View Full Version : Reign of Winter IC

Lord Dusk
2015-08-06, 10:03 PM
The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town’s soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.
As if in proof of that dire prophecy, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood. He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.

2015-08-08, 04:33 AM
Ever since the mercenary arrived, injured and ranting about his charge, Fenris had been looking for more allies to join him. "I know the cold is unusual here, but I am used to such weather. Who will come with me to investigate this man's claims and save this woman?" he asks the gathered townsfolk, intensity in his eyes as he looks around at everyone.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-08, 11:43 AM
Nicolas Kelley had no time to be standing around outside - and especially not when there was research to be done. And so he stood in his library, slowly pacing in a circle and glancing over his collection. He saw the crowd down the street in the square. What were all those people even doing outside in this cold?

Hmm, unseasonal winters, unseasonal winters... there's something about that in Plundell, isn't there?

He pulls a book off the shelves, takes a seat in his armchair, and begins to read. Soon he has accumulated a large pile of tomes, and he pages through them carefully, looking for anything in his magical and historical texts that discusses events similar to those which have befallen the town.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (History): [roll1]

2015-08-08, 03:06 PM
Kalliope sauntered out of the tavern. At least, she thought she sauntered. She'd had slightly too much to drink to actually saunter appropriately.

When she caught sight of the crowd, she wandered over. There was no point in ignoring free entertainment. But it wasn't that good a speech. Just some guy asking for some other suicidal people. Kalliope sighed. Now she's have to provide the show. So inconsiderate of this stranger!

"And why should we care about some noble?" she shouted from the back. "Is her life worth our blood that will be spilt on the snow if we go save her?"

Privately, she thought to herself And how will you respond? He could get the crowd on his side if he plays his cards right... I'm handing him the Ace of Spades- will he be able to run with it?

2015-08-08, 03:48 PM
Faeron was one of those who brought news of the summer-winter to the town of Heldren, when it had first been spotted in the Border Wood. It was there that he spent most of his time, hunting and trapping. The meat and pelts he collected were often sold to residents of the small town; an unnaturally early winter would mean less food could be prepared and stored for the usual winter months. He could make it on his own, even in winter. But there wouldn't be enough food to go around. That meant a dearth of trade for him and starvation for some in the village.

The summer snows had been bad enough, but the supposed capture of Lady Argentea had everyone uneasy. When a man had queried the gathered townsfolk for companions to track down the lady, he had begun to move forward, lean gray wolf at his side... until another stepped forward and spoke up. He was taken aback, both by her frigid beauty and abrasive manner. She had some of the elven grace in her, but he knew that like him, she was a half-elf. It was rare to see others of his kind here; then again, he rarely made it into town.

When she finished, he chose to speak up, to soothe the unease of the crowd. "You don't have to care about this lady," he responded. "You just have to care about yourselves. If there truly are things in the wood, how long til they show up at your doorstep?" The half-elf paused, locking eyes with various people in the crowd. Finally, he turned to the man who had first requested companions. "I'll go with you. I know the woods, and you'll need someone who can track."

2015-08-08, 05:41 PM
Kalliope sighed. It was time to make a decision. Let's see... Option one was to go help these people. Option two was to go drink some more, play some cards, maybe make some money. Option three was stay the night. Option four was to get out of town. Mentally, she assigned each option a suit, quietly shuffled her cards, and drew one at random. She stared down at the Nine of Hearts. Damn it, she thought. But Lady Luck had said her piece.

She approached the original speaker once the crowd started to lose interest. "Name's Kalliope," she said, sticking out her hand. "This whole thing looks mildly more interesting than sticking around here, so me'n Callisto are in. Till it gets boring. There is going to be some kinda reward, right?"

Lord Dusk
2015-08-09, 06:40 AM
Limited as the local library is, there is some mention of unnatural and virulent winter within a compendium entitled "The Winter War: Aftermath". Possibly left by a passing Northern trader, the book details the formation of the far-off kingdom of Irrisen and the cold-wielding witches who rule it. Still, it seems somewhat far-fetched that a self-contained ice age created by a near-mythical figure has abruptly appeared this far south, and any spellcaster capable of creating such a persistent environment would surely have had a hard time keeping a low profile.

The crowd rumbles slightly at Faeron's comment, resentful glares directing themselves at Kalliope. This is a small town, one where the good of the community is everyone's concern. The dirty looks fortunately begin to fade as she walks up to join the Half-Orc and Half-Elf, more or less dissipating as she volunteers.

Councilor Ionnia Teppen, the defacto mayor of the town, casts a solemn eye over the rest of the assembled Heldrenites. Running a hand wearily through her grey-streaked hair, she sighs.
"Will anyone else volunteer to investigate this occurrence? I'll not see more people risked than necessary, but anything that can pose a threat to a complement of noble guards is not to be trifled with."

