View Full Version : Last, Best Hope for the Hollow [IC]

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2015-08-05, 07:01 PM
The back room of Roots and Remedies is, to put it mildly, cramped. Boxes, jars bushels and barrels line the walls and cover much of the floor, many full of herbal ingredients but a few quite obviously running low. After leading you here, Nomett, Laurel’s youngest son, busied himself making a pot of tea which he left in the centre of the large table before offering an apologetic smile and hurrying off to help with another of the hundred or so tasks that need doing before the day is out.

The smells of the herbs combine to create an effect that, while somewhat overwhelming, is not unpleasant. Hints of pine and mint overlay other more earthy smells and make the air a little fresher than the single small window by the back door would normally allow.

The oak table in the centre of the room seems to do double duty as a workbench and a dining table, various herbs and the tools for their preparation are scattered around, swept hurriedly aside by Nomett to make space for the enormous teapot. He promised as he left that she would be with you as soon as she could, but you can’t help but suspect that even if Laurel doesn’t arrive until dusk, there is absolutely no chance of anyone going thirsty.

A dozen chairs and stools are scattered around the room, and aside from the occasional coughing fit audible from the front room and the ever-present birdsong outside, the room is quiet. It seems that for now you have little to do but wait.

Feel free to RP a bit here. No shortage of places to sit or tea to drink, but I wouldn’t recommend nibbling on any of the things in barrels.

Might be an idea to come up with obvious things you want to know about the plague, town, cure etc. and I’ll address them in the next post when Laurel arrives.

By the way, does anyone know Laurel personally in their backstories? Just for flavour.

2015-08-05, 07:34 PM
Murklur sits gruffly on a stool at the edge of the room, as only a dwarf of his age and experience can, somehow conveying his perpetual grouchiness and bad attitude with his body position. Flanking his body on either hip are his waraxe and dagger, each sharper than the other. His scale mail armor is also well maintained and polished. He is a creature who takes good care of his tools, a care which does not extend to his person or appearance. Anyone close enough to smell him can detect the unmistakable odors of sweat and alcohol, each competing to overpower the senses, and when he opens his mouth to let out a loud and derisive laugh at the idea of tea, a wary observer can detect graying teeth and swollen gums, hallmarks of poor dental hygiene to match his beliefs about bathing. Beneath his armor his clothing appears ragged and torn at the joints, and when he raises his left arm to scratch his armpit with his right hand, the same wary observer might note the thicket of wiry hair poking through a whole in his shirt at the pit of his arm, just above the armor. "Damnit, Nomett," he barks, "I've been waiting long enough. Tell Laurel if she wants my help, she'd best make herself apparent, and quick."

Lady Moreta
2015-08-05, 11:45 PM
Sophia sits down as far away from the rather... fragrant, dwarf as she can without appearing rude. She catches hold of Odétte's tunic and glares at the younger woman until she sits down as well. Leaning forward, she reaches for the tea pot and beings to pour.

"Does anyone else want some?"

2015-08-06, 01:10 AM
"Yes, thank you," Kaytu replies, standing up straight to watch over the other visitors. On the one hand, it's clearly a dangerous group, but between her green and gold belt-sheath and the bow strapped to her pack on the floor, she is in no position to criticize anyone for being armed to the teeth.

Though not wanting to reward the dwarf's impatience, she does share some of his concern. "I saw the crowd outside... are you sure your mother doesn't need help out there, Nomett?"

Prince Zahn
2015-08-06, 05:08 AM
Odétte sits next to Sophia without argument, eager to free her Tunic from her best friend's grasp as she looks back at her. Odéttes glare is sharp when challenged, perhaps even coming off as a tad vindictive.
Suddenly, her face softened and she smiled before the others, a courtesy suitable of a fine lady."Ouais, a cup for me, s'il vous plaît."
As she sips her tea, Lady De Mont casually inquires.
"So, tis plague... How long has it been here, and what happens to people who get it?"

2015-08-06, 12:57 PM
"Yes please, sahib," Kim says, bowing to Sophia. He sips his tea and listens to the woman with the Giant accent. "Yes, I have heard very little, does anyone know? Also what might I call all of you honored sirs and madams?"

2015-08-06, 03:06 PM
Nomett pauses at the door back to the passage and shop floor, “Mama said she’ll be with you as soon as she can Master Swiftfoot,” he says addressing Murklur. At Kaytu’s interjection, his little face breaks into a toothy grin, “Mama said you’d say that Mistress Marta... Maath,” his mouth works wordlessly for a moment before he blurts out, “Miss Kaytu!” Looking slightly bashful, he continues, “She said, you gotta spend a little time sitting down drinking tea, I’ll go help her.”

With that, said with the self-importance only young children can muster, he scampers off, leaving you alone. The noise of the crowd in the front room intrudes for a moment as he squeezes through the door, but then fades, leaving you in relative peace and quiet.

Five, maybe ten minutes go by, before the door slams open again, a tall woman marches through, shouting back over her shoulder, “I don’t care what yer old mother told ya silly old bodger! It ain’t flu, and even if it was we used up the last of our honeyroot last week! Now you stand in line with all the other nice folk and wait yer damn turn! Elsie’ll get to you soon enough!” She spins away from the door, slamming it shut behind her and stomps into the room like some sort of genial hurricane, herbs and scraps of root and bark scattering in her wake.

Laurel Thatcher was never a small woman, even now in her fifties she still holds herself upright just a hair short of six feet in height. What was once golden blond hair is beginning to turn white at the temples, and age is beginning to put lines on what is still a handsome face, but if her unfortunate customer was anything to judge by, Laurel will only get sharper as she gets older.

Seeing the tea pot brings her up short, and she rubs her forehead, “Oh, that little angel...” she trails off, and retrieves a mug from the shelves before pouring her own tea and taking a deep draught. You can almost see tired muscles relax as she sighs happily and sits heavily on one of the free chairs. Without preamble, she begins addressing you, “I’m sorry I kept you all waiting, this whole week has been nothing but one long panic. We’ve now got two hundred and sixteen people confined to their beds, and gods know how many more sick and not showing yet.”

She puts her mug down and leans her elbows on the table, holding her head in her hands, “I don’t know how much you’ve heard already,” she nods to Kaytu, “you probably have a better idea than the rest.” Taking a deep breath, she continues, “Whatever this sickness is, to start with we just thought it was a bout of summer flu or something, but I’ve never known flu like this. One day, you’re up and about, minding your own business, the next, WHAM!” she slams the table for emphasis. “Suddenly you can barely walk straight, you’re fit for little more than maybe a little knitting. A couple days later and your bedridden. After that...” she looks up and around the assembled faces, “they just get worse and worse.”

She stands and walks to the back door, peering outside before closing it carefully, turning back to the room, you can see tears trickling down her face, “Thirty people are already dead and we don’t even know why, we don’t even...” she stops, struggling to find the words. “Nobody ever gets better,” she states flatly, “they only ever get worse.” She stares from face to face, allowing that to sink in for a moment.

She shakes her head to clear it, “I did my training with an old woman from Fjared’s Landing; she still comes into the market there from time to time. She knows more about healing than anyone I know. If anyone can help us, she can. She’s got magic too, more than any of us and quite frankly we’re out of other ideas.” She draws a slightly grubby envelope from a pocket and throws it on the table, “Find her, give her that letter, tell her...” she pauses, searching for the right words, before finishing in a resigned tone, “tell her Laurie really needs some help.”

Fjared’s Landing is a slightly larger town situated to the north, along the river. Barges carry lumber there before it’s shipped north to the heartland. It’s build on what might be the only solid bit of lowlands for a hundred miles, surrounded as it is on the north, east and west by an enormous swamp.

Oh, and for those who know her personally, Laurel much prefers to be called "Laurie".

2015-08-06, 04:38 PM
Having done a bit of research Laurel before he entered town, Kim pipes up, "We can most certainly do this Laurie Sahib, how long of a journey shall it be? Can we be of any assistance here? From whence do you think the sickness has come?"

2015-08-06, 07:40 PM
"It's not very far, Kim," Kaytu interjects. The group had at least managed to get each others' names while they were waiting for Laurel. "We would just need to follow the north road along the river."

Kaytu feels a splatter of hot tea on her hand and winces before brushing it off. She at least had the sense to sit down and set her cup on the table when not in use, but she can only avoid the inevitable for so long.

"As for where it came from, it's hard to say, especially since it looks so similar to a flu or simple fatigue at first. If this disease has been seen anywhere else, I've not heard of it."


"Anyway, Laurie, that sounds like a plan; as you say, we're tapped out ourselves. Who are we looking for, exactly?"

Lady Moreta
2015-08-06, 09:47 PM
Sophia cringes a little at Odétte's words. Despite knowing the other girl cares and considers her a friend, her... careless attitude gets on Sophia's nerves from time to time. She knows perfectly well she's already told Odétte about the plague, and that her parents have both sickened. She isn't really surprised that Odétte has forgotten (or simply wasn't listening in the first place), but it still hurts. She nods as Laurel speaks, but doesn't say anything herself.

2015-08-07, 10:41 AM
Murklur is similarly silent, waiting for the response to Kaytu's question before asking, "And if she's not at the market, where else do you want us to look?"

2015-08-08, 04:02 AM
Nodding as Kaytu responds to the young man’s question, Laurie elaborates, “That’s right. You’d be faster not following the bridle path the whole way though, the Knot Road avoids most of the meanders in the lowlands. It’s a fair few days travel by wagon, but on foot you should be able to manage a quicker pace, even faster with horses. As for where this damn disease is from,” she shrugs, before letting both arms flop to her sides, “Kaytu has the right of it. It took us this long to figure out that it wasn’t something we’d seen before. If it is anywhere else, I hope those folks have a better fix than we do.”

Smiling at his offer of help, she shakes her head sadly, “Believe me, if there was anything you could do here, you’d have been told already. We’re at our wits’ end, and everyone else we can get our hands on is already doing double shifts or more to keep things hanging together. The best thing the five of you can do right now is to go and find help from elsewhere.”

Nodding towards Kaytu, she continues, “My teacher’s name was Mimi, Mimi DeFou. She doesn’t live in the town itself. If I remember right she’s right out on the edge of The Lows, but I don’t know where. I saw her the last time I was at market, a few months back, but she doesn’t come in every week, sometimes not for months. Anyway, market day was only a couple days ago so you’ll have to go find her anyway I should think, we really can’t afford to wait. I’d start at the Haughty Pioneer, she always stays there when she’s in town, see if anyone there knows anything.”

The Lows is the name of the huge swamp/estuary that surrounds Fjared's Landing, I'll chuck a map in the OOC with more details on this stuff.

The Haughty Pioneer is one of the bigger inns in Fjared's Landing.

Oh, and a jar of internet cookies if you get the rerence in the teacher's name. :smallwink:

Prince Zahn
2015-08-08, 05:12 AM
Odétte raised an eyebrow. From what she read of the Haughty Pioneer, it was not a place for a lady of high standing, what with such a seedy past and questionable activity. It did not occur to her that she was not a prime example to talk about suspicious activities.
"Te Haughtie Pionie? I think I read about tat place before. Tey ran a grande smuggling cartelle a long time ago, ouais? 100 years ago, I tink."

2015-08-08, 01:49 PM
"I have as well, a good place to find bad men, I hope Mimi knows it. Laurie sahib, before we go, my sister helped a man with this disease a month ago, it may not have started as recently as your honored self has heard. Does that change thing?" Kim asks inquisitively.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-08, 02:50 PM
Odétte spies that her friend is deeply troubled by something...
you know, up until now, (until Odétte), I had no problem letting my fellow players look into my character's head and "voice" his/her/it's thoughts. But I don't think I will do THIS with Lady De Mont. My apologies for the inconvenience, but I do not think making my character predictable will make her any more fun for you guys, so unless I have a vestige around, I will probably not be using "thought bubbles".
She takes another sip from her tea before setting it down, slightly burning her tongue due to distraction. She chooses to suffer this routine agony in silence, as her papa taught her.
She taps Sophia on her shoulder.
"Em, Sophie, mon Ami - may I have a word with you dans le couloir, plise?* (https://translate.google.co.il/#en/fr/can%20I%20have%20a%20word%20with%20you%20in%20the% 20corridor%3F)?"
As she spoke, she intoned her voice and nudged her head and eyes slightly towards the doorway. The word "please " seemed a tad fumbled, but somewhat potentially Charming to others. To Odétte, it strikes a dissonance like a word that does not flow elegantly in a poem.
I'm not sure I like Odétte using the word "please", she and I would much prefer she said it in Giant, for some reason she insisted that it was necessary.

2015-08-08, 03:58 PM
Kaytu's teacup rattles from her reaction when Kim mentions his sister's incident. "A month ago? Where was this?"

2015-08-08, 04:50 PM
"The local temple sahib. I believe the man, he was local." Kim replies.

Lady Moreta
2015-08-09, 04:18 AM
Dragged out of her introspection, Sophia startles slightly at Odétte's words. She frowns slightly at the use of 'please', it's not a word Odétte uses very often and only when the girl is upset, annoyed, or offended. Or all three. "Of course," she says, once she's worked her way slowly through Odétte's use of Giant and figured out what the other girl wants. Sophia sits her teacup on the table, and rises, glancing around self-consciously as she does. "Excuse us, please."

Hopefully, this post doesn't constitute putting words in Odétte's mouth (or thoughts in her mind). I agree that keeping her unpredictable will be way more fun, but I also figured Sophia would know her better... besides, Sophia's thoughts on how and when Odétte says 'please' are entirely her own assumptions and may in fact, have utterly no bearing on the truth :smalltongue: (having said that, if I have inadvertently done what you'd rather I didn't, please let me know and I'll modify my post and be more careful in future :smallsmile:)

Prince Zahn
2015-08-09, 06:44 AM
Hopefully, this post doesn't constitute putting words in Odétte's mouth (or thoughts in her mind). I agree that keeping her unpredictable will be way more fun, but I also figured Sophia would know her better... besides, Sophia's thoughts on how and when Odétte says 'please' are entirely her own assumptions and may in fact, have utterly no bearing on the truth :smalltongue: (having said that, if I have inadvertently done what you'd rather I didn't, please let me know and I'll modify my post and be more careful in future :smallsmile:)You probably would know better than others, yes. I'll keep some of that in mind, but I have no intentions of spelling Odétte out for anyone anymore. If you make guesses, though, like in your post, Moreta, I don't mind as much. In fact I welcome the speculation :3

Go answer your question. Yes, being upset, annoyed and offended are among the reasons for why Odétte would say "please", instead of her more natural "s'il vous plaît" . And while it is an acceptable word in common tongue, she does not like to use it.
Lady De Mont led Sophia into the hallway/stairway (if there is a staircase, she sits down on one and requests Sophia did the same.)
Odétte closed her eyes, furrowing her brow as her tongue was sore.
"Sophia..." she whispered, her eyes briefly glimpsing towards the conversation being held in the other room before focusing back to an eye to eye conversation. She frowns, and gives a very concerned look. "Em, I...Vous are my best friend, you know tis, oui? she pauses for a moment. "I came to vous when I was in trouble, and vous helped me more ten vous know when we found a place pour moi to hide from les wiches hunteres. Tat must be what friends can do pour each otterre...
"But vous know, I can help vous, too. I had a gut feeling for a while now, not as bie-em, not as good as yours, Sophie, but someting is troubles vous, more ten normallie. You have to tell moi what is le... Te matterre? Did I say tat right?"as Odétte whispers, shushing Sophia's interruptions, if any, she holds her friend's arm. She's nervous. Her voice gradually feeling uncertain and shaky. Sophia knows that Odétte is prone to having mood swings, but there's something about her today, she's actually behaving less...balanced, than usual.
"What is te matterre, Sophie?"
I came up with all that by rolling Sense Motive checks. I hope you don't mind I rolled one for you, too, but I find it helpful sometimes when deciding my course of action, at least in PbPs or when I DM...:smallredface:

2015-08-09, 08:22 AM
"Alright then. See ya, Lor." Murklur says, standing and turning to leave. "Anything else y'all want to ask, ask it. Otherwise, save the chatter for the road. There'll be plenty of time to play grab-ass when we get out there." He then departs, to find his mule and ready her for travel.

2015-08-09, 04:50 PM
"Ah... well, if you're sure that the patient had the same illness we're dealing with, it might be interesting to know where that man had been from an epidemiology standpoint." She sets down her cup and saucer one last time and gets up from her chair. "Still, Mr. Murklur is right; we should get moving as soon as possible. Laurie, do you think you could look into that while we're out looking for Ms. DeFou?"

2015-08-10, 12:01 PM
Shocked into silence by Kim’s revelation, Laurie simply stands there as Odette and Sophia step out the back door. When Murklur takes his leave, she manages an absent, “OK,” and a small wave that hangs in the air as the implications continue to sink in. Only when Kaytu addresses her directly does she shake herself out of her reverie.

“Yes, I certainly will. If this is true then we may be in more trouble than...” suddenly, realisation dawns, and an uncharacteristic expression of panic appears on her face. “By all the gods I just remembered! A group of lumber barges went down the river three weeks ago! We hadn’t thought anything of it, but if you’re right and this plague has been here a month, they could have carried it down river already!” She rubs her forehead and sighs, “You have to warn them. We hadn’t sent word yet, it’s only this week we realised how serious it was but if they know what to look for they might have a better chance than we did. Tell the mayoress, she’ll know what to do.”

She flops back into her chair and blows out her cheeks, a long moment passes before she speaks again, “Oh, I forgot with all the excitement,” she begins, a rueful smile reasserting itself as she talks, “Gauros Kreed of all people came by earlier. Was in a fouler mood than usual, I haven’t a clue why. He said if any of you need a horse to get to town quicker you can drop by the lumber yard stables and take one of theirs.” She shakes her head, as though confused, “Sometimes you wonder if that man is as thick as he seems, then he goes and surprises you.”

She barks a short, harsh laugh before draining the rest of her tea, “You’d better see yourselves out. Don’t worry about the mugs, one of the kids’ll get to them later.” She rises once more, sets her shoulders and strides back towards the shop, “I’d better go and keep these idiots from starting a war.”

Hallis Moncheau is the mayoress of Fjared’s Landing, although “mayoress” is a rather grand word for someone who does little more than chair meetings. Her day job is to manage the stockyards that store goods going to and from the coast.

There’ll be more on this going up in the OOC once I’ve typed it up, but the Kreed brothers (Gauros and Tulon) own the town’s lumber mill. They inherited it from their father a few years ago, and local opinion is that they’ve been running it into the ground.

As such, they aren’t well-liked, although Gauros is generally thought of as the lesser of two evils. He’s a relatively straightforward woodsman, albeit with a short temper and less intelligence than he’d like to think. His younger brother Tulon is the brains of the outfit, and is the one who most think actually runs the business. While he is charming, his business decisions are making life difficult for the townsfolk, as many rely on the barges to transport goods to and from Fjared’s Landing, and he views this as a prime opportunity to turn a profit.

Getting anything from them for free (even temporarily) could be considered a minor miracle. :smalltongue:

If there’s anything you need to do before you leave town, post or PM me about it. Once everyone’s ready we'll hit the road.

2015-08-10, 08:25 PM
"Oh! I see..." the elf considers the barge-related information. "Well, if that is the case, I hope that Ms. DeFou can help with it. We'll just have to find out when we get there and deliver the warning. Miss DeMent, Miss Wessyn!" she calls into the other room, "Come along now, we're leaving for the stables!"

Lady Moreta
2015-08-10, 11:02 PM
"Yes, that's right," Sophia murmurs, responding to a plea for help from Odétte, of any kind is automatic now. She frowns, Odétte is being more unsettled than normal, but she seems genuinely confused and Sophia starts to wonder if in fact, she did tell her friend what was going on. She shakes her head slightly, doubting reality (or being confused by it) is more Odétte's thing than hers.

"My parents," she begins shakily, "they're sick. They have... whatever this sickness is. Didn't I-? I'm sure I told you!" Her last sentence comes out as more of a plea for confirmation that she's not going crazy, than an accusation.

I have no problems with you rolling sense motive for me. It helps me actually, now I know (from the horse's mouth as it were) something that Sophia knows about Odétte :smallsmile:

2015-08-11, 12:52 PM
"I will see you there my friends," Kim says, "I must first perform the rite of departure to ensure our good fortune." Kim gathers his belongings and sets off to see if there is a local shrine, if not he'll construct one on the side of the road.

