View Full Version : Red Keels of Okeanos, pt. II - Gods Above and Below

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2015-08-06, 09:01 AM
The return voyage to the Neck has not been pleasant. Near-constant rain has forced your men to work the bilges full-time, and the canvas sails sag from the soaking. The upside is that you have water to spare; the downside is that you have water to spare.

Hectare has done his best across both ships to strengthen their durability, pouring as much of his Solar Essence has he dares into the hulls and sheets and lines. "We'll need it, if we run afoul of the Realm again." Though you have yet to so much as sight a trireme, it feels as if they lurk just out of sight each time you put out to sea again.

Resupplying the ships' stores of food has been easy, though the variety is monotonous; the men grumble at the prospect of eating fish again, and the night Hunter kills and drags aboard a wild aurochs, they actually celebrate. You learn from a fisherman that the Realm has added your names and faces to their wanted posters; a fortune stands to be made from whoever can confirm your deaths to the Realm.

Hunter has continued to grow during this time, and now no longer comfortably fits belowdecks; he now spends almost all his time on the deck, and soon the Stormchaser smells thoroughly of wet dog.

It takes far longer than expected to reach the island in the Cowries on which Dorun has brought the forces you intend to raise against the Realm; half or more of the delay has been backtracking or skirting around islands to avoid the notice of their navy, and as you proceed further and further, you see distressing sights on the shores. Gibbets have been raised, and hanged corpses dangle from them; altars to the Ocean Father and other gods of sea and sky and storm have been smashed or burned, signs of the Immaculate Order's work.

When you reach the Cowries, you find Dorun waiting.

"Thank the Ocean Father," he says softly, "you are here!" He embraces Barbus in his arms, and turns to Hunter. "And my, you've grown!"

He runs a hand through the hound's fur, then says, "The Realm patrols sweep the Cowries each week now, and not always on the same day. I don't know if you'll be as safe here as we thought."

Dorun has gathered ninety able-bodied boys and men, and twenty girls. Perhaps ten of the forces are twenty years old, and perhaps ten are ten - the rest fall somewhere between, and most are predominantly Cyanin, though even the least-represented Okeanos tribe has five among them. Dorun further explains that fourteen of them have a godly parent, and another twenty-eight are the children of God-Blooded.
It has taken a long time sailing to a way between worlds; however, the transition from the seas of Creation to the acrid sea of Kimbery proved surprisingly smooth. The cold green waters of the Great Mother churn up a white foam against the hull of your hellish vessel, but does no damage.

Every one of the damned pirates now sings or claps or stamps as they go about their duties, music to drive off the Silent Wind. They holler chanties and dance jigs, and when you reach the Demon City, the harbor is filled with demonic vessels. You see a pair of towers at the mouth of the harbor, from which strong chain can be raised to close it.

A thousand or more demons crowd the pier, and when your ship docks there, they look curiously at your craft and its sailors, and at you, the captain.

"The Devil-Prince, Captain Hogane Naxifu," states a demonic official. "We welcome you."
The visit to Solid Shell has proved very fruitful; the city possessed a veritable bumper crop of wild stories about Captain Barbus. One wag tells you that Barbus worships thunderbirds, another says he is a thunderbird himself; one tells you that Barbus slew an Anathema and became one himself, while another says Barbus didn't kill the Anathema, but was in league with him, had served as part of his damned crew.

In their stories, Barbus is a wild man, a savage and a foreigner. He flays a man before he puts to sail, and the leather becomes the skin of his keleustes' drum. Trees grow where he treads. He is as strong as a yeddim. He wears a coral crown. He bears a sword. He bears a club. His bow requires inhuman strength just to string it. He murdered a Smaragdi chief over a woman. He murdered a man who insulted him. He is a friend to the Lintha. He was seen riding a flying whale. He rides a dog the size of a horse into battle. He is a sorcerer. He fights with a demon at his side. He attacks innocent ships and brands the entire crew. He murdered the purser of a ship he sailed on.

Some elements of his story that remain relatively consistent, however, involve his involvement with a privateering job to recover Okeanos' tribute to the Realm, stolen by a pirate whose ship was crewed by the dead. The pirate was supposedly an Anathema, and a Dynast from another satrapy outfitted the attempt to recover it, hiring on Barbus as master of arms under a captain named Hogane. The tribute was recovered, and the pirate supposedly killed. Shortly after that, Hogane was outed as an Anathema, and made off with the fastest ship in Solid Shell, Swift Manta, after the Smaragdi chieftain was found murdered.

According to the most common version of the story, Barbus came to Hogane's defense against the Wyld Hunt, and outed himself as an Anathema in the process, before fleeing north, preventing the Realm's ships from following him by calling down a storm.

Last but not least, there is a third name in all this, "the Seamstress of Dissolution." There is even less concrete about her, but the wanted poster next to that of Barbus shows her scarred face and, like the other two, offers a ledger talent of jade for her capture or death.

You also note to yourself that the price on your head is nowhere near so large.

[Thread I] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?386945-Red-Keels-of-Okeanos-Exalted-2-5)

2015-08-06, 10:30 PM
Barbus greets Dorun warmly, "It has been too long my friend but there is much work to be done." Barbus gives what money he has left to Hectare, "See to getting the supplies you need in building our tender. Follow me, we will see if there are any additional men suited to help you." He does the same with Seamstress once she arrives on shore, going to see them.

Barbus gives a good look over each of them, "Welcome brothers and sisters, you all have taken the first step in freeing these waters from the tyranny of the realm. They butcher our people, defile our lands and destroy our temples! And for what? Tribute? Land? Food? No! they only wish to rule over others and take no responsibility for their actions. We will be the first arrow launched at the realm and when the people see the mighty realm bleed, more will join us! Now, I will begin instructing you in the ways of war and together we will bring victory!"

Barbus walks to each and asks their name, where they are from and any skills/experience they have. If they have any in the way of ship building or repair he places them under the command of Hectare. Likewise if they have any medical skills he places them under Seamstress for training. To those few, "And when ever you are done working for you commanding officer, you will report back to me and practice with us in the way of combat. I shall not have you untrained in the way of fighting."

Back to the bulk force, he begins a series of drills to draw out the natural leaders and talented. Once he gets a good feel of the make up, he starts dividing them into squads. He explains that each is only a small part of the whole but if one piece fails the rest fall. So, to help with this he begins with team building exercises to make the men bond and grow. Each squad learning it's members strengths/weaknesses.

As far as formations, he concentrates on basic but effective maneuvers such as his tribes "sea dragon maneuver" (OOC: Based on Shaka Zulu's bull horn formation)

Between exercises and drills, he regularly moves his forces to other location and islands. This is three fold. One is to teach his forces how to quickly move on a moments notice, to build endurance and lastly to help evade the realm.

In addition, when they first arrived at the island he sends a small group of trusted men to go find the Children of the Storm to enlist their aid. Telling them lend him any aid they can spare in the coming war. Having them meet him at a predetermined spot and time.

2015-08-06, 10:50 PM
Seamstress takes any pupils Barbus may find and starts to train them in the field of Medicine, teaching them whatever skill she can that they would be able to use. She also joins Barbus in drills, practicing her martial arts so that she is useful in more than just healing.

2015-08-07, 08:46 PM
Teaching is a long, slow process. Most of the kids have never so much as bandaged a wound before, and in the end you find no more than twenty are acceptable to learn under you.

Given the short time period, your own particular expertise, and the lack of supplies, your curriculum is focused on what will likely be the most pressing issues in the coming months; stopping bleeding, and preventing infections. For lack of better options, most of their practice will be limited to animals, and bandaging the (hopefully only occasional!) wounds from training exercises.

Sam Palok and Hectare volunteer to obtain some of the supplies you need, as they are going after some themselves. It is too late in the day to teach your pupils their use in it when Hectare returns, but perhaps they can learn tomorrow.

You also observe one of the supplies he's obtained - large quantities of blue dye. "The Cowries are predominantly Cyanin," he explains. "The Realm might suspect something's up if a bunch of Okeanos tribesmen with different hair colors have suddenly moved in." He touches his own golden locks for a moment, then says, "Besides, Dorun's told me that while he got the tacit agreement of the Cyanin chief to go along with this plan, I don't think all our neighbors know."

As you spar with Barbus, you realize your hands and forearms are developing new calluses, your skin slowly toughening. Yet as you fight with him, you occasionally experience momentary reminiscings, remembering things that never happened in your lifetime. It feels strange, but brings to mind the Silver Prince's teachings on reincarnation. Perhaps in a past life you were a martial artist.
"Captain, I'll do my best." Hectare picks thirty of the recruits to aid him in his efforts. They are an ill fit, hands that briefly aided in the construction of tribal war-canoes. The tender Hectare intends to build is a behemoth by comparison, touching on the upper limits of what shipbuilding can accomplish. Still, they're what he has to work with, and after he and a few of your crew go on a supply run, he dives into his work immediately, doling out tools, delegating construction details, and teaching, always teaching.

When he returns, Hectare shows you one of the supplies he's obtained - large quantities of blue dye. "The Cowries are predominantly Cyanin," he explains. "The Realm might suspect something's up if a bunch of Okeanos tribesmen with different hair colors have suddenly moved in." He touches his own golden locks for a moment, then says, "Besides, Dorun's told me that while he got the tacit agreement of the Cyanin chief to go along with this plan, I don't think all our neighbors know."

As for you, your first day of drilling goes smoothly enough. Before the day is out you have a good idea of their competence - thankfully they know which end of a spear goes into a training dummy. The difference of tribe proves less cumbersome as you remind them of their common enemy, the Empire beyond the sea.

Before dinner Seamstress spars with you; she shows signs of improvement.

After sundown, Dorun meets up with you to catch up. "The Realm moved against me after the festival for the Ocean Father. Just after you left, the Immaculate Order stepped in, and tore down the temple. Your recruitment plan saved my life. When I visited the other islands, I saw that the Realm had been there as well."

His hands tremble and clench into fists involuntarily. "They'd built a gibbet, and hanged two priestesses of the Ocean Father. Their families, too." Words fail him; Dorun falls silent, fuming but unable to give voice to his anguish.

2015-08-07, 09:09 PM
After experiencing the faint stirring of memories long past Seamstress decides to meditate, hoping to uncover more of her past life.

2015-08-07, 10:26 PM
Barbus, upon hearing the council from Hectare, decides to make a more permanent base so that the construction of the tender can be done. Having them pull the Stormchaser and the other ships off shore to be better hidden. So instead of often moving, he has his forces build their endurance for the long rowing and inevitable sleepless nights that lay ahead of them.

That night with Dorun after dying his hair....
Barbus looks up from the fire to Dorun and places his hand on his shoulder, "They will pay for their sins against the people of the west. This I promise to you. We will bring peace to these seas. Do not worry, the Ocean Father still watches over his people and we will be his instrument in his retribution. All the people need is a little hope and they will rise up against their cruelty."

2015-08-08, 03:02 AM
Misu took the time he needed in Solid Shell. Not that he minded. The large city always full of distractions for when he needed it. This wasn't a pleasure visit though so he had to drag himself from his personal party. Having to repeat such a process to gather his crew.

Gathering his crew from about the city. Gathered in their varied states of relaxation upon the ship. To then check, and recheck the supplies. Barrels of food, water, plenty of alcohol. Ship supplies of cloth and wood in various forms. Once the check list is filled they make sail the next morning. Setting sail for the string of islands in the neck commonly called the Cowries.

At sea they keep at watch. Even familiar waters carry various hazards. However being on the mission they are, they are found in good spirits.

A few other emotions swim about from the information they found out on the side while performing their research. The razing of the Ocean Father's temple within Solid Shell. Anger, sadness, and a desire for revenge in equal parts.

Bringing his crew the plan for when they reach their goal. "When we find this Barbus's compound we'll talk through the blue flag. The news we bear should be good news for him with all I've been told and all we have heard. Because he has allies to push against the realm and their hold on the Okeanos islands." says Captain Misu. The crew with their recent news could surely only cheer. Continuing their journey along the surf.

2015-08-08, 11:22 PM
A dozen large, crude shacks accommodate these recruits; as cramped as they are, you find it more comfortable to rest aboard the Weald, which lies decently inland.

Barbus, on the other hand, has his crew housed in temporary shelters, and seems to be taking his rest in a tree, with Hunter laying at the base, raising his head if something strays too near.

Flit grins and stretches out in his hammock, watching you meditate. Earlier in the day he'd joked about dyeing his hair with the rest of the recruits, but now he merely watches, interested, as you assume the lotus position.

As you calm your thoughts, you feel your heartbeat slow. The sharp scent of the burning incense fills your nostrils, and something like an electric charge runs up and down the stitched scars that cover your body. New thoughts come to the surface of your consciousness, like submerged air bubbling up from deep water.

Memories. Or at least fragments thereof; most seem to miss key details, and few last more than a second. Snippets of conversation. A magnificent view of a very different world. Strong emotions associated with faces you've never seen.

Making sense of it seems an impossible task; the most you can gather of it is that you see sights from a life long gone. Perhaps even the First Age, of which even history has lost much.

You see a sword. Keen, single-edged, possessing a simple elegance to it. It is wrought of flowing silver and gleaming gold; you have never held it, but know that it is warm to the touch. You have never fought with it, but know that it would slide free of its sheath, for attack or defense, as easy as a sigh. You do not know the name of this daiklave, but you know that you-that-was forged it in a single night, aided by a dozen cyclopean smiths.

Has the artistry of you-that-was carried into this age? If not, can it be found in the ruins of the old?
"I hope you're right."

The dream fly visits you again this night; you see a city. It is broken, but beautiful nonetheless - cracked or broken towers of crimson glass stretch to the sky, the tallest pieces of construction you've seen. You fly through it as a bird might, down every street, where swarthy men ride horses and racing-camels or duel in the streets with sabers or knives or yo-yos. Passing a field of flashing gold, illuminated in the noonday sun, you see a steel automaton pulling a series of Guild wagons.

When you wake, Hunter wags his tail from the base of the tree. "I dreamed I was in the kennels of the Sun," he confides. "I wonder how my mother's doing."
The winds are good to you today; you might reach the Cowries tomorrow.

"Captain," says Ot, your steersman, "I don't like the look of that fog bank northeast of us. It ain't right. The sun's too bright for that to be natural."

Yet attempts to evade it prove more difficult than you initially suspect; the mist begins to move against the course of the wind, rolling forward as if to engulf your vessel!

2015-08-09, 12:15 AM
Seamstress reflects on the images so that she does not soon forget them. She would like to learn more about this past life and this weapon. She hopes that in the days to come with Barbus and the fight against the Realm that she may be able to discover more links to her past self.

2015-08-09, 02:52 AM
[roll0] + 1 willpower (Apparently I messed up the coding for the roll, oh well)

2015-08-09, 01:46 PM
Barbus awakens and tries to make a mental note of the things in his dream. To Hunter, "It seems we both have mothers that we yearn to see. When the time is right I would accompany you to heaven There we will hunt with your family and you shall have your reunion. This I promise."

2015-08-09, 10:37 PM
"That means a lot to me, Barbus. Thanks." Hunter ambles off, leaving you to resume your training regimen.

During the day's exercise, a curious thing occurs: while your attention is momentarily focused elsewhere, a sudden bonfire lights up in one of the other groups. Ashen Nessa, a girl of perhaps fifteen, stands in the midst of a swirling inferno, yet is unburnt. Her squadmates, sporting a few burns, rapidly back away from her; the fiery aura extends out from her body for about six feet in all directions, a conflagration that can surely be seen for quite a distance. Her spear glows white-hot in her hands, but as you approach she throws it down.

"W-what's happening?" she stammers. "I don't understand!"
[Note: Transcribed from a Skype conversation]

Misu looked back over his shoulder at Ot. The steersman had been piloting the ship while they sailed over gentle waters like this. He had simply been enjoying a relaxing voyage until this time. Hearing being called for though he bound across the deck. Darting past crewmen to then leap up the stairs to the roof of the ship house.

Righting himself beside Ot he looks to his colleague. "What fog bank?" asking about and being pointed to the grey cloud. Misu stares out into it. Watching the almost featureless smoke dart above the water. He sighs though as Ot is completely right, "Ugh! And there it had been flawless 'til now." The rest of the sky being bright and blue, except for this blemish on the day.

He'd found the stories in his head of such a creature. An Eristufa, a mist demon, chased them down. He didn't know its purpose for certain. However with the stories about Barbus fresh in his mind. He couldn't help but wonder in his mind if this is the storm the sots in Solid Shell talked of. Maybe he'd given Barbus far less credit then he should have.

The tanned Captain popped his neck and hands loudly. Waking his mind and body up from its slumber. "I'll take it from here!" Shouting about to the deck. "Look alive boys we've someone after our hides!" The crew that hadn't seen it before were sure aware of the pursuer now.

Misu felt his clothing and weapons fall into place on his body as they woke up with him and his crew. Hand tight on the helm he whipped them into the changing winds. Keeping their sails full with the sea's breath. Keeping and gaining as much distance between him as possible.

The mist changes course, picks up speed, moving most unnaturally now. The breeze, however, is against it, filling your sails. Your hand at the tiller and your men at the lines prove enough of an advantage to keep it from enveloping you... but onward it continues.

Misu listens to the flap of the sails and the rush of the ocean swells. Such practiced moves keeping the ship at full tilt. He'd managed to round the creature and place it behind him. He felt they were not out of the woods just yet. As such Misu dared not look behind him, or break his concentration.

A sailor called out, "It still tails us captain!" The crew darted about at his orders. Keeping line and sail tight as their leader tasked them with what they were made for. Those without positions of such kept on pins and needles as the dramtic chase kept under way. Such a chase being drawn out never left positive though.

