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View Full Version : Original System Rizban's 1Page Game - Tiny RPG designed in an afternoon, looking for input

2015-08-06, 04:16 PM
So, yesterday, I had some extra time and no internet. I decided to see if I could design an entire RPG system that included Races, Classes (with the ability to gain experience and meaningful levels), and equipment, then fit the entire game system, including the character sheet, onto one side of a single page. I even laid it out so that you can easily fold it up and stick it in your pocket to take with you and still be able to easily access all the relevant information to play the game.

I have yet to do any actual play testing or balancing, and there's definitely a few areas that could use some polish. Still, I'm fairly happy with the result after only an afternoon of work on it and wanted to share it and hear any thoughts or suggestions that others might have.


Better quality image. (http://www.mornproductions.com/gitp/R1PG.png)
I'll provide a PDF later if there's any interest in it.

Now, I do have to make a slight disclaimer here. I pulled the ideas for the stats and basic dice mechanics from a system I helped design some 15 or so years ago and the class names and themes from my D&D E6 system posted here on the forum. So, the material isn't 100% original to this project, but it's being used in a new way and is different enough from its source material as to be almost unrecognizable mechanically.

2015-08-06, 05:05 PM
Can't post much now, but: I like it. It's very streamlined, since it only uses the d6. You went back to DnD's roots with the "roll 3d6 and place in order", heheh. I also like the example of "Staunch" being Mal Reynolds :smallbiggrin:

What constitutes an action? It's like regular DnD where Move and Attack are two separate actions, I assume; which means one can't move and attack in the same round in this system, correct? Just wanted to clarify.

Will there be more to come on Equipment, like armor and weapons and whatnot?

More to come as I read on it and have the time.

2015-08-06, 05:13 PM
Can't post much now, but: I like it. It's very streamlined, since it only uses the d6. You went back to DnD's roots with the "roll 3d6 and place in order", heheh. I also like the example of "Staunch" being Mal Reynolds :smallbiggrin:It actually uses the d4, d8, and d12 as well in the classes themselves. I wanted to limit it to just d6s at first, but the variable dice sizes made things a lot easier. I went with 3d6 for checks rather than a d20, because the bell curve on rolls keeps this system more stable.

What constitutes an action? It's like regular DnD where Move and Attack are two separate actions, I assume; which means one can't move and attack in the same round in this system, correct? Just wanted to clarify.Anything you and the DM/group agree is an Action. I didn't define that too specifically, but the system assumes movement and attacking are separate actions. Basically, anything you do that takes some amount of time is an action. Except talking. Talking is always a free action in every game. :smalltongue:
(The Brawler, however, has an ability to move and attack as a single action).

Will there be more to come on Equipment, like armor and weapons and whatnot?I hadn't planned to expand it beyond the basic classifications given under the Combat heading. Anything more (specific items, magic, etc.) is the purview of the DM/players. The basic rules actually assume this is a group run RPG rather than being run by a DM. So, anything your group agrees is good is fine. I took the old school approach of rulings rather than rules. Go with what works for your group!

More to come as I read on it and have the time.I look forward to it!

2015-08-06, 05:45 PM
Ooh, very nice. I especially love that it doesn't require a DM, and I really like the race system. Having a set of archetypes like that is actually going to come in handy for the campaign world I'm working on.

I'm tempted to try and draw up a little one page adventure to go with it. :smallsmile:

2015-08-06, 06:28 PM
I'm tempted to try and draw up a little one page adventure to go with it. :smallsmile:
That sounds great. I'd like to see that.

2015-08-06, 08:03 PM
Oh, just noticed under HP it says "Add your current level to might to determine hitpoints"
While the top left box states that HP is "might + level x2"

2015-08-06, 08:07 PM
Oh, just noticed under HP it says "Add your current level to might to determine hitpoints"
While the top left box states that HP is "might + level x2"Changed one and forgot to change the other. Thanks. It should definitely be twice level to HP.

2015-08-09, 03:02 AM
This game looks awesome! I love that the character sheet is also the core rule book (no need for quick reference sheets :smallbiggrin:).

How does a ranged weapon work in contrast to a melee weapon? what keeps a player from just using a ranged weapon for everything?

I think this would work great for gaming on the road or away from home.

