) each.
*Eight more jars, unsealed and empty, each weighing twelve pounds (120 cn) each. They are in remarkably good condition, and Kargum estimates they might fetch between 10-20 gold each if sold to a collector of antiquity.
*A total of 34 small hand tools and implements, including: fourteen knives of various lengths, a half-dozen strange, spoon-like devices, three saws, with chipped and broken teeth and several long, picks with various hooked ends. All of the tools are rusted, their handles rat-gnawed and soft with age. However, it is possible a collector of crocodilian artifacts might pay upwards of thirty gold for the set. All together, the tools weigh some forty pounds (400 cn).
*Several rolls of decaying cloth. They are judged to be worthless.
*Fifteen bowls and pestles, empty. Again, these might be sold as curios, and would likely fetch no more than five gold per set. They each weigh two pounds (20 cn)
*A long wooden box, carved from straight-grained fir. It is closed, and the remnants of exotic spices waft from it when moved. It weighs some ten pounds (100 cn). At a guess, the box itself might sell for thirty or so gold, empty of whatever it might contain.

No secret doors or hidden compartments are found within the room.

2015-08-19, 02:47 PM
Moving towards a shelf, Isomannon beckons the cleric,

"Gar, bring your touch so that I may inspect these relics ...."

Examining a sealed jar, the Black Cloak tests the seal to see if it can be opened just a bit. Enough to perhaps glean its contents ....

Magical engineering or Danger Sense, if they apply.

2015-08-19, 02:54 PM
The jars are stoppered with clay lids and then sealed with wax poured around the perimeter. It should, in theory, be a simply manner to scrape the wax away, then lever the lid open with a dagger or knife.

2015-08-19, 03:17 PM
"Hey Iso, Gar, how about we pack as much of this as we sodding can and get back to Pludd. Preferably in one piece. Get everything appraised there?"

Kargum plucked the long box of spices, and used his large sack to start gathering as much of the shelves contents he could manage.

2015-08-20, 11:28 AM
Nodding in agreement with the dwarven champion, the Black Cloak drops his back and begins adding as much of the material he could carry ....

2015-08-21, 04:51 PM
The Crypt of the Crocodile King
10:20 am
8 turns elapsed

The adventurers spend several minutes determining the best method of carrying the loot out of the dungeon, and then distribute it thusly.

Encounter on a 1: (1d6=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4853391/)

The Crypt of the Crocodile King
12:00 pm
18 turns elapsed

Staggering under the weight of their treasures, the adventurers eventually make back to the surface world, escaping the miasms trapped for centuries below the earth.

Note that, because y'all are moving 5' per turn, it will take 10 turns to exit the tomb. I will therefore be making 5 wandering monster checks.
1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=2, 1d6=5, 1d6=5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4853394/)
Huh. Well, you guys lucked out.

6:00 pm

It takes the rest of the day to make their journey back to Plud, at which point they are too exhausted to do anything but relax in the common room of their inn. Besides, the majority of business in the city have already closed for the day.

2015-08-21, 06:44 PM
Kargum was in a grand mood, and bought a round of drinks for his companions, Iso and Gar. He held the mug up high for a toast. "To Isum's sacrifice my friends! And to the favor of fortune for seeing us safely out of that sodding crypt. I was almost certain of more trouble. Now we rest, and see about appraising everything first thing in the morning.

Kargum drank deep, coating his beard in ale before slamming his drink on the table and burping loud in typical dwarven fashion, and finally wiped his mouth clean.
"In the meantime I'll ask around for potential new members of our 'caped crusade'." Kargum chuckled and drained the drink dry.

The dwarf began discussing the crypt and the wonders and dangers it possessed with the rest of the Inn's patrons, searching for the bold and curious people suitable for such an expedition.

2015-08-22, 04:38 PM
The Purple Peacock

The inn is captivated by Kargum's tales, and several youthful yokels express a tentative interest in exploring the depths, given sufficient financial inducement. However, Kargum knows that such negotiations take time, and cannot be entered lightly if retainers are to be trusted. The Black Cloak observes that a table of tough looking individuals perk up and listen closely to Kargum's words. The group appears to be composed of two fierce warriors with large mustaches, a wiry looking lady with furtive, searching eyes, an older gentleman clad in the garb of a wizard -- black robe emblazoned with astrological signs, constellations and little silver bells that tinkle when he moves, and a large, conical chapeau with rhinestones set upon it -- and a stout man clad in chain bearing the twenty-sided holy symbol of the great god Arneson.

Feel free to retcon anything in, and we can address it in subsequent posts. There are 1d5=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4854419/) potential henchmen in this inn, but you're going to have to offer inducements to proceed. Better start flashing that gold!

Thirdmonth, Secondday
8:00 am

The following morning sees the adventurers venture out to try and sell their goods. They happen upon a purveyor of antiquities who offers a sum total of 166 gold for the empty jars, rusted tools and bowls and pestles. She is, however, unwilling to open either the sealed jars or the wooden box. "I can recommend some experts who will take the risk, or you can do it yourselves, but I ain't opening anything. I've seen far too many people fall victim to curses, or slain by fell traps and tricks."