Misu could see his ship mates working hard as well as those that were nervous. "Either work the ship, or ready your blades! There is no middle group you sons of dogs!" Getting those that were standing around to snap back into the excitement of the moment. A cheer rang out among them as their blood pumped from his words.

His concentration hadn't lessened even with that. His being caught the wide all over. His braid flapping in the wind just like the flag on his mast. His muscle flexed just like his lines to direct his ship. "This puff cloud doesn't know who it's dealing with!" Misu shouted out as even he got a rush from his endeavours.

Most unnatural sounds emanate from the mist-demon as it draws near, but you only faintly hear them; your ears are full of the creak of the lines, the snap of the sails, the churning of water as your keel cleaves it. A chill fills the air, but you do not feel it; you instead feel the Essence flowing from your body and into the ship, imbuing the ship herself with your years as a captain.

Finally the malevolent fog is but a speck in the distance, and then even that disappears to you. The men don't cease to bend their backs to the work, but when it vanishes over the horizon, they cheer loud enough to fill the sails with their own air, or so it feels to you.

The rest of the day proceeds without occasion, and the night as well. The next morning, however, a sight flares up in the distance. On an island no bigger than a dot to your foremast jacks, a light begins to steadily shine. From this distance it's hard to tell what it is.
When he sees you stir in your meditations, Flit unfolds and refolds his legs in his hammock. "Does this mean you've found whatever it was you were after? Come to bed, Seamstress, grant me the same." He grins cheekily.

The next morning, your medical training gets a significant distraction when one of the students Barbus was drilling bursts into flames. Waves of fire roll off her without burning her, although several of her fleeing squadmates get caught in it. The girl, panicking, throws down her spear, eyes close to tears.

"W-what's happening?" she stammers. "I don't understand!"

2015-08-09, 11:05 PM
Dropping his weapons, Barbus strides into the flames, the fire whipping across his face, but he takes no heed to it. He places his hands on her shoulders, "Calm yourself soldier, you have the fire of passion in your belly. It burns bright in you but you must control it. Focus on my voice, imagine the sea calm and gentle. You are the sea you are calm. Nothing is wrong with you," Barbus takes a knee to stare into her eyes face to face. A friendly smile across his face, "you now have great power to do with what you think is right. So tell me soldier, what do you wish to do?"

2015-08-10, 05:50 AM
Misu catches the chatter. Gazing upon the sight himself. Far on the horizon, the aura burns about as big as the shape of the island itself. Shouting a command across the ship, "Ot stir to port, we are making for that island.". He made his way to the deck house.

The Cowries, like most of the islands were sparsely populated. This display of light couldn't be just coincidence. Checking his map to look for and mark the isle they drive to. He also checked to see if any additional hazards lay ahead.

Having checked for what he could find he simply returned to the deck. Making the time they could towards the brilliant display. Spirits high to see land coming upon them.

2015-08-10, 08:58 AM
The "rudder," Ot's collection of charts, maps, and logs, confirms the destination. The island is shaped like the crescent moon, with the "bite" on the northwest side. There is a stretch of beach there surrounded by shallows. The southeast side, on the other hand, juts sharply out of the water, presenting nothing to the sea but rocky cliffs.

The chart also indicates that the isle is home to an enclave of a few dozen Cyanin, mostly on the south end but your previous information indicates that Barbus and his forces will be on the northeast point of the crescent.

The light you witnessed earlier continues to shine as you approach, resolving itself into an assembly of over a hundred Cyanins, gathered around a large man, taking a knee to meet eyes with a young woman, both of them wreathed in a swirling inferno fifteen feet high, yet standing unburned.

From the beach, a large golden dog barks, loud as a lion's roar, and suddenly heads turn in your direction.
The fire burns fiercely, but the golden armor you wear protects your body from the flames. Less so for your clothing, which catches with the continued exposure to the conflagration.

Startled by your unburning hands on her shoulders, she looks into your eyes.

"The sea? The sea does not burn! I, I'm one of them! The enemy!" She gasps and shudders, the flames growing hotter.
Hunter gives a sudden bark from the beach; a few heads turn in his direction, and another cry rises up.

"Captain Barbus," Father Salt calls, "ship in the distance!"

A large vessel can be seen from far-off, perhaps a hundred feet in length.

2015-08-10, 09:15 AM
"Having the blood of the dragons does not make you one of the realm. Dragon-blooded walk all kinds of life. It is your actions that make you who you are not your power. You are one of us. A fellow westerner trying to bring some peace to her people. You are among friends here," Barbus stands and looks out across the sea to the ship approaching. Looking back down to the girl, "The realm and others would call me anathema. That I am evil. Fight along beside me in this war and help me prove that one can aspire to more than one is labeled."

2015-08-10, 10:34 AM
"All right. I'll fight at your side." She bends and retrieves her spear and shield, and stands by the Storm King's side. Her anima slowly dims, but it will take some time yet to recede.

"You'd better see to the wounded, Seamstress," Flit says, gesturing to the squad that stands covered in minor burns.

"Orders, Captain Barbus?" asks Pin, gesturing at the ship that draws still nearer.

2015-08-10, 10:43 AM
"Let's see what this ship and her crew's intentions are......I'll wait with a small force to meet with their captain. Everyone else is to lay in wait and prepare yourselves for battle, we best be ready for a fight if one comes," Barbus gathers a few good men, including the newly exalted dragonblooded, to wait with him on the beach to meet with the newcomers.

2015-08-11, 01:04 AM
Seamstress tends to the burned trainees.

((sorry about the short post after so long guys, busy day))

2015-08-11, 05:40 AM
They prove to mostly be minor, though a few require more significant amounts of your attention. Luckily despite the less-than-sanitary conditions on the beach, you assure that their injuries will not become infected.

2015-08-11, 05:55 AM
Misu collapses the scope. He found himself rather shocked that he could even hear the canine bark from such a distance. "A beast the size of a horse, is that the demon at his side?", he muses out loud. Cutting off his train of thought he shouts back out to be heard by those on deck. "Raise our blue flag. We've a message to convey to that bonfire on the sands!"

The wind that brought them here continued its rushing dance. His tight braid, made fresh this morning, danced with the gusts. A partner in the breath of air. The same breeze flapping the sail of the merchant vessel. He commanded that they be brought towards the shallows but stopped plenty short of it. All the while raising a blue flag high upon their mast, easily seen far away to the shore. Anchor lands upon the ground there. He'd not dare wordlessly land a boat upon a clearly occupied shore without this.

The captain gazed through the magnifying glass once more. Examining the crowd that had gathered before the breaking of the tide. As anyone would be, the sight was drawn to a large wall of a man. With armor that shone like a mirror in the midday sun. The exact sun that held over head. His sight thought was that the center piece to the force was Barbus. However the blue hair laid layers of doubt to this assumption. Beside him stood a young maiden, cyan hair as well. Brandishing her armaments with pride beside him.

The black and white spotted flag coming down. A prolonged cresent accenting the middle of the banner. This flag stood above the blue flag as both flag about freely at first.He said to the flag bearer, signalling with the flag, "We come in peace, Allies in your fight, Ocean Father, One boat to come ashore."

2015-08-11, 05:49 PM
Barbus order's one of his crew to signal back, "You may come ashore. You may bring a few men ashore as well."
Barbus calls back to his men, "I don't want anyone to act hastily! I want to hear what this Captain has to say!"

2015-08-11, 07:14 PM
The men of both groups scramble to their work. Signal flags wave their messages across, the jolly boat is prepared, with men to row it, and most of Barbus' recruits draw back, leaving only five men, Ashen Nessa, Barbus, and Seamstress on the beach.

2015-08-11, 07:48 PM
Barbus stands defiant on the beach. The new blue hair blowing in the wind. His eyes narrow to focus on the oncoming jolly ship, trying to get a better gauge on it's passengers.

Once they arrive, "I am Barbus, the Storm King. And you are?"

2015-08-12, 04:33 AM
Seeing the first response he makes towards the life boats. Misu checks his equipment on him. While this was his mission he still had no idea what kind of man Barbus would be. Stories only clear on his strength and his often brutality. He goes to a life boat, taking one to disembark from his mighty vessel."Ot, I'm going to land.", states Misu as the ship is lowered into the water. A group of five men accompanying him to the shore. Ot as the first mate naturally knows to take over the workings of the ship. Defending and waiting for their leader's return.

Misu sitting upon the bow of the ship looks forward. Seeing the small gathering of people awaiting him. The trip silent but for the beautiful chorus of the ocean. Birds calling in the sky, water crashing against the stones of the earth between the gather. Misu's braid on his shoulder normally long enough to get to the middle of his back. The cut shrug clothing on his torso covering his arms and upper back that faces the shore. Misu watches over his shoulder as they get closer. The golden eyes dart back and forth, looking for any clues to ill intent on the part of the receivers. He'd brought only a small group just in the case that this was a trap sprung on them. A plan for making a speedy get away.

Misu Kachina then confidently jumped from his sitting position. Flipped up to skillfully land on his feet. The braid which previously dangled over his shoulder falling down behind him. A hand landing to clasp of his belt holding up his baggy pants. The bottom of which tucked into his bound boats on his feet. Taking a practiced stride through the shin deep waters of the coast. His free hand dangles beside a pair of twin sabers. Sheathed short swords bound together on one side. The whole of his stance looking relaxed as he wishes to portray himself.

The silence of their voices broken by the greeting exchanged. An eyebrow raised in surprise as the blue haired man introduces himself as Barbus while addressing Misu. He remembered that this man, up close, did look just like the visions he'd had within the pearl. The simple difference being in hair. "You are Barbus? Huh.....dyed your hair then I see." Misu only pauses a moment to breath in, "I am Misu Kachina Captain of the Columbia Blue," motioning to the vessel behind him while he speaks, "And leader of the Sea Wolves.". He glances back at each person with Barbus. His own members bring the boat just enough into the shallows to get it from moving back, easily pushed either way in the surf. They themselves standing from the wooden seats and at attention at its' sides. With the cyanin captain only a few strides from the boat himself.

"I have sought you under command of Dorun's liege, as well as my own. Second to that I've gathered the tales of your recent exploits against the realm." His chest raising and lowering under the normal breaths he takes. The reinforced clothing his wears tight around his chest, parting at his hips and draping around his sides and back."You gather men, allies, and resources to make a cause and a stand. We'd fall under that second grouping."

2015-08-12, 09:03 AM
"I've not seen you before, Misu, but last night the Ocean Father sent me a dream in which he was sending someone." The God-Blooded priest nods as he listens to the words of the new arrival.

2015-08-12, 09:34 AM
Once Dorun confirms Misu's purpose Barbus let's out a rolling laugh, his smile wide and joy across his face. He slaps Dorun across the back, almost causing the poor man to fall over with the casual action, "See Dorun, I told you the Ocean Father has not forgotten us."

Turning to the new comer, his arms raised upward as if to proclaim to the heavens "Come friend, you and yours are welcome to join us. Eat, train and fight with us. Together we will drive the oppressive realm from the west."
Reaching out to grasp Misu's hand, "Come we have much to discuss. But first introductions. I'm sure you will meet the others but for now we have Dorun, Ashen Nessa, and Seamstress."

2015-08-12, 02:59 PM
Seamstress smiles and nods to Misu and his men. "Hello. If it isn't already obvious I am the one they call Seamstress."

2015-08-13, 11:54 AM
Misu felt rather shocked by Barbus', and by extension the rest of their people. A single vision from Dorun and they seemed to trust him completely. Even seeming to be rather friendly now. His story was true and honest though. Before his vision through the pearl he hadn't heard word of this gathering of soldiers. Spending most of your time on ships leaves little time for certain types of gossip. Regardless he had long desired to be able to take the fight to the realm's holdings instead of just plundering their ships.

He walked forward through the cresting waves. Each step leaving a foot print. He then looks over them all once more. A little concerned at their reactions, a seeming sudden mood change. He reaches his hand out then and gives Barbus a firm hand shake. "Your right we do have several important things to discuss. Some news for you personally as well.".

Misu looks towards the Seamstress as she introduces herself as well. "The Seamstress of Dissolution? This is what they know you as in Solid Shell. Though they know little else." He is surprised though to see her face in such a state. It had been the same as her wanted poster. Then he had thought it was simply the artists being dramatic in their propaganda. Since it's the truth he could only think of how someone would survive something that would scar them so badly. "You must be super naturally tough or something...."

Misu glances over to Ashen while shaking hands, "You should thank the pretty lady. Ashen was it? Her display lead us to this individual island.". Pulling his hand back he turns to his crew, "Signal the ship that we'll be staying for a little while at least and pull our boat ashore. Alright guys?" Pulling his attention back to those in front of him.

2015-08-13, 04:40 PM
"Yes please come and make yourselves home. All I ask is that you respect the island and her native tribe. We have an arrangement with the chief," Barbus leads Misu into the camp with arm around shoulder, messaging the others to follow with a wave of his hand.

While in transit, "If you don't mind if I ask you some questions? "

If Misu agrees, he asks the following
Where are you from?
What is your profession?
What cause in particular has made you to move against the realm?
Is the ship here the only forces joining in the war or are more on the way?
If so how many?

After his barrage of questions, "Do you have any questions for me? I would like to clear the air between us so that there are no secrets to grow distrust. It is a difficult weed to pull once taken root."

Once they reach camp, Barbus moves ahead a bit and presents the warriors that have gathered, "These warriors are but the first to join in the noble cause. For soon this once disorganized mob of tribesmen will become the elite fighting force of the west. And now with your ship and crew, we will be able to raid Realm holdings and supply lines easily. I encourage your men to join in the training. I'm sure they could learn something."

2015-08-13, 06:49 PM
The dog you spotted on the beach follows; he is larger than a horse, his bristly fur the dark-gold color of butterscotch, eyes black yet sparkling with starlight.
Hunter follows.
At first the hound sniffs Misu intently, and then falls into step, loping along lazily at the Storm King's side.

When you reach camp, the bulk of the recruits await, as well as the crew of the Stormchaser and the Weald. All sport the blue hair of Cyanin, though many obviously do not hail from Okeanos. Over a dozen crude barracks have been constructed, and the preponderance of felled trees, sawdust pits, and steam-boxes show that more carpentry is in the works. Half-hidden in the distance, completely out of sight of the beach, stand the two biremes commanded by Barbus and Seamstress.

When the recruits see that Misu does not seem intent on fighting, they relax somewhat, but continue to watch the developments.

2015-08-13, 09:12 PM
Barbus introduces Hunter to Misu and Misu to Hunter.

2015-08-13, 10:20 PM
On the way Seamstress replies. "Yes, that is my full title. I am not surprised they know little else of me, I tend to keep to myself." She notices how his eyes linger on her scars. In response to his remark of toughness, she replies with simply "I am now. The event that caused these scars saw to that. And if you are wondering, they cover more than just my face."

2015-08-14, 11:26 AM
A sniffing sound is heard from behind him. The large beast sniffing at Misu. Rather surprised but not recoiling, he continues to walk. Having heard and felt Hunter take his place at his master's side. A normal thing for most canines when they are meeting someone new. Eventually introduced properly though, "Nice to meet you Hunter. Some people say your a demon that fights at Barbus' side."

His conversation with the Seamstress continuing during their trek towards the interior of the island. Her eyes rather perceptive of his eyes. Her reply though putting his mind to picturing her naked with scars all over her. Niddle work keeping them bound and tight. As if she were a patchwork person. "Oh well that is definitely intriguing and unique. You've my attention on that tailoress.", said with a soft smirk.

Misu looks about in the camouflaged camp. Its clear the kind of fighting force starting to come together. A settlement to be built to house them. His own group had gone through something similar when first taking up their home within their cove. "You've not been here for long. However even now you build a solid base in this hidden grove of sorts.....though I'm surprised you've many tribes gathering together like this.", comments Misu as the different tribes of Okeanos often in fight frequently.

2015-08-14, 02:21 PM
Barbus looks over the makeshift camp,"We couldn't have done as much building as we have without the guidance of our head shipwright and carpenter Hectare. I'll have to introduce you later."

He then motions to the men, "They come together under common purpose for all have suffered under the yoke of the Realm. I for one did not mind the realm until recent events to be honest. That is when I was branded an anathema and saw the horrors the have committed to the people. In two months these forces will take the fight to the Realm."

Looking back to Misu with an inquisitive look in his eyes, "What news do you bring? You said you had something for me?"

2015-08-14, 03:06 PM
Seamstress simply smiles at the comment before taking her leave of the group and seeking out Flit.

2015-08-14, 03:45 PM
Hunter stalks off with Seamstress.
Once out of hearing range of Barbus and Misu, Hunter looks over at you, his eyes big and sad.

"A demon? They call me a demon?" He looks really in need of a hug right now.

Flit sees your approach, walks from the direction of the Weald. "What's the word, Seamstress?"

2015-08-14, 04:31 PM
Seamstress wraps her arms around the massive dog. "Oh Hunter, they don't know any better. People always think the worst of what they don't understand."

She looks up when she sees Flit. "Barbus is speaking to the new person, Misu I think. He's an amusing one. And apparently he heard stories that Hunter was a demon, so now he's upset."

2015-08-14, 05:46 PM
The dog sits and nuzzles against you as Flit comes closer.

"I can see why Barbus would be upset," the keleustes says quietly. Always having been a little skittish around Hunter, he nonetheless puts his hand on the hound's head, gently scratching the dog's ear. Hunter stays quiet, but wags his tail a little. The thump-thump-thump of it against the nearby tree trunk is like one beating the dust out of a rug.

"So Misu is going to aid us? Frankly we need all the allies we can get."