2015-08-09, 10:43 PM
This game looks awesome! I love that the character sheet is also the core rule book (no need for quick reference sheets :smallbiggrin:).Thanks!

How does a ranged weapon work in contrast to a melee weapon? what keeps a player from just using a ranged weapon for everything?I suppose it'd work essentially the same way as a melee weapon. You still only get one action per turn, so you can't move and shoot (usually). Even with a ranged weapon, you'd like only get one or two shots before the enemies closed in on you. But, really, it's just going to be up to your group. If you want to play a group of gunslingers, then go for it! Just have the enemies pack pistols as well. :smallwink:

I think this would work great for gaming on the road or away from home.That's part of what I designed it for!
If I was willing to use the back of the page, I could cover ranged weapons, more about powers/magic, vehicles, and who knows what else. Still, I really like only having it be one-sided and hate trying to line things up to print double. Maybe I'll make an expansion for this some day that uses the back of the page. :smallbiggrin:

2015-08-10, 10:27 PM
Got some updates done to the game. I fixed the one error pointed out and cleaned up some of the language in several places to make things a bit more clear. I also added a missing explanation that needed to be there, specifically the "Main Class Die" which is used for in few different areas.

2015-08-10, 11:05 PM
This is really cool!

That being said, however, I'm still a little lost on what the Class Die actually do, and why it matters that they come in different sizes. I get that you can spend them to activate powers, but don't understand when you would actually roll a class die outside of the description for magic/psi/ect.

2015-08-11, 04:07 AM
Class Dice are used to activate class abilities.
Powers run entirely on them.
Weapon Damage is determined by Main Class Die.
Initiative is Main Class Die + Agility.

2015-08-13, 01:42 PM
It looks very interesting. I might use it to give my non-RPG inclined friends a taste of what it's like!

Does the Magus get double class die daily? (Assuming straight Magus)

2015-08-13, 01:55 PM
More thoughts (a week later, I know; sorry for the delay):

I like how magi are actually able to wear armor, even if it is light. Nice change of pace from DnD :smallyuk:

So, everything's based on main class die. That means the class die are refluffed into whatever attack fits the class, right? For instance, a magus' spell deals Class Dice (1d4) damage if it beats the enemy's defense.

Connected to that: Augurs and Magi can only cast spells by spending Class Die? Otherwise they can only attack with weapons or otherwise? (Just realized you kinda answered this two posts up)

Re: poisons, enchantments, fear, etc: what is the opposed roll that governs these? Resisting poison or enchantments would be a Might or Presence check, but what's the DC (for lack of a better term)? Would it just be the rolls of whoever used the poison or enchantment? (Although I suppose enchantment would be more of an opposed check than poison would be)

2015-08-13, 01:55 PM
It looks very interesting. I might use it to give my non-RPG inclined friends a taste of what it's like!

Does the Magus get double class die daily? (Assuming straight Magus)
Yes, it does; however, that only applies that Magus Class Dice. A multiclass Magus doesn't get bonus Class Dice for any other classes the character might possess. (Unless, of course, that's the way you want to do things *shrug*. I don't recommend it though.) The Magus has increased ability to use Powers and class features due to its inability to use weapons of any kind.

2015-08-13, 02:11 PM
So a level 1 Magus will have 2 class dice a day. If he uses one to use a power, he could do something like deal 1 damage to d4 enemies, or deal 1d4 damage to one enemy? Alternatively, he could do something like debuff 1 enemy for d4 rounds? Regardless of what he does, he can only do it twice a day?

2015-08-13, 02:46 PM
As written, yeah, pretty much. I'd probably let him use a club or staff or something to fight untrained once he's out of Class Dice, but it'd grant no Weapon Bonus and might even have an attack or damage penalty. Magus is pretty wimpy at low levels but can become incredibly powerful as it levels up. Perhaps suggest a Magus player multiclass a level or two elsewhere? Expert would be a good dip. It gives a weapon proficiency and has some overlap on major stat. Sentinel would also be good for the armor/weapon and +1 HP/Def.

2015-08-13, 08:01 PM
I'd suggest that the magus, similar to the soldier, have level (or 1/2 level) to spell damage rolls as one of their base abilities, and choose something else to give them at 5+.

Alternatively, maybe something entirely different, like
Magic Missile: When attacking, ignore target defense, deal 1d4 damage with successful Genius Check.