2015-08-11, 06:59 PM
"Very well. I should probably leave a note or something at the temple, too..."

With that, Kaytu nods to all present and ducks out the door to warn Ehlonna's other local acolytes of her impending absence. Her elven parents didn't mind when she would randomly go missing for weeks at a time, but humans usually do.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-12, 06:08 AM
"Oh merde... I-I am so sorrie pour vous, Sophie!" Lady De Mont gave Sophia a sympathetic hug. "And to ti- to tink all tis ti-time, vous had such troubles of your own." Odétte chokes up and starts to mewl. "Vous don't deserve tis. Sophie. Not any of tis." Odétte starts to sob audibly, leaving tears on sophia's shoulder as she is still holding her friend.

do you want them to be able to hear my character overreact? should I offer a ListenPerception check? I'm not doing anything without consent though.:smallredface:

Lady Moreta
2015-08-12, 08:08 PM
Sophia looks startled for a second, her entire frame going rigid; then abruptly she relaxes and wraps her arms around Odétte. This is familiar ground now, Odétte overreacting, bursting into tears, beating herself up, it's all familiar territory. She murmurs nonsensical words of comfort for a while, then slowly draws back, Odétte hadn't answered her initial question, and Sophia can't help but wonder. For once, she needs to know.

"Odétte?" she murmurs. "Odétte, did I tell you about my parents?"

2015-08-14, 05:21 AM
With the preparations made, you reconvene an hour later at the Kreed compound. This is the oldest area of the village, growing up as it did around the lumber camp. As such the initial log stockade still exists today: it separates the mill, the stockyards and the family’s mansion from the rest of the village, in addition to forming a significant part of the current village’s outer perimenter. The watchman at the gate waves you through when you explain your business and points you in the direction of the stables, a short walk along the inside of the compound’s wall.

The mill dominates the centre of the compound, a large squat building from which the constant grating and whirring of the machinery can be heard. The mansion itself sits apart from the rest of the buildings at the western side of the compound, behind a set of cast-iron gates and a matching fence. The effect is a little incongruous, like an old country home got lost in the middle of a slum.

To the other side of the mill are the stockyards and docks, where under normal circumstances barges would be being loaded and sent downriver. With the discovery of the plague though, the village council have decreed that no barges will leave, despite the loud protestations of Tulon Kreed. All around you, villagers come and go about a thousand small tasks. The compound is a hive of activity, and it seems that even the plague has done little to diminish that.

A young girl greets you briskly at the entrance to stables, bobbing a curtsy as she does so, “Good morning madams, sirs. Master Gauros said you could have the pick of any of our animals. We’ve got tack you can borrow but I’m afraid most of them are pretty big for riding.” That last comes with an almost embarrassed grin. Once inside you can see she wasn’t kidding. The horses kept here are all large draft animals, ridable perhaps but you might end up walking strangely for a while afterwards.

Feel free to ad lib picking out a horse if you’d like and discuss plans for the trip/what you do when you arrive. Mechanically there’s not much to this, it’s a heavy horse plus riding saddle, enjoy it. :smallsmile:

Prince Zahn
2015-08-14, 08:43 AM
Odétte continues to sob, breathing unsteadily. Not making much of a response. Until eventually making a break out for the back door, wailing in tears.
Odétte supposedly left separately, and eventually meets the gang again shortly after they rendezvous at the stables. How she knew to meet everybody there heaven only knows. She seems a little more calm then she was earlier today. She appears a little more lively than she did before. Her headkerchief now folded and tied to hear face, concealing nose to neck like a veil. Nothing people who know Odétte are usually concerned about, however.

"Bonjour!" She said, her rising cheeks hinted at a smile. "Why tank You. Such a fine lady you are, as Master Gauros must b--- SACRE BLEU!".
Odétte sees the enormous steeds. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops, thinking how wild the ride would be. "Tell me, mademoiselle! do you breed tiese stallionnes pour war?"

2015-08-14, 12:18 PM
Kim's nose twitches as he approaches and he stops himself from looking off to the side at the last minute. "What is that? Spoiled tamarind?" He positions himself as close to the stables as possible within the group and tries to get a better look/smell.

In response to the Odette's exclamation, he laughs, "Mistress, I think you should see more horses, there are many many different kinds. I only wish my friend Mahmoud were here to tell you how many. He could talk for days about manes, hooves, markings. Ay! Makes me want to sleep, but not so good an idea on a horse, no?"

Perception: [roll0]
Kim will move closer to the source of the smell as he inspects the horses.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-14, 01:20 PM
Odétte exhales with symbolic emphasis in response. "Vous noticed la odeur too? It is driving me crazie, not sure what it is, but it is not from Les stallionnes."
Odétte follows her nose to try to sniff out the source of the unusually sweet yet sickly scent.
searching is Perception, too, right? My Modifier is +1 if so, if you'd be so kind.
just Google checked, the proper word for horse is "(le) cheval" ( "Les chevaux" in plural:smalleek:), though there's also "(la) cavalerie", but it looks like one of those cases that's a little vague if you're not well-enough acquainted with the language (like in my case!) So I left it the way I already did, despite being incorrect.
"I know a enough about stallionnes, good sir, I can tell a normalle one from a militant stallione. I also have a Blanche one and a marron one at home. But les blanche belong my papa, no one else can ride her."

Lady Moreta
2015-08-14, 08:07 PM
"Odétte! Wait!" Sophia lurches forwards in a vain attempt to catch her friend before she vanishes through the nearest exit. She drops her head into her hands and tugs on short strands of hair in frustration. Odétte often has this effect on her. Previous experience tells her it's worthless to go after Odétte now, far better to leave the girl alone for a time to calm down and then they can finish their conversation.

Sophia makes a face at the smell, but decides that she doesn't care enough about it to go looking for its source. It's probably something to do with the milling process and who cares about that when there are horses! She's always been a bit mad on horses, even massive draft creatures like these. Without waiting for anyone else, she approaches the first stall and holds out a hand for the animal there to sniff.

Question: Is it possible to use ranks in Ride to ascertain which horses would be best for riding? Sophia has a +5 in Ride, if you would be so kind (and the answer is 'yes'). I'm wanting to see if she can figure out/suggest to the others which would be best for riding, both in terms of 'not being so huge as to be impossible to ride' and in terms of temperament.

2015-08-14, 09:45 PM
Kaytu takes a few seconds to parse Odette's accent. "An... odor?"

She had navigated the compound's secure wooden entrance easily enough and thanked the child attending the stables, and at this point is already petting a random horse's mane. This being a stable, it's hard to imagine what the young people could possibly be smelling that is not horse-related. "It's not Murklur, is it?" she asks only half-jokingly before sniffing the air trying to figure out what they're talking about.

Lady Moreta
2015-08-15, 06:19 AM
"I think we should take these four," Sophia says, totally ignoring Kaytu and gesturing at smallest of the four animals. "Though..." her voice trails off thoughtfully as she strokes the neck of a grey gelding. The animal is panting a bit and licks Sophia's hand, almost frantically. "I think we'd be better to leave this boy here," she said. "He's a bit old and doesn't seem to be coping with the heat very well."

2015-08-15, 07:14 AM
Kim rubs his eyes in exasperation, ignoring Odétte genial yet compromising comment. "Yes there is an odor," he thinks, but if it's anything suspicious they all know we've noticed it now, great." He continues chatting about horses somewhat inanely, nodding in agreement to Sophia's assessment, before moving out of the stable in pursuit of the smell.

2015-08-16, 07:07 PM
Kim reappears and tugs on Sophia's sleeve, having eyed her out as someone inclined to stealth. He whispers,

"Mistress, come with me, there is something worth seeing."

Lady Moreta
2015-08-16, 09:39 PM
Sophia looks a bit startled at being addressed, her attention was so focused on the horses she'd almost forgotten there were other people around. She eyed the young human, smiled slightly and nodded once, gesturing for him to lead the way.

2015-08-16, 10:34 PM
Kaytu raises an eyebrow at Kim and Sophia's investigation, but shrugs and pulls along her random horse, readying it along with the three other good ones Sophia pointed out. She can only think of a couple of things that the kids would be suddenly running off to do in secret, and she doesn't really want to press them either way. This could be their last good chance at privacy for weeks, after all.

2015-08-16, 11:07 PM
Murklur catches up with the party, his mule in tow. "There y'all are. What's taking you? I been waiting at the road out of town, figured the lot of you took ill and I was on my own for this one. Can we get going already?"

2015-08-17, 03:18 AM
The young girl tries to hold in a giggle at Odette’s reaction. She doesn’t quite make a noise, but you aren’t entirely sure she isn’t about to burst from holding it in. She clears her throat and responds, “Nothing so exciting madam, these big softies just tow the lumber barges back and forth to town most of the time. They get ridden now and then though, so they’re no strangers to having passengers.” She smiles and chats with Sophia as she looks the animals over, nodding at the comment about the older grey animal, “Yeah, old Duncan’s been here as long as I can remember,” she says , patting the animal’s nose fondly, “he’s just seen to many summers I reckon. He’ll probably get put out to pasture before next year’s out.”

When Kim and Sophia leave together, she looks a little puzzled but then shrugs, “Well why don’t we get the horses ready then?” she says brusquely, as she helps Kaytu ready the animals.

Making a little time here for Kim and Sophia to finish doing... whatever bunch of skill checks they may or may not be making. :smallwink:

Once they get back we’re blowing this stinky popsicle stand.

2015-08-18, 07:38 PM
As they start towing the horses outside, Kaytu sniffs the air conspicuously. Something about that, 'odeur,' is starting to bother her. She gazes with increasing concern in the direction where Kim and Sophia skulked off.

"...child, did one of your horses die recently?" Despite the connotations, the elf's tone doesn't seem to indicate derision; she just seems to use, 'child,' the way most people would use, 'miss.'

2015-08-19, 05:48 PM
The girl looks up, an expression of shock on her features, "Of course not madam!" She stops herself, clearly a little embarrassed at the outburst, "I know the horses aren't the most pleasant smelling creatures, but they aren't that bad!" She tightens the last strap that needs tightening and peers around curiously, "I wonder where they went."

"Where who went?" a rather clipped voice enquires.

The girl shrieks in surprise and spins around in a fluster, "Master Tulon! I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you coming. I've readied their horses as your brother told me to sir."

Tulon Kreed, the younger of the Kreed brothers, rolls his eyes theatrically, "Yes. Thank you Esme." he glances briefly at the assembled company, "I'm sure you have better things to do than bore our guests to death." He wears the same, slightly bored face he always seems to, as if waiting for the world to amuse him, and frequently disappointed that it does not. While not as large as his older brother, Tulon still stands above six feet in height and is well muscled from years spent felling trees. While his brother may have got the lion's share of the muscle, Tulon inherited his mother's more refined features, giving him a somewhat more noble bearing than his father and brother and making him considerably easier on the eye.

Esme, looking thoroughly panicked, begins motioning towards the stables, "Yes sir. I do. I'll just go and..." she stammers into silence, backing slowly towards the stable doors before bolting inside and shutting it quickly behind her.

Tulon shakes his head, "A nice girl. Slightly dim perhaps, but nice," he strokes one of the horses noses absently, "at least she takes care of these dim creatures well enough." He looks around the three of you more carefully, "Master Swiftfoot, Priestess," he nods to Murklur and Kaytu quickly, before smiling and bowing to Odette, "Lady De Mont, it is always a pleasure to see you. We do not have the privilege of entertaining nobility very often."

"I was given to understand there were to be five of you in all, correct? Are Misstress Wessyn and that foreign fellow simply late or should I infer from Esme's babbling that they have taken their leave of you?"

2015-08-20, 12:46 AM
"Hello Tulon. I'm glad to see you're well."

Kaytu is somewhat surprised that the wood baron would come to see them off, but he was apparently looking forward to seeing Odette.

"I'm not sure where those two went, exactly, but I think they were trying to pin down something we smelled in the air. I hope it's not what I think it is... I'd better go look for them."

With a nod, she walks off in search of the searchers.

2015-08-20, 07:53 AM
Murklur turns to look at Odette. "Yer noble?" he says gruffly.

2015-08-21, 12:58 PM
Kim hears Kaytu's words and takes a deep breath, retrieving his composure before catching her by the arm as she rounds the corner. "The smell is the plague dead, they are too many for the cemetery, so they are in the warehouse." Kim gestures with his turbaned head by way of explanation. "Best not to let on that we know, I was told I would not find it comfortable to investigate. Has Sophia returned?"

Prince Zahn
2015-08-21, 03:20 PM
"Monsieur Tulon! - It must have been years!" Odétte smiled with a courtly bow. Despite her disposition as an fullgrown adult noble deeming it unnecessary."Our good friends have left to seek your outhouse, tey will be back soon. I pray it is not a trouble?"

Odétte gives Murklur the kobold-eye in retaliation. Murklur should have known their mission was supported by a high-class lady. Nevertheless she patiently explains. "Ouais, monsieur swiftfoutte: House De Mont - mon papa, et someday mon eldest broderre owns du salt mines in la region, and trade for fine silque wit du far West. I expect vous to act upon tis new information wiselie."

2015-08-21, 04:16 PM
Tulon smiles warmly at the group’s pleasantries, but frowns when Kaytu and Odette elaborate on the missing pair’s whereabouts. “If they are looking for the outhouse Lady DeMont, I fear they are looking in the wrong place,” he looks pensive for a moment and then hurries after Kaytu.

Rounding the corner of the stables, he almost bumps into her and Kim, “My apologies Priestess,” he looks to Kim, a slightly relieved expression on his face, “I am glad to see you sir. Is Mistress Wessyn with you? I don't mean to chide, but a working lumber yard is not the best place to wander unescorted.”

2015-08-21, 09:00 PM
"If I could understand a word out of that mouth of yours, maybe," Murklur says, shaking his head, annoyed. "Maybe you ought to start writin' it down."

2015-08-21, 11:31 PM
"I have not seen her," Kaytu tells Kim and Tulon Both. She doesn't draw any further attention to the warehouse situation, though it's probably no secret. "I just know you left together. Where did you see her last?"

Prince Zahn
2015-08-22, 09:57 AM
"I'm afraid not, dwarf."Odétte casually takes a few steps towards following the others as she argues with Murklur. Gesturing with her hands and simplifying her voice to clarify. "to put it bluntlie: if vous cannot keep up with mie, vous have only yourself the blame."

And with that, she begins to head towards the Kim, Tulon and Katyu.
Follow Odétte on Facebook! #ohgodno

In all seriousness, if you go head to head against Odétte, she will fight back. Best just make nice-nice, since it's better to have her on your side than against it.:smallwink:

2015-08-22, 10:20 AM
Murklur huffs grumpily as he follows along, pushing past Odette to take up a position at the head of the group, thinking that if it weren't for Laurel, he wouldn't be here, and reminding himself the costs of friendship.

Unforunately, Murklur is not well built for social grace.

2015-08-23, 07:17 AM
Kim eyes Tulon and tries to remain inconspicuous, taking up place in the middle of the group.

Lady Moreta
2015-08-23, 08:22 PM
Sophia hurries up to the rest of the group, looking a little startled to see so many of them there. She's used to sneaking around in the forest, she's not used to having an audience for it. "Sorry," she says breathlessly, "I, uh- got a little lost." She's trying very hard to project an aura of innocence and honesty, who knows if she's actually succeeding.

2015-08-23, 11:23 PM
"It's alright, child," Kaytu tells Sophia, the elf's eyes trying to convey an apology for what she and Kim had to see. "However, we should get going if we're to find Laurel's teacher in time."

2015-08-24, 04:21 PM
Tulon nods and smiles at Sophia’s explanation, “Well, I am glad to see you have found your way, but I think our elven friend is right,” he nods towards Kaytu, “You will need to be away soon if you aim to reach The Knot by nightfall.”

As you all walk back to the horses, you briefly catch sight of Elsie quietening one of the animals, but upon catching sight of the group, she hurries back into the stables. Within a few minutes the five of you are ready, and with Tulon bidding you safe travels you leave the lumberyard and follow the Knot Road out the northern gate and off towards Fjared’s Landing. As you pass through the village the unpleasant miasma hanging over the lumberyard quickly fades and various locals greet you on your way past, many wishing either Sophia or Kaytu, both well-liked, good luck on their travels, though an occasional less charitable individual gives Odette or Murklur a dark look and mutters under their breath.

Almost as if the elements were waiting for you to leave, no more than half an hour after leaving the village you see a black mass of clouds on the northern horizon, scudding in quickly from the sea. Within an hour, you are caught in one of the New Frontier's famous rainstorms, making an otherwise pleasant journey considerably more unpleasant. The horses and Clara, Murklur’s mule, plod along determinedly, seemingly unbothered by the constant downpour.

Shortly after you come leave the foothills and enter the lower woodlands that surround The Knot, you come upon an odd scene at the roadside. Something has trampled much of the vegetation and torn a rather obvious path through the undergrowth. As you come closer, you can make out a long line of dark stains on the ground, leading from a larger patch on the road off through the trees. Soon, you can smell the unmistakable scent of blood in the air.

At that moment, the weather takes a turn for the worse: a massive lightning bolt flashes through the sky, followed just a few moments later by an immense peal of thunder. The animals, already uneasy at the scent of blood, are clearly terrified by the lightning. They all panic, either rearing or trying to bolt, eyes wide and rolling in their sockets.

Everyone make a Ride check.

2015-08-25, 05:57 AM
The panic in Kim's heart mirrors the horses. He was used to travelling on foot, why did it have to be horses? He tries by instinct to control his steed while peering around for any sign of danger.


2015-08-25, 08:13 AM
Murklur does his best to control his steed in the lightning storm. Mules are hardy creatures, but he is no trained rider.

Ride: [roll0]

Prince Zahn
2015-08-25, 08:24 AM
"EEEEK!" Odétte shrieked in a pitch reminiscent of nails carving a chalk board. she wound up dangling with one hand and leg on the saddle of a speeding, sharply turning horse. her headkerchief loosened from her head and blew off, but thanks to her firm grip and above-average upper body strength, she manages to get back on her saddle. reclaiming control of her steed.

Odétte tried to control her steed and return to the others. her long, nut-brown locks of hair blowing free and wild in the momentum and the fear. she looks back to see if she could find her lost headkerchief.
Is that another ride check? can someone else roll it for me?:smalleek:

2015-08-25, 06:08 PM
All of you manage to keep some semblance of control over your mounts, though only Murklur makes an even slightly believable impression of an accomplished rider, though the act of riding a mule detracts even from that. Perhaps Clara is simply made of sterner stuff than the larger animals.

After it blew off during her altercation with her horse, Odette’s headkerchief is taken by the wind and quickly lost amidst the driving rain. As she and Kim coax their mounts back towards the group after their attempted flight, another bolt of lightning arcs through the sky, even more closely followed by thunder than the last. While you manage to keep the mounts in line this time, they are balanced on the verge of panic.

As for the weather, it shows no signs of relenting. If anything, the rain may be getting heavier.

You have a few choices here, though that may be obvious. You can continue on down the road, you can examine the tracks that lead off into the bushes or you could try to find shelter until the worst of the storm passes. I’m not going to force you. Not yet anyway. :smallwink:

2015-08-25, 08:30 PM
"Odette, keep on this road. Everyone else, we should find shelter of some kind. Lightning's gonna hit the tallest thing around," he says, smirking.

2015-08-25, 08:51 PM
"Whoa! Whoa!" The front of Kaytu's horse finally comes splashing down into a puddle. The priestess's arms stay wrapped around the beast's neck as she repeats the common command before finally calming down enough to proceed. She offers a quiet prayer of thanks to the goddess for everyone's horse-related safety.

As soon as Kim and Odétte are settled (save for the handkerchief casualty) Kaytu's attention returns to the pool of blood on the side of the road, mixing with the rain in a swirling pattern.

"...we were supposed to stop here," she muses as she climbs down from her skittish mount. She gives the creature its feed-muzzle as a pacifier before investigating the scene, almost certain that the distraction is nothing less than a goddess-given mission of mercy intended for this group.