2015-08-14, 05:53 PM
"Yes that seems to be his intent. Barbus seems to trust him, and I trust Barbus can take care of it if he isn't trustworthy."

2015-08-15, 07:36 AM
Spots Hunter slink off with the Seamstress. In his head he notes that it would seem the dog has free run of the camp.

His attention quickly returning to Barbus though. Looks almost upset at the idea of being okay with the realm,"Recent events? I've survived two such attacks upon temples within my life time." He waves though to dismiss the remainder of this topic. "However you are right that it is a common purpose for all the tribes. Still your skilled to be able to bring them together in that purpose. My group is majority Cyanin like myself."

He looks towards Barbus again as they continue to where ever he is leading them. "Dorun's liege has sent for you to appear before him. Granted an audience as he wishes to speak with you for similar reasons he spoke to me." Continuing his instructions and monologue, "I'm to offer my prayers and meditations to him when you are ready to go." Resting his arms at his side as they walk through the summer day. "I do need to address the problem of a Mist Demon, about a day's travel from here as well. For I was attacked by it on the way here."

2015-08-15, 05:32 PM
Barbus leads the now four to a makeshift command tent. After all have entered, he offers drink to all who wish it. Taking a large gulp of some local wine he continues, "It will take me a month and a half for my men to be properly trained. Not even considering the time Hectare needs to complete his work. Afterwards, I'll go meet with our benefactor. But I'm afraid we do need to take care of this mist demon threat. Especially one in the area, we don't want any unwanted attention drawn here. Especially if the realm sends someone to investigate."

Barbus mills the wine goblet around in his hand and finishes the drink in one last gulp, a refreshed breath leaving his lips. "I need to feel some combat once more anyway. I wouldn't want to get too comfortable on this island. When would to be ready to leave?"

2015-08-16, 01:13 PM
Closing the tent's opening behind him as the last one to enter. "So the mist demon isn't your creation? One of the many stories about you is that you summoned a storm to keep the realm from chasing your group." He walked to the table though, leaning onto the table. Thinking about whether or not Barbus is just that good or just that lucky.

"Well dealing with the demon or training the troops doesn't have to come first. The meeting your called to shouldn't take any time. When I was called before them there was no passage of time.", stepping up beside Barbus to continue his explaination, "I left and returned at exactly the same moment. In same way they made it happen and the same thing will happen this time. I need only offer up my prayers to signal your agreement and our readiness to appear before them." Watching to his reply in this. Wondering exactly how the meeting will go down as well.

2015-08-16, 01:39 PM
Barbus lets out a small laugh, "Ha no I do not posses the power to summon storms. However, some of my allies were generous enough to provide the distraction."

He looks over Misu trying to read the man. Could he truely trust this stranger? What ever his intentions, if the man be traitor or ally, he figures he might as well start testing his word. "Very well start your prayers, I would like to meet with them as soon as possible."

2015-08-17, 05:32 AM
"Actually, if he's up for it," Dorun says, "I've built a new shrine. Hopefully his prayer will be more likely to reach the Ocean Father there." He points in the direction of the beach.

"I hope you can hold your breath."
"No kidding. Looks like they're headed back to the beach for some reason. Guess they've come to an accord?"

2015-08-17, 08:36 AM
Misu waved his hands above his head, "The stories they tell it seems. However they don't know about your allies. So you get all the credit." Sounding a little upset during this. In his head he was plotting out why the bounty on this group was so high. It seems that its part fighting against the realm and part their gifted powers. Yet Misu finds his feelings mixed overall on the situation.

Misu looks relaxed overall as you evaluate him. His hand's naturally resting on the belt of his clothing. However once Barbus finds himself in agreement on which to meet to first he gains a smile. "Good then! We'll start this immediately to then return to the matters dealing with the front itself."

Glancing over to Dorun as he offers his advice and recommendation as an actual Priest of the Ocean Father. "A shrine to him would be the best place yes. Lead away.", agreeing to his mention to return towards the beach. He isn't all that surprised that the shrine would be towards the beach or even in the water itself. He'd had dealings with such temples to the gods before. He has to add though,"Well when it comes to holding my breath I've grown up in these islands. I can hold my breath better then most. Yet I can't breath under water just yet."

The group having only spent a short time in the command tent up until now. For the most part it seeming like a little sight seeing tour. Misu's men joined back up with him as they left back towards the beach. Their looks kind of confused, but Misu quickly offers up an explaination, "We just have some prayers to offer up to the Ocean Father boys. A shrine finds its home towards the beach.", Misu chuckles to break up his sentence, "So it seems like we get our exercise in today.". His men replying in just a laugh with him for now.

2015-08-17, 08:46 AM
As the last one to leave after Dorun and Misu, he holds open the flap of the tent and turns back to Ashen, "Let Hectare know we are in need of more housing for our new allies. Come find me after you are done, there is much we need to talk about."

Barbus follows after Dorun to the beach and then into the water. The waves crashing against his with no effect almost like he was an island unto himself. Upon descending under the waves, he easily keeps up with Dorun to the shrine. The water having little to no effect on his speed and seemingly to have little need for air.

2015-08-17, 09:12 AM
The sea gets deeper after fifty yards' march into the surf; from there, in spite of the weight of your armor, you swim relatively quickly to the shrine Dorun has built.

It is nothing like the elegant temple that once stood in Solid Shell; crude slabs of rock have been stacked into the approximate shape of a table, and behind it a large stone, shaped with a chisel into somewhat human shape, is bearded with a mass of kelp. A piece of sharp obsidian is set into a handle, and lays on the stone table.

2015-08-17, 09:58 AM
Barbus looks over the shrine, the images of the temple that once gave him shelter when he was just a new comer to these oceans. A feeling of regret washes over him for not being there to help defend his once home away from home. The faces of priests and priestesses suffering under Realm torture and execution. He shakes his head to remove the thoughts from his mind, now was not the time for regret. The realm would pay three fold for what they have done. He would see to that.

Swimming over to the crude statue, Barbus sits next to the depiction of the ocean father. He waits for Misu and Dorun to begin, lending in chants and prayers to help gain the attention of the Ocean Father.

2015-08-17, 10:11 AM
Misu strides through he water. Watching and following Dorun. Passing idle schools of fish and plant life. Misu while not powering through the surf like Barbus keeps up with the others just fine. Having spent much of his life in or around the sea itself.

When they finally get to the make shift shrine he comes up to it directly. Swimming before the table and taking the knife there. Everything about this shrine thrown together, however his own shrines were not much better at this point in time. Misu had survived two burning of different temples in his life time. Very few religious artifacts had managed to survive with him.

Misu grasped the blade tightly in his hand. Pulling it across his hand swiftly. He cuts the palm of his hand rather well. Blood flowing into the sea from the now open wound. He presses his hand down upon the table. As if to feed the stone itself. Offering up prayers within his head that can't be spoken out loud due to the water surrounding him. "Ocean Father! I ask that you lend me your time! For I have brought Barbus to your Shrine! To seek audience with you as you had instructed! To rebuild the temples with which have been constructed!"

Holding his breath and his eyes closed, he has only to wait for a response from the patron of his water logged shrine. Misu knew they were awaiting his reply to them and the completion of this part of his mission.

2015-08-17, 10:39 AM
Rather than clouding the water as expected, the blood sinks into a depression in the "tabletop" of the altar. It pools there, Misu's blood, until it fills the depression. Any blood shed after that does seep into the seawater, but more noticable is the sudden animation of the statue.

"Misu, Barbus," the statue says, with the voice of the Ocean Father. The head turns to Dorun, who stands behind you two. "My son, Dorun."

Dorun prostrates himself on the sea-bottom at the sight.

"The Ocean Court is in a state of unrest, Barbus. The Realm has slain our children, sacked our temples, and let loose demons. Do you plan to move soon?"

2015-08-17, 12:55 PM
Barbus takes a knee at the appearance of the Ocean Father, looking up to the animated statue he speaks "I do and with all haste. My forces will be ready in 2 months time at the most. I must forge them from a band of mixed tribes to a unified army with one mind and spirit. And now that the good Captian Misu here has joined us, I believe the time table has been improved. My shipwright Hectare finishes our great tender and with it we can strike at the supply lines that feed the beast that is the realm military."

2015-08-17, 02:23 PM
"Beware, Storm King. They already move against you. Fifty warships settle in the harbor of Solid Shell as we speak. You may not have the months you need."

2015-08-17, 03:28 PM
Pondering over the Ocean Father's words for awhile, he then replies "Then I must ask favors from you my lord. First, do you know how long they plan to make port in Solid Shell? How fast, with your aid, could you get me to Solid Shell? Lastly, do you have a means in which I could cripple or trap the fleet in Solid Shell's port. I just need to buy us time to train my people, it need not be too devastating."

2015-08-17, 07:00 PM
"I am not certain on the first. My best guess is that some among their number will remain to bolster Solid Shell against your attacks, while the rest moves against you directly. As for taking you to Solid Shell, it will tax me greatly, but I could bring you to its harbor inside a minute, a small group inside ten minutes, or a whole ship inside a half-hour. I would ask a future favor of you, for me to do you this service."

The statue grows more defined in its features as it speaks. What was before a relatively shapeless upper body is now the toned chest of a swimmer. A once-blank face now sports a mouth that forms the god's words.

"I must minimize my involvement in this. We each have enemies in Heaven, Barbus. The more openly I act, the more we both face reprisal. It is within my power to delay them, in a dozen different ways, but they would be even more taxing than your feat of transportation, and would certainly not go unnoticed."

2015-08-17, 07:10 PM
Barbus nods at Ocean Father's words, "Very well, I'll leave as soon as possible. I'll try to figure out a way to sabotage them myself. Could you transport Misu and myself, if he is willing, to the nearby area surrounding Solid Shell. I need to consult with my shipwright as to the easiest way to sabotage a ship for the duration we need. Misu do you have any skill in stealth and sabotage?"

2015-08-17, 11:11 PM
Misu concentrates on the wound in his hand when it seems the table has had its fill. Leaving none of his vitality to really slip into the sea about them.

When the statue comes to life Misu does his best to kneel as well underwater. The Cyanin helped into position by the weight of his clothing. Listening to the conversation, hearing the warnings that the Ocean Father brings. His body slowly feeling lighter within the deep tides. His chest not feeling as heavy or constrained.

Speaking up to add to the conversation, "Then we best strike while the beasts lie in wait. Leaving their warships in pieces unable to aid them. So you've the right idea Barbus.", working through a plan in his head he pauses for just a moment."I'm willing and able to disable these ships Ocean Father. While consulting His shipwright couldn't hurt I know how to disable ships quietly."

Looking over to Barbus at but a glance before his eyes return to the statue. The Ocean Father's further manifestation impressive to behold, "I have many skills in both those categories. Familiarity with both the surrounding area and more so the city itself. So they'll be hamstrung before they know it. Just have to worry about the trip back then, we might want a small group to come so we can man a ship back. My men on the shore should suit us fine for that, dear Ocean Father."

2015-08-17, 11:21 PM
Barbus nods in agreement to Misu, "Very good, then lets set off as soon as we can. I'll let my officers know what is happening and you get your men ready. We will meet back up for the journey."

Barbus rises to his feet and bows to the Ocean Father. He salutes as he come back up, "Give us just a few moments my lord."

He then swims back up with celerity to set the plan in motion.

2015-08-17, 11:25 PM
"I can take you as far as the beach," the Ocean Father says. "Come back down when you are ready."

When you resurface it is as if only moments had passed. Dorun shudders a little when he breaches the surface. "I'm glad the Ocean Father is willing to lend aid."

2015-08-17, 11:43 PM
Barbus looks at Dorun with a concerned face, "We can't survive 50 ships Dorun. We have to stop or slow as many as we can now before they can move in force. The Ocean Father I'm sure knows this. I understand the position he is in but I wish we could get more aid. None the less I'm thankful for what he has given us."

Barbus looks away, a mask of confidence appears upon his face and moves quickly to complete his report before returning back to the shrine.

2015-08-18, 01:14 AM
Misu breaks the surface above the shrine before the moving to the shore. He'd realized as they moved away from the shrine that he needed to breath. Having lost track of his breath while in the presence of the Ocean Father. Swimming then towards the shore while he sees both Barbus and Dorun calmly swimming up, neither short on breath.

Setting foot upon the sands of the beach Misu is left breathing heavily. Catching his breath, "And even an outsider like Barbus can breath the sea.". Misu is rather surprised at this, though he is only assuming based on the large man's reactions.

Standing up straight to look at those having waited on the beach. His soldiers seem only a little bit surprised, "Okay men. We'll be heading to Solid Shell, we've some boats to sabotage." The men look rather glad at the idea, this is the sort of thing they were good at. He follows up beside Barbus though, not losing pace with the man. "So we need to simply disable them. We don't have a force to out right destroy them right now. I'd say we try to box ships in with the ones we disable and work our way inward to try and prevent easy repair as well."

2015-08-18, 08:27 AM
"You are correct. As much as I would like to take a few of them out, we need time more than anything else. Plus it's just that more we get to steal from them later," Barbus smiles at that last point, "I like the plan. However, something to keep in mind, when they were pursuing my ship. I sabotaged their ships from beneath the waves. I'm not sure but they might have prepared themselves for this in case I tried something similar later."

Seeing Misu's crews excitement at the prospect made Barbus wonder where they picked up such skill but I quick dismisses this thought. All walks of life will join this fight, best to use their skills when you can he figured. Plus, he looked forward to seeing this Captain Misu in action.

2015-08-18, 11:02 AM
Misu takes note of Barbus's mention, "They also have wanted posters of you and the other leaders here at Solid Shell as well. So we'll want to find some way to hide your identity." His face deep in thought now. The captain was doing his best not to use his extensive knowledge of not only boats themselves and fighting them. But sneaking upon them and sabotaging them. This sort of thing was so much easier when he didn't have to worry about innocents.

"Well it will be hard either way on exactly how to approach this if they'd be expecting an assault from the water. Something like sabotaging their on ship supplies might be my first guess. Like their water or food. Hopefully it would be to late as well for them to do much about it. Other then that, destroying their oars, damaging their masts would be an aim.", brainstorms out loud the many different plans and back up plans that we might have for the event. Misu was confident that the small group could manage a guerrilla strike in the middle of the night against such a large force.

Managing such a large force of this size would surely be hard to police and to direct. Then in a city the size of Solid Shell it wouldn't be to hard for Misu to collect some favors from his contacts as well. The man continues to write a web of ideas in his head. "We could even work something out to delay them in the city too, a mix up in the port authorities or supply lines."

2015-08-18, 03:40 PM
The sailors brought ashore with Misu join in on the brainstorming.

Beel puts a hand to his chin as he looks Barbus over, a bandanna tied over his bald head to protect it from the sun. "Hard to disguise a big'un like this," he says, "but at least we won't have to change his hair."

Jay nods, listening to Misu's plan. "A little fire might help distract them," he drawls with a grin. "More hotter, more better."

"Fire's too noticeable, they'd see us immediately. A bit of poison, though - that would do the trick! Not even enough to kill them - just give 'em bad enough case of the runs, they'll think there's a cholera outbreak." Greenfield nods sagely, the effect somewhat ruined by the halo of smoke blooming around his head.

"I like Misu's plan," says Han, squinting. "When it comes to slowing folks down, it's hard to beat bureaucracy."

2015-08-18, 07:36 PM
"I'm not much one for stealth but I'll try my best," Barbus smiles, "I hadn't thought of sicking the bureaucrats at them, I almost feel bad for them.....almost. I think a combination of that and sabotaging their food supply should be very effective. Unless you know someone in Solid Shell, we can consult Seamstress. She is the best healer I know. Surely she knows of an effective poison."

2015-08-19, 02:21 PM
((sorry again for the late reply, I barely touched the computer over the last couple days))

"Yes, it seems so." Seamstress looks out toward the two before they disappear into the water.

2015-08-19, 02:46 PM
Flit shakes his head in confusion; Barbus and Misu emerged from the water after only seconds of being under, and then proceed back out, forming plans aloud and gathering men. "What's all this? They just went out, what are they doing marching back?"

When they begin to mobilize he slaps himself. "Are they going somewhere? Are we going somewhere? What's the plan?"

2015-08-19, 02:53 PM
"I'm not sure, I'll go see." Seamstress leaves Flit with a quick kiss on the cheek before heading back to Barbus and Misu.

She approaches the pair while they are talking and waits for a moment to cut in. "It seems like you two are planning something? How can I assist?"

2015-08-19, 02:56 PM
Continues to walk along side Barbus. Them making time towards the Seamstress. "Well if those are her skills we'd want to consult her for sure. If not bring her along, just depends on what she can do.", continuing the plotting of their dastardly deeds, "And if you can't sneak about at least you can be the distraction if it comes to that. No matter what though we can't spare any of us to the after life. Maybe you could stoke things to catch fire. We'll have to wait for sure until we see their defenses.". Acknowledging his men's ideas to the event. These were all good plans, it just came down to what kind of situation they found at the docks themselves.

Misu himself hated seeing his comrades die. Both because it was a lose of good resources, and because he'd already lost enough people to the realm in his life time. These oppressors were going to get what's coming to them. When they get to the Seamstress and they animal companions Misu glances to her with a smile. "Barbus, shall you do the honors of asking her?"

2015-08-19, 03:34 PM
"Ah Seamstress good timing, we were just speaking of you. We prepare to meet the enemy while docked at Solid Shell. The amase a force of 50 ships there. We need to delay them as long as possible. We think one plan of attack could be the poisoning of their food supply. Preferable only showing itself a few days after leaving port and seemingly associated with another cause as to not expect sabotage. Do you have anything in mind? If need be you can accompany us if you feel you should administer the poison personally." Barbus looks at seamstress for her reaction and continues, "The poison doesn't even have to kill per say just incapacitate their forces long enough to complete our work here. Although a reduction in their numbers wouldn't be regrettable."