Pricing: Eight jars (10+1d10), rusted tools (33-1d10, fifteen bowls and pestles (8-1d5): (1d10=10, 33-1d10=26, 8-1d5=4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4854413/)
Total of (8x10)+26+(15x4)=166 gp
Random weather: (1d20=15, 1d20=11, 1d20=2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4854434/)
Plud is arid, so no rain.

2015-08-22, 05:31 PM
The Purple Peacock

The dwarf was enjoying the attention and fervor his tales of the crocodile crypt brought about. He flashed what gold he currently had, and promised much more once his small company sold the treasures they already acquired. I can ensure at least 100 gold in your name up front along with equipment should you require it. But we alone decide whether you're skilled and trustworthy enough to make the cut." Kargum grinned.

Kargum nodded in agreement and accepted the offer. "Aye that is fine. We will take your offer and your help. Point us to the experts willing to take the risk."

2015-08-22, 05:49 PM
The Purple Peacock

The dwarf was enjoying the attention and fervor his tales of the crocodile crypt brought about. He flashed what gold he currently had, and promised much more once his small company sold the treasures they already acquired. I can ensure at least 100 gold in your name up front along with equipment should you require it. But we alone decide whether you're skilled and trustworthy enough to make the cut." Kargum grinned.

The two youngsters look at each other, agape. "I'm sorry," says one, "did I hear you correctly?" He digs in his ears with grubby fingers, "I could have sworn you said you'd pay one hundred gold in *addition* to kitting us out?"

Kargum nodded in agreement and accepted the offer. "Aye that is fine. We will take your offer and your help. Point us to the experts willing to take the risk."

"Well, what do you need, exactly? A magic-user to search for auras, a locksmith to pick locks, an alchemist?"

2015-08-22, 06:08 PM
The Purple Peacock

"Oh aye I did. If you have the skills to merit the generous offer. And you look a little young to know much kids. Now they look skilled. Kargum nodded to the group of tough individuals. The dwarf made his way over to the table.

"We're looking for someone who knows their way around locks and traps first and foremost. After that extra muscle/skilled adventurers are welcome.

"An alchemist will do to start, and I suppose a locksmith if this box is locked. Oh yes and a jeweler perhaps." Kargum produced one of the ruby eyes and studied the collector's reaction closely.

2015-08-23, 03:56 PM
The Black Cloak wandered the area at first, looking at the possible candidates Kargum was 'interviewing', then he whispered to the dwarven warrior,

"Having another warrior for protection is my concern. What do you think, Kargum?"

Isomannon, too, watched for Plud's reaction ...

2015-08-23, 04:14 PM
The Purple Peacock

"Oh aye I did. If you have the skills to merit the generous offer. And you look a little young to know much kids. Now they look skilled. Kargum nodded to the group of tough individuals. The dwarf made his way over to the table.

"We're looking for someone who knows their way around locks and traps first and foremost. After that extra muscle/skilled adventurers are welcome.

The group exchanges glances. "We're, ah, not for hire individually. We adventure together, much like you fellows do. The Crimson Companions," says the priest, jerking a thumb at a sanguine brooch each is wearing. "We are, however, intrigued by the tales you tell, and have decided to offer you one hundred gold coins if you reveal to us the location of the tomb."

"An alchemist will do to start, and I suppose a locksmith if this box is locked. Oh yes and a jeweler perhaps." Kargum produced one of the ruby eyes and studied the collector's reaction closely.

Leepa the Lethargic

Leepa examines the rubies critically. "Nice," she says, "I'll give you two hundred gold for each."

The Black Cloak wandered the area at first, looking at the possible candidates Kargum was 'interviewing', then he whispered to the dwarven warrior,

"Having another warrior for protection is my concern. What do you think, Kargum?"

Isomannon, too, watched for Plud's reaction ...

The two youngsters appear to be just that; not trained warriors by any measure, but perhaps capable to serving as torchbearer or squire. The Black Cloak gets the impression that paying them one hundred gold up front will be drastically overpaying them. He is also aware that recruiting good henchmen takes time, and the careful distribution of a few coins here, a few coins there and well-placed whispers in the ears of barkeeps.

"Plud" is the name of the city y'all are in :)

2015-08-23, 07:24 PM
The Purple Peacock

Kargum nodded understanding, and then shook his head. "100 gold wouldn't be enough Crimson Companions. No offense but having competition in the crypt isn't my intention. And it's no picnic down there. We lost a man to the first thing that crawled out for a snack. I must decline the offer and wish you well." Kargum turned away and addressed Iso's concern.

"If we can manage a warrior and rogue we will be in good shape. Now boys, my generous offer was for seasoned adventurers. And your 'skills' don't merit 100 gold up front. If we kit you out, and take you as squires I can offer a more reasonable sum of 40 gold between you. But consider your options. I'd prefer to not have any more young men die in my arms.

Kargum moved away from the youngsters to let them think, and approached the barkeep and slipped him a few gold pieces. If anyone skilled, preferably rougish types and warriors comes asking for rumors or work, send them our way or let us know. Speaking of, know anyone local who fits our needs?"