Lady Moreta
2015-08-26, 02:12 AM
Sophia glares at Murklur, but says nothing. She does however, nudge her horse towards Odétte's and attempts to instruct her friend on how to handle the reins. "You did good," she murmurs, wanting to compensate for Murklur's... derision. She twists in her saddle at Kaytu's words and frowns. "No one is meant to be anything in a thunderstorm except inside. And failing that, in some other shelter. Murklur is right," and her lip twists here, at being forced to agree with the one who insulted her friend. "We need to get under shelter and fast. If we don't, we risk losing the horses. It's probably better to head west and see if we can find shelter in amongst the trees. We can come back when the storm blows over," she adds as a compromise.

2015-08-26, 06:24 AM
Kim nods to Murklur. "Smart, hopefully it'll pass quickly." He dismounts and begins trying to rig up a shelter of some sort. On hearing Katyu's words, he looks up. "This is a belief of your Goddess' followers as well? We of the Traveller can never quite tell when he is trying to warn us or test us with bad conditions."

Prince Zahn
2015-08-26, 09:32 AM
"vous êtes one to talk about lightning, you filtie little runt." Odétte scowled, taking what matters to heart she was best to leave alone. "You tink tat la lightning would strike moi, when vous are wearing an iron kitchénne?" Odétte mutters the word "imbécile" with little consideration to what Murklur might say in response.

Odétte looks.into the distance behind herself, not being able to tell for the life of her what happened to her headkerchief. She turns to her friends. "Sorrie, but why have we stopped?"

2015-08-26, 07:08 PM
Murklur looks blankly at Odette, then at Sophia, "I didn't get one word of that. You can translate?" Murklur stares at Odette, "STAY ON THE ROAD," he shouts slowly, as though she were hard of hearing. Then, he pantomimes, pointing first at her, then at the road. Then he turns back to Sophia. "Trees may meet the height requirement, but they catch fire pretty quick. Be careful, all I'm sayin'." He spurs his mule to head west.

2015-08-26, 11:39 PM
Kaytu wipes some of the rain out of her eyes and smiles at Kim's commentary. "I suppose it's not so much an eternal belief as a regular hunch." Her heavy footfalls splash in the continuing downpour as she approaches the bloodstained path. She kneels down to examine it, then closes her eyes in prayer.

"Goddess, guide me where I am needed..."

She stands up. "I'm going this way. If some creature was injured here, they may have gone off to a nearby shelter, or been dragged there or worse. Either way, they may need our help, or mine as a healer more specifically."

She moves to follow the path on foot, but suddenly hesitates for a moment, trying to think of any reason not to do this on horseback, or at least bring her horse along into the sheltering woods.

Examining the blood stains, Kaytu tries to use Heal to guess how fresh the blood is. [roll0]

- If it's old enough, she might be less insistent on going right now, but seeking out and fixing injury is kind of her whole thing.

She's also casting Guidance because why not. Given the stormy conditions, here's a concentration check if necessary. [roll1]

And untrained Handle Animal to get the horse to follow a path that creeps him out. [roll2]

Lady Moreta
2015-08-27, 01:37 AM
Sophia shrugs at Murklur's request for translation, she has a hard enough time figuring out what Odétte is saying when she slips into Giant, she'd hate to have to try and translate it for someone else. Besides which, she does have a rough idea of what Odétte is saying and she doesn't think translating would be in anyone's best interests - though she does find it necessary to hide a smile. Her expression turns baffled when the dwarf appears to disparage her for suggesting they head west (towards the trees) when that's exactly what he himself does! Eventually, she rolls her eyes and turns her attention towards Odétte instead.

"There's blood on the road and the storm is making the horses nervous" she explains, quickly and to-the-point is the best way to hammer information into her friend's scatterbrained head. "We're going to go west into the trees to find shelter. Err, Kaytu?" she calls hesitantly, she's seen the elf woman around Falcon's Hollow before but has never really talked to her. "The blood heads into the trees as well, perhaps we should go together, since we're all heading in the same direction anyway? For safety?"

People. Sophia really isn't good with people. She'd much prefer to be out here on her own.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-27, 02:36 AM
Odétte blows a raspberry at Murklur, the likes of which man and dwarfkind has never known.

"Oui, perhaps that would be best." Odétte follows Sophia when suddenly she gets an idea - a crazy one, too, for that is the best kind.
She pulls a pure white dove out of her coin pocket and shows it just to Sophia.
"Sophie - un, um, 'friend' told moi tat we can lend his pigeon to help us." Odétte smiles and blushes slightly as she focuses on Sophia, remembering the last time she turned to this particular friend for help.

2015-08-27, 02:58 AM
Kaytu hears Sophia, turns to her and nods happily. "Yes, that would be ideal. Let's go."

With that, she retrieves her horse and proceeds into the wooded path as well.

2015-08-27, 03:36 PM
Kim continues to take in Odette's antics, he had certainly never met anyone of her ilk, but he liked her. At the very least she drew focus away from him. "Smart." He says to Sophia. "Mistress Kaytu, I will accompany you to examine the tracks if you do not mind, there could be danger or one in need of help."

2015-08-27, 06:32 PM
Leaving the road and following the impromptu track through the woods, what little sunlight remains under the blanket of cloud is diminished still further, giving the entire scene an appearance more like dusk than near noon. Thick shrubs are everywhere, with occasional gaps that might be old tracks or simply natural gaps in the flora. Amongst the shrubs, large elm trees tower overhead, their spreading branches providing some shelter on the ground beneath them. The trail of broken shrubs and trampled vegetation is not difficult to follow, and dotted here and there are splashes of crimson that assure that you are still following the trail.

Riding a little ahead on Clara's back, Murklur’s only warning comes in the form of a feral snarl as a wolf barrels out of the brush to his right, snapping its jaws at Clara’s flanks. The mule’s thick skin foils the predator’s efforts, but mere moments later a second wolf appears, this time from the other side, and sinks its jaws into her back leg. Clara screams as the animal twists and tries to pull mount and rider to the ground, but after a moment of uncertainty the mule proves the sturdier of the two creatures and the wolf releases its grip, circling and looking for another opportunity. As they attack, in between the barks and snarls, they call out in short, ululating howls.

Through the trees, more howls come, as if in answer.


Roll initiative. The wolves got a surprise round due to everyone flubbing their Perception checks. The weather didn't help in that respect either. Clara takes 4 damage, but resists the trip attempt.

Wolves' Initiative: [roll0], [roll1]

Murklur needs a DC 20 Ride check on his initiative to control Clara, who will otherwise attempt to flee, if he makes it. Let's say he can use the same result to dismount as a free action if desired. If he fails, she bolts which will provoke AoOs from both wolves. In that case he could elect to fall off to stay in the fight, but he'd need the usual DC 15 Ride check to avoid damage from the fall.

Everyone else is a little behind him, and can start in any square between K24 and O25. Squares that are majority shrub are difficult terrain, squares containing trees are impassable and can provide total cover. The rain is still coming thick and fast, inflicting a -4 penalty on ranged attacks and requiring a DC 5+spell level Concentration check to cast spells.

As a reminder, post the actions you want to take, with appropriate rolls in whatever order. I'll resolve the whole round in initiative order once everyone has posted and update the map. Feel free to include reasonable contingencies such as secondary targets and the like, I'll take those into account.

Kaytu's guidance is still active (say for another 3 rounds).

2015-08-28, 07:30 AM
Murklur grits his teeth, drawing his trusty waraxe. He attacks the wolf that bit Clara, screaming an intimidating shout as he does so. Clara does her best to defend herself.

Initiative: [roll0]. Good thing I took a trait and a feat to improve it...

Attack: [roll1]; [roll2]...because even if I act first, I'm not hitting anything.

Prince Zahn
2015-08-28, 05:38 PM
Odétte turns her head to see the ruckus from Murklur and his mule. He is being attacked by hungry wolves!
She smiles to herself briefly as she aims her crossbow. Still burning inside is his remarks about her language. His wish for her to be struck by lightning. Such utter disrespect. One crossbow good shot to his knee and it would all be over.
But she hesitates, for reasons which may never be known. She signs and gets a good aim at the wolf right in front of her, and fires at will.
going to help Murklur here, Odétte is standing still at N24 and firing at the wolf straight up at N15

Light Crossbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2015-08-28, 09:05 PM
Sophia cringes a little as Odétte pulls the dove out of her coin purse, she does remember what happened last time and it's not something she cares to repeat. There's no point in worrying about it now however, the signs are plain as day that Odétte is already... playing. The wolf attack drives those thoughts out of her head though, and she immediately follows Odétte and pulls her crossbow.


Sophia is still on horseback, in square M24 (right next to Odétte feels appropriate :smallsmile:). She will load and fire her crossbow at the wolf in N15 (same one Odétte is firing at). If I have the movement (because I can never remember how the movement rules work), she'll dismount from her horse as well.


2015-08-29, 02:07 AM
Kaytu recoils in surprise, bumping into her horse as Sophia's crossbow bolt fires right next to her ear.

She pats the skittish equine on the nose as she regains her composure. She was wearing her buckler by this point because why not, but she hadn't even thought to draw her sword; she was using her dominant hand to lead the horse by its reins. As the wild wolves tear into Clara the Mule, Kaytu suspects she might not have time to futz with her sword sheath yet, either...

It's raining too hard for her to even consider using her bow, and she's impressed that Sophia and Odette seem to be pulling it off.

Kaytu is starting in L24 - unfortunately putting her just far enough from the action that she can't draw her weapon and close into melee. (With a +0 BAB, she's still a level off from being able to walk and draw her weapon at the same time. :smalltongue: She's not getting an attack roll unless a wolf disengages from its meal and comes all the way over to her for some reason.)

Her horse is following just behind her. Kaytu's move depends heavily on the wolves, Murklur and Clara the Mule.

If, by the time Kaytu's action comes up, Clara is still alive and bolts from the wolves - taking Murklur with her - then Kaytu can use the opportunity to cast Entangle catching both of the wolves and none of her party members, which would be amazing.

In a somewhat more likely scenario, if a wolf happens to move into a position where Kaytu can flank it in a single move action, she will do so and draw her sword at the end of the move for any potential attacks of opportunity.

Barring those options, if the mule doesn't run away from the wolves but still somehow winds up even 5 feet closer to Kaytu, she will move up and cast cure light wounds on the animal (or do the same with some other wounded ally, if a wolf changes targets for some reason.)

Here's a concentration check if we end up in one of the scenarios where she ends up casting an entangle or cure spell. If it's the Miracle Entangle, she'll cash in her Guidance for an additional +1. EDIT: Or rather, she would, but I think the DC for the check is still just 6? I can't imagine it would, 'trigger,' if there was no chance of failure in the first place.


2015-08-30, 08:32 AM
((The map's not working for me for some reason :smallconfused: let's assume he's somewhere near the front of the group.))

Kim thinks he notices the shift in Odette's aim and gives here a skeptical look before returning his focus to the battle before him. He draws a dagger and sends it spinning into the nearest wolf.

Attack: [roll1]
Crit confirm:[roll2]
Sneak attack if he acts before the wolves:[roll4]

2015-08-30, 03:58 PM
Screaming defiance at the snarling wolves, Murklur lays about him with his waraxe. Clara however, has other plans: still screaming in animal terror, the little mule rears and bolts away from the wolves, one of which fetches her another bite on the hindquarters as she makes her break towards the party. As she reaches the rest of the party she slows, cantering past the line of humans and taking shelter with the larger horses, who begin whinnying and snorting nervously upon seeing the smaller creature’s distress.

Drawing her crossbow and levelling it at the wolves, Sophia looses a single quarrel. In the appalling conditions though, the shot goes wide, embedding itself in a nearby tree. Perhaps sensing the near miss, the wolves look towards the group and emit a low growl. Almost as a single creature, they rush forwards, jumping and snapping at Sophia and Kaytu. At the last minute however, they encounter a slippery patch of ground and are almost effortlessly avoided by the two women in the ensuing tumble.

Taking his chance, Kim slips off to the side, drawing a knife and tossing it at the closest wolf. Like Sophia before him however, the driving rain foils his efforts, his grip slipping and the knife flying off to be lost in the bushes.

Seizing her opportunity to halt the creatures in their tracks, Kaytu steps smartly away before weaving a spell. Her eyes glow softly with a green radiance and the vegetation beneath the wolves seems to come alive, grass and roots snaking upwards, twining around them. One of the animals is left struggling in vain against the plants, but the other is faster than its pack-mate, perhaps nervous after its undignified slide along the forest floor.

Odette, in a brief moment of clarity, levels her crossbow and looses at the wolf left unencumbered by Kaytu’s magic. At such close range the creature has no time to evade, and the quarrel embeds itself in its shoulder, making the animal snarl in rage and pain.

To the west, the howling and barking continues unabated, if anything, it seems to be getting closer.


Murklur fails his Ride check and Clara bolts. The wolves take their AoOs but only 1 hits, dealing 3 more damage. As expected, its attempt to trip is a failure. In an effort to keep Murklur on the same map, I’ve put Clara in L26-M27 (just off the edge), but left Murklur on the map edge. He can dismount with a move action into K24-N25 next turn.

Sophia fails her attack roll due to the penalties from the weather, same goes for Kim. Sophia unfortunately remains mounted, because she needs a move action to ready the crossbow. I rejigged the positions slightly to account for the fact that her and her mount take up a large space. :smallsigh:

The wolves charge the party, but failed their attack rolls even worse.

Kaytu had an opportunity to get off the Entangle, so I thought she’d do that after a 5 ft. step. One wolf made its save.

Odette has the dubious honour of being the only party member to hit this turn.

Wolf with green pip is entangled, wolf with red pip is wounded. Green area is Kaytu’s "Hail Ehlonna" entangle.

SilentNight, my the maps are on Dropbox, it went down for a while today which is probably why you couldn't see it. Seems to be working OK now though. :smallconfused:

2015-08-30, 06:12 PM
Kim makes another addition to his mental list of things to never do again. Waiting for the rest of the party to reposition, he draws another dagger and spins it towards the free wolf.

2015-08-30, 07:04 PM
Murklur dismounts, and moves into a position where he can charge and flank a wolf at his next opportunity.

Lady Moreta
2015-08-30, 08:33 PM
Sophia mutters a few words of extreme irritation and slides hastily off her horse, leaving her cross bow for the time being, she draws her morningstar instead and prepares to attack the wolf Odétte has somehow managed to hit.

Pretty sure that's two move actions? Movement confuses me...

2015-08-30, 11:23 PM
Kaytu notices the wolf on her left struggling against the blessed roots that reached up and snared it while it was sliding around. Good. She waves Sophia and her horse away from it. "Back up! That one's stuck for now; just stay away from its mouth. And watch out for the moving bushes."

"That goes for you too, Murklur," she tells the dwarf as he rushes past. Murklur presumably either ignores her entirely or dismisses her because he knows how to fight for himself, thank you very much.

The area around the active wolf is getting crowded, and it sounds like the rest of the pack will be closing in soon. She glances at the animals... Clara the Mule is in pain, but still mobile; Kaytu can get back to her when there's more time.

She draws her sword and approaches the fray, staying just out of reach of the wolves' jaws, and prepares to punish them should they leave the entangled area or continue to attack.

As she draws her sword, Kaytu encourages Sophia+horse to move at least 5 feet East, to get away from the trapped wolf while still blocking the free one. If Sophia doesn't or can't do this for whatever reason - or if Murklur gets into melee with the immobile wolf himself - then Kaytu just steps up and attacks green-dot wolf while it's vulnerable, likely with a huff of mild displeasure.

If nobody else is in range of the green-dot wolf's bite, there's no reason to open herself up to it, so her behavior is a bit different. If the red-dot wolf has already moved into a spot where she can step up to it and attack without getting too close to the other wolf, she does so. If the red-dot wolf stays where it is, she shifts to about L25 and readies an action to strike if it does come this way.

If the wolf actually moves in the other direction, perhaps trying to attack Odette, Kaytu will probably just shift up and attack the immobile wolf because she can. She will respond to requests for a flank or other assistance, however.

EDIT: If she does end up making an attack, she'll spend her guidance buff on it if it's still up. Feel free to roll for me in that case.

Prince Zahn
2015-09-03, 08:16 AM
Odétte feels brave, yet crafty, yet scared, yet proud... Uggh. Too many emotions, without direction... She thinks that perhaps she made a mistake with her ritual. Perhaps the sacrifice was not potent enough. Maybe she was too rough on Malphas and he is holding a grudge. . . nevertheless, the spirit is quiet. The wind - strong. She looks at the blanche dove on her shoulder - She sees the spirit waiting patiently within it's eyes.

But for what? Why won't her vestige hand her guidance? A plan to defend her friends? Why does he just watch?

And then it occured to her.

Odétte ran to sophia. "Sophie! look after moi - I have une idea!"

Lady De Mont then closes her eyes, thinking of a soul born blind who open their eyes and see for the first time. Thinking of how he may have craved color. Like a hunger, starved and deprived like a cheeta chasing an eagle in vein. Or, even like the wolves.

She sets her dove free, which flies between the two wolves and begins to peck and flutter among them.
Bird's Eye Viewing. What check can I use to distract the wolves with the promise of low-flying meat?

2015-09-03, 09:37 AM
Swinging down out of the saddle and onto the forest loam, Murklur readies himself to attack the wolves head on. Sopha likewise dismounts, readying herself for melee combat. Through the trampled path, you see the shapes of three more wolves running through the rain. One after another, they run into Kaytu’s magically animated plants, but by some miracle they each manage to escape the grasping flora, skittering of into the shrubs at either side.

Meanwhile, the injured wolf is out for vengeance. It drags itself free of the plants and lunges for Odette, landing a savage bite on her forearm. Though it sinks its teeth in and drags with all its might, the young woman manages to keep her feet. Stumbling back towards her friend Odette thrusts her feathered companion at the snarling creature. While the wolf snaps its jaws at the bird as it closes, the dove proves too elusive, weaving around the beast’s jaws and pecking at the larger animal, but accomplishing little other than annoying it.

Its partner however, does not fare well. It strains against the plants that bind it, but to no avail. Seeing their opportunity, Kim and Kaytu both spring into action in an effort to finish the trapped animal off. Kim, unfortunately, fumbles his throw, sending the knife into the forest floor after travelling barely a metre. Kaytu however, is more successful, drawing a long crimson line across the beast’s flank.


Right, Murklur is in the hypothetical square L26, which will let him charge either wolf next turn.

The wounded wolf goes after Odette, hits for 5 damage but fails to trip. The second fails the DC 20 Str check to escape the magic plants.

Three other wolves have now appeared, but have to navigate the bushes to avoid Kaytu’s impromptu garden. Somehow they all made their saves. Only thing to remember is that the big trees block line of sight, so ranged attacks on them might be tricky (if you still wanted to try your luck). :smallwink:

Kim misses, Kaytu steps up, attacks and hits, dealing 5 damage to the immobilised wolf (note the shiny new red pip).

The bird dodges the wolf’s AoO, but misses it’s own attack (it’s the little white dot).

2015-09-03, 09:52 AM
Kim decides to quit ignoring divine messages and change tactics. He motions to Kaytu move a bit to her right ((L24)), and then nimbly darting around the wolf to crack at its spine with his staff. ((Moving to K23, then a 5-foot step to L22 for delicious flanks))

Sneak Attack:[ROLL]1d6[/ROLL

2015-09-03, 06:13 PM
Murklur charges the nearest wolf, preferably the uninjured one.

I'm not sure which token is mine, or if I'm on the map at all.

Attack: [roll0], [roll1]

Lady Moreta
2015-09-03, 08:45 PM
"Get behind me!" Sophia yells, surging forwards to protect her friend.

Sophia will move to O23 if she can (I'm not sure if the bushes pictured there will get in the way). If she can't then she'll move to M24. If she can make it to O23, that's 10ft of movement so she gets an extra 1d6 Skirmish damage :smallbiggrin: either way, she'll attack wolfy in N23.


Extra Skirmish damage if in O23:[roll2]

2015-09-04, 01:18 AM
Kaytu's eyes dart from one side of the clearing to the other, counting the new arrivals as they hop out of the grasping bushes and into the regular ones.

"Hold on. Behind you." She holds up a finger for Kim to wait as she lets Murklur barrel past to help Sophia and Odette, then carefully steps away from the biting, captive wolf.

Her eyes glow again as she holds up her symbol-shield and waves her hand, spreading her divine plant-influence towards the pair of wolves off to the left. The shrubbery bends over to grab the beasts as they try to navigate around them.