2015-08-19, 04:08 PM
Seamstress thinks for a moment. "I'm sure I can do something. I only have one poison in my possession and while it's effects are potent, It wouldn't be able to affect many people at once. I could contaminate their water though. When I first left my home I sailed with a ship that fell victim to a similar situation, if not for my medical attention many of them would have died. I doubt our enemies have a healer half as good as me."

2015-08-19, 05:08 PM
"Ah good, although I would like to cover all our bases. See if you can come up with something for both food and water. Doesn't have to be the same poison and you should have access to more options once we are in Solid Shell. Although we would have to take care, our identities are known by the Realm."

2015-08-19, 05:23 PM
"I'll see what I can do."

2015-08-19, 07:02 PM
"Thank you Seamstress and I apologize for making you do this. You are a healer not a killer but unfortunately war forces us to do things we normally wouldn't. Go gather what supplies you need and meet us back here. I must tell the officers that I'll be away for a short time, " Barbus then heads into camp to update the officers of the plan. He tells them to keep training and continue work on the tender, "I shouldn't be long, two weeks at the most. I expect some progress when I get back."

After setting his affairs in order, Barbus heads back to the beach. Waiting for the others to begin their journey.

2015-08-19, 08:38 PM
"I understand the need for such action, sometimes you have to do things you normally wouldn't when at war." Seamstress watches Barbus walk away, somewhat glad that he still doesn't know that much about her. The things she is capable of doing, the things she has done. None of them would fit into the image of what Barbus sees of her. She prefers this though, it is much easier to travel with all of these people when none of them know the true monster she can be. Save for Flit and her crew. Even then they just know what she is, not what she is capable of.

Seamstress prepares for her part of things. She will need to disguise herself of course. When she gets to Solid Shell she sets out looking for someone with an illness that can easily be spread.

((OOC I'm going to use Plague-Eating Kiss once I find someone that has a sickness that fits my needs so that later I can use Pestilence-Bearing Touch to infect rats and/or crew members that will be on the ships))

2015-08-19, 09:20 PM
So I want to apologize to everyone for my absence, I'm going through some issues and have been having difficulty posting, I'm gonna try to get better at this, again sorry everyone, especially TheCountAlucard

"Arr its good to be back, that was a very long sail, now tell me, where can I find volunteers for a voyage back to Creation, and maybe point me to the direction of the empire of the Living Tower would be nice"

2015-08-19, 09:27 PM
No problem man, glad to have you back!

2015-08-19, 09:35 PM
"A voyage into Creation…" The demon looks puzzled, cogitating on the matter for a moment. "It would depend on how many you seek. As well as whether you have means of bringing them across the Endless Desert or the Sea That Marched Against the Flame."

Obsequiously clearing his throat, the demon clarifies, "Few would be unwilling to return to the House of the Makers, but for most it's a question of ability, of opportunity. And as for your empire, I'm afraid the name is unfamiliar. This 'Octavian' must be terribly distant."

The demon turns to its paperwork. "I will inform Mymir of your arrival. He is the citizen who operates this port; perhaps he could answer your questions."
When all the preparations are completed, all the disguises done up and the tools assembled, the plans completed and the group gathered, you find a small banana, lying seemingly abandoned in the surf. As you approach, however, it expands and unfolds, blossoming into a sleek, narrow vessel, just barely large enough to hold ten men (less if much equipment is going on the weird, yellow boat).

Once those assembled are inside, the boat moves of its own accord, and in the middle distance, a whirlpool forms. The ship plunges into the hungry vortex, and it emerges onto the beaches of Amphiro, a few miles from Solid Shell.

2015-08-19, 10:07 PM
Hesitant at first, he quickly boards with no equipment to speak of except his father's sword and bracers. Choosing to leave the rest behind for fear of them being recognized. Barbus braces himself as the whirlpool surrounds and envelops them.

Once they arrive, he stands up in the boat. His eyes glow faintly, while filled with essence, becoming superhuman in nature. He begins surveying the area for any immediate threats and any observable information.

OOC: Keen Sight Technique

2015-08-20, 12:28 AM
No immediate people or animals - what looks to be a fishing village stands in the distance, and looking out to see you spot a bank of fog rolling in.

2015-08-20, 08:31 AM
Reporting to the others, "I see no immediate threats and a fishing village not to far. A fog bank is rolling in. We could use it as cover in our approach. It should have little effect on my eyesight."

2015-08-20, 01:23 PM
Misu had taken the time to continue talking with her crew mates. Reminding them of what they are doing, "Okay boys, we are the vanguard here. The Ocean Father's strike team! We sail with the wind at our back and the a full sail. Returning here with the realm feels our wrath.". Finally the group boarding their Banana Boat.

Its kind of disorienting when they are taken under to only then show up at the beach. Everyone takes inventory of their effects, nothing having been lost. Once tallied they quickly make an exit off the sides of the boat towards the the interior of the island. Before they get very far Barbus brings the fog bank to the party's attention. Misu looks out at it, squinting to try and get the best picture of it. Examining it for a moment more then nodding. "We might want to also be cautious of that fog bank though. I met a Mist Demon a day's travel from here. I managed to avoid and then lose it on the open seas.", breaking up his statement to add an anecdote, "Thankfully the wind was on my side. After I lost it it was about a day's journey to your island. So who knows where it went after then and it could very easily have made it's way to this island."

2015-08-20, 02:00 PM
Barbus feels the wind and smells the air, taking in his environment. Trying to figure out if the fog is acting in any unusual way or controlled by any nefarious means.

2015-08-20, 05:43 PM
The wind is dead; the sail hangs limply without so much as a flutter. The fog emerges closer, closer, threatening to envelop miles of the beach in its advance. You hear a scream of horror, muffled by the mist, from toward the center of the shifting mass.

2015-08-21, 08:56 AM
In a whisper, "I'll go scout where that sound came from."

Barbus dives into the water and swims with tremendous speed toward the scream.

2015-08-21, 09:10 AM
Misu relaxes to feel out the situation. Finding the stillness of everything but the cloud. He groans and starts moving back into land. "Well its not fog.....ugh I wish I was wrong this time.", letting out a nervous sigh at the fact that this creature had made its way here."If we were closer to Solid Shell, we might have been able to lure it to the ship yard to attack the Realm's force."

Realizes after a second that he should take a moment to explain this creature, "That fog you see is really a demon. It flies about in the form you see to sneak up on its prey. Then it can take a solid form of a mass tentacles to attack. They can make sounds to those caught in it to confuse them. Like laughter or sobbing.". Watching as Barbus just leaps into the water after it. Misu thinks to himself for a moment about how he must be crazy to just run off like that in the sea against a magical creature. "We'll just wait here I guess?.....be careful, I guess.". Misu looks at everyone else, confused as to what to do for now or how to help.

2015-08-21, 10:22 AM
Barbus' motion through the water is so fluid and natural that it is almost as if a dolphin cuts the sea instead of a man; his borrowed eelskin jacket does not check his speed at all.

"One red shell says he doesn't come back!" Greenfield crows, but when the others scowl at him he falls silent.

Once Barbus disappears into the mist, the scream finally fades, only to be replaced by manic giggling. A voice calls out, overlapping the insane laughter, but speaks in the tongue of demons.

"Your friend swims to his doom," the demon promises, "but I might spare him if you tell me true of yourselves. Are you, any of you, pirates or priests, Anathema or half-bloods?"

The mist draws closer.
As you go out to sea, you're pretty sure you hear one of Misu's companions betting on whether or not you survive.

The screaming fades away and finally dies, but is replaced with the frantic giggling of a madman. Unlike the scream, it echoes from all around you, as if a thousand men are laughing at you, mocking you. Something else is being said as well, but it is in the tongue of the sky-gods, not of Western men.

The mist is as cold as ice, colder perhaps. The sun-metal around your wrists remains warm, but the rest of you is chilled to the bone, and you're still only a third of the way in. You see a cloudy spot in the water up ahead, and realize quickly that the remains of a shark float there, torn to bloody pieces, yet not a bite of it seems to have been eaten.

2015-08-21, 10:33 AM
Barbus swims to one of the pieces of the shark's corpse, inspecting it for any danger. Once he has confirmed it is safe and dead, he addresses the mist. Taking a balanced stance of authority, he speaks, "I am Barbus, the Storm King, enemy of the realm and chosen of the gods. Come forth demon and make parlay with me, I wish to talk to you about a mutual arrangement. Know that I am not a stranger to working with your kind, I have fought along side the one called Octavian, the living tower."

His caste mark begins to faintly glow in the fog.
"Or!" he continues, "We could do this the hard way."

2015-08-21, 12:08 PM
Misu is one of the group that scowls at Greenfield. He knew that he was making a jest about what he just saw. A man decided to jump into the ocean and swim as fast as he could at the evil cloud. To any outside viewer this man just killed himself. Misu though agreed in his head that it was a foolhardy effort.

The change of the screaming to giggling only made it worse. Misu sure the whole thing was a trap to those that might wish to save others. To then be followed by a voice seeming to speak to them. Crazed cackles weaved with the words only make him shudder a bit at the display. He doesn't look afraid by it, just finds it kind of creepy. Even so he can only look around at those with him as he himself is an unable to translate the speech, "So anyone know what language that is? Or at least guess what it is saying....though I imagine its not inviting us for a smoke and a drink."

2015-08-21, 02:25 PM
Seamstress replies to the demon. "There are Anathema among us, yes. What do you want of us?"

She then translates for the rest of the group. "It's the demon, asking if there are god-blooded or Anathema among us."

2015-08-21, 03:53 PM
"I don't wanna be here when that thing reaches here," Beel grunts.

"Permission to flee like cowards, Cap'n Misu?" quavers Greenfield.

The demonic mist is only seconds away now. "If any among you are Anathema, then all your lives are forfeit! I will take much pleasure in killing you."
A shadowy shape toward the center of the mass of mist becomes visible, bit by bit.

"And what would you say, o Chosen One? Would you have me surrender, have me submit to your will? What arrangement can there be, between us?"

The shape resolves itself into a smallish fishing boat, with a capacity for perhaps three fishermen and their catches. It is battered, and the sails hang in shreds.

2015-08-21, 04:00 PM
Seamstress stands. "I think your men should run Misu, the demon is not here for peace."

2015-08-21, 05:34 PM
"One of mutual benefit, tell me demon, at your core what things do you desire?. That you truly want?"

2015-08-22, 02:52 AM
Misu nods to those around him. He agreed with their assessment of the situation. Staring down the rolling bank, "Withdraw men, but stay together. We'll have to regroup once this thing is dealt with." He hopes they stay safe and braces himself.

"Seems like we will be seeing each other fight sooner rather then later." Drawing one of his twin blades to the ready. Right hand clasped tightly around the hilt of the blade. His left hand upon the blade that is left. It ready to spring forth when the time is right.

"Be careful Seamstress. I believe this may be a group of the creatures rather then a simple single one."

2015-08-22, 09:02 AM
The sound of waves breaking on the beach can be heard to your distant left; did you get turned around?

The boat drifts closer, creaking and groaning.

"I am a creature of simple pleasures, Barbus," purrs the demon. "Broken ships upon the rocks, broken bodies growing stiff and cold as they sink beneath the waves. A good rainbow or two. What do you seek, Barbus?"

You find yourself growing even colder as the demon titters. It is as though you have traveled to the distant north.
"Aye-aye, Captain!"

The crew scurry for the fishing village, leaving you to the demon. "Running won't save them," the demon says mockingly. "Nor will your swords save you."

And with that, the mist sweeps over you; the chill the demon brings is almost arctic.

2015-08-22, 10:10 AM
"I seek victory against my enemies. And I believe you can help me with that. Join me in my battle against the realm and you will have all the realm soldier you could ever want. An island will form from the bodies that will float in your fog. What do you say?"

2015-08-22, 10:30 AM
"I will take the lives of no Realm legionnaire - I am sent to slay freely pirates and priests alike, the wretched children of those that call themselves gods, and…"

The demon pauses as though relishing the thought.

"…and 'Anathema' such as yourself, of course. Goodbye, Barbus."

2015-08-22, 02:21 PM
"You will find that I'm not easy prey!", Barbus lunges from the water into the air, scanning the area for anything that might be the demon.

2015-08-22, 04:54 PM
I guess I'm terribly far from Malfeas then...yes that will be fine.

Hogane has had some time to think, he still has a large list of things to do, but for now he definitely needs to bolster his army...and his own power.

2015-08-22, 05:09 PM
Seamstress braces against the chill and attempts to locate the demon in the mist, using her ghost vison in case it is incorporeal. "One creature or more, it will be hard to fight if we can not see it. Unlike Barbus I'm no good at fighting in the water, perhaps we should try to get the boat to shore?"

2015-08-22, 08:19 PM
Your supernatural senses scan the miles-wide mass of mist; fleeting glimpses of a strangely beautiful body flit at your peripheral vision, but move too fast for you to focus on properly.
"Far from... no, Hogane, this is indeed the Demon City, but it is a vast place. Entire kingdoms vanish in its depths. Please, come with me, I shall take you to Mymir."

The demon escorts you to a spiral-shaped castle still under construction; a dozen or more hopping puppeteers drag blocks of stone and lay them in place under the direction of other demons. Inside the finished part, though, you encounter a fine hall where a demoniac feast takes place. At the head of the table is a blue-skinned devil that stands almost as tall as Octavian, with a white braided beard that touches the floor.

At your introduction by the lesser demon, he stands.

"Hogane, eh? I've not heard of you, but you're welcome at my table! Take a seat, enjoy the meal!"

2015-08-22, 09:34 PM
Barbus swims over to the dead shark, gathering up some of the larger chunks. Then with them in tow, jumps into the boat. Cutting open the pieces of shark, he filet the fat from the flesh. He then tares some strips of cloth from his cloths and grabs a piece of wood. Then in a precise motion squeezes the fat over the makeshift torch. Lighting the touch with two sticks rubbing together over it, a spark from them igniting the oil from the fat.

Barbus then grabs a spare piece of wood or paddle to start to row himself out of the fog.

2015-08-23, 05:39 PM
Not realizing until just now how close to shore they were, Seamstress leaps from the boat to land. She falls into a waiting stance, wishing she had brought her sword with her but still glad she had been training to use her fists as well. She keeps her eyes open and tries to focus on the fleeting image, waiting for it to draw close enough to attack.

2015-08-24, 06:55 AM
When the flitting images finally come close enough, your fist lashes out to strike one - only for it to go through it harmlessly. No, it is not dematerialized - it is not real.

Out to sea you hear the sounds of combat, ringing blades and the screams of dying men.
Phantasmal images begin to flit at the edges of your vision, beautiful and terrible. Seamstress' fist flies out at one, but passes through like a stone through a waterfall. This creature can apparently create visual tricks as well.

Out to sea you hear the sounds of combat, ringing blades and the screams of dying men.
The water on your skin is starting to freeze when finally a tiny flame sparks to life between your sticks. The oil from the shark's liver ignites the torch easily, and though the cold still bites you, the freezing fog recedes from the heat of the torch. Warmth begins, slowly, to return to you.

Yet as you seek an oar on this small vessel, you see a horrid sight by the torchlight. Human cadavers, torn to bits, yet still intact enough for you to tell that two of them were but children. Reacting to your discovery, the demon taunts, "Half-blood children. I had to slay them. But their mother might've lived, had she not been so foolish as to try and protect them."

You hear the sounds of combat in what you guess to be the direction of the shore. "The Realm has found your Anathema friends, Barbus. I don't have to kill them now. A pity. I'll settle for you, though."

2015-08-24, 11:35 AM
Barbus grinds his teeth at the sight, anger swelling in him. He looks around the mist, his fury building. The demons words angering and annoying him.

But then clarity begins to form, as the mind of a hunter stirs in him again. The fog......the fog receded at the fire.....maybe.....just maybe the demon is drawn back by fire.

Looking around again, but this time with purpose. Once he spots the ghostly images again, he wills himself to see past the tricks and strikes hard at it with a blow from the torch.

2015-08-24, 12:25 PM
The demonic voices surrounding you hiss in annoyance as you smite through fog to strike the devil dancing in the mist. However, the torch goes harmlessly through the image, and it is finally clear to you that the beautiful sprite is exactly that - an image, nothing more.

2015-08-24, 12:54 PM
Barbus yells at the fog in frustration, "You'll never brake this ship like this demon, nor with you make this body go stiff and sink beneath the wave by making it a bit cold. You can do better than that!"

Then in an act of defiance grabs a makeshift oar and begins to paddle towards shore, "I'm tired of playing games with useless fog. It's clear all you are is talk."

2015-08-25, 11:01 AM
Misu grabs the lead of the banana boat. Pulling it solidly upon shore and well out of the tide. He holds his drawn blade back handed while holding the ship. The Seamstress having already gotten off of it he leaves the boat where it is and goes back by her side. "I wouldn't want to fight in the water itself either"

The cold itself while settles onto Misu though, leaving his body to naturally shiver. His body doing itself best to stay warm in weather he is very much not dressed for. The Seamstress's action catching his attention as she seems to be watching something. "Do you see...?", asks but finds his sentence cut off as she swings at seemingly empty air. Only soon after that Misu sees something in the corner of his eye. Looking around them both in a quick glance. Trying to see if there could be anywhere something could hide. However they both stand on a flat beach, nothing to hide but in the water or in the nearby tree line.

