View Full Version : What Can You Do With A Bear Pup?

2015-08-06, 02:28 PM
So in my last campaign, my level 1 party defeated a bear. The bear's pup survived the battle, and my bard rolled a Nat 20 in animal handling so now I have a small baby bear that loves me and is following me around. Should I attempt to raise it and when it becomes big enough ride into battle? What are the rules for animal companions? Should I make myself some nice bear steaks?

2015-08-06, 02:30 PM
Eat it... Oh. You already suggested that as a possibility. There goes my joke.

That being said, you've got a couple years before the bear is anywhere near full grown. It won't be much use till then.

2015-08-06, 02:34 PM
Hard rules there are none for cases like this.

This is going to be heavily up to DM discretion, but I would run it as a relatively simple matter of treating the cub well over the years it takes to reach physical maturity (about 4 for a black bear, I think it takes longer for a Grizzly or polar), with Animal Handling checks to teach it something (like whose faces they are and are not allowed to eat :smalltongue:)

Bear in mind (no pun intended) that an essentially free bear companion is no small matter when it comes to game balance, don't be surprised if your DM doesn't allow it.

2015-08-06, 02:40 PM
Hard rules there are none for cases like this.

This is going to be heavily up to DM discretion, but I would run it as a relatively simple matter of treating the cub well over the years it takes to reach physical maturity (about 4 for a black bear, I think it takes longer for a Grizzly or polar), with Animal Handling checks to teach it something (like whose faces they are and are not allowed to eat :smalltongue:)

Bear in mind (no pun intended) that an essentially free bear companion is no small matter when it comes to game balance, don't be surprised if your DM doesn't allow it.

Well the group of this campaign, DM included are all pretty new to the game. I have the most experience in the group. But knowing the DM, he won't mind a problem in balance he knows that as a DM you shouldn't nerf, just make the encounters stronger.

I don't want to break the game either, which is why I'm asking how a bear could benefit me as a supporty bardy guy. If it was simply a companion I could just leave him to guard me while I concentrate on spells but I'd like to find some fun original solution.

2015-08-06, 03:31 PM
First, I'd call it a bear cub because bears are neither dogs, nor seals. :annoyed:

Then, I would name it Jermán, and I would sew him a tiny cape.

2015-08-06, 03:40 PM
First, I'd call it a bear cub because bears are neither dogs, nor seals. :annoyed:

Then, I would name it Jermán, and I would sew him a tiny cape.

I already named him Grylls :C

2015-08-06, 05:42 PM
Get the party druid to turn into him.

2015-08-06, 06:44 PM
Get the party druid to turn into him.

This specific party doesn't have a druid... We have two fighters, a monk, a wizard, and little old bard me.

2015-08-06, 07:13 PM
Find someone who has the awaken spell.

2015-08-06, 07:48 PM
Find someone who has the awaken spell.

Bards can pick up Awaken.

2015-08-06, 07:57 PM
Bards can pick up Awaken.

Problem solved!

Learn awaken, then adopt the cub. Unless learning to speak helps it remember who killed its mother.

2015-08-06, 08:11 PM
Problem solved!

Learn awaken, then adopt the cub. Unless learning to speak helps it remember who killed its mother.

I technically killed it with a 1 damage from vicious mockery. But if I talk to the baby bear I can just use the flawless logic of

"It attacked first."

2015-08-06, 08:13 PM
I technically killed it with a 1 damage from vicious mockery. But if I talk to the baby bear I can just use the flawless logic of

"It attacked first."

Why that's so perfect it couldn't possibly fail!

2015-08-06, 08:14 PM
Why that's so perfect it couldn't possibly fail!

But here's just a question, after picking up Awaken and using it on the baby bear can I exchange it for something better the next level? I don't want to be stuck with a subpar spell...

2015-08-06, 08:16 PM
But here's just a question, after picking up Awaken and using it on the baby bear can I exchange it for something better the next level? I don't want to be stuck with a subpar spell...

Just use it every day to slowly build up an army of sentient trees and forest creatures.

What could possibly go wrong?

And yes, you can exchange it at your next level.

2015-08-07, 01:42 AM
1. Raise it, awaken it, have the party train it in combat, get Lord Bearington the Second.

2. Have the bear scout. Bards can cast Speak With Animals, right?

3. Improvised ammunition.

4. Everyone but the bear rapidly enters and exits the feywild until the shifting time has caused it to grow up.

5. Befriend a pixie, teach it to ride the bear. Behold the glory of the Faerie Bearserker!

2015-08-07, 02:00 AM
Give it a hat.

2015-08-07, 03:18 AM
So in my last campaign, my level 1 party defeated a bear. The bear's pup survived the battle, and my bard rolled a Nat 20 in animal handling so now I have a small baby bear that loves me and is following me around. Should I attempt to raise it and when it becomes big enough ride into battle? What are the rules for animal companions? Should I make myself some nice bear steaks?

Teach it tricks and have it perform with you. Slowly build up into a traveling circus.

2015-08-07, 09:17 AM
Give it a hat.

Teach it tricks and have it perform with you. Slowly build up into a traveling circus.

I think these two in conjunction are the best answers for the thread, and I'm 100% serious. I now want my bard to start a music accompanied by a dancing bear with a hat.

2015-08-07, 01:26 PM
I think these two in conjunction are the best answers for the thread, and I'm 100% serious. I now want my bard to start a music accompanied by a dancing bear with a hat.

Someone said to sew him a cape, which I think would go dashingly with the hat you're gonna give him. The problem is that you're gonna have to keep sewing him new hats and capes as he grows up. Unless! You sew them for a fully-grown bear and keep them folded up into smaller shapes somehow, so that you can just let them out over time.