The captive wolf is likely to bite Kaytu on its own action, so either it seizes an opportunity while she's looking around or Murklur just shoves her into the poor thing. I was also trying to find a way to let Kim sneak attack safely first, but once the plants are awake it takes a whole standard action to put them back to sleep. :smalltongue: If he can still hop over the crazy terrain and flank the wolf before Kaytu moves, and he really wants to, then she could let him.

The idea here is to step to L25 and cast entangle again to get those two new wolves, assuming they're not somehow on top of us already by the time she has the opportunity. Kaytu doesn't have Combat Casting, so she's stepping away from the current wolf first.

The new AoE should catch the wolves on the left and fill the whole area between us and them with more entangling to slow them down further.

Concentration: [roll0] (which I think still auto-succeeds but whatever)

2015-09-05, 06:55 AM
Kim takes a quick glance back and sees the rushing dwarf. He sidesteps, then avoids the plants and decides to simply step forward and swing. ((Same rolls?))

Prince Zahn
2015-09-07, 09:06 AM
Odétte loads her crossbow, taking what aim she could with a bleeding wound in her arm , but she is built of tougher stuff than that.
She aims the crossbow with both hands, she can take every drop of delicious vengeance on the wolf that bit her after the danger is gone. For now, she fires her crossbow at the wolf in the distance to her right. If she could so much as strike it's leg, she could ensure another one would be dead, and there would be something fulfilling to talk about during the campfire.

Odétte fires the arrow, and suddenly her stomach starts to grumble.
Attack roll, though tactically pointless:

If I apply for a penalty for whatever reason, let me know and subtract it from the result. If a bonus - add.
Damage on hit: [roll1]

2015-09-07, 03:43 PM
With a mighty rush, Murklur barrels into the fray, landing a mortal blow on the wolf distracted by Odette’s dove. With blood flowing freely from the open wound in its neck the creature collapses to the forest floor. Moments later, Sophia is at his side, striking the wolf still held fast by Kaytu’s magic. Catching it across the jaw with her morningstar, the creature whines pitifully, ears flattened against its head in abject terror as it tries one final time to wrest itself free from the plants before Kim appears behind it and puts an end to its suffering with a single well-placed strike from his staff. It connects with the back of the wolf’s skull with a loud crack, dropping the unlucky canine to the floor, utterly still.

Summoning up her magic once more, Kaytu lends life to the plants around the pair of remaining wolves, holding one of them fast and putting a swath of gently undulating flora between the other and her companions.

Ignoring the pain in her arm, Odette reloads and fires at the lone wolf. Whether because of the atrocious weather or the throbbing pain, her aim is off and the quarrel whizzes by the creature, which yelps as it ducks away.

As their pack-mate strains against the animated plants, the wolf to the left and its companion to the right come up short. Whether deterred by the grisly fate of the first two wolves or lacking their willingness to attack, they peel off and flee into the forest. The final wolf, held fast by the vines, whines piteously in terror at its sudden abandonment.

See OOC thread if you’re desperately interested in a summary, suffice it to say combat over. Well done, tea and medals all around and so forth. :smalltongue:

2015-09-07, 04:19 PM
Within moments of the battle passing, Murklur has his dagger out and is busy skinning and field-dressing the slain wolves. There isn't much meat on them, even by wolf standards, but it's edible and his time in the wilds have taught him to spare nothing. In less than an hour he'll have two pelts and plenty of raw wolf-meat besides. "These were some hungry wolves," he says in passing. "They look half-starved."

2015-09-07, 05:28 PM
Kaytu kneels down in the rain to more closely examine the starved wolves, making sure that Murklur doesn't accidentally skin them alive. He does seem to be onto something, though. "Yeah, I can see that. It's strange, I would think that wolves should be pretty fat by this time of year, normally."

She's not sure what else to conclude from this; there could be some new, dangerous competing predator, or the pack could have just had a run of bad luck. She might even be off-base trying to read into it much at all; Kaytu's always been more of a botanist, really.

After a moment making sure it's safe, she dismisses the magic on the co-opted shrubbery, allowing the last wolf to scram and rejoin its family. She then gets up to examine her own party for injury, starting, of course, with Odette.

"Child, may I see your arm for a moment?"

Assuming Odette doesn't stubbornly refuse to be touched, Kaytu calls upon another one of her gifts to accelerate the healing process. "Good... Now, open your mouth, please."

She's using her feat to give Odette fast healing 1 for ten rounds, which translates to a flat 10 HP.

She can do this about 5 times a day. Making the forest do her bidding is asking a lot, but Ehlonna gives Kaytu more latitude when it comes to healing.

2015-09-07, 06:57 PM
Kim jumps as the wolf falls. He'd never killed anything before, much less in such a visceral manner. Still, while it felt validating it wasn't something he wanted to make a habit of. "Perhaps the plague has affected their food sources, no rabbits means no wolves, it is nature, no?" He goes off to track down the two unfortunate daggers and stop looking at Murklur's visceral handiwork.

Prince Zahn
2015-09-07, 11:45 PM
As soon as the howling beasts perish or flee as they did, The young Odétte de Mont lost that drive that helped her ignore her pain. She got down on her knees, embracing her freezing cold, blood-stained sleeve.

Her hair was scattered down and hid her face well, but Katyu could see that she struggled to keep her tears back, and her voice back. - The De Monts are strong, they fear not the pain.

Odétte resisted treatment at first, saying never a word beyond her heavy breathing, but as Katyu eventually pulled through and her deep wounds close up.

But even then she still feels the pain, somehow: agony from a bleeding ego, and a desire for to return the favor - unfulfilled. The difference simply made her wound far more manageable.

2015-09-08, 03:04 AM
"Perhaps, though I rather doubt it," Kaytu says to Kim over her shoulder. Of course, given the weather, this practically necessitates shouting, which makes her otherwise disinterested tone sound rather out of place.

Kaytu squints at Odette's mouth as she examines her. "I thought I saw something odd... Child, what happened? Did you do something to your tongue and teeth?"

Lady Moreta
2015-09-08, 07:16 PM
Sophia keeps one eye on Odétte, to ensure she doesn't kick up a fuss, while she draws a dagger of her own and drops down to help Murkler skin and dress the wolves.

Prince Zahn
2015-09-09, 08:55 AM
Odétte's eyes widen as she covers her lips. she forgot a very big detail - without her kerchief, everyone could see her mouth - the sign shows as clear as day.

She had many phrases prepared for these sorts of situations, like that she loved to chew tobacco, among other things. But for some reason she couldn't lie.
"If I tell vous," Odétte told Katyu most nervously. "Promise to moi tat you won't be angry."

2015-09-09, 08:29 PM
Kaytu sighs sharply, but her stern examination face fades to a relieved smile. Self-inflicted afflictions are always embarrassing to talk about, but at least it won't be some horrible new mystery to deal with.

"Of course."

Prince Zahn
2015-09-09, 11:23 PM
The young Odétte whispers to Katyu's keen ear.
"do vous know what a 'binderre' is?"

Odétte prepares to vanish from sight and flee the scene at the first sign of agression.

2015-09-10, 03:02 PM
It’s difficult work, made no easier by the wind and rain, but between the two of them Murklur and Sophia manage to produce two passable pelts. The meat on the other hand is another matter, the wolves’ scrawny appearance was if anything masked by their fur; the pair manage to carve off a few pieces of stringy meat, but without spending hours carefully picking the bones clean they’ve done all they can.

You are now the proud owners of 2 wolf pelts of slightly questionable quality (one’s been slightly mangled by an axe) and 3 lb. of wolf meat.

It’s a somewhat frustrating task in the dingy, wet conditions, but Kim manages to find both of his daggers. As he retrieves the second one he feels something brush against his ear, just before a loud whinny comes from just next to his ear. One of the horses, perhaps seeking comfort in this grim situation, licks his face.

The other animals congregate around Kaytu and Odette, drawn by the soft light of Kaytu’s magic. Clara looks especially piteous, legs shaking as blood runs sluggishly from the ragged wounds in her leg and flank.

It takes Murklur and Sophia a little over half an hour to complete their grisly task, but it gives the company an opportunity to seek shelter from the rain under one of the smaller trees as the thunderstorm recedes. As they rise from the corpses, bearing the fruits of their labour the rain begins to abate, patchy sunlight breaking through the clouds. It looks like it might turn out to be a pleasant summer afternoon.

2015-09-10, 07:40 PM
"Binder..." Before she can ask Odette to clarify, Kaytu notices Clara's truly tragic limp out of the corner of her eye. "Oh! Right! Hold that thought."

She splashes over to the wounded mule and repeats the examination and restoration process on her nasty wolf bites. "There, there, you poor thing," she coos, petting Clara as Ehlonna's magic gradually mends the damaged tissue. "I should have turned around and gotten to you straight away."

She helps lead the animals to shelter and resumes her whispered conversation with Odette as the rangers finish up. Watching animals get cut up is never fun, but she too grew up with a tradition of not leaving anything to waste. At least her gifts could make the meat they're gathering relatively safe to eat.

"Anyway," she finally says to the giant-speaking young lady, "a binder, you say?"

Turn Undead uses -1
Mule HP +10

2015-09-11, 06:02 AM
Kim strokes the horse's face, surprised and comforted it's already formed a bond with him. "There there, all is well," he coos. He notices Odette and Kaytu's converstation and strains his ears to pick it up.


Prince Zahn
2015-09-11, 06:07 AM
Although her wound has closed and vanished with nay a scar, her muscles still remember the sensation of fangs piercing it, she was lucky though, as the wolf almost bit down on her neck and killed her ouright, had her arm not have intercepted.
Odétte hates that wolf, lucky for that wolf that it was dead now.
But what is Odétte to do with the lingering pain now?

Katyu's return to the conversation helped to take her mind off of the whole experience.

Odétte drew another bird out from her tight sleeve - a raven, this time. Logically, her sleeve should not be wide enough to house all of those birds.
"Oui, a binderre." Odétte presented Katyu with the crow, it was a living, breathing raven in every sense of the word, yet calm and tame in the hands of another person.
"I discoverte un livre about lost spirits. Tey exist in une world farterre ten te gods can reash. Tey wandre in land of noting. Et tey are lonelie, Katyu. Tey will answer to anie une, and give all terr power to un mortal if it mean tat tey could be heere for even a da-ha-ha---." Odétte speaks quietly, but quickly she jerks up her head multiple times As she covers her face with her hands. Her head bobs down violently, as a squeaky, cold blast erupts from her nostrils into her palms in a moments notice. She sighs reflexely to her sneeze.
"Pardon." she responded, dismissing others to go about their business.
Her hair was still soaked by the rain and hanging down in front of her face, it for not occur to Odétte to part it.
"Je pray tat vous could keep silent about it. Pacte magique is pas a ting je would like people to talk about when looking at me, it would be une ilsulte to house De Mont."

2015-09-11, 10:30 PM
"Bless you," Kaytu tells the sneezing child. She thinks hard on the situation, seemingly reluctant to take her eyes off of the summoned birdie.

A spirit granting magical power in exchange for influence. Pact magic, in other words. Barring fanciful stories of warlock antiheroes and redeemed tieflings, traditional wisdom and plain common sense still say that nothing good ever comes from it.

"...I see."

Her gaze dips downward and her eyelids half-close. She had promised not to get mad. Not that anger was likely the proper response to begin with. Let's just say it's lucky that she had the reminder.

She looks Odette in the eyes again.

"Very well, I'll try to respect your privacy. We can discuss this in more detail another time. I just ask that you don't hesitate to come to me if start suffering any other... side-effects."

"Meanwhile," Kaytu says, standing straight and speaking up. "We should probably find you a replacement handkerchief. One that isn't covered in wolf dander, hopefully."

Prince Zahn
2015-09-13, 11:16 AM
"I tink I really do need mon foulard back" Odétte realized that the headkerchief was harder to remember than it seemed. "C'est...um... A gift from mon papa. He will be veri... Colère, if he found out. Oui. Veri angri! We must find it."

Lady Moreta
2015-09-13, 08:17 PM
"It flew off down that way" Sophia says, suddenly entering the conversation, and pointing in the general direction of the path they'd been on. She joins the two women, sheathing the dagger she'd used to help skin the wolves at the same time. "I dunno if we'll be able to find it Odétte" she adds doubtfully. Her eyes fix on Kaytu then, clearly wondering about the content of their conversation and wondering exactly what Odétte's mention of her handkerchief means.

2015-09-13, 10:04 PM
"...I was more concerned with the sneezing," Kaytu responds to Sophia's inquiring look.

She swings down her backpack and roots through her spare clothes for her simple white bandanna. Of course, her pack isn't waterproof, but a wet kerchief is better than nothing when you need to blow your nose. "Here, child. I think that one of the horses trampled your fauxlahd, I'm afraid," she says as she wipes off Odette's face and hands her the cloth.

She returns her attention to Sophia and the rest of the party. "Before returning to the road, I still think we should finish following the blood trail from earlier... assuming it's not completely obscured by now."

Lady Moreta
2015-09-15, 08:59 PM
I wasn't... Sophia thinks, giving Odétte one long, hard look before turning away to find the blood trail they'd been following in the first place. Now wasn't the time or place to find out exactly what those two had been talking about, but as soon as she found the time...

"The trail is here," she said aloud, gesturing with the hand that still held her morningstar. "I think you're probably right about following it."

2015-09-15, 09:03 PM
"Alright," Murklur says, following close to the front.

2015-09-16, 05:07 AM
Kim follows the group as well.

2015-09-17, 01:16 PM
Picking your way through the rather damp forest with the horses and mule in tow, you follow the path of broken vegetation, marked here and there by the occasional splash of blood. As you travel, the dappled sunlight shining through the leaves and the light breeze following the storm begin to dry the soaked animals and clothes and the air smells of the freshness that always seems to follow rain. Small woodland critters dart away as you walk by, startled by the group’s noise. The mounts seem uneasy, though whether they are still nervous from the attack or something else entirely is anyone’s guess.

After a couple of minutes, you begin to hear running water: the river runs nearby to the west and it would appear you are almost upon it. As the noise becomes clearer, the trees begin to thin out, before opening into a clearing that would look like a pleasant woodland meadow were it not for the grisly scene that greets your eyes, making the source of the animals’ discomfort all too clear.

In the middle of the clearing lies a horse, or rather the remains of a horse. The animal has been torn open and messily devoured, blood and pieces of flesh coat the ground nearby. Up ahead, beside a small bank of pebbles, is the river. Off to one side, the grass has been flattened in a rather odd manner, and a quick investigation reveals the reason: a man lies dead at the foot of one of the larger trees, a single ragged wound about his throat the only obvious sign of any injury about him, though with the amount of blood soaked into his clothes it is difficult to say for sure. His clothes are unremarkable, a simple tunic and a long rain cloak favoured by many local travellers, his features put him perhaps in his early thirties, and he wears a full beard to match his not quite shoulder length dark hair. His features place him as a citizen of the frontier, rather than one of the locals that occasionally pass through the territory, but none of you recognise him.

Prince Zahn
2015-09-17, 01:48 PM
Odétte gasps at the brutality and death before her, and can't stop looking at it. Taking a moment to absorb it in. Her eyes widen.
And she let's out a blood-curdling, high pitched scream.
No stealth for us, then?:smalltongue:

2015-09-17, 06:46 PM
"Shut up," Murklur barks at Odette, but it's too late. The naive debutante has already discarded any hope of the protection secrecy might grant, so Murklur readies himself against an assault, dismounting Clara and holding his weapon ready.

2015-09-17, 09:07 PM
Kaytu immediately dismounts and approaches the body on the off chance that she could find a breath or a pulse.

Heal check! [roll0]
- If this could also identify what may have inflicted the injury, so much the better, but it's probably still just, 'like, a bear or something.'

Active listen/spot: [roll1]

Search Perception Check! [roll2]

Kneeling down next to the dead man, she entwines her fingers in a silent prayer to collect her thoughts before proceeding. She looks over the body for anything that might be useful in identifying him.

...Odette will probably have all the screaming out of her system soon enough.

Lady Moreta
2015-09-17, 09:26 PM
Sophia grimaces at Odétte's shriek and hastily throws her arms around her friend, forcibly pulling the younger girl into her arms and forcing her head down onto her shoulder. She mutters soothing nonsense at her and rubs her back, hoping that Odétte takes comfort from the gesture and doesn't notice that Sophia is actively attempting to muffle her noise. Odétte would likely take offense at the thought she was being 'shushed' and the last thing they needed was more noise. She glances down at the body, wondering what killed the man, and is secretly relieved to see Kaytu approach. She's not squeamish, she's an accomplished hunter; but she deals with dead animals, not dead people and she's more disturbed by the sight than she'd like to admit.

2015-09-18, 04:34 PM
Odette's scream, though irritating for a variety of tactical reasons, is helpful in tearing Kim's gaze away from the carnage. He lets Kaytu do her investigations, anxious to hear the results. He drops a pebble he's been carrying for the past 15 minutes and instead gazes around.


2015-09-20, 06:11 PM
Birds scatter from the trees at Odette’s scream, fluttering away on the breeze. The mounts are surprised by the noise as well, straining against their reins in panic, but the group manage to maintain a semblance of order. Once the cries of the animals and the echoes of Odette’s scream have died away, the clearing seems eerily quiet, with only the trickle of the river and and rustle of the wind through the leaves greeting your ears.

Kaytu and Odette remain ignorant of the pastoral scene, the former because she is fully absorbed with her examination of the body, the latter due to her panic.

Examining the body meticulously, Kaytu rolls it over, covering her hands with still tacky blood in the process. At length she finishes and stands, apparently satisfied.

2015-09-20, 07:02 PM
Kaytu solemnly closes the man's eyes before getting up.

"The wolves got him," she reports with a sigh. "A single bite to the neck. He didn't even have time to draw his dagger."

She carefully picks two money pouches off of the subject and examines their contents. "I can only imagine he was going on a supply trip. ...huh." She picks out a gold coin from one of the pouches and offers it for everyone's inspection. It's larger than the local currency and features an engraving of seven stars, arranged in a heptagon. "He was trying to hide these. I don't recognize the designs on them. Does anyone know where it might be from?"

2015-09-21, 04:01 PM
Kim extends his hand for the coin, asking, "May I?" He turns it over in his hand, giving it a toss as he examines it.

Knowledge (Local):[roll0]

2015-09-23, 12:55 PM
Kim thinks quickly, there was no way this man was a colleague, a fellow player would never be taken out by a single bite, but Ahlessian gold in the man's possession meant Kim might not be the only agent in the area. Kim would need to refresh his code phrases and be on the lookout.

"I think the coin is from somewhere up north, Aelisia, Aleria, Ahlessia, something like that, does anyone know of it? It looks as though he lives away on the frontier though. Why was he not devoured along with his horse?"

2015-09-23, 08:39 PM
Kaytu looks over at the half-eaten horse. "I can only assume we interrupted them. It's probably best if we get back to the road and let the poor wolves reclaim their meal. We can return his personal effects if we happen to find someone he knew... the woods don't have much use for daggers and things, or for Ahlessian gold for that matter."

Lady Moreta
2015-09-23, 09:50 PM
Sophia keeps one arm wrapped around Odétte's shoulders as she leans over to peer at the coin curiously. She doesn't know much about money, not having a great deal of need for it. Generally, she barters her skills as a hunter for those things she needs and can't provide for herself. The only times she's actually used coin was to buy her armour and weapons. She listens silently to Kim's explanation of the coin's origins, until he begins to speak about geography.

"Uhh, Kim?" she interjects, a little puzzled. "Ahlessia is south of here, not north." Sophia doesn't bother commenting on Kaytu's suggestion for the body. She has no problem allowing the wolves to return to their meal, they clearly needed it and she has a better understanding of the ways of the forest than most humans.

2015-09-24, 08:24 AM
"Oh, right, right," Kim smiles sheepishly, "thank you Miss Sophia, I'll remember, have you been there?"

Prince Zahn
2015-09-25, 01:27 PM
Catching her breath, Odétte listens to the conversation with a lot on her mind. The two are taking so casually about some foreign country when a bloody corpse is lying in front of them.
"we... We could still fix tis." she said, unable to look away from the body. "M-Mon papa knows un undertakre in Fjared's Landing. C'est pas too late to give tis man a propre burial."

2015-09-25, 11:49 PM
"That..." Kaytu looks at Odette pityingly. She really is a good kid.