2015-08-13, 10:59 PM
Soldier gets level to attack, not damage.

I'll think about the magus. Not sure how to "fix" it...

2015-08-26, 11:12 AM
This looks like fun and I'm definitely going to have to try it with you Riz the next time we meet IRL.

I think I'm gonna print it off and see about my sisters and I giving it a run through when they get here this weekend.

2015-08-27, 10:07 AM
This is awesome! I have been looking for something like this for a looooong time.I love the system!

2015-08-27, 11:22 AM
This looks like fun and I'm definitely going to have to try it with you Riz the next time we meet IRL.

I think I'm gonna print it off and see about my sisters and I giving it a run through when they get here this weekend.I look forward to hearing the report of live play.

This is awesome! I have been looking for something like this for a looooong time.I love the system!Great! Let me know what you think after using it and any suggestions or ideas you might have.

2015-08-27, 11:30 PM
hm... I just tried printing out the higher quality image and after switching it to landscape to print, the whole thing ended up being about 2 lines over one page and I had to shrink the document to 90% original size to make it all fit on one page. Dunno if it's an artifact of printing from my browser or what, but I think a pdf version that's definitely exactly 1 page and doesn't have to worry about formatting issues causing text to run over would be nice.

2015-08-28, 02:31 PM
hm... I just tried printing out the higher quality image and after switching it to landscape to print, the whole thing ended up being about 2 lines over one page and I had to shrink the document to 90% original size to make it all fit on one page. Dunno if it's an artifact of printing from my browser or what, but I think a pdf version that's definitely exactly 1 page and doesn't have to worry about formatting issues causing text to run over would be nice.All I can say is, every printer is different. It prints out fine on mine with no overhang. The real issue is how small of a margin your printer is capable of handling.

For the pdf version, I'll include as much margin as I can get in there without losing the text.

2015-08-29, 12:31 AM
fair enough. As you know, I know next to nothing when it comes to anything computer-related.

2015-09-04, 09:22 PM
Looks pretty good! I'd love to try this out. Start up a forum game!

2015-09-04, 09:56 PM
I am in awe. Creating a one page system is something I've wanted to attempt but never really got to. Although I have a printer that does double sided pages quite well, so it was actually two pages.

Anyways my longer system currently uses a modified 3d6 roll low system and originally had some special rules on 3 and 18 but I cut them out. Because they almost never came up. You will actually get a crit (in your system) less than 1 in 100 times. Now what you make of that is up to you but since I had the numbers worked out I thought I would share them with you.




Also does your name come from Fizban?

2015-09-04, 10:22 PM
I am in awe. Creating a one page system is something I've wanted to attempt but never really got to. Although I have a printer that does double sided pages quite well, so it was actually two pages.

Anyways my longer system currently uses a modified 3d6 roll low system and originally had some special rules on 3 and 18 but I cut them out. Because they almost never came up. You will actually get a crit (in your system) less than 1 in 100 times. Now what you make of that is up to you but since I had the numbers worked out I thought I would share them with you.





Yeah, I debated whether or not to include it, but I had the space for the words and like the concept, so I put it in there. It may be very rare, but it's still possible. If there was something more important that couldn't be squeezed in elsewhere, I'd likely remove it for that.

Also does your name come from Fizban?Since I don't know what or who that is, I'm going to have to say no. It's a made up name I gave myself when I was 9 or 10 and we were running around pretending to be adventurers from the fantasy video games we played after our parents made us go outside. I was Rizban, the kid down the street was Naven (Evan, his name, spell backwards with an extra 'N'), the kid across the street was Ryan the Amazing (he wasn't terribly creative), and the other kid who played with us just used his normal name (he wasn't creative at all :smalltongue:). I've used the name for the 20 or so years since. It did alternate spellings between Rizban and Risban for awhile, but I settled on the 'z' spelling when I was about 14, because "'z' is cooler than 's'."

2015-09-05, 07:51 AM
Your welcome. And Fizban is... lets just say he is they type of guy could name an avatar after.

A couple little things about the character sheet. For health & classes do you think you could fit in two boxes each? One for the maximum and one for the currant value (of health or remaining class dice). Similarly you might want to include a spot for people to write down their main class die and total level, you can calculate these from the other values on the sheet but they might be worth writing down anyways. The final one is a way to indicate your "race", even if it is just lightening the race icons to match the class icons so if you can put a mark on your selection and have it stand out.

