View Full Version : DM Help Custom Fey Encounter (3.5)

2015-08-07, 05:55 PM
Hey all, I'm planning an encounter for my game, but I'm still pretty new to Fey creatures as a whole.

I want to make an encounter to challenge them, mostly involving illusion spells and the like, but I'm not sure how far to go into it, or what I should have actually attack them.

The party is at 7th level, and there is a Totemist, a Beguiler/Mindbender, a Wizard, a Fighter, and a Monk.

Any ideas are welcome!

2015-08-07, 10:32 PM
Looking at the SRD only, you can create an interesting encounter with fey. Be mindful that some may prove to be too challenging if used right.

Have a dryad hide in a grove, with a pair of pixies with a few warlock levels each flying above.

One of the pixies uses a Permanent Image SLA to call forth an illusion of an overturned carriage.

The other pixie uses her Permanent Image SLA to bring forth some maiden trapped beneath the carriage, calling for help.

If the party suspects a trap, have the dryad- always in hiding, use her Suggestion SLA on the fighter, suggesting it go help the maiden in distress.

Once the party (or the fighter) goes towards the carriage, one of the pixies activates her Entangle SLA, catching most, if not all, of the PCs.

Since all of these are SLA, they do not require somatic or verbal components, so the party's wizard would not hear them being cast- in fact, you could have one of the pixies spy on them before hand and then fly to the designated area and begin using their magic.

2015-08-08, 09:52 AM
Fey encounters can go any which way... They could be the bad guys, or they could need saving. Maybe they've been stealing children, or maybe they're being attacked by evil monsters.

If there are pixies around, their permanent image SLA is all you need to have a permanent wondrous fairy land for your players to stumble in to.

Here's an old thread with some ideas as well:


2015-08-08, 03:52 PM
have the dryad- always in hiding, use her Suggestion SLA on the fighter, suggesting it go help the maiden in distress.

Should note that suggestion is language-dependant, meaning the fighter actually needs to both hear and understand the dryad. You can't use suggestion and remain hidden unless you have some means of communicating beyond verbal speech, such as a succubus' telepathy. It's a common misconception about suggestion as an SLA that you don't need to speak at all, but the spell itself compels your target to perform the suggestion, you still need to communicate the suggestion for it to work.