"Well, child, I suppose it would be good for anyone there who knew him, but how do you suggest we carry his body?"

Prince Zahn
2015-09-26, 01:31 AM
Odétte takes a step to stroke her horse. She shifts her gaze rapidly between Katyu and the corpse.
'Les stallionnes are big and strong; if we can keep him on Gilgamesh, I could ride him to town."

2015-09-26, 08:34 AM
Yeah, just go ahead and impose your values on this man, it's not like he's around to say anything about it, Murklur thinks, but rather than saying anything, he just spits on the ground and mounts his mule. "We don't have time to waste. People are dying, remember? Let's get the cure and get back."

Lady Moreta
2015-09-26, 09:16 PM
Sophia shrugs at Kim, "No, I've never been there."

Her attention is immediately diverted by Odétte's distress and Murklur's obvious impatience. Hastily, she moves to intervene. "Odétte", she grimaces, Murklur is smelly and obnoxious and Sophia doesn't really like him, but in this instance, he's right. "We... don't really have time for this. It is very sad that this man had to die, but that is the way of the world. The wolves are a vital part of the balance in the forest, and they need to eat. And there are people dying... my parents" her voice chokes up and she stops abruptly, swallowing hard. "Odétte, don't you see? We have to do this? There's no time for anything else!"

2015-09-26, 10:37 PM
Kaytu sighs and tries to calm down the children. "Shhh. If there is something we do not have time for, it's arguing."

She turns her attention to the body, and again to Odette. "As long as we pray that his soul finds rest, I agree that allowing a body to return to nature is more than fitting. We can load it onto Gilgamesh if you feel strongly about it, but you do not have to travel the rest of the way carrying a corpse if you don't want to."

Prince Zahn
2015-09-27, 03:02 AM
Odétte reaches for the body and already attempts to secure his remains upon her horse.
"Les wolves... Les wolves can eat each oter for all I care." Odétte thinks back at the wound she had on her arm, but continues to load the corpse upon her steed."I think vous don't understand, none of vous understand. Tis man, whoever he is. C'est but one meal for les wolves, but I can see la soul inside." the persistent Lady De Mont takes rope from her tent to fasten the corpse well. "Ce soul is strong, but C'est pas at peace. Witout a propre burial, he will return as un fantôme, - un ghost; Spectre! Tat will be much worse to ce world ten les wolves tat almost ate us."

Odétte stalls with her explanation as she persistently does and gets what she wants.

"I will have mon papa arrange les funérailles. Come if vous want, but vous ne have to come, I have a feeling ce soul dislikes some of vous, regardlesse."

"Et voila! Oui, we may take our leave, merci!" she says as she tugs at the rope to make sure it is secure, and gets upon her horse, a bit uneasily, but manageable. She commands her horse to get moving.
taking 10 to tie the knots should not take too long to tie a corpse in place right?

2015-09-27, 09:23 AM
Murklur spits again, and lets out a solid Harumph before spurring Clara to move in the direction they all need to go.

2015-09-27, 03:37 PM
"Very well, then. Hy-yup!"

Lifting the fresh corpse with relative ease, Kaytu assists Odette with tying it onto the horse, allowing the group to get on their way that much faster. Humans can be weird sometimes, but if Odette feels so strongly about giving him a, 'proper,' burial, then it stands to reason that this fellow may have felt the same way.

...and if the child has really done what she's said she's done, her idea of his spirit coming back as an undead abomination might actually have some credence.

She washes her hands in the nearby stream and rejoins everyone else on the road.

Lady Moreta
2015-09-27, 08:34 PM
Sophia smiles faintly as she remounts her horse. She knows Odétte, she should have known the younger girl wouldn't let this one go. She nudges her horse to catch up with Odétte and leans in close, "I'm sorry," she murmurs. "If you get uncomfortable, tell me, we can trade mounts. I don't mind." She's not really sure what she's apologising for, as she genuinely had no problems leaving the man to be a meal for the wolves, but she's found that apologies work wonders on Odétte, and for the sake of keeping the peace, she's happy to make one anyway.

2015-09-27, 09:18 PM
"Will not the smell attract more wolves?" Kim asks aloud, more towards Sophia's expertise, but to the group as a whole. Nevertheless, he defers to his elders and makes ready to continue.

2015-09-29, 04:36 PM
With Odette’s mount bearing the unfortunate man’s limp form across its back, albeit with poor grace, the bedraggled party make their way back to the road. As it turns out, Kim’s fears of the smell attracting further unwanted attention prove unfounded; if anything the surroundings are almost eerily quiet as you follow the trail of broken undergrowth back the way you came, though it might simply be a calm following a storm, if there is such a thing.

Back on the road, the group presses on towards The Knot, and the welcome warmth and light of the Four Badgers inn. The rest of the day passes without incident, although after being sidetracked in the forest it is late in the day before you reach your destination. By the time the terrain begins to slope upwards to The Knot and the forest bordering the road thins out the moon is already and the mounts are flagging slightly from a long day of travel that has been punctuated by far more danger than they are used to.

As you crest the gentle rise atop The Knot, the Four Badgers, complete with its rather strange sign depicting four of the animals, dressed in the style of heartland dandies, playing some sort of dice game. Behind you, the forest shrouds most of the valley, broken only by the road and river. Through the gloom you can dimly make out the lights of Falcon’s Hollow. Off to the north, the valley opens up and the forest thins out gradually as the land slopes down towards the distant sea, and the squat glimmer that is Fjared’s Landing.

2015-09-29, 07:30 PM
Kaytu looks back over her shoulder as they arrive at The Knot and start the climb to the inn. She stiffens up, her eyes searching for something that never quite seems to appear, then just sighs and shrugs it off as they get to the Four Badgers.

"We should ask around about our friend," she says, referring to the tall, bearded once-animate object sharing Odette's saddle. "Someone here may have known him or at least seen him recently."

2015-09-29, 08:08 PM
Murklur's head whips around as they leave the forest. He hadn't noticed it before, but the sudden absence of it makes it all the more observable. The feeling that he, that they, were being... watched. He shrugs it off as they ride into town, and he listens, his eyes on the inn where, presumably, a tavern would also be.

Lady Moreta
2015-09-30, 03:49 AM
"That makes sense," Sophia says. "Chances are he came through here; whoever he was."

2015-09-30, 07:26 AM
Kim keeps his eyes trained on the forest even as they put it behind them. Something was there, and he didn't like it. He remains silent though, and takes comfort in the refuge of the inn. Whatever it was it didn't seem to want to follow into civilization. Kim climbs up and enters the inn. Approaching the bartender, he asks "Good evening sir, perchance was there a lone man traveling by horse that came through here in the past day?"
Gather Info:[roll0]

2015-10-04, 06:42 PM
The interior of the Four Badgers is barely better lit than the now gloomy exterior. A low fire crackles in the hearth while a handful of patrons sit around the various tables chatting to one another in low voices. Behind the bar which dominates much of the far side of the room, the bartender is busily cleaning glasses, while the smell of some kind of stew wafts in from the kitchen.

A few of the patrons glance to the door as you enter, most reacting with a dismissive shrug if anything before turning back to their tables. The bartender however, waves you over with an encouraging smile.

Smiling at Kim’s greeting, he pauses polishing the glass in his hands for a moment as he considers the question, “There was sir, though I can’t say I know much more than that. Fella wasn’t what you’d call chatty... just spent the night in his room and left first thing in the morning, said he was visiting folks in the Hollow if I remember right.”

He places the glass back on a shelf and regards the group with a slightly quizzical look, peering at Kaytu in particular, “Aren’t you that elven priestess from there ma'am? We haven’t had anyone come north for week or more, I was starting to wonder if there was something amiss.”

2015-10-05, 12:30 AM
"Ah... well, there's a reason for that." Kaytu looks around before explaining, hoping not to cause a panic... but, none of this is really a secret. "We're trying to contain a contagious illness that we don't know how to deal with. Our party is only going up North to find an elder healer who might know about it. Until then, you should probably warn your customers about the plague as well."

"As for the man we're asking about... if he was going to Falcon's Hollow, he didn't make it. We found his body on the side of the road earlier. You could come identify it if you'd like; we're hoping to return it to someone he knew. Do you think he was coming from Fjared's Landing?"

2015-10-08, 06:44 AM
As Kaytu speaks, the barman’s expression turns from curiosity to concern. When she mentions the dead man, he winces and shakes his head, “Bad times right enough... I’ll let this lot know,” he gestures to the room, “They don’t go up to the Hollow much, maybe once in a blue moon to visit someone, but they won’t be in a hurry when they hear that.”

He blows out his cheeks and removes his stained apron, “I suppose I should take a look at this feller. There’s not really any place else he could be from around here apart from Fjared’s and the Hollow, unless he’s an awful long way from home.”

Brightening up a little he addresses the group at large, “Will you all be wanting rooms for the night or will ya be slumming it by the hearth with this crusty bunch?” The sentence is large enough to carry across the room, and draws a predictable round of good-natured insults from the other patrons.

Prince Zahn
2015-10-11, 08:13 AM
"Ouais. Monsieur. Qua-ah, four of your best beds tonight. Un for each of ce badgers." Odétte volunteers to pay the patron of the inn, trying to keep attention away from her teeth. She puts two lesser coins separately in the barkeep's palm."et one - adequate space by le foyerplace for ce dwarf." she looks towards Murklur, smiling with her mouth shut after emphasizing one in common. "If he wants bettre, he will pay ce rest."

2015-10-11, 08:45 AM
Murklur grunts, shaking his head. "Forget the foreigner," Murklur says to the innkeep. "I'll sleep in the stables with my mule." He storms off to find Clara.

Prince Zahn
2015-10-11, 09:08 AM
Completely harmless but important sense motive check, because this is an immediate response I can see going in more than one way.

[roll0]Odétte jerks up at the extent of the Murklur's "Dwarven pride". She must have offended him somehow. To the degree that he would rather risk sleeping in the filthy stables in the middle of the pouring rain than by a warm fire...
Merde... Merde! If Murklur caught the cold and died because of this, Sophia really WON'T let her hear the end of it.
She apologized to the barkeep and excused herself. Odétte's dress got momentarily caught in a door frame nail as she ran outside after the stubborn dwarf, Murklur! Come back! I did not reallie mean it!

2015-10-11, 09:39 AM
Murklur continues his march to the stables, ignoring Odette's pleas, though noting that in all her apology, there is no actual apology. Even if he were inclined to listen, his brain has gone into a primal state at the unwarranted attack on his honor, and he will need some time to cool down before he is ready to accept any sort of amends-making effort.

Prince Zahn
2015-10-11, 09:46 AM
Since Odétte is stubborn as a mule(a very rich mule) as well, she probably will not give Murklur the space he needs.

2015-10-11, 05:51 PM
"Children," Kaytu sighs, shaking her head as the two stomp and rush out the door, respectively. "Honestly..."

Sure that Odette and Murklur would work it out among themselves, she returns her attention to the innkeeper and finishes making the arrangements: Odette and Sophia rooming together, with Kaytu if there are three spots in a room; and Murklur most likely rooming with Kim. "Does that sound right?"

Lady Moreta
2015-10-11, 08:38 PM
"Ah, yes, that's... that's fine with me" Sophia stutters, her attention entirely not on Kaytu or rooming arrangements, but focused instead on the door Odétte had just rushed through. "Ummm, excuse me, I'd better..." she waves a hand vaguely at the door, then rushes out of the inn herself. She has to move fast, Odétte can move surprisingly quickly when she wants to. Skidding to a halt outside, Sophia spots the stocky figure of the dwarf heading towards the stables, and the slight figure of her friend moving quickly after him. Breaking into a run, Sophia dashes after Odétte and grabs her by the arm.

"Odétte, don't. You'll only make things worse, just... leave him be. Or... or let me go and talk to him!" she sounds a little desperate on that last sentence, if anyone knows how stubborn Odétte can be, it's Sophia. Still, they have a ways to go yet, and they can't afford division in the party. She tightens her grip, "I mean it Oddie, let me handle this."

2015-10-14, 07:32 AM
Kim emerges from his reverie, he had been puzzling over the dead man's identity and completely missed the exchange of insults, something at which he was quite skilled at, but had suppressed in recent times. He smiles at Kaytu. "I can may for myself mistresses. I prefer the warmth of the hearth." He places two silver coins (a third of his savings) on the counter and asks the bartender, in a voiced designed to reach the rest of the common room, "do you have any tasty mutton soup?"

The "tasty mutton soup" is a code phrase, any agent in the room would approach Kim and ask about the seasoning, "do you prefer it with pepper and cumin?" to which Kim would respond ,"no, with lots of salt and a little sage."

2015-10-21, 06:34 PM
The barkeep, a little bemused by Odette and Murklur’s exchange, shrugs and smiles apologetically at Kim. “Only the stew in the pot I’m afraid,” he says, gesturing to the hearth where a large pot steams and exudes an inviting, though plain, aroma, “Help yourselves to a bowl if you like, since you’re staying the night. We normally do a good line in fresh game, but pickings seem a little lean at the moment, no idea why.” He cracks a sly grin and raises his voice so the rest of the clientele can hear, “Maybe this lot are just getting lazy in their old age.”

With the arrangements for accommodation made, he accompanies the group to the stables to inspect the body. Grimacing slightly at the sight, he nods grimly, “Aye, that’s him. Not the first traveller in these parts to be caught out by wolves, but certainly the first in a fair while. I reckon he must have been from Fjared’s, or at least down that way, not many other places he could be from to be honest.”

The night passes peacefully enough, although any particularly light sleepers might have been disturbed by the occasional distant wail. Whether it was from the wind through the trees around the little hill or from the local wildlife however is anyone’s guess.

The next morning dawns bright with a light breeze from the north and a scattering of fluffy clouds. Most of the inn’s other patrons are out with the dawn, either stalking what game they can find or tending to all the little tasks that keep the inn running.

2015-10-21, 08:13 PM
"I see. Thank you," Kaytu says to the innkeeper before heading back inside. "We will take his body the rest of the way home in the morning."

Having grown up using a relatively brief trance instead of sleeping, an elf in human society eventually gets used to the idea of being the last person to bed and the first to rise. She makes sure that the rest of the group finds a comfortable rest and exercises the small courtesy of purifying Murklur's unappetizing meat stash before she finally retires to her nightly prayer and meditation. If during this time one of those nightly wails catches her attention, she's awake and alert enough to take one more walk outside around the building, wondering what it might be.

Come morning, she comes out of her trance and walks outside to greet the sun just as it starts to peek over the horizon, praying for the safety of the early-rising humans and for the group's own success.

She patiently continues to enjoy the sunrise until everyone else gets up.

2015-10-22, 06:40 AM
Kim nods and eats his stew, spending the night swapping jokes and stories with the other guests at the inn. When all have fallen fast asleep, he beds down next to the last few embers where he has a full view of both the doors.

Lady Moreta
2015-10-25, 10:17 PM
Sophia wakes in the morning with the same overwhelming sense of relief she'd gone to bed with... namely that Odétte had come back inside with her instead of continuing to seek our Murklur. Her friend was still fast asleep, so Sophia quietly snuck out of their room and went downstairs in search of breakfast.

2015-10-25, 10:18 PM
Murklur awakes from his position on the ground in the stables at first light, one of the many advantages of sleeping outdoors, if one has a tolerance for the fragrances of nature. He heads inside as well, and sits down at the warm hearth while he waits for the rest of the inn's dwellers to awaken, and for breakfast service to begin.

2015-10-26, 06:37 AM
Kim nods to Murklur and Sophia as they enter. He'd been sitting on a bench, contemplating the lives of other sleepers around him. Hi joins Sophia and Murklur to await breakfast. "Did you both sleep well?" he asks, readjusting his turban as he sits down.

Prince Zahn
2015-10-26, 09:19 AM
Upon getting told off by Sophia, Odétte left, and was not seen again for the remainder of that night. Which isn't to say unheard. With her door well locked, Any resident(s) in adjacent rooms could hear a high-pitched woman bickering to herself in Giant speak through the thin walls. She sounded upset; then furious; then quiet; only to resume in panic, they fury and violence again, only to cry herself to sleep, when she would occasionally mumble quietly.

Needless to say that the events of last night surfaced more questions than they answered.

She did not awake quite as early as the rest of them. Though the bed was decent. She dreamt a nightmare most surreal, most dark, and haunting. It came nearly every night, but it would always escape her when she opened her eyes.

Odétte got dressed. (She put her clothes aside last night so they would not crease from sleeping,) she found a small mirror in the room, she looked at her hair. It was a tangled mess... She opened her mouth to observe... Without a doubt - Malphas was still present. Why was he so quiet yesterday? What did he do while she slept? How much time does she have left with him, anyway? She spent roughly fifteen minutes brushing her curled, hazelnut locks until it each and every one was in it's place, and she searched around for something she could write on. Upon it she wrote a letter to father in Giant."Dear papa,
How have you been? How are my brothers? It must have been months since I heard from you my family in the De Mont house.
I spent a fair deal of time in Falcon's Hollow, where I have made a friend, her name is Sophia. She helps keep me out of trouble, and find my way around. When witch hunters came to the region, Sophia found me a place to hide out until it was safe. I don't think I could ask for a better best friend.
I also have good news - I am coming to Fjared's Landing for a brief stop with Sophia and her friends. I plan to come visit you soon, to make up for lost time and discuss recent affairs.
With Love,
Oda.At the first opportunity, Odétte sends Jacques, her dove, to fly with the message to Fjared's landing.

and she came down for breakfast.

As she sees her friends dining, Murklur is there. He might be siding her allies against her. For all she knows, he could be a witch hunter himself.
Odétte snuck to another table, seated around by strangers. Odétte charmingly offered to purchase them a drink as she joined them.
She also asked to purchase a man's bandana, even though it wasn't her colors at all. If she could purchase it, she would tie it to conceal her mouth where her lost Headkerchief would have been.
She tries to get to know these men, and reveals very little about herself. It soon enough leads to their thoughts about the country.
Diplomacy to buy bandana [roll0]

Gather Information Check

"So tell me about yourselves et what vous do?"
"What do vous tink about ce countrie of ours?"
"Have vous heart of any interesting news? Even rumeurs?"
"Vous seem like vous traveled a lot, would vous know anyting about Ahlessia?"
"It is a shame, but we found a man dead in ce wilderness, partlie eaten by wolves, ce innkeeper said he was here the night before yesterday, quiet man. Did you know him? Was he a merchant of some kind? I ask because he had foreign coins in his possessionnes."

2015-10-29, 07:02 PM
As the inn rouses itself from an unsettling night, the common room gradually fills up and the smells of fresh-baked bread from the kitchen and porridge from an enormous pot in the hearth. By the time the entire party has made their way down, the room is a hive of activity. Servers carry loaves out and place them at the bar beside a large tea urn and one of the stablehands appears with a fresh jug of milk. Everyone appears to be helping themselves, so it would seem breakfast is a self-service affair.

While the others gather together, Odette attempts to insinuate herself at one of the other tables with the regulars. While her accent seems to cause a little consternation, she manages to make a few friends who appreciate her generosity, and one of them happily exchanges their slightly grubby bandana for a gold piece with a grin.

It turns out that the regulars are all either hunters or something similar, or that they work on The Knot in the inn or the orchard. Times are quiet at the moment it would seem, the only thing they can talk about is the rather odd lack of local wildlife for the time of year: summer is usually a time of plenty, time to build up stocks for the winter. If things don’t pick up soon there are some who are worried about the coming winter.

Asking after the dead man turns up little more than the innkeeper had mentioned: nobody knew him and no one tried to befriend him because he tried so hard to keep to himself. There is some perfunctory regrets when they learn of his death, but nobody is terribly bereaved.

When she broaches the subject of Ahlessia, conversation becomes a bit more enthusiastic. From one hunter who spins a tale of a mysterious desert land filled with genies and sultry maidens to one of the orchard workers who swears that her uncle has actually been there and told a very different tale of a fractured land of warring factions even more vicious than the local nobility.

Taking the opportunity to segue into asking about their views on Aerdy proves a mistake however: as soon as she asks about it, the assembled company exchanges slightly perturbed glances and a few make their excuses and head out the door. While the less socially adroit flounder for a couple of minutes, eventually even the one remaining fisherwoman stammers some feeble excuse and hurries off, leaving Odette as the last one at her table.