2015-08-09, 09:27 AM
"Is her life worth our blood that will be spilt on the snow if we go save her?"

"There is going to be some kinda reward, right?"
At first Fenris looks like he is about to respond, but instead allows the rest of the crowd to speak for him. At the mention of reward he shrugs, saying, "I'd do it for most anyone, but she is a noblewoman apparently. Your guess is as good as mine how she will react to rescue."

"I'll go with you. I know the woods, and you'll need someone who can track."
Nodding and smiling the big man responds, "Thanks. We should be able to manage if there is as much snow as I have heard - their tracks should be easy for a woodsman to follow."

"Will anyone else volunteer to investigate this occurrence?"
Looking around, Fenris makes eye contact with everyone in the crowd, one after the other, searching out anyone brave enough to venture out for the better good.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-09, 10:24 AM
Hm. It's a lead, at least. I'll have to order some more books from Zimar. But first I should tell the councilor about what I've found.

Nicolas adds the book to the several already occupying his backpack and departs his home for Ionnia's residence. On his way he passes the crowd - and sees Ionnia there among them. He stops and waits for her to finish before getting her attention.

"Oh, hello Ionnia! Didn't expect you to be standing outside in the cold with everyone else, but I was on my way over to see you anyways. I've actually just finished some research on the topic of unnatural winters; there wasn't much that I could find on it, but I did happen to have one book on ice magic that may somehow be related to what has befallen our town. It hasn't said anything about how to counter this magic but it's a start. So. You seem to have some idea of how we should look into what's going on. What's the plan?"

He notices the mercenary and his armed companions.

"Is this some sort of expedition that you're putting together?"

I was actually thinking that Nicolas would have a personal collection of books (many of them on loan from libraries in Zimar), because Heldren is a bit small to have a dedicated library, and if it wasn't, Nicolas would probably be the person running it :smallbiggrin:

The masterwork tools of Knowledge (Arcana) and (History) are books, by the way.

Reminder that as per backstory Nicolas has a history of advising Ionnia on matters where his academic talents would be useful, so they're fairly well-acquianted.

Nicolas also invested mental focus today - 5 in each of Conjuration and Enchantment, 4 in Transmutation.

2015-08-09, 11:44 AM

Nythen in town to sell his wares, had just made a good bit of coin when he came upon the group discussion the odd weather and occurrences.

He was heading out of town anyway and if the weather was that cold at this time of year it would impact him and so much more, anyway.

"I'll go."

2015-08-09, 01:50 PM
Kalliope nodded at the group's organizer's words. She made a mental note to loot the bandits, just in case this noble decided to be less-than-generous. She eyed all the volunteers, and then turned to the one that seemed so familiar with the mayor

"'Expedition' makes it seem so much grander and longer than it actually is! I like the word jaunt for this. Or maybe even constitutional! Yes, let's go with that. We're off on a little constitutional to go rescue some noblewoman from mind-numbing danger and impossible odds. Care to come along? Or are you too... Bookwormy?"

Kalliope grinned. She did enjoy playing with people.

"Oh, by the way, oh Rescue Party Organizer, when are we setting out? Cause we'll need to stop by the stables and pick up Callisto before we head out for good. She gets so worried if I just abandon her, you know, I'm sure."

2015-08-09, 03:12 PM
"Is this some sort of expedition that you're putting together?"
"Um, if you want to call it that, sure. After hearing that guard talking about his lady being lost back in the woods I think someone should go and check it out, and it might as well be me. I'm from the north, and a little cold doesn't scare me," responds Fenris. "If you wish to help you are welcome."

"I'll go."
"A man of few words. Very well," says the Ulfen with a nod.

"Oh, by the way, oh Rescue Party Organizer, when are we setting out? Cause we'll need to stop by the stables and pick up Callisto before we head out for good. She gets so worried if I just abandon her, you know, I'm sure."
"Is that what I am? Fine - I am ready to go now, so get your steed and meet back here."

2015-08-09, 03:18 PM

Nythen hefts his backpack. "I am good to go now. I have no steed, but I do have a friend who we will meet outside of town."

2015-08-09, 03:48 PM
Faeron reaches a hand down his shirt and pulls up a small metal whistle attached to a string around his neck. He blows it, and a few moments later a hawk begins to descend from the sky. It alights on his outstretched forearm, and he strokes its backs. He whispers a few words in elvish and the bird takes off again, soaring into the open sky.

He then pats his wolf on the head and shoulders his pack. "I suppose we should introduce ourselves. My name is Faeron. I hunt the Border Wood." He pauses for a moment, looking ponderously toward the forest. "Usually, anyways." Faeron motions to his wolf, standing dutifully by his side. "That's Nimras. Don't worry, he's trained." He points up to the sky. "And that's Morilind. I'll have her scout ahead whenever we're ready."