Now I too haven't actually played it or even looked at a physical copy but I think those things might be good.

Question, do you have any knowledge of anyone actually playing this yet?

2015-09-05, 08:58 AM
I'll be playtesting it later today, actually. By a coincidence of events, Riz and I are going to be meeting IRL today for something else and so I decided at 1am this morning that I'm going to be printing off a couple copies and bringing them with me.

2015-09-06, 11:01 AM
As pw mentioned, we played this last night in a 5 person party. Definitely came across some issues that need fixed, and I'll get a revision posted once I run some more numbers and get a chance to sit down and edit the file.

A couple little things about the character sheet. For health & classes do you think you could fit in two boxes each? One for the maximum and one for the currant value (of health or remaining class dice).A current hp box is a good idea.

As for keeping track of class dice, I was keeping notes under the class dice heading under inventory.

Similarly you might want to include a spot for people to write down their main class die and total level, you can calculate these from the other values on the sheet but they might be worth writing down anyways.Not a bad idea. I'll see about where it can be fitted in.

The final one is a way to indicate your "race", even if it is just lightening the race icons to match the class icons so if you can put a mark on your selection and have it stand out.What we ended up doing was circling the chosen race and crossing out the others. Once you've applied the race info, there's not a reason, mechanically, you really need to keep referencing it. I've already dedicated a whole section to race, and justifying giving any more dedicated space to it is difficult to do.

Now I too haven't actually played it or even looked at a physical copy but I think those things might be good.

Question, do you have any knowledge of anyone actually playing this yet?Yeah, we played it last night. :smalltongue:

2015-09-06, 03:02 PM
Cool, was waiting for the revision when I realized... Are characters supposed to die when they hit 0HP? Better than the time I forgot to include a health system.

2015-09-06, 09:21 PM
Cool, was waiting for the revision when I realized... Are characters supposed to die when they hit 0HP? Better than the time I forgot to include a health system.It's entirely up to your group.

We were playing that you're just unconscious and can be revived if any of your party survives to the end of combat.

2015-09-06, 09:26 PM
yeah, we had some good times with that, saw a few flaws rather quickly and had much fun testing things.

2015-09-07, 01:05 AM
Not sure what play testing revealed, but it looks a bit like defense is going to be pretty hard to hit at low levels. Agility may just be the strongest ability score in this system.

2015-09-07, 01:19 AM
Not sure what play testing revealed, but it looks a bit like defense is going to be pretty hard to hit at low levels. Agility may just be the strongest ability score in this system.
That is exactly one of the issues we found and one I'm working to fix right this moment. I'm changing a few things around and will post the revised rules either tonight or tomorrow, depending on when I get the edits completed to my satisfaction.

2015-09-07, 01:41 AM
Well, alrighty. I guess I'll wait to see the revisions you post before looking it over any more. I'd still love to play this.

100 days of wedded bliss!Congrats on this!

2015-09-07, 01:43 AM
Well, alrighty. I guess I'll wait to see the revisions you post before looking it over any more. I'd still love to play this.

Also,Congrats on this!I'll probably start up a game on the forum after I test this a bit more and get a more stable system.

Thanks! It's been awesome!

2015-09-07, 03:41 AM
Posted Version 0.3

Panel 1

Defense changed to 1/2 Agility + Armor.
"Hit Points" changed to "Max Health"
Bottom boxes moved up slightly to allow more blank room for notes.

Panel 2

Rules for Class Dice expanded/reformatted and updated for rules change.
Box for Main Class Die Size added.
Area to keep track of remaining Class Dice per class added.

Panel 3

Added clarifications to class rules.
Soldier - Capitalization changed.
Soldier - Clarified 2nd ability.
Sentinel - Changed 1st ability to 1/2 level. Changed "Hit Points" to "Max Health".
Sentinel - Reworded 2nd ability for clarity.

Panel 4

Acrobat - 1st ability changed.
Acrobat - Reworded 2nd ability for clarity.
Acrobat - 3rd ability changed.
Gallant - Reworded 2nd ability for clarity.
Magus - Reworded 2nd ability for general rules change.

Panel 5

Slight rewording for clarity.
Changed how Opposed Checks function.