2015-10-29, 11:53 PM
"Good morning, everyone," Kaytu greets the party as they converge on a table. "Rest well? -ah, thank you..."

She politely accepts her breakfast bread and happily begins munching on it. Kaytu's always had a fondness for the regional human cuisine - baked goods, meat sandwiches, soups and the like. Most people don't have much basis for comparison. Then again, the elves' dandelions and berries might not actually count as much basis for comparison either.

She continues in this manner, receptive to anyone else's conversation topics, until she notices a table nearby clearing out around Odette. "Oh, dear," she mutters as she gets up to approach the confused child.

"What was that all about?"

I might as well roll for spotting the random messenger dove in the morning:


2015-11-05, 06:23 AM
With breakfast dealt with and the day beginning in earnest, the group take to the road once more. After the torrential downpour yesterday, the radiant sunshine and warm sea breezes are a welcome relief.

Descending the northern side of The Knot takes the group back into the forest once more, though with the changed weather the surroundings are far more pleasant; bright sunlight plays through the leaves, dappling the path and sparkling on the river. As the morning goes on, the main road splits from the bridleway and heads across country to avoid the river’s long meanders across the low plains.

By early afternoon the forest begins to thin and you are granted your first view of Fjared’s Landing and the Lows. The town sits on what might be the only solid open ground for a hundred miles if the old joke has any basis in fact. In contrast from Falcon’s Hollow, which bears many marks of its past as a lumber camp, Fjared’s Landing is much more of a market town; there are no walls to speak of, besides a rather ill-maintained stockade around the market district that was once the extent of the town’s boundaries when this was the true frontier. In recent decades the buildings have sprawled across the plains towards what were once rather isolated farms or noble estates or along the river, in the case of the town’s thriving docklands. As you leave the forest behind you can make out the signs of logging to the north, as teams of workers clear yet more farmland.

The bridge across the river is a sturdy stone affair, with a nearby watchtower where a lone sentry keeps watch over the area. He throws the group a disinterested wave, either not noticing or not caring about the body slung over the back of Odette’s mount.

By late afternoon, you arrive at the outskirts proper, where you go from here is up to you.

The mayoress (who Laurel asked you to warn about the plague) can be found at City Hall which is in the heart of the market district. The Haughty Pioneer (where Laurie suggested you start looking for Mimi) isn’t too far from there, beside the river. The market district is the “nice” bit of town while the docklands has, unfairly or not, a reputation for being the “rough” bit.

I've plonked you at the outskirts because carting a dead body around town could cause you some problems. :smalleek:

Your family’s estate is to the South-West of the town if you want to head there. It’s maybe a half hour trip on horseback.

Prince Zahn
2015-11-05, 07:29 AM
Odétte holds a paper letter in her hand as takes a great breath of the Landing's air, despite the fact that all she can smell is the unnamed individual's rotting flesh.
She missed her hometown, (even though she was actually born on the port side of a boat on a hot summer day, but this is as close to home as it is going to for the young Mademoiselle De Mont.) She wanted to run across town like a child and discover what changed since her last stay.
But she must hold her excitement. It was time to tell her friends what might really going on.
"Sophie, Katyu, Kim, murklur" she said, unintentionally struggling with his Dwarvish name."I have une confessione to make. Ce man we picked up, to give a propre burialle... C'est... Ah..." Odétte hesitates for a moment. "C'est... Very important I see mon papa first, le... Um, coffin maker? (did I say dat right, Sophie?) -de famille would refuser to do anyting witout papa's 'consentement'" as she says consent, she makes the local hand gesture for "money"."So I must go to him. Would any of vous like to come meet mon famille?" Odétte smiles, hope in her eyes that others would join her.

2015-11-05, 09:04 AM
"Sure, lets take another detour while our village dies of plague." Murklur says sarcastically. "I'm sure that will be good business for you and your kin." He spits on the ground.

Prince Zahn
2015-11-05, 10:18 AM
Odétte huffed And frowned. "Et what if I said, Dwarf, dat mon papa, Francois De Mont, le riche Earl in ce region, who's house we can reach well before high noon, is in good ties wit la mayoress et could aid us in being taken seriously when we find her et address her? Would dat still be a 'détour'"? she quotes the word detour to Murklur with the tender consideration of a venomous adder being whacked to death with a steel pan.

2015-11-05, 09:31 PM
Kaytu sighs. Time to put her foot down.

"Enough, both of you! We need to focus. Our priorities are to seek out Ms. DeFou, tell the authorities about the contaminated barge, and to turn in our dead friend's body for burial. Excuse me!" She looks around and calls out to anyone who looks like a guard, or at least someone who might be able to help find one to help deal with the corpse situation.

"Odette, you mentioned that you knew a, 'coffin-maker?' That's good. Once the guard has looked over our friend, you can speak with your father about turning him over. Meanwhile, the rest of us can start on the other two tasks and meet back up later. Perhaps at your father's estate?"

Prince Zahn
2015-11-06, 01:17 AM
"Would vous know how to find Chez De Mont?"

2015-11-06, 02:59 AM
"Well, right, some directions would probably be useful. Please." Kaytu feels slightly awkward for saying this, but can't quite articulate why.

2015-11-08, 07:35 AM
Kim raises an eyebrow at the exchange. Nobility were always good to ingratiate oneself with. "That sounds like an excellent idea! Yes, yes, yes, you said to the southwest? Can we skirt around the town perhaps?"

Lady Moreta
2015-11-09, 07:11 AM
"Or you could just ask," Sophia suggests with a diffident shrug. "Odétte's family are big in this town, surely it wouldn't be hard to find someone to point the way. If nobody minds though," she adds, "I'd like to go with Odétte straight to see her family. We aren't all needed to find a coffin maker."

Prince Zahn
2015-11-09, 08:29 AM
"Tat being said, we have guards." Odétte brought up."Coming to Chez De Mont would be aisé if vous come with moi. Not at all oterwise. Come wit Moi, Mon papa wants to meet all of vous. I have l'invitation!"

Odétte smiles as she presents the invitation from her father. A futile gesture since it is written in foreign. She translates the relevant portions for the others.

Dearest Odette,

(yadda yadda yadda)

I hope your stay in the south was pleasant, I have heard the air in the mountains is most refreshing. I am glad you have found a confidant. If you do visit the house, her and her friends are most welcome to visit also; any friend of my daughter is quite welcome at chez De Mont.

Anticipating your visit with enthusiasm,

F. R. De Mont


2015-11-10, 12:20 AM
"To reiterate: we also need to deliver our message and find Ms. DeFou as quickly as possible." Kaytu sighs sharply, trying to mind her own complicity in the party's impending lateness before chastising anyone else. "So, if you think that meeting your father first will help us convey our warning, that's good. Just remember that the matter is time-sensitive. Someone from the barge could be spreading infection as we speak."

"Meanwhile, if Murklur wouldn't mind accompanying me, we could try to catch the woman we're looking for before she leaves town." She looks down to the ever-surly dwarf for his answer. Kaytu probably shouldn't go probing around that part of town on her own, but Murklur is probably even more eager to get to it than she is.

"We can catch up with the rest of you at Chez DeMent this afternoon. Odette, could you arrange for your guards to let us in?"

Prince Zahn
2015-11-10, 06:23 AM
Odétte frowned, and flinched back lightly. She had a very bad memory just now as Katyu mispronounced her family name.
She tried to cover it up, though, and adjusted her composure. "Ah... oui, I will l'arranger." She nodded, trying to hide whatever shook her up.Shall we head off, Sophie, Kim?
Odétte will likely yap quite a bit (of nobody shuts her up) about her home: from her family and servants to the food (the delicious food . . .) that she hopes the stewardess arranged for their arrival. Though Odétte points out something about learning the hard way not to pester the stewardess after curfew. The stewardess hates it when people disturb her at night, apparently...

2015-11-10, 09:01 AM
Murklur grunts and nods, then moves to stand next to Kaytu.

2015-11-12, 12:57 PM
Kim nods, Yes yes, let us be off, time is of the essence is it not?" he says, lifting his staff and moving towards Odette.

2015-11-12, 06:36 PM
Kaytu’s call attracts the attention of a young man who wanders over with a smile on his face. This quickly turns to an expression of horror when he notices the body and the wounds, but calms himself a little after the priestess explains the situation. He runs off and comes back a few minutes later with a grinning, rotund woman of indeterminate age who is apparently what passes for a local bailiff. After sending the boy on his way with an admonishment not to be sick before he got home, she looks over the body quickly, shaking her head before giving Kaytu directions to the local undertakers, which turns out to be on the western edge of town.

She smiles sadly, “It’s good of you folks to bring him back like this. Ain’t many who’d go to such trouble for a stranger.” She lets that hang in the air a moment before taking her leave and hurrying off to corral her various wayward children.

With that, the party separates, Kaytu and Murklur heading for the town centre while Odette leads Sophia and Kim down the farm tracks that will eventually take them to the De Mont estate.

De Mont Estate, Half an Hour Later

As the trio approach the small rise that is crowned by the De Mont family home, they pass through a series of well-tended vineyards, spotting the occasional person tending the plants. Most are too busy to notice the group, but a handful stop and stare as you ride past. As you approach the final row of vines, a dark figure slips out from behind them and addresses the company, “It isn’t often we receive unannounced guests,” the voice is soft and melodic but carries an unmistakable hint of threat. It comes from a female elf wearing dark hunting garb and bearing a bow and a small axe.

As she approaches you, she comes up short, her tone changing to shock as she bows hurriedly, “Mistress De Mont! My apologies. Your father said you might be coming but I was expecting a larger group.” She whistles loudly and a pair of enormous mastiffs emerge from the vines. One begins barking enthusiastically and starts loping towards the house, while the other plonks itself down next to her and looks at her with an adoring expression, panting the entire time.

She pulls her hood down to reveal a face perhaps that could charitably described as handsome, marred as it is by a ragged scar across her right cheek, “Please, all of you, be welcome to Chateau De Mont.” With that she bows slightly and gestures towards the large house.

Prince Zahn
2015-11-13, 11:33 AM
I'm assuming the body is still on Odétte's horse (Gilgamesh). While Murklur and Katyu search for the mayoress.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Odétte's unmistakable shriek bursts as the guard sneaks up on them.
"MALTEN! Sacré Bleu! What would vous have done if I came home avec l'armée?" Odétte caught her breath, and continues. "Sorrie, Malten, Tu m'a manqué" (https://translate.google.co.il/#fr/en/Tu%20m'a%20manque). Odétte reaches for a big hug. Everyone at House De Mont knew quite well they were prone to being hugged by the Earl's daughter. Not that it was the socially astute thing to do with the help, Odétte simply liked hugging people.
Kim, Sophia, Odétte straightened her posture. "I would like vous to meet Malten. Malten tends to et breeds papa's gibi-- les game." Odétte turns to Malten and speaks something in Giant, despite Malten's obvious fluency in common tongue. She mentions the names of those present, as well as those who are not. Her words are swift, and they blend together rather than reveal signs of pause in a sentence. Never before have you heard Odétte speak her native tongue as quickly as she does now.
"Malten, meet Kim and Sophia, they accompany me on my journey. We also bring this dead man, we do not know who he is, but I wiah to discuss matters of who he might be with papa. It could be important.

"Also, we have two more friends coming later today: a blonde elvish priestess of Ehlonna named Katyu, and a grumpy, ginger little dwarf named Moorklure who wreaks of manure. Please alert the guards to make push the dwarf into taking a bath before they meet papa. If you can not, at least give him strong cologne. I do not want his first meeting with high nobility to be ruined due to foul odour. I ought to tell the stewardess to do the same."
Odétte thanks Malten. The De Monts' servants has done so much for their household.

Lady Moreta
2015-11-15, 08:21 PM
Sophia's eyebrows shoot upwards and disappear into her hairline as Odétte releases a veritable torrent of Giant. She's used to the younger girl slipping into it here and there, and has even managed to work out what her friend is saying when she does so (most of the time!); this on the other hand, is a true foreign language. Not for the first time, Sophia wonders what it would take to convince Odétte to teach her to speak Giant. She smiles at Malten and steps forward to offer her hand,

"It's nice to meet you; I'm Sophia Wessyn."

Yes, so Odétte had mentioned their names; at least, she was pretty sure she'd caught a 'Sophia' in there somewhere, but Sophia was terrible at meeting new people and at least her name was a safe conversation starter that she couldn't possibly screw up. Except for that one time with the son of the traveling merchant...

2015-11-16, 01:29 PM
Kim gives Malten a deep bow. "Pleased to meet you, I am Kim." He then turns to Odette, and is about to ask, before she suffers a linguistic explosion. Kim would need to add Giant to his list of languages to learn. At least enough for eavesdropping purposes. When the torrent subsides, he turns to Odette. "Mademoiselle," at least some words he had already picked up, "When we meet your esteemed father, how should we great him." Sometimes simply asking was the best method, and it was never too early to lay on the Charm. Kim hadn't had the chance to interact with actual nobility yet, only roleplayed scenarios with his trainers.

2015-11-22, 05:54 AM
Malten allows Odette to engulf her in a large hug, it’s hardly the first time she’s encountered the young woman’s eccentricities after all. She pats Odette on the back, “That’s very kind of you miss. Likewise I’m sure. The place has not been the same without you.” She then switches to Giant for a moment and reels of a couple of quick sentences to Odette.

“I had noticed the body miss, should I perhaps take it somewhere away from prying eyes? Your father is expecting you. I’ll be on the lookout for your other friends, thank you for telling me. Hopefully I won’t give them such a shock.”

She smiles shrewdly at Sophia and shakes the offered hand, "Malten Kurianthakele, charmed I’m sure.” She leans in, grins and whispers conspiratorially, "I guess Giant wasn’t part of your schooling? Mine neither; I can only just about keep up."

She inclines her head to Kim after he bows, “Nice to meet to as well sir.”

With the introductions complete, she turns back to Odette, “Would you like me to take care of your horses miss? The house is only a short walk from here, and I’m sure you could use a break after a day in the saddle.”

Lady Moreta
2015-11-22, 08:40 PM
Sophia grins sheepishly, a little embarrassed to have been caught out so quickly, but relieved Malten is understanding. She looks to Odétte to answer the question about their horses, she wouldn't mind walking for a bit, but she's rather out of her depth here and would rather follow Odétte's lead.

Prince Zahn
2015-11-25, 11:25 AM
"<yes, thank you. I'd like you to take this poor gentleman to my study room when you can.>"

Oui, take les stalliones, and l'âne when ce oters arrive, to ce stables, et give tem food et water, s'il vous plaît. Tey must be hungrie."

When Odétte has a moment again with her friends, she answers questions.
"Ah, excellent question, kim." Odétte smiles, she apparently likes having the opportunity to actually teach something that others do not know about.

"Pour une thing, vous need not bow or curtsie to anyone here, we aren't rotaltie.

"I always greet him as Papa, but vous can not do tat (it would be rude!) vous can address him as "Mon seigneur". Odétte repeats the title phonetically. It means... 'mai Lorde' - il est Seigneur De Mont (https://translate.google.co.il/#en/fr/Lord%20De%20Mont)."

As they walk through the vineyards, Odétte picks a green grape here and there when none of the workers are around nor looking, and shares them with her guests, gesturing for secrecy. the green ones were always her favorite, even as wine.
Odétte turns around when there's a much clearer view of the house. "So... Welcome to mon home, definitelie nicer tan ce door wit 4 walls I rented in ce knot, ouais? Vous like?

2015-11-29, 06:09 PM
Kim takes his lesson readily, nodding and rolling the new word over his tongue a few times, "seigneur, seigneur... Thank you! I will be sure to do that," he says to Odette. As they proceed through the vineyards, Kim gazes about excitedly, absentmindedly accepting the fruit from Odette and popping it into his mouth without looking. He then stops still. This fruit, the taught, smooth skin bursting to reveal succulent flesh. Never before ha he experienced something like this. He hides his surprise by kneeling down swiftly to adjust his boots, surreptitously grabbing a handful of his own for later before continuing.

Lady Moreta
2015-11-29, 10:09 PM
Sophia looks a little annoyed at how quickly Kim picks up on the foreign words, and silently resolves to just not speak as much as possible. She rolls her eyes as Odétte filches grapes, but says nothing because they really _are_ quite delicious. She stops dead in her tracks when Odétte's family mansion comes into view,

"Yes, uh, yeah..." she stutters, "that's a definite improvement!"

2015-11-30, 07:44 PM
Malten nods to Odette, and responds with a short stream of Giant before taking the horses’ reins and leading them away.

“Yes miss. If you don’t mind I’ll place the body in one of the unused cellars; it will be as secure as anywhere else and I don’t think your father would be pleased to find I’d brought a corpse into your quarters.”
Clearing the final row of carefully tended vines, the De Mont residence comes into full view. Beyond the rows of vines lays an immaculate lawn complete with manicured hedgerows and flowerbeds, each one a riot of colour. Winding between them, the track turns from the packed earth you have followed since leaving the main road to a light gravel as it approaches the manor itself, which is an old (at least by the Frontier’s standards) stone building that sprawls across the hilltop from which it overlooks Fjared’s Landing.

As the trio approach the main doors, they swing open to reveal an elderly man wearing a dark grey tunic. He smiles broadly and bows formally, “Mademoiselle De Mont! Welcome home, it is so good to see you again,” he bows in turn to Sophia and Kim, “Madame, monsieur, welcome to Chez De Mont.” He motions for the group to enter the foyer, “If you would care to be seated I have sent a message to your father informing him of your arrival, I’m sure he will be along presently. In the mean time, could I fetch anyone any refreshments?”

The foyer is a large, airy room flanked by a pair of staircases leading up to a grand landing. In front of the large windows on either side of the front door, capacious armchairs sit invitingly.

2015-11-30, 08:23 PM
"Let's check the docks," Murklur suggests. "Might be able to find the mayor there with a bit of asking about."

2015-12-01, 01:27 PM
Kim effects a bow in response to the man. "No thank you Mon seig...neur," he struggles a bit, "I am quite happy. May we sit while we wait?"

Lady Moreta
2015-12-04, 08:55 PM
Sophia mutely shakes her head; quite thoroughly out of her depth and extremely uncomfortable, she vows to simply not speak unless she absolutely has to.

Prince Zahn
2015-12-08, 09:49 AM
Odétte smirked to herself as Kim struggled, hiding an otherwise more blunt expression of amusement.

"Jérôme!" Odétte squealed as the man, too, was embraced him excitedly, albeit carefully. She might be stronger than she was before she left, but she takes care not to break the Jérôme's rib like she did a few years back. It's a true sentiment of appreciation that the De Monts gathered the region's best physician and several clerics to treat him. Although their stewardess has served them for as long as Odétte can remember, she tends to like Jérôme better. Odétte was given a long talking to about not hugging the elders anymore, if anything came out of the ordeal, she is now much more gentle when hugging old men.

"Could vous open a bottle of imported bonnet rouge for our guests? Et also, will lunch be ready soon?"
SO, SO SORRY that it took so long to get a post out! I'm usually more reliable than that!

2015-12-11, 08:26 PM
Jérôme bears up as well as can be expected under Odette’s attentions, smiling somewhat nervously as the young woman almost lifts him off the ground, “Thank you mademoiselle, a pleasure as always.”He brushes at his suit off self-consciously when he notices the road dust now marring his otherwise immaculate appearance, “Dinner will be served in half an hour or so, I shall open a bottle so it can breathe before then.” He turns to Kim, “But of course sir, please make yourselves comfortable, I shall return once dinner is ready.”

With that, the elderly butler takes his leave, leaving the trio alone in the hall. Through the windows, you can make out the workers from the vineyard finishing work for the day and beginning to make their own way home. The chairs are comfortable, the sun is warm and the smell of roast meats wafts through from the kitchen. It makes for a rather pleasant, pastoral scene, suddenly broken by the large double doors on the high landing slamming open.

“Odette! Ma petite!”

The enormous man descending the stairs can only be Francis Roger De Mont, Earl of the estate. He crosses the hall in a few strides and engulfs Odette in a bear hug, “It is so good to see you again! I trust you are well?” He carefully places her back on the floor and turns to Sophia, bowing theatrically, “Mademoiselle, I am delighted to make your acquaintance, please be welcome to Chez De Mont.” He turns to Kim and inclines his head politely, “You as well sir, make yourself comfortable. Any friend of Odette’s is most welcome in our home.” While he shares a similar twang with Odette, his Common is exactingly precise, even if it is delivered as a booming bass.

