View Full Version : The Eternals

2007-05-05, 03:21 PM
The Eternals, By Neil Gaimen.

Have you read them? If not Do, If you have Discuss.

I think they are awesome, although I love almost all of Gaimen's work, (Sandman is amazing!). Basically Eternals is Gaimen doing superheros, for marvel. DC / Vertigo tried to censor him so he went to marvel.(good thing too)

2007-05-06, 06:34 AM
I picked up all the issues as they came out and enjoyed most of them, unfortunately I felt as the mini series drew to a close the story sort of just went flat. I wasn't exactly clear on character motivation anymore.

However this just may be me. I often have a hard time with these limited series having to deal with the horrible release schedules, in which you will get one issue every other month, or maybe 3 months in between. I always have to try and get the story straight in my head again. and I fear that I may have lost the Eternals storyline in one of those gaps.

However the art was really good, while it might not have been the most crisp style I felt it worked for the series. I am also fan of most of Gaimen's work and want to support any projects he has coming out.

2007-05-06, 10:38 AM
That is more or less how i felt, the 3 - 4 onths wait in between some of them was pertty irritating, I had to re read the whole thing to get back to the story.

Having done that, I really loved the story. Gaimen's take on the super hero genre is awesome if you ask me

2007-05-07, 02:04 AM
I picked up all the issues as they came out and enjoyed most of them, unfortunately I felt as the mini series drew to a close the story sort of just went flat. I wasn't exactly clear on character motivation anymore.

However this just may be me. I often have a hard time with these limited series having to deal with the horrible release schedules, in which you will get one issue every other month, or maybe 3 months in between. I always have to try and get the story straight in my head again. and I fear that I may have lost the Eternals storyline in one of those gaps.

However the art was really good, while it might not have been the most crisp style I felt it worked for the series. I am also fan of most of Gaimen's work and want to support any projects he has coming out.
I read them in one go a few days ago and I feel the same way, so it's not just because of the wait.

2007-05-07, 08:07 AM
Ah ok, I love the interaction between Icarus and ... the speedy guy, Mark, .. his eternal name escapes me. The idea is still a great one, and i think Gaimen is going to write more ... at least that is what my local supplier said.