Panel 6

Changed how Defense is calculated.
Changed "Hit Points" to "Max Health"
Reworded Initiative section for space.
Changed how Attacks are calculated. You now add Main Class Die to attacks instead of damage.
Changed "Weapon Bonuses" to "Weapon Dice" and rewrote section.
Fixed spacing issue in Combat Maneuvers.

Panel 7

Rewrite of Powers section for space.
Added Opposed Checks to resolving non-attack powers.
Training section rewritten for clarity, space, and formatting.

Panel 8

Spacing changed for readability.
Quick Initiative bonus increased to +2.

2015-09-07, 12:32 PM
That is a significant update... It's going to take me a bit to work through it, but I do like the aesthetic changes and that Genius and Presence now have mechanics tied to them beyond just making relevant ability checks. Give me a bit to go over it more, and I'll see if there's anything else that jumps out at me as being off.

2015-09-07, 02:05 PM
Great, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

2015-09-07, 04:23 PM
I like the update, most of the changes seem like an improvement and none of them seem bad.

However I noticed some little issues. First the Augur and Magus I think have their passive and active abilities swapped. Secondly I don't think the Augur's "Class die is d6 vs. unnatural enemies" will ever get used. Since class dice have been replaced with weapon's die it will never get used. Well the other place it is almost used is in the Holy Power ability but attacking isn't part of "heal, protect, assist, cure" by the usual interpretation.

I'm not quite sure what the original intention was or if I missed something but there you have it.

2015-09-07, 04:46 PM
Yeah, the Augur/Magus abilities are flipped. I think that the abilities weren't originally explicitly passive/active, and it was just assumed you'd figure it out or adjudicate it however your group felt was best. With that change, I'm sure Riz just didn't think to flip those two around.

2015-09-07, 05:44 PM
I like the update, most of the changes seem like an improvement and none of them seem bad.

However I noticed some little issues. First the Augur and Magus I think have their passive and active abilities swapped. Secondly I don't think the Augur's "Class die is d6 vs. unnatural enemies" will ever get used. Since class dice have been replaced with weapon's die it will never get used. Well the other place it is almost used is in the Holy Power ability but attacking isn't part of "heal, protect, assist, cure" by the usual interpretation.

I'm not quite sure what the original intention was or if I missed something but there you have it.

Yeah, the Augur/Magus abilities are flipped. I think that the abilities weren't originally explicitly passive/active, and it was just assumed you'd figure it out or adjudicate it however your group felt was best. With that change, I'm sure Riz just didn't think to flip those two around.

That's pretty much what happened, though it was always intended to be passive/active. They've just been swapped since the first draft.

"Class die is d6 vs. unnatural enemies". I'm not sure how to deal with that with the changes. I may just do "add Class Die to damage vs unnatural enemies" or something. Alternatively, I'm open to some other kind of ability. Any suggestions?

2015-09-09, 07:39 AM
So I have thought about the Augur ability. And I really have nothing, well I have a few ideas but they all came out to Active Abilities. I tried using the idea of praying but that seems like an action, as are any ways to get extra class dice for spell casting that are different from the Magus's doubling. Actually the only new passive abilities I could think of went with the armoured cleric idea which both treads on the Sentinel's territory and I couldn't think of new variations that would work. Damage reduction showed some hope but even one point of damage reduction completely negates unarmed damage which seems to be a little bit to much.

However I think the extra damage to unnatural enemies works. It is a common enough idea, both in gaming (D&D & Final Fantasy off the top of my head) and in more classical tails (driving off ghosts with a Bible). So I don't think it is a bad extra at all.

2015-09-14, 06:27 PM
"add Class Die to damage vs unnatural enemies" ... Any suggestions?I'm in favor of this one.

So, make the changes, and let's get a game going! I'm ready to test this thing out.

2015-09-14, 06:36 PM
That's probably the change I'll go with. With the weapon change and the low HP, +1d4 damage is fairly significant.

I'll gt 0.4 uploaded as soon as I have the time to sit down and make the changes to the file. If there's anything else that's unclear or in need of addressing, let me know, and I'll look at it before the next revision.

2015-09-27, 02:25 PM
Just checked as see that 0.3 is still up. Any progress on 0.4?

2015-09-27, 02:33 PM
Yeah, I've got it pretty well ready to go but haven't gotten it up yet. I'll get an update posted soonish. Trying to get caught up on the games I'm running first.