Fjared’s Landing Docks, earlier that afternoon

Even as the afternoon turns to evening, the docklands are teeming with workers, loading and unloading the barges that carry cargo upriver or across the Lows. Finding the dock manager’s office is easy enough after stopping once or twice to ask for directions. Even in the midst of the docklands the office is a hive of activity, with a constant stream of people going in and out hurrying about a thousand different errands.

Here you will find the mayoress, assuming you can make it through the throng.

2015-12-11, 09:51 PM
Murklur's foul odor finishes what his temperament begins as he pushes his way through the throng of people to the mayoress.

2015-12-12, 12:57 AM
"Ah, excuse me!" Kaytu stumbles into yet another dock worker as she clumsily weaves through the crowd towards the mayor's dockside office. She could insist that their business is a matter of life and death, but thinks the better of it. The humans would probably just dismiss it with some sarcastic response and be less likely to listen in the end.

Lady Moreta
2015-12-12, 03:36 AM
"Th-thank you Mon sogh- umm mon seigneur" Sophia stutters over the unfamiliar words and flames crimson. Silently, she vows to beat the tar out of Odétte next time they spar.

2015-12-14, 07:25 AM
Kim bows to the Earl, saying, "It is an honor mon seigneur, we appreciate your hospitality immensely. I am Kim Harao, disciple of the church of Fharlanghn. I am greatly impressed with your estate, it is quite beautiful." Kim nails the Giant this time, and pours on the flattery thick as is his practice. Given the Earl's daughter was a companion however, he felt not too much was necessary.

Prince Zahn
2015-12-20, 06:52 AM
"Papa!" Odétte chirped and tried in vain to raise her arms to her father's back, but she was in a poor position for it given the chair she sat upon.

"Ça va bien, papa!" Odétte smiled, it must have been years since she was home. It's a feeling she has missed.
"Papa, I'd like vous to meet Sophie et Kim. Also, two oter friends are coming - Katyu et moorklure. Are Jack et Maurice joining us?"

2016-01-08, 07:15 PM
Docks, Late Afternoon

As he shoves his way through the crowd, Murklur makes no new friends. One or two of those in his way turn to face him angrily, but either the sight or smell of the dwarf, or the imposing, somewhat more conciliatory figure of Kaytu behind him reduce any thoughts of violence to a sullen grumbling or muttered curses.

Upon finally reaching the office, you pass a middle-aged man leaving. He looks to be almost asleep on his feet and his shoulders are slumped in stark contrast to his well-maintained armour and clothes. He glances at the pair as he passes, but his eyes quickly slip away as he shuffles past.

A mature woman, presumably the mayoress, looks up as the pair enter. She takes the mismatches pair in with a long, slightly puzzled glance before sighing exasperatedly, “What now? This day has been quite long enough already.” She sniffs the air and her nose wrinkles, “By all the gods, man! Did ya have an unfortunate encounter with a horse on yer way here?”

De Mont Residence, Evening

Earl De Mont smiles charmingly as Sophia stutters out her thanks and waves away Kim’s effusive flattery, “Please, there is no need for such formality, I hope you had a pleasant trip?”

He looks to Odette, “Do you think your other friends will be joining us for dinner? I’m sure that Madame Colotte will be amenable to providing supper if they will be arriving later. I think she was rather thrilled to be cooking for more than just myself and the boys.”

He runs a hand through his hair and sighs, “I’m not sure if they’ll be back for dinner, they were in town on business but apparently there has been some sort of trouble, they sent word they might not be home this evening.”

2016-01-09, 11:03 PM
Kaytu takes a breath to say something to the exhausted human warrior, but the moment passes before she can get the words out. It might be for the best anyway. She folds her hands together and settles for an inaudible, "Goddess bless you," before proceeding inside to meet the mayoress.

"That would actually be fairly accurate, ma'am," Kaytu sighs. She would be smiling at yet another smelly dwarf joke, but the news she has to deliver rather offsets the humor in the situation. She gets right down to business. "I'm afraid that the long day isn't over yet. We were sent from Ibra Down to warn you about the lumber shipment several weeks ago. Are you aware of the outbreak of illness that we have been facing lately?"

She explains the situation, answering any of the mayoress's questions to the best of her ability, which would most likely include the names and credentials of herself and her bearded companion. She goes on to promise her help containing the infection in any way she can.

Prince Zahn
2016-01-11, 05:45 AM
Sophia Wessyn

Sophia's glares at Odétte, her angst is supplemented by bewilderment and a little in as she wonders why her friend had instructed the two to undergo all of these formalities before meeting her father if even her father himself insisted it was redundant. She half expected Odétte to leer at her back but instead Odétte smiled at her, almost like she was amused by their efforts. She almost seemed like a different person right now, even, At least while her family was watching. . . Or maybe it's one of her friends who is behind this.

2016-01-16, 02:30 PM
"We did indeed," Kim replies with another slight bow, needed or not. He then remains silent for a time, letting Odette take the lead as to the plague, content to see what openings might present themselves.

2016-01-19, 07:24 PM
Mayoress’ Office, Late Afternoon

As Kaytu explains the situation, the mayoress' expression changes from puzzlement, to shock to horror, “By all the gods a plague… and I thought we had enough to worry about.” She rubs her forehead briefly, “Thank you for letting us know. We'll do what we can to track down anyone who might have been exposed to the crew, but I expect they'll be all over the place by now. I'm sure the local healers will appreciate the warning as well though; I'll make sure they're informed.”

She calls in an slightly weedy young man, some kind of aide perhaps, and quietly explains the situation to him. For a moment he looks incredulous, but the entirely serious expressions around the room quickly dispel that and he leaves the room at a run.

2016-01-19, 10:28 PM
"Alright," Kaytu nods. "Thank you. Also, this might be a long shot, but if you happen to hear anything about one Ms. DeFou, we think that she might be of some help."

She glances at the sun setting over the docks.

"I suppose that's all I can offer for now. If you need anything, we and a few others will be spending the night at the DeMent residence, so do not hesitate to send for us."

Once she's been excused to leave, Kaytu nods to Murklur and departs for the DeMent estate with dwarf in tow.

Prince Zahn
2016-01-27, 03:23 AM
"D'accord, Papa" Odétte said with a smile. That's one less argument with her siblings to worry about at the table.
"pardon, papa, but we 'ave someting important to discuss as soon as we are all 'ere." Odétte told her father, unable to hold her excitement for much longer.

2016-02-01, 06:59 PM
De Mont Residence, Late Evening

Kaytu returns alone from delivering their grim news, Murklur having muttered something uncomplimentary about the nobility before declaring his intent to find somewhere to stay in town and meet them at the Haughty Pioneer tomorrow. By the time she arrives at Chez De Mont dinner is being served. After being led up to the house by Malten, she is ushered to the dinner table by Jerome just in time for the fish course.

Francis entertains the assembled company well enough, sharing plenty of anecdotes as the various courses come and go, insisting upon dinner before getting into whatever it is that has his daughter so excited. Something about “keeping up appearances”, apparently.

The congenial proceedings are interrupted when the large double doors leading to the entrance hall are flung wide to admit a tall, slender figure in a wide-brimmed hat and cloak. Francis looks down the length of the room, a curious expression on his face until realisation dawns, “Jacques! I didn’t expect you back this evening! Is Maurice with you?”

Jacques De Mont, nods to the assembled company, “Mesdames, monsieur,” his expression becomes momentarily surprised, “Odette.” He slumps into the seat opposite his father, perching his hat on the table. He blows out his cheeks and shakes his head, “No Papa, he is still in town. He said he would spend the night. It seems things there are worse than we thought. On top of everything else apparently there have been some particularly gruesome murders in the docklands. The captain of the guard has not slept in two days and is more or less dead on his feet. Maurice wanted to stay to try and help to keep a lid on things.” Similar to Odette, Jacques has a more noticeable accent than his father, though he shares the Earl's booming tone.

Silence reigns for a long moment, broken by a small clink as Francis deliberately sets down his dessert fork and turns to his daughter, "Very well, I suppose that concludes the pleasantries for the evening. Odette, what was so important that you had to tell me?"

Prince Zahn
2016-02-05, 04:11 PM
"Jacques!." Odétte cried in astonishment. She did not expect nor wish for her siblings to interrupt this evening with her father.
"What un pleasant surprise!" she smiled falsely. "I pray Maurice c'est tres bien, est comes home safelie. "

Because her father rushed her cut to the chase, she was given a difficult situation, to tell her father in private? What would the others think? What would Jacques think? what would Sophia think?


"Oui, Papa. Yesterday mes amies et moi found un dead man in te foreste. I asked Malten to find une place pour him. Écoutez-moi à la fin, papa - il looks to be not from here. Il has a money from Ahlessia, I suspect il might be un espionner pour Ahlessia, if we could prove toute connexion avec chez Undente. . . we could ruiner tem, papa. Ruiner tem pour de bon!" she hesitated to tell the truth in front of her friends and brother, but it had to be said. She now awaits her father's reply.

2016-02-05, 07:11 PM
Kaytu thanks the usher, lets Odette introduce her to everyone else, and quietly prays for a moment before starting on her own meal. It's kind of funny, really. Her parents call her praying superstitious, but they would never touch fish.

"Ah..." Kaytu sighs, listening to Fancy Jacques' story about murders and sleepless nights. "That is awful. That must be what was weighing on the mayor when I met her earlier."

At the conclusion, Odette finally brings up the matter of the dead human (...wait, she's only bringing this up now? Where did she put him in the meantime?) and proceeds to get so excited that her words become incomprehensible.

Francis doesn't seem the type to hesitate in his response, but if he does, Kaytu takes the opening to interject.

"Excuse me, could we back up for a moment? Last I recall, we were just trying to give this man a, 'proper burial.' Who exactly are we ruiner-ing?"

Prince Zahn
2016-02-05, 07:29 PM
"Excuse me, could we back up for a moment? Last I recall, we were just trying to give this man a, 'proper burial.' Who exactly are we ruiner-ing?"

"Ouais, I'm sorry, Katyu, Sophie, tat I dragged vous along witout telling vous ce trut. I was worried tat vous will tell moi not to, like Sophie always does, or tink I am a crazie like moorklure says. if I said why mon papa need to see c'est man, so I tell un petit mensonge, a white lie, Ouais?"

2016-02-05, 10:09 PM
Kaytu gives Odette a vexed look as she tries to hold back mention of a personal matter that she didn't lie about... at least, not to Kaytu. For this to be worse than that seems highly unlikely.

"I appreciate that, but it doesn't quite answer my question. You mentioned a Shea Undente?"

She replicates the phrase by rote, having not comprehended its meaning beyond noticing that it was a proper noun.

Prince Zahn
2016-02-06, 03:05 AM
"oui," Odétte explains the situation as best she could.Chez—'ouse Undente. They are rivals wit us," Odétte tries to explain it with simple language, which is kind of forced. "tey are la concu–a... La competixion. Tey are te worse. Proving des rumeurs tat tey employ espionners could Destroy tere reputaxion pour bon."

Lady Moreta
2016-02-11, 10:56 PM
Sophia's eyes grow wider and wider as Odétte speaks, until she can't take it any more and buries her face in her hands. She really should have realised there was something else going on. Then again, she was better at predicting habits and behaviours of animals, not people. Part of her wanted to yell at Odétte; the more sensible part of her knew that anything she said would flow off Odétte like water off a duck's back. Given that Kaytu had jumped in and was fulfilling the role of 'person who has no idea what's being talked about' Sophia decided to stay silent for the moment. If nothing else, her silence would make Odétte nervous and Sophia wasn't entirely above that sort of petty revenge.

2016-02-14, 07:58 PM
One of the earl’s eyebrows creeps upwards as Kaytu speaks, the other rising quickly to join it when Sophia’s head drops into her hands. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, “D’accord, I see this is a somewhat unexpected development for many of you also. Perhaps I can provide a little more context.”

He stands a walks over to the large bay windows through which the last embers of twilight are visible in the sky, “House Undente, as Odette pointed out, are one of the four noble families that have significant interests in the New Frontier. There have been rumours about them for as long as I can remember: illicit dealings with Ahlessia and so forth. Personally I don’t put much stock in such gossip, I’m sure there is no shortage about my own family as well.”

Turning back towards the assembled group, he looks to Odette and continues, “Perhaps more to the point, relations between the houses have been remarkably harmonious of late, and I’m loath to upset the climate of bonhomie, prior bad relations notwithstanding.” He sighs, “Nonetheless, an unknown individual wandering around with a significant amount of Ahlessian coin is enough of a concern to warrant attention, especially given all of our other troubles. If you leave the body here, I will make discreet enquiries to see if I can find out who he is and what he was doing.”

2016-02-14, 10:49 PM
"I see."

At least he's willing to take the mystery corpse off of our hands. Kaytu wasn't really hoping to be wrapped up in these kinds of politics, but luckily Odette's father doesn't seem too interested in exploiting a dead man for economic subterfuge.

"Well, I'm not about to oppose investigating where he came from. I appreciate it, actually." She pauses for any further comment on the matter before changing the subject. "...so. I suppose Odétte already mentioned the unfortunate business that brings us here in the first place?"

Prince Zahn
2016-02-16, 01:30 AM
"Ah, Oui! Odétte snapped her fingers. They have a mission beyond her wishes, unfortunately. "Papa, I have some I'll news, la peste has been spreading. It has come Falcon's Hollow, and is spreading quicker still, we are trying to alert la mayoress of te Landing of la situation.

"we spoke avec une Laurelle, elle est un herbalist, about finding un remède. " Odétte added, "we need some help alerting la mayoress, et tracking anoter herbalist named Mimi."

2016-02-17, 08:04 PM
Kim spent most of the dinner in contemplation, Mahmoud had reminded him it sometimes payed to shut up for a minute and take in all you can before acting. hat wise words from the man of horses. Not only was there a small scale game going on in this town, but Ahlessians seemed to not be overly welcome, he'd have to change that if possible. For now though, important to be discreet.

"Where a man comes from is always curious yes, but perhaps he was seeking a cure as well? Are these, Elysians" (another purposeful mispronunciation) " common here? Perhaps he had a lover in Falcon's Hollow? But why would he come so far? Not many take to the road easily no. Mimi is who we should find. Do you know her monseiur?"

2016-02-23, 08:12 PM
The earl’s eyes widen as Odette reveals the reason for their visit, “A plague?” he glances to Jacques, “Did you you know of this?”

The younger man nods, and glances at Kaytu, “Yes, I assume it was you who informed the mayoress madame?” He looks puzzled for a moment at Odette’s mention of Mimi, “Mimi? Mimi… ah yes, the old woman who peddles remedies at market.” He shrugs, “I know who she is, but that’s about it I'm afraid.”

In response to Kim’s questions, the Earl shakes his head, “There are a handful I suppose, merchants or mercenaries mostly. I’ll let you know if we manage to find anything out.”

2016-02-24, 01:42 AM
Kaytu nods in confirmation that she was the informant.

"You know about Mimi DeFou? I see... well, if you have any idea where else we might look or who else we might ask, we'd greatly appreciate it. I'm not looking forward to aimlessly searching the fens tomorrow, but we'll do it if we have to. We are at the end of our rope at this point."

2016-02-25, 12:13 AM
"Fret not," Kim grins at Kaytu, "all along the road the markets are the same, if she is there I can find her. Of course," he adds turning to Jacques with a slight bow, "monseuir Jacques has aid to offer we would be honored to accept."

Lady Moreta
2016-02-25, 08:01 PM
Sophia sat quietly, letting the others talk wash over here. She was slowly getting over her anger with Odétte; she'd never change and there was no point in trying to force her. Still, Sophia wasn't really comfortable around other people and she was content to let them sort it out. If she was needed, she'd step up, but for now, it was easier to just stay quiet.

2016-03-01, 07:46 PM
Jacques rubs his hand through his hair and sighs, “I don’t think she lives in town, if I remember correctly she lives by herself somewhere in the swamp.”

He drums his fingers on the table thoughtfully, “Given her age I’d think she would need someone to help her transport goods and supplies to her home… You might try asking around the guides who lead boats and travellers through the Lows, there’s barely any work to be had at the moment so there should be someone who can show you around if nothing else.”

2016-03-02, 06:02 PM
Kaytu smiles and nods to Jacque. That idea is actually quite helpful. "Alright, we'll do that! Thank you."

Lady Moreta
2016-03-02, 08:06 PM
Sophia perked up at the mention of guides, finally something she could do!

"I know a few of the guides in the area," she said hesitantly. "I can ask them if they know anything about Mimi; we've worked together before. Do you know where Eric Godwyn or Tessa Cann lives?"

2016-03-09, 07:18 PM
Jacques glances across the table to Sophia before staring off into space for a moment, brow furrowed in thought, “I don’t recall either of those names I’m afraid… you should probably try the Porter’s Guildhall. I’m sure there’ll be some guides there looking for work, perhaps one of them will know where to find your friends?”


The night passes peacefully, giving way to a glorious dawn. As everyone appears at breakfast, the old stewardess, Corinne, bustles around producing food and drink to order.

When Odette arrives she beams and claps her hands together, “Ah, Maitresse Odette! I am so glad I caught you this morning! Your guests caught me a little by surprise last night and I had to spend hours in the kitchen organising everything.” Her tone of voice is almost scolding, but a glint in her eye and her broad smile give it away as mere teasing, “It is so good to see you again.”

She motions to the sideboard, where several bundles neatly wrapped in cloth sit, “I took the liberty of preparing a cold lunch for you all, in case you had to be away in a hurry.”

The earl, finishing his cup of tea while reading some correspondence, glances up and smiles, “Corinne, you are, as always, a treasure.” He stands and gives a small bow to the group, “Mesdames, messieurs, I must excuse myself. I have much to attend to.”

With that, he departs, leaving you alone with Jacques and the ever-present offers of more tea and pastries from Corinne. The younger noble gulps down the last of his coffee and nods to you all, “I should be away also, I must get back into town. Maurice will be no doubt be fretting in my absence. I wish you all luck in your search. And Odette,” he glances to his sister, “do try not to start a collection of these cadavers will you?”

Chuckling at his own joke, he makes his exit, cloak flapping behind him.

For a moment, silence reigns.

“Would anyone care for another croissant?”

2016-03-11, 03:50 AM
"I would mistress," Kim says, raising his hand. Taking the snack from the kindly matron, he tucks it into his cloak rather than eating it and stands up, making sure his things are in order. "I am ready to set out if everyone has eaten their fill and prepared."

2016-03-12, 01:17 AM
As usual, Kaytu watches everyone else goes to bed and is already greeting the sunrise before everyone else wakes up - early enough to catch Corinne in the twilight window when she eats her own breakfast. At any rate, a few slow hours with milk, tea and croissant suits Kaytu just fine. She wouldn't be able to juggle it if she was in a rush.

She nods to Kim. "Right - the sooner we get moving, the better. Thank you again, Corinne," she says as she collects her lunch for the road.

Lady Moreta
2016-03-14, 03:15 AM
Sophia cringes as Kim accepts another croissant, and breaths an entirely-too-audible sigh of relief when he immediately tucks it into his clothes. Trying to behave appropriately; trying to not be as annoyed at Odétte as she is; and finding it almost impossible to sleep on a mattress far softer than she's used to had taken their toll... all she wanted to do now was to get out of this place and start doing something. She scrambles to her feet as Kaytu stands and hastily snatches both her packed lunch and Odétte's. Previous experience has taught her that it's best not to trust Odétte with anything important... like her health.

"Er... I'm ready" she adds, feeling as though she probably looked a little too keen to be gone.

Prince Zahn
2016-03-14, 05:54 AM
"Bonjour, Corinne. Your efforts are well received, Merci. I hope vous managed to have everyting ready pour our guests yesterday, Sophie en particulier, I expect she received le finest guest room?" offering a slightly more delicate hug than normal, she adds in Giant.
<I missed you so much, Corrine. More than you might believe.>how does one say "I miss/ed you" in French?

Before her father leaves, Odétte demands a farewell hug, knowing they are not going to stay. Somewhere inside, she feels something is amiss.

She glares at Jacques, he must have been holding it in all night long. "I don't see why not, tey might complimenter le cadavres in your clositte." Odétte takes another sip of her milk.