2015-08-10, 12:48 PM
"Steed? Ha!" Kalliope replied, chuckling at their ignorance. "But you'll see, soon enough. Be right back!"

She jogged over to the stable, where she found Callisto laying on the floor and the horses as far away as they could go in their stalls. Kalliope rubbed her black fur for a moment, and told the bear about what she'd agreed to do.

"Let's go, you silly old thing!" Kalliope said fondly to the bear, and they left and rejoined the others.

"This is Callisto," Kallope informed the others. "Yes, she's a bear. No, she won't eat you. I mean, she might, but that's only if you hurt me. There gonna be any problems with her? Good."

2015-08-10, 02:11 PM
"Am I the only one without a dangerous animal as a companion?" asks Fenris incredulously as he looks to the scholar. "Don't tell me - yours is a small animal that can talk?"

As every appears ready he nods to Faeron to take the lead and introduces himself. "I am Fenris Skarnnson of the Ulfen. It is customary to share names when you share the risk of life and limb in my home country - what are all of your names?"

2015-08-10, 07:51 PM

Nythen nods. "I think my heritage is Ulfen as well, but I don't know much of it. My name is Nythen Makeara." He grasps Fenris hand in his strong grip.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-10, 08:18 PM
"My name is Nicolas Kelley. Don't worry, I haven't got any pets. And I'm not a bookworm. I'm an academic.

So you all are going to find that noble-lady who disappeared? I suppose I may as well come along, could give me more insight into this predicament we find ourselves in."

2015-08-11, 09:29 AM
"And I'm not a bookworm. I'm an academic."
Fenris nods, his face showing no comprehension of the distinction made but clearly wanting to be respectful.

2015-08-11, 07:14 PM
"Okay, Mr. Academic, whatever you say, said Kalliope. "So now we're introduced and all that lovely nonsense, are we ready to go rescue the princess? That sounds better, princess. Better story." Kalliope grins dangerously and recklessly, and strolls nonchalantly down the road before returning. "Umm... which way are we going?"

Callisto eyes all this with motherly amusement.

2015-08-12, 10:04 AM
Faeron points east toward the edge of the Border Wood. "That's the forest the Lady was captured in. We can try to follow the guard's tracks, or ask him for a more specific location." He ponders his thoughts for a moment. "There is only one road that goes through the Wood, and that's along the Jalrune River. Most likely they were traveling that."

2015-08-12, 12:37 PM
"You seem to have a good idea of where we should go. Please lead on - I will stay with you so that you may focus on the trail while I watch for threats," says Fenris to Faeron as he begins to walk in the direction the ranger indicates.

2015-08-12, 07:40 PM

Nythen heads towards the woods. "I can track."
As they moves out of town a large black wolf comes towards the group, cautiously eyeing the party.
"This is Killer or Clumsy, depending on if he likes you."

2015-08-12, 07:58 PM
Nimras's nose begins to twitch as Nythen's wolf approaches the group. When it gets close, Nimras begins to snarl until a sharp word from Faeron stops him. "Two wolves and a bear. I suppose we'll be right at home in these woods." Faeron continues towards the woods when he has a sudden realization. Almost forgot. "I need to talk to the guard. I'll be back shortly."

While he's just at the edge of town, he turns back to find the Lady's guard. When Faeron finds the shaken man, he asks him for any mementos of the Lady. "Did Lady Argentea ever give you anything? A scrap of cloth or small keepsake? Anything with a scent. It could help us find her." If the guard does have something with Lady Argentea's scent, Faeron quickly thanks him and heads back to the group at the outskirts of Heldren.

2015-08-13, 08:09 PM
Kalliope waited impatiently for Faeron, skuffing the snow with her boot. Eventually she knelt, scooped up some snow, and crafted a snowball out of it. Tossing it up and down, she debated whether it should end up in someone's face. She sighed. Best not to burn- er, freeze any bridges too soon. She sends it flying into the woods before turning to their latest companion.

She leans towards Callisto and murmurs something quietly, which the bear growls at. She says something else to the bear, and Callisto seems to give in, and Kalliope strolls over to Nythen's wolf.

"Hey, there, boy. You are a boy, right? Or are you a girl? Either way, well... Listen, does that Nythen chap feed you enough? Either way, how 'bout a little more, hmm?" She pulls a choice piece of meat from her satchel and offers it to the wolf.

If Faeron's wolf is still here and hasn't gone with him, then she repeats the whole thing with Nimras.

2015-08-13, 08:15 PM

Nythen grins as he searches for tracks. "Clumsy is male."

Survival to track [roll0]