Kargum smiled greedily, procuring his other Ruby and nudging Iso to produce his pair. 800 gold from the rubies for a 966 gold total from Leepa was fantastic. Kargum figured splitting the sum in half was fair, and they still had more to appraise!
It's a deal. Point us to an alchemist and locksmith."

2015-08-25, 07:33 PM
The wizard dutifully removed his treasures for the merchant, giving Kargum a satisfied nod. The Black Cloak readjusted his pack contents, shifting his spellbook into better position for transport. Gear prepared, Isomannon was content to watch his able companion work: the Dwarf seemed to have a supernatural talent for dealing with others!

2015-08-26, 04:56 PM
Barho the Locksmith

The locksmith is a jovial, plump fellow who has the box open after only ten minutes of work, after first examining it for traps. He passes back to the adventurers, who open cautiously. Inside are a dozen equally spaced compartments, each filled with a different ground spice or mineral. A pungent aroma rises from within. Barho shrugs. "That'll be ten gold, kind sirs."

Malva the Marvelous

The alchemist whistles upon examining the contents of the box and urns. "These ground spices are, while old, still retain some value. If I am not mistaken, they were once used by the ancient crocodile men for embalming their dead." She gestures to the urns. "And I'd be willing to bet these canopic jars contain the preserved organs removed from the bodies of the embalmed. I'm willing to pay you 400 gold for the box and urns."

2015-08-26, 05:04 PM
Kargum happily handed over the ten gold for the locksmith's quick expertise, and whistled back at Malva's appraisal. The dwarf grinned and that familiar greedy twinkle gleamed in his eyes. "It's a deal. Probably means the crypt has crocodile mummies..." Kargum shuddered and dismissed the thought.

"Where is the blacksmith? Have you heard word of their quality craft?

2015-08-26, 06:11 PM

She shrugs. "Eh. Horace can shoe a horse, and pound the dents out of armor, but that's about it. Why, what are you looking for?"

2015-08-26, 07:15 PM
I'm looking for a capable craftsman to forge me a suit of armor. But it sounds like Horace isn't skilled enough for the task." Kargum pursed his lips and considered his options.

2015-08-27, 05:50 AM
I'm looking for a capable craftsman to forge me a suit of armor. But it sounds like Horace isn't skilled enough for the task." Kargum pursed his lips and considered his options.


"Oh, there's a fellow down that way who sells armor," she says, "should have something in your size, I would think."

Thirdmonth, Fifthday

It takes another three days and twenty-five gold spread amongst the taverns and taphouses of the city before the adventurers find the suitable henchfolk they desire. There are five, as follows:

*Donison the Daring. While he has no previous experience adventuring and freely admits to only ever firing a bow while hunting, Donison is a strapping lad who claims to never have been ill. Given training, he could perhaps make a suitable warrior.

*Lensan Lightfinger. Lensan is a small, wiry man who never seems to stay still. He claims to have worked for another adventuring party -- Bertro's Berserks -- as a scout and "acquisitions" expert.

*Sanhol the Seer. Sanhol is a magician of the first order and dresses in high red boots, blue velvet pantaloons and a crimson jacket. Unlike many of his kind, he goes bareheaded, as he claims that chapeaus prevent the men who live amongst the stars from whispering their secrets to him.

*Red-haired Roni. Like Donison, Roni has not yet had a chance to choose a profession. He allows that he comes from a religious family and has always felt a close connection to the gods Moldvay and Arneson, who made the world.

*Dunhelm the Dreary. Dunhelm has served as a caravan guard, and possess a set of chain mail, shield and long thrusting spear that can be thrown, set for a charge or used to attack from the second rank. He does, however, have a debt of fifty gold from gambling that is owed to his previous employer before he can be hired.

Standard rates for henchmen are 12 gp a month for 0-level and 25 for 1st level, half of which is paid up front, in addition to equipping as needed. Durnhelm, Sanhol and Lensan are equipped as starting 1st level characters. Go ahead and make offers and we'll go from there.

2015-08-27, 05:54 PM
"Suitable for a dwarf you say? Thanks Malva." Kargum intended to inquire about the merchant and inspect their stock of armor. Ideally he would have a suit of armor befitting his stature.

Kargum offered Lensan 15 gold up front and another 15 at the end of the month. And the same deal he offered to Dunhelm as well as covering the gambling debt after gently teasing him about the expense and his gambling luck. "For all of our sakes let's hope fortune favors you in my employ. And Lensan I'm certain the crypt is worth your expertise, my former Mage and I made quite a killing from only a couple rooms in one hallway."

Sanhol the Seer was the perfect replacement for the Black Cloak. Kargum appreciated the man's style and mentioned the wonders of the crypt before making an offer "We discovered quite a few peculiarities in the crypt. I can offer you 15 gold up front and another 15 at the end of the month."

Do I still have Gar the Gregarious cleric as a henchman? Does that affect my gold and xp share? Totally fine if it doesn't I'm just not sure what to put on my sheet.