Thinking that we can't try and chase ghosts he pats Seamstress on the shoulder. "Seamstress.....stay here, keep the beach in view and me in view. I'm going to gather some wood from those trees.", asking her assistance in trying to ward off the creature's assaults. He walks towards the trees, making sure to keep the Seamstress constantly in view. His feet crushing bits of sand, shell, and grass with each step. Eventually making it to the trees. Taking his sharp blade to cut down branch after branch. Letting them first collect on the ground around the tree bases. Keeping at this until he has a full arm of branches in various sizes. Returning towards the Seamstress to work to build a fire.

2015-08-26, 03:04 PM
"I'll show you yet, you dead fool..."
The mist suddenly judders and shudders, rolling back on itself and condensing. The mist turns a poisonous orange color as it takes the form of a horrid nightmare, hanging a few feet over the water, a shapeless wad of tentacles. Each limb is twenty feet long or longer, and thicker at the base than a human leg, yet there seems to be no "center" to its slimy mass. Some of the arms have spines, others bear eyes, claws, suckers, or cutting edges.

"I'll throw your meatless skeletons into the sea!"
Barbus seems to be in a position to battle the thing from the other side - he stands in a small battered fishing boat, holding a torch.

2015-08-26, 03:35 PM
Barbus squeezes the shark liver over his mouth, the oil dripping into his mouth. Then with a good amount stored, he blows the oil from his mouth. Causing a stream of the oil to cover some of the mass of tentacles. "I'd see you burn first demon!" And with that swings the touch at the creature with a mighty blow in addition to igniting the oil covering it.

2015-08-26, 06:44 PM
The creature thrashes with annoyance, its rubbery orange flesh blackening and wilting where the flame burns; however, it quickly rolls over in midair, washing its burnt members in the sea to extinguish the flame.

2015-08-27, 10:58 AM
Looks over from collecting his wood. The fire not yet put together. The fog that encompassed the area retreating. Misu had kept glancing over his shoulder during this time. Doing his best to keep the beach and the Seamstress in view. But he was surprised that it looked like the Mist Demon was retreating from his encounter. As if he was leaving his prize behind.

However its clear that he is simply reorganizing his attack. Misu darts back to the beach proper, coming to the Seamstress's side. Dropping the sticks next to the boat to keep them out of the way. Then swinging his blade back around. The swords in the ready once more. His hand placed upon the sheathed one again. His muscles twitch and flex while his body grows tense and excited.

The beast not within slashing range of those on the beach. Misu and the Seamstress can't get to him to attack. Left to have to watch Barbus strike at it with fire. The demon acting as if its just annoyed by this action. However it does what he can to quickly put out said fire as well.

Misu waves to Barbus, trying to silently get him to draw the creature to them as well. Misu feels worried that Barbus would try to take on the Mist Demon all by himself.

2015-08-28, 12:06 PM
Barbus finally seeing the others on the beach, takes advantage of the distracted demon.

Taking the broken mast in hand, he throws the the log within jumping distance. He then lunges toward the beam at an angle, and upon landing on it, uses the inertia of his jump and landing to propel the narrow makeshift surf board the rest of the way to the shore. Taking special care not to extinguish his torch.

2015-08-28, 01:25 PM
Seamstress nods as Misu tells her to stay on the beach. She keeps an eye on the fog while he is away, hoping Barbus is doing better than they are at combating the demon. As the demon shifts and changes form Seamstress catches sight of Barbus setting fire to the mass of tentacles with some affect, then madly surfing through the water towards the beach she and Misu currently occupy, lit torch in hand.

2015-08-28, 04:28 PM
The demon lashes at Barbus with a pair of tentacles, keen edges gleaming as if they were blades! One aims for his throat, the other swinging as if to take his knees out from under him.

2015-08-28, 04:49 PM
Barbus thrusts the torch at the tentacle plunging toward his throat, sending it screaming away from the pain. At the same time, kicks wide to knock both oncoming attacks going for his knees away.

2015-08-29, 08:24 AM
Misu watches the demon and Barbus struggle upon the water. The large muscle man making his way both gracefully and carefully toward the beach. He finds himself rather impressed by the grace of something so large. And secondly impressed by his using the mast as a go between of his position. Misu holds his hands tightly on his blades. Muscles finding themselves coiled as if snakes, ready to pounce. Stepping towards the break of the waves. Keeping himself readied to be able to jump into action when the mass of tentacles moves close. Also finding himself between the Seamstress and our foe. He isn't keeping her from it though. The warmth of the area having returned. Yet the wind still holds still, as if punctuating the drama and tension of the situation.

2015-08-30, 03:05 PM
Seamstress waits until Barbus and the demon get closer, waiting for a moment to strike and aid Barbus in his assault of the creature.

2015-08-30, 06:16 PM
"I'll wring your necks, humans!"

The monster gives a spin, tentacles extending over a dozen feet from its mass! The ones that lash at Barbus and Misu have bunches of hook-shaped spines emerging from the orange demon-flesh, sufficient to rip flesh from bone.

2015-08-30, 09:43 PM
In a blur of speed, Barbus swipes at the oncoming attacks. His essence filled fists as hard as steel are easily able to with stand the onslaught of barbed tentacles. A soft yellow glow begins to form around his hands. An effect caused from a combination of his fist and the sharp barbs scratching across his iron skin, causing sparks to erupt in the process.

He looks on to his companions, Misu and Seamstress still on the beach. Misu standing defiant at the edge of the water as a mass of tentacles rush toward him, in a fighting stance he did not recognize. Misu had the look of a warrior in his eyes. "I would like to see this Captain in battle," he thought to himself, "One's true character always comes out in a fight." Fortunately for him, he did not have to wait long.

2015-08-31, 02:02 PM
The spinner of angry tentacles finally lashes out at its targets. The accuracy of the large amount of limbs questionable, but not so in their lethality. His right hand stands in front, drawn and ready. His left hand coiled in preparation.

Then at the moment the demon's muscles flex they are met with his first blade. Sharp steel clashing against hard flesh. Both recoiling back from the other after their momentum exchanges. But then Misu's legs twist. A turn moving up his body as he leans to his left. Towards his sheathed sword.

The drawn sword over his head glints in the sun. For just a moment it's held. Not even a full second though he releases. Like a wound up toy finally let loose his body spins back the other way. Hips and shoulders throwing his weight into the blow. First his right arm comes down. Then quickly followed up by the drawing of his second blade. A long ring as it is pulled from the stiffened leather. The Cyanin Captain lets a heavy battle roar out with this. Singing along with his blade.

The right handed blade meeting to tentacle again. Coming this time to bury itself inside the meat of the creature. Then just as quickly as that blade finds hold. The twister of steel comes down a second time. Cutting deep with his second blade. Pushed through and cutting clean off his tentacle. "You fall here demon! You'll be made into calamari rings!" cries out to taunt the demon.

2015-08-31, 04:13 PM
Barbus' fist bats aside the attacking appendage; the other tentacle has four feet of it severed by Misu's cunning blades, spraying black liquid from the stump. The length of severed arm writhes bonelessly on the sand as the demon shudders.

2015-08-31, 05:33 PM
Barbus stops in awe of the impressive display from Misu.

2015-08-31, 11:47 PM
Seamstress strikes out at any tentacle that gets near, sending some toward Misu to cut down and others flying away from her.

2015-09-01, 09:42 PM
The Skullstone woman's hands smash into a barbed tendril, sending it into Misu's blades hard enough to nick it, spurting more black ichor onto the beach.
Next up: Misu

2015-09-02, 12:33 AM
Misu's smirk upon his glance is blown away by the breeze. Left with just a stern glare out at the many appendages. The twin swords deflecting tentacles away from his and the Seamstress. Flesh cut and scrapped from each tentacle as he parries them and their now worthless flails.

He steps forward towards the center of the mass. His hands leading with his left blade. Slashing along a tentacle to leave a deep cut. The right hand coming up behind and stabbing into the newly made wound. The tip ran through the whole of the tentacle. To only be yanked back out as Misu jumps back from his assault. Working to keep himself positioned in front of the Seamstress.

2015-09-03, 12:31 AM
The creature lets out a devastated howl as more black ichor stains the sea.
Next up: Seamstress

2015-09-03, 06:21 PM
"I appreciate the meal!" and gives a hearty laugh and sits down to the food.

2015-09-03, 06:58 PM
In addition to your host, the table seems to sit a number of other notable demons. You observe only belatedly that Makarios sits at one end, and he runs fingers through his copper hair as he waves in your direction.

"A toast to unexpected guests," purrs a woman with Western features to the Sigil's Dreamer's right, her eyes a bright blue.

"Hear, hear!" says Mymir, eyes laughing as if at a jest.

2015-09-03, 07:10 PM
Seamstress continues her assault on the tendrils, attempting to grapple now and hopefully damage the main source.

((OOC: Using Dead Man's Grasp to supplement a grapple, inflicting lethal damage))

2015-09-03, 08:26 PM
The tentacle Seamstress grabs proves to be stronger than she expected - with lightning quickness, it reverses the hold and loops her waist, yanking her past Misu and under the water altogether.Barbus

2015-09-03, 09:58 PM
Seeing Seamstress go under startles Barbus in a way he did not think he was able. The sight of Seamstress disappearing under the waves made him scared for the first time in a long time. The feeling swelling inside him. But it would seem the fright of his close friend being pulled under by the demon would only fuel the fury igniting inside him.

Thinking quickly, Barbus tosses his torch at the pile of wood the others had started and then dives in the water after Seamstress. He swims desperately after the grappled Seamstress. The fury building inside giving him a burst of energy to pursue with amazing speed. He would not loss a friend this day!

2015-09-04, 02:32 AM
"Tell me your name again, legend."

The voice of an old enemy echoes in your head as you plunge into the now-icy water. Seamstress is submerged some ten feet beneath the waves, anchored in place by two tentacles. At your approach, they begin to squeeze! Toothed tentacles like sawblades rend open leather, and a second later the water begins to cloud with red.
The water is as cold as the mist was, above, or maybe it's just the tentacles that now hold you below. Their serrated, ice-cold edges gouge holes in the leather of your armor just from holding you in place, and when they constrict, they saw into your flesh. You see Barbus above you, plunging into the water, before your own blood clouds your vision…

The water into which Barbus and Seamstress have plunged begins to redden.
Next up: Misu

2015-09-05, 11:50 AM
Misu gasps in surprise at the sight he sees. The Seamstress seemingly grasped from behind him. Her body then dragged past him and deep into the water. He moves to persue but Barbus beats him to it. A torching zipping by his blue head onto the beach followed by a large splash. Seamstress grabbed into such a bad situation. He hopes that barbus isn't simply joining her. Misu decides that he could only add another body in trouble if he simply plunged after them both. Instead he makes a bee line to the central mass of tentacles. Booted steps shaking the mast about in the water. Yet his footing always remains steady. His hands grip tightly on the blades. Knuckles going white as his grip gets as tight as possible.

He leaps forward to close the final gap. His arms crosses over his chest. Blades wide across his breast as his muscles tighten. To pull them back across to their normal sides. Left on left side of him and right on right side of him. "Fall you over blown squid!". The sharp edges brought across him. A sheering cut as if a large pair of scissors. Attempting to aim for the vital tentacles that grasp tightly around the young lady under the surf. A loud yell ringing as his blades pull free of their target. His momentum stopped in the air from the violent contact. His feet then come back down unto the log in the water. Tipped in his landing to keep his balance. His twin swords at either side of him while he watches for the results of his assault on the mist demon. The energy of the action in the waves now as the mast displaces on his landing.

2015-09-06, 10:22 AM
Your blades scythe through the trunk of the beast's tentacles, and as they fall off the ruined stumps, you see that it is now bleeding far too fast for even its giant frame. The eyes on its tentacles flutter briefly, slowly drooping shut.

"I will… I must… the sea…"

With a shudder, it comes apart, and a hundred dead tentacles splash into the surf, revealing nothing underneath.
The tentacles tighten suddenly, drawing even more blood, and then go slack. Countless splashes can be heard overhead, as if a dozen tentacles are descending into the water.
+5 XP to everyone.

2015-09-06, 11:52 AM
Once Barbus reaches Seamstress, he pulls what tentacles remain on her off. He then helps her to the surface, making sure to block all the larger pieces descending upon them. "Are you alright Seamstress," Barbus asks.

Once they reach the beach, the mist now gone, Barbus scans the area. His superhuman sight peering into the distance.

2015-09-06, 01:55 PM
The fishing village is off to the north; to the west, across the water, a smudge on the horizon. An island? Most likely. To the south, the beach curves away; and in the east is a stretch of light forest, with branches recently cut by Misu's blades.

2015-09-06, 10:34 PM
Barbus informs the others on what he sees. "I'll track down the other men," Barubs says to Misu, "They shouldn't have gotten far."

2015-09-07, 10:33 AM
Stares upon his prey in it's final moments. It's final breath broken in a broken sentence. However sadly upon the only ears around to hear it don't understand their meaning. He repeats the verbalization of them out loud several times. The water splashed by the many pieces of the falling corpse.

He steps back off the mast towards the shore. His feet finding ankle deep water. Water in which he kneels into. Bathing his blades in the water to wash them clean. Closing his eyes and offering a prayer, "May the slain demon bring a smile to the Huntress's face.". The purple liquid from his steel washes out with the tide.

Misu stands once again feeling his pants wet from the surf. He gives his paired blades a few flourishes. Both to show off as his blood still runs high from the drastic fight and to fling any water from them. Even so he wipes them both off on the jacket around his hips.

Misu looks over toward the other party members. He does grow worried when he sees Seamstress wounded like she is though. "My men made for the village. We might want to all head there too.", replying to Barbus. He calmly steps over to them both, finally sheathing his blades. "How are you feeling?", his eyes meeting with the Seamstress's.

2015-09-08, 05:06 PM
"Yarr!" Hogane happily replies and begins to partake in the meal.

2015-09-08, 06:53 PM
Seamstress coughs up water when Barbus drags her back to shore. At both Barbus and Misu's concern she brings herself into a sitting position. "I'll be fine, as soon as I get my healing kit. Don't worry, it'll take more than a few stab wounds and some seawater to kill me." She begins digging through her satchel.

2015-09-09, 12:17 AM
Luckily the men are not far; they lurk a short distance outside the fishing village, looking carefully at the buildings. At your approach Beel waves you over.

"Knew y'all 'uz gonna make it," slurs Jay with a grin, until Greenfield elbows him in the ribs. Jay grimaces, then hands over a seashell to Greenfield.

"Excuse me, Captain," says Han, nudging the other two aside, "but if we want to get to Solid Shell by nightfall we're going to have to hustle. Should we try and take the boat, or go by land, sir?"
The meat dish served is strange, but enjoyable, accompanied by a meal that tastes a little of cabbage, but fermented.

The blue-eyed Westerner smiles alluringly at you. "Prince Hogane," she says, showing dazzling white teeth, "would you tell us of your recent exploits in Creation?"

2015-09-10, 12:40 PM
Misu looks to the Seamstress while she replies. He is happy to know though that she'd be able to deal with such a violent dragging of the tentacles rather simply. He looks impressed that she is sure as durable as she led on, "You handle that then..". Finds his thought interrupted as the men come up from their hiding place instead of him having to seek them out.

The captain can't help but chuckle at his crew's antics. Betting like this was common among his group and for the most part it seems to only serve to bring them together as teammates. He listens to Han's bring this to his attention. Glancing up to the sun and seeing it's position he nods simply. His hand tests the wind and his eyes watch the surf. He knows they got here under magical power he believe that is the extent of it for now. "As much as I'd love to sail there instead I think we'd have an easier time sneaking into the city from land. We'll have to hide the boat then hoof it there quickly." Misu looks to Barbus and Seamstress, "Unless you two have an objection we should hurry so we can start our march there."

2015-09-10, 02:07 PM
Barbus looks to Seamstress's wounds, giving them a quick look. Seeing she was fit to carry on he turns his attention to Misu, "I'm good to move out. I'll see about bringing the boat ashore and hiding it." Barbus quickly searches for a spot he could drag the boat to shore and cover it with nearby debris to hide it from prying eyes. Still running off the adrenaline from the fight, he makes short work pulling the boat to shore. Then using part sand and drift wood, he covers the boat with a convincing camouflage. With his work done he follows the others into town.

2015-09-10, 06:19 PM
You observe Seamstress' satchel as she digs through it while treating herself; before she even reaches what she's going for, the bleeding has stopped. Moreover, what she withdraws from the bag appear to be acupuncture needles made of precious metals; when she inserts the needles into her flesh, the cuts made by the serrated tentacle begin to knit together before your eyes.
You cross through light forest into farmland, and from there into the outskirts of Solid Shell around sundown; the first thing you notice is the presence of soldiers.

Gangs of men in eelskin long-coats patrol the streets. Their discipline is on the sloppy side, and by your guess they have probably recently been pressed into service by the Shore Guard. The city folk give these guards the widest berth possible as they scurry to their destinations, and with each passing minute the number of passers-by dwindles.

"Prob'ly a curfew," observes Jay quietly, looking left, then right. "Damn ol' Realm, Cap'n, I tell ya, discretion, Cap'n."

Greenfield packs some tobacco into his pipe. "We could be walking into a trap, boss - it's like I was telling you last week, the secret astrologers who run the Realm can see ya comin' before you even decide to go." He begins eyeing the sky, perhaps looking for sky-chariots. Misu's other men roll their eyes and ignore him.

"If there's a curfew," mopes Beel, "then the ale-houses are prob'ly closed. And just when I was really wanting a drink…" He casts his gaze down and kicks a pebble.