Odétte graciously accepts another croissant. But she doesn't finish it. She lost some of her appetite. She dismissed Corinne
" ahh, Sophie, Katyu, I have une requê-ah request, from vous." she emphasized, attempting to go against her thick accent. "when we leave, I want to have un discussion about your stay with moi. But before I do, I want to poser une question: could I trouble une of vous pour, ah, a few Commun leçons?
She covers her lips in the direction of the door most discretely as she whispers, she might be embarrassed about it.

2016-03-15, 12:15 AM
"Hm?" Kaytu's eyes widen in surprise. She looks briefly in the direction of those Odétte is keeping this from, and beckons the group the rest of the way to the street, out of earshot. In the meantime, she hopes that Sophie speaks up on the subject first. Kaytu is still trying to decide her own reaction to this.

That someone Odétte's age would suddenly be so self-conscious about her voice is actually not that surprising. But Common lessons? If anything, Kaytu would have thought she was the one falling behind. Full immersion is all that has kept her in touch with the ever-shifting accents and idioms of human language; as far as she's concerned, in ten years, the sound of the Common tongue will be determined by the speech patterns of talkative kids like Odétte.

2016-03-17, 06:54 PM
Corinne nods in response to Odette’s question, “Of course mademoiselle, it would never do to let our guests enjoy less than our best hospitality.”

She returns the embrace warmly, “Je vous ai manqué aussi mademoiselle. À bientôt!”

I missed you too miss. See you soon!

OOC: Like that. :smallwink:

Although Odette would more likely use the more informal "tu" (Je t'ai manqué).
The estate is abuzz with labourers as the group sets off on the town road, drawing the occasional glance as they go as the workers raise their hands to their forelocks as the daughter of the earl passes by.

As the town outskirts come into view, you spy a familiar figure waiting by the side of the road; slumped on a wall while smoking a pipe, Murklur watches the town’s meagre comings and goings. Seeing the others he rouses himself and saunters forwards to meet them, “Enjoy your stay in the lap of luxury? Did some diggin’ around last night: no luck finding anyone that knows this Mimi, but word’s got around about the plague. The barges that run to the coast have been stopped. Folks don’t know exactly what’s happening yet, but everything's real quiet: they know something’s wrong.”

He takes a final drag on his pipe before stubbing it out, “So, what’s the plan?”

Lady Moreta
2016-03-17, 08:04 PM
Sophia looked blankly at Odétte for a moment; well, yes, her common wasn't fantastic but Sophia had always had the impression that Odétte rather liked it that way. She puzzled over that for a minute before the rest of her friend's comments registered. She wanted to talk about their stay? All right, that was it. Something was up with Odétte.

As they walked, Sophia moved closer to her friend and leaned in to whisper in her ear,

"What's going on Oddie? You've never worried about your language or accent before? and why would you want to talk about us staying with you? Your house is lovely... the bed was a bit soft, but I'm more used to sleeping on the ground anyway." She shrugged and then her sharp eyes caught sight of Murklur ahead of them and she silently cursed. There went any chance of having a serious conversation!

2016-03-17, 08:53 PM
"Well, I suppose that's good news. Thanks," Kaytu tells Murklur, honestly relieved about the change of subject. "Right now, the plan is to head to the edge of the lows and talk to some of the guides and boaters there. Sophia knows a few of them, and we could probably use their services navigating the swamp. Come along, everyone!" She calls the girls behind her as she and Murklur lead the way to the west side of town.

Sensitive to their need to talk to each other on the way, she engages in small talk with the dwarf to give Odétte and Sophie a degree of conversational privacy. "Anyway, everyone in Shea Dumän was quite polite and accommodating, believe it or not. How was the inn?"

2016-03-27, 01:22 AM
[OOC] Jeez, really sorry, could swear I checked this a couple days at most and hadn't seen anything new. Ready to move along.[OOC]

Kim follows the group and realizes that Odette's accent (and Giant in general)wouldn't be a bad talent to pick up, he begins making a habit of shadowing Odette's speech whenever her attention seems occupied.

Prince Zahn
2016-03-27, 08:23 AM
Odétte waves her family's workers goodbye like nothing happened, it is a farewell, but hopefully a brief one.

Reconnoitering with Murklur, she frowns.
truth be told, Oui, we have enjoyed our time. It is shame vous did not come. Even though I INVITED vous. I even asked froml'aide to prepare la baignoire Just. Pour. Toi." Odétte gestured with her finger and slightly tipped Murklur's hat. (if he has one, otherwise, just lowers her finger to point in his head)
Hearing him out, she nods.
"Oui, at least word is catching on about ce terrible plague."

Odétte whispers back to Sophia once they have the chance. Very well used to Answer what she is asked, how she is asked it.

"To be franc, I do, sometime. I understand people when tey speak, but I don't talk like oters do, and tey look at moi strange because of it. I know tis, it makes saying le mo—it makes te words I ah, wish to say, much harder I had un... Ah, bad dream coming to moi everie night latelie, since we ran into tose wolfs, tat made it très clair pour moi." Slowly, her voice Naturally gives in to her natural, audible voice, until eventually she begins screaming out in the open, perhaps even scolding tone in the process. "can't vous See? all of ma vie I was called a "foreigner" for it. I am NOT une foreigner like mon maman! C'est high time I spoke propre Commun like une propre femme de la Frontier! I am no able d'apprendre it on my own, aidez-moi or non!? " she gets on the ground, pounding the road with her fists as tears escape her eyes.
"PLISE! Plise! aidez-moi... " I have... Given it some thought, truth be told.

2016-03-27, 03:03 PM
Well, so much for letting them have a private conversation. As the din behind her escalates to the point where she can't ignore it anymore, Kaytu finally stops, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. She folds her hands together in a brief, silent prayer for guidance. At the conclusion, Murklur can hear her whisper, "...alright."

She turns around to approach the children. "Odette, get up. Come along," she commands, taking Odette's hand by force if necessary. If she's going to act like a toddler, then Kaytu has no problem treating her like one.

"Lesson one: a, 'proper frontierswoman,' does not lie on the ground and throw a temper tantrum when she wants something. Understand?"

I'll go ahead and cast Ehlonna's Guidance on Odette as well to help her pull herself together. Whether this actually involves getting +1 to a will save or just flavor points for Kaytu's divine gift for instruction is up in the air.

I hope the multi-layered nature of Kaytu's response here comes across clearly enough. In a couple of lines, I'm trying to express:

- "Yes, we'll help you with your your common."
- - (In fact, I'm literally doing it right now in the same sentence.)
- "You're acting like a child, pull yourself together."
- "Keep moving, we still have a job to do."

Lady Moreta
2016-03-27, 11:14 PM
Sophia jumps a little as Odétte goes from frantic-but-under-control, to wildly panicked and completely not under control. Yet, at the same time, it settles her own emotions; this at least, is familiar ground and she knows what to do now. Which is why she becomes wildly panicked when Kaytu grabs Odétte by the arm and drags her upright. Oh, that is not how to deal with Odétte when she's having one of her episodes; which doesn't happen very often any more; which makes her wonder exactly what triggered this one. Oddie had said something about a dream, once she got the younger girl calmed down, she'd have to get the details of that out of her. But first... Sophia had seen no signs that Oddie had made a pact with one of her 'friends', but that didn't mean she hadn't...

Lurching forwards, she grabs Kaytu's hand and squeezes where the tendons meet the wrist to break her hold on Odétte.

"Don't do that" she hisses frantically. "Let me deal with this, you go... deal with them" she waves her free hand vaguely in the direction of the men, before letting go of Kaytu, turning her back and proceeding to ignore them all completely.

Wrapping her arms around her friend, Sophia lowers them both back to the ground, sitting so that Odétte is practically in her lap. She holds on tightly, stroking Odétte's hair and whispering soothing words in her ear.

"It's all right Oddie, it's all right. Calm down now, calm down. Of course I'll help you! You know you only ever have to ask. I'm your friend Oddie, your best friend. I'll always help you, no matter what you need. It's all right. Come on, easy now; it'll be okay." Reaching the end of her litany, Sophia goes back to the beginning and repeats it all over again, continuing to stroke Odétte's hair and back and rocking her slightly until the other girl begins to calm down.

Prince Zahn
2016-03-28, 05:41 AM
especially now with all eyes on her, little differences about Odétte become apparent.

despite the night of luxury, Odétte appears worn out: her brown curls are disheveled, she has not put on any perfume this morning (or what else might radiate her usual, flowery scent), she has bags under her her eyes, concealed insufficiently with make-up, she was not wearing her family signet ring, the one which she enjoys to wave in front of people at every opportunity, she also ate a lot more than usual since last night. (at breakfast alone she inhaled at least 2 of those big croissants, as well as an omelette, several pieces of cheese, and a quiche...) it's understandable, though - the food was quite good.

Several minutes of crying are passing, but Odétte doesn't seem to be calming down. Although now she covers her face with her hands as she cries; her tears are leaving a glistening trail as they roll down her palm to her arms.
"... aidez-moi... sauvez moi... " must be pretty bad for her to get like this... O. O also rolls were really poor

She cried for 7 whole minutes on Sophia's lap, before it finally subsided to whimpering. At this point it was certain that she'll be alright again in time.

Lady Moreta
2016-03-28, 06:33 AM
The first couple of minutes, Sophia wasn't too worried. It wasn't totally uncommon for Odétte's crying jags to go on for this long. At the four minute mark, Sophia started to get a little worried. At the six minute mark, Sophia was starting to get seriously worried. Yes, Odétte was, to put it bluntly, crazy, but it was highly uncommon for her to get this worked up and stay in such a state for such a long time.

When the tears finally subsided to whimpers, Sophia breathed a silent sigh of relief. This was the second stage; Oddie was winding down now and she'd be all right in a few minutes. Sophia shifted slightly to relieve the ache in her legs, conveniently shifting to put herself between her friend and the others.

"Easy Oddie," she whispered. "See, told you it'd be all right. You're all right." She leaned back a little to see her friend's face, then wriggled a handkerchief out of her sleeve and waved it in front of the young girl. "Here Oddie, wipe your face with this."

Prince Zahn
2016-03-31, 12:20 AM
Odétte's face was flushed Rouge and tear-soaked as a washed tomato as she accepted the handkerchief. She sniffled as she wiped the soggy blush and leaking mascara off of her face, staining the cloth.
Je...J'irai bien... J'irai bien. Merci, Sophie."
She picked up the hat she took with her this morning from her family estate, still wiping the tears on her face with the handkerchief."Je dois mon médicament, ça doit être ça. "stuck on French mode for now. It happens when she gets nervous.
@Jo please correct me if I get any of it wrong, since I don't really know what I'm doing.

2016-03-31, 06:43 PM
Murklur nods as Kaytu explains, “Sounds right, haven’t really been into the Lows much.”

To her question, he simply shrugs, “Not much to tell really, pretty quiet to be honest. Seems business has been pretty slow lately.”

When Odette points accusingly down at him, Murklur’s face remains carefully passive. He lets the young woman’s words hang in the air for a moment before blowing a ring of smoke towards her hand, “Never had a benwa… I’ll haf tae see if I can find someone who knows how to cook one...”

He spins on his heel and sets out at a quick pace to catch up with Kaytu, studiously ignoring the mounting hysteria behind them until Kaytu turns to intervene, at which point he stops, content to watch the street theater.

As Sophia joins in, Murklur attempts to catch your eye and raises one bushy eyebrow quizzically.
The few solitary souls out and about this morning seem oblivious to the proceedings, either too busy with their own affairs or wanting to steer well away from whatever trouble a distraught noblewoman might bring their way.

Porter’s Guildhall (Fen’s Edge District), Mid-Morning

The journey through town is uneventful; the place is almost eerily quiet. What few people can be seen hurry about on whatever errand drew them from their homes, many looking ill at ease. The road from the De Mont estate leads directly to the town square, from which the Porter’s Guildhall is clearly signposted.

Fen’s Edge is a relatively new part of Fjared’s Landing, growing up around the slightly shady but nonetheless necessary business of guiding people and cargo through the treacherous terrain of the Lows. Not quite as unpleasant as the Docklands, the houses are neat, if not exactly luxurious, and despite the ever present scent of the Lows the streets are clean.

Even with the town in its current, subdued mood, the Porter’s Guildhall is still busy: idle guides spend the time gambling with dice or cards, the odd merchant quietly discusses whatever business brought them here and all of it is watched by an old elven barman from the large bar that dominates one end of the room, bedecked with stuffed animals and similar trophies.

The only thing that seems out of place is an old, rather fat man in the uniform of the town guard slowly making his way around the room chatting with the clientele. Shortly after you arrive he installs himself at one of the card games, to the ill-disguised distaste of the assembled players.

2016-04-01, 06:42 PM
Kim sidles up to the bar, gives the old elf a bow and asks in fluent Elven,
"Excuse me grandfather, do you know where we could find one Mimi, or someone who does know? We seek her help for something of grave importance and would be ever so grateful for your aid."

He moves his hand subtly to his coinpurse with the last sentence, enough to suggest to an attentive listener the possibility of extra compensation without promising anything, a motion he had to have drilled into his head many many times.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Gather Information: [roll1]

((I've always thought of Elven as being Portuguese, but that's unfortunately not one of the languages I have any grasp of. Ah well, we can't all be as brilliant as Odette:smallsigh:))

2016-04-04, 09:30 PM
Kaytu exchanges looks with Murklur and wisely releases Odette to Sophia's custody. As Kim also doesn't seem to want to get involved, the three kind of converge ahead of the unfolding drama.

"Hm," Kaytu's closed eyes and humming breath pass for a whispered laugh. "You know, it's been a long time since I've seen fit to put my foot down like that. I turned out to be wrong then, too."

Considering this to be a lesson in patience, she makes sure to wait for the girls to catch up before moving on.

At the guild hall, she whispers to Sophia before following young Kim up to the bar. "Do you see anyone you know?"

2016-04-17, 04:10 AM
The bartender gives Kim a long, appraising look while continuing to polish a glass, calmly waiting until the young man actually produces some coin before responding in somewhat hoarse Elven.

“Mimi? Yes, I know the name. A couple of our regulars move her cargo every market day and deliver supplies to her…”
What follows is a lengthy process of rumour-mongering, cajoling and light bribery that consumes much of the rest of the morning. Kim is kept busy weedling information out of anyone who will talk to him while the others either assist or amuse themselves as best they can (Murklur seems to have no qualms about drinking before noon and joins in one of the dice games with at best mixed success).

As the hall quietens down after lunch, the group are reconvened around a table in one of the corners with a few nuggets of useful information: first, the location of Mimi’s house and a route to it confided to Sophia by Eric Godwyn after the group managed to find him; second, the old guardsman whose presence was causing ructions earlier was one of the less well liked members of the town guard who was trying to ferret out information about the recent murder, which apparently was not the first recent killing, though it was certainly the most grisly; finally, and perhaps more pertinently, all of the guides and bargefolk tell similar stories of the beasts of the Lows being far more aggressive than normal lately, several sporting vicious bites to show it.

Lady Moreta
2016-04-17, 10:08 PM
Sophia let out a tiny sigh and rolled her eyes where Odétte couldn't see her; "The first thing we need to do then, is have you practice. Now, I didn't understand a word of what you just said, so while we head into town, why don't you tell me again in Common and I'll correct you as needed."


Once at the guildhall, Sophia looks around intently, then glances at Kaytu as the woman speaks, "I don't see either of them here," she says slowly.


Now that Eric's been found and they have the information and directions they need, Sophia has one goal in mind. Find Mimi, get a cure, get home, and save her parents. "Now that we've got what we need, we should get going. Get to Mimi's house before it's too late." Impatience oozes from every word she speaks, but her tone is also anxious and afraid.

Prince Zahn
2016-04-18, 06:44 AM
Odétte tries to catch her breath as they walk. Not even realizing she was speaking in Giant. It's not the first time she threw a fit and only spoke Giant.

"J–" Odétte swallowed. Her face was still flushed from crying earlier."I–I need my médicine. C'est very hard to remember it."

I don't know how Odétte comes to the next scene yet. :|

2016-04-18, 06:16 PM
Hi purse a bit lighter, Kim still feels accomplished and begins cataloguing the information obtained. Grisly murders? Dangerous, but not relevant currently. Beasts in the Lows? Could be caused by the plague, a possibly useful angle. Most important though was still the cure, time to head out.

"Thank you for your help sahib, one last thing," he says to the bartender in common. "Do you happen to sell spicy lamb curry?"

Prince Zahn
2016-05-03, 05:51 AM
Somewhat calmer, but still rather nervous, the un-medicated Odétte said very little on matters of the plague, she seems to be distracted by something else instead of worrying about the real issues in life, wherever her mind has drifted off too, it is nowhere pleasant.
She gazes occasionally at Murklur but does not feed the fire.
After some time of walking, staying close to Sophia, she advanced a little faster, and she lays her hand on Katyu's shoulder.
"... Sorrie." but says nothing more on the matter, before returning to Sophia.

2016-05-04, 10:43 PM
"It's... alright, Odette. I should apologize myself. I suppose I don't really know what you've been going through."


"I see. I'm so sorry to hear that... I pray that the guards and survivors can pull through this... It's so strange, we were attacked by wolves ourselves on the way from the South..."

Once the series of small conversations with strangers finally culminates in directions through the lows - in no small part due to the young Kim's proficiency navigating foreign neighborhoods - Kaytu gets the team rounded up for the trip. "Alright, everyone. Are we ready to head out? Odette, are you feeling better?"

2016-05-08, 03:45 PM
Lows' Edge, Early Afternoon

At last, the group stands at the edge of the Lows, the last vestiges of Fjared’s Landing fading away into the all-encompassing swamp around them. The scents of stagnant water and decay hang heavy in the air while the occasional solitary creature calls out, muted by the ever present mist. With Sophia following the trail signs, the group begins to pick their way through the mire.

A few rules things to note here: while the trail is mostly solid ground the surrounding terrain is largely bog, which is difficult to move through quickly (double or quadruple move cost depending how deep it is). Also, even on this sunny day, the combination of the cloying mist and near solid canopy produced by the trees makes this low-light conditions. While not especially thick, the combination of mist and trees will obscure vision beyond 60 feet.

Lady Moreta
2016-05-09, 11:01 PM
Sophia makes a myriad of different faces as she walks, bent almost double to see the markers through the mist. This is disgusting...


2016-05-10, 06:28 PM
Kim takes a deep breath as he enters the bog, there are worse smells in the world. He makes sure the hems of his pant legs are well above his boots and then sets forward with his staff in hand.

2016-05-19, 06:51 PM
Sophia leads the company through the cloying mist, pausing every so often to search out the fairly well-hidden trail signs and occasionally detour around a particularly treacherous patch of ground. Progress is steady, and late afternoon sees the group approaching Mimi’s home. Ancient willow trees crowd together here, their long branches trailing in the brackish water. The faint animal cries have fallen silent now, the only noise the lapping of water against root and branch. Ahead, a faint light is visible through the murk.

2016-05-19, 07:35 PM
Losing his foot into a squishy spot every so often, Kim uses his staff to support himself through the bog. As the light comes into view he calls in a whisper. "Sophia, wait, there sounds like something, something big, ahead."

2016-05-21, 11:15 AM
"Hm?" Having hiked up her leather skirt to wade through the marsh, Kaytu has given the shorter characters a good view of her legs as she admired the environment, undisturbed by the darkness or the slimy leaves and runners sticking to her shins. She stops to examine cattails, lilies, moss dangling from the willows and berry bushes... this swamp is full of wonderful plant life, especially to an herbalist. It's no wonder Mimi chose to live out here.

She tries to follow Kim's and Sophia's gazes. "Is that Mimi's home?" she whispers, "Kim, what is it? Is someone just shuffling around, or..."

She suddenly remembers the state of the wolves they had encountered earlier. She imagined it was from human hunters, but the fact remains that the key reason a pack of wolves would be brought to the point of starvation is a sudden excess of competition...

...or maybe it's just, like, a crocodile. That would still be pretty bad for us.

"Alright. Get behind me and Murklur. Stay close and keep your eyes open." Kaytu unfolds her armor and readies her sword and shield before proceeding forward. She reads for any movement in the marsh plants, knowing that Ehlonna's guidance can be found in the tiniest rustle of a cattail.

Kaytu casts Guidance on herself. Please apply it to any perception check she makes and let me know so she can recast it for initiative.