2015-09-11, 02:52 PM
Barbus nods solemnly in agreement to Beel's comment, "We best hurry into the city then. What is our cover story? We are what remains of a crew attacked by the mist demon?"

2015-09-12, 11:52 AM
Only gives glances to the guards and soldiers as they walk by. Acting just as a normal citizen would in such a situation. He thought to himself about what is going on. The realm putting down martial law to hunt down Barbus and his group? It wasn't really out of the realm of possibility but it was suspicious.

Misu shakes his head to Barbus's suggestion, "Definitely not. If it was brought here by them then it will only make things worse. It was hunting something. What was it hunting again Seamstress?". They continue to walk along for but a moment. Groups of soldiers only passing a few times as they go along through the large city. Misu glances back over his shoulder, "We are a fishing crew from the fishing village of Ronon's Arm from the other side of Amphiro. We are here to purchase some supplies for an up and coming long trip. I doubt they'll have the time to check our story.". He looks about though as they walk. Trying to notice anything else out of the ordinary. He is leading them though towards an Inn he knows, "We'll be staying at Ithea's Sandbox. A local inn.". The group continues to walk straight there as the curfew is surely coming up soon.

2015-09-12, 09:28 PM
Seamstress looks to Barbus before turning to Misu and replying. "It was hunting Anathema and half-bloods."

2015-09-14, 04:51 AM
"If it was only after those, we should have been safe," Han says. "Captain Misu's got a touch of divine blood, but neither of his parents is a god."

Ithea's Sandbox is a smallish but elegant establishment a small ways away; you reach it before the sun crosses the horizon. The Shore Guard give you a few curious looks, but none stops you just yet. Once you cross the threshold, the smell of roasting meat pervades the air, along with the aromas of garlic and onion, and spiced fruit.

And more than a little liquor.

The innkeeper waves you into the common room, where four Realm men, wearing the insignia of ship captains, play at dice, and a callow youth, probably the innkeeper's son, steeps tea for the captains. "These four have booked my rooms, but you're welcome to sleep in the common room," he explains in low tones. "Dinner will be ready in minutes."

2015-09-16, 11:35 AM
Barbus enters the establishment as casually as possible, trying not to draw attention to himself. He goes up to the bar and places a few shells down,"I'll take a round for myself and my friends."

Once armed with liquor he'll find a table in close proximity to the captains, using his enhanced senses to try to overhear their conversation.

2015-09-17, 12:34 PM
Listened to the male innkeeper explain about the rooms. Misu thought that it was honestly better that they sleep in the common room. There was less of a paper trail that way. Less evidence they were even there in the first place. This also gave them such an interesting situation. Before they had even had a time or chance to investigate the city's situation. He recognized four realm captains, knowing their style of dress and sigals.

"Thank you Sir. We'll make sure to behave ourselves as well.", stepping up to the counter Misu asks for and pays the price for the group to stay. After their stay has been simply arranged. He joins the rest at Barbus's table. Leaning to whisper at the Seamstress making sure to keep what is said private, "Those are captains of some of the ships from the realm. I'd know those insignia for sure...Is there anything we might be able to do with our plan?". Leaning back up to sip on the drinks when they are finally delivered to their table.

Misu thought to himself about how foolish and proud these men must be to simply walk around dressed like that so far from home. He also knew though that they thought of this as still part of their kingdom. That they were perfectly safe here expect so small groups of bandits, of rebels. However they must know that they aren't fully safe, otherwise this martial law would not have been needed.

2015-09-17, 06:11 PM
Their speech is unfamiliar to you - the sound of it is reminiscent of the Low Realm spoken by a handful of your sailors, but different enough that you do not catch their meaning.
"-and now he's rallying men to his cause like some sort of-"

The Realm officers take notice of your presence.

"Ugh, looks like the rabble's here. Masudan, this one's the size of an aurochs."

"Did you see the fistful of shells he put down? The fool's fleecing himself."

"Let him. Barbarians from all over the Threshold behave the same way - they don't understand money, they just know to come to the city when they get their bloody hands on some. He'll live like a king for a week, then the next he'll hauls himself out of the night-soil and trudge back to the wilds. If he beggars himself faster, he's out of our hair that much faster."

At that one of the captains chuckles.

"With any luck he'll fall afoul of the mist-demon on his way out."

At that, all four laugh.

Beel, meanwhile, drains the cup brought to him. "Thanks for the drink, Strongarm," he says to Barbus, while Greenfield produces a series of smoke rings from his mouth.

2015-09-17, 07:38 PM
Seamstress keeps quiet for the moment, observing those around her and simply nodding when Misu speaks to her after they make their way to the table with Barbus. She thinks about her plan to sabotage the ships.

2015-09-18, 01:38 PM
Barbus nods to Beel, "No problem my friend, let us drink to the future and tell stories of our past exploits." Barbus keeps the rounds coming until the amount he initially placed down runs out.

After time goes by, Barbus begins talking to the others into the night. With a few names and places changed to protect himself and his tribe, he recalls his first hunt, "Then I ran like the wind. The bear hot on my heels. Fortuitously, my cousin had found the main hunting party and had warned them. Jumping over the awaiting spears of my tribe, the bear plunged into them and killed the beast. My father even let my cousin and I keep the honey we had found that loured the beast there in the first place."

Barbus takes his last drink and lets out a burp,"Seeing my father so proud filled me with pride after we returned to the tribe with feast upon our boats. It was one of the fondest moments of my life."

Barbus hoping the act of a bunch of friend drinking and having a good time is enough of a cover as to not draw to much attention.

[OOC: I don't know where to discuss this so I guess I'll do it here. Should we attempt to kill these Captains? Disrupting their leadership could be helpful or should we just concentrate on biological warfare.]

2015-09-19, 11:44 AM
Misu's expression becomes very sturn as the group of captains chuckle about something. He keeps his eyes on his group though, not moving to make it clear that he is reacting to them. Misu glances over everyone around him. Seeing his familiar crew mates, seeing the new two that he has met. They all together as a party and with a clear plan.

Misu pats the table though to get the attention of everyone that is drink. Between sips of his own drink, "So Strongarm." He pauses a moment to look at Barbus. "And Ayita." glancing over at Seamstress as well to accent his statements. "Ya'll just relax, have fun, stay out of trouble.". Misu then turns around from the table. Leaving his only half drank drink upon the group's table.

The captain glances over to the gathering of captains picking out what sort of insignia's they are wearing. What kind of ranks are they? But he doesn't stare darting his attention to the innkeeper. Waving his hand to him as an introduction, "Hello there sir. My name is Kameha, I was wanting to know what is up with all the guards outside. We just got into town from the other side of the island so...this is all news to us."

((OOC: If they are captains I'm sure they can be replaced and their death or direct attack would bring retaliation to the tavern if not the town as a whole. We need to be covert about this. We want to get info from them without their knowing. We don't want to show our hand at all when possible. Recon for now find a vulnerability and then strike. I asked the Seamstress IC that they could be a part of our plan. Unknowingly asking if she could us them to transmit the diseases.))

2015-09-19, 04:52 PM
Seamstress carries on with the group, sipping a drink while listening to Barbus. She takes note of the new names Misu makes up for them.

[OOC: I still have to find someone with an infectious disease before I can transmit it, but I'm hoping to get to that soon]

2015-09-20, 01:54 AM
The Realm captains pay "Strongarm" and his story no mind; when "Kameha" inquires of the innkeeper, he says in a low voice, "No one's allowed out after dark. From what I hear, the Realm's leaning on the satrap, hard this time. The satrap is, in turn, putting pressure on the grand chief. Recruitment into the Shore Guard's more than doubled. It's like they're expecting a fight."

Greenfield raises an eyebrow at the innkeeper's last sentence. He turns and looks in the direction of the captains, then back to the group, expression expectant.

Once the son has poured the last of the captain's tea, he returns to his father's side. "You'll be going to bed now," the innkeeper says to his boy, "I can see to these folks. So, honored guests, have you eaten dinner yet?"

2015-09-21, 10:08 PM
Barbus gets up from his seat and walks over to some of the older locals, "Hello, names Strongarm. Was wondering what work is available? I'm good in the fight so I was thinking maybe joining up with the shore guard or maybe work one of the ships in the port. Got any advice?"

2015-09-22, 05:48 PM
[OOC: Assuming you mean the innkeeper, since it's just you seven, the four captains, the innkeeper and his son, and the Shore Guard outside…]

"The Shore Guard's recruiting, yes," replies the innkeeper, "and I'm sure they'd take a fighting man like you. Perhaps they'd even let you stay on after this rough patch - things are bound to go back to the way they were after they catch the devils they're hunting… right?"

The innkeeper excuses himself to bring in dinner, and you're treated to the sight of roasted mutton, bowls of onion-heavy broth, and fresh black bread.

"About time, dog!" barks one of the captains, brow furrowed after losing this round of dice.

"Let's take our meal upstairs," suggests one of the captains, "I don't like the smell of what that one is smoking."

Nodding in assent, the other captains stand. Together they take the lion's share of the meat and bread from the uncomplaining innkeeper, and stride through the doorway on the far side of the room.

Greenfield smirks and tucks away his pipe. "And good riddance. Now, let's eat!"

2015-09-23, 12:47 AM
"Kameha" raises an eyebrow at the Innkeeper's explanation to the situation, "So they are expecting a fight to come to Solid Shell?" Pausing for a moment to fain concern for this but in the fact that he continues to see just what kind of mess they'd had move up around them. "That can be troubling for sure. Little good will come of this for anyone. The realm doesn't pressure people for small reason or concerns." He though watches the exchange with the innkeeper and his son. Such a thing bringing a smile to his face and reminding him of things from the past and present.

"Kameha" as well as the rest of those in the common room would reply that they had no eaten dinner yet. That his cooking would be happily received. He eyes the captains every now and then when they make a large rustle of some sort. "Kameha" though watches out the windows for a while. Trying to think of plans and excuses with which to make this sort of thing work. He hated having to work on the fly like this. He normally wanted more time to plan and come at this from his own angle. Yet time was surely not on their side for this sort of thing. They needed to some how use the captains for information. Where if they managed to delay the realm's ships within the red tape of the harbor they'd have the time they need. Second step to him would then be finding the rutters of the outside ships to delay them with repairs. And as they finally look able to leave, place the poison within their water sorts.

Every step needed to be lead to minimize the effects to local Solid Shell. They couldn't afford to make more enemies. In fact most of the people here should be their allies. However they couldn't risk poking their noises out for the exposure it would provide of them. The Realm was here for them after all. "Kameha" himself has valuable holdings within the city walls as well that he couldn't risk.

With Barbus, or "Strongarm", asking about Shore Guard recruitment. This could possibly be a good angle to work as well. Assuming though that he was able to retain his cover. Misu didn't have much faith in Barbus's ability to do such a thing. But with the large amount of recruitment going on and the fact that his skills were surely in demand. He wouldn't have any trouble getting in or getting assigned places.

Finally after a bit of watching for happenings out the window, and thinking. He returns to the group at their table sitting down calmly to finally relax. Sighing as the innkeeper's confidence in the situation seems kind of shaky, "Well heading back to how it was. I'd hope...". Misu not really providing reassurance to him as that wouldn't help their cause for everyone to think nothing was wrong. The realm had only shortly ago pressured more deeply into the local area to where they managed to get one of if not the last large temple to local divinity razed to the ground.

A short while from then the meal arrives from within the kitchen. Misu provides respectful gestures to the Innkeeper at providing this meal. Sure they were paying but that was no reason to be rude. However he sees that is exactly what the innkeeper doesn't get from the Captains. Degrading words and insulting gestures to the other guests. "Kameha" returns the captain's surely given glares with just an insulted look as well. They couldn't be starting any fights.

However once Greenfield's pipe is replaced to it's holder and the captains are gone. Misu laughs and give Greenfield a approving pat on the back. Turning his questions back to the innkeeper as they are finally alone with him, "I hope they are paying you well....they don't exactly seem like kind patrons."

2015-09-23, 09:51 PM
Having the food before him is a welcome comfort and partakes with gusto, "So?" Barbus continues asking the innkeeper,"Is there any part of town I need to avoid. I have heard that a few outbreaks of disease have started to pop up here and there."

Later asking, "So where are the soldiers for the realm gathering. I want to show them my strength personally. They be sure to hire me." He lets out a short laugh at the situation but continues,"I bet they pay well. I've heard the bounty on the people they are hunting is high."

2015-09-24, 11:32 AM
"Please, Kameha, Mister Strongarm. Wait until you have finished this humble meal before discussing such grim matters."

The fare is far from the best you've eaten; from the taste of the meat (what little there is of it - after the captains took their portion, there was only enough left for you to have finger-size portions), it's your guess that the innkeeper is more experienced with preparing fish. The broth, however, is pleasantly spicy, and the innkeeper even refills your bowls free of charge ("My family has had their fill, and I am not like to have more guests tonight."), and sops easily with the heels of bread. After you eat, he cleans and speaks with you, as Jay sits by the fire and sings "Blue Moon of Kerkeis."

To Barbus, he says as he wipes out the bowls, "There is no outbreak in the city, Mister Strongarm. Nor even in the adjacent islands. However, I hear you should steer well clear of the islands southeast of Okirho. There is some sort of epidemic taking place, or possibly worse. Though if the Shore Guard takes you, there'll be no need to worry."

He answers Misu as well, as he sweeps the floor. "They've paid well enough so far," he says, "and behaved better than some sailors. Still, I'll be glad to see their backs, and I'll be gladder still when I can enjoy a night on Shell Street with my wife."

Meanwhile, as Jay finishes his song, Beel taps Seamstress on the shoulder. "Ayita," he says, addressing her by the persona matched to the disguise she wears, "do you know any songs?"

2015-09-25, 11:15 AM
Barbus makes the appearance of being relieved at the news of no disease in the city. Then nods in agreement when the innkeeper speaks of the realm leaving.

"Yes, it will be nice when everything settles back down. Did you happen to know when they might be making sail?" asks "Strongarm".

2015-09-26, 08:51 AM
The innkeeper shrugs his shoulders. "These captains should be out before the week's out, I'm told, but we'll see their like until they capture their quarry."

2015-09-28, 04:15 AM
Seamstress takes a mental note of the island mentioned where there is a current outbreak, hopefully it will be something she can use. Having been addressed by her new persona, she shakes her head in reply. "I'm not really the musical type I'm afraid."

2015-09-29, 08:54 AM
[OOC: Moving right along…]

After dinner and perhaps a few more exchanges with the innkeeper, you head to bed. Your host gives over a number of blankets and leaves the common room to you and your companions. Han offers in whisper to sit the first watch.

In the midst of your sleep, you sense the presence of an immaterial spirit.

2015-09-30, 07:17 AM
Misu slowly shuffles back from sleep. He didn't feel alarmed by what he felt dragging him from dream land. Sitting up from his position and slowly opening his eyes to look around in the room. He doesn't see anything out of place in this unfamiliar common room. He finally manages to blow the dust of rest from his mind. Knowing that there is an immaterial spirit there by them. Concentrating his god blooded golden eyes to look upon the ghosts that might be about. Looking through the different shadows of the room. Now that he has activated his powers to see otherwise invisible spirits.

2015-09-30, 10:25 AM
The flows of Essence through your golden eyes lets you perceive a furtive shape stealing immaterially into the inn. It is smaller by far than a man - perhaps the size of a child's doll - and dressed in garb of the sort heroic sea captains of Okeanos were dressed in during your dreams as a child. Diaphanous wings flit lazily to keep him in the air, and a blue saber the size of a knitting needle adorbs his left hip. He is of dainty proportions, even for his size, but his face is grizzled yet handsome and sports a fine blue beard.

You are hardly the most versed in non-oceanic spirits, but you nonetheless can hazard a guess that this is a minor god of dreams.

One of his fey hands grasps an amulet about his neck, with a glowing stone the size of his thumb, and floats over Barbus' head before your golden eyes meet his sky-blue ones. He freezes in his tracks.

"Another one? This will interest Beautiful Meng."

2015-10-01, 12:12 PM
Misu looks at the small spirit confused. Thinking on the general occult knowledge he has about other pantheons. Seeing the small pixie of a creature before him. Seeing his protective stance about the amulet and that he doesn't seem to be freaking out. No sort of aggressive moments so far from it.

"What...do you need with him? I can't just having people doing random things to my allies., is finally sitting up straight to address the little man. Most of the sleepy has washed from his face though. Because even though he doesn't seem to be aggressive. Misu doesn't know how this is and will not let his guard down if possible.

2015-10-01, 12:24 PM
You hear a soft sigh. "I come bearing a dream for Barbus from my mistress."

Han gives a startled yelp. The sprite floating over Barbus' head wills itself into visibility for everyone, a piratical figure perhaps six inches tall. "I am the humble servant of Beautiful Meng, Radiant Queen of the Uplifted Dreams." Pointing to Misu, he says, "Who are you that you might spy me even when I walk bodiless?"

2015-10-02, 06:48 AM
Misu never liked outing himself and these sort of things. Bringing attention to yourself often brings the hang man as well. However he sits up straight and proud, confident. "I am a Eclipse caste. I'm working with this man in his current goals." While his stance is strong he does whisper in their current situation with those about him still sleeping. As well as the fact that they are currently in someone else's inn.

He thinks for a moment about the different spirits and gods he is aware of and he doesn't know of this person by name. However he does know stores of spirits just like this one. With, so far, his story matching up with whatever impressions he had from the folk tales told about them. "So he has earned special attention with his dreams? Interesting.", continuing to stare at the sprite to not give any more information about the situation to any that might be watching.

2015-10-02, 07:07 AM
Barbus's keen ears pick up the conversation but decides to remain where he is. His body still and breathing regular, Barbus keeps up the illusion that he is sleeping soundly. Wondering where this conversation might lead, he listens to Misu and the spirit talk. He readies himself if he needs to intervene.

2015-10-02, 07:08 AM
"My mistress will be pleased to hear of this. Unfortunately, your friend is not sleeping." He smirks down at Barbus, and pantomimes "poking" him with the pointed toes of his minuscule shoes.

"I fear I woke him with our conversation, and I can't deliver the dream until he sleeps again."

He twirls his amulet by the chain idly, then says, "While we're on the subject, I'm sure the Queen would be willing to grace you with her hand-crafted night-visions, if you were to send some worship her way as well. Can I tell Beautiful Meng to expect sacrifices from you?"

2015-10-02, 07:15 AM
Barbus raises from his fake slumber and glances from Misu to the spirit. Shrugging Barbus speaks to the newcomer, "it seems one can not fool a dream spirit with fake rest. Tell me, does your mistress send these gifts to us just for worship or does she have a goal."

2015-10-02, 07:56 AM
"I do not dare to guess at Her Grace's motives, Captain Barbus, though I assume she must have them. Beautiful Meng is wise in secret ways. This dream is about your tribe back home, your father and your cousin… and your mother."

He gently flits over to Barbus' hand, and lets the fine amulet drop solidly into it.

"You'll want to make sure the stone is touching your forehead when you sleep, Captain Barbus."

2015-10-02, 05:52 PM
"Thank you, her gifts are much appreciated. I wonder....would you do us a favor?" Barbus asks.

2015-10-02, 08:03 PM
The spirit settles its gaze on the Storm King. "Ask your favor, Captain Barbus."

2015-10-03, 12:55 PM
"Use your means to gather information for us. As you know we are currently at odds with the realm, it would help us if you knew anything about this strike force or the plans of it's leaders."

2015-10-03, 07:43 PM
"I know little of this force assembled against you... but Her Excellency is likely to know, yes. And I will inform her of your desire to know, yes."

2015-10-05, 11:55 AM
Barbus nods appreciatively, "Thank you for your hard work, I shall build a shrine to your mistress by this war's end. And of course her devout messenger....."

He then relaxes back into his sleeping bag, trying to get comfortable and placing the stone on his forehead.

2015-10-06, 04:09 AM
"I could use some pleasant dreams, myself," Han grumbles.

The sprite flits to Misu. "Now that he's off, we may speak more freely. The gods, in their wisdom, send the dreams they send, but the cries of worshippers fall not on deaf ears. Tell us, o man… what dreams do you desire?"
Incensed voices surround the chieftain's fire.

"Something must be done about Fitryon, Uori. We can't overlook his madness and decrepitude any longer!"

"I will see to it."

"He has become a mad dog - a kinslayer!"

"I said I will take care of it!"

"Perhaps another should judge him, Uori, because of your shared blood…?"

"I share blood with the man he slew as well, Roppa, and it is always acting chief who finds justice on those who slay a priest of the thunder-gods. Begone from my sight! In the morning, I shall give you my decision."

The councillors depart, leaving your cousin alone to stare into the flames. His hands clench, and after a few moments, he stands. Uori takes an uneasy walk of the island your people have settled. He keeps his distance from the great altar, where your kind make their sacrifices to the thunderbirds; instead he walks to the rocky hillock on the southern side of the island.

Your cousin watches the moon rising as a figure sits next to him on the rocks. "My love," she whispers, "that you are troubled can be seen plainly on your face. It is not an easy decision you face."

"How can I condemn the man who raised me up to be chief over his own son, Timache? He was strong and wise and brave - must he be destroyed because he is infirm now?" Uori wrings his hands together.

"His instability makes him dangerous, Uori. It was wise of you to take his place, but left to his own devices, Fitryon has become-"

Uori puts a finger to her lips. "Don't say it." He sighs, and buries his head in his hands. "The other families want to resolve bloodshed with bloodshed, let the thunderbird he called down enjoy a second grisly feast. But I feel Fitryon could be pacified, if perhaps we could give him what he wanted."

"What he wants is impossible. We cannot beckon the gods from the sky. Golden Blossom will not come to him."

"You are right, Timache - he cannot make lightning strike twice. Now that Golden Blossom has left him, none can call her back. Still, I would not have him killed, if I could avoid it. Barbus would never forgive me."

"I have an idea, love - we'll give Fitryon his Sky-Queen, after all."

"But how-"

"Fitryon is almost blind, now. And my sister, Alce, is still unwed."

"And there is plenty of room for them to settle, out of the way of our tribe. I suppose it is better than slaying him."

"Then it's settled. I'll tell my sister the news."

"And I will tell our tribesmen."

They share a quick, chaste kiss, before they depart.

2015-10-07, 12:59 PM
Sits and quietly listens to the important conversation. The small sprite sent her but a divine power of some sort, so its never good to stand in their way unless they are against you. He takes mental notes though as that while these are called dreams. They are more akin to visions given. Information gathered and pieced together, and information was never a bad thing to have as long as you could trust the source. Barbus had so far seemed to be good with what he has received. Reliable if not harmful leads through his visions.

He knew that Barbus's previous question was a good one. Any deity was receiving worship for two reasons. Simply because it was good for them and their life. Second because it would indeed allow them to advance their goals. You just needed to find ones who align with your own goals. Finding a heavenly patron in a way.

"I'd be a lier if I said I wasn't interested. I'd just need to know what I'd have to give for a good night's sleep.", asks using colorful and possibly confusing verbiage. Misu does this on purpose though because he still has no idea who might be watching or listening into the dark room.

2015-10-07, 08:54 PM
"Our mistress will grant hand-crafted dreams to you on two conditions. One, that you build a shrine to her somewhere the Immaculates won't destroy, and two, that you or a priest you designate leads a worship service to her at least once each season, as well as burn incense, pour out libations, or otherwise offer up sacrifices for dreams granted."

The spirit draws up to you, sizing you up with his shining eyes. "Are these terms acceptable?"

2015-10-07, 11:16 PM
Misu stares back into the tiny eyes before him. He understands the requests and knows that Kireeki receives the sort of thing he is requesting from Misu already. He'd not put someone before the huntress in his time and worship. Contemplating the arrangement between the two parties and reading the situation. Raising his hand up to accent himself, "I'll agree to the terms on the condition that its once every two seasons. That a priest that I appoint and volunteers will lead the services."

2015-10-08, 01:22 AM
"Every other season is acceptable. So, we have an accord?" The tiny captain extends an arm thinner than your index finger, as if to "shake on it."

2015-10-08, 02:24 AM
Reaches his own hand out to the tiny appendage. Putting his palm to it. Nodding as a physical expression of his statement, "Let it be as written. Unless one of my men with me wishes to volunteer I'll have to appoint and construct when I return home."

2015-10-08, 02:39 AM
The spirit's wings flutter rapidly, and he launches himself into the air, flitting back to invisibility and intangibility before passing through the ceiling.

"You know," mutters Han as he crawls over to Jay, "you'd think I'd be used to this by now." He nudges Jay awake to take the next watch, then curls up and sleeps.
The dawn comes, and the smell of breakfast emerges from the kitchens. The innkeeper presents you with paste made from taro root, and two eggs each.

"Did you sleep well?"

2015-10-08, 11:31 AM
Barbus wakes to the pleasant smell of breakfast, the disturbing dream still lingering in his mind,"Well enough I suppose." He replies.

After getting ready for the day, he gravitates toward Misu, Seamstress and the others.

In a whisper, "I suppose we should go visit this nearby island with the outbreak. We will try to apply her trade there. I'll be her escort."

2015-10-10, 09:29 AM
Misu sighs a bit with Han, both of them crawling back to sleep. Misu taking his turn at watch later,"I'm always surprised by what different shapes the weird takes..... Misu had grown up around such things. Yet the supernatural never seemed to stop surprising him.

Eventually waken by the innkeeper's entrance back to the common room. Day time has returned to the island. That day time shining through in the windows. He yawns as he sits up to the food. "I slept well, thanks, just always been a heavy sleeper." Sliding up next to the served food to start enjoying it.

Barbus leaning up to him, Misu leans his head toward him as well. Whispering in reply, "I hope you've a plan for getting there and back quickly and without being detects. If and when your there me and the boys will look around the city."

2015-10-12, 09:14 AM
Seamstress sits up, missing the company of her Lethe serpent. When the innkeeper presents the taro root paste, she eats silently, listening to the two planning. Cracking the eggs into her bowl, she finally whispers, "You'll still need to play your part to keep their fleet from leaving. If they set sail before we get back, it's going to be a lot harder to get on their ships unnoticed."

She slurps the last of her breakfast, thanks the innkeeper, and gets up.

2015-10-13, 12:11 AM
"Well then I guess we should head out," Barbus head out out after her, "Lets go rent us a boat. We need to get back as soon as possible."

2015-10-15, 06:00 PM
As you head to the harbor of Solid Shell, you see a staggering array of vessels docked there. The nearby streets are trod by a thousand marines, ten thousand sailors, and Shore Guard and inspectors without number.

In the distance, you can make out the familiar sight of the armored troop transport ship, once helmed by Captain Hogane and crewed by you, left to dry-dock after his attempt to cheat the Realm of their take; now it crawls with life again as the Imperials assimilate it into their naval force.

Before you can set foot on the docks, a harbor official stops you. "May I see your papers?"
"Do you think Sulei's still around?" murmurs Han furtively as he finishes his breakfast. "The man's resourceful, but with the pressure building up here, I wouldn't doubt it if he'd decided to slip out while he still could."

"Man, Han, y'gotta b'lieve, man - that ol' Sulei ain't gone nowhere, man. His damn ol' house on t'other side o' town, 'n' I'll bet on it, by now, y'know, he'll be expectin' us by now." Jay nods sagely, then cracks his last egg and slurps it from the shell.

"I like Sulei's house," says Beel with a smile, "he's got all those maps on his wall." He pays the innkeeper for another helping of the taro root mash, despite having been the most critical of it during the meal. ("Why, if you'd added some nutmeg, some cinnamon, I tell ya, Mister Innkeep, folks would pay this breakfast's weight in silver for it!")

"Maps, schmaps, Beel - we're going there because he'll have our way in with the port officials. Either we go to him, or we go to Baobab." Greenfield checks his tobacco pouch. "Can we stop on the way, though? I gotta get more for my pipe."

2015-10-16, 01:57 PM
Barbus looks down at the official with a sincere look of confusion on his face, "I didn't know I needed papers. I've been out on sea for some time. I afraid I didn't know of need for them."

2015-10-17, 03:03 AM
"I'm afraid we don't have papers, but I'm a healer and I'm here to offer my services."

2015-10-19, 08:28 AM
He looks from Barbus to Seamstress and back again. "You'll both need some paperwork, or you won't be 'offering services' to anyone today." He gives you the address of some offices nearby.

2015-10-19, 02:31 PM
Barbus shrugs and looks to seamstress in an annoyed look once they get a ways from the official, "I'll follow your lead"

2015-10-20, 02:15 AM
Misu chews upon the last scraps of his meal. He knew today would be a very busy day. Not much time to sit down and enjoy a lunch if he was correct. The familiar friends and clans mates chatter about the events of the upcoming day.

The small group having a back and forth about his primary contact within the port control. Sulei as they mentioned was indeed that man. However he was not exactly in the port control, but he himself had a good amount of pull on and within the port officials. Misu was with Jay though about this man's whereabouts.

"I'm sure he is here. If nothing else he'd see a chance to make some business because of this whole situation. With so many feet going through the docks right now.", patting down his personal effects while waiting for the rest to finish up. Taking inventory of what he has and checking it against what he knows he brought. It was early in the morning and Sulei was sure to either be pinned down in his house. Either for work or pleasure, but surely in one spot to keep wondering eyes from him.

"Surely we can make a pit stop on the way. We are on important business after all and we can afford a chip or two in our time frame.", thinking for a moment again about Barbus and the Seamstress. Hoping they manage to stick to their story and their plan.

2015-10-20, 09:21 PM
The process of obtaining papers is longer than you were prepared for, but in the early afternoon, the backstories concocted by Misu and his crew (and a few quiet but substantial bribes) have netted you the documentation needed.

Hours later, you've secured a small vessel from a Suadela trader. You suspect the collateral he has you put up is far larger than he might ask of a fellow tribesman, but still within your ability to cover. By the time the tide goes out, you're riding out with it.

It's not the smoothest voyage: the winds are against you initially, made more difficult being restricted to a crew of two; on the second day the clouds break open and most of your time is spent bailing out the water. As Okirho passes into sight you observe a strange mist rolling after you in the distance.
As predicted, Sulei is found at his home. His youngest wife answers the door, inviting you in. Greenfield inspects his new pouch of tobacco as she brings you into the sitting-room of his small but well-appointed house.

Sulei is a large man that has hit his sixties with grace; you still see in him the man you met as a child. His hair, once a vivid blue shot through with patches of purple, has thinned significantly, and faded to gray-blue with splotches of lavender. His chestnut skin has become lined with wrinkles, but you still see the clever blue eyes glinting as you enter.

"I'm afraid my memory's going with my old age," he jokes. "Should I call you strangers, or old friends?"

2015-10-21, 01:46 PM
Barbus looks out over the distance and sees the mist, "Not another one!" Barbus yells. He grabs the oars and begins to row furiously and asks Seamstress to continues bailing out the water.

2015-10-21, 03:13 PM
Seamstress rushes to help, hoping to outrun the mist this time in case it is what they suspect.

2015-10-26, 02:26 PM
Misu stands smoothly from his waiting position. Reaching a hand out to the jovial man. He was happy to find him in good health and good spirits through all this. Continuely happy to see that he has aged well over the years as well, both inside and outside.

Misu stood close to him with a smile, "You should probably call us strangers for now but you know otherwise.". Sulei sure to recognize Misu's voice from out long they'd know each other, "Specially with the groups that patrol the street. Because I come asking a favor or a deal concerning them. Nothing to get worked up over, though."

2015-10-29, 05:47 PM
Sulei shakes your hand, pumping with one hand and grabbing your elbow with the other.

"Ahh, of course, of course!" He gestures for you to sit, as his wife brings out a few chairs. "I just hope it's not money you need - my son's getting married next week." He chuckles as he observes Beel eyeballing the wall of maps.
The mist rolls forward as if with an evil intent, and the sound of a ringing bell echoes from its depths. It is a few hundred yards away, now.

2015-10-29, 05:54 PM
Barbus looks onward to the mist. The feelings of fear and anger bubbling in him. Fear not for himself but for Seamstress. The memory of seeing her being drug under the waves the day before still echoing in his mind. With a mighty pull at the oars, the boat lurches forward with incredible speed. The speed building greater and greater after each pull at the oars. His determination fueling the escape.

2015-10-29, 06:10 PM
The wind slowly begins to pick up; the mist pursues, its course not changed by the breeze.

2015-10-30, 11:22 AM
Barbus stops rowing now that the sails have caught the wind. Instead, he concentrates building fire to ward off the mist demon. Luckily for them, he had prepared for such an occurrence by buying some supplies for this very problem. Jumping over to the brazer, he loads the wood and coal mixture into it. Once started he places a few now lit torches around the boat to give it some protection from the demon. Once done, he jumps back to the sailing, tying to get what little increase of speed out of the vessel.

2015-10-31, 12:25 AM
Seamstress does her best to help Barbus, continuing to steer the boat while he sets up the fire and torches.

2015-11-02, 02:15 PM
Misu grips tightly on Sulei's hand. Copying his hand shaking gesture as the two normally do. Thankfully with the time they'd known each other they've gotten to know each other's standard routine.

Misu shaked his head in response, "No I don't need money. My men and I are still doing well for ourselves." Giving a slight laugh with him as well. A smirk at their playful chatter. "No no, what I need is something I couldn't simply get. It involves the ships in the harbor. I need their time here to be prolonged." Misu pauses for a moment at the end of his sentence, "For them to have plenty of red tape tieing them down."

He knew his request was straight forward. The god blooded captain didn't actually expect it to be that hard either. The realm most likely didn't send anyone well versed in politics or in traversing law either. They sent their soldiers and sailors. He is sure of this simply with what kind of people he saw at the Inn last night. Men use to solving problems directly, not subtly.

2015-11-03, 07:27 PM
The fire seems to beat the fog back for a few moments, and with the two of you to work the lines and the tiller, the gap between the ship and the sea-demon widens. However, after an hour or more of sailing, the fog bank is still not completely out of sight.

Your stomachs rumble as the sun sinks at your backs and dinnertime approaches, but the demon still trails behind you. It briefly occurs to you that tomorrow is Venus' Day, and that the prevailing tale among sailors is that the wicked fog cannot attack a vessel on Venus' Day.
Sulei's hand retreats back to his belly. "You, you need them stuck at the docks? I have some ideas, but how long do you need them to stay? And what's in it for me, this time?"

2015-11-05, 02:11 PM
Barbus powers through the hunger and continues to make sail. "We need to make some more distance between the demon and us."

After a few hours, he grabs a ration he bought for the trip. Shoving it into his mouth casually before continuing manning the sails, already missing the soup they had the day before.

2015-11-05, 09:12 PM
By morning, you have slipped the demon, and in the light of the dawning sun, you see no trace of fog in any direction.

You make a circuit of Okirho after that, and proceed southeast; it has begun to rain again, but you've yet to see any more demons. In the distance you see what looks to be a fishing boat floating aimlessly on the waters.

2015-11-06, 11:43 AM
Barbus brings their ship in closer to get a better look and to be able to be within shouting distance with the fishing ship. Also, to warn the fishing boat of the demon they just escaped.

2015-11-09, 03:51 PM
Misu crosses his hand in front of him. "I do need them stuck at the docks. Delayed so other things can take place.'. He didn't want to be specific about what and why. He knew in dealings like this as little information as possible was best for everyone. Misu wouldn't risk the info being used against him, by whoever. And Sulei didn't need to worry about someone maybe coming to him for info.

Misu thinks for but a moment to recall passing instructions that Barbus had given Hectare as they left. Recalling that Barbus originally expected to be gone a month, "I'd need them to stay a month. Two if possible. And for you I come with good information on what is going on currently and will be going on at the open seas. To keep your businesses safe from these things.". He for sure trusted Sulei and his abilities. He knew nothing in life was certain but he was still confident.

2015-11-09, 04:20 PM
The fishing boat does not respond to your approach; from this distance, you can faintly make out a man at the tiller. He is badly sunburned and lies slumped against the wood, unmoving. You see no other men aboard.
"Two months? I don't know if I can keep them for two weeks. They're here to hunt down those Anathema guys, I don't know if they'll take no for an answer."

One of his wives begins pouring drinks for the group; Jay ignores the beverage and says, "Them ol' Wyld Hunt, still needs food, still needs water. Talk about, can't leave with empty holds, man."

"They might just take what they need by force if we can't give it to them," Sulei replies. "Did you see how many ships they have in the harbor?"

2015-11-12, 01:00 PM
Barbus turns to Seamstress,"Keep a lookout, I'm going to go see what is happening on that ship. I'll call you over when it's safe. Worst case this is just another trap." Barbus lets out a small chuckle at that and dives into the water.

Upon reaching the vessel, he leaps up on the deck and goes into a defensive stance. He works his way to the man he saw and checks if he is still alive.

2015-11-12, 08:24 PM
You almost think he's dead at first - he lives, but only barely. His heartbeat is faint, and he does not stir; he shows signs of severe dehydration and hunger. His skin is badly sunburned, and pebbled with countless swollen pustules.

No one else is on the boat, but your skilled senses tell you that at least six other people once crowded on this outrigger. The smell of sickness, thick in the air, brings to your mind flashbacks of your encounter with Mulhecturous.

2015-11-12, 11:33 PM
Barbus wrinkles his nose at the thought of Mulhecturous. Looking up from the man, he yells toward Seamstress, "Come aboard, no one else is here. This man needs your help to survive. Looks like some sort of disease swept through here. Seems to me there should be at least six others but he is the only one left."

2015-11-14, 04:47 PM
Misu bows his head gently to Sulei's bride. Taking the glass into his hand and sipping upon it. He looks worried for but a moment. This though is followed up with a nod. He didn't expect just how little time this would manage to get them but it would have to do. "I'm rather worried to think that the realm might take what they need by force when you'd think they wanted to look like they were protecting us."

Sipping of the liquid once more,"But I know your right. They wouldn't send such a force for any other targets really. And I imagine there are plenty of captains in their fleet looking to strike them down for the glory. So everyone is eager to get their feet wet and rolling."

One again the captain sips his drink. Letting it break up his sentences to give him a moment to think. Nods in acknowledgement of Sulei's arguments. "Still such a thing will have to do when a Wyld Hunt is poking it's nose in our islands. I'll have to make up the difference. However I still have those bits of information for you.

2015-11-14, 05:11 PM
The beverage is sweetened coconut water; where you sip at your drink, Sulei tosses his off like a shot. His wife offers to pour him another, but he looks to you instead.

"By all means, then. I'm all ears."

2015-11-15, 11:22 PM
Seamstress pilots the boat closer and ties the two together before boarding the other vessel and examining the man.

2015-11-18, 11:03 AM
Seamstress quickly ascertains that dehydration has put him at death's door (and from the way he looks, he could probably do with a meal as well!); after carefully administering some fresh water to the sailor, he is still unconscious. From the smell coming off him, he's likely been too weak to move for at least a couple of days.

2015-11-18, 11:24 AM
Seamstress examines the unconscious man's skin to see if she can determine the cause of the rash.

2015-11-18, 11:18 PM
Barbus gives time for her to examine the man. In the mean time, he goes over the ship to find anything useful.

2015-11-19, 08:47 AM
The bottom of the boat is a sickening stew of filth steeped in saltwater. Bones of fish and seabirds float in it, bits of rotten, raw flesh still clinging. Surprisingly not a single rat is to be found. A half-dozen blankets and some scattered garments in a half-dozen sizes, more suited for wear around the house than a fishing trip, lie strewn about in the mess. An obsidian knife, a set of dice, a few ripped fishing nets, a small cache of shell money.

The patient himself remains unresponsive, and you notice the spots that dot his skin ooze an opaque fluid onto the wood his body is slumped against. They are smaller than blisters, larger than pimples, and even extend to the inside of his mouth and on his eyelids; his skin is also torn from scratching, ragged bits of flesh dangle from his fingernails.

2015-11-19, 04:01 PM
After assessing the ship has no major items of worth, he returns above ship. Barbus grateful for the salty air of the ocean whipping away the putrid smell of below deck.

Addressing Seamstress, "Nothing of worth that I can tell below deck. As soon as you determine what we need to do about him, lets head out. We have a lot of water between us and our destination. Unless you think we can make use of what this man has?"

2015-11-20, 10:57 AM
Misu watches his friend down all of his shot. The pirate following suit with a large chug of the glass. Placing the glass down for now. "Two pieces of information I've gather in the last few days. The group that the realm is here to fight intends to make this a fight. But it will be less one giant fight and more a dragged out conflict. So we'll all want to prepare for that struggle. Secondly there have lately been clouds of unnaturally moving mists. These are demonic creatures here to attack and destroy. They are hunting both Anathema, half-bloods, and even simple sailors."

He thought to himself for a moment about this. How was the best way to talk about this more without giving away to many bits of information about where he'd been. He trusted Sulei to not try to back stab him. Yet he always did his best to be secretive when possible to anyone, "Seeing an empty fishing boat in it's after math was rather distrubing. Bodys just rended from head to toe with so many different cuts."

2015-11-24, 07:53 AM
"My guess is that we could use this," Seamstress says. "It's quite nasty, Barbus. Probably very contagious, too - if we use it, we have to take special care that we don't infect anybody else with it."
"Moving mists? Large enough to swallow up a ship, perhaps?" Sulei, looking as if he'd been on the brink of asking a question himself, is surprised by his wife's sudden inquiry. "What's this, dear?" he asks.

She says, "My father encountered one, and he told me about it when I was young. 'Eristrufa,' he called it. A foreigner was on his ship, he used a plant to repel the demon. Garlic, I think - they strung it up all around the cabin and hid inside until the demon had passed."

Sulei smiles and touches his wife's hand. "Oh, yes, I remember that story. Your father told me as well. If what our friend here says is true, we should probably put out the word, maybe even secure some ships to import the stuff."

He turns to Misu once more. "Your other thing, that's rather more grave. Buncha foreigners warring against the Realm inside our borders does not bode well for us; regardless of which side is the victor, it will be Okeanos that suffers as the staging ground of these battles. Both sides will probably want to stir us up to take part in the fighting as well. Thank you for the news - I just wish it was better for me."

2015-11-27, 10:01 AM
"I know not of disease and the handling of them. If you think we can use this against them without it hurting those we are here to protect. Then I will go with your expertise."

2015-11-27, 12:24 PM
Misu listens closely to the story of the young maiden as well. Garlic wasn't something he knew about the creature but it would be something he'd want to collect as well. He felt it was better to avoid a fight with these creatures then risk losing men, ships, and tools to one of those if he has to face it on the open ocean some time. Fighting it on it's own turf surely will not go as well as fighting it on land did. Remembering to himself what the Seamstress and Barbus went through during the brawl.

Misu nods though in response, "Eristrufa sounds about right from what I remember." Not really adding anything to that part because with that the important part is simply that they believe it and help ready themselves and others against these creatures.

Misu sighs and looks a little solemn about the fighting, "You know me. I've never been a big fan of The Realm. But I wouldn't want this to flow over onto our people. Hopefully we can all minimize what damage there is. But either way you know so you can prepare so that is the upside to all of this I'd imagine."

2015-11-28, 07:22 PM
"I've never seen this before, Barbus," Seamstress says, looking more closely at the man. "I can't be sure of anything." She takes up her bag and begins washing and dressing the man's skin with bandages, carefully inserting the magical needles into his chakras to stimulate healing, and then finally gathers some empty jars and bottles and begins drawing fluids from the patient into them.
"We could buy up some garlic, find an excuse to leave the city for a while..." Sulei looks lost in thought for a few moments, then his face turns inquisitive as he says, "Thanks for the advice, 'stranger.' Do you really think this 'Storm King' guy has a chance against the Realm's ships?"

2015-11-30, 03:04 PM
"Take as many samples as you can then in case we do decide to use this, I'll burn the ship in the mean time," Barbus then sets to work to burn the ship and the disease resting inside.

Afterward, he prepares their own ship for the rest of their journey.

2015-12-02, 08:19 PM
The patient groans slightly as Seamstress lays his limp body in the hammock; his ship goes up quickly when Barbus sets it afire, and is still burning when it disappears over the horizon.

At midnight the sailor stirs a little; his eyelids flutter, but when he opens his eyes, his stare is sightless. "This isn't Wol's boat… have I been rescued, then?"

2015-12-03, 10:16 AM
Misu sighs at this question nodding for just a short second. Replying to Sulei, "Stand a chance? I believe so. They just need to be given that chance and that comes with time." Misu stands rather serious in this situation. In himself he wanted so much for this to succeed. To finally see the Realm pushed from his home land. To no longer have outsiders telling them how they should live their lives. Misu was part of the rebellion now and he'd spend the forseeable future within it.

2015-12-03, 10:32 AM
Sulei gives you and your men a critical stare. FinallY, he stands as well. "Very well; I'll get to work… and I'd guess you lot have your own business to tend to."

He pumps your hand, and the hand of each of your men, before you are shown the door.

"Also, there's another figure in the streets these days. He calls himself the Red Priest. Steer clear of him."

2015-12-03, 10:46 AM
Misu firmly shakes Sulei's hand as well. "Red Priest? I'm guessing I can't miss him?" He chuckles a bit at this and steps back, "I'll take your advice. If I'm to avoid him I must know him as well. Both are easy for us."

Glances back to his men as they move to leave. For they had information to gain. Sulei would be able to buy them some time and they needed to use that to add to the realm's problems. Like sabotaging their ships, and hopefully Barbus and Seamstress would rejoin the city in time to apply whatever illness they discover. Information on guards, their patrols, and their stations. Because with that they could make sneaking to the ships easier.

2015-12-03, 10:50 AM
Seamstress goes to the man and stands beside his hammock. "Yes, we found you alone on that boat and I've been taking care of you. I'm afraid we had to burn the ship though, to make sure whatever you have didn't spread." She looks into his sightless eyes. "Could you tell me your name? Do you know what happened to you?"

2015-12-03, 11:24 AM
"You'd do best to miss him. He's been causing trouble, I hear, but I doubt it's the kind you're after. He's dressed in these robes, red and blue, I forget the pattern…"

He clears his throat. "Farewell, 'stranger.' Fare you well."

As soon as you've secluded yourselves, Greenfield lights up again. "I volunteer to steal some paperwork," he offers.

"Make sure, get us stamps and damn ol' inks too, Green," reminds Jay.

"Some of the more important information might not be kept on paper at all," muses Han. "We might want to take some captives."
"I am Lu," he says. "The sickness has gripped me. I will die, like my brother, my mother, my village. The gods, they were not content to let us leave."

2015-12-03, 11:55 AM
"I'm sorry to hear that."Seamstress looks into his eyes again, even though she is pretty sure he can't see her. "Are you saying the gods gave your people this sickness? Where are you from?"

2015-12-03, 12:17 PM
"Sail well 'stranger'."

As they reach the secluded part that they will talk in Misu cups his chin. Formulating a plan with his skull. "You've the papers then, first come first serve.". The back and forth gave him a smirk at how everyone was jumping into this as much as he wanted to.

Pointing towards Hans to address him, "We'll need them not to talk. We can't have it getting around we're looking to hit them. Or that anyone from here is, we'll need a patsy." THinking a moment a remembering what Sulei said a short while ago, "We'll need to find out what kind of trouble that priest is causing and copy his MO."

Looking over the others to give a general statement for this gathering, "The rumors and tales about the priest should be easy bar room talk thankfully. Besides that as much ship, guard, and supply information as we can safely get." Knows that the group has done this sort of thing before, though maybe not with this scale of Realm within the city. In some ways the amount of people they've brought would make this easier as well.

2015-12-03, 12:44 PM
"The Gods?," Barbus interest peaks a the mention of divine interference.
"What is the name of your Island? Is it far from here?" he asks Lu, "Is this the work of the Frog Queen?"

2015-12-03, 07:23 PM
Seamstress can see his eyes as he fixes his sightless gaze on her; his ruined eyes are covered in the same pustules that pebble his skin.

"I do not recognize either of your accents," he says. "I do not know where I am now. My homeland is Faan, but it has been stricken down. I and the other men on the boat, we thought to escape the disease by sea, but it seems I am the only survivor, and even I will not last long."

Weakly he extends a hand in the direction of Barbus. "The gods, they have destroyed my people. Nagog and Blackstone and Verinée, they threatened our destruction if we dealt with the strangers on the shore! How foolish we were…"

He feebly lets his hand drop. "This 'Frog Queen,' does she vex you as the gods have vexed me?"
"Beel and I, we'll listen for word of this priest. If he's a priest of a god, the Realm is probably after him as well. If it seems like he's a good scapegoat, we'll arrange for a captain to disappear tonight and make it look like his fault." Han pats Beel on the shoulder and grins.

"They'll be wantin' more biscuit, I tell ya what," Jay ventures. "Fifty ships, talkin' 'bout, tons of it, cap'n. Fruit, water, strong drink. Rope for lines, miles of it. Canvas, man. Damn old Realm, it's thousands of miles away, cap'n. They's prob'ly already gettin' it." He nods sagely.

2015-12-03, 07:46 PM
Barbus takes the man's hand, griping it with his own, "Yes, she has been a shadow over my tribe and family many times. I am not familiar with the gods Nagog and Blackstone and Verinée. What are they to you? And who are these strangers on the shore you speak of?

2015-12-04, 03:55 AM
"Nagog is the forest. Blackstone, our city. Verinée, the waters. The strangers, they came here in massive ships, over sixty yards long. Dressed as richly as gods, glittering with silver and gold. They sought to trade with us, and we were reluctant. Then they offered us generous gifts, blankets for every household, metal spearheads for every warrior. We began trade with them, and then the gods punished us."

Lu holds Barbus' hand like a desperate sailor, thrown overboard by the storm, holds a lifeline. His other hand also seeks out Barbus, finding his muscular chest. "It took only days before the accursed spots, signs of the gods' displeasure, began to show on faces. Within weeks the first began to die; I and my shipmates fled, hoping to escape the wrath of the gods, but it caught us, and now only I remain."

2015-12-04, 11:06 AM
Misu continues the plotting and collaborating. "You look into that then. They'll not be hiding their efforts for that." Any information was good to have in this as all the info just added to their options in the future.

He nodded with them all finally. "We've our goals. We'll meet back at the Inn when we can. Try to aim for night fall. Be back by morning or we'll come looking for you." He knew they knew what they were doing but is also still worried about them. These were friends of his as much as simple crew mates.

2015-12-04, 12:15 PM
Barbus grips his hand back and shakes his head in solemn at his story. A question beginning to for at his mind at the mention of traders, "Did these strangers call themselves the Guild?"

2015-12-05, 10:05 PM
One by one your companions file out, leaving you alone.

Now what?
"I don't know what they called themselves," he admits. "They did not speak our language, the ones who went out to them did not speak theirs."

2015-12-06, 11:40 AM
"What of their flags or markings? Any stand out to you?" Barbus questions further.

After his inquiries, Barbus lets the poor man rest and continues on with their journey.

2015-12-08, 10:48 AM
Seamstress sits with Barbus and Lu as they speak. As Barbus continues on she helps where needed, going back to check on Lu now and again.

2015-12-09, 06:13 PM
Lu's condition worsens as the hours pass. It occurs to him to ask where the vessel is headed; when he gets his answer, he sighs with relief.

"My home, my people. I will not have the strength to bury them… if I live at all. Would you take up my burden, Barbus?"

That night, though, something strange happens. The ship gives a sudden pitch, as if pushed by a wave. The deck creaks as the weight of an aurochs is added to its load; curdling and congealing out of the darkness is a huge humanoid figure, dressed in a leathern cloak pebbled with poxy pustules.

She is similarly pockmarked, her greasy gray skin as ruined as Lu's, but despite the sparseness of her frame, she emanates strength.

"Good evening," intones the goddess with a sick grin.

2015-12-09, 10:11 PM
"Do not worry Lu, I will do this for you. I will give your people peace," he says to the dying man, his hand clinched to Lu's subconsciously trying to will some of his strength to the man. "Be strong Lu"

Barbus looks the stranger up and down, "What intentions do you bring stranger and what manner of being are you? God, spirit or demon?"

2015-12-10, 08:19 AM
Lu starts in terror as her annoyed reply booms from bow to stern.

"I do not understand this blatherer," announces the homely figure as she glares at Barbus.

She turns to Seamstress. "You, child! If you understand my words, announce to these louts the presence of Vari Pokkensdóttir, fairest of the Pox Gods."

One of her hands slips free of her cloak to point at Seamstress, revealing fingers ending in wicked claws. It also reveals, to your chagrin, an over-generous portion of her scarred